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[2017-03-09 15:13:04] - Paul: I  think things like Personal Capital / Betterment / there is a 3rd big one that I can't think of the name of have services that would tell you your asset allocation overall (what I think you are asking about).  You do have to sign up for them though and give them passwords which is a deal breaker for some.  -Daniel

[2017-03-09 15:12:51] - Paul: I  think things like Personal Capital / Betterment / there is a 3rd big one that I can't think of the name of have services that would tell you your asset allocation overall (what I think you are asking about).  You do have to sign up for them though and give them passwords which is a deal breaker for some.  -Daniel

[2017-03-09 15:02:30] - Does anybody know of a good tool that I can use to easily look at all the money I have in those locations and see areas where I might possibly be under/over weight? I think I've got a good mix now, but I know that's likely to change 5-10 years down the line because my 401(k) is getting more funds added to it while the others aren't. -Paul

[2017-03-09 15:01:08] - As I've no doubt mentioned many times in the past, I have some Vanguard funds in a traditional IRA in a Vanguard account, I have Vanguard funds in my 401(k) (through BB&T) and I have individual stocks in Scottrade. I'm curious regarding the overall diversification of my retirement funds in terms of small-mid-large cap and domestic-foreign markets. -Paul

[2017-03-08 15:50:14] - and cars :)  ~a

[2017-03-08 15:14:56] - a: i didn't know that, that's so cool! i heard about automated nurses doing stuff like that within hospitals. obviously a much simpler problem in hospitals, partially owing to the absence of bikers - aaron

[2017-03-08 10:25:34] - apparently these are common in dc.  i was reading about some biker in the city complaining that he almost hit one.  how have i not heard about this?  ~a

[2017-03-07 20:41:34] - a: Yeah, or they could be total market. I feel like the majority of people who think "index funds" think S&P500, though. I wonder if index funds are "overweight" large-cap domestics stocks in a way and if maybe that shifts at some point in the future. -Paul

[2017-03-07 16:46:27] - paul:  not everybody who goes passive uses s&p500.  for instance, a lot of people use target retirement funds, which are (often) 50% non-domestic + non-largecap.  ~a

[2017-03-07 16:23:21] - For example, the S&P500 is large cap domestic stocks. Does that mean that small and mid-cap domestic stocks and foreign stocks might get undervalued? If so, does it matter if everybody just continues putting their money into the S&P500 index funds? -Paul

[2017-03-07 16:22:20] - Random thought I had while listening to something tangentially related: With this big shift of people going from actively managed mutual funds to passive index funds (primarily S&P 500)... I wonder if there is some insight to be gleaned there? -Paul

[2017-03-07 16:19:39] - At this point, I kind of assume I have a few devices that SOMEBODY (government, hackers, google, etc) is spying on me from. I just hope they don't get access to my cameras. :-P -Paul

[2017-03-07 16:08:30] - a: I could see a scenario where the guy thought he was flashing you to let you know he was there and to look out. That's definitely not how I would've taken it, though, and it is very unfortunately confusing. -Paul

[2017-03-07 15:31:13] - xpovos: mine probably has... but I am not sure, I know I fill out paperwork every so often but I have no idea if its for my company or to keep something alive... ~g

[2017-03-07 14:56:26] - Short answer: probably not me, but probably someone.  But Android seems not to have been targeted with as many resources as iOS.  Wikileaks speculates that's because the iPhone is preferred among their targets.  It might also be that the iOS is just stronger and needed more resources to get the same penetration (my take). -- Xpovos

[2017-03-07 14:51:44] - g: My clerance is long since expired. I can go and find out more if anyone is interested.  I know I am.  Like, e.g., Samsung TV, fine.  What about a Samsung phone?  That's gotta be a lot more common. -- Xpovos

[2017-03-07 14:37:52] - and oops I went to the site. ~g

[2017-03-07 14:37:43] - it essentially says that if you have a samsung smart tv the gov may have been using it to spy on you... ~g

[2017-03-07 14:37:13] - apparently if you have any sort of clearance you shouldnt go here but ~g

[2017-03-07 12:19:05] - xpovos:  yeah, i definitely did stop even though i had the right-of-way.  and yeah if i hadn't i'd probably had been squashed.  . . . jerk.  ~a

[2017-03-07 11:33:26] - Even if someone yields to me through a mutually known signal, I'm watching the "body language" at all times.  In your case, I'd have stopped for sure because of the speed issue.  It's like driving at a stoplight.  I may have the green, but I'm checking right and left anyway. -- Xpovos

[2017-03-07 11:26:52] - a: I wonder if that might be a cultural artifact.  We understand a single blink of the lights to be "go ahead, I yield the right of way".  But repeated flashings could be an attempt to garner attention, "look out, I'm here, don't get in front of me or you'll get squashed." -- Xpovos

[2017-03-07 10:55:00] - right?  so, he was definitely giving me mixed signals though.  he was flashing his lights, which i guess we all agree means "GO" but he was also flying.  like going double the speed limit i think.  i knew something wasn't right.  when i kept creeping close to his direction of travel he flashed his brights again.  so weird.  ~a

[2017-03-07 10:51:34] - whether it's another car, pedestrian or bike.  - mig

[2017-03-07 10:50:55] - my understanding that flashing lights at anyone usually is to communicate to them to go on ahead. - mig

[2017-03-07 10:47:58] - a: I would not flash my lights at someone to tell them not to go.  -Daniel

[2017-03-07 10:30:06] - paul: oh, i forgot to mention: on my way to your house, i was crossing a road, and a car flashed his lights at me. you know, to signal that i could cross the road. but apparently he was flashing his lights to tell me to not cross. confusing, right? so i pose a question: does flashing your brights at a pedestrian in a crosswalk mean GO or DON'T GO? ~a

[2017-03-07 10:20:57] - xpovos:  agreed.  it's nice, too(!), that every time 1% more decides to bike to work, our roads get 1% fewer drivers clogging the roads.  it's seriously a win-win.  it's surprising to me that so many people are against bike-lanes.  i went to a community meeting near my house where people were violently against them.  ~a

[2017-03-07 10:12:52] - Honestly, the whole thing is fascinating.  And I'm personally glad bikes are part of the answer and growing. -- Xpovos

[2017-03-07 10:12:24] - Guy in the city has the skills to get a job, but can't actually take it becuase it's 30 miles away and he can't reasonably walk/bike there, so he keeps his less-well-paying job at the corner mart because he can. It's a financial calculus I can understand, but it's far from ideal.  -- Xpovos

[2017-03-07 10:11:05] - Another takeaway is that the walkers and bikers had SHORTER commutes on average.  Not just in distance, but also in time, which means a significantly shorter distance.  What that doesn't say, though, is that because of the financial necessity in some of these cases, that they might be job limited as well. -- Xpovos

[2017-03-07 10:10:08] - There's also, though, a strong indicator that walking AND biking, are still majority financially required decisions; Paul's point.  When there's no vehicle availabe, those two modes triple in frequency.  They might perfer to drive, but can't. -- Xpovos

[2017-03-07 10:07:05] - a: Yeah, absolutely.  It gives a nice graphical depiction to some trends we know.  Also in that report, biking is more popular in younger generations relative to where it was earlier.  I think that does speak more to the improved technology of biking, as well as improved safety from a design standpoint in cities. -- Xpovos

[2017-03-07 09:50:21] - xpovos:  yes, i like those graphs as well.  very good stuff.  some of that might be generational as well.  i know there are some people who, like paul, consider driving to be what you do if you can afford it.  also at a certain point (like 60s?) people are worried about falling and breaking something.  less of a concern walking, but a serious concern on a bike.  ~a

[2017-03-07 09:18:39] - a: I find figure 9 on page 11 to be interesting as well.  Biking continues to decrease w/r/t age, but walking gets a spike back up. -- Xpovos

[2017-03-07 09:13:26] - a: So I went digging a little further.  The graphic you posted cites the American Community Survey ( so I went to the source there.  I was hoping to find more recent stuff (and they do have 2015, but I haven't been able to find the data point yet).  Instead I found this: Check out page 3 figure 3. -- Xpovos

[2017-03-06 13:29:18] - xpovos:  yah.  i agree.  i enjoy biking for much more than commuting though.  even if i lived in dale city and couldn't bike to work, i'd still bike for fun after work and weekends.  ~a

[2017-03-06 13:04:05] - a: It makes sense, though.  Outside Fairfax, the number of people who can even theoretically commute via bike into the close-in suburbs, or the city itself, decreases rapidly. -- Xpovos

[2017-03-06 12:45:29] - xpovos:  i believe it.  once you get out past fairfax county, the bike paths spread out too much to become useful for transportation (imo).  fewer cars going much faster.  SAD  ~a

[2017-03-06 11:45:33] - a: I totally believe that.  Sorry for asking twice.  I guess Dale city is exurb territory.  It is decidedly not bike-friendly out here. -- Xpovos

[2017-03-06 11:06:58] - iow, if it can (and is) working in washington, dc, i have high hopes for arlington.  ~a

[2017-03-06 11:06:24] - ok, i'm sorry i don't have statistics for your area, but i do know that in arlington the growth rate is pretty high.  i guess my point is that it's a growing minority.  if it's a growing minority in oak hill, or if it's a growing minority in washington, dc, i guess i don't care to that specificity.  ~a

[2017-03-06 10:55:53] - a: I wonder what the definition of "Washington DC" is for that graph. It might be "your" area but I doubt it's mine. -Paul

[2017-03-06 10:54:50] - xpovos:  i'll give you the source, but it'll be the second time :)  other americans  ~a

[2017-03-06 10:03:22] - a: I'm impressed that it's as high as 5% even in "our area".  Source?  Not that I disbelieve, but I'd like more information. -- Xpovos

[2017-03-06 09:59:26] - paul:  5% in our area.  but that's 2 years old, so maybe it's 6% now.  :-P  honestly, i run linux (4% unless you count the android 40%).  so 6% seems like a pretty sizeable chunk of people to me.  ~a

[2017-03-06 09:45:33] - a: I just checked out self driving car bet. Super sad that I agreed to have it made in "$10 in bitcoin". Should've asked for it to be made in a specific number of bits. -Paul

[2017-03-06 09:36:37] - a: "Bicyclists still account for fewer than 1% of all commuters." The article is 3 years old, though, so maybe that number is 2% now. :-P -Paul

[2017-03-06 09:35:08] - I think I've just about given up on journalism entirely. -- Xpovos

[2017-03-06 09:35:06] - a: But I don't think anybody is in a rush to get rid of their washing machines. -Paul

[2017-03-06 09:34:57] - a: "biking is a more fun, more healthy, a lot cheaper, and much better for the environment". I would push back on the "more fun" aspect, and add the very important aspect that it takes a lot longer. I mean, washing your own clothes in a wash bin is probably cheaper and better for the environment too... -Paul

[2017-03-06 09:03:41] - paul:  these days?  maybe "these days" in the 80s. i see driving as an outdated and inferior mode of transportation these days.  so do many other americans. biking is a more fun, more healthy, a lot cheaper, and much better for the environment.  not judging. ~a

[2017-03-05 23:30:15] - anybody interested in seeing the belko experiment when it releases later this month? the trailer showed before logan this sunday and it looks great. i think i kind of love john c mcginley in everything he's in too (just rewatched office space tonight) - aaron

[2017-03-05 22:45:21] - a: as being outdated? We do have sex change therapies now, right? -Paul

[2017-03-05 22:44:56] - a: I kind of see riding a bike as an outdated and inferior mode of transportation these days (not judging, it's just that there seem to be very limited benefits to biking versus driving). So does that mean I should interpret being a girl... -Paul

[2017-03-04 00:57:03] - ride like a girl (warning, this was written in 2014, so it uses the word "microaggression" unironically)  ~a

[2017-03-03 14:15:21] - a: Another buying opportunity! -Paul

[2017-03-03 13:21:18] - 1262/984 . . . yep!  don't expect it to last.  when the etf is rejected there will be a dip (my prediction on both accounts).  ~a

[2017-03-03 11:59:11] - a: Is bitcoin up 30% versus USD in the past month? That's crazy. -Paul

[2017-03-03 11:57:30] - a: I don't understand why the intelligence of the President makes a difference. -Paul

[2017-03-03 11:57:04] - a: And I don't care how intelligent the President is, if he does bad things it's still bad, whether he's an idiot or not. -Paul

[2017-03-03 11:56:44] - a: I'm saying it's not binary. It's not Obama is perfect and smart and everything he did was flawless while Trump is dumb and stupid and everything he did was wrong. Obama did bad stuff. Trump has also done bad stuff. Some of Trump's is worse. Doesn't make what Obama did "good". -Paul

[2017-03-03 11:49:02] - paul:  i'm happy i was silent during obama when he did shitty stuff.  because (imo) everything is different.  trump is an idiot, bush was an idiot.  obama was not (with exceptions like snowden).  look at the public opinion polling to see if it's just me or not.  ~a

[2017-03-03 11:46:51] - paul:  "people...were damnably silent during Obama" "I've no doubt Trump is much more likely to not give sufficient thought to these raids"  so which is it?  is everything the same?  or is everything different?  ~a

[2017-03-03 11:30:55] - Daniel: Because so many of those very same people who are bashing Trump now and were bashing Bush before were damnably silent during Obama and it's frustrating. :-) -Paul

[2017-03-03 11:29:35] - Daniel: And, as always, I'm super torn. Part of me (the majority of me?) gets pumped up seeing people challenging the bad things that Trump is doing and questioning authority and whatnot. But a sizable part of me is tired of the swinging back and forth of opinion because I'm almost certain the opposition is 90% about Trump and 10% about the actual policies. -Paul

[2017-03-03 11:27:45] - Daniel: Possibly. It's a super small sample size for Trump anyway. -Paul

[2017-03-03 11:23:02] - Paul: I think we still would have heard about it if it happened under Obama but I think you are correct that it gets magnified some under Trump because its fits the narrative around him. I think that might be though because the news story of a rash president is news worthy so I might argue the magnification is justified.  -Daniel

[2017-03-03 11:08:59] - Daniel: And so when this happened, it just confirmed what everybody was worried about. -Paul

[2017-03-03 11:08:01] - Daniel: Hmmm, I think we're still slightly misunderstanding each other. Let me try another way of saying it: I think if this botched raid had happened a week or two into Obama's presidency, we don't hear a single thing about it. I think the media (and public?) were already prepped for incompetence from Trump... -Paul

[2017-03-03 11:05:19] - Also, anyone remember Libya and what a disaster that was? - mig

[2017-03-03 11:04:24] - The previous administration was concerned about collateral damage was perceived, certainly. - mig

[2017-03-03 10:36:07] - Paul: There were definitely botched actions under Obama.  I remember when the US struck the Doctors w/o Borders hospital and it was a big thing.  I don't think the argument has been that Trump has more botched raids (that I'm aware of)  -Daniel

[2017-03-03 10:13:19] - a: Right, but that article is from 3 days ago. The raid was over a month ago. The narrative has changed since then. -Paul

[2017-03-03 10:12:16] - Daniel: But I find it hard to believe no raids were ever "botched" in 8 years under Obama. I've no doubt Trump is much more likely to not give sufficient thought to these raids (compared to Obama), but it just seems really suspicious that even Trump has more "botched" raids in 2 months than Obama did in 8 years. -Paul

[2017-03-03 10:11:34] - paul:  first link is CNN article about the situation  ~a

[2017-03-03 10:09:08] - Daniel: You could be right. I honestly didn't read many of the articles themselves. It's hard to go back and find those initial articles about the raid now because everything is about his speech where he acknowledged the widow and/or the debate about who was responsible for the death of the SEAL. -Paul

[2017-03-03 09:39:46] - Paul:  Then I think Trump's response to the raid where he tries to avoid responsibility is pretty awful though.  I'm not sure that Obama ever tried to avoid responsibility for military action (at least that I can think of - maybe you remember something though?) and that seems a significant difference to me.  -Daniel

[2017-03-03 09:38:22] - and this raid seems to play into that as well.  I don't think its the fact that a SEAL died and some civilians.  Its how all that plays into the narrative of Trump playing fast and loose with things and not being thoughtful and purposeful.  -Daniel

[2017-03-03 09:37:08] - paul: I'm not sure you are characterizing the response correctly - as I understand it - is that he signed off on the strike w/o taking the time to read through his briefs and intel. I'm not totally sure how true that is or if it just fits the narrative but I think its part.  2nd is that Trump is less concerned with collateral damage than Obama has been...

[2017-03-02 17:14:04] - paul:  so it sounds like we both agree 45<44.  ~a

[2017-03-02 16:03:36] - This raid in Yemen is a perfect example. A navy SEAL is dead, along with some civilians, so it's clearly worth discussing and quite possibly a big mistake and I've heard tons about it in the media. How many times did we hear anything about raids where SEALS or civilians died under Obama? Other than the Bin Laden raid, I don't recall many at all. -Paul

[2017-03-02 15:57:44] - So, yeah, Trump is doing stuff that's worse than Obama, but the difference isn't nearly so great as the public and media reactions make it out to be. -Paul

[2017-03-02 15:56:44] - To use a really crappy analogy, let's say that on some issue, Obama did something that was a 4 on a scale of 1-10 (1 being no big deal and 10 being the worst thing ever), with the public/media reaction being a 2. Then, Trump does something that's a 6 and the public/media reaction is a 10. -Paul

[2017-03-02 15:55:05] - The one thing I have noticed that is somewhat similar to Kmele's theory (I think) is that the public/media reaction to the things Trump does seems to often be somewhat of an overreaction, especially when compared to what the Obama administration did. -Paul

[2017-03-02 15:00:49] - mig: On a small scale I think he might get people killed by encouraging more extreme and violent parts of the population to feel more free to take action.  Thats hard to quantify though.  -Daniel

[2017-03-02 14:59:58] - mig: I don't support a lot of his policies but I think the parts where I worry about him actually getting lots of people kill revolve around his weaking of NATO and being irrational.  Like if something happens and he responds irrational and it fuels the situation instead of cooling it.  Imagine him as pres during Cuban Missile Crisis.  -Daniel

[2017-03-02 14:47:42] - And if we do continue to see an uptick of either praise or approval from Trump as he becomes more "presidential", I think Kmele's theory has a lot more support in my mind. - mig

[2017-03-02 14:46:36] - But I think the main gist of it is that mainstream politicians loudly support a whole host of horrific and terrible policies, yet don't produce the same sort of pearl clutching and couch fainting that we are seeing with Trump. - mig

[2017-03-02 14:42:34] - Both Clinton and Trump called in their campaign for shutting off parts of the internet in the name of GWOT, nearly days apart from each other, as another example.  I'll let you guess which person got the most attention for it. - mig

[2017-03-02 14:40:26] - paul/a:  Foreign Policy is probably the best example if you are looking for policy comparisons.  Everyone is kind of fretting about Trump maybe initiating a nuclear holocaust but just going by campaign rhetoric his penchant for interventions and just general GWOT strategies doesn't differ much in substance from the previous admin or Clinton. - mig

[2017-03-02 13:45:01] - well putting aside specific issues, I'm beginning to think that Trump's flair for crudeness bothers people more in general than his actual policies.  I'm looking at the responses his speech on tuesday is getting, and it's just a bit eerie how praise filled they are, even from some of his most vocal critics. - mig

[2017-03-02 12:22:03] - Daniel: Snapchat. -Paul

[2017-03-02 12:13:58] - Who is having their IPO?  -Daniel

[2017-03-02 11:58:34] - a: But this seems like a crazy pop for the first day because of pent up IPO demand. I would be shocked if this doesn't drop below $17 at some point in the next year. -Paul

[2017-03-02 11:56:15] - a: Yeah, IPOs are so weird. Just a bunch of insiders and connected people trading the stock. -Paul

[2017-03-02 11:50:05] - paul:  ahhhh  for scottrade to lend it to you, they need an inventory of the stock.  in other words, scottrade might not allow it, but someone else might.  ~a

[2017-03-02 11:48:26] - paul:  scottrade says "SNAP is not available for short selling at this time".  also yahoo says the "short ratio" is "N/A" whatever that means.  ~a

[2017-03-02 11:41:57] - Quick, somebody teach me how to short SNAP (mostly kidding.... mostly). -Paul

[2017-03-02 10:39:58] - Maybe Miguel can come up with some good examples from the podcast. I'm having trouble recalling good ones right now. -Paul

[2017-03-02 10:38:13] - a: It's something he talks about on his podcast a fair bit (or at least did before the election). I mentioned Obama and Clinton because that's who he was comparing them to (potentially following Obama's presidency and in contract to a Clinton one) and it was often with regards to specific policies. -Paul

[2017-03-02 10:19:59] - paul:  well ok, but there's a big difference between "generic acceptable R or D presidential candidate" and "generic acceptable R presidential candidate".  i'm not sure which one Kmele is talking about from your messages.  also because i can't find a link.  ~a

[2017-03-02 10:15:29] - a: Or at least talk about it. -Paul

[2017-03-02 10:15:13] - a: So, yeah, maybe Obama or Clinton wouldn't repeal ACA, but any other Republican candidate would. -Paul

[2017-03-02 10:14:47] - a: I don't have the time to dig through all the executive orders now, sorry. I wouldn't say I 100% agree with Kmele, though. It wasn't just supposed to be liberal politicians, though. It was supposed to be "generic acceptable R or D presidential candidate". -Paul

[2017-03-02 09:50:00] - i'm not sure i agree.  looking through the list, it seems like almost none of these are things that obama/clinton did/would do.  the waterways thing is especially troubling; the ACA thing they wouldn't do.  those are just two examples. the rest wouldn't have happened if trump had lost. ~a

[2017-03-02 09:35:39] - a: And that Clinton and Obama were often proposing similar things (or doing similar things) but since they were so much more polished in how they said it, people weren't outraged. -Paul

[2017-03-02 09:35:07] - a: Kmele Foster had a theory (and hopefully I'm not putting incorrect words in his mouth) that Trump isn't significantly worse than previous Presidents in terms of what he is proposing to do (this was before the election), just that he is more blunt and crude in saying it. -Paul

[2017-03-02 09:33:33] - mig: The more I listen to the Fifth Column (and live through Trump's administration), the more I'm starting to think he's right... -Paul

[2017-03-02 09:11:57] - mig:  hmmm?  ~a

[2017-03-01 13:02:13] - paul:  just perusing the responses from Trump's speech last night, I'm really starting to buy into Kmele's theory of "Respectability Politique". - mig

[2017-03-01 11:27:21] - a: I found it very interesting that he was so relatively popular among Republicans. I wonder how much of that is genuine based on him and his actions and how much of that is a reaction to the near universal negative reaction from everybody else. -Paul

[2017-03-01 11:15:02] - it seems like he's very divisive, that's for sure.  but that he even polls horribly among independents is also telling.  worst polled first 100 days in modern times?  ~a

[2017-02-28 16:10:44] - Trump has low poll numbers relative to recent presidents, but the partisan split is interesting. -Paul

[2017-02-28 11:06:04] - That doesn't make it right, that doesn't mean it's good policy.  But the concerns should be where reality is, not on hysteria of imagined fears. - mig

[2017-02-28 11:04:40] - a:  yes it would be an infinitesimally chance that a US citizen or their child are going to find themselves randomly snatched up by an ICE agent.  The article you linked is sparse on details, but I assume the people picked up were undocumented, and I'm pretty sure the ICE people in the raid knew that beforehand. - mig

[2017-02-28 10:53:36] - I see it as kind of similar to those people who worry about getting killed by a terrorist. Sure, it COULD happen, but the odds of it happening are pretty small, and you should really be worried about other stuff a lot more. -Paul

[2017-02-28 10:25:48] - mig:  why is it infinitesimally small?  they are literally snatching up people up off the street.  just down the street!  russell road.  it's not like these are people were arrested for other crimes.  they were outside of a fucking church homeless shelter.    ~a

[2017-02-28 10:09:13] - As for why I bring up the fact that these are targeted actions, I know for a fact most of the people on my feed expressing fears that they or there children will get snatched up by ICE are us citizens.  The odds that could actually happen are infinitesimally small. - mig

[2017-02-28 10:07:40] - a:  "what makes you think it'll continue to stay targeted?"  Because I don't have any reason to believe that they will.  It would be a PR disaster and the courts would probably halt it anyway.  I agree with your second statement about the nature of the targeting. - mig

[2017-02-27 17:20:31] - mig:  they're targeted now.  what makes you think it'll continue to stay targeted?  regardless, i don't think it's as targeted as it should be:  it sounds like they've "targeted" people who otherwise have no criminal record.  double-regardless, who cares if it's targeted / why is targeted a good thing?  ~a

[2017-02-27 16:31:47] - g:  these raids described here seem to be targeted.  They don't appear to be randomly sweeping up any Hispanics or non-whites they happen to come across.  I'm concerned about the former, but some people on my feed are imply the latter is happening, which I think is spreading some unnecessary and irrational fear. - mig

[2017-02-27 15:22:58] - looks like Hispanic men are being targeted ~g

[2017-02-27 09:20:22] - a: no ~g

[2017-02-26 19:49:16] - did anybody see the Kong skull island trailer?  With the Steve brule guy from Tim and Eric? First jack black and now this, what the fuck is with king Kong 🍉 - aaron

[2017-02-24 16:57:19] - g:  are they white?  ~a

[2017-02-24 16:53:51] - Also I think there are more illegal immigrants in this area than you might expect, I may know a few... ~g

[2017-02-24 16:52:31] - see I stereotype too! ~g

[2017-02-24 16:52:16] - Plus someone who lives in a specifically named house is probably more concerned with people of specific colors rather than people that match his house (and him) ~g

[2017-02-24 16:51:16] - people stereotype. It is a fact of life. I don't think they are crazy, I hope they never have cause to have to show anyone their passport. ~g

[2017-02-24 16:01:49] - a: I guess? I mean, I don't think either SHOULD have to carry their passports, so it's kind of like asking me "If gay couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt, then neither should straight couples. Do you agree?" -Paul

[2017-02-24 15:58:39] - a:  in that hypothetical, yes.  However, I find the fears of the people saying they think they need to carry around their passport at all times is a little overblown is all. - mig

[2017-02-24 15:16:59] - paul:  if non-white citizens should have to carry around their passports, then white citizens should have to carry around their passports.  do you agree?  ~a

[2017-02-24 14:27:47] - mig: I'd have to check - it was at some grocery store here but I'm not sure if it was employees or shoppers or what.  I'd have to go back and look.  -Daniel

[2017-02-24 14:20:03] - a: Should it be that way? Um... I don't know. Possibly not? But at the same time it probably makes more sense for law enforcement to be looking for illegal immigrants in areas where they live in greater numbers versus places where they generally don't live. -Paul

[2017-02-24 14:18:41] - a: So many "it depends" in there. My point was that given that certain government agencies are likely to be targeting people differently depending on how they look and/or where they live, I think it's more (or less) reasonable to worry about carrying around your passport depending on how you look or where you live. -Paul

[2017-02-24 14:15:55] - mig/paul:  shouldn't it not matter what you look like as to how you act?  ~a

[2017-02-24 13:06:29] - but sure, I definitely can see being a little more nervous about being a HIspanic or otherwise non-white ethnicity in some parts of Texas.  None of the people in my feed really match that residency criteria though. - mig

[2017-02-24 12:50:32] - daniel:  the raids are targeted though, aren't they?  It's not like there are roving ICE agents scouring the streets questioning any Hispanic they run into hoping to run into illegals by happenstance?  I could be wrong but that wasn't my impression of how ICE operates, or would even in the era of Trump. - mig

[2017-02-24 12:42:39] - mig: I know here in TX there have been some ICE raids or checkpoints so I would go with - it depends on where you live and how active ICE is in your area.  -Daniel

[2017-02-24 12:39:46] - paul:  Well the person lives in Virginia and she is a citizen, so I thought the fear expressed was pretty fucking bonkers.  I could maybe see this being a legitamate fear in Maricopa county because it's ruled by a fucking crazy person with the means to actually follow through, but outside of that ... i'm unsure.  - mig

[2017-02-24 12:37:13] - mig: But there's a lot of stuff that people freak out about for no good reason. Remember ebola? -Paul

[2017-02-24 12:36:17] - mig: Well, my guess is that it depends a lot on where you live and what you look like. For a white person in Iowa to want to keep a passport around is probably more paranoid than maybe... I dunno, a turban-wearing hispanic in Texas? I actually don't know who would be in most danger. -Paul

[2017-02-24 12:32:04] - one person on FB I know specifically mentioned something akin to roving ICE squads looking to pick up illegals, and that she was now afraid to leave her son by himself anywhere for fear of him being "picked up". - mig

[2017-02-24 12:18:58] - mig: I've seen that, but am not sure I understand. Is it so they can prove their citizenship if challenged? Is that something that is happening with more frequency outside of airports? -Paul

[2017-02-24 11:57:06] - so I've already more than several times people expressing fear of needing to keep their passports on their person at all times now since Trump's was elected.  Am I being out of line for thinking such sentiments are a bit overly paranoid? - mig

[2017-02-23 13:59:19] - mig: i can see tassadar being retroactively labelled a "specialist" in the same way that medivh is a specialist, although it's certainly a different flavor of specialist from abathur/nazeebo/gazlowe/etc. it's more like, "oh he does something weird" - aaron

[2017-02-23 13:56:00] - paul: sylvanas is very hard to catch with her teleport. murky has his bubble, and vikings don't technically have any "escape" but they don't particularly care about being caught since they're only a third of a kill. zagara's nydus lets her rejoin a fight from across the map - aaron

[2017-02-23 13:51:29] - I would recommend Murky right now as I'm hearing he(she, it?) is absurdly broken. - mig

[2017-02-23 13:37:52] - Frankly, it seems like I should just play Abathur. :-) -Paul

[2017-02-23 13:13:53] - Though I know they've been extensively tweaked since those discussions, so their labeled role of support probably fits more now. - mig

[2017-02-23 13:09:58] - Tassadar is still labeled as a support.  There was actually some talk about (and I think Blizzard might have actually considered it) of reclassifying roles for Tyrande and Tassadar, moving them to Assassin and Specialist, respectively. - mig

[2017-02-23 13:07:04] - I think demand parking (and express toll lanes) are actually really excellent ideas.  I just don't like the public-private partnership model the express lanes used.  I also had strong concerns about the change impacting slugging.  Slugging seems to have survived well enough, so overall it's a boon. -- Xpovos

[2017-02-23 13:06:01] - a: I get that the point is to not shock the market too much, but "Transportation officials can legally keep raising the rate to $8 an hour, but Dey said the city is taking “a very incremental and conservative approach to our price adjustments.”" So really, $2.75 is pretty small for the most prime spots. -- Xpovos

[2017-02-23 13:05:01] - specialists are weird because some of them are really, really good on specific maps.  I forget which ones, but gazlowe, for instance,  has some maps where he is really good.  - mig

[2017-02-23 12:30:21] - demand parking. like the express lanes? "find the pricing 'sweet spot' so there is one empty spot, on each side of the street, on every block. Then people...won’t keep circling around, plugging up traffic for everyone else" ~a

[2017-02-23 12:07:21] - Aaron: Is Tassadar a specialist? I felt like he could be worthwhile if I could figure out his skill shots... -Paul

[2017-02-23 12:07:00] - aaron: But who can do that? Zagara can't teleport or push a lane while being in a team fight, can she? Not sure about Sylvanas though. Either way, though, the lack of damage dealing (and lack of ability to take damage) just makes it seem pointless for me to be in team fights at all with some specialists. -Paul

[2017-02-23 12:02:39] - paul: i can understand why it seems that way, because she has good wave clear. but good specialists are more than just wave clear; it's stuff like, we're in a 5v5 team fight and i'm simultaneously pushing this lane that's far away. or i'm pushing this lane alone, and i know i can't be caught no matter what because i can teleport away - aaron

[2017-02-23 11:54:45] - Aaron: It seems like assassins can push lanes just as well as specialists but do better in fights. -Paul

[2017-02-23 11:54:01] - Aaron: I think the problem is I spend more time than I should soaking XP and wiping minion waves and pushing lanes.... but I really hate feeling worthless in fights and having to run away whenever anybody shows up (and I don't pay enough attention to the mini-map so I get ambushed a lot). -Paul

[2017-02-23 11:53:05] - aaron: Yeah, and last night I did what was apparently a ridiculous amount of siege damage as Jaina in one particular match (can't remember how much, but it was 2nd most on our team). -Paul

[2017-02-23 11:50:06] - paul: but specialists do worse in fights, i think that was your complaint about Sylvanas and Zagara, that they were too squishy and always lost a 1v1 fight (a fair complaint) - aaron

[2017-02-23 11:49:12] - paul: i'm still surprised you haven't found a specialist you like, since you often end up playing characters like Jaina and then more siege damage than our Gazlowe and less hero damage than our Diablo. it seems like your playstyle really leans towards specialists - aaron

[2017-02-23 11:48:20] - paul:  none that I know of.  I'm not sure there's even any sort of basic profile thing to look at on a web page. - mig

[2017-02-23 11:24:47] - Also, when Mass Effect Andromeda comes out, I might be taking a long break from HotS until I beat it. :-) -Paul

[2017-02-23 11:24:27] - Is there a way to figure out which HotS Heroes that I own without logging on to Battle.Net? I realized last night that I basically only have one tank, one healer and 3 assassins that I use, so I should at least find one more tank and possibly healer to buy. -Paul

[2017-02-23 11:18:23] - As far as I can tell, this is legit (and I believe safe for work, despite the URL). -Paul

[2017-02-23 11:07:21] - thanks, i'll check it out!  ~a

[2017-02-23 11:04:39] - a: I know this is a bit late, but I fixed the broken ad link in my article.  Thanks again for pointing it out.  I also confirmed that the 84 Lumber ad I posted was the original, what was shown during the game. -- Xpovos

[2017-02-23 11:02:26] - 5  ~a

[2017-02-23 10:59:55] - were generics added in 6 or 7? - mig

[2017-02-23 10:49:26] - g:  Map.computeIfAbsent is the best default ever!  with the ConcurrentHashMap and computeIfAbsent, you can now concurrently add new things without locking nearly as much.  ~a

[2017-02-23 10:47:44] - g:  i usually bite off a little bit at a time.  also, i more focus on the core language when i'm not learning for a specific task.  for instance, if you're up-to-date on java 7, they added some interesting things in java 8.  i like lambdas a lot, and i'm torn on whether i like streams.  defaults are nice.  ~a

[2017-02-23 10:43:11] - aaron:  i think maybe calories per box should be even.  ~a

[2017-02-23 10:37:37] - I am seriously cramming my brain full of SOOOO much data. I am trying to learn everything about Red Hat's JBoss EAP and then I am going to have to learn about OpenShift apparently (along with Docker and Kubernetes) and then the rest of our Middleware stack along with the history of Java... my brain is full ~g

[2017-02-23 10:29:39] - Hey everyone, does anyone know of a good site to read up on the history of java especially focusing on the past few years? I need to know things like... JAX-RPC being deprecated, arguments on JEE being dead, Spring Boot vs Spring, really all big things and some small in the Java world. ~g

[2017-02-23 10:22:44] - until today i wasn't sure why there were so much fewer tagalong cookies in a package compared to thin mints. i guess on some level, i just assumed that since those cookies tasted better, they had to give you fewer of them to make it fair - aaron

[2017-02-23 10:21:59] - hmm. the chocolate in tagalong cookies is soft, so if the cookies touched in the package, they would stick together and break apart. thin mints use a different kind of chocolate so they can all fit in a compact sleeve - aaron

[2017-02-22 17:47:00] - ok i guess i'll push to keep it then.  thanks!  :)  ~a

[2017-02-22 16:52:36] - I think the consensus as I understand it is its not a good move retirement savings wise as its taking money out of the market.  However as a tool to be used sparingly I imagine there are some situations where it could be used for good.  -Daniel

[2017-02-22 15:56:04] - a: We've used one. Are you asking if you should provide it at your company? If it doesn't cost extra, I'm always a fan of giving people a choice. -Paul

[2017-02-22 15:32:45] - paul/daniel:  pro:  at least you're loaning the money to yourself, so the interest is paid to yourself!  con:  the whole point of retirement plans is it's something that you save for retirement, and this seems to counteract that:  but it's limited to 50%, so it's not so bad.  ~a

[2017-02-22 15:30:40] - paul/daniel:  what's your opinion of 401k loans?  some companies allow them and some companies don't. here's how it works:  you can borrow (up to) 50% of your 401k balance as a loan. you're loaning your own money to yourself.  i'm torn on whether i think it's a good thing or a bad thing.  ~a

[2017-02-22 14:28:37] - daniel:  stock tanked.  their ipo was at 40.  they're currently trading under 10.  i'm just glad i bought as little as i did.  ~a

[2017-02-22 14:26:24] - What happened with GoPro?  -Daniel

[2017-02-22 14:17:17] - a: Yeah, I dodged the GoPro bullet, and I think I've largely made money on AMD over the years (although I lost a lot of "paper" money when I held too long one time). I remember following AMD for awhile, wondering if it had potential to come back from the dead. I guess I stopped watching about a year ago. :-P -Paul

[2017-02-22 14:14:26] - this is why i (mostly) buy index funds.  bullshit like this.  or bullshit like gpro.  ~a

[2017-02-22 14:12:32] - jesus, don't remind me.  i sold amd at a loss.  ~a

[2017-02-22 12:10:39] - Oh my god, AMD is up 600%+ over the past year. I thought they were headed for bankruptcy around that time. -Paul

[2017-02-22 10:00:49] - yeah seems like standard bs to me.  ~a

[2017-02-22 09:31:55] - mig: Mild click bait trivia based article for that sweet ad revenue?  That would be my guess.  -Daniel

[2017-02-21 18:21:22] - can someone illuminate me on the point of this article? - mig

[2017-02-21 14:51:09] - oh wow, very surprising.  google finance uses flash.  of all the things to require flash.  . . . google!  so weird.  (btw, yahoo finance, which i hate, does not require flash)  ~a

[2017-02-21 14:25:55] - a: I'm fine with disabling flash, but I want my google finance graphs to work. :-) -Paul

[2017-02-21 14:02:23] - paul:  (don't click on those links as this will not work, you have to copy-paste them into the top bar)  ~a

[2017-02-21 14:00:25] - paul:  you could always disable flash :)  about://plugins  (very few things still require flash.  i.e. youtube seems to work fine without it.  i read recently they're removing the about://plugins  aka  chrome://plugins/  in future versions, but your current version does probably have it)  ~a

[2017-02-21 12:36:41] - Anybody else here use Chrome and been told that Adobe Flash is blocked because it's out of date? I've gotten this warning for a few days now on my work computer, but nothing I do seems to let me update it... -Paul

[2017-02-19 14:05:18] - Yeah, it's a big deal. Lady S and the Rag were always on my "to craft" list because of the reasons why they're going away, but I kept holding off.  5000+ dust and never did it.  I did golden Rag yesterday, I'm going to see if I can scrounge up enough extra dust to get a golden Sylvanas too. -- Xpovos

[2017-02-18 17:51:59] - xpovos:  just what in the fuck just happened? - mig

[2017-02-18 13:27:02] - Time to go craft Sylvanis and Ragnaros. -- Xpovos

[2017-02-17 17:24:06] - System.out.println(Character.toChars(0x1f34f));  ~a

[2017-02-17 17:14:48] - aaron:  echo -e '\U1f34f'  ~a

[2017-02-17 16:21:08] - 🍏 - aaron

[2017-02-17 14:21:28] - a: It occurs to me now that I actually have zero exposure to domestic mid caps in my mutual funds, since my IRA and 401(k) both use either the S&P500 or small cap funds. I have no total market or mid caps. I should change that. -Paul

[2017-02-17 14:14:30] - a: Okay, that explains it some. Mine is VFIAX (S&P500?), VEMAX (Emerging Markets), VSMAX (Small Cap) and VTIAX (Total International). So I have a more aggressive mix (international exposure vs bonds). -Paul

[2017-02-17 14:02:25] - paul:  vtsax (total stock market) vbtlx (total bond market) vimax (mid-cap).  though that has definitely changed over the year.  in 2016 i had lots of changes.  ~a

[2017-02-17 13:45:59] - a: It's interesting to me how our mutual funds have the same total return, yet the individual quarters are so different. Is your mutual fund in vanguard index funds? -Paul

[2017-02-17 13:42:10] - paul:  awesome.  can't wait for april 1st then :)  maybe you'll beat me this time.  link  ~a

[2017-02-17 13:28:49] - a: Speaking of retirement, I'm having a gangbusters quarter for my self directed retirement funds so far (knock on wood). Up 14% or so in a quarter that is only half over. -Paul

[2017-02-17 13:00:03] - . . . and the last time it happened i worked for raytheon.  ~a

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