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[2012-02-15 11:49:28] - Which, given his understanding of federalism is the most he can do as a federal official to promote and protect the ability of homosexuals to marry or form unions of their choice. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-15 11:48:45] - a: There's what he believes and what he'll do.  Same source: "In a 2007 interview, Paul said that he supported the right of gay couples to marry"; "Paul has also said that at the federal level he opposes “efforts to redefine marriage as something other than a union between one man and one woman.” " -- Xpovos

[2012-02-15 11:47:22] - a: You left out the part right after where it says: "Paul said that he supported the right of gay couples to marry" -Paul

[2012-02-15 11:45:47] - xpovos:  "Well, I believe marriage is between one man and one woman"  s  ~a

[2012-02-15 11:38:55] - a: I'll grant that Ron Paul is anti-abortion, but I think he's probably (at least theoretically) more pro-homosexual rights than any other candidate, possibly including Obama.  I could be wrong, but I don't know of much to accuse Ron of being anti-gay rights. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-15 11:37:06] - paul:  the right to choose and gay rights come to mind.  dismantling the EPA without replacing it with something also seems like a bad idea to me.  ~a

[2012-02-15 11:34:49] - a: Which issues? -Paul

[2012-02-15 11:33:06] - -- Xpovos

[2012-02-15 11:13:03] - aaron:  you'd vote for one of the paul's over obama?  i'm wary of this because of their stances on some of the issues.  ~a

[2012-02-15 10:42:23] - vinnie:  yeah they hate him as much as they hate his dad, so I would be shocked if either of the Paul's got the VP nod.  And honestly, I would probably lose some respect for the Dr. Pauls if one of them did accept a VP nod under a Romney or Newt. - mig

[2012-02-15 10:40:32] - Vinnie: It was floated as an idea in some article, but I think most people dismiss it as just rampant speculation. I think he's considered more palatable than Ron because he is a little less outspoken about stuff like the gold standard and ending foreign wars. I still can't imagine Romney would pick him, though. -Paul

[2012-02-15 10:31:25] - is Rand Paul really being considered as a VP candidate? I guess he might bring out the libertarian vote. I assumed that the GOP has the same problems with him as they do with his dad - vinnie

[2012-02-15 10:02:34] - Aaron: Strangely, my horror scenario would probably be one that somebody mentioned before: Mitt Romney wins and chooses Rand Paul as his VP. I don't know what I would do then, other than pray for impeachment proceedings. -Paul

[2012-02-15 09:56:28] - paul: i'm hoping for the same nominations for similar reasons; ron paul because i'd actually vote for him, and santorum because nobody would vote for him - aaron

[2012-02-15 09:29:04] - a: Sure, I think that would work for me. -Paul

[2012-02-15 09:22:52] - "I probably can't make it to a 3pm game on Sunday"  ok, how does 3pm on saturday sound?  that way we can save sunday for skiing?  ~a

[2012-02-15 09:22:13] - Xpovos: Frankly, I think Newt or Santorum would probably qualify, but while Newt is crazy, I think Santorum is more hostile to libertarian ideas than Newt is. -Paul

[2012-02-15 09:21:16] - Xpovos: Well, I want Ron Paul to win the nomination, but assuming that can't happen, I want Gary Johnson to win the Libertarian nomination and be pitted up against somebody that libertarian-leaning people can't hold their nose and vote for, even as the lesser of two evils compared to Obama. -Paul

[2012-02-15 09:11:48] - Paul: So, you're embracing Rick Santorum as the anti-candidate? -- Xpovos

[2012-02-15 09:04:23] - a: You planning frisbee this weekend? I can do it if you don't want to, but I would probably plan it earlier then since I probably can't make it to a 3pm game on Sunday. -Paul

[2012-02-15 08:43:02] - Xpovos: Or at least help bring on a major shift to (hopefully) embrace Ron Paul's supporters. -Paul

[2012-02-15 08:42:31] - Xpovos: But it's because (a) I want to see the hand-picked nominee of the Republican leadership (Mitt Romney) lose, and (b) I think Rick Santorum might be repellant enough to fiscal conservatives and independents that he might hasten the downfall of the Republican party. -Paul

[2012-02-15 08:38:14] - Xpovos: I actually think that if Ron Paul can't win the Republican nomination (which seems pretty likely), then I'm rooting for Rick Santorum to win it. It's not because I agree with any of his positions (I think he might be the most opposite from me out of the remaining nominees)... -Paul

[2012-02-14 22:28:50] - title: Did I miss some critical conversation?  I was actually interested in the Rick Santorum debate here, but I could sort of see how everyone was going to line up before it started, so I didn't bother. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-14 16:38:26] - Paul:  Yeah clearly the mandatory spending needs to be fixed.  Its just how that gets done that is the tricky part.  -Daniel

[2012-02-14 16:35:26] - Sorry, counted wrong: There were 4 large military spending circles, not 3. -Paul

[2012-02-14 16:34:40] - Daniel: Also, I think it's telling that out of the four largest red circles (by my estimation), 1 of them is mandatory spending and the other 3 are military spending. I think it's great that military spending is getting cut, but I wonder how much of it is due to the winding down of the Iraq war. -Paul

[2012-02-14 16:22:01] - Daniel: The reason I ask is because I do know it's popular to count cuts vs projected future spending because it makes the cuts sound more impressive. I tend to think it's a bit misleading, though, which is why I was curious. -Paul

[2012-02-14 15:53:42] - Paul: I *think* projected future spending only comes in when trying to plan out deficit reductions and stuff over the next x amount of years.  -Daniel

[2012-02-14 15:52:38] - Paul: I think current spending but I think thats mostly me assuming, I can't find something that says one way or another.  But since its only 1 years budget I don't think its changes against future years just changes from last year's budget.  -Daniel

[2012-02-14 15:50:56] - aww, disagree!  no sense of humor.  ~a

[2012-02-14 15:19:15] - aaron: siiigh, good thing she found them all... ~g

[2012-02-14 15:14:33] - Daniel: I wish they had some more information to go along with it, other than just the circles. Does it say if those cuts are vs projected future spending or against current spending anywhere? -Paul

[2012-02-14 14:37:47] - omg, i love that page.  i wish nytimes would use it to graph more stuff.  ~a

[2012-02-14 12:35:37] - I like the interactivity though it seems to make my browser cry in pain at times. - mig

[2012-02-14 11:04:56] - Good representation of Obama's budget.  Useful to help compare some of the bigger elements at least.  -Daniel

[2012-02-13 12:47:09] - a: that was a few weeks ago - but she found them all :-/ - aaron

[2012-02-13 12:03:51] - If anybody is interested in joining a fantasy baseball dynasty league, please let me know. I've got a league with a few spots to fill. Thanks. -Paul

[2012-02-13 11:48:49] - *teehee*, when do her parents visit?  ~a

[2012-02-12 23:51:26] - arts and crafts project - aaron

[2012-02-12 07:50:41] - Here we go, Arab Spring, version 2012.  If we're going to recycle world events in an effort to be more green in our consumption of newspapers... I'd like a better year.  It's the BIll Murray effect, I guess. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-10 15:52:31] - a: oops I didnt see all four in 99... me go look again... ~g

[2012-02-10 14:12:48] - iow, i have gruaduating classes 99, 00, 01, and 02.  ~a

[2012-02-10 14:12:09] - why?  i have our class taken in 1998 and all four classes taken in 1999.  this means:  if someone graduated in 1998 (or before) i don't have them.  ~a

[2012-02-10 13:30:20] - a: you only have our years pics? not the years around us? ~g

[2012-02-10 13:03:14] - Until then, Moore's law means the PC I need to play it is getting cheaper. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-10 13:03:06] - mig: Noted.  And I'm willing to believe April-June just as much or perhaps even more than I was Christmas 2011 or anytime in the past two months.  I'm also completely ready for them to push it back further.  It hasn't upset me the way it has some folks.  When it's ready, they'll release it; and when they release it, I'll play it. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-10 12:22:48] - xpovos:  well a couple things there.  First, for blizzard to say anything other than "soon" when they say a target date for release is usually signficant, even if its still vague.  Secondly, if this was at the earnings meetings, I think they're probably deadly serious about hitting that target.  So  I can't see anything other than June at the latest for D3. - mig

[2012-02-10 11:28:18] - Sad how hard it was to find this... "This year {...}Blizzard plans to release {...} Diablo" ;"we are targeting a Q2 release" ; "we expect to announce more details about the release schedule in the coming weeks (my emphesis) -- Xpovos

[2012-02-10 10:57:08] - mig: The only thing I saw in an offical sense was delayed until at least 2Q.  Which since people think it's ready now means "sometime in April", but taking them at their word, this could easily be another 9 month process. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-10 10:47:45] - there's also the possibility that the big press event their having at the beginning of march that's related to the expansion could be "surprise!  it's done and ready to ship next week!".  But probably unlikely. - mig

[2012-02-10 10:44:15] - xpovos:  certainly possible, but I would think they wouldn't say D3 was set for april-june wihtout serious intentions of hitting that date.  The beta has also been still churning along, while there hasn't even been a mention of when pandaria will have a beta. - mig

[2012-02-10 10:35:08] - mig: We could very well see Pandas first.  I'd be surprised to see HoS before D3, but even that has to be considered as a possibilty.  Pandas in the summer, HoS in the fall, D3 for Christmas.  Maybe. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-10 10:20:03] - paul:  hmmm, that complicates what I thought would be their timeline.  I figured the next WoW expansion would line up around the summertime, but I doubt they'd release those 2 that close to each other ... maybe it's early fall for pandas then ..., and then maybe Heart of the Swarm around christmas time.... - mig

[2012-02-09 23:53:18] - man i can't wait for mass effect 3 - aaron

[2012-02-09 17:33:11] -,2817,2400070,00.asp?google_editors_picks=true No Diablo 3 until at least April. -Paul

[2012-02-09 16:36:25] - i'm out this weekend.  i'll send out the email though.  ~a

[2012-02-09 16:32:42] - a: Are we doing frisbee this weekend? -Paul

[2012-02-09 13:06:06] - g:  I guess the thinking is there are enough automatic alarm bells that would fly off if anyone tried to use a dead person's SSN that it doesn't matter? - mig

[2012-02-09 13:02:25] - xpovos: they redacted a lot of information like home address, home phone, people who he had known's names... ~g

[2012-02-09 13:01:52] - also I loved this bit "The subject did say that Jobs would be qualified to hold a political position, because he believed "honesty and integrity are not required qualities to hold such a position."" ~g

[2012-02-09 13:01:17] - g: Public records are public. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-09 12:59:41] - I am surprised they show the SSN of deceased people... ~g

[2012-02-09 12:59:28] - Steve Jobs' SSN = 549-94-3295 according to his FBI file made public ~g

[2012-02-09 12:35:14] - Paul: Presumption is humorous. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-09 12:22:46] - Aaron: As much as I would love the idea of our nobel peace prize winning president personally leading a seal team to assassinate a foreign leader, I mostly meant getting involved in the same sense as Libya. :-) -Paul

[2012-02-09 12:13:40] - paul: it sounds like some members of the UN (like Russia) are still in favor of negotiating with syrian authorities instead of military intervention, so it's kind of a similar situation but i don't think it's progressed far enough that the major UN players are in agreement on how to resolve it - aaron

[2012-02-09 12:12:11] - paul: if "we" means the united states of america and "gettinv involved" means like, barack obama should personally overthrow the syrian government then i think that's a little presumptuous - aaron

[2012-02-09 12:10:31] - paul: if "we" means like, the united nations, and "getting involved" means voting on whether or not the UN should establish a no-fly zone or establish ground forces to defend syrian citizens, then i think yes i think "we" should "get involved" - aaron

[2012-02-09 11:43:51] - who's arguing our involvement didn't change anything?  ~a

[2012-02-09 11:39:22] - aaron:  if it was bad before and our invovlement didn't change anything, it begs the question then:  why get involved in the first place? - mig

[2012-02-09 11:28:20] - Aaron: So should we be getting involved in Syria too? On the surface, it appears to be a pretty similar situation, but I admit that I don't know a lot of specifics. -Paul

[2012-02-09 11:24:36] - paul: personally i'm not upset about the libyan intervention though; they were in a full-scale civil war before we intervened, they're not in a full-scale civil war now, so it seems like france/europe/etc accomplished what they went in for and while there's some instability, there was bound to be instability anyways - aaron

[2012-02-09 11:15:07] - paul: i think that would be a question better directed at libyan citizens? i don't really know how things are there, or how it compares to what it was like before. i think it's bad now and it was bad before too. i don't know if we improved the situation there or not - aaron

[2012-02-09 09:45:47] - I'm wondering if anybody who was pro-Libyan intervention would like to re-visit the issue. Do you still think it was a good idea? Should we go back? Why aren't we intervening in Syria? -Paul

[2012-02-09 09:12:49] - Xpovos: Release the Kraken! -Paul

[2012-02-08 17:37:12] - -- Xpovos

[2012-02-08 13:21:36] - The only real controversy about the BioWare thing was that it was in their response as to why they suspended people, it wasn't clear if they were being suspending for taking advantage of a glitch, or just doing something that is normally allowed, but taken to an extreme. - mig

[2012-02-08 13:17:44] - Suspensions for abusing glitches in an MMO is nothing new or even controversial.  Every major MMO uses it as a deterrent/punishment to abusing glitches. - mig

[2012-02-08 13:14:19] - I think just about every wow expansion has had at least one crazy glitch incident that resulted in suspending people that abused it .- mig

[2012-02-08 13:09:49] - aaron:  oh no, quite the contrary.  WoW has handed out many mass suspsensions in its history. - mig

[2012-02-08 13:04:04] - mig: isn't  bioware handing out suspensions over this stuff though? that seems kind of unprecedented for WoW, i haven't heard of people getting suspended over taking advantage of in-game glitches... they just fix the glitch, and in some cases roll back your inventory, right? - aaron

[2012-02-08 11:58:47] - - mig

[2012-02-08 10:57:19] - mig: But Blizzard is a good company and one that's been dealing with this for a while.  I wish everyone emulated Blizzard's customer service model rather than just trying to created the non-Blizzard WoW.  But even if they did, there's no guarantee they'd succeed. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-08 10:54:15] - Part of the problem I think was poor communication from Bioware to the community, which probably added to the confusions behind the player punishments.  Usually when Blizzard lays down punishments on a large group of people they tend to have big posts explain why in detail they did so. - mig

[2012-02-08 10:52:57] - I don't know enough about the Ilum chest thing to really know if it should have been actionable or not.  If there was some bug that was spawning chests faster than they usually do, then I think the players are at fault for abusing the bug.  If it was just people camping chests, but otherwise following the "game rules", than that's baffling to me. - mig

[2012-02-08 10:46:55] - So, blizzard said they wouldn't punish anyone who "exploited" unless it was done to ridiculous degrees, like having a raid full of retribution paladins steamrolling the hardest content in the game. - mig

[2012-02-08 10:45:50] - The 2nd case was sometime last week during a hot-fix retribution paladins had this weird glitch where they started doing way more damage than they usually do.  In this case lots of people took "advantage" of the bug, but at the same time, the alternative of not trying to exploit was to basically not play your character that night. - mig

[2012-02-08 10:44:17] - In this case, it was pretty clear that taking advantage of the glitch was intended, and people were exploiting it to ridiculous degrees, so it was pretty clear the players should have been punished. - mig

[2012-02-08 10:42:48] - but you kill him again in another raid, you don't get to roll on anything.  So there were some people who found a glitch in the system that allowed them to actually get around this limitation, and a whole lot of people started abusing it.  The bug ended up getting fixed and those people abusing it got their loot taken away and got some sort of account suspension. - mi

[2012-02-08 10:41:10] - the first was an issue with the Raid Finder (basically a matchmaking system for their raid content).  The rules were as follows, you can run a raid instance using the Raid Finder as many times as you want, but you could only have a chance at receiveing loot from a boss only once a week.  So if you kill Boss #1 the first time, you get to roll on whatever he drops ...

[2012-02-08 10:38:46] - exploiting game glitches in an MMO is a tricky ground to decide whether the developers should take action or not.  The general rule of thumb seems to be how out of your way you go to exploit said glitch.  Actually WoW had 2 recent examples that they responded differently. - mig

[2012-02-08 09:36:39] - While certain players acted unethically, most wanted a few freebies or to not fall too far behind the unethical ones.  Some were prohibited from abusing the glitch for technical reasons.  It's complicated.  But in the end, I blame the company for not testing, and for not responding appropriately.  This sounds similar, so I guess I'll choose to blame Bioware. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-08 09:35:40] - Daniel: I have a hard time faulting players for taking advantage of a glitch.  A similar thing occured in a game I'm playing.  The glitch basically has broken the game, and the game company can't even roll back to before the glitch gave out free items to certain players. {...}  -- Xpovos

[2012-02-08 09:10:49] - dissapear for ~5-10 minutes it would immediately respawn and they would immediately loot it again.  That was the problem they had since players were exploiting issues with the game that were pretty obviously not right.  Whether thats on the players or Bioware I guess is your call.  -Daniel

[2012-02-08 09:09:09] - Xpovos: I play as well.  The article sums up what I know about the unsubscribe button - don't have much to add on that.  The chest issue had a little bit more to it than is in the article.  They didn't mind people going to Ilum at lower levels and looting the chests but some people found a bug / glitch or something where instead of looting the chest and having it...

[2012-02-08 08:40:08] - mig: I know you play, I don't so a lot of this is lost on me.  Can you provide any inside information? -- Xpovos

[2012-02-07 18:33:45] - In 1995, New Mexico voted on a bill requiring psychologists to dress as wizards - aaron

[2012-02-07 16:24:40] - vinnie: sorry, i didn't think you liked to bet money on stuff like that - aaron

[2012-02-07 15:54:26] - you guys had a BMC and I wasn't invited?? - vinnie

[2012-02-07 15:51:39] - aaron: nice :-) glad I didnt go to deposit it... ~g

[2012-02-07 15:40:38] - paul: hmmm sounds like a typo - aaron

[2012-02-07 14:55:48] - Everyone: Ask Aaron, it's what he wrote on the memo field of a check he gave to me. -Paul

[2012-02-07 14:47:35] - everyone: leave.  I have to poop.

[2012-02-07 14:45:28] - Paul: ???  -Everyone

[2012-02-07 14:40:14] - aaron: I confirmed that your check for our Bowel Movement Contest was for the right amount, and I deposited it today. Thanks. :-) -Paul

[2012-02-07 14:29:11] - g: Principle of double effect can apply in certain circumstances there.  If the woman is not sexually active it's generally permissible.  Once she is, it's not in most cases.  -- Xpovos

[2012-02-07 14:28:36] - obviously this won't be the end of its courtroom saga, but california's prop 8 was struck down ... for now. - mig

[2012-02-07 14:15:16] - xpovos: not sure if I have asked you this before but does the church have a stance on women taking the pill to fix a hormone imbalance? so... not for the purpose of birth control... ~g

[2012-02-07 14:07:44] - xpovos: yeah lately i don't even always read the articles on reddit - i just read the headline and then read the first 3 or 4 comments because they provide better insight than the article itself - aaron

[2012-02-07 13:30:04] - Daniel: I think the first several comments on that link are actually pretty excellent in explaining the statistic further.  What an internet rarity. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-07 13:17:09] -    Seems on topic with the Catholics/Birth Control discussion.  -Daniel

[2012-02-07 12:34:25] - Curiously unrelated: I may be looking more arduously for new employment soon.  I'd rather stay, but the environment is growing ever more toxic. So if anyone knows a non-toxic work environment looking for a person with a technical head and management experience, let me know. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-07 12:08:46] - s/to be/to not be - mig

[2012-02-07 12:08:13] - I think the interpertation of the first criteria is probably where most of the conflicts lie.  I can see the government arguing that any school or hospital's primary duty to be "religious inculcation", even if it is run completely by catholics. - mig

[2012-02-07 11:52:07] - g:  the devil is probably in the details, but suffice to say the government is interperting the qualifications for those 3 criteria a little differently than you are. - mig

[2012-02-07 11:51:39] - g: Well, my organization probably will fit the exception.  Though that's not a given, we employ a large number of non-Catholics, both because of EEOC type requirements and because of general belief in diversity.  That said, even if my organization does, Marymount Univeristy won't.  Nor will Notre Dame, Stuebenville, or Catholic U. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-07 11:48:26] - I could see interpreting primarily as 51% of its employees are Catholic and 51% of the people served are Catholic. ~g

[2012-02-07 11:47:27] - xpovos: well I guess what I am saying is I think that the catholic church should fit the exeption specified in the article. "1) It has religious inculcation as its primary duty; (2) It primarily employs people of the same faith; and (3) It primarily serves people of the same faith" ~g

[2012-02-07 11:36:15] - g: Hence why the bishops are up in arms. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-07 11:21:03] - see, I am surprised that the catholic church doesnt fit into the example of who gets passes... I mean I would think it logical to hire catholics, and you are mostly there for the catholics... ~g

[2012-02-07 11:00:58] - I can assure you, churches do not eat the whole cost of coverage.  There's a lot of reasons for that, but probably one of the biggest is that their primary employees are little old ladies... who consume a disproportionate amount of healthcare. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-07 10:39:16] - mig: I have options on what I want to enroll for in terms of insurance plans, I think one of them is completely covered by the company, but I have opted for more coverage so I pay as well. ~g

[2012-02-07 10:35:38] - g:  I know my company doesn't pay for all of my coverage, and now that I think about it, churches would probably would eat the whole costs of coverage. - mig

[2012-02-07 10:30:59] - I also think its interesting that churches dont get an exemption, looking at the article I read it sounds like individual churches do but larger organizations do not. ~g

[2012-02-07 10:30:15] - I dont think its realistic to say that if the company wasnt paying it for you they would be giving you that extra money, but that is a matter of opinion on my part. ~g

[2012-02-07 10:29:32] - mig: eh I am not sure about that, that will come down to who is paying for your coverage you or your employer. Some companies such as Paul's pay for his entire health insurance, he doesnt pay in at all for it... ~g

[2012-02-07 10:27:49] - g:  also, if you are an individual working for these institutions, you are paying the extra $ for that coverage regardless of whether you want it or not. - mig

[2012-02-07 10:25:43] - From reading a bit further it sounds like the healthcare act requires all institutions/organizations to pay for prevenative care, which happens to include contraceptives, female sterilization, and morning after abortifacients... ~g

[2012-02-07 10:24:43] - "It is now a requirement of Obamacare that every Catholic institution larger than a single church​ — and even including some single churches​ — ​must pay for contraceptives, sterilization, and morning-after abortifacients for its employees" ~g

[2012-02-07 09:55:33] - aaron: it's amazing how moralistic all of his stories are.  -nina

[2012-02-07 09:40:39] - if dr. seuss had been a bit less subtle - aaron

[2012-02-06 16:16:51] - mig: The NFL rule book is shrouded in mystery, but apparently in the NCAA a palpably unfair act that denied a team a TD could result in a TD awarded by the officials refereeing the game.  Reminds me of Blitz, for some reason. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-06 16:10:13] - then there's all the various rule complexities that accompany any NFL rules (inside the tackle box, ball reaching the line of scrimmage, etc). - mig

[2012-02-06 16:09:13] - paul:  i believe the wording of the rule is something to the effect of throwing the ball away for the purpose of avoiding a sack, so yeah the QB has to be under some sort of pressure. - mig

[2012-02-06 15:56:56] - g: Nope, although I'm not sure why. I guess the QB has to be under pressure or something? But spiking the ball is quite common, especially in late game situations. -Paul

[2012-02-06 15:49:48] - paul: wouldnt spiking = intentional grounding? ~g

[2012-02-06 15:48:50] - If the Patriots noticed the Giants intentionally playing 12 guys every time, couldn't they just spike the ball over and over again? Trading probably 1 second off the clock for 5 yards seems worth it even with something like 15 seconds left. -Paul

[2012-02-06 15:47:40] - Daniel: Nice :-) -Paul

[2012-02-06 15:11:13] - daniel:  can they actually do that under the current rules?  I would think the most they could do is assess a 15  yard penalty. - mig

[2012-02-06 15:09:28] - I don't think they would actually give the Pats (or other team) a TD in that situation but that could give them more than 5 yards I think if they decide you did it on purpose.  Though that would be a pretty big controversy itself.  -Daniel

[2012-02-06 15:08:52] - mig: It does seem like the best way to go given the way clock management works.  Like they said who wouldn't trade 5 yards for ~10-15 secs in that situation.  Though apparently if the refs decide you are cheating on purpose in a "palpably unfair act" or something like that they can just assess whatever penalty seems appropriate to them including a TD.  -Daniel

[2012-02-06 15:06:50] - daniel:  reading over it again the last section I found pretty fascinating.  While it was probably inadvertent, the 12 men on the field play was absolutely huge.  I do wonder if teams will start potentially abusing that game clock loophole in the future. - mig

[2012-02-06 14:58:51] - Paul:    -Daniel

[2012-02-06 14:45:33] -    This article discusses the attempted kneel down.  Its like 3/4 through it so you can cntrl F for "Next, Belichick sullied" to find it.  It says taking the knee was the higher probability play to come away with a win.  -Daniel

[2012-02-06 14:07:56] - Plus scoring is just more 'sportsman-like', at least in my opinion. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-06 14:07:29] - Paul: So, the QB was the on-the-field coach.  That much is to be expected.  I think Bradshaw didn't expect the hole to be that gaping, though.  Regardless, I think scoring the TD was probably the right 'choice'.  Certainly with hindsight it was.  It came with risks, yes, but every option did. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-06 14:00:42] - It makes the decision to go for a running play all the more boggling. - mig

[2012-02-06 13:57:36] - paul:  I'll believe that.  Honestly, if the Giants didn't want to score quickly why not just take knees once they got inside the 10? - mig

[2012-02-06 13:55:43] - Xpovos: I heard on the radio this morning that Coughlin didn't say anything to Bradshaw about taking a knee instead of scoring, and I heard that Eli told him not to score as he was handing off the football to him. :-) -Paul

[2012-02-06 13:47:28] - mig: (And that's ignoring the possibility of missing the FG). Assuming those two scenarios are true, I don't think either decision is CLEARLY better than the other. -Paul

[2012-02-06 13:46:38] - mig: I am not certain about the facts, but as it was explained on the radio this morning, it was either score the TD and give Brady 50ish seconds and a TO to drive the field and score a TD, or milk the clock and give Brady 20ish seconds and no TOs to get within FG range. -Paul

[2012-02-06 13:43:42] - mig: Given that he was clearly trying not to, he stumbled and lost his balance and fell into the endzone, and given that was probably due to coaching, either to milk the clock and punch it on the next play or set up for a GW field goal, it was the less good option. But since the GW field goal could have been missed, and the 2-pt run was stuffed... take the points. - X

[2012-02-06 13:35:51] - Is there anyone else who felt there wasn't anything wrong with Bradshaw scoring in the final minute?  I seem to be in the minority on this one... - mig

[2012-02-06 12:13:37] - I've got one extra ticket for the Wizards game on February 22nd where they are playing the Sacramento Kings. It's $45. If interested, please let me know. Thanks. -Paul

[2012-02-06 10:40:08] - g: I saw some results, just not as many as I expected if it was a common term.  I guess my search terms were not optimized. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-06 10:38:09] - xpovos: if you google "exercise suicides" you will see results... ~g

[2012-02-06 10:37:35] - xpovos: I have also heard them called suicides, and I believe I have heard it in TV shows... ~g

[2012-02-06 10:37:14] - HAHA! I thought Paul was the one who usually scared everyone away... maybe by appointing him in charge of the cuddly side we will stop losing people :-P ~g

[2012-02-06 09:05:58] - nina: You are appointing me to uphold the cuddly side? Um... I'm sorry for the message board then. -Paul

[2012-02-05 13:12:38] - nina: slans vs. mundanes.  I've been scaring 'normies' my entire life. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-05 07:40:27] - A: yes I have officially appointed you and Paul to uphold The cuddly side of the board.  Otherwise you scare away to many of the normies....  -Nina

[2012-02-04 11:15:58] - i was going to reply with something super-snarky, but then remembered that i have to uphold the cuddly side of the message board 8-)  ~a

[2012-02-03 15:49:08] - a: then i'm disappointed in you for confusing etymology and entomology.  -nina

[2012-02-03 15:34:19] - I had a gym coach who perhaps semi-idiosyncratically (based on the lack of Google hits for this term) called certain wind-sprints in that fashion, "Suicides".  Apropos? -- Xpovos

[2012-02-03 15:29:26] - "the next susan g. komen race for the cure will consist of rapid back-and-forth sprints with quick turnarounds." :-)

[2012-02-03 15:21:52] - Ah, ok. Got it. Thanks. -Paul

[2012-02-03 15:20:26] - Paul: Planned Parenthood provides services for low-income women, including breast cancer screenings.  They perform in-house breast examinations and make referrals for mammograms.  Komen's funding to PP was for the mammogram referrals, if I understand the situation correctly. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-03 14:38:35] - planned parenthood does some breast cancer prevention type thing, from what I'm understanding. - mig

[2012-02-03 14:32:05] - nina: I don't know much about the whole Komen/Planned Parenthood situation, but why is a breast cancer charity giving money to a pro-choice organization anyway? -Paul

[2012-02-03 14:27:01] - oh todays.  hehe.  no i hadn't read todays yet.  ~a

[2012-02-03 14:26:39] - maybe.  did he have a comic about it?  ~a

[2012-02-03 13:26:30] - a: was that an XKCD reference? -nina

[2012-02-03 13:14:09] - wow, i've heard people get all pedantic about the word "literally" but your article takes it a few steps further by going into the literary uses of literally used non-literally.  also the entomology of the word?  yay.  ~a

[2012-02-03 12:49:10] - kind of an interesting article, made me think about how often i've misused the word 'literally' myself. - mig

[2012-02-03 12:43:50] - Yeah I agree Rubio seems like the most logical choice. - mig

[2012-02-03 12:38:10] - As nina suggested, I think Rubio has the potential to motivate the conservative base to get behind Romney which will help avoid low turnout problems.  That's a national effect.  Rubio's charisma also means that he'll turn off relatively few independents, even those who strongly disagree.  Plus he'll help pull some marginal Hispanic voters. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-03 12:33:05] - I'm not sure either of the Paul's would accept a VP nod, especially from Romney.  Especially more so that Romney will be an absolute fucking disaster as a presidential candidate. - mig

[2012-02-03 12:23:28] - Aaron: Sure, except the chances of that murder happening are so slim that I don't think it's worth the negative of crippling Gary Johnson's potentially good Libertarian run and actually making me have to consider maybe voting for Romney. -Paul

[2012-02-03 12:21:02] - *fund or not fund. -nina

[2012-02-03 12:20:43] - aaron: i think Komen gets way more money from non-political sources than from a small group of evangelicals.  basically, they're saying they're apolitical, and will not fund or not fund based on that. -nina

[2012-02-03 12:18:59] - nina: i'm confused, won't this just result in an outcry from the evangelical christians who were demanding she pull funding for planned parenthood in the first place? - aaron

[2012-02-03 12:14:22] - paul: all of my awesome plans involve like, four, five murders minimum - aaron

[2012-02-03 12:14:05] - paul: you should be happy about rand paul being a possible VP, wouldn't that mean you'd be just one murder away from having a super awesome president? - aaron

[2012-02-03 12:04:13] - looks like the public outcry made Komen back down.  -nina

[2012-02-03 11:59:06] - also, apparently Roseanne Bar is running for President on the Green party ticket - nina

[2012-02-03 11:57:23] - Rubio is also incredibly charismatic, charming, and believable.  And, he's young enough to be the perfect Republican marionette.  He could be a good VP candidate this year, but if he does right in the next four years, he'll be a killer pres candidate. -nina

[2012-02-03 11:18:51] - a: There's no doubt that a VP choice can make a difference, but mostly that difference is negative (Sarah Palin effect).  I think Romney picking the younger Paul would be a mistake, and I think Rand would decline, honestly.  McDonnell is a logical choice, as Virginia will be very much 'in play', but not very exciting.  Rubio is from an 'in play' state, AND is exciting

[2012-02-03 10:55:25] - yeah, the VP seems to be mostly irrelevant.  ~a

[2012-02-03 09:09:45] - I heard NPR talking about VA Gov McDonnel (sp?) as a possible VP choice so apparently Romney will have plenty of options to pick from.  -Daniel

[2012-02-03 08:56:28] - Xpovos: I saw an article yesterday talking up the possibility of Romney selecting Rand Paul as his running mate to try to get the support of Ron Paul's followers. A small part of me thinks that could be cool, but mostly I think it would make me sad. -Paul

[2012-02-02 17:44:25] - blizzard explains some ways to definitively know if you'll get promoted to a higher league. - mig

[2012-02-02 17:36:51] - Helps if I add the link... -- Xpovos

[2012-02-02 17:36:37] - Nina's already mentioned Rubio as he was a cosponsor of one of the idiotic online piracy bills.  Here's something more to rile up most of you over him.  Look for Romney to select him as VP. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-02 15:26:52] - I still do it occasionally (too much coffee man!) but I guess I never said it afterwards. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-02 15:14:14] - amy:  "enter twice"  . . . they're all from 2000 and 2001.  i guess we drank more coffee back then.  ~a

[2012-02-02 14:41:46] - yikes. i pressed enter twice in a row in very fast succession by accident, and i guess that was the result. weird! -amy

[2012-02-02 14:41:24] - yaaaaaay. thank you .D it is a happy day -amy

[2012-02-02 14:41:24] - yaaaaaay. thank you .D it is a happy day -amy

[2012-02-02 13:57:23] - some times I am not sure why the stories make it to the page... ~g

[2012-02-02 13:50:40] - yeah really i don't think i have much sympathy for it either.  but it's still (arguably) illegal so the courts are required to have some sympathy i guess.  ~a

[2012-02-02 13:49:04] - a:  regardless of who was first, BC's whining (which I'm not sure has any basis in fact) is the kind that I have no sympathy for. - mig

[2012-02-02 13:04:15] - a: ah, while I saw the commercial and the pics it didnt register that the razr had been redesigned... I almost commented on my inability to spell the phone previously too... ~g

[2012-02-02 13:03:06] - I think the crux of the argument in France is the assumption that google will eventually start charging for their mapping services. If they do then I think they have a valid argument that google is temporarily offering it free to drive out all competition and create a monopoly. But I havent seen evidence that they will start charging. ~g

[2012-02-02 13:02:36] - the droid razr is a smartphone.  ~a

[2012-02-02 13:01:35] - although I think he used to have one... ~g

[2012-02-02 13:01:12] - mig:  i don't think you have your facts straight.  BC has been doing this for much longer than google, so they didn't say anything like "people are already providing it for free".  . . . regardless, google is becoming a monopoly in many industries and there are laws that regulate monopolies.  ~a

[2012-02-02 13:01:11] - a: honestly I am not sure... but I sincerely doubt he is going to be buying a razor... afaik it isnt a smart phone... ~g

[2012-02-02 12:41:14] - g:  maybe i did.  i thought he was mocking you.  he wasn't?  ;-)  ~a

[2012-02-02 11:45:39] - good lord the france thing is dumb.  I want to charge for this service.  OMG people are already providing it for free.  SO UNFAIR! - mig

[2012-02-02 11:43:54] - What is the syntax to change title's?

[2012-02-02 11:43:14] - <title> Happy 30th Birthday Amy!!! </title>

[2012-02-02 11:42:38] - a: I think you read more into aaron's comment then I did... ~g

[2012-02-02 11:31:32] - france convicts google maps for unfair competition - aaron

[2012-02-02 10:36:03] - i thought i'd get some answers checking from my smartphone - since i surf the web on it, and don't use adblock or noscript - but it still doesn't guess my age/gender! it just lists a couple interests - aaron

[2012-02-02 10:14:54] - Finally checked from my home computer, and Google says I am a 35-44 male. Close enough, I suppose. -Paul

[2012-02-02 10:01:40] - yeah i think i'm with aaron on this one :-)  artistic license is a thing.  ~a

[2012-02-02 09:38:26] - g: well i know what phone i'm not buying! - aaron

[2012-02-01 21:39:15] - the verizon droid razer commercial is dumb... they spray paint on to phones that are spinning and somehow each phone comes out with just one color... I dont think so! ~g

[2012-02-01 14:33:34] - a: :-D

[2012-02-01 14:22:13] - nobody knows?  ~a

[2012-02-01 09:48:25] - 18-24 male at home, can't figure me out from work. - mig

[2012-02-01 09:18:26] - Webhosting seems like it was a lot easier in 2000 than it is in 2012. -- Xpovos

[2012-01-31 19:58:29] - 65+ year old male at home too.  With only one significant category difference... which I deleted because it was an inaccuracy... I guess I really am an old fart. -- Xpovos

[2012-01-31 17:31:38] - yeah it didn't know my age or gender, but i told firefox to delete cookies every time its closed.  ~a

[2012-01-31 17:05:20] - boo, it tried it on my home and work computer but it doesn't have any information on me! i wonder if it's because i use some combination of adblock and noscript? - aaron

[2012-01-31 15:31:51] - Xpovos: I'm saying that you act like one, yes. :-) -Paul

[2012-01-31 15:18:47] - amy: wow that's amazing if it really is one take. it's cool even otherwise - vinnie

[2012-01-31 15:18:06] - Paul: Are you calling me an old man? -- Xpovos

[2012-01-31 14:50:22] - they are like some kind of DM cover band. they do shake the disease and strangelove too!! omg this video makes me smile so much. <3 -amy

[2012-01-31 14:47:01] - man and 2 children covering "everything counts." man plays like 5 instruments, kids are adorable.! -amy

[2012-01-31 14:17:00] - Xpovos: Hahaha, that's perfect. -Paul

[2012-01-31 14:13:25] - I'll try again from home.  My work browsing is bound to be a little staid.  But I think it's still fairly representative. -- Xpovos

[2012-01-31 14:08:31] - amy: I'm a 65+ male.  Ouch. -- Xpovos

[2012-01-31 14:01:03] - it would have killed the bill.  ~a

[2012-01-31 13:54:36] - a: the link says it's SB484, although it's kind of buried in there - aaron

[2012-01-31 13:44:36] - aaron: her amendment barely failed.  I think it was like 19-21 or something like that. i wish it had passed. -nina

[2012-01-31 13:42:48] - aaron:  what's the va bill (or what are the va bills)?  i don't think your link says.  ~a

[2012-01-31 13:39:40] - nina: haha, I was going to say just cause google defined me as a 25-34 yr old male doesnt make me one... luckily. ~g

[2012-01-31 13:36:38] - (her amendment failed) - aaron

[2012-01-31 13:36:14] - in response to a proposed bill which requires pregnant women to undergo an ultrasound before having an abortion, a VA senator tries to amend it so that men seeking prescriptions for viagra are required to undergo a rectal exam and cardiac stress test - aaron

[2012-01-31 13:24:22] - until they get enough data on me, then google is more than welcome to define me.  -nina

[2012-01-31 13:24:07] - google can't define me.  no one can define me, but myself.  -nina

[2012-01-31 12:54:40] - amy: I am more mature than you... 25-34 yr old male :-P ~g

[2012-01-31 12:41:57] - Amy: "No interest or demographic categories are associated with your ads preferences so far." :-( -Paul

[2012-01-31 12:14:21] - -amy

[2012-01-31 12:14:19] - google tries to guess your demographic based on the sites you've visited: It thinks I'm an age 18-24 male, yay!

[2012-01-31 11:56:50] - mig: Wow, that is pretty bad. I don't even know if I'VE ever missed a FT that badly, and I suck really bad at basketball. I'm sure if I took as many as he has in his life, though, I would have a couple that would look that bad. -Paul

[2012-01-31 11:35:45] - - vinnie

[2012-01-31 11:27:04] - paul: from saturday's game that we were watching.  I think that was one of the craptacular moments you missed. - mig

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