here are old message board entries
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2017-07-06 11:21:07] -
paul/daniel: a little bit-morbid, but here's a graph that combines life-expectancy with market probabilities for after-retirement planning.
graph. the red part is the chance that you'll run out of money, the grey part is the chance that you'll die (~100% at age 100).
2017-07-06 10:53:07] - it does it in a pretty simplistic way though. a more-correct way would be to use
adjusted-close price. still, we're not talking about a big difference. like not enough to change the winner (most likely).
2017-07-06 10:50:49] -
paul: it does, yes.
2017-07-06 10:50:36] -
paul: it's some pathological rounding: you're almost ready to round to 4% and he's almost ready to round to 2%.
2017-07-06 10:50:09] -
a: Your "change" column doesn't count dividends, though, does it?
2017-07-06 10:48:26] -
Daniel: It's so weird, because eyeballing my individual returns and yours, it seems like I should be crushing you still. Wouldn't be surprised if I fall behind a bunch during a prolonged downturn.
2017-07-06 10:41:17] - what's more, there's a second "rounding" problem: time. you're taking paul's intra-day losses into account. you need to wait until the end of today when you (unless the market does a u-turn) will also have some losses.
2017-07-06 10:39:48] - decimal points.
2017-07-06 10:32:10] -
Paul: Oo we're tied! Though the spreadsheet still has you in the lead so you are probably decimal points ahead or something? But close!
2017-07-06 10:31:34] -
yeah, considering he did it multiple times at the final table, banning would be a pretty normal thing to do. not sure on the duration of the ban though.
2017-07-06 10:28:13] -
a: currently, an event ban for him is not on the table. but some people are calling for it.
- mig
2017-07-06 10:12:33] - what would you have them do? banning him from future events is the only other "normal" punishment i can think of.
2017-07-05 12:00:57] - gave back his prizes), but I was curious how this would have been dealt with if this was a Magic event.
- mig
2017-07-05 12:00:20] - just a little bit of broader context: over the weekend, at a tournament for a Star Wars card game at the game store near my house, someone got caught cheating pretty blatantly on stream at the final table several times over the course of a best of 3 match. I'm not sure what the game store ended ultimately ended up punishing the player with (I did hear he voluntarily
2017-07-05 11:26:47] - who's played in a mtg official event? besides vinnie?
2017-07-05 10:56:36] - MTG = magic. Cheating context: going to the equivalent here, let's say stealthily sneaking something from your graveyard back into your hand. Level .... lowest rung of any official type event.
- mig
2017-07-04 20:50:54] -
mig: I'm going to need more context. Cheating how? In what level of event? Does MTG even mean what I think it does?
-- Xpovos
2017-07-03 15:30:42] - for the MTG folks, out of some morbid curiosity - what generally happens to a player who gets caught cheating in a very public manner (I.e. it's shown on a web stream)?
- mig
2017-07-03 12:58:08] -
Daniel: *Sigh* I know. For whatever reason I have a hard time getting into it. I think it's the open world nature of it. I don't know where to go.
2017-07-03 12:57:23] -
Paul: Witcher 3 definitely is better than Fallout 4.
2017-07-03 12:52:04] -
Daniel: Thanks for your opinion on Fallout 4. I think I'll hold off. I still have the Witcher 3 that I haven't beaten as well.
2017-07-03 11:39:20] -
Daniel: Yeah, CP3 could be a big boon to the Rockets, but I could also see it being a disaster like when Howard was with the Rockets.
2017-07-03 11:24:04] -
Paul: I enjoyed Fallout 4. It has some fun moments. Story wise I think its worse than Vegas and 3 but I still put like 50ish hours into it. I'm pretty sure I like New Vegas more than Fallout4 though so if you are picking just one I would vote Vegas.
2017-07-03 11:21:56] -
Paul: Like what is CP3 going to do the first time Harden totally whiffs on defense? If he gets on Harden to do better is Harden going to respond or tell him to GTFO. I don't know. It will be interesting to see. Also if we can add olympic Melo to the Rockets that will be amazing.
2017-07-03 11:20:57] -
Paul: Fuck yeah Chris Paul! That came out of nowhere as far as I knew. I'm not entirely sure how it will work out but with golden state and lebron out there you have to go big if you want to try and win.
2017-07-03 11:20:00] - -Daniel
2017-07-03 11:19:58] -
a: Re job number. I'm on my 3rd company since I started as a professional programmer. I've applied to a 4th now though so we will see if number 3 is short lived. I was definitely at Pragmatics a long time but I think thats largely due to the people they had on the projects I spent most of my time on. Also I worked on several projects while I was there so that helps
2017-07-03 11:18:24] - Sorry I got busy at work and moved houses and things have been crazy so I didn't check the board for like a week.
2017-06-30 20:26:24] -
aaron: Cool, thanks for the review. Sounds a lot like I expected: I might enjoy some, but I also might get frustrated. I'll check with Gurkie and see if she might be interested as well. If she's game, maybe we'll get it. Then you can warn us about goblins.
2017-06-30 17:43:45] -
paul: for $16 i think, if you're like me, you'll at least get 2-3 hours of it. i think gurkie might like it too. it's a very coop-friendly kind of game since it's confusing and most of the puzzles center around visual/environmental things, not "are you coordinated enough to jump on this monster"
- aaron
2017-06-30 17:41:54] -
paul: but like -- no, there's some CRAZY THING that you have to figure out that makes the puzzle solvable. maybe you can only see it from up close. or from far away. maybe only at a certain angle. or during the day. or when you're underwater. or only if you don't scare the electricity goblin away by crossing his favorite bridge
- aaron
2017-06-30 17:40:24] -
paul: whereas in the witness, there are a few areas which work that way, "oh what do these white dots mean? oh, i get it." but plenty of areas where it's just like, "oh. all of these puzzles are blank. i guess i can't do them yet," or "oh, this puzzle's behind a locked door. i guess it's for later..."
- aaron
2017-06-30 17:38:57] -
paul: i thought the puzzles were considerably more complex and intuitive than braid. without spoiling anything, braid sort of gives you a new toy, "this thing makes time go faster," and then gives you puzzles to play with that mechanic....
- aaron
2017-06-30 17:37:51] -
a: i liked the witness -- but admittedly, only played it for about 3 hours and never finished it. i think i'd really love to play those kinds of games with a second person. it's a lot more fun being stuck in those games when you have a second person to be stuck with
- aaron
2017-06-30 16:39:11] -
a: Yeah, 14% and 7% the past two quarters. Helped a lot by Tesla (70% past 6 months), Shopify (100% past 6 months) and Mercado Libre (60%).
2017-06-30 16:33:45] -
paul: wow, you've had a good couple of quarters.
you've almost taken the lead since the year boundary. i still refuse to count 2015q4 because that's a crazy thing to count
2017-06-30 16:21:34] - oh wow, for some reason i thought it was 4:30.
2017-06-30 16:21:07] - is the market closed?
2017-06-30 16:11:30] - 2017Q2 numbers from my retirement funds (not the 2017 stock market challenge): My individual stocks were up 7.55% vs 3.68% for my Vanguard funds and 2.58% for the S&P. Total returns since I started counting? 26.2% for S&P, 27.5% for Vanguard and 27.9% for individual stocks. I've taken the lead!
2017-06-30 15:51:04] - i'd also like to know peoples opinion of the witness.
2017-06-30 14:38:10] -
Also, any thoughts on The Witness at $16? I have a love/hate relationship with Braid where I kind of enjoyed myself but was frustrated by a lot of it too.
2017-06-30 14:37:13] -
So, Fallout 4 is apparently on sale for around $20 for Xbox One and it looks like it got fairly decent reviews. I enjoyed Fallout 3 well enough, but I tend to get a little bored with open world games. Should I give Fallout 4 a try? What if I still have New Vegas that I started and never finished?
2017-06-29 14:55:30] - regarding the submessage today: apparently is gone.
2017-06-29 14:50:56] -
2017-06-29 14:13:10] -
a: hmm a worthwhile tradeoff
- aaron
2017-06-29 11:17:04] -
dc room for rent ~a
2017-06-29 11:05:42] -
aaron: i know you're kidding, but deleting the
.git/config files has a second side effect you might not like: git pull and git push are no longer going to function.
2017-06-29 11:03:16] -
aaron: well, i'm happy to hear that you're doing this; i was worried this was the normal windows situation. yeah, if i was in your shoes, i'd make an alias. i've made lots of aliases for weird stuff i like to do a lot.
alias |grep git returns a lot of stuff. like
alias gitlog='git mylog' since git won't let you alias the built-ins.
2017-06-29 10:35:33] -
a: i jokingly suggested having a cron job which runs every minute and deletes every
.git/config file on the local workstation, which fixes the problem and means i can still use the regular "git clone" command instead of having a janky alias
- aaron
2017-06-29 10:33:30] -
a: for now a servicable workaround is "just try to remember not to clone any projects from ubuntu" but at the time i was just baffled that cloning git projects fabricates new child configuration files with arbitrary settings which override everything in global.
- aaron
2017-06-29 10:31:56] -
a: i'm admittedly doing something unusual, where i'm sharing a filesystem between windows and a virtualbox running ubuntu. but the result is that anything i clone from ubuntu has filemode set to true, which confuses windows
- aaron
2017-06-28 16:36:17] -
xpovos: yep i think the average is ~4 years per job (12 job changes per career), so we all should be on job 4-5 (3-4 changes) by now.
2017-06-28 16:07:58] - Somewhat related: I know we've talked about it before, but it doesn't hurt having several links to that. It's a good piece.
-- Xpovos
2017-06-28 16:07:17] -
a: OK, not counting sidegigs and only counting primary jobs, but when I am counting temporary jobs, since 2004: 4 job changes. And yes, even across 13 years 4 is not huge. I've been in my current job/role for just about 9 years now, so that's remarkably stable. I'm (over)due for a shift.
-- Xpovos
2017-06-28 14:13:29] - i'm a little surprised though that this is a problem in cygwin.
2017-06-28 14:11:15] -
aaron: a little janky (brings me back to our conversation about how git is shitty on windows):
alias gitclone='git clone --config core.filemode=false' ~a
2017-06-28 14:07:07] - looks like a problem to me. the expected use case is (guessing) each repo can be in its own
filesystem, so each repo checks for itself to see if filemode should be false (broken) or should be true (working). imo, instead of "true" they should have used the default, which is to inherit the global settings.
2017-06-28 13:51:37] -
a: here's the git source code in question so it seems like it was deliberate. but isn't this kind of strange? what's the point of having global settings? what's the expected use case here?
- aaron
2017-06-28 13:50:43] -
a: you know git better than i do -- i've changed my global settings file in ~/.gitconfig to set filemode=false. but every time i clone a new git project, it creates a /myproject/.git/config file with a filemode setting which overrides my global one. is this intended behavior?
- aaron
2017-06-28 12:05:47] -
Daniel: Holy crap.Congrats! Although I do wonder about chemistry with Paul and Harden.
2017-06-28 11:30:50] -
a: Gurkie said her number is 1.
2017-06-27 16:48:36] -
xpovos: i guess i'm more surprised by how small our numbers have been.
2017-06-27 16:48:20] -
xpovos: i've had side gigs a few times, but i dunno, they were short, so i didn't count them as an active change of employers: i say don't count side-gigs unless you left your employer to do the side gig. which means you would count the temporary job, if you didn't have another job? kinda arbitrarily picking rules though, the number doesn't really matter
2017-06-27 16:05:17] -
Also, today was a rough day for my stock market challenge portfolio. Daniel is inching ever closer. The time of reckoning may be at hand.
2017-06-27 16:04:43] -
a: I'm a little surprised I'm leading the category by such a large margin considering that I see myself as somebody who would've loved to have stuck with one employer and has a high tolerance for sticking things out instead of seeking out new opportunities.
2017-06-27 16:03:05] -
a: Kinda depends on when in 2004, but I would say I've had 3 jobs in that time (so switched employers twice). You could make a strong argument for 4 jobs and 3 switches, though.
2017-06-27 15:51:02] -
a: Regardless, I'm at least 3, probably.
-- Xpovos
2017-06-27 15:50:20] -
a: Um... I'm not 1. I'm higher, but I'll need to count and or get a clarification. Does a job that is on both sides intended as temporary which did not turn into a permanent position count? Do multiple jobs at the same time count somehow? What is the minimum to consider being employed? I've had several jobs where I made money in exchange for labor, just not much.
2017-06-27 15:19:34] - since 2004, how many times have you actively changed employers (so acquisitions not counted)? mig=0?, aaron=1?, a=1, xpovos=1?, daniel=1?, dave=1?, paul=2?, g=?, regardless of the exact answers though, fuck those are some small numbers for ~13 years. like . . . doesn't that go contrary to standard career advice?
2017-06-27 14:54:19] -
a: Most I've tried to time the market in the past is when I increased my 401(k) contribution during the great recession.
2017-06-27 14:50:53] -
a: It kind of is. I agree that when the market drops, it would be nice to "buy on sale", but I guess I'm not sure if it's worth the trade-off of having money lying around and doing nothing while waiting for that sale.
2017-06-27 13:54:04] - "My problem has always been having the money available to buy on dips." maybe we're agreeing that this isn't a problem.
2017-06-27 13:53:27] - i guess maybe that was your point.
2017-06-27 13:51:07] -
paul: yeah that's fair. which is why i keep ~0% in cash.
but it's hard to say, "hey things are cheaper now, let's buy up these cheap things" if you have 0% in cash.
2017-06-27 13:45:23] -
a: Which he doesn't try to do. We could have another 5 years of a bull market and that 1% in cash would be doing nothing during that time. Or maybe the market dips some, you invest that 1%, then it goes down a bunch more. Now you probably wish you hadn't bought when you had.
2017-06-27 13:44:21] -
a: Basically he doesn't like to keep "powder dry" and likes to keep all his "investment" money fully invested in the market. Why? Because the market is the best long term way to build wealth, so keeping funds in cash just means you are losing out on returns on that money, and keeping it in cash only makes sense if you are going to try to time the market...
2017-06-27 13:42:35] -
a: I think he does a pretty good job of not endorsing trying to time the market, and to point out that he doesn't know when the next recession is coming (just that we're closer). When it comes to keeping 1% in cash, I just keep thinking back to something David Gardner (Motley Fool co-founder) has said...
2017-06-27 13:29:04] -
paul: otoh, if you're holding 1% in cash, to make small purchases during a recession, i have a hard time saying that is "timing the market". it's more "hedging your bets".
2017-06-27 13:28:16] -
paul: i agree with your assessment. it sounds like trying to time the market, something that i agree is dumb. so, maybe i don't agree with mmm's overall thesis, but i agree with other parts of it: maybe that small recessions aren't good, but they aren't bad either.
2017-06-27 12:33:14] - I can't contribute to my Roth IRA anymore, so any money I want to use to buy on dips has to come from selling stuff I already own, and doing that seems like trying to time the market, which I have no faith in me being able to do.
2017-06-27 12:32:44] -
a: Heh, a TMF analyst tweeted this (or maybe just liked it, either way I saw it on my twitter feed through him), so I already read it. Pretty good analysis as far as I can tell. My problem has always been having the money available to buy on dips.
2017-06-27 12:10:11] -
there is another recession coming (and why this is good news)
2017-06-27 12:09:02] -
paul: well, as you know, i'm watching the markup (not the price) since i don't hold any gbtc anymore. the markup is still too high. i'm waiting for something closer to 10-20%. also, i imagine craziness will ensue with the gbtc price when UASF vs Segwit2x wars begin next month (july 23rd).
2017-06-27 11:30:07] - It's weird how close my Vanguard funds are (a mix of S&P index, small cap index, emerging market index and total international index) to the S&P.
2017-06-27 11:20:44] - If that happens, then my Roth IRA will have taken the lead over the S&P lifetime.
2017-06-27 11:19:01] -
a: Also, there's still a few days left in the quarter, but my Roth IRA is on track to crush the S&P for the second consecutive quarter ~10% to ~3%.
2017-06-27 11:15:50] -
a: GBTC down almost 20% in the past 5 days. Is the correction coming?
2017-06-27 09:53:28] -
aaron: It occurs to me that I didn't provide any direction to you about how to use the Soylent you took home. Any questions?
2017-06-27 09:48:25] -
aaron: yep. i think a lot of people spend 0 hours with their coworkers (work from home?) and i bet other people go weeks without seeing their friends but then will spend a week at the beach with them. it's about a trend-line though: like i didn't realize (but should have probably guessed) how much older people spend of their waking time alone.
2017-06-27 09:16:45] -
a: very interesting. i suspect the standard deviation is very high for those numbers -- like in a sample group of 100 middle-aged people, i don't think you'd have like 75% of them spending about 4 hours with their kids. i think you'd have 50% of them spending 8 hours, and 50% of them spending 0 hours
- aaron
2017-06-26 16:28:43] -
who we spend time with ~a
2017-06-26 14:38:15] - It cuts both ways! Beautiful. Now I just need a Slap-Chop jingle and I can infomercial it.
-- Xpovos
2017-06-26 14:29:56] -
a: I think you're misunderstanding. I'm not saying that it isn't happening, but that I am not doing it. I'm the victim of stereotyping here.
2017-06-26 14:20:52] -
xpovos: something is happening to the minority that paul doesn't personally witness, and therefore it must not be happening?
i feel like we've been here before.
2017-06-26 14:18:19] -
Paul: Minority problems?
-- Xpovos
2017-06-26 14:14:37] -
a: "i think there is a lot of unwarranted anger out there among motorists against people who cycle". And I guess that's not something that I see. Just feels like I am being blamed for something that I am not doing.
2017-06-26 14:06:50] -
a: That's generally what I do (pass if I think there's ample room). Glad to hear I was doing it right.
2017-06-26 14:03:41] - "Am I supposed to pass them? Drive behind them? Neither seems like an ideal scenario." if there is room to legally pass (make sure to give 3 feet or 1 meter of buffer) then pass. otherwise you mayn't.
2017-06-26 14:00:42] -
paul: "there is a lot of unwarranted anger out there among cyclists against people who drive" well to give some perspective, i think there is a lot of unwarranted anger out there among motorists against people who cycle. actually, i think that was also the point of the article.
2017-06-26 13:59:24] -
oh, sorry i wasn't suggesting that i saw someone going the wrong way. just that i saw that section of road you were talking about earlier.
2017-06-26 13:45:21] -
a: "definitely inexcusable" Maybe it was the same cyclist. I just never know how to handle cyclists on that sharrow generally. Am I supposed to pass them? Drive behind them? Neither seems like an ideal scenario.
2017-06-26 13:42:33] -
a: I'm not sure I understand your link. I mean, I get that it's "turning the tables" on what I assume are the excuses that people use for not biking into work, but I don't get why it was written. It seems to me like there is a lot of unwarranted anger out there among cyclists against people who drive.
2017-06-26 13:23:27] -
mig: Shadow Strike is a card that can be predicted and played around. Warrior at 5-2 is probably not going to make rookie mistakes like that. So I'm going to guess calculated, though it's pretty next-level. And the fact that Kripp drew Shadow Strike makes it hilarious, of course.
-- Xpovos
2017-06-26 13:15:13] -
paul: yesterday i rode (the right way) along that one-way sharrow road section you were talking about near your work where the cyclist was going the wrong-way. definitely inexcusable. seeing the construction there, i worry he/she might do that every day.
2017-06-26 13:13:01] -
Did you know there are people who drive their cars to work?. the only thing that didn't ring true for me was "stopping at stop signs". imo stop signs are definitely something that motorists are better at than cyclists so it was a dumb thing to include here.
2017-06-25 23:14:44] -
xpovos: lucky or ... calculated?
- mig
2017-06-24 13:35:13] -
yep. ~a
2017-06-24 13:28:03] -
a: Here you go!
2017-06-23 16:57:56] -
paul: as it stands right now: easy or cheap, you can't have both. eventually some day we might have index funds for altcoins and everything will actually follow their nav, but today you get to pick between easy and cheap.
2017-06-23 13:46:21] -
a: All I want to do is invest a little bit of money in the idea of crypto-currencies. I don't even particularly care about owning the currencies themselves. Might even prefer not to, for safety's sake. I can see the appeal of something like GBTC even though we've gone over the downsides a lot.
2017-06-23 13:29:27] -
yeah, i'll probably try some out. sadly the only one that works for android and supports the newest ethereum token standards is not open source. so, we might be fucked in the short term. or, i guess maybe we don't care about token standards?
2017-06-23 13:04:52] -
a: Will do, but don't hold your breath. I'm lazy.
2017-06-23 12:52:45] - you cannot. honestly, i have been meaning to find a decent android wallet for ethereum. if you find a good one, please let me know.
2017-06-23 12:29:11] -
a: Do you know if I can store ethereum on a MyCelium wallet?
2017-06-23 11:11:52] -
yeah, we watched it last week in delaware. along with a number of other nostalgic "classics" like office space, billy madison, and galaxy quest.
2017-06-23 10:24:47] - I like The Matrix, it was a fun movie and I have definitely seen it a number of times. That number is in the order of magnitude around 10. So it surprises me that we were able to quote it so well on so relatively few watchings with the most recent one having been many years prior.
-- Xpovos
2017-06-23 10:23:43] - I was at Paul's place a while back and The Matrix randomly came on the TV--we weren't trying to watch it. It was towards the end, the Subway fight between Neo and Smith. Paul and I were able to quote every line from there to the end of the movie without missing more than a word for a synonym.
-- Xpovos
2017-06-22 14:41:21] -
xpovos: to deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.
2017-06-22 14:28:09] -
a: What did you think of the girl in the red dress?
-- Xpovos
2017-06-22 14:25:22] -
paul: it doesn't have
everything the body needs . . . so, i understand that you've run through the agent training.
2017-06-22 14:17:49] -
a: Given the jokes they invited by naming it what they did, I wouldn't be surprised if that similarity was intentional.
2017-06-22 14:13:39] -
paul: "We engineered Soylent to provide all the protein, carbohydrates, lipids, and micronutrients that a body needs to thrive." sounds too much like "It's a single-celled protein combined with synthetic aminos, vitamins, and minerals. Everything the body needs."
2017-06-22 13:56:20] -
aaron: I mentioned it in an article about healthy (-ish) stuff that I like.
2017-06-22 13:17:34] - especially love that the ending of the show ends with "eat shit, bob". i guess murray didn't like that?
2017-06-22 13:12:59] - "coal king" robert murray is suing john oliver, time warner, and hbo over
this (24 minutes). oliver's show asked for a comment, murray's lawyers replied with a cease and desist letter and threated to sue. oliver went forward with the piece anyways (because, duh) then the lawsuit was filed. ah, streisand.
2017-06-22 12:42:34] -
paul: have you done a rampant discourse article on soylent? i'd be interested in reading about it
- aaron
2017-06-21 13:06:16] - chanting it after a loss? yeah, i don't know why one would do that.
2017-06-21 13:00:54] -
a: so just a group self-patting on the back for a "job well done", then?
- mig
2017-06-21 11:05:26] - it's both an annoying and meaningless chant. it means democracy includes protests. i think there's probably a better way of saying that, but protests are almost annoying by definition regardless.
2017-06-21 10:41:21] - last night some ossoff supporters were chanting "this is what democracy looks like!" after Ossof had conceded the election for ga-06. What the blazes does this chant mean?
- mig
2017-06-20 10:58:22] - yeah i was surprised that i didn't see more lowbrow comedies.
2017-06-20 10:06:28] -
paul: that was an interesting read, i liked that the top 50 was determined by an algorithm instead of by people, it produced some surprising results. i expected to see a few more comedies from people like jim carrey/adam sandler/robin williams and the like, since a lot of those are "bad movies" but have cult followings (cough billy madison cough)
- aaron
2017-06-20 09:20:53] -
paul: i saw last action hero for the first time about 5-10 years ago, and rewatched it 2 years ago -- it holds up. definitely wouldn't call it a bad movie. would say it has a lot of juvenile/underdeveloped humor which wouldn't appeal to film critics
- aaron
2017-06-19 13:15:12] - Not sure if it holds up today.
2017-06-19 13:15:02] -
a: Just goes back to the discussion of what makes a movie "bad".
I never saw the Beach, but I did see Last Action Hero and thought it was super clever... when I was a kid.
2017-06-19 13:08:33] - it's weird to see "the beach" on there. i thought that was a good movie: but just generally a good movie. i don't think my enjoyment of the movie was derived from its badness. regardless, i agree on a bunch of those other movies.
2017-06-19 12:23:38] - I have seen, and enjoyed, a lot of these movies.
2017-06-18 00:18:49] - It's a marathon, not a sprint. I'm not worried about the index funds. I'll beat them or lose to them on my own merits. GBTC is another thing altogether. I could have an awesome portfolio and still lose badly to the GBTC monster.
2017-06-15 15:51:14] -
daniel: yep slow and steady. gbtc has scaled back a bunch and i predict there could scale back a lot more. you easily could be in first place within a month or two.
2017-06-14 12:04:09] - No one is catching a till gbtc comes back down but index funds are closing in on 2nd place! Though they move real slow so I shouldn't get excited yet.
2017-06-12 12:21:56] - After sufficient consideration I think that I have decided to go to that concert I mentioned a while back (KMFDM @ Falls Church). I know a said he was interested. Anyone else want to go?
-- Xpovos
2017-06-08 15:52:02] - s/have/have had/. i hate english.
2017-06-08 15:48:06] -
yeah, i don't mind the articles because they all agree with me: 100% premium is too high. irl i sold literally all of my gbtc. if the premium hits 200% i'll still have made the right decision with the information i had at the time.
2017-06-08 15:38:26] -
a: Okay, I'll probably stop posting articles about how terrible an investment your pick that is up 240%+ in a little over a month is.
2017-06-08 10:18:28] - LeBron might be bailing on Cleveland again.
2017-06-07 15:37:51] - not sure where I would stand on this, but a pretty interesting legal question.
- mig
2017-06-07 13:27:09] -
a: Yeah, Shopify has been on fire lately. My personal position in it is up 120% or so and I bought this year.
2017-06-07 13:23:54] -
aaron: yeah! let me know if you get very far. i'm currently stuck on a level 4 problem. (also i'm pretty sure they give everybody problems from a "pool", so not everybody does the same problems)
2017-06-07 13:21:54] -
they also mention shop and amzn ~a
2017-06-07 13:13:31] -
a: ahhaha that's pretty cool.
- aaron
2017-06-07 12:45:09] -
paul: wsj front page today (see first sentence of "Taking Off") also,
front page of business section today.
2017-06-04 20:03:43] -
a: Interestingly, the only mention of the word "bubble" appears to be in the headline. Maybe a case of the editor taking liberties? The "clickbait" as you call it is a marketing piece that I think is at the bottom of most (if not all) Fool articles.
2017-06-04 17:00:41] - i agree gbtc buyers are kinda crazy, but i don't agree that this means bitcoin is in a bubble (though, i independently think bitcoin is in a bubble for a different reason). and i fucking hate the clickbait at the bottom: "10 stocks we like better than BITCOIN INVT TR NPV".
2017-06-04 11:19:54] -
a: Another article about gbtc.
2017-06-02 13:16:06] -
aaron: once you get past the first few levels, there is a command "recruitme" that you can use to submit your code to a google recruiter
2017-06-01 15:46:16] -
also, there's this link instead if you want: it's my single-use code.
2017-06-01 15:19:25] -
aaron: looks kinda like project euler. i did the first two, and they were pretty easy. i assume it'll get harder. they make you login using your google account after the first one, btw.
2017-06-01 13:33:14] -
daniel: ~a
2017-06-01 13:28:05] - yeah hah. i guess intwine probably shouldn't count since it was like run by tj people.
2017-06-01 13:24:07] -
a: I've run into a few, not as many since Intwine.
2017-06-01 13:16:21] -
a: I met two people who I worked with who went to TJ. Then I met a bunch more. I don't meet any currently at my work though.
2017-06-01 12:58:05] -
hah. just noticed that one of my coworkers has a tj mug. that's like the 10th person i've met on the job who went to tj. what about you guys?
2017-06-01 12:20:42] -
Alamo Drafthouse Apologizes for Starting Manpocalypse With Women-Only Screening thanks, tau.
2017-06-01 11:51:48] -
paul: yes, i think shorting sometimes costs money (per unit time). but if you want to short something like aapl, i don't know if you have to pay per unit time (scottrade is giving me an error because i haven't set up a margin account).
2017-06-01 11:51:34] -
paul: yeah, i don't know really. i don't know if the *company* disallows the options: i think the exchange does. and i don't really know if it's possible to disallow shorting in the US: it's just scottrade doesn't hold a big enough balance of gbtc shares?
2017-06-01 11:49:04] -
a: Didn't know a company (stock?) can "disallow" options. Wouldn't they also not allow shorting, then?
2017-06-01 11:48:37] -
a: I don't want to know how much it's trading for now...
2017-06-01 11:46:00] -
yep, back when it was trading for ~$1 each.
2017-06-01 11:44:47] - also if it matters, gbtc doesn't allow options.
2017-06-01 11:43:55] -
a: I mentioned ethereum two years ago!?
2017-06-01 11:43:42] -
a: Totally fair, but don't you have to pay some sort of interest rate when shorting since you're "borrowing" shares?
2017-06-01 11:40:44] -
paul: and those multiple options will cost (in fees but also potentially in the option "premium").
2017-06-01 11:38:53] -
paul: "You could always do multiple options so as one rolls off another one starts up" yeah i would *need* to do this though because i don't want to guess when the markup will decrease.
2017-06-01 11:37:40] -
paul: i've been following ethereum loosely. in fact though, the only other mention of ethereum on the message board is when you posted about it two years ago! i probably should have mentioned that i bought a few but i'm still at ~99% bitcoin.
2017-06-01 11:34:48] -
a: True, but does that matter? You're still getting paid regardless, and I assume that you actually don't want to buy the shares, so if your option expires you would be happy. You could always do multiple options so as one rolls off another one starts up.
2017-06-01 11:32:20] -
paul: an option has an expiration date or an exercise date. a short sale does not.
2017-06-01 10:50:45] -
a: I thought the chart was very eye-opening, even if a little misleading.
2017-06-01 10:49:53] -
a: Couldn't you... sell puts instead of shorting? I think I've got my terminology right. That way you get money now and if GBTC goes down, you can buy more (or I guess some at all).
2017-06-01 10:48:52] -
a: I'm just really hoping for a bitcoin price crash in a few months so I can buy more (not now, I don't have any free cash now).
2017-06-01 10:47:19] -
yeah, and actually in that situation i'd still be fine. since i also hold regular bits. any situation except markup-goes-up would be good for me.
2017-06-01 10:41:36] -
a: I don't know much about shorting, sorry. The problem is that if bitcoin to usd keeps going up, the price can hold while the markup goes down.
2017-06-01 10:15:50] -
paul: what is
"days to cover"? i would want to hold a short position for a month at least.
2017-06-01 10:13:51] -
paul: and here i thought 100% markup was ridiculous. i wonder if i should short gbtc.
2017-05-31 11:12:56] -
interesting, sorry, that sucks. (if it matters, i don't use vim mode. i usually just use vim if i need vim)
2017-05-31 11:05:05] - over the course of a day i spend about 2-3 hours fixing intellij instead of doing work. and understandably, this isn't because intellij is bad, eclipse has similar but different problems. someone moving from intellij to eclipse would probably be frustrated constantly having to refresh dependencies, regenerate maven metadata, stuff like that
- aaron
2017-05-31 11:04:14] -
a: where our project defines a "" class. eclipse ignores this class, but intellij weirdly gives compilation errors because it's like, "hey, com.mycompany...StringUtils doesn't define StringUtils.substringBefore". so, i've been stuck for 20-30 minutes solving this bizarre problem
- aaron
2017-05-31 11:02:44] -
a: so i spend like 10 minutes figuring out, oh okay, you can't switch out of vim mode in java files because the default intellij key bindings define ctrl+alt+v for two conflicting things. so you can either edit java files and use the "rename refactoring", or you can edit non-java files and "toggle vim mode". right now, i'm stuck on a different problem
- aaron
2017-05-31 11:01:34] -
a: no, about 50% is about right for me. like this morning was in a java file and wanted to switch out of VIM mode, because certain hotkeys don't work in vim. so, i know ctrl+alt+v toggles vim mode. but ctrl+alt+v doesn't switch out of vim mode just displays an error today. i guess something's broken about switching out of vim mode?
- aaron
2017-05-30 14:36:01] - Currently reading The Righteous Mind. Kind of wish it had been available as a debate piece back circa 2000.
-- Xpovos
2017-05-30 12:48:10] - yeah that's fair. 50% more productive in it though is probably an overstatement. i was like over 100% productive in intellij on day 1 (with the eclipse keybindings).
2017-05-30 11:12:16] -
a: using eclipse adds like 5 minutes of overhead to each day (stuff like rebuilding projects at the command line, generating eclipse metadata, refreshing/cleaning projects) but i'm like 50% more productive in it. it's the same reason i use qwerty
- aaron
2017-05-30 10:07:16] -
yeah, i agree intellij is better. so why use eclipse? you're used to it seems like a problematic answer unless you think intellij is only marginally better than eclipse?
2017-05-30 10:03:00] -
a: yeah, i use eclipse. i've been using eclipse since like 2005 so i'm just used to it. but, i think intellij is objectively better for what i work on (java-based web-apps with maven project files)
- aaron
2017-05-29 08:44:53] -
paul: yeah scroll over to the right on our google doc. i unloaded all of my gbtc when the markup hit 100%. i'll buy back if/when the markup goes back to 10% where it belongs: it was under 10% *this month* so it's not a crazy value. also, if the markup never gets back down there i'm still holding tons of actual bits, so i'll still be happy.
2017-05-28 16:06:48] -
a: -Paul
2017-05-26 14:43:24] -
aaron: you're usually in eclipse too then?
2017-05-26 13:28:13] -
a: ha! i use intellij once in awhile (every month or two) but when i do, i specifically avoid eclipse-key-bindings-in-intellij because i want to learn the real key bindings. it makes it easier to work on other people's workstations, and we still do a lot of pair programming here
- aaron
2017-05-26 10:44:54] -
paul: there are zero easy ways other than gbtc. sometimes the markup is ~10%, so sometimes gbtc is ok.
2017-05-26 10:37:51] -
a: Don't think I own any ETFs. My traditional IRA is all Vanguard funds. My Roth IRA is self-directed. I think my 401(k) is all mutual funds too.
2017-05-26 10:36:50] -
a: Sorry, meant "easy" ways to invest your IRA in bitcoin.
2017-05-26 10:20:43] -
a: I think the differences is just that you can buy in smaller increments and that the price changes more than once a day. Also no expense ratio's but instead brokerage fees you have to deal with.
2017-05-26 10:19:48] -
a: I have one because I ended up with some odd money left in fidelity after trying to roll over money to vanguard. It wasn't enough to buy into an index mutual fund but it was enough to buy like one or two shares of the total market ETF.
2017-05-26 09:08:23] -
paul/daniel: do you guys own any ETFs? if so, which and why? i've never considered buying an etf, because i don't really know the pros/cons (though i do understand what they are, and how they're traded, in concept).
2017-05-25 15:55:36] - also if you're an
accredited investor, you have at least one other option i've seen. but it's very cumbersome. possibly worse than gbtc (depending on the markup).
2017-05-25 15:54:40] - "Brian Kelly bought his first bitcoin in 2013" what a revolutionary
"I guess if you wanted to invest some of your IRA in bitcoin.... is there another option?" i guess i don't understand the question. not, that i can see described in this article. but, we talked about it yesterday. you could set up a "self directed ira".
2017-05-25 15:33:16] -
a: I guess if you wanted to invest some of your IRA in bitcoin.... is there another option?
2017-05-25 14:02:33] -
paul: the important thing is the nav . . . the holdings per share. that's info made public to those wealthy people. the nav is currently ~$200/share.
2017-05-25 13:58:21] -
paul: which was your cutoff before i suggested we scale it back.
2017-05-25 13:57:34] -
paul: that's old. it's over 500m.
2017-05-25 13:48:55] - "The Trust currently has around $262 million assets under management". I can easily see a bunch of semi-wealthy people get caught up in the hype and driving this higher.
2017-05-25 13:47:42] -
a: Also, isn't there some sort of news about them trying to IPO?
2017-05-25 13:46:50] -
a: No idea if this accurate or not, but apparently there is no institutional ownership. Wouldn't be surprising if mutual funds are prohibited (or at least restricted) from buying stuff not on the major indexes.
2017-05-25 13:34:42] - i'd hope the big money has some idea of what the nav is and what kind of markup makes sense. like gold for instance: if big money saw a fund selling $500 worth of gold for $1000, they'd probably short-sell that shit.
2017-05-25 13:26:41] -
a: Definitely (would not suggest paying double). I'm not sure most people recognize that, though, and instead just hear the drumbeat of hype about bitcoin and see this going up a crazy amount.
2017-05-25 13:22:50] -
paul: "I didn't want to let you choose gbtc for our competition" more importantly, though, you *did* let me choose it.
2017-05-25 13:17:01] - "I know you might say just buying bitcoin is easy". it's not easy, of course. but even if gbtc was your only choice, i'd still suggest against paying a 100% markup. wouldn't you? it's a markup that you won't (necessarily) get back at divest time, so you're only going to make money if the asset doubles? that seems like a bad financial decision.
2017-05-25 11:01:44] - Bitcoin could see a 47% correction, but some say it's going to $6,000. I love both the specificity (bitcoin can see a 47% correction but not 48%) and the contradictory info (or could almost triple).
2017-05-25 10:09:05] -
a: I just want it noted that I didn't want to let you choose gbtc for our competition, so in my mind, I'm still winning.
2017-05-25 10:08:27] -
a: Well, is it the easiest way to participate in the bitcoin rise? I know you might say just buying bitcoin is easy, but some might not find it that easy to do.
2017-05-25 10:06:49] -
aaron: Is there any popular board games that you know of that are thematically about making movies?
2017-05-25 09:43:06] -
god, gbtc buyers are so stupid right now. they've doubled the nav. *doubled*.
2017-05-24 14:59:13] - i'm more a fan of
this graph, but it defaults to linear as well for some stupid reason.
2017-05-24 14:55:09] -
paul: no, of course not. hey, btw, your graph is in linear mode, not sure if you noticed that.
2017-05-24 14:46:03] -
a: True, but historically it also tanked shortly after big spikes. Are you saying this run will keep going to $10k?
2017-05-24 14:26:11] - if you use history as a measure, this appreciation is only moderate compared to (say) q1 2013 or q4 2013.
2017-05-24 14:23:41] - also regardless, if you don't want your bits, i'll always take them.
2017-05-24 14:23:06] -
paul: if it matters, i'm spending now (in effect divesting my cost-basis).
2017-05-24 14:10:30] -
a: Okay, this bitcoin price appreciation is starting to get a little ridiculous now. If I had more of a "trading" mentality, I think I would consider selling and waiting for the seemingly inevitable pullback.
2017-05-24 13:50:20] - and the
wikipedia link, heh.
2017-05-24 13:49:01] - wow yet another reason to donate to wikipedia:
wikimedia foundation vs the united states government.
2017-05-24 13:37:28] - and f2. and alt-enter. etc.
2017-05-24 13:28:32] -
daniel: to answer your question more directly, stuff like code completion and control-b work really well in javascript/typescript/css and i use that the most.
2017-05-24 13:27:15] -
daniel: well i'm usually happy with the free one. but i do use javascript, and typescript, and css, and less, and php (though never at work or in intellij), and spring, and grails, and gwt (long long ago), and nodejs, and tomcat, and jboss (long long ago), and npm, and gulp, and grunt. except the first few, i haven't used intellij much for them.
2017-05-24 13:04:43] -
a: Which features make the paid version worth it? I've been happy with the free one for awhile.
2017-05-24 11:41:27] -
mig: ah yeah intellij is better. smarter code completion. smarter code checking. easier and smarter code changing. i also use the non-free version which has even
more stuff.
2017-05-24 11:22:37] -
a: Yeah I use intellij. If you are just switching over key-bind wise then I would suggest remembering control shift a. That opens up a little window where you can type an action and it tells you the shortcut for it. Very helpful.
2017-05-24 10:48:13] -
a: i still use eclipse. I'm too stubborn to give intellij a try.
- mig
2017-05-24 10:21:51] -
daniel/mig: i guess i could have asked you too. you probably use intellij as well, i assume.
2017-05-24 10:21:05] -
aaron: do you use intellij? i've only recently switched from eclipse-key-bindings-in-intellij to intellij's native keybindings.
2017-05-24 10:19:16] -
paul: sounds like you need to google those "performance issue" errors. your computer is new enough (assuming it's a 2014ish machine based on your specs) it shouldn't be having troubles with a game with the settings turned down.
2017-05-24 09:54:52] - ha! there are only a few apps that i can think of where neither control-c nor control-d work: vi, telnet, . . . is that it?!
2017-05-24 09:47:19] -
a: Forgot to write down the numbers, but they seemed fine. I want to say 12ms ping (which I assume is latency and I assume is fine). I tried playing again and it was better last night, but still prone to moments of lag. Oddly enough, the game notified me that it was detecting some CPU performance issues due to power or temperature settings.
2017-05-24 09:02:22] - stack overflow: helping one million developers exit vim
- aaron
2017-05-23 16:53:43] -
a: Thanks! I'll try that out when I get home.
2017-05-23 16:53:24] -
a: Haha, I think you're right (confusing IRS with SEC). An embarrassing mistake. I think I saw the ad and instead of reading what it was actually saying (IRS allows putting IRA money into bitcoin), I just assumed it was something it was not (an ETF for bitcoin authorized by SEC). Sorry.
2017-05-23 16:53:09] -
paul: or will tell you if it's a signal/internet issue.
2017-05-23 16:51:46] - Processor is listed as: AMD A10-5745M apu with Radeon graphics. Graphics card is listed as: Radeon HD 8610G.
2017-05-23 16:51:12] - you might also be confusing the sec with the irs. the thing that got recently denied, was a bitcoin etf: and that was the sec. anyways, gbtc is basically a 90% solution for the bitcoin etf regardless. see
here for more info. (jk)
2017-05-23 16:51:01] - I was playing over wi-fi, which I had never done before, although I was sitting literally a few feet away from the router, so signal strength shouldn't have been a problem.
2017-05-23 16:50:33] - I tried running Heroes of the Storm (with the settings turned down some) on what I thought was a fairly decent laptop computer a few nights ago and the game was laggy as hell and virtually unplayable. Does anybody know if there is an easy way to tell if the machine specs are the problem or my internet connection was the problem?
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