here are old message board entries

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[2012-06-26 12:54:48] - or basically, run it from the save that got created when you first beat the game. - mig

[2012-06-26 12:53:58] - For those going to try Mass Effect 3's Extended Cut DLC:  if you want to see everything that got added, you'll need to start a save that is before the mission to assault Cerberus HQ. - mig

[2012-06-26 11:46:02] - Also, for those going to frisbee golf, you might not realize how far away it is. It's about an hour and a half away. So if you're getting a ride with somebody and don't have to drive, you might want to bring something to do. :-) -Paul

[2012-06-26 11:41:43] - a: I think he was referring to this post: "I meant first two people to ask for a ride...not the first two people to show up to my place" -Paul

[2012-06-26 11:36:50] - "paul: oh phew okay - aaron"  "Aaron: You can reserve a spot here, and the Pessen-mobile is now full. -Paul"  how was aaron able to see the future?  ~a

[2012-06-26 11:28:35] - daniel: Houston appears to be making a serious run at trying to get Dwight Howard... - mig

[2012-06-26 11:22:12] - Aaron: You can reserve a spot here, and the Pessen-mobile is now full. -Paul

[2012-06-26 11:22:04] - 2 spots in our vehicle taken... aaron and miguel. ~g

[2012-06-26 11:17:06] - paul: oh phew okay - aaron

[2012-06-26 11:16:43] - paul: can i reserve a spot here, or is it a race to your house!! - aaron

[2012-06-26 10:18:43] - It's one thing to just disagree with rulings of SCOTUS (and I have disagreed with a lot of their rulings), but quite another to bitch and moan about the legitamacy of the court just because you don't like their rulings. - mig

[2012-06-26 10:14:32] - a:  Those arguments don't necessarily anger me, but I find them intellectually bankrupt complaints. - mig

[2012-06-26 10:06:49] - a: Well, it depends on what we're talking about the legitimacy of. For the Iowa Caucus, I would say if all the rules are followed, it is legitimate, even if the winner ends up being Mitt Romney (no, wait, Rick Santorum. Actually, it was Ron Paul). -Paul

[2012-06-26 10:05:12] - a: God. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-26 10:04:19] - "The court's legitamacy is at stake if it doesn't rule the way I want!"  "If Iowa picks Ron Paul, then the whole legitimacy of the Iowa Caucus is thrown into question".  it's interesting that these arguments anger you.  how do you anarchist hippies think the legitimacy of bodies should be decided?  ~a

[2012-06-26 09:57:34] - vinnie: It's hard to tell from 30 second samples, but it sounded just fine to me. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-26 09:35:08] - xpovos: I don't know if they officially broke up, but they were definitely on hiatus. I've heard the new album is not bad - vinnie

[2012-06-26 09:28:17] - mig: Reminds me of the whole "If Iowa picks Ron Paul, then the whole legitimacy of the Iowa Caucus is thrown into question" thing. -Paul

[2012-06-26 09:27:36] - Oh, and since it was pointed out to me that it was ambiguous, I meant first two people to ask for a ride...not the first two people to show up to my place. :-) -Paul

[2012-06-26 09:24:33] - paul:  yeah i'm getting tired of the whole, "The court's legitamacy is at stake if it doesn't rule the way I want!" - mig

[2012-06-26 09:06:43] - Today Amazon recommended I buy the new (5/2012) Garbage album.  I thought they'd broken up! -- Xpovos

[2012-06-25 22:59:36] - Gurkie and I are planning on driving down to frisbee golf on Saturday, and we've got two seats in our car free if anybody wants to hitch a ride. First come, first served. -Paul

[2012-06-25 16:29:49] - behold the power of romney (through his spokesperson) to avoid taking a position. - mig

[2012-06-25 15:51:32] - mig: If we can't get the decisions that I personally want, though, then the next best thing for my would be a decision which ISN'T 5-4 along the so-called conservative and liberal wings. I'm tired of listening to people claim that if the law is struck down, then it would be putting politics over ideology. Since when have the two been mutually exclusive? -Paul

[2012-06-25 15:49:32] - mig: My complete guess is that the individual mandate gets struck down, but the rest of the law stands (even though I can't see how the rest could practical work if the mandate is struck down). -Paul

[2012-06-25 15:39:56] - mig: Depends on how it gets written. All three issues as one or broken issues?  They've tended to do all issues together, which means 5-4 is most likely, but I think we'll see more agreeing in part and dissenting in part, because they're at different levels. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-25 15:33:52] - So, in following scotusblog today an interesting snippet I heard mentioned that because Justice Kennedy wrote the majority opinion in the Arizona case that it's very likely that Roberts will be writing the majority opinion for PPACA on Thursday.  So, a 5-4 vote striking it down, or a 6-3 vote to uphold? - mig

[2012-06-25 14:17:06] - Daniel: Oh, that's true, I do remember seeing one by Crossroads, now that you mention it. I forgot since it doesn't mention Romney at all (or even the election, necessarily) and was just urging Obama to cut the deficit. -Paul

[2012-06-25 14:06:42] - Paul: I've seen a few for both sides.  I don't remember what I was watching at the time.  Definitely some pro Obama ones on ESPN, I don't remember where the pro Romney one was though.  Although it wasn't Romney himself but Crossroads (Rove) if that makes a diff.  -Daniel

[2012-06-25 13:41:31] - mig: Ah, that's a good point, I suppose. I guess Obama is the official nominee while Romney is still technically unofficial. I don't know if the ads were from outside groups or the Obama campaign itself, but I think it involved Obama saying he approved the message (could be wrong). -Paul

[2012-06-25 13:40:22] - I'm pretty sure all the few ads I've seen on TV at least are from "outside groups" (cue sinister music), but I haven't seen anything that looks like it's from the official obama campaign. - mig

[2012-06-25 13:36:20] - Also, are those "official" obama ads?  I do recall seeing one ad that while it was obvious it was pro-obama, was essentially doing nothing but trashing romney. - mig

[2012-06-25 13:34:47] - paul:  don't they usually wait until after the convention to start ads?  I know it's fait accompli he's the republican candidate, but he's not "officially" the candidate. - mig

[2012-06-25 13:27:27] - Just out of curiosity, has anybody seen any presidential election ads yet? I've seen a bunch on the internet and on TV for Obama, but I don't recall seeing any for Romney yet. I wonder if he is writing off Virginia. -Paul

[2012-06-25 12:21:43] - a: I think reduce is a good goal, but yeah I think eliminating might be overly ambitious since I think there will always be a need for some stuff in hard copy.    -Daniel

[2012-06-25 12:19:56] - daniel:  eliminate is probably the wrong word.  deprecate?  reduce?  supersede?  ~a

[2012-06-25 11:56:30] - mig: Ah, ok. Thanks. -Paul

[2012-06-25 11:53:32] - a: You want to eliminate paper?  -Daniel

[2012-06-25 11:49:10] - paul:  I was referring to his personal list on his wiki page. - mig

[2012-06-25 11:47:40] - a: There's a list of things that need fixing? -Paul

[2012-06-25 11:46:07] - if it's an unenforced law, i'll strike it off whether it's under appeal or not.  ~a

[2012-06-25 11:45:24] - mig:  oh wow, i was just thinking about that!  ~a

[2012-06-25 11:44:42] - a:  unfortunately, i guess that means you can't strike the law of your list of things needing fixing just yet. - mig

[2012-06-25 11:40:04] - So, I guess in some silver lining there, we can expect Sheriff Joe to stupidly trigger a future legal challenge. - mig

[2012-06-25 11:38:58] - Finally getting some details about the SB-1070 and it doesn't appear as awesome as I initially thought.  Apparently they decided not to make a decision on the constitutionality of the provision requiring police to ask "show me your papers", but said depending on how Arizona implements the law, future legal challenges can be brought. - mig

[2012-06-25 11:34:00] - for Travis' party, we brought food, but it wasn't necessary imo. it's simpler to just eat lunch beforehand. it's not like it takes all day to play - vinnie

[2012-06-25 11:10:27] - Paul: I think we (andrea and me) are going to eat something before hand but we will probably also bring something to eat while we are there to - more on the snack side than lunch side though I think.  -Daniel

[2012-06-25 10:57:23] - paul:  having watched the whole episode I don't know if I'll ever watch another episode of Real Time.  The level of discourse on that show has really gone to shit. - mig

[2012-06-25 10:52:38] - process. - mig

[2012-06-25 10:52:34] - PPACA will be decied on Thursday.  I have to say the way the SCOTUS works mystifies me.  They are unbelievably efficient in doling out opinions when they are actually working on that (They rattled off 4 decisions in about 30 minutes this morning).  But they space their decisions over such a long period of time, like they feel obligated to add inefficiency to their

[2012-06-25 10:50:07] - Daniel: Sounds good. We should eat before coming down, then, right? I know some people went frisbee golfing before and I thought some people brought sandwiches to eat or something? -Paul

[2012-06-25 10:48:36] - Mig: I missed that part. I only caught about 10 minutes at the beginning and around 5 at the end. -Paul

[2012-06-25 10:46:46] - Paul: Thats the plan in my head.  -Daniel

[2012-06-25 10:46:36] - paul:  i also was greatly amused at Maher and Maddow ranting about the evilness of big corporations and deploring their profit over people nature Nick pointing "Hey, don't you two work for big corporations?"  And Bill basically only retort was "Well OUR corporataions are different!"- mig

[2012-06-25 10:45:03] - Daniel: For frisbee golf this weekend, we are supposed to be at the course by 1? -Paul

[2012-06-25 10:39:51] - Xpovos/Paul: Agreed.  I feel like the lesson that everyone from sports stars to politiicans should learn is often the deed isn't as bad as the attempt to cover it up.  Did the DoJ screw up with a dumb plan?  Yes.  Would it have been as bad if they had simply admitted so?  I don't think so.  -Daniel

[2012-06-25 10:38:15] - You made a choice, it seemed reasonable at the time, it went poorly.  Happens all the time, you fall on your sword and it's over.  Deny it was a choice, or that you made it, or try to agree that it was unreasonable because you had the benefit of hindsight before it all happened and you just make a noose. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-25 10:37:57] - Xpovos: Jinx? -Paul

[2012-06-25 10:37:40] - Frankly, I think the whole thing with the ATF not keeping tabs on it's weapons is somewhat of a small thing. It's the administration's response in trying to cover things up that upsets me more (I guess similar to Watergate?). -Paul

[2012-06-25 10:36:38] - I'm not opposed to the sting the way a lot of people seem to be.  It could be a useful ploy.  If you could actually track the guns (clearly they couldn't), no reason not to use them to move higher up the chain.  The real issue for me starts with the attempt to deny that's what they did--and cover it up because of the scandal. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-25 10:35:26] - I'll admit to not following it closely, but there's definitely not been any 'anti-second-amendment' rhetoric going on.  What I've heard has been that a questionable sting operation failed to keep proper tabs on illegal weapons.  The sting itself is the focus of a lot of discussion right now. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-25 10:35:05] - I'm generally pretty pro Dem and not so pro Rep but the F&F thing is pretty weak on the Dem's part.  It was a pretty shoddy plan that then got way worse then they tried to deny.  Maybe if they had sold them faulty guns or something...  But yeah its not good.  -Daniel

[2012-06-25 10:34:01] - paul:  I did see that part and I was amused. - mig

[2012-06-25 10:30:17] - paul:  Yeah that part of the conversation is what stumped me.  I've actually been following some news of Fast&Furious, and I have never heard anyone on the republican side talking about how this is a scheme to enact gun control or something. - mig

[2012-06-25 10:29:02] - Mig: Did you see the part where Nick Gillespie called Maddow and Maher out on being shills for the Democrats, which they denied, and then admitted that they don't agree with Republicans on anything at all now? -Paul

[2012-06-25 10:27:48] - Xpovos: I didn't even realize that it had anything to do with gun control. I thought it was just a scandal having to do with the ATF improperly giving OUT guns. -Paul

[2012-06-25 10:25:25] - paul:  I saw that as well, and was dissapointed by the discourse.  My opinion of Maher has definitely sunked a lot over the years, but he keeps finding new ways to lower it. - mig

[2012-06-25 10:23:14] - Xpovos: Funny you mention that. I happened to catch some of Real Time with Bill Maher this past weekend. They were discussing Fast and Furious and Bill Maher (and I think Rachel Maddow) were both saying it was just a ruse by Republicans to scare their base into thinking two black men were trying to take away their guns. -Paul

[2012-06-25 10:20:48] - according to scotusblog it looks like SB-1070 got mostly smacked down. - mig

[2012-06-25 10:14:10] - xpovos: definitely some ugly truth there.  Unfortunately the seriousness of the matter (feds giving guns to criminal gangs in mexico) has been diluted by the partisan bickering going on with Holder. - mig

[2012-06-25 09:59:56] - We've not had any discussion here of the "Fast and Furious" issue with Holder and DoJ beyond some minor discussion of the actual border incidents, IIRC.  I'm surprised we've not discussed the investigation more.  To me it feels like a lot of political noise, but with a nugget of ugly truth at the bottom. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-22 16:09:10] - In case anybody is having an upcoming wedding/birthday/baby shower... -Paul

[2012-06-22 15:57:59] - Daniel: I thought the game was pretty good, but was a little too open-world-ish to me, a little too buggy, and often a little too much walking over long distances or finding your ways out of a maze. -Paul

[2012-06-22 15:55:31] - Daniel: Fallout 3? She likes to watch you play it? That seems a little odd to me. Mixed feelings because I got so bored playing it at one point that I stopped for like a year. I almost sold the game, but gave it another chance, then played through until the end (I was actually pretty close) and enjoyed myself. -Paul

[2012-06-22 15:52:35] - Paul: Mixed feelings on the game itself?  Mixed over whether its only great or maybe the greatest?  Cause thats the only mixed I could see!  Sort of side note, I'm playing through it again because Andrea likes to watch me play it :)  -Daniel

[2012-06-22 15:51:44] - Daniel: I agree that's probably what we'll get, though. To me, that's like putting a band-aid on a hang-nail that somebody with multiple bullet wounds has. It might inefficiently fix one tiny problem, but the much larger issue remains. -Paul

[2012-06-22 15:48:10] - Daniel: Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to imply you disliked it. I just remember reading a lot online about how there was a previous uproar over the Fallout 3 ending, and I remember thinking that I actually somewhat enjoyed the ending (considering my mixed feelings on the game itself). -Paul

[2012-06-22 15:40:32] - Paul: I don't dislike Fallout's ending, I just think thats the style of ending that we will get.  I'll be ok with it if it is - I wasn't trying to imply otherwise.  -Daniel

[2012-06-22 15:38:43] - I was just listening to a podcast of a PTI episode from a couple days ago, and both Tony and Wilbon gave the Wizards/Hornets trade an A for the Wizards. -Paul

[2012-06-22 15:35:08] - Daniel: You know, I've heard a lot of people comparing Fallout 3's ending to ME3's and talking about how disappointing it was, but I actually thought Fallout 3 had a decent ending and would've been a lot less disappointed with ME3's ending if it was more like it. -Paul

[2012-06-22 15:28:04] - I'm anticipating a Fallout 3 style slideshow where we see small scenes from locations with a voice over or something to that effect talking about the choices we made.  Thats my guess anyways.  -Daniel

[2012-06-22 14:41:24] -  mass effect 3 extended cut dlc will be released this upcoming tuesday. - mig

[2012-06-22 12:41:16] - It seems like a good move to me.  Trading away Lewis is a total coup in my opinion since he's super worthless.  I guess they could have let him expire in a year to get a lot of $ to spend on a free agents but I don't know who is going to be available next year.  I think it will be a net positive move.  -Daniel

[2012-06-22 12:34:35] - It just seemed like a sure thing that they were going to amnesty Lewis' contract that no one knows what they're planning now. - mig

[2012-06-22 12:33:53] - paul:  i heard about it.  Not sure what to make of it, and it sounded like everybody on 980 talking about the trade didn't know what to make of it either. - mig

[2012-06-22 12:31:42] - Slightly related, but did anybody else hear that the Wizards traded Rashard Lewis to the Hornets for Okafor and Ariza? I actually kinda like the trade for the Wizards, although I am worried about a log-jam at PF and C now (Nene, Seraphim, Vesely, Okafor, Draft pick?). -Paul

[2012-06-22 12:23:10] - Xpovos: Um, neither? I just am not interested in reading about how the Heat won. I don't want to be reminded of it. I tracked the game into the 4th quarter last night so I know most of the results, and I suspect praise for the Heat won't be as much of a problem as asking "When do 2, 3, 4, etc come?" -Paul

[2012-06-22 12:17:56] - Paul: You're trying to avoid results data or gushing praise for the Heat? -- Xpovos

[2012-06-22 12:09:32] - Vinnie: The worst of it is that I have to try to avoid looking at any sports sites or listen to sports radio for today and possibly the weekend too. -Paul

[2012-06-22 10:41:59] - lol Paul beat me to the joke I was gonna make. basically that first sentence exactly - vinnie

[2012-06-22 09:36:44] - Daniel: I'm always sad when the NBA playoffs end with the Heat winning. So disappointed in the Thunder. Still, at least we can look forward to the NBA draft. Too bad the fantasy basketball league where I had Anthony Davis as a keeper ended. :-( -Paul

[2012-06-22 09:35:58] - Daniel: Funny you mention that, because ESPN has just put up their fantasy football site for next year. I'll probably start working on the league next week. -Paul

[2012-06-22 09:31:46] - Daneil: I started thinking about fantasy football drafts a couple of weeks ago (when the Cup finals ended).  But I too share your sadness when the NBA playoffs end.  Another season that failed to end in catastrophe.  Though the Heat winning is pretty close. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-22 09:20:31] - I'm always sad when the nba playoffs end.  Endless baseball until football finally starts.  How soon can I start thinking about fantasy football drafts?  Bleh...  -Daniel

[2012-06-21 18:56:57] - "how to write like a professional food"

[2012-06-21 16:32:35] - there is a spam twitter account which everybody knows is a spam twitter account but they follow it anyways because the randomly-generated messages it tweets to "sound human" are really funny - aaron

[2012-06-21 11:16:21] - google to pay $0 to oracle for oracle's patent claims against them - aaron

[2012-06-21 10:51:58] - SCOTUS rulings trickling in this morning.  And a good ruling to start with! - mig

[2012-06-20 17:05:28] - Vinnie: Yeah, and even then, mobile versions usually don't have all the same functionality. I find it much easier to browse the internet using a tablet, rather than a smartphone. In fact, the biggest problem I have with browsing with a tablet is that I often get mobile sites instead of the full version, which is annoying. -Paul

[2012-06-20 17:02:17] - I still don't find browsing on a smartphone very easy, at least on sites without mobile versions - vinnie

[2012-06-20 16:54:42] - a: I would say it's more marginally useful than a smartphone. Sure, you can probably do all the same things on a smartphone, but if we're using that rationale, why aren't I still using a 15" CRT computer monitor? -Paul

[2012-06-20 16:00:25] - "it's a marginally useful device for playing games or looking up stocks or checking sports scores while watching TV"  smartphone?  ~a

[2012-06-20 13:49:23] - Aaron: Yeah, I don't think a lot of people do coding or novel writing on a tablet. I'm with Vinnie, a tablet isn't really a better laptop or anything, it's a marginally useful device for playing games or looking up stocks or checking sports scores while watching TV. -Paul

[2012-06-20 13:41:27] - Tablets can be very productive, but it's a completely different kind of production.  It's not wordsmithing, either writing or coding.  But a lot of graphical applications fit very well, and it's a useful device for enhancing human interactions, which is a lot of service-industry production. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-20 12:57:58] - aaron: yeah that jives with what I think about using a tablet for. I think about sitting on the couch and playing games or browsing. anything where I'm trying to concentrate or be productive... give me a keyboard and mouse. but touch screens are still pretty new as a paradigm. in ten years maybe we'll all be able to use it at the same level of productivity - vinnie

[2012-06-20 12:40:30] - heh read a pretty cute comment regarding tablets today. tablets are like laptops but are designed for an nonproductive user. if you think "work" when you hear "laptop" then it's not for you. - aaron

[2012-06-19 17:35:40] - a: Anyway, I was just trying to say that it seems like all the growth in the PC market is coming from smartphones and tablets at the expense of things like laptops and desktops (whatever you want to call them). -Paul

[2012-06-19 17:35:00] - a: I don't know. Probably because tablets and smartphones are similar in terms of OS, touchscreens, app stores, usage of the cloud, etc? -Paul

[2012-06-19 17:24:22] - why?  ~a

[2012-06-19 15:23:36] - a: Well, I think tablet are considered to be "mobile devices", even though laptops oftentimes aren't. -Paul

[2012-06-19 15:10:06] - yes, *mobile devices*.  we aren't talking about mobile devices.  tablets aren't any more mobile than a laptop.  i can't put it in my pocket, and if i have a bag that can fit a tablet, then i have a bag that can fit a laptop.  ~a

[2012-06-19 14:56:08] - I don't really disagree with what everybody is saying, but it's just interesting that it seems like everything is getting away from desktops and laptops and the growth sectors seem to be mobile devices. -Paul

[2012-06-19 14:55:05] - a: pittsburgh! i'll tell you more about it later but i'll be ordering one tonight - aaron

[2012-06-19 14:33:51] - Where's my street view! -Daniel

[2012-06-19 14:24:36] - world of warcraft in googlemaps form. - mig

[2012-06-19 14:10:22] - I wouldn't mind having a tablet and I think it's much better for games than a smart phone is. but that's not enough of a reason to buy one - vinnie

[2012-06-19 14:06:01] - i'm with daniel.  i don't think it's because i'm old because i'm all about my smartphone.  the tablet just doesn't seem useful.  i doubt i'd use one if it were free and i know plenty of people that have them and don't use them.  ~a

[2012-06-19 14:02:12] - -Daniel

[2012-06-19 14:02:08] - Paul: Yeah I think on a personal level I'm not sure what a tablet would be for.  If I'm at home then I can use my desktop which is crazy superior to a tablet or if I really don't want to get off the couch I can use my phone (or a laptop if I had one).  A tablet I guess would be slightly easier than my phone to use (or about = to a laptop)  but not enough to get one.

[2012-06-19 13:38:35] - paul:  well I love gadgets but I have limits of the gadgets I get.  As of right now there's nothing I can do on a tablet that I can't also do on my own phone.  When that ceases to be the case I probably would consider a tablet. - mig

[2012-06-19 13:37:45] - I own a tablet, but it's only because I was able to get one from the Touchpad firesale (basically a $500 tablet was one sale for $150 since it was being discontinued). I use it a lot and like it, but I certainly don't think I need one or would have trouble without it. -Paul

[2012-06-19 13:36:21] - It's interesting that so many people here are un-interested in tablets. It seems like just the kind of gadget that our group would like. I wonder if it's because we were brought up in the age of desktops and laptops (ie, we're an older demographic now) or if it's something else. -Paul

[2012-06-19 13:31:18] - paul:  I will say I like the design of the MS tablet.  The keyboard mat is a nice touch. - mig

[2012-06-19 13:27:42] - paul:  yeah i don't want a tablet.  i'm required to have a laptop and a desktop.  for the next few years i doubt i'll want a tablet.  even if i did get a tablet, though, i would get one that depended on something i can use elsewhere like java, then something i can't use elsewhere like Windows Runtime or Objective-C.  ~a

[2012-06-19 13:13:29] - ooooh pretty!  where were you this weekend that you would have seen such a thing?  ~a

[2012-06-19 12:54:16] - a: i just saw this speedcube this weekend and now i want one - aaron

[2012-06-19 10:07:51] - mig:  Yeah I'm with Miguel.  I still don't see a big need for one in my life.  -Daniel

[2012-06-19 10:00:57] - paul:  i'm still waiting for a compelling reason to get any tablet at all. - mig

[2012-06-19 09:44:17] - Anybody here interested in the new Microsoft tablet? Or are people waiting for the google one which is rumored? -Paul

[2012-06-18 15:58:48] - a: Agreed. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-18 14:50:44] - dad_who_killed_his_daughters is a bad shortening of that title.  ~a

[2012-06-18 14:36:17] -  One of about a half-dozen articles attracting my attention this morning. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-18 13:02:29] - the world of horse racing is very strange. - mig

[2012-06-17 18:18:57] - paul: also I had some issues with gmail in some browsers/versions... I thought they might be trying to force me to use chrome. ~g

[2012-06-17 18:18:20] - a: eh, I havent been on the msg board in awhile... just saw that the other day. ~g

[2012-06-15 15:42:41] - a: Hehe, yeah, I've had instances with firefox where I've been told my browser was too old, probably because (like you said), it was too new. -Paul

[2012-06-15 15:03:29] - i'm tired of seeing messages that basically say "firefox 13?!  i haven't heard of that browser version number so i'm assuming we don't support it"  ~a

[2012-06-15 15:02:44] - to answer your question, i would be disappointed in any company that disallowed a browser completely.  if they want to tell me about a problem with my browser, that is fine as long as 1. i can choose to skip the message and 2. the message doesn't come up if i have a browser they don't yet know about.    ~a

[2012-06-15 14:57:50] - it was.  ~a

[2012-06-15 14:46:46] - a: Not necessarily, although was that something that Microsoft required at some point in the past? -Paul

[2012-06-15 14:29:41] - paul:  microsoft also required that access to be coming from ie.  is this what you mean?  ~a

[2012-06-15 13:05:43] - a: We saw the government take on Microsoft basically because they packaged Internet Explorer with Windows, so I can only imagine what they would do with something like that. -Paul

[2012-06-15 13:03:49] - a: This got me to thinking a bit, though. What if a much larger company (Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc) suddenly said that you had to use a brand of browser (Chrome, Firefox, IE, etc)? -Paul

[2012-06-15 12:49:44] - it's first and foremost a stunt.  but it reminds me of conversations i've had with paul about standards vs. best user experience or short-term vs long-term thinking.  ~a

[2012-06-15 12:40:44] - g:  we can talk about it again if you'd like.  :)  ~a

[2012-06-15 11:42:03] - ~g

[2012-06-14 11:22:25] - mig: They might have to remove the 'launching' penalty for Eagles' games. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-14 11:21:49] - a: Right, so this is an advertising/marketing move, not a direct profit-improving move.  Advertising can tend to increase profits, after all that's why companies do it.  But the joke goes that half of all advertising works, we just don't know which half.  This might be the bad half--so at least it's going to increase his profit slightly on it's own. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-14 10:59:09] - well, i'm sure other NFC rivals will have good fun with this. - mig

[2012-06-14 10:44:38] - a: Well, it's more like: "I don't care what the 'standard' is, I just care about which browser gives me a better experience on the most sites". If this catches on and IE7 starts costing me extra money when buying on Amazon or something, then I would probably stop using it. -Paul

[2012-06-14 10:37:16] - xpovos:  "apply the surcharge without notifying the end user"  then he doesn't get the free press.  ~a

[2012-06-14 10:36:57] - because we've discussed this many times over the years, your current line is something like "standards are not as important as what's actually used in the field" (though you probably worded it very differently).  this guy is fighting back against what's in the field.  ~a

[2012-06-14 10:15:54] - a: Hmmm, I could see why you might think I have something to say (considering our discussions about Internet Explorer in the past), but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to have to say about it. :-) -Paul

[2012-06-14 10:03:15] - Or try a creative soultion:  Redirect IE7 users to the mobile version of your website. - mig

[2012-06-14 10:01:29] - Wouldn't it just easier to simply not support the browser, and that you only support IE8 or higher if the site breaks for those people? - mig

[2012-06-14 09:56:10] - a: Because it's well advertised (pop-up when browser is detected;if people who use IE 7 are disable javascript, we're in a weird world) this seems pretty straight-forward. I'd imagine the more controversial way would be to apply the surcharge without notifying the end user, thus recouping the specific externality, rather than trying to cure the disease. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-14 09:25:08] - aaron: yep I saw! yay I helped. I'm very interested in seeing it when it comes out, matthew lillard is awesome - vinnie

[2012-06-14 09:23:54] - He's complaining about IE7?  While I agree aren't there still people using IE6 out there?  But yes upgrade your browsers!  -Daniel

[2012-06-14 08:48:40] - "it’s not only costing us a huge amount, it’s affecting any business with an online presence, and costing the internet economy millions,"  link  i'm sure paul has something interesting to say about this.  ~a

[2012-06-13 17:23:15] - vinnie: fat kids rules the world met its donation goal - aaron

[2012-06-13 09:53:49] - I melt your brain! -- Xpovos

[2012-06-12 15:31:52] - for my WD to boost her survivability by 10%, it would take an extra +3k HP, +68 resist, or +340 armor... so it's more like 44:5:1 for me. i guess the point still stands that +res is magnitudes more important than armor, and +armor is magnitudes more important than HP - aaron

[2012-06-12 15:31:11] - source was just some guy on reddit, i ran some numbers and it's not actually very accurate, although i guess it's ballpark - aaron

[2012-06-12 15:10:45] - Also the d3 sub section still continues at though only me miguel and andrew seem to use it.  -Daniel

[2012-06-12 15:10:14] - I'm sure that's also dependent on enemy type.  Maybe also class type.  My barb's armor is twice as effective as most classes, but I also tend to have more of it.  Lack of resist gets me killed a ton. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-12 15:08:54] - source?

[2012-06-12 14:47:04] - diablo 3 players: the ratios for the 3 survivability stats (life, armor, resist) is 35:10:1. whichever you have the least of will give the highest survivability increase - aaron

[2012-06-12 13:26:35] - mig: Update, I went searching and found your blue. Zarhym.  Mine was "Blizzard".  I guess prophylaxis is good, but banhammer makes me happy. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-12 13:24:18] - mig: Blue post I read said that big bans were coming, not that they were in place.  I like the sound of 'thousands over the last few days' much better than the wishywashy version I read. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-12 12:22:52] - xpovos:  i was reading today that there was a blue post announcing thousands of accounts had been permabanned over the last few days.  looks like the banhammer is getting wielded. - mig

[2012-06-12 11:17:54] - Vinnie: I think that's why roasts are so hard to do well.  It's easy to make fun of someone.  It's hard to make fun of someone in way that's funny and not offensive. And then when you can, it's hard not to get repetitive. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-12 11:11:45] - but really that's true of any joke at another person's expense, racist or not - vinnie

[2012-06-12 11:11:26] - paul: no wasn't thinking of anyone specifically, I know a lot of people who make jokes like that (myself included). though I will say that friends have on occasion made Indian jokes that I haven't felt totally comfortable with. it's rare, but sometimes it strikes a nerve and it feels more like being laughed at than with - vinnie

[2012-06-12 10:50:05] - I lol'd. "[Jay Carney] informed the [reporters] that he “was not a presiding doctor on this case” and could confirm only that “[John Bryson] had a seizure, he was involved in an accident.” “He was involved in several accidents,” called out April Ryan of American Urban Radio. “Thank you for the correction,” Carney said. He did not sound grateful." -- Xpovos

[2012-06-12 10:46:09] - So, not only is doing that potentially offensive, it's a limited-time value of humor. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-12 10:45:20] - aaron: I understand, but let me take it from a different perspective.  It's humorous because it has shock value.  But if the humor is accepted then it becomes commonplace and the shock value is lost.  Simpsons was edgy when it first aired, now it's tame.  That's not just because the show has run a long time, but Family Guy and South Park have gone edgier. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-12 10:12:42] - it totally depends on the context, and the relationship between the people involved. and yeah as long as chen's OK with it, and the two of them are on good terms, i don't see the problem - aaron

[2012-06-12 09:53:35] - Vinnie: Hehe, is the friend with the racist jokes me? I know I've done the slanted eyes thing once as a light-hearted joke thing, but then immediately thought that it might've been a mistake because somebody might've been offended by it. I think it can be a hard thing to balance when you're not as finely tuned to the sensitivities of others as some. -Paul

[2012-06-12 09:48:32] - Vinnie: "You have to have pretty thick skin to get along in this group." -- Xpovos

[2012-06-12 09:47:25] - ...and that no one's getting offended - vinnie

[2012-06-12 09:47:14] - xpovos: well, there's a difference between a photo I take of you vs. an MLB player being on national TV. I guess the best you could say for the player making the gesture is that he didn't know he was on camera? if I'm in a public place, I'm not gonna whip out the ironic racial gestures; I'd only do that if I'm almost certain it's not leaving the room...

[2012-06-12 09:42:15] - Vinnie: These days we're all on camera all the time, though.  Certainly some times are more obvious than others, and more public and publicized, but the problem with conduct that might be seen as inappropriate by somebody is that now that somebody's going to see it. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-12 09:22:47] - but it's kind of stupid to do it on camera, where almost certainly someone will take offense - vinnie

[2012-06-12 09:22:34] - paul: in school, I remember kids using that gesture to mock asian culture, so it has an offensive connotation to me even if not personally. I have friend who make racist jokes to the friends of that race (myself included) and as long as no one takes offense and it's in good fun, who cares? Chen certainly didn't - vinnie

[2012-06-11 21:42:38] -;_ylt=AkA1M53PsqM8_K4xMyyiSgc Australian swimmers pose with guns at a California shooting range. Post pictures to Facebook. Forced to leave Olympics after their competition ends. -Paul

[2012-06-11 21:39:55] -;_ylt=Agc1VT5LmXoRGfxFoc Personally, I don't think doing the "slanted eyes" is inherently offensive and is fine when done in a light-hearted manner, but I'm guessing I might be alone here. -Paul

[2012-06-11 21:38:00] - a: I think he has been pro-choice for a while, but the pro-marriage-equality is a relatively recent thing (although less recent than Obama's evolution). -Paul

[2012-06-11 20:41:53] -! video featuring all the new sc2 units for heart of the swarm. - mig

[2012-06-11 20:31:10] - a: not only is he pro-choice he was pretty unapologetic about it when it was mentioned at the republican debates. - mig

[2012-06-11 18:06:27] - gary johnson is pro-marriage-equality?  that's interesting.    is he pro-choice?  ~a

[2012-06-11 17:41:11] - I figure most of you have heard of Gary Johnson already, but decided I would post that just in case. :-) -Paul

[2012-06-11 17:40:52] - If I told you there was a pro-marijuana legalization, anti-Patriot Act, anti-war, pro-marriage equality, anti-TSA, pro-free internet candidate on the ballot in all 50 states, would you help get him to the 15% support he needs to take the national debate stage? -Paul

[2012-06-11 16:53:12] - sent.  ~a

[2012-06-11 15:48:58] - Daniel: The greater the danger, they greater the thrill. -Paul

[2012-06-11 15:34:06] - Propane frisbee sounds more dangerous somehow.  -Daniel

[2012-06-11 14:35:11] - a: You planning propane frisbee this week? -Paul

[2012-06-11 12:45:15] - i'd take a propane lawnmower.  ~a

[2012-06-11 12:03:52] - Cheaters are like child abusers.  There aren't many of them, but left unchecked they can do massive irreparable damage to a large number of victims.  And so stopping those few promptly is a fundamental key to victory. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-11 12:03:34] - Anybody here interested in an electric lawn-mower or small propane grill that was given to me used, but which I never used, and I assume still work? -Paul

[2012-06-11 12:02:32] - xpovos:  if I had to guess, I would say the suspensions and/or permabans will eventually come.  From the looks of it, they're scrambling to fix the immediate problem (getting the illegal items out of the system).  I wouldn't be surprised if they go back through and try to figure out how the people who took advantage of this are and to what extent. - mig

[2012-06-11 12:02:31] - Developing scripts to test is just phase one.  Phase two is handing off questionable results to humans for human intervention. "But humans cost money".  Yep, that's the price they paid by deciding they wanted to control everything.  That phase two could be pretty lenient and still stop enough cheating as to be essentially flawless. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-11 12:01:10] - a: I'm not sure criminal law "beyond a reasonable doubt" applies to something like this.  I mean, if I get banned because cheating exists and Blizzard thinks I am, I'd be righteously pissed.  But mostly because there's absolutely no way they can look at my account and honestly think I'm cheating.  Most of this cheating is obvious to humans. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-11 11:59:03] - xpovos:  it is better and more satisfactory to acquit a thousand guilty cheaters than to put a single innocent one to permanent ban.  ~a

[2012-06-11 11:55:46] - I'm surprised though this hasn't been reported in any of the sites I typically read that cover blizzard games.  Asia servers being down would qualify as big news I would think. - mig

[2012-06-11 11:54:30] - mig: I'll accept draconian punishments for those that manage to circumvent draconian restrictions; while on the side being kind of impressed, honestly.  But if the response isn't permanent account ban it's not enough. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-11 11:52:38] - xpovos:  well not to sound too much like a blizzard apologist, but cheaters will always find a way.  As long as they are dealt with in a prompt manner and the exploits found fixed in an equally prompt manner, I would consider that acceptable. - mig

[2012-06-11 10:29:45] - mig: But there are (were) at least two verified methods of duping occurring, and blue posts confirming this, albeit in Engrish. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-11 10:28:15] - mig: Agreed on both counts.  I'm not saying hacking around, either through rogue servers or other means, is impossible, it's just highly improbable.  And last night's glitch is still unexplained, which leads to conspiracy theories and rumor mongering.  I'm waiting until we get a response.  I might be waiting a while. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-11 10:27:15] - Although given that private wow servers exist, I guess the feat of hacking d3 certainly wouldn't be impossible. - mig

[2012-06-11 10:25:34] - so was the server crashes last night really a result of massive influx of players from asian servers?  that seems to be the implied narrative.  - mig

[2012-06-11 10:21:26] - xpovos:  i'd be impressed if they've managed to hack D3 client to not require servers.  The client depends on a lot of server side stuff happening, to the point where I wouldn't be surprised that the only thing the client itself actually does is record inputs and render graphics. - mig

[2012-06-11 10:20:01] - Three of the four top posts <a href=""">here</a> (as of this linking) are really relevant to my morning inquiries. The fourth is just 'interesting'. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-11 10:16:52] - I don't have any confirmed reports on piracy, beyond less piratical means, like account hacking.  But supposedly there are hacks to avoid Blizz's servers.  I'm taking that with a grain of salt until I see something more. But duplication is definitely occurring. They've shut down the Asia server indefinitely because of duping while they work to fix the issue. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-11 10:13:04] - Yeah I'm unaware of piracy or duping.  There might be gold bots or something out there but I hadn't heard of anything worse than that.  -Daniel

[2012-06-11 09:52:15] - xpovos:  well what are you defining as not working?  The server instabilities or are people actually getting away with cheating? - mig

[2012-06-11 09:47:15] - Xpovos: I think they would argue that they don't control enough. I mean, they don't even have access to our webcams so they can keep an eye on us yet. :-) -Paul

[2012-06-11 09:32:30] - Paul: The argument has always been one of lack of control. They control EVERYTHING. Anything that happens is either appropriate or implicitly approved by Blizzard, because anything they dislike, they can disallow. If under those circumstances they, can't stop piracy, duping, spamming, bots, or third party gold sites, they must tacitly approve of them, right? -- Xpovos

[2012-06-11 09:13:31] - Xpovos: I don't think so. Since when has lack of success stopped companies from trying? -Paul

[2012-06-11 08:47:48] - So, Diablo 3's much vaunted always-on single player anti-piracy and anti-cheating technology isn't working?  If this doesn't work can we finally call DRM dead? -- Xpovos

[2012-06-08 15:55:46] - mig: Smart move.  Plain and simple. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-08 15:23:20] - If you are planning on using diablo's RMAH you will need a blizzard authenticator. - mig

[2012-06-08 14:58:50] - xpovos: yes, the AI controls your character until you use your controller to do things manually. but it's not unheard of for a sniper to shoot someone because they do something very weird, like repeatedly try to walk into a wall - aaron

[2012-06-08 13:48:00] - Paul: Also, apparently Hobbit did hire a number of height-disadvantaged actors; just not for the named roles.  So, my bad I guess.  But I asked because The Hobbit seemed like a much better target.  Though Snow White is out now or soon, and Hobbit is a ways off, so maybe we'll see one later. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-08 13:46:30] - Xpovos: I don't have enough experience with interview to say, really, but a second interview is always a good sign, right? -Paul

[2012-06-08 13:45:42] - Xpovos: Well, I brought up Snow White because I saw this article about this group being upset. I didn't see a similar article for the Hobbit, but I'm sure it also applies. -Paul

[2012-06-08 13:41:46] - I had a job interview Wednesday.  Today they called me back for a second interview.  Two day turn around sounds good to me.  Also of note: the second interview is the day after the position opening closes, so they won't be accepting more applications.  Am I reading too much into those facts, or does it seem like they really want me? -- Xpovos

[2012-06-08 13:37:49] - Paul: Why Snow White more than The Hobbit? -- Xpovos

[2012-06-08 13:33:21] - I remember when the message board had a discussion about white actors taking on asian roles in movies and how some people were upset about it. I wonder how those people feel about not using little people for dwarves. -Paul

[2012-06-08 10:26:57] - aaron: Interesting game concept.  I hope have tools to help the humans move fluidly like the AI too, because jerky motions will be an instant trigger (heh) too. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-08 09:47:13] - at beginner levels the sniper will target the guy who never has a drink in his hand... and advanced level spies will understand to behave less efficiently (and do things like pour drinks or talk to unimportant partygoers) in order to not seem as suspicious - aaron

[2012-06-08 09:45:45] - so there's like 20 characters all acting like AIs, talking to eachother, examining books on a bookcase, pouring drinks, but one of them is a spy, and for the spy, there's a few quirks like... like if your hand has a drink in it, you can't do slight of hand stuf flike planting bugs quickly... so the spy never wants a drink! but since the sniper knows that... - aaron

[2012-06-08 09:43:53] - really unique video game currently in beta stages; it's a two player game, one player is a spy at a party trying to complete certain missions (inspecting statues, planting a bug on a player) while the other player is a sniper, watching the party from a distance, trying to figure out which character is "acting weird" - aaron

[2012-06-07 14:29:04] - aaron:  I have no problems with real problems with unionization, particularly when its done in the private sector.  But I'm not sure occupations where there is so much turnover and what is for a lot of people, no more than temporary or part time employment, can ever effectively unionize. - mig

[2012-06-07 14:27:00] - I could get even a brand new character up to 15ish in very short order and make some kind of play group possible.  I have two untouched classes as yet, too. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-07 14:25:45] - This is long, but it's pretty comprehensive. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-07 14:25:13] - mig: Part of the problem is that $/hr measures will never accurate define a living wage.  That's why I oppose minimum wages, they're not just economically flawed, they fail to come close to solving the moral issue.  I'm willing to accept some economic inefficiencies in order to improve an intangible. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-07 14:20:26] - mig: a lot of economists are opposed to the concept of a minimum wage, although i'd assume that you're also against any of the proposed alternatives as well? how do you feel about the use of unionization/collective bargaining to set a minimum wage? - aaron

[2012-06-07 14:18:01] - paul: i've been playing the last couple nights with daniel, and one of my coworkers to get them up to inferno, i don't know if i'll play tonight or not but i'd be down with setting up some kind of weekly game or something  - aaron

[2012-06-07 14:02:57] - we can debate to the extent to how many jobs will be lost, but what isn't debatable is that jobs will certainly be lost if a living wage is ever implemented. - mig

[2012-06-07 14:01:58] - xpovos:  While I have a mostly libertarian objection to the implementation of a living wage, I think the practical argument against it is much stronger.  Implmenting a living wage is not without trade offs.  Sure you can just raise the minimum wage to $10, but walmart/mcdonalds/et all will just fire people to not affect their total operating costs ...

[2012-06-07 13:50:58] - Paul: I have a barb who is mid twenties that I would play with you some though I probably wont be on much tonight or tomorrow.  I'd been busy getting up to Inferno but now that is accomplished I might relax my playing time on that guy. Depends on who is on.  -Daniel

[2012-06-07 13:41:15] - well along with that, i'd take issue with the data as well, unless i'm reading this correctly.  according to the chart fair market rent for a 2 bedroom apt in VA is an average of $3248 / month.  (112 hours * 4 weeks * 7.25/hr).  That can't be right, even if you are looking at only areas like McLean/Tysons. - mig

[2012-06-07 13:36:37] - Xpovos: I'm interested in starting up a Demon Hunter in the future too, but I figured three characters is enough right now considering I haven't beaten the game (or even come close, I assume) with any of mine yet. -Paul

[2012-06-07 13:31:23] - Paul: I have a Barb in Act 1 NM, though he mostly is farming Act IV Normal.  I have a Wizard who is about level 10 and the brand new Demon Hunter (5) for with Katie.  I have a bunch of planned/designed characters though. -- Xpovos

[2012-06-07 13:28:47] - mig: I'd use it to make a pro-living wage argument.  But that's me.  I can see it taking a lot of different forms.  Paul's right, most people in situations like that aren't making rent solely by themselves.  Either they have other assistance forms, or roomates, or both. And the map portion is hardly all that useful, given the three level breakdown.  -- Xpovos

[2012-06-07 13:24:02] - Xpovos: I wonder how many families/households are paying their rent with a sole minimum wage earner, though. I can appreciate the attempt, but I don't know how useful that map is. Shouldn't almost everybody who is working a minimum wage job at least have one roommate? -Paul

[2012-06-07 13:22:37] - Xpovos: Well, I've got a Barbarian who is working on taking down the Skeleton King, a Wizard (who is probably my favorite character right now) around the middle of Act 2, and a Witch King (seemingly my best single player guy) somewhere in Act 3. -Paul

[2012-06-07 13:22:09] - xpovos:  I dunno, is this an argument for a living wage, low income housing/rent control, or both? - mig

[2012-06-07 13:21:15] - a: It involved classifying anybody at a drone strike as an enemy combatant (to avoid classifying them as innocents or civilians) and how they set a "high bar" for deciding who to kill... which is basically that they get the right person. -Paul

[2012-06-07 13:08:54] -  This is obviously something I feel about differently than most people here.  But I think it might split differently than normally expected. -- Xpovos

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