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[2012-03-27 10:35:01] - Paul: Reason Rally sounds like something you would find worth the commute... ~g

[2012-03-27 10:33:49] - All I'm saying is that driving into DC is (in my mind) unquestioningly much more inconvenient than driving to Springfield or Reston or pretty much any other place within a 20 mile radius that isn't DC. -Paul

[2012-03-27 10:33:45] - hmm... ~g

[2012-03-27 10:32:39] - Also, I've said many many many many times that I will go into DC if I feel like the event is worth the inconvenience. I don't know why people keep bringing this up to try to disprove something. -Paul

[2012-03-27 10:31:31] - a: No traffic, no construction, no accidents, no red lights... -Paul

[2012-03-27 10:30:54] - a: In DC, I don't think I've ever tried parking near the mall before. -Paul

[2012-03-27 10:30:48] - an unrealistic scenario?  like no traffic?  ~a

[2012-03-27 10:30:05] - a: 22 miles in 22 minutes is a nice theory, but it's just not practical in real life. Even google maps' optimistic projections say 34 minutes. Doing it in 22 would require an unrealistic set of scenarios. -Paul

[2012-03-27 10:26:58] - g:  very interesting indeed.  ~a

[2012-03-27 10:26:41] - a: paul is just super city averse... although I havent noticed it being an issue when its a sports event we are attending. ~g

[2012-03-27 10:25:53] - i've spent a lot of time looking for parking.  but never near the mall.  anyways, usually audrey has huge insights on where to go/not_go when finding parking.  ~a

[2012-03-27 10:24:21] - "I've spent 30+ minutes looking for parking in DC before"  in dc?  or near the mall?  ~a

[2012-03-27 10:23:51] - 22 miles.  you can do that in ~22 minutes since ~90% of it is on 66:  if we're using the (granted unfair, but your) stipulation that there is no traffic.  ~a

[2012-03-27 10:23:00] - a: I just don't think it's worth (unless I am really interested in the event) spending a significant amount of time (even if it's the 25 minutes you claim) to go somewhere that I know I'll have to spend a lot of time (and money) parking when there is a real chance I might have to just turn around and go home. -Paul

[2012-03-27 10:21:20] - a: But frankly, it's the parking thing that usually worries me the most. I've spent 30+ minutes looking for parking in DC before, and finally ended up giving up and going home without going to the place I intended to go to. -Paul

[2012-03-27 10:18:55] - a:,+Fairfax,+VA+22033&daddr=900++ohio+sw,+Washington,+DC+20024+(National+Mall)&hl=en&sll=38.879404,-77.030674&ssp Google maps (which I find to be pretty optimistic) says 34 minutes. -Paul

[2012-03-27 10:15:19] - ok, i'll back off of what i said.  i agree it's probably easier for you to get to the waterford.  but i still think 45 minutes with no traffic to dc is insane.  25 minutes with no traffic.  granted, the traffic into dc will almost always be worse than the traffic into the mall.  but i drive past the mall *very* regularly now, and it's rarely a problem.  ~a

[2012-03-27 10:06:41] - a: Going to the mall requires either taking the metro (which makes the entire trip maybe around an hour and costs extra money) or driving in (maybe 45 minutes with no traffic, which is unusual) and then having to find parking (which is always an issue and is another extra cost). -Paul

[2012-03-27 10:05:11] - a: Totally disagree. The Waterford (in Springfield, I assume) is maybe 30 minutes away and normally parking wouldn't be an issue (and it still wasn't, really, I just needed to walk from where I parked). -Paul

[2012-03-27 10:04:23] - ah i see.  why did they have it on the same weekend?  ~a

[2012-03-27 10:04:10] - "Metro derailed by culture of complacence, incompetence, lack of diversity" -Paul

[2012-03-27 10:03:30] - this past weekend was the cherry blossom festival... traffic is usually awful during that time... ~g

[2012-03-27 10:02:47] - compared to the waterford though?  it's about the same.  barely more inconvenient at worst.  ~a

[2012-03-27 09:59:16] - a: Nah, because it's so inconvenient. Getting to/from the mall is not a breeze from my house. -Paul

[2012-03-27 09:30:57] - getting to/from the mall is usually a breeze from my house.  ~a

[2012-03-27 09:30:13] - because dc is so scary?  ~a

[2012-03-26 19:40:39] - a: Yeah, that's why I guessed you hadn't gone. I only heard about it after the fact. Not sure if would've wanted to go into DC for it though. -Paul

[2012-03-26 18:01:33] - i depend on you to tell me about these things  :-P  i was busy this weekend anyways.  ~a

[2012-03-26 18:00:22] - never heard of it.  ~a

[2012-03-26 17:44:51] - a: I'm guessing not, but did you go to the Reason Rally by any chance? -Paul

[2012-03-26 15:35:41] - oral arguments for the individual mandate health care thing began today. - mig

[2012-03-26 12:40:45] - a: -- Xpovos

[2012-03-26 12:37:25] - "Then take a look at yourself. Because every day spent living is another day shifted closer to dying. Because we're all getting older."  so deep.  ~a

[2012-03-26 12:27:43] - xpovos:  well he has been ejected from sitting on the bench before, so that's not all that surprising. - mig

[2012-03-26 12:26:06] - xpovos:  hmmm, good quesiton.  I don't know.  You could argue either one I guess. - mig

[2012-03-26 12:25:06] - Also: So he's a healthy scratch and still got a technical?  That's talent. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-26 12:10:28] - mig: So, is that a healthy scratch or what? -- Xpovos

[2012-03-26 11:59:22] - tim duncan listed as "DNP - Old" - mig

[2012-03-23 15:51:02] - pie cake - aaron

[2012-03-23 13:55:24] - daniel:  ok i tried sending a friend request but the client is so buggy I'm not sure if it went through or not, though it tells me it's still "pending". - mig

[2012-03-23 13:52:40] - mig: mrc1ark is correct.  I'll be on some tonight probably but more tomorrow I think.  -Daniel

[2012-03-23 13:27:09] - mig: I hate to be generationalist, but I'm very happy that the baby boomers are ageing and speaking themselves out of relevance with greater haste than their parents. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-23 13:19:07] - I'm not sure which is more sad:  1)  the initial statement itself, 2) trying to justify the statement as trying to save teenage lives, or 3)  mentioning that his son is ashamed of his statement. - mig

[2012-03-23 13:15:06] - it takes a rare instance of abject stupidity for me to be astounded about something uttered on twitter.  This is one of those times. - mig

[2012-03-23 12:10:21] - daniel:  is your origin name "mrc1ark"?  I found one of that name on the friend finder (but not other permutations i tried). - mig

[2012-03-23 11:33:52] - Long read that discusses John Wall vs DeMarcus Cousins Suppports my position that all John Wall really does is run fast.  -Daniel

[2012-03-23 11:01:29] - gay bar faces complaints for discrimination against women.  Sign saying "Men only after 11pm", sparks outcry. - mig

[2012-03-23 10:23:20] - a: YAY - aaron

[2012-03-23 10:03:21] -  ~a

[2012-03-22 09:42:50] - mists of pandaria beta just went live last night.  so that would put it's release july/august I think ... maybe there's some hope for heart of the swarm making it by the holidays after all. - mig

[2012-03-22 09:28:44] - I think I might have an extra ticket to the Wizards/Pacers game at 7pm tonight at the verizon center, if anybody is interested in it. -Paul

[2012-03-22 09:14:27] - mig: Heh, I love pretty much any conversation between Kenneth and Gabby. -Paul

[2012-03-21 23:51:50] - paul: this is so you. - mig

[2012-03-21 21:46:24] - So, the D3 CE is going for $190+ and only from 3rd party sellers on Amazon right now.  I'm locked in at $80.  Niiiice. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-21 21:11:53] - g: He didn't create it, and it's definitely been used by other clubs in the past, however, it seems that Williams established a particularly egregious form of it, and it was active and in play during their Super Bowl run and playoff appearances where his defense mauled, Kurt Warner into retirement and Brett Favre into ... well, Brett Favre. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-21 16:46:53] - If this guy williams is being punished as a scapegoat for something the whole league is doing wrong.... I have issues with the severity of his punishment. If he created this system, less so. But looking at the article I posted that looks less likely. ~g

[2012-03-21 16:45:49] - Eh, I looked at the link it had a lot of traceback type info I think... Anyway I was saying looking at this I am less certain of how I feel about it. ~g

[2012-03-21 16:37:05] - g: ?  ~a

[2012-03-21 16:32:03] - where it got really unsavory was when those achievements involved "knocking guys out" of a game,  with escalating bonuses for how severe the injury was (cart off = more $). - mig

[2012-03-21 16:30:45] - g:  from most accounts Greg Williams pooled up some money (i think his own, and from team fines and other players contributing) and set up "rewards" for various in game objectives.  Think of it like X-Box achievements. - mig

[2012-03-21 16:30:22] - ugh, I keep trying to post a link but the url is too long.... ~g

[2012-03-21 16:29:26] - g:  payton more than likely will be retained.  The Saints will probably have one of the assistants serve as coach for the year on an interim basis. - mig

[2012-03-21 16:19:13] - I want to know more about how this bounty system worked... Did only the defense know about it? I find it hard to believe that Brees didn't know about it. ~g

[2012-03-21 16:18:11] - I like the punishments... at least for Williams. I wonder if Payton will get his job back after a 1 yr suspension... The saints will have to hire a new head coach this year... ~g

[2012-03-21 16:16:08] - Wow, sooo do we know how much the bounties were? ~g

[2012-03-21 15:59:48] - though I don't know how suspending a GM works ... - mig

[2012-03-21 15:44:24] - mig: We'll see if the "new" ending (I don't want to call it "real") is any better, though. Hard to believe it can be worse, but it does have a lot of stuff to fix. -Paul

[2012-03-21 15:40:10] - Hard to say without knowing more about who did what, but I thought Williams would get suspended a year with maybe a game or two for Payton. -Paul

[2012-03-21 15:37:51] - well i guess dewey might be the most fortunate out of all of us, since he'll get to see the "real" ending by the time he finishes it (he started me2 a few days ago). - mig

[2012-03-21 15:35:41] - paul:  yeah i was maybe expecting a semi-light suspension for payton and possibly no more than a year (if that) for williams.  I guess they really want to drive home the "we care about player safety" angle. - mig

[2012-03-21 15:33:58] - mig: I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since Goodell seems to be the king of handing down severe punishments.... but I'm still surprised. -Paul

[2012-03-21 15:27:52] - Mig: Impressive.  I can't say that's the wrong move, but that is a powerful message. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-21 15:22:39] - wow, sean payton suspended for the year.  Gregg Williams suspended indefinitely. - mig

[2012-03-21 15:02:13] - Aaron: Haha, my first complete playthrough (technically my second playthrough) was using a Vanguard on casual difficulty and I remember doing the same thing to an Atlas. -Paul

[2012-03-21 15:00:25] - a: Is it just me, or is that article incredible vague regarding what the education bill does? -Paul

[2012-03-21 14:57:24] - also i finally got to the point in the game where being a vanguard is completely overpowered, ahhaha, it's so fun. literally biotic charging every 3 seconds, i killed an atlas with nothing but biotic charges and melee attacks, very silly - aaron

[2012-03-21 14:56:46] - daniel: aww i have a guess too. i tried adding you on origin, but i guess your name wasn't as easy as you said it was. we should play some multiplayer some time, i've been really impressed with it! - aaron

[2012-03-21 14:52:37] -  tenessee decides to "teach the controversy".  N% of biologists participating in the peer-reviewed journal publishing process believe that natural selection explains the origin of species.  N is somewhere between 0 and 100 inclusive.  ~a

[2012-03-21 14:48:07] - Daniel: I have a good guess regarding who it could be, and I did like how that thread was wrapped up. -Paul

[2012-03-21 14:37:00] - I had my first signifigant casualty last night playing.  It made me sad but it made sense and fit with the character.  -Daniel

[2012-03-21 13:16:39] - Upcoming Mass Effect 3 DLC to try to bring more closure to the ending? I didn't notice any specific spoilers, but those who haven't beaten the game might want to avoid just in case. -Paul

[2012-03-21 13:07:29] - a: Invite sent. -Paul

[2012-03-21 12:44:18] - paul:  i forwarded the email (that you were on . . . :) )  ~a

[2012-03-21 12:26:47] - a: Ok, if you can send me the mailing list, I'll go ahead and plan it for this weekend (although it does look like we might get rained out). Thanks. -Paul

[2012-03-21 12:15:21] - out of town.  ~a

[2012-03-21 12:00:06] - a: Is it because of the thunderstorms forecast? -Paul

[2012-03-21 11:59:36] - a: I can plan it if you don't want to, unless there is a good reason you weren't going to plan it. -Paul

[2012-03-21 11:51:58] - paul:  i'm not planning ultimate this weekend unless you want me to.  ~a

[2012-03-20 22:47:35] - I got 6 vouchers to Six Flags in Bowie Maryland for the 2011-12 Season Ticket Holder Party for the Washington Wizards. It takes place April 19th, when I'll be in Ireland. I don't know exactly what this party entails. The vouchers mention it only being from 6pm - 10pm. I'll be happy to give them away to anybody who thinks they might use them. -Paul

[2012-03-20 14:59:28] - I'm sure even if the terms are nothing, a lot of people get caught by the opt-out in the rush to buy the card - vinnie

[2012-03-20 14:58:35] - daniel: I went to go buy it earlier, and you're agreeing to some terms and conditions for amazon local AND there's a fairly small opt-out for promotional offers. in the end, I didn't bother because I didn't feel like reading the terms - vinnie

[2012-03-20 13:42:18] - g: Shouldn't there be a catch to that kind of deal?  Is it just to promote this new local amazon thing?  -Daniel

[2012-03-20 12:12:34] - Only two left! -- Xpovos

[2012-03-20 11:16:00] - g: Well, they'll have to explain at least some relevant rules.  But I doubt they'll be a comprehensive reading of the rule book or anything like that.  I mean, even with celebrity poker there was rules and instructions sections.  These games just have more complex rules. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-20 11:00:30] - xpovos: my question was more if rules will be included in the segment or just game play... ~g

[2012-03-20 10:55:38] - g: Editing! -- Xpovos

[2012-03-20 10:54:18] - I havent heard of one of those games... I wonder if they will be explaining the rules and playing all in 31 minutes. ~g

[2012-03-20 10:41:38] - xpovos: and i like grant imahara and wil wheaton! - aaron

[2012-03-20 10:40:44] - xpovos: that sounds so cool!!! april 2nd, definitely gotta jot that down - aaron

[2012-03-20 10:39:25] - Xpovos: That does sound kinda cool. I'm not a Wil Wheaton guy either, but I do like Felicia Day and Day[9]. I might try checking out the show if I can figure out this premium YouTube channel business. -Paul

[2012-03-20 10:35:36] - neat nature facts - aaron

[2012-03-20 10:33:04] - I'm not a Wil Wheaton guy, but this sounds cool. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-20 10:08:31] - g: Thanks.  Purchased and forwarded.  Limited quantity? I'm guessing quarter million which means it's sold out very soon. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-20 09:59:49] - you can buy a 10 dollar Amazon gc for 5 bucks... ~g

[2012-03-20 09:43:43] - aaron: I guess you'll have to make sure Obama gets his second term so we have a fair point of comparison. :-) -Paul

[2012-03-20 09:41:42] - if you're not going to give obama another term, you should cut his numbers in half - aaron

[2012-03-20 09:40:50] - paul: hey that's not fair, it took bush two terms to increase the debt that much ;-) - aaron

[2012-03-20 09:30:48] - aaron: Didn't we have some sort of bet regarding this? :-P -Paul

[2012-03-19 16:29:19] - paul: I have no clue... I was just responding to aaron's comment about being charged with a crime then going home and destroying evidence... ~g

[2012-03-19 16:02:30] - Just out of curiosity, did he delete the messages before or after he was charged with a crime? -Paul

[2012-03-19 15:35:52] - since he was convicted of it in a court of law I would say it is not disingenuous... I am sure a lot of people will disagree with me though. ~g

[2012-03-19 15:35:09] - aaron: pretty sure destroying evidence - physical/electronic/whatever is illegal. Especially after you have been charged with the crime. ~g

[2012-03-19 15:22:31] - mig: but yeah i'd be kind of surprised if simply destroying evidence would really fit under the category of "evidence tampering"? there's something called "spoliation of evidence" which sounds more appropriate but i guess we really need a stephen or something, i can't tell whether categorizing this as evidence tampering is disingenuous or not - aaron

[2012-03-19 15:20:06] - mig: i'm not sure, i can see both sides of that. if someone tells you you're being charged with a crime, and then you go home and destroy evidence (physical, electronic, whatever)... i think that's actually OK, but i'm not sure. if you go home and print out a fake concert ticket stub to make it look like you weren't at the crime scene, that's definitely not OK - aaron

[2012-03-19 15:03:14] - Ugh, I did it again (posting the same URL as somebody else right after them), didn't I? :-P -Paul

[2012-03-19 14:37:24] - a:  poor choice of words, regardless, i stand corrected. - mig

[2012-03-19 14:32:49] - mig:  that's cool, but that's not what you said.  you said the evidence tampering "amounted to deleting tweets and/or a twitter account"  ~a

[2012-03-19 14:20:03] - aaron:  I guess there was more to it yes, it just jumped out to me that ordinary actions on twitter (deleting embarassing tweets) ended up being mentioned in criminal charges. - mig

[2012-03-19 13:44:43] - aaron: This article mentions deleting messages, but it also mentions the lying to police and convincing a friend to lie. -Paul

[2012-03-19 13:29:02] - mig: according to this article, he deleted tweets, text messages, lied to police, and tried to convince one of his friends to falsify a police report as well - aaron

[2012-03-19 13:27:31] - mig: he was also charged with tampering with a witness. where did you find the source that described the fact that evidence tampering was only deleting tweets and a twitter account? i can't even find that much - aaron

[2012-03-19 13:20:50] - mig: i think it was more than that, but i'll have to dig up a source - aaron

[2012-03-19 12:04:52] -,8599,2109293,00.html?xid=gonewsedit&google_editors_picks=true I liked this article until the last paragraph. It clarified a few misconceptions for me, at least. -Paul

[2012-03-19 12:00:09] - aaron:  actually that was another issue I had, though possibly a minor one.  The "evidence tampering" amounted to deleting tweets and/or a twitter account .... really? - mig

[2012-03-19 11:59:15] - "...because occasionally blocking intersections interferes with emergency vehicles, resulting in people dying", i really think it's better to give out $50 infractions in most cases, and $10,000 infractions for severe cases (when you're actually, the guy, blocking an emergency vehicle with your 16-wheeler) - aaron

[2012-03-19 11:57:56] - paul: i guess even though people commonly use platitudes like "the punishment should fit the crime" we really want to punishments to fit the outcome of the crime. even if it's arguably unjust, i kind of agree with it really. as cool as it would be to say, "well, you were obstructing an intersection, so here's a $10,000 fine..." - aaron

[2012-03-19 11:53:48] - mig: yeah, like i was saying to adrian, the whole "invasion of privacy" (and apparently evidence-tampering) is what he's really guilty of anyways, who cares if the victim was gay or straight? it's despicable either way - aaron

[2012-03-19 11:53:30] - I don't think gunman B should be punished significantly more severely just because his victim unluckily (for both people, I guess) died. -Paul

[2012-03-19 11:52:42] - aaron: "it's not necessarily a crazed gunman's fault if his victims are frail enough to be murdered by his gun" Sure, which is why I think more emphasis should be put on what the person DID, rather than the outcome. Maybe gunman A and gunman B do the exact same thing but victim A is closer to a hospital and lives and victim B dies. -Paul

[2012-03-19 11:50:09] - paul: on the other hand i understand your point where it's not really ravi's fault that the victim was unstable enough to commit suicide over his actions. but on the other hand it's not necessarily a crazed gunman's fault if his victims are frail enough to be murdered by his gun - aaron

[2012-03-19 11:49:23] - paul: i disagree weakly. one could argue that two doctors who are equally negligent should both be sent to jail, or two drunk drivers who are equally unsafe should both receive the same sentence, but i think in a lot of cases like this, the consequences are really the only thing that makes the actions punishable or reprehensible in the first place. but, yeah,  - aaron

[2012-03-19 11:45:42] - a: I guess I would need a more concrete example to answer your question. -Paul

[2012-03-19 11:44:39] - I think my biggest problem with the "bias intimidation" law is from a legal perspective it goes way into mental states of either the victim or the accused to determine guilt or innocence.  These are things that are in some cases almost unknowable beyond a reasonable doubt. - mig

[2012-03-19 11:41:08] - "did the accused know that his or her actions were, not possibly, not even likely, but almost certainly to cause another to visit a doctor on more than a single occasion"  i think that this is borderline true.  ~a

[2012-03-19 11:37:49] - a:  I would say in most cases, probably not,and I think it would be a very dangerous legal precedent if it was. - mig

[2012-03-19 11:33:53] - paul:  "it's wrong to make his punishment more severe because somebody committed suicide over his actions".  does reckless endangerment fit the situation of some action and somebody else committing suicide over the action?  ~a

[2012-03-19 11:29:56] - aaron: Was it a tragedy? Yes. Was Ravi a jerk? Sure. Did he break some invasion of privacy laws? Sounds like it. I just think it would be a shame if this guy gets 10 years in jail for some immature college prank. -Paul

[2012-03-19 11:28:14] - aaron: Going along with what Miguel touched on, I'm a little worried Ravi is being a scapegoat for a bunch of movements. -Paul

[2012-03-19 11:25:18] - aaron: I'm not saying that's what you were saying, but it's something I feel like has been implied by a lot of stuff I've read. It makes me wonder if he would've been charged with anything had Clementi not killed himself. -Paul

[2012-03-19 11:24:28] - aaron: "ravi did something so hurtful it directly drove someone else to suicide" Without judging the other stuff he did or even saying if he should be punished, I kinda think it's wrong to make his punishment more severe because somebody committed suicide over his actions. -Paul

[2012-03-19 11:15:34] - a:  well, yeah.  I guess I don't really have too much of a problem with him getting convicted of the invasion of privacy stuff (but under other cirucmstances, would he really have ever been charged criminally for that?), than I do with the "bias intimidation" business. - mig

[2012-03-19 11:13:52] - a: actually nevermind, it's ambiguous whether he broadcast it, or just showed it to some of his friends. he probably didn't broadcast it, i'm guessing he just had some friends into his room and showed it to them in private - aaron

[2012-03-19 11:12:19] - a: and broadcast it on the internet. - aaron

[2012-03-19 11:10:22] - yeah, that's very illegal.  ~a

[2012-03-19 11:10:09] - ah right, he actually videotaped someone in a private place.  i guess i forgot about that (oops).  ~a

[2012-03-19 11:09:34] - aaron:  i understand this obviously isn't the full situation . . . but outing somebody isn't illegal.  bullying isn't illegal either unless it's assault.  (i haven't read the full details, so this is a serious question, not rhetorical)  what exactly was illegal?  ~a

[2012-03-19 11:07:01] - the only thing i'm surprised by is that this isn't covered by existing, less vague laws. isn't it illegal to monitor/broadcast people in a location where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy? or are all those upskirt webcam sites actually totally legit? it seems like whatever law applies there applies here as well - aaron

[2012-03-19 11:05:37] - daniel:  judging from the characters in the cast list so far, this spans across a lot of the anime series.  Hopefully it doesn't end up being like a clip show summary of the first 30 episodes or so of the anime. - mig

[2012-03-19 11:04:32] - mig: while i understand your point, i don't think this is a really good example for it. this isn't like the VT school shootings, where it's like, "oh, if campus police had been more vigilant, they could have alerted X and Y so it's arguably their fault that..." no. ravi did something so hurtful it directly drove someone else to suicide, he should be punished - aaron

[2012-03-19 10:52:43] - it also again exemplifies a disturbing aspect of our culture, where whenever a tragedy occurs, we all have an base instinct that someone or something has to "pay" for it, regardless of whether that makes sense or even follows the rule of law. - mig

[2012-03-19 10:42:53] - mig: that makes me wonder if charges against the university will be filed too. Seems like they would. ~g

[2012-03-19 09:33:44] - been handled by the university (clementi apparently had requested a roommate change after the first incident). - mig

[2012-03-19 09:33:20] - g:  well, for one, I find the statute he is being convicted under ("bias intimidation") to be a very vague one.  And while Ravi isn't exactly a sympathic figure (I find his actions to be a bit despicable), I'm not sure what it was he did that was criminal.  You can argue maybe some sort of wire-tapping laws were broken but it seems like it should have been ultimately

[2012-03-19 09:26:27] - yeah.  ~a

[2012-03-19 09:23:46] - also... ~g

[2012-03-19 09:23:40] - a: this movie = kenshin? ~g

[2012-03-18 14:18:07] - audrey says this movie sounds 100% lame.  ~a

[2012-03-18 14:14:00] - mig:    If this is done well it could be pretty sweet.  -Daniel

[2012-03-16 15:48:46] - paul: I have read a few of the articles on it on CNN. Haven't dug deeper or anything. Mig what was disturbing about the prosecution? ~g

[2012-03-16 14:27:36] - paul:  only as much as the reason blog has been covering it.  And I did end up reading the wall of text new yorker article and found the whole prosecution to be a little disturbing. - mig

[2012-03-16 14:20:54] - Has anybody here been following the Ravi case? -Paul

[2012-03-16 14:16:46] - paul:  sent.  ~a

[2012-03-16 13:25:43] - new diablo 3 classes - aaron

[2012-03-15 20:02:12] - a: is there frisbee this weekend -paul

[2012-03-15 16:27:55] - So, the big question:  does this save Grunsfeld's job? - mig

[2012-03-15 16:26:32] - daniel: trades confirmed. - mig

[2012-03-15 16:21:35] - vinnie: the comment threads on reddit are also very enigmatic; starting with the ideal comment, which is followed by the ideal reply, and so on - including a dozen different people along the way - aaron

[2012-03-15 16:02:30] - xpovos: yeah but what's the point of upvoting if we can't be leeches? noodle that one - vinnie

[2012-03-15 15:55:46] - You guys are upvote leechers.  You need to read the unvoted comments so that they can be properly voted! -- Xpovos

[2012-03-15 15:45:49] - vinnie:  Its rare that I will read super far down in a thread or of the overal comments unless the amount of upvotes stays high.  -Daniel

[2012-03-15 15:44:52] - Nick Young gone?!  Counting his passes had become one of my favorite wizard's game activities.  Also McGee traded for Nene apparently?  -Daniel

[2012-03-15 15:44:41] - speaking of reddit: feel like every thread I read offers diminishing returns, by design (because of upvotes). almost wonder whether I should only read the first reply of each thread and then stop - vinnie

[2012-03-15 15:31:32] - aaron: lol - vinnie

[2012-03-15 14:16:02] - Awww.  Ivy Bridge has been delayed. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-15 12:34:28] - Anon: Huzzah!  I now have a timeline for my new PC. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-15 12:01:12] - spell-check in your browser?  ~a

[2012-03-15 11:53:31] - sigh I cant spell. ~g

[2012-03-15 10:58:53] - even if it was, though, given the context, i doubt you'd have anything close to a claim of infringement.  ~a

[2012-03-15 10:15:45] - not plagiarism at all:  it's attributed.  copyright infringement is closer, but i'm 100% sure that's not copyrightable.  ~a

[2012-03-15 10:10:40] - title: thats plagurism! ~g

[2012-03-15 09:57:08] - Diablo 3 release: 5/15/12

[2012-03-15 09:56:28] - g:  hi!  -title

[2012-03-15 09:46:42] - hmm... I didnt make my comment the title... If I were making it the title I wouldnt have put my name in it... Just said it from the msg board... ~g

[2012-03-15 09:31:14] - mig: Happy Birthday! ~g

[2012-03-15 00:40:23] - "My opponent is taking donations from North Korean dictators, sex workers and porn stars."

[2012-03-14 17:26:47] -

[2012-03-14 13:36:34] - because it's pi day today:  check out this image  two adjacent digits that are colored.  triples are also colored.  wtf is with the red part?  heh.  ~a

[2012-03-14 13:00:56] - vinnie: 1000 copies of free faerie solitaire!!! whaaaaaat! - aaron

[2012-03-14 12:26:43] - mig: I think they're overpaying, but the WR market is obviously thin.  I like the moves, but I'll wait to see if Garçon can do anything without Manning.  He was probably better than Wayne last year, though, so that's reason for optimism. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-14 12:23:05] - josh morgan, pierre garcon sign to redskins.  Reportadly Eddie Royal is probably going to sign as well.  Redskins becoming a hokie haven of sorts now? - mig

[2012-03-14 12:09:26] - aaron:  it's in the main menu. - mig

[2012-03-14 11:08:03] - mig: haven't seen any multiplayer option yet - haven't explored the ship much yet, so I'm guessing there's just some Joe Multiplayer guy i haven't talked to - aaron

[2012-03-14 10:48:12] - me3_multiplayer:  anyone else notice a huge difficulty spike between Geth, Cerberus, and the Reapers?  Get seem super easy, Cerberus slightly more difficult and the Reaper forces seem impossible... - mig

[2012-03-13 16:50:48] - mig:  more like you need to brush up on your reverse ajax (comet) skillz.  . . . or if you want to create your own fork, and  ~a

[2012-03-13 16:12:33] - mig: I probably needed to refresh more often. I thought I did, but I probably went a half hour or so between my last refresh and my post. -Paul

[2012-03-13 16:05:31] - that, or ~a needs to brush up on reverse ajax skillz. - mig

[2012-03-13 16:04:51] - paul:  you need to refresh the board more often. - mig

[2012-03-13 15:52:02] - mig: Hahaha, nice timing. :-P -Paul

[2012-03-13 15:51:50] - What if Bush had done that? A list of things that President Obama seemingly gets a clear pass on that President Bush would've been excoriated for. -Paul

[2012-03-13 15:46:12] - nothing noted in here is really new or earthshattering, but a nice laundry list of the bush/obama war on terror policy differences, or rather lack thereof. - mig

[2012-03-13 13:48:00] - anon, some things weren't meant to be shared.    when it comes to an eight pound burger, you could share, or you could man up.  ~a

[2012-03-13 13:05:32] - a: If you're sharing a pussy, who gets sloppy seconds?

[2012-03-13 12:37:48] - wow, only if you're a pussy.  ~a

[2012-03-13 12:24:22] - mig: Considering it comes with a basket of fries and a pitcher of a drink, I think it's supposed to be shared... -Paul

[2012-03-13 12:12:05] - mig: ooh i don't know, i can barely finish a seven pound burger, eight might be pushing it - aaron

[2012-03-13 11:38:21] - aaron: up for this challenge? - mig

[2012-03-13 10:13:45] - mig: at least i'm playing on normal, so it's not too annoying of a handicap. i've seen on some message boards where people would have it happen at the end of the game, on harder difficulties, where it was impossible to do the last few levels - aaron

[2012-03-13 10:13:06] - mig: i wasn't 100% sure why i had started the game with levels in all my skills anyways, so i just thought maybe the tutorial was over or something, and it was starting me at level 1 for "the real game". it didn't occur to me until a few hours later that it might be a bug, so it's not worth restarting - aaron

[2012-03-13 09:51:27] - oh.  right.

[2012-03-13 09:46:26] - mig: You need to get your baseball keepers into me, btw. -Paul

[2012-03-13 09:21:44] - At the very worst case scenario, you can do a restart mission save and not lose *too* much progress. - mig

[2012-03-13 09:21:11] - I had the game crash once a little after making save, and ended up seeing the same thing you did.  I loaded the 2nd to last save and everything was back to normal. - mig

[2012-03-13 09:15:34] - hey it's a dewey quote on a day that dewey might actually be here!  there is no way i could have predicted this.  ~a

[2012-03-13 09:06:15] - aaron: That sucks, though. -Paul

[2012-03-13 08:51:39] - aaron: Nope, I haven't had anything like that happen. Like I mentioned before, I lost my saves, but I have a better idea how that might've happened. -Paul

[2012-03-12 17:22:50] - when it happened, it also reset my face to the default face. i thought at first it was going to be some sort of plot point - like maybe i'd have to rescue the "real shepard" from a planet or something. but i'm starting to think maybe EA just messed up, and it randomly throws away your character data - aaron

[2012-03-12 17:21:14] - just curious - did anybody else playing Mass Effect 3 randomly lose all of their levels and go back to level 1? for some reason, i started the game around level 25 (probably inherited from my previous character) but about 3 hours into the game, my character reset to level 1 - aaron

[2012-03-12 16:44:47] - haha, i think we can forgive that huge debt.  ~a

[2012-03-12 16:32:11] - a: i still owe you one sundae and $0.75 - aaron

[2012-03-12 16:31:59] -  I don't fully understand, but that's OK.  I don't have to. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-12 16:12:20] - i.e. use or ?  ~a

[2012-03-12 16:11:15] - xpovos:  aaron has been using for that.  ~a

[2012-03-12 16:10:59] - tax-you-later account?  roth is post-tax, so i'm confused in how it's a tax-you-later account.  regardless, i'm actually not sure how *matching* funds are taxed (roth or otherwise) . . . that's something my CPA/payroll/retirement services handle for me.  ~a

[2012-03-12 15:48:34] - mr.iou: I owe Paul $34.17 -- Xpovos

[2012-03-12 15:33:06] - Well, Roth monies are techinically your money.  But employer match isn't.  So I figured the gov didn't care if they put matching funds into a tax-you-later account.  Do you think the matching funds are considered pre-tax? -Dewey

[2012-03-12 15:30:10] - i guess i don't understand the question.  they match my contribution (pre-tax or post-tax).  iow, i put into my 401k-roth, and eucleo matches my post-tax contributions with their monies.  it works as you would expect?  why?  is that not normal?  ~a

[2012-03-12 15:18:52] - a: hm, how do employers match an after-tax contribution? -Dewey

[2012-03-12 15:16:49] - dewey:  401k lets you do roth now too.  ~a

[2012-03-12 15:01:58] - Dewey: Yeah, it's a tough call. I thought I was doing pretty well when I first played Mass Effect, only to find out I had missed a ton of stuff. I tried going back after ME2, but I just didn't feel like going so far back when ME3 was on the horizon. -Paul

[2012-03-12 14:57:55] - Paul: Also, I am debating the completionist thing. I want to run all the side missions to attempt to level my characters and have enough credits to buy the best weapons to kill Saren. But I also want to get done to move on to ME2. -Dewey

[2012-03-12 14:57:45] - we looked it up if we filed seperately making over 10K would eliminate us from eligibility. ~g

[2012-03-12 14:57:26] - dewey: yea the married changes things obviously, in fact I think Paul and I could both contribute if we werent married... but since we are neither of us are allowed to. ~g

[2012-03-12 14:55:42] - Paul: Yeah, the old Assari lady who was working with Saren.  Funny how they are all being mind controlled.  Almost like Saren has some of that plant on his ship..... -Dewey

[2012-03-12 14:53:03] - Dewey: Doctor? You mean the Matriarch? It sounds like you are about a third to a half way through, depending on how completionist you want to be. -Paul

[2012-03-12 14:50:13] - Paul: I wish the missions and assignments were sorted by solar system, or at least would put the ones for the system you are in at the top. -Dewey

[2012-03-12 14:48:59] - Paul: yes, I am enjoying it.  I am missing a crew member that I never picked up yet.  Is that going to be the Doctor's Daughter?  I have done Feros (killed the plant alien thing) and one other where I killed the Doctor and Alien Queen. I have also gone on some of the small missions to Earth Moon and such. -Dewey

[2012-03-12 14:46:56] - g: I know it's two incomes to one, but you make me weep for my budget. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-12 14:46:56] - g: Now that we married, I believe the income threshold is raised.  Also, now that we are putting into a 457, I think the limits/rules are different than my other account which was just set up by me on an individual basis. /shrug  -Dewey

[2012-03-12 14:45:51] - Dewey: Nice. Are you enjoying ME1? You can probably safely say where you are without spoiling it for people, and I can give you an idea how far you are. -Paul

[2012-03-12 14:45:30] - g: yes, I have completed our taxes.  Dee did not put into a Roth and I put in the 5,000 individual max.  Turbotax did not state an issue with my contributions.  I believe that Roth contributions are allowable on a sliding scale based upon income.  One year I was required to remove some of my contributions because my income was too high. -Dewey

[2012-03-12 14:39:06] - dewey: have you done your taxes this year? Paul and i were not allowed to contribute to our Roth IRAs due to joint marital income... you might not be able to either for 2011. They were going to charge us each 300 bucks a year until we no longer had an overage, so we are withdrawing the money we tried to put in. ~g

[2012-03-12 14:29:26] - I came on here to state that I spent a lot of time this weekend playing Mass Effect 1.  I have no idea how far into the game I am, but I also bought ME2 off of Steam.  $20 each. - dewey

[2012-03-12 14:24:35] - That wiki article leaves out the fact that i can contribute Roth dollars and pre-tax dollars into my 457 plan.  I imagine it means they must track the investments separately. - dewey

[2012-03-12 14:21:37] - if you want to retire with 403 billion dollars you probably shouldnt work for a non profit or educational organization... ~g

[2012-03-12 14:20:24] - I have a 457 - dewey

[2012-03-12 13:45:31] - a: Yeah, after I posted it, I went and looked at your link and saw we fit nicely, but at the same time, it really does just serve to confuse things further. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-12 13:39:27] - xpovos:  nah, i didn't read the whole sentence.  403b includes lots of other nonprofit things.  ~a

[2012-03-12 13:10:01] - Ugh, could our tax code get more complicated? -- Xpovos

[2012-03-12 13:08:22] - a: Interesting.  I guess we piggyback off our schools?  'Cause mine is definitely a 403(b).  I thought 457s were for schools, like you put money in a 457 for a kid's college savings account. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-12 13:01:31] - yeah i'm guessing they're pretty uncommon.  (reading) 403(b) is for education orgs.  457 plan is for nonprofit/gov.  ~a

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