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[2010-04-01 10:36:06] - xpovos: yep. check out the link I posted below if you haven't already - vinnie

[2010-04-01 10:35:30] - a: Interesting, I'm too busy now, but I'll play around with that some later to see if it's something I can hide in amongst my tools for reasonable cases. -- Xpovos

[2010-04-01 10:33:57] - vinnie: Schala?  ChronoTrigger? -- Xpovos

[2010-04-01 10:32:05] - full-fledging, eh - vinnie

[2010-04-01 10:29:43] - a: yeah I might turn one of my mixes into a full-fledging remix sometime, I was pretty happy with how my Schala Electronica turned out :) - vinnie

[2010-04-01 10:26:00] - xpovos:  if you have cygwin, i can show you how to push stuff over a closed proxy.  ~a

[2010-04-01 10:22:21] - Vinnie: Congratulations.  OCremix is big enough to get itself added to my company's webfilter for gaming content.  Hopefully the joke will still be on-going when I get home. -- Xpovos

[2010-04-01 10:21:25] - I'm impressed. -- Xpovos

[2010-04-01 10:18:59] - some of those are really good.  too bad it was an apr fool's joke  :-)  ~a

[2010-04-01 10:15:44] - schala make ya holle'!  ~a

[2010-04-01 10:09:44] - might as well point out OCR's April Fool's, which I spent a long ass time working on yesterday (and skipped LOST for). lot of in-jokes in it, but the mixes are so awful, it'll probably still be funny to some of you - vinnie

[2010-04-01 10:03:47] - Paul: I added like 20 series... Bones, 21 Jump Street, Better off Ted, Fame... It doesnt matter whats in the instant queue not like it stops you from adding stuff ~gurkie

[2010-04-01 10:02:37] - sad they only have degrassi seasons I have seen... I want them to add season 8 since I havent kept up with it recently... ~gurkie

[2010-04-01 10:00:55] - paul:  hard ass.  ~a

[2010-04-01 09:59:28] - Gurkie: Why don't you finish Law and Order before adding another television series? -Paul

[2010-04-01 09:49:29] - paul: our instant queue is about to double in size... ~gurkie

[2010-04-01 09:45:44] - netflix added degrassi! ~gurkie

[2010-04-01 09:42:27] - gurkie: Light your lamp before you go south next time. -- Xpovos

[2010-04-01 09:37:20] - interesting that they didn't get the simpsons though... guess those DVD sales are still too much of a cash cow for fox to risk letting netflix users see it for free.  probably the same for family guy and futurama. - pierce

[2010-04-01 09:36:15] - hehe, after go west I tried the other directions... then hit exit :-/ ~gurkie

[2010-04-01 09:35:37] - a: well they're always adding movies, but this is the largest library of TV I've seen them do in a single update.  none of the movies they just added are super-compelling. - pierce

[2010-04-01 09:34:30] - :-P  google's apr 1 joke.  ~a

[2010-04-01 09:30:22] - I guess those are all fox shows, so they probably just pushed a deal through. - pierce

[2010-04-01 09:29:58] - not just tv, but a bunch of movies got added to streaming.  ~a

[2010-04-01 09:24:23] - holy crap.  netflix just added a metric buttload of awesome TV to the streaming service.  buffy/angel/firefly/dollhouse, x-files, 24, better off ted, arrested development, king of the hill.  I hope this isn't a prank. - pierce

[2010-04-01 09:24:20] - Reboot. -- Xpovos

[2010-04-01 09:16:41] - aaron: So, naturally 'sudo' works too. ;-) -- Xpovos

[2010-04-01 09:15:26] - lol also "go west" is really good - aaron

[2010-04-01 08:57:22] - xkcd has a pretty good april fools day goin'. i'm sure there's a lots of easter eggs. i found one, if you type "make me a sandwich" :) - aaron

[2010-04-01 08:49:34] - URL says it all. Probably not safe for work, though. So might want to wait until you get home. -Paul

[2010-04-01 08:45:59] - dog on trampoline - aaron\

[2010-03-31 15:25:35] - -- Xpovos

[2010-03-31 13:28:07] - My boss was the guest on the G. Gordon Liddy show for an hour this morning. Heh. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-31 12:14:15] - as it turns out, there are all sorts of grotesque monsters in this 4D world, but the thing that scared me about the book was the extra dimension that we can't see in :) - vinnie

[2010-03-31 12:13:27] - nina: the concept of the book is that there is a 4D world all around us, but because we are in 3D we can't see that extra dimension. I think an analogy they make in the book is it's as if we are on a piece of paper and there is an extra dimension we can't see but can affect our world - vinnie

[2010-03-31 11:54:49] - vinnie: what was freaky about the boy who reversed himself.  The wikipedia entry provides no context for that.  -nina

[2010-03-31 11:37:21] - oh yeah I read a couple of that guy's books too. the boy who reversed himself... I still remember a lot of that book. it freaked me out as a kid - vinnie

[2010-03-31 11:11:38] - xpovos: yeah interstellar pig was one of them, and i also read the boy who reversed himself - aaron

[2010-03-31 11:06:20] - I want to see this. - pierce

[2010-03-31 10:52:15] - aaron: Was Interstellar Pig one of them?  That's the only one I read, but I enjoyed it immensely, and Singularity sounds fascinating, so I'm going to have to go read the rest now. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-31 10:49:32] - a: wow apparently i read 3 of william sleator's seven novels - aaron

[2010-03-31 10:48:34] - So who's in the new game?  - Stephen

[2010-03-31 10:44:42] - a: yeah that was it! - aaron

[2010-03-31 10:26:30] - aaron:  i read it too!  singularity was the title?  yeah.  ~a

[2010-03-31 10:10:51] - a: there was a book i read about that when i was a kid, it was pretty cool. a kid used it to get in really good shape by spending a year exercising in the box, so that his twin brother couldn't pick on him - aaron

[2010-03-31 10:05:58] - oh!  hmmm.  yeah a box that would let you move at zero temporal speed would be cool too.  if you had a huge project, you could finish it in zero time.  ~a

[2010-03-31 10:00:23] - a: yes but it's two seconds per second relative to the rest of the world which makes the movie confusing - aaron

[2010-03-31 09:36:56] - xpovos:  in primer they can also go one second per second in the opposite direction.  ~a

[2010-03-31 08:48:50] - aaron: "One second per second" is how I've always phrased it. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-31 07:41:57] - amy: moving at the speed of exactly 60 minutes per hour - aaron

[2010-03-31 01:42:33] - lol this physics book has aparna's name in it.  i wonder if she has my physics book.  ~a

[2010-03-31 01:31:02] - we are all time travelers! -amy

[2010-03-31 01:26:34] - though really you should be sending messages to 2024 pierce because at least he has a possible chance of receiving your messages.  since you know, messages can really only go one direction through time.  which is actually kind of weird now that i think about it.  ~a

[2010-03-31 01:23:53] - also, 1996 pierce didn't use this message board.  though i still think 1999 pierce would be impressed.  ~a

[2010-03-31 01:21:17] - "The term high definition once described a series of television systems originating from the late 1930s".  high definition varies contextually.  ~a

[2010-03-31 00:29:08] - P.S. "HD" means high definition.  You don't know what that means.  Sucks to be you. - pierce

[2010-03-31 00:27:40] - Dear 1996 Pierce:  Tonight you downloaded 1.22 gigabytes while simultaneously watching streaming HD video over the internet, and you were annoyed at how slow it was.  Sucks to be you.  Enjoy your computer not being powerful enough to render JPEG files in real time.  Signed, - pierce

[2010-03-30 16:56:53] - Ah, we can also see if Sam is interested in another game. -Paul

[2010-03-30 15:22:35] - I also started a thread in the forums for 2009-46 for comments, thoughts, etc. - mig

[2010-03-30 14:42:35] - well it's not so much in the "did i make the right moves", but more so of keeping track of all the diplomacy between games. - mig

[2010-03-30 14:40:12] - I would third the recommendation to try to avoid having two games going on at once. It's hard to say it hurt my performance in either game, but it was definitely distracting and hard to keep track of. -Paul

[2010-03-30 14:38:04] - if 2009 game was miguel 'unfocused' i vote we start immediately!  -Daniel

[2010-03-30 14:19:40] - aaron: hmm.... yea but then add the cheating scoundrel bit in and you just go REALLY? ~gurkie

[2010-03-30 14:17:17] - yeah i would like to wait at least a week or so maybe, to give a more put 2010-2 in a more conclusive state, I think having both the 2009 and 2010 game go on at the same time kind of hurt me a bit in the focus dept. - mig

[2010-03-30 14:02:14] - diplomacy: I'll go again, but I'm not sure about having two games running at the same time.  I think 2010-2 is in the finishing stages though, at least for my participation. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-30 13:57:49] - gurkie: awww if you put all those three traits together it sounds like a good husband for sandra - aaron

[2010-03-30 13:39:22] - aaron: jesse jackson was the one that had me most shocked as a possible name. Plus I thought I knew who all three of your Jesse's were... Wild West, Civil Rights Activist, "The Body" none of whom I thought were with her ~gurkie

[2010-03-30 13:17:05] - hehe

[2010-03-30 13:16:20] - Paul: I think I will sit this game out, but I'm probably up for the next one.  - Stephen

[2010-03-30 13:12:28] - gurkie: he looks cute i like his goatee. he looked younger on the tabloids - aaron

[2010-03-30 13:06:03] - aaron: it is jesse james.  I doubt it's his real name.  I think he's a country music singer or something. - pierce

[2010-03-30 13:02:45] - gurkie: for some reason i really think it's jesse james, but that doesn't seem right. i thought he was some wild west outlaw - aaron

[2010-03-30 12:54:50] - we've gotten 7 before, not recently but we definitely have gotten 7 a couple time. - mig

[2010-03-30 12:29:25] - a: With 7 people? I don't think we've ever gotten 7. We've had days where something like 9 people were supposed to show up, but we still ended up with just 6 players. -Paul

[2010-03-30 12:03:22] - paul: I am interested in seeing the Clash of the Titans! ~gurkie

[2010-03-30 11:59:07] - paul:  why are they impossible?  we've done them tons of times.  ~a

[2010-03-30 11:58:27] - aaron: Im hoping your joking with the Jesse guesses... Jesse is the right first name ~gurkie

[2010-03-30 11:58:19] - pierce:  well that's the last time i suggest we include you in something.  >:o  ~a

[2010-03-30 11:56:05] - SYTYCD: I dont like top 10 instead of top 20... Voting two off on individual merit might be fine, but I feel like Vegas week already weeds the field down sooo quickly... ~gurkie

[2010-03-30 11:48:42] - mig: Didn't you learn your lesson last time? Face-to-face games of Diplomacy with 7 people are impossible. :-) -Paul

[2010-03-30 11:47:29] - just to be clear, my petulance is ironical.  you were correct to exclude me, paul. - pierce

[2010-03-30 11:46:59] - a: in your defense, you suck! - pierce

[2010-03-30 11:44:01] - well, i would like to get a face-to-face session going sometime, with 7 people this time. - mig

[2010-03-30 11:41:40] - pierce:  in paul's defense, you have never expressed an interest in diplomacy, right?  ~a

[2010-03-30 11:40:29] - paul: no! /sobs - pierce

[2010-03-30 11:38:26] - yeah i'm in sure.  as long as pierce is added to the pool.  :-P  ~a

[2010-03-30 11:25:04] - Pierce: I'm confused. Did you want to play Diplomacy? -Paul

[2010-03-30 11:23:11] - paul: George wanted in at one point, I would pass. ~gurkie

[2010-03-30 11:18:30] - paul: :'( - pierce

[2010-03-30 11:15:22] - Paul: one of my old coworkers (current coworker of aaron miguel) was interested if we started a new game.  aaron/miguel could ask him. -Daniel

[2010-03-30 11:12:50] - Do we even have enough people for another game? I assume Aaron, Miguel, Daniel and I are in. Can we get three from the pool of Adrian, Andrew, Bryan, Dewey, Gurkie, Stephen and Vinnie? -Paul

[2010-03-30 11:08:05] - If a new game gets started let me know.  although the  2010 game is still going so if yall wait for that game np. -Daniel

[2010-03-30 10:53:34] - Aarig: I hate you both. -Paul

[2010-03-30 10:47:41] - oh right, and he couldn't use all his builds, too, man those were great times. - mig

[2010-03-30 10:44:19] - hey remember when austria had eight supply centers? - aaron

[2010-03-30 10:40:39] - daniel:  yeah it certainly would have been interesting if either you moved to NWG when you had the chance or if I had not mis-ordered my advancement into Italy. - mig

[2010-03-30 10:38:42] - a:  i don't know the policies of everyone else's work.  I know that SAIC blocks game sites, so was just throwing it out there so people don't trip their filters. - mig

[2010-03-30 10:37:29] - mig:  good game.  i think we both thought we could solo and both came very close.  Was a fun game. -Daniel

[2010-03-30 10:35:17] - pierce: yeah i saw those in the checkout yesterday. jesse james? or jesse jackson? right? apparently he beat her and cheated on her with eleven women! maybe it was jesse ventura, i forget - aaron

[2010-03-30 10:32:12] - and it's not janine lindemulder. - pierce

[2010-03-30 10:31:51] - a: no.  right now there's a big tabloid scandal about how sandra bullock's husband cheated on her with a white supremacist porn star. - pierce

[2010-03-30 10:28:53] - pierce:  are you talking about janine lindemulder?  ~a

[2010-03-30 10:25:53] - so apparently 2009-46 finally ended in a draw between my two least favorite countries. what happened guys? - barack

[2010-03-30 10:24:49] - a: let me advise you not to read any stories about sandra bullock's husband, then. - pierce

[2010-03-30 10:22:19] - debt per citizen:  41k.  that's actually kind of low.  i'd prefer it was much lower, because i feel like it's a debt for no good reason, but it really could be much worse.  ~a

[2010-03-30 10:20:01] - a: Ok, I wasn't sure if I did post it before. It looked familiar, though. Sorry for the repeat. :-) -Paul

[2010-03-30 10:19:38] - what's wrong with visiting game sites?  man you guys have such weird policies at work.  i think i could visit pretty much anything but porn and hate-sites and nobody would give a fuck.  ~a

[2010-03-30 10:19:09] - Anybody here interested in seeing Clash of the Titans in 3D this weekend? -Paul

[2010-03-30 10:17:19] - paul:  you posted that already.  and we talked about it.  last time i said something i didn't like about the site so this time i'll say something i do like about the site:  it's cool that you can mouse-over stuff and get sources.  ~a

[2010-03-30 10:16:24] - ok 2 more things on the link.  1)  you can click it once per day and it will count.  2)  it does go to bioware sites, so maybe nsfw if your work frowns on visiting game websites. - mig

[2010-03-30 09:05:57] - So much information.... -Paul

[2010-03-29 21:12:10] - xpovos:  no, just clicking will do, you don't have to actually buy anything. - mig

[2010-03-29 20:40:42] - mig: I clicked through, but it doesn't have any way for me to actually buy the expansion for the 360 (something I may well do) so hopefully you don't need me to complete a sale. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-29 19:37:46] - plz click so I can has fantastic prizes - mig

[2010-03-29 17:23:43] - I think this is probably a better match than the Nirvana one. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-29 17:06:49] - on the downside for the show, it'll be the end of their cutesy pandering about partners that become so close in their time together that they start adding manipulative flair like kissing at the end of the dance.  I suspect a lot of the 14-year-olds ate that shit up. - pierce

[2010-03-29 17:04:40] - plus it'll offset the handicap of being placed with a weak partner early on.  plus it gives the contestants a little more "long tail" popularity since they have a potential job as a guest in future seasons. - pierce

[2010-03-29 17:02:49] - stephen: interesting.  I think it'll be good for the show, because it'll be a lot easier to focus on the personalities.  it won't every week be like "yeah, dakota got voted off and who was the guy again?" - pierce

[2010-03-29 16:57:58] - stephen: I'm in for the NCAA finals barring abrupt travel plans or anything. - pierce

[2010-03-29 16:53:57] - stephen: hmmm! i think the format change is interesting. i'm not for it or against it. although i don't see the need to make the gender split even, if they're not partnered anymore - aaron

[2010-03-29 16:52:38] - What do the SYTYCD viewers think about this?  - Stephen

[2010-03-29 15:07:55] - aaron: disingenuous. - pierce

[2010-03-29 14:59:57] - paul: i think i use that term occasionally... but very rarely i hope. only if i were talking to a child - aaron

[2010-03-29 14:58:52] - paul: well the statement was blatantly hyperbolic, but as far as hyperbole goes i think it was OK. maybe it was incorrect but i wouldn't read it as disingenu...ine - aaron

[2010-03-29 14:58:26] - Random question: Does anybody else here use the term "tippy-toes"? I just used it in a conversation and it immediately struck me how... odd... it sounded. -Paul

[2010-03-29 14:52:59] - ...but that's analyzing it a bit too much.  as I said before, it's political speech.  independent of any material claims about specific actions or their consequences, it's just rhetoric. - pierce

[2010-03-29 14:51:45] - paul: of course, "action by our government" can technically include tax cuts or deregulation as a "recovery plan".  basically all that's necessary for Obama's statement to be true is that everyone agree that having the government stay exactly the same size and do exactly the same things is the wrong plan. - pierce

[2010-03-29 14:27:27] - Aaron: Either way, considering the not insignificant opposition to the stimulus, I think even saying that there is no disagreement between the two major parties is a bit disingenuous as well. -Paul

[2010-03-29 14:25:39] - Aaron: Hard to say for sure either way. I took at as saying that everybody (regardless of political belief) agrees that government action is necessary. -Paul

[2010-03-29 13:48:16] - paul: wait, doesn't "no disagreement" just imply that both parties agree that the government needs to take action? it doesn't necessarily mean that he thinks it's absolutely necessary - aaron

[2010-03-29 13:22:09] - paul: in fairness, I said I "doubt" he'd think it was absolutely necessary.  neither of us is implying psychic powers here, we're just speculating based on our own opinions. - pierce

[2010-03-29 13:08:03] - Pierce: Sorry I can't crawl into Obama's head to see what he's thinking and instead have to take him at his work that he isn't a liar? -Paul

[2010-03-29 13:01:32] - stephen: i'll be there.  -nina

[2010-03-29 12:58:31] - paul: what politicians say and what politicians believe aren't necessarily the same thing?  news at 11. - pierce

[2010-03-29 12:50:22] - NON-POLITICAL MESSAGE: Does anyone want to come over to watch the NCAA finals on Monday?  I'm hosting.  - Stephen

[2010-03-29 12:24:15] - Pierce: I'm not so sure Obama would disagree with my use of the word "absolutely". This is the man who said, "There is no disagreement that we need action by our government, a recovery plan that will help jumpstart the economy." -Paul

[2010-03-29 11:58:04] - pierce:  i was about to ask you what the point of your last statement was, but I guess you spelled out what I thought it was. - mig

[2010-03-29 11:43:09] - so, uh, neener neener, I guess. - pierce

[2010-03-29 11:42:34] - now of course, you may not actually personally accept that a stimulus is necessary or that the market cannot be corrected from within and that's fine.  but you may be wrong, just as I may be wrong, and the reality is that the people in power in our represenative form of government have the ultimate authority on the matter and they agreed with me. - pierce

[2010-03-29 11:40:28] - mig: well since your statement accepts for the sake of argument that a stimulus is necessary, then it is necessary due to some systemic internal issue with the private market that cannot be corrected from within.  you need an external authority, and the government is the only external authority that can evaluate what should be stimulated. - pierce

[2010-03-29 11:29:42] - pierce: or if the government is even a good evaluator of what should be stimulated.  The federal government tried to "stimulate" the housing market in an effort to keep housing prices high, and that really didn't work out so well. - mig

[2010-03-29 11:26:59] - the imperfections of the stimulus plan are the obvious ones... is the money being spent on the ideal programs to actually stimulate the economy?  is the money being spent efficiently?  are any of these investments having a chilling effect on a segment of industry that we actually want to encourage? - pierce

[2010-03-29 11:17:37] - heh... let's pretend I didn't just confuse the stimulus plan with the bailouts. - pierce

[2010-03-29 11:07:40] - that doesn't mean I think it's perfect legislation.  I think there is quite a bit of moral hazard to the stimulus plan, in that it formally accepts the precedent of "too big to fail" among other things.  but that doesn't change the fact that I think it was almost certainly necessary at the time.  we can actively address the moral hazard after the fact, imo. - pierce

[2010-03-29 11:02:48] - "does anybody think that the stimulus was absolutely necessary to decrease unemployment" when you use the word "absolutely" I doubt even Obama would agree. I do think it's entirely likely that the stimulus mitigated the effects of the economic crisis, and I think there was a real possibility of it spiralling out of control which was also mitigated by the stimulus. - pierce

[2010-03-29 10:46:13] - gimme some time to think about what we're betting. - aaron

[2010-03-29 10:45:32] - paul: if he doesn't win re-election, then we compare the first four years... - aaron

[2010-03-29 10:43:09] - Aaron: Well, you have 7 years to save for it, and a built-in out if he doesn't win re-election. I don't particularly care what we bet. It doesn't have to be money. Do you have any ideas? -Paul

[2010-03-29 10:33:56] - paul: hmm how much money? i don't want it to be a large amount, because i think i am going to lose this bet :-D - aaron

[2010-03-29 10:32:49] - paul: hmm yeah that sounds reasonable. - aaron

[2010-03-29 10:32:20] - Aaron: Deficit as a % of GDP is probably more telling, but I would tend to prefer just going with absolute numbers, since it seems simpler to keep track of. -Paul

[2010-03-29 10:29:40] - Aaron: Well, by most counts, the debt still rose under Clinton, it just didn't rise as fast as most other modern presidents. Also, I suspect the Republican congress had a lot to do with it too, since they killed HilaryCare and their fight with Clinton caused the government shutdowns to occur. -Paul

[2010-03-29 10:28:53] - paul: oh i was just lookin at the numbers for 2009 and 2001 but i guess that is a little wrong. so yeah 5.1 trillion - aaron

[2010-03-29 10:28:08] - paul: if i wanted to slant the bet more i could base it on % of GDP i guess, i don't know, do you think that's a fair-er bet? - aaron

[2010-03-29 10:27:01] - Aaron: Where are you getting $6.5 trillion? "During the administration of President George W. Bush, the gross debt  increased from $5.6 trillion in January 2001 to $10.7 trillion by December 2008". -Paul

[2010-03-29 10:26:25] - paul: lookin at wikipedia's numbers it's probably a good bet, it's not a well-researched position i'm just goin off blind faith and the fact that the only president i've ever seen reduce the national debt was a democrat - aaron

[2010-03-29 10:24:19] - paul: i'd just go off the public debt numbers, bush served from 2001 to 2009 so it would be his 6.5 trillion dollars with 8 years of inflation, versus whatever obama accrues by 2017 - aaron

[2010-03-29 10:20:35] - Aaron: Oh, and are we including unfunded obligations for medicare and social security? -Paul

[2010-03-29 10:18:46] - a: you think the terrorist attack cost this country more money than the 2008 real estate collapse? i think obama's probably "losing" atm. and if obama's only president for four years then i'd compare his deficit numbers to bush's first four years - aaron

[2010-03-29 10:16:35] - Aaron: Also, are we talking about a percentage increase or an absolute increase? -Paul

[2010-03-29 10:14:26] - Aaron: The accounting for inflation part is the real tricky part. I'm almost positive that the deficit is going to grow more during Obama's presidency than during Bush's, but I also think Obama's presidency is going to see much higher inflation. -Paul

[2010-03-29 10:11:41] - aaron:  especially if obama is only president for four years :-P  it wouldn't be fair even if you look at a four year window because america was attacked during bush's presidency.  ~a

[2010-03-29 10:08:38] - also somewhat unrelated, but i'd take an even money wager that, accounting for inflation, the deficit grows by less during obama's presidency than bush's presidency, despite all of this questionable stimulus spending - aaron

[2010-03-29 10:03:32] - paul: that said, this kind of thing is impossible to prove without a time machine or a parallel universe, which are the exact kinds of things which obama keeps selfishly locked in his closet - aaron

[2010-03-29 10:01:52] - paul: well it would have gone down eventually. i'm willing to give obama's economic team benefit of the doubt that the plan helped. they already had enough other stuff planned for his 4 years that they wouldn't have tacked on something like this without a good reason to - aaron

[2010-03-29 09:52:28] - To make sure I'm not fighting against a straw man here, does anybody think that the stimulus was absolutely necessary to decrease unemployment and that it wouldn't have gone down anyway without a stimulus? -Paul

[2010-03-29 09:51:32] - Pierce: Well, I think we talking about two slightly different things here. One is how many jobs were saved/created because of the stimulus and the other appears to be if unemployment would've gone down without the stimulus. -Paul

[2010-03-29 09:47:34] - I think we had this issue with the graph before, because I vaguely remember hunting this one down previously. -Paul

[2010-03-29 09:30:19] - paul: I think I have to agree with aaron, that graphic is useless. ~gurkie

[2010-03-29 09:26:05] - "many people think the economu would recover without a stimulus package" and what do they base this belief on that's more authoritative than the government's estimates, exactly?  I'm not saying it's for-sure that the stimulus saved the day, but we're taking things on faith no matter which way we go. - pierce

[2010-03-29 09:12:56] - anyway they were only off by like 2% that's actually very accurate... in a way :-D - aaron

[2010-03-29 09:10:31] - paul: heh heh well i'm gonna give that graphic benefit of the doubt despite the fact that it has no dates or sources :-d - aaron

[2010-03-29 08:35:27] - aaron: Besides, the administration has already shown itself incredibly lacking in predictive powers there as well. -Paul

[2010-03-29 08:34:59] - aaron: I'm not sure if looking at unemployment would show any kind of causation, since many people think the economu would recover without a stimulus package. -Paul

[2010-03-28 20:17:23] - damn it.  why isn't earth hour on the same date every year?  ~a

[2010-03-27 10:30:35] - here's a longer-term chart from a more reliable source - aaron

[2010-03-27 10:28:47] - unemployment has tapered off since these job-creation programs started goin into effect in 2009. of course it's hard to imagine that they would have kept increasing to 15% in 2010, 20% in 2011, and 100% in 2027 - aaron

[2010-03-27 10:26:10] - a: hmm how about tracking unemployment? - aaron

[2010-03-26 17:48:20] - is there a better way of finding out how many jobs are saved/created?  i guess it would probably be best to say nothing about how many jobs were saved, but saying nothing could be worse.  ~a

[2010-03-26 17:29:31] - Apparently the government estimates how many jobs were "saved or created" by the stimulus based on the assumptions on how many jobs would be "saved or created" by it. -Paul

[2010-03-26 15:07:57] - i suppose you can say Peter King inspires such interesting exchanges. - mig

[2010-03-26 15:02:29] - Mivos: That was an interesting exchange between you two. -Paul

[2010-03-26 14:59:45] - yes i am referring to Peter King as the fucker. - mig

[2010-03-26 14:56:20] - mig: Peter King, not Art Monk.  Just to be clear.  Though I'm sure Art Monk is no virgin, his sex was all matrimonial and missionary.  Peter King, however, violently raped the entire tribe of Redskins and claimed he was right to do it.  That is a fucker. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-26 14:47:01] - xpovos:  i was about to bring up Art Monk, too.  What a fucker. - mig

[2010-03-26 14:46:30] - Also, Peter King voted against Art Monk going to the Hall of Fame.  Repeatedly.  Bastard. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-26 14:45:47] - Paul: It depends on the other value of the column.  Gregg Easterbrook spends a paragraph talking about politics and 2500 other words talking about a week of football in an amusing fashion.  I can live with that.  King spends 500 of his 1000 words on politics and the rest on sports without wit. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-26 14:32:19] - risk 2210 AD is at my parent's house, most likely. - mig

[2010-03-26 14:30:29] - Aaron: I was about to say... attack each other in Power Grid? Gurkie is right, I have no expansions to the game. I also do not have Risk 2210 AD and I still don't know what you mean by "everybody could attack eachother". -Paul

[2010-03-26 14:29:33] - Xpovos: Yeah, I stopped reading Peter King after his political commentary got a little TOO heavy handed. I don't mind sports columnists expressing their political opinions occasionally, but Peter King would routinely dedicate massive sections of his column to lecturing his audience about his political beliefs. -Paul

[2010-03-26 14:28:55] - aaron: I dont think paul has any of the expansion packs to power grid... Even though a few boards exist. ~gurkie

[2010-03-26 14:21:27] - paul: risk 2210 AD, that's what it was - aaron

[2010-03-26 14:19:31] - paul: was there some weird variation of expansion of power grid you had? where everybody could attack eachother? - aaron

[2010-03-26 13:16:40] - "[...]a Peter King Sports Illustrated column in which he praises Congress for passing the health-care bill a couple paragraphs after spending 450+ words bitching about the service he gets on Amtrak." Awesome. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-26 12:03:28] - pierce: Huzzah!  I'm a rogue, and I'm pretty good at lockpicking/anti-trap.  Bodes less well for my remaining play-throughs. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-26 11:40:59] - Interestingly enough, when some characters left my party, I got all their gear automatically.  Of course, they left my party because they were dead, so apparently I just looted their corpses.    I really hope Duncan buried them. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-26 11:31:00] - yeah, I think if they had spent a bit more effort on class balance then the menagerie of characters would've been a lot more compelling.  you basically always want at least one healing mage and a lockpicking rogue in your party, and you can only have four party members so unless your character is one of those two you're going to be pretty limited. - pierce

[2010-03-26 11:11:52] - Xpovos: I agree with Miguel.  It's an interesting character, and free, so why not.  Don't be surprised if you can't figure out when to use some of the NPCs, though - several of them just aren't worth it.  - Stephen

[2010-03-26 10:55:44] - xpovos:  well the character you get from it is pretty interesting, so I recommend it inputing the code in when you get a chance, since it's not like costing you anything.  - mig

[2010-03-26 10:35:35] - ah here's the comic it's got spoilers so you might not wanna read it if you haven't beaten dragon age - aaron

[2010-03-26 10:33:59] - penny arcade had a comic highlighting where like, they equipped a sword from some DLC that apparently cost like $6, and then lost it when it was equipped on a character that left the party for story reasons :-b i thought that was pretty funny - aaron

[2010-03-26 10:23:44] - mig: I bought Dragon Age and just started playing it this week.  I haven't entered the codes yet, so I don't even know what I'm missing.  Or even if I'm far enough along to miss anything. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-26 10:12:10] - paul:  well i think you'll be missing out a bit without the character included in the DLC, but it's not terribly vital. - mig

[2010-03-25 17:40:05] - mig: yea i never understood that. when i picked up rhythm heaven it had that price point for used copies too, it was like $25 new and $23 used. who do they think is that fickle? - aaron

[2010-03-25 17:28:05] - mig: Why not? I was thinking of borrowing it from a friend or possibly trading for it over Goozex. Is the DLC that good? -Paul

[2010-03-25 17:22:17] - paul:  btw, if you do eventually get dragon age, don't get it used! - mig

[2010-03-25 16:57:37] - s/Battlefield/Bad Company i can never get the names of that franchise straight. - mig

[2010-03-25 16:55:42] - They better not try the -$5 pricing with Battlefield 2, since that initial must buy new DLC enables all the online multiplayer modes.  That will be a customer relation shitstorm. - mig

[2010-03-25 16:49:08] - And geez, $54.95 for a used game.  I got the PC version for less than that. - mig

[2010-03-25 16:45:39] - i don't think his lawsuit won't really amount to anything for him, but I doubt gamestop is going to continue to get away with simply the -$5 pricing scheme for used games anymore. - mig

[2010-03-25 16:41:53] - paul: i was wondering when this was going to start biting gamestop in the ass. - mig

[2010-03-25 16:33:26] - GameStop Sued Over Deceptive Used Game Sales. Free advertised downloadable content an issue for used market. -Paul

[2010-03-25 16:12:48] - Amy: Taiwan is an interesting case, too.  Taiwanese is both a nationality and an ethnicity, but one doesn't imply the other (or at least, the first doesn't imply the second).  - Stephen

[2010-03-25 15:59:50] - stephen: yeah there is a big thing about trying to get all the taiwanese americans to write it in on the census bc we're drastically undercounted. i keep getting fwd emails from my parents and i saw a few fb friends post links about it too. -amy

[2010-03-25 15:48:06] - Amy: The government may not care if you are Taiwanese-American, but I'd bet you Taiwanese- and Asian-American groups want to make sure you are counted as such.  - Stephen

[2010-03-25 15:28:46] - Amy: I'm just thinking how perfect it would be... a country that used to be our ally and that we armed (Iraq, Afghanistan) in order to counter-balanced a perceived larger threat (Iran, Soviet Union) instead ends up being our enemy. -Paul

[2010-03-25 15:17:26] - Paul: you say happily with a smile -amy

[2010-03-25 15:17:11] - OK i should have read the link before saying anything. .x -amy

[2010-03-25 15:14:43] - amy: Because if Taiwan bombs Pearl Harbor, they will send you off to internment camp. :-) -Paul

[2010-03-25 15:13:32] - i'm confused. again maybe i need to read the article. but why would i care that they know my dob (which presumably the govt already knows) and that i'm taiwanese? -amy

[2010-03-25 15:09:26] - I guess the question is, does the good they can do with extra demographic information, times the chance they'll do good things with it, exceed the evil they can do with that demographic information, times the chance they'll do evil things with it. - pierce

[2010-03-25 14:31:46] - I think that there wasnt a mass round up in 2003-2004 shows that we have matured as a country some... I know a lot of bad stuff went down but it still could have been a lot worse... (like in 1940) ~gurkie

[2010-03-25 14:04:09] - a rather thorough article on obama's current approval ratings - aaron

[2010-03-25 13:20:36] - a: I agree.  I had no idea about the 2003-04 thing either.  That said, not giving the Census Bureau all the information they're asking for would make it harder for the government to run certain programs liked by liberals.  - Stephen

[2010-03-25 13:12:22] - a:  given the post 9/11 attitude of "national security > rights" i'm not sure any laws passed that protect privacy are much comfort. - mig

[2010-03-25 13:00:21] - aaron:  i agree with you.  i had heard that there were a number of laws that were passed since 1940 that protect the data from bad parts of the government.  hmmm, on the other hand, i hadn't heard about the 2003-2004 thing.  that kind of changes everything.  ~a

[2010-03-25 12:36:52] - mig: i liked that article, although i think america has grown up a bit since 1940. while i still think they would abuse census results results to "preserve national security"... i don't think they would get away with the blatant racial profiling that was going on back then - aaron

[2010-03-25 12:21:13] - ok, real poast now. - mig

[2010-03-25 12:18:29] - poast - mig

[2010-03-25 12:04:57] - today is boring. start posting

[2010-03-24 18:32:19] - the probability of 5 random people being normal is 33%.  ~a

[2010-03-24 18:10:55] - according to statistics, one person out of five is disturbed. if there are four people around you who seem normal, that's not good - jc

[2010-03-24 18:09:11] - amy: that was van damme - aaron

[2010-03-24 14:51:36] - lol at subtitle. i remember the quote but don't remember where it's from -amy

[2010-03-24 14:48:30] - pierce:  ah ok, that makes sense i guess. - mig

[2010-03-24 14:47:26] - paul: the number of people who "like" something in greader is shown on the item and you can click on the number and see their names.  Starring it is just for your own benefit and isn't publicly visible. - pierce

[2010-03-24 14:45:28] - mig: I think greader caches RSS feeds.  maybe it caches all of them everywhere as it spiders over the entire internet, or maybe it only caches them if there's at least one reader user already subscribed (I subscribe to your RSS through it, so you have at least one). - pierce

[2010-03-24 14:22:08] - pierce: hetero guys threaten my safety. ~gurkie

[2010-03-24 14:14:38] - a: That's a second order diffeq, which means it's not solveable without conditions.  And generally heavy duty math programs.  Of course, I could be wrong, it's been a while. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-24 13:59:05] - a: sorry i don't remember anything more complicated than calculus - aaron

[2010-03-24 13:47:15] - does anybody remember diffeq?  i'm trying to solve this problem and it's not something i think i ever learned to solve.  ~a

[2010-03-24 13:29:20] - so as a question about google reader, for shits and giggles I subscribed to the RSS feed on my own website.  Now my feed was set up to only return back the 10 most recent entries, but it seems like the subscription ended up flipping back every single entry that was there.  A little curious on how it did that ... - mig

[2010-03-24 12:57:12] - im so much cooler than you guys... although I dont use google reader... and I dont use Buzz really... ~gurkie

[2010-03-24 12:37:12] - That Van Damme quote in the subtitle never gets old. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-24 10:03:46] - Paul: I'm probably one of those 'followers'.  Pretty much anyone on your frequent contacts list who uses Buzz or Reader gets added, even if they don't look at a damn thing you 'like' or 'publish'.  I also have 13 followers.  They're not getting very much out of that. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-24 09:39:44] - Paul: You are a budding cult leader.  - Stephen

[2010-03-24 09:19:04] - To anybody here who uses google reader: Can somebody explain to me the difference between starring something and marking it as something I like? Also, I noticed I somehow acquired 13 followers. Anybody know how? -Paul

[2010-03-23 17:11:58] - yeah gurkie, why are you so heterophobic? - pierce

[2010-03-23 17:00:53] - aaron: My adoration is conditional on your wearing quirky t-shirts.  - Stephen

[2010-03-23 16:58:42] - aaron: I'd adore you even if you weren't gay. my adoration is not conditional on your orientation, like some people's - vinnie

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