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2022-01-07 23:55:32] - it is also important to also consider how much of the case count and icu usage is incidental with regard to covid.
- mig
2022-01-07 23:38:24] - ICU bed usage sure is something to keep an eye on, but personally, I think we need to be nearing the "stuffing the excess dead in ice trucks" again for me to consider vaccine mandates a palatable option.
- mig
2022-01-07 23:36:35] -
a: In this wave, though, I feel case counts are far less meaningful. Omicron is very contagious (even for the vaccinated/boosted) but is also far milder (especially for vaccinated/boosted), that I'm not sure case counts is a very meaningful number at this point in time.
- mig
2022-01-07 23:16:51] -
mig: looking at ICU or hospitalizations seems like it could be a middle ground? ICU beds is about to hit an all-time high.
2022-01-07 23:15:14] -
mig: looking at both deaths and cases is important. looking at only one is probably a bad idea.
2022-01-07 23:13:57] - the reason i brought up delta specifically was to how comparatively deadly it was.
- mig
2022-01-07 23:10:24] -
a: deaths-wise things are lower because the mortality of omicron is lower). That’s a rather important caveat, isn’t it?
- mig
2022-01-07 22:18:38] -
mig: "I don't think the tradeoffs are worth it" seems like a classic false dichotomy to me. it doesn't have to be one extreme or the other.
2022-01-07 22:17:52] -
mig: "If we were back at peak delta" in the united states, case-wise we are much higher than peak delta. we're at 1800 confirmed cases per million per day, 7-day rolling average. its never been anywhere nearly this high before. (deaths-wise things are lower because the mortality of omicron is lower). for ICU beds, we will be at the delta peak before the end of january.
2022-01-07 22:12:12] - Just based on the history of draconian measures to contain the virus (see California, Australia for example) I don't think the tradeoffs are worth it.
- mig
2022-01-07 22:10:47] -
a: at this point in time, while I think we are out of options aside from outright coercion, I don't think it's necessary. If we were back at peak delta I think this would be a different conversation however.
- mig
2022-01-07 22:07:34] -
a: I'm more concerned with SCOTUS justices using blatantly false information informing their judgements.
- mig
2022-01-07 22:05:15] -
mig: ok i'll bite, how do you think we should encourage the remaining 38% to get the vaccine?
2022-01-07 22:02:25] -
a: if they were hopstialized, maybe it's poetic? Either way, there's an implication that being for people getting a vaccine and being against the specific biden mandate are mutually exclusive positions. I don't believe they are.
- mig
2022-01-07 21:36:02] -
i'm glad to see toyota hasn't completely given up. i've been hearing about solid state batteries from toyota for like 10+ years, but if they actually achieve them i'll be impressed. that they're making a hybrid seems weird too: if your solid state batteries are too new, just combine them with regular batteries???
2022-01-07 21:04:46] - article says that flowers is vaccinated, but doesn't discuss murrill's vaccination status.
2022-01-07 21:02:28] -
poetic. i mean its sad for them obviously, but it is poetic that a virus doesn't care what side you're on.
2022-01-07 20:15:15] -
a: Yeah, that's kind of my takeaway ("they're flagrantly confusing everything, on purpose, to make a point"). Seems like they are trying to imply most Americans want a mandate, even though even with their twisted math it seems more accurate that most do NOT want a mandate.
2022-01-07 20:11:14] - I feel like an important question to ask would be: "what percentage of Americans want their employer to have a vaccine mandate?", but I don't see how to get to that from that link. The closest I can get is.... less than 20% who don't currently work for an employer with a mandate want one.
2022-01-07 20:11:10] -
yeah, fuck cnn. i even agree that we should have vaccine mandates (i'd prefer it was managed by the companies, or managed by the state, but here we are) and fuck cnn here. they're flagrantly confusing everything, on purpose, to make a point, and its so transparent.
2022-01-07 20:09:46] -
a: I can sympathize with the reading comprehension problems. I had trouble understanding some of the claims the headline and... uh.... blog post? were trying to make.
2022-01-07 20:09:14] -
Daniel: Yeah, it's very odd to put those two categories together, and the article itself continues to confuse things with language seeming to imply that people who work under a vaccine mandate are in favor of it.
2022-01-07 19:59:58] -
a: I mean if you are rounding 30% to the nearest half. Then its half!
2022-01-07 19:42:27] - ah nevermind. reading comprehension is a problem for me.
2022-01-07 19:41:12] - (though, i understand that is not even your point)
2022-01-07 19:40:52] -
paul: "About three in 10" jfc i stopped reading there. please tell me they don't consider 30% to be nearly half.
2022-01-07 17:45:55] - I mean it might be accurate math but bad math at supporting a conclusion.
2022-01-07 17:45:32] -
Paul: It does seem odd phrasing since those that work under a mandate may not want it so adding those together seems like bad math.
2022-01-07 17:02:24] - "Nearly half of employed Americans work under vaccine mandates or want one, recent polling shows" is an interesting headline for this IMHO.
2022-01-07 14:51:39] -
Also, when he was talking about being surprised that nobody in the theater saw the goblins as caricatures of Jews (which I did not either).... isn't that a good thing? Wouldn't we ideally NOT want everybody to see short, pointed eared bankers and immediately think "Jews!"?
2022-01-07 14:49:57] - I don't think he realized that, by making his joke, that it would spread like it did and get treated as seriously as it was.
2022-01-07 14:49:30] -
mig: But not with "cancel culture" (or whatever you want to call it), it's a little more dangerous. Casually throw out an accusation about somebody being racist and you might get them fired or ruin their life. Make a joke about Rowling being anti-semetic and mobs will take up the rallying cry and demand actions against Harry Potter (and be taken seriously).
2022-01-07 14:48:16] -
mig: But one thing I don't think Jon Stewart has quite caught on to is that comedy has changed a bit since he hosted the daily show. It's almost weaponized more. Back then, you could make jokes about people and make fun of them and everybody would laugh and that might be the end of it.
2022-01-07 14:47:08] -
mig: First time watching the clip. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt since it does seem like he was in "jokester" mode, although I DO think some blame falls on him for always trying to toe the line between "I'm a serious guy with serious opinions" and "I'm just a comedian" so it can be hard to tell sometimes.
2022-01-06 22:15:02] -
paul: i dunno, he seemed kind of serious from the clip. Is this one of those "What are you being silly about what I said, I'm just a funny guy" routines?
- mig
2022-01-06 21:55:19] -
paul: "had a confederate battle flag been displayed in the capitol before" if wikipedia (and historians) are to believed, then no.
2022-01-06 21:54:48] -
a: I wasn't necessarily thinking it was bullshit, just wondering how meaningful it was. Like, had a confederate battle flag been displayed in the capitol before, just not waved around on a pole? If so, I guess it doesn't feel like a huge distinction.
2022-01-06 20:34:51] -
paul: it might be bullshit, but i have a tendency to believe it: there is probably zero overlap in time between: "they're not super protective of the capitol and everything and everybody going into it" * and * "people love the confederate flag again for some reason".
2022-01-06 20:25:59] -
paul: here is the link. look under the heading "historians' perspective".
2022-01-06 20:24:00] - i was quoting wikipedia.
2022-01-06 20:23:49] -
paul: that's right.
2022-01-06 20:15:15] -
a: "a confederate battle flag was flown inside the capitol" I'm interested in hearing more about this. Flown how? Was somebody carrying it on a pole?
2022-01-06 20:12:19] - also this bit of historical poetry i missed from the coverage in the last year: "for the first time in u.s. history, a confederate battle flag was flown inside the capitol. the confederate army had never reached the capitol, nor come closer than 6 miles from the capitol, during the american civil war" (fort stevens is 5 miles, as the crow flies, from the capitol building)
2022-01-06 20:06:44] - welp it's the 6th. so . . . today i learned, exactly one year later: "interior damage from the riot included ... defecation throughout the complex, on the floor and smeared on the walls" (from wikipedia, but also apparently biden referenced these incidents it in a speech he made today).
2022-01-06 18:46:53] -
paul: that depends wildly. and to say it again, i almost always succeed at stopping the cannon rush. it usually turns out, though, that a cannon rusher will rush multiple players, and when they fail with one they will succeed with another.
2022-01-06 18:36:27] -
a: Timing wise, what do you usually have out by the time the rush is seen in your base?
2022-01-06 18:35:48] -
a: Yeah, the void ray extra was the icing on the shit cake. I don't know. I wish there was a straightforward response. Immortals are awesome against cannons in my experience, but are often too late. Counter cannons are tough unless you scout it really early and even then isn't guaranteed to work.
2022-01-06 18:32:23] -
paul: i've lived the cannon-vs-cannon game shit-tons and that works only sometimes.
2022-01-06 18:31:31] -
paul: ok. i built a forge. i didn't build it quickly enough and that was a mistake that might have *actually* caused all of my headaches that game.
2022-01-06 18:30:27] -
paul: yeah, sorry, everything was terrible because: 1. i didn't think i was going to be able to fit and i was TOTALLY wrong. 2. there was a void ray sitting at the bottom of the ramp. 3. terrible pathing (i wasn't watching closely enough to notice the terrible pathing) meant i lost all of my probes.
2022-01-06 18:28:51] -
a: Did you build a forge as soon as we scouted the enemy forge? Daniel suggested that could be a decent counter (assuming you didn't).
2022-01-06 18:28:47] -
paul: "I think Protoss is probably the most susceptible" oh yeah, totally. i thought this was common knowledge though.
2022-01-06 18:28:16] -
a: Well, the "go down the ramp" was a last ditch effort to try to keep you alive. Not sure it was a "this is obviously a good strategy" kind of suggestion.
2022-01-06 18:26:53] -
a: And as mad as I was about losing my stupid Terran army! Yeah, I'm sympathetic. You got screwed hard by cannon rushes last night. I think Protoss is probably the most susceptible and you were on the edge, which might explain it.
2022-01-06 18:25:59] -
paul: for context, i've been playing a lot. i play against randoms pretty much 7 days a week, for the past few months.
2022-01-06 18:25:12] -
paul: also really, i do pretty well against cannon rushes in general. when i'm playing against randoms (which i do a lot), i generally do pretty well against cannons, but those last two games were both so epicly terrible.
2022-01-06 18:22:59] -
paul: "try to block the 'best spots' for cannons" is the recommendation that makes me the maddest. i literally did this in the last game. you'll see me place a bunch of otherwise *random looking* pylons that i literally placed because i knew there was a forge placed.
2022-01-06 18:19:39] - i'm (emotionally at this point) mad about cannon rush the same way that daniel is mad about skytoss.
2022-01-06 18:17:54] -
paul: i'm pretty sour about that btw. that you guys were like, oh just go down the ramp. smh.
2022-01-06 18:17:32] -
paul: the fact that they picked me both times in consecutive games is so random. i think maybe they know to pick someone on the edge, and they know to pick a protoss player.
2022-01-06 18:16:27] - i was protective that game because i had JUST gotten cannon rushed the previous game.
2022-01-06 18:16:05] - i'll rewatch that last replay, but i honestly did EVERYTHING right that time. i even went above and beyond. i even put out a few pylons for vision!
2022-01-06 18:15:46] - "Don’t overreact, don’t waste dps on pylon because they build faster+ have more hp, for less mineral cost. DO NOT SLIP ON YOUR MACRO and stay calm. What ends up killing people are getting supply blocked at 23/23 because they panic so hard they forget their second pylon."
2022-01-06 18:15:13] - "pull probes to kill cannons, you need 4 to stop a cannon from completing if you pull early enough (red hp), have 1-2 probes follow the building probe around. The probe will take damage every time it stops to build something and eventually die unless it is microed extremely well"
2022-01-06 18:14:47] - "If I see my opponent has a forge then I build one of my own and start scouting around my base to find where he’s putting the cannons up. A few well placed cannons of my own will kill any of his before they get too close to my building"
2022-01-06 18:14:39] -
a: I thought this had some good general ideas for Protoss defending against a cannon rush. Here were some I thought were helpful:
2022-01-05 21:14:55] -
a: My kids do not play Roblox, which makes it kinda incredible they picked it as their picks.
2022-01-05 21:14:36] -
a: Yes, hard to imagine a worse start for fantasy investing. On the other hand, we're like 1% of the way through the season, so plenty of time left to recover. I suspect we'll see a rebound this year, but who knows.
2022-01-05 21:13:44] - The interesting wrinkle to me is that most of the actors who played the notable Ferengi were Jewish, so.... I don't even know what to make of that when compared to the idea they were based off a Jewish stereotype.
2022-01-05 21:12:57] - It seems obvious that goblins had looked like the ones in Harry Potter long before those movies. Maybe that's rooted in stereotypes? I suppose having them run the banking system is a novel twist that adds fuel to the fire, but I don't know.... the elves also looked similar-ish to the goblins and what if it were elves running the banks instead?
2022-01-05 21:11:03] - re: Rowling and goblins: A similar thing came up one day when somebody mentioned that the Ferengi in DS9 are negative Jewish stereotypes. It's a weird circular thing where, does seeing that stereotype reflect more on the person noting it, or the person who created the material? I had never considered the Ferengi a Jewish stereotype before.
2022-01-05 21:09:19] -
imprudent. ~a
2022-01-05 21:08:42] -
mig: Kind of like how I think the Tuttle Twins ad is harmlessly corny and Adrian thinks it is a threat to democracy.
(obviously kidding!)
2022-01-05 21:08:16] -
mig: "honest mistake or malice?" Can I say neither? I don't suspect malice in that somebody got into the office and thought: "How can I intentionally suppress conservative speech today?", but I do think it could be somebody with a bias/blind-spot who legit thought it might be problematic for some reason.
2022-01-05 20:11:36] -
a: Mine don't. Also second place with negative return so far! Woo!
2022-01-05 20:05:19] - hmmm i kinda want to pick up a few shares of roblox. do your kids play roblox?
2022-01-05 20:03:12] -
paul: haha, and it keeps getting worse. now we're down to 11/12 people losing to the world indexes (gurkie is the only person beating the world indexes).
2022-01-05 19:18:04] -
paul: 10/12 people (80%) are losing to the s&p500. 9/12 (75%) are losing to the world indexes.
2022-01-05 19:15:15] -
paul: christ we're off to a great start on the stock market challenge this year.
2022-01-05 18:50:09] -
mig: good point. the inquirer article mostly discussed the criminal side and my coworker was only dealing with the civil side. i do feel like the criminal courts (imo) ignoring crimes occurring is an issue in and of itself, but you're right, punishments do often occur in civil courts.
2022-01-05 18:40:17] -
a: just criminal charges, or civil? you might not go to jail, but you probably get sued.
- mig
2022-01-05 17:57:09] -
a: to long since i read the books
- i'd need to go back and find the parts where they go to the bank.
2022-01-05 17:55:53] -
mig: i disagree with your assessment. most (many?) people who hit pedestrians with their car get of scot-free.
if you want to kill someone and not get punished, use a car. the article quotes that from "transportation experts" and i hear this phrase often. it's not always true, but it is often true.
2022-01-05 17:47:02] - a lot of the dog pile is fair though: rowling has said a bunch of dumb shit since her books and movies got popular. your issue with stewart ranting about the movies makes sense, but only because i can't know if the books weren't the same or worse. daniel or paul feel like people who might have read the books. is stewart off-base here?
2022-01-05 17:42:33] - It feels like a pointless dog pile. All the cool kids are dunking on Rowling, so Stewart wants to just jump in on the fun.
- mig
2022-01-05 17:41:44] -
a: I might be more receptive if Stewart had referenced descriptions of the goblins from the book itself, but he just rails on the movies. I don't think Rowling really had a hand in the design of the goblins for the movie, so I think it's silly for Stewart to rant on Rowling as he does.
- mig
2022-01-05 17:37:16] -
a: bikes might be one thing, but I find it highly doubtful anyone would get off scot free running into a pedestrian.
Especially in light of certain incidents.
- mig
2022-01-05 17:36:16] -
aaron: "AIs who know how to negotiate and betray people". yeah. a lot of diplomacy (or one night ultimate warewolf. or blood on the clocktower) depends a lot on tone. i think an ai would have trouble conveying tone. i'm reminded of civilization (1 and 2) and AIs trying to convey tone: it was always absurd.
2022-01-05 17:34:06] -
a: 'if the courts typically don't give a shit about pedestrians' health' - I don't know this and if I hit someone with a car wouldn't want to really roll the dice on that being true to get off w/o paying a lot.
2022-01-05 17:32:41] -
daniel: i agree sort of. but . . . if the courts typically don't give a shit about pedestrians' health (and they typically don't), then why didn't the perp low-ball my coworker? offer him a settlement of $2k out of court, and if it goes to court, the court will rule something super crazy-low most of the time. your $100k scenario seems to be out of the realm of reality / likely. i'm pleasantly surprised things worked out this once.
2022-01-05 17:24:27] -
a: i read about tank tactics a long time ago, i thought it was really cool. one of the "holy grail games" i'd love to make some day is a diplomatic game like that which you play against AIs who know how to negotiate and betray people
- aaron
2022-01-05 16:54:26] -
a: not suprised at a settlement. I think settlements are generally the more common outcome than taking things all the way through for most cases I think? Safer to negotiate an amount than risk the judge being like you owe him 100k for punitive damages!
2022-01-05 16:48:56] - i don't really have a point. i would just ask if you guys have any thoughts on this? i'm super pissed that cars in our area are so reckless around pedestrians on the street, and am surprised that anybody thought the courts might do the right thing, so decided on the out of court settlement.
2022-01-05 16:46:33] - one of my coworkers was hit by a car in a crosswalk, and had thousands of dollars in medical bills (say $2k?). he didn't have any long-term damage: i don't know if he could know this, but regardless he doesn't have pain now. he just got a $6k settlement out of court ($10k before fees). i think he deserves every penny, but am pleasantly surprised. i wouldn't have expected him to get so much money for being hit by a car in a crosswalk.
2022-01-05 16:35:05] -
mig: i didn't read the books! it could be that the characters were as-described from the books? maybe but maybe not? regardless
search for her last name in the wikipedia page for the first film. she had a major part to play in casting. i do think she did have a hand in at least one of the movies. but i do otherwise agree with your point * if * the books didn't describe these guys.
2022-01-05 16:27:50] -
paul: hmmmm. agreed. but this does seem like the cream of the crop: i feel like even assholes and sociopaths think he's crazy for not covering his own ass.
2022-01-05 16:09:08] - does it make sense to blame Rowling for this? She doesn't (as far as I know) have a hand in any of the movies. Seems like the ire should be at the director.
- mig
2022-01-05 15:47:28] -
paul: honest mistake or malice? I know you've had your own issues with FB in this regard.
- mig
2022-01-05 01:30:17] -
paul: IfError is what i typically use.
2022-01-03 15:10:55] -
Nevermind, I found a workaround with ISNA().
2022-01-03 14:48:45] -
Ugh, why is Google Finance unable to return data for AXON today? Is there some coalesce / isnull type function for Google Sheets which gracefully handles #n/a?
2022-01-03 14:29:35] -
a: There's like 6 billion people in the world and even if 0.001% are horrible people that's still thousands of assholes.
2022-01-02 19:31:08] -
a: I'm not sure if I have the words to react to that. What in the world...
- mig
2022-01-02 19:00:37] -
i don't know why i care about this, maybe i should just let this stuff flow off my back, but like, why film this? and THEN to post it? why? this seems like a guilty-pleasure-type activity that even a sociopath would know not to film, or least of all, post.
2021-12-29 20:22:39] -
a: Yeah diplomacy is one of those games too where you have to be careful who you play with and that they wont' take the inevitable betrayal to personally.
2021-12-29 20:05:04] - i watched it in 2x, these people talk so slowly.
2021-12-29 20:04:18] -
the game prototype that had to be banned by its own studio. feels very much like diplomacy in every way: the game became all about plotting and backstabbing and grudges quickly. (also random, but "diplomacy" shows up in the video, but i don't think its the board game) "what did they bribe them with?" "money!"
2021-12-29 19:31:59] -
ah. yeah.
2021-12-29 19:31:21] -
a: seems ...
- mig
2021-12-29 19:14:47] -
mig: are things worse? or has the media included one video of one person? "well I guess we'll build more tents" and this is different from dc how? you don't assume there are less than 70 tents in dc, right?
2021-12-29 15:28:05] - Though I wonder if DC wasn't the seat of the federal government, if it would like San Fransisco or Seattle.
- mig
2021-12-29 15:27:27] - which also goes hand in hand with the wave of flash mob burglaries, which I think DC was mostly spared from.
- mig
2021-12-29 15:26:25] - there's just a lack of accountability all around that makes this more ugly. SF's response is typically, "well I guess we'll build more tents".
- mig
2021-12-29 15:23:45] - it's less the quantity but more of just how the homeless are treated that makes SF (and I think Seattle until recently) uniquely awful.
There's a laundry list of incidents of homeless people accosting and assaulting residents, and it's been more or less kind of tolerated.
- mig
2021-12-28 22:24:10] -
paul: "US cities with most homeless people" ok yay some numbers. sanfran has 1% of the population is homeless? (8.035/875). and dc is . . . 1%? (6.521/692). looks like dc is winning? (again, dc is pretty liberal too, so i'm not sure if we've resolved anything except that there's nothing crazy about whats happening in sanfran)
2021-12-28 22:22:10] -
paul: sorry i skimmed your link, but what am i supposed to get from it? that there are a few tent cities in sf? one with 70 tents? uuuh, and?
2021-12-28 22:21:55] -
a: We might also need to define our terms, since I guess we're mostly talking about "unsheltered homeless"
2021-12-28 22:18:12] -
a: I don't disagree that DC has a lot of homeless, but I'm just saying SF looked to have more. Again, I totally admit it is anecdotal. Trying to find numbers.
2021-12-28 22:14:18] -
paul: 1. money doesn't decrease homelessness. 2. progressive policies don't decrease homelessness.
2021-12-28 22:13:34] -
a: But even if we just say SF is like every other city and isn't particularly bad.... isn't that pretty damning too? Shouldn't, in theory, a city that has so many huge tech companies headquartered in it with all those high paying jobs and crazy tax revenues be better? Doubly so if you assume that it's pretty progressive politics (which I suppose we might disagree on) is viewed as another benefit.
2021-12-28 22:13:17] -
paul: dc is also a moderate climate, liberal city (though maybe not super dense). my large anecdote of visiting dc at least weekly disagrees with your anecdote of visiting less-often: i've seen a very large homeless population in dc.
2021-12-28 22:11:31] -
a: I can add another anecdote. I visited SF this past... summer? And there were a TON of tents set up around the areas of the city I went to (presumably not even the bad parts of the city). It seemed worse than I see in DC (although Union Station was pretty bad).
2021-12-28 22:09:52] -
a: "every very dense city in a moderate climate has a large homeless population, doesn't it?" Not sure, but it's not just homelessness but also crime. Not sure every city has a "poop patrol" unit either though. ( -Paul
2021-12-28 22:08:49] -
a: Sure, they are anecdotes, but I have been seeing a lot of them (many from right-leaning folks, but also a significant amount from left-leaning folks too). I'm happy to look at data to prove me wrong. I spent a minute or two doing a google search but apparently city level crime data isn't easy to find?
2021-12-28 21:58:36] -
paul: 1. i don't know, but i'm totally confident that neither do these people. these are fucking anecdotes. 2. again, i don't know, but i'm totally confident that neither do these people. i don't know much about san-fran politics, but every very dense city in a moderate climate has a large homeless population, doesn't it? do you know of a city that doesn't? can you point to some specifics on what san francisco did wrong?
2021-12-28 21:58:34] -
Daniel: "Capitalism doesn't do much for those at the bottom?" I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, but trying to understand what you are saying. Are you saying that whenever you have a huge increase in wealth (like in SF), then you're likely going to have a corresponding increase in poverty?
2021-12-28 21:54:26] - I'm not sure a city could institute a UBI since its super easy for people to just move there? I imagine they already have a larger homeless issue because homeless go there in order to benefit from some sort of compassionate policiy vs say homeless policies in AZ? Thats just a guess though.
2021-12-28 21:52:51] - Capitalism doesn't do much for those at the bottom? I'm sure they have progressive policies (I assume - I mostly know jack about San Fran politics) but that can only do so much. I think people get priced out of homes etc unless they make those big bucks from tech. So not sure what there policies are in terms of that?
2021-12-28 21:50:21] - But that would seem to indicate that having a bunch of wildly successful companies bringing hugely high paying jobs to your city and paying a boatload in taxes is somehow a disadvantage, which doesn't make a ton of sense to me.
2021-12-28 21:49:41] - And if we can agree there is something amiss, I am curious what the cause could be. There's barely any kind of conservative or Republican movement to scapegoat. They have pretty progressive politicians pushing pretty progressive policies. One possible thing to point at is the existence of silicon valley and the tech giants...
2021-12-28 21:48:26] - Because it seems like even some pretty liberal people are being forced to acknowledge that there is a problem in SF (I believe the mayor recently announced a crackdown on crime, among other things).
2021-12-28 21:47:27] - I guess I have two questions: (1) Do you agree that San Francisco seems to be in some sort of decline as a top-tier city in the United States? If so, (2) What is the cause?
2021-12-28 21:46:13] - I have read two separate twitter threads in the past few days about San Francisco and I am curious what you all think of it. Here are the two threads: and (the first one is possibly more relevant).
2021-12-28 17:02:45] -
paul: "Was somebody in blackface?" nope. often times snl will market their shorts separate from the whole episode, so even if that were true, it's weird that you can't find that commercial packaged up somewhere. lota gay jokes that probably would be told differently today, but nothing too out of the ordinary even by today's standards.
2021-12-28 15:44:44] -
paul: its definitely worth giving a shot. Its got some strong elements to it while definitely having enough to differentiate it from being straight up Slay the Spire clone.
2021-12-28 15:26:38] -
Daniel: Inscryption is showing up in a lot of "Best Games of 2021" awards. Definitely on my list to check out if it comes out for Xbox or goes on sale for PC.
2021-12-28 14:56:54] -
a: This gets at what I was talking about before in terms of how Omicron might be, on the whole, a good thing long term for winding this pandemic down.
2021-12-28 14:27:43] -
a: For the record, I would also take the under on 8% inflation, but that's why I call them recklessly bold predictions and not timidly tame predictions.
2021-12-28 14:03:58] -
a: Yeah, for inflation, I went with a somewhat less crazy (but still pretty out there, IMHO) number. I wanted to be at least somewhat possible.
2021-12-28 14:03:24] -
a: Why was that episode memory-holed? Was somebody in blackface?
2021-12-28 14:03:06] -
a: Yeah, I wouldn't use a lot of those stronger words for the commercial, likely because I am more sympathetic to the underlying message (even if I think the commercial overstates it or phrases it oddly). I do think there are some viewpoints pushed more strongly than others in the media kids are exposed to and am looking for some alternative perspectives to round them out as individuals.
2021-12-28 05:25:03] -
paul: i'll still take the under. we will see an 8% or lower inflation for the calendar year of 2022.
2021-12-28 05:21:58] -
paul: "annual inflation rate for 2022 is > 8%". i see you didn't go with 22%
2021-12-27 18:41:09] -
paul: omg. the same exact episode of snl was literally this sentence (will ferrell): "good sarcasm is hard to distinguish from normal speech". not exactly poe's law, but pretty fucking close.
2021-12-27 18:37:04] -
paul: i agree that we agree. and i don't even disagree with "corny" as a good description, but i went around looking for a few more words anyways, because, why not? mockable, vapid, unreasonable, irrational, ignorant, trite, inane, foolish, imprudent?
2021-12-27 18:35:30] - "cookie dough sport" . . . i dunno if anybody watched snl in the will ferrel days, but apparently "cookie dough sport" isn't a thing you can just google anymore. (the internet archive does have the whole episode in mp4 form somehow, but you can't just find it on youtube or anything, even under SNL's official channel). it's the same episode that has *ASIA*.
2021-12-27 18:26:54] -
a: Trying too hard? Too extreme? I still think corny is the closest word I can think of, but it isn't the best fit.
2021-12-27 18:26:23] -
a: I honestly think we mostly agree here. It's hard to say in retrospect, but I think if I saw those ads before I bought the books, it might have made me less likely to buy them because the ad makes it seem a little too preachy or... yeah, I don't know the word for it.
2021-12-27 18:24:45] -
a: Sorry if you mentioned it before and I forgot about it. Seems like a useful (and nuanced) law. I can see it being very helpful for "woke" culture.
(intentional smiley face!)
2021-12-27 17:10:01] -
paul: "tested a few ads and this one performed best" and "I DO think I would remember the ad more", yeah i agree that advertising is a weird situation, where putting your product in the best light isn't always the most important goal: the goal is to get into people's minds long enough that they actually consider buying your product? still, i think these ads took it too far. even if i was pro-supply-side-jesus, these ads wouldn't fly.
2021-12-27 16:19:56] -
paul: "Not familiar with Poe's law before this" oh sorry, wow. i just searched the message board and am surprised that its only been mentioned once before (by me, years ago). i see it on reddit a shit-ton and i guess i assumed it was more common in the discussion/debating circles. yeah, poe's law is awesome and fits here, except that i know this isn't parody (because of reasons).
2021-12-27 16:18:26] - .a: But also, yeah, I don't think we disagree. It's weird and odd and corny and whatever else. If I saw the ad, I'm not sure my first thought would be "take my money", but I DO think I would remember the ad more than I do most others that are more normal.
2021-12-27 16:13:49] -
a: I'm assuming they tested a few ads and this one performed best. Marketing is weird sometimes, and the best performing ads oftentimes aren't the ones you think are going to do well. I'm guessing this one works BECAUSE it is so offbeat and memorable (I mean, how often do you post ads to the message board).
2021-12-27 16:00:24] -
a: Not familiar with Poe's law before this, but I'll fully admit it's a super corny ad. I actually think it's probably the best approach for marketing in terms of not taking yourself too seriously. Would it be better if it was all eagles and American flags and apple pies? Like the beginning of the Colbert Report?
2021-12-27 15:58:27] -
a: I don't need to click the link again. I have probably seen the commercial at least a dozen times.
To be clear, I bought the books before seeing the commercials (internet marketing is a bit weird in that it tends to saturate me with ads AFTER I've already expressed interest).
2021-12-27 05:05:35] -
paul: or tell me you hear "is that what dad meant when he said you were too demanding?" and decide that the ad makes you want to seriously consider buying what they're selling? i wouldn't say i think "corny" when i see that ad: i'd think i'd say, this is better than anything i've seen on saturday night live. i'd rather buy cookie dough sport.
2021-12-27 05:04:25] -
paul: "which part exactly do you think is ridiculous to teach kids?" i haven't read any of the books, so maybe they're really good, but that advertisement . . . can you please click on my link again below and tell me that you think its not the embodiment of poe's law?! i'm no socialist or communist, but they're clearly trying to turn socialism and communism into a boogyman. "you know, clear and relatable? so, the opposite of socialism?"
2021-12-27 05:03:39] -
paul: yeah, i do hate their website, i'm sorry it's so terrible. the keyboard is clearly trying to disrupt key-loggers, but i find it annoying. and the username/password rules are also annoying.
2021-12-26 20:00:30] -
a: And yes, I got that you were being sarcastic about the books sounding awesome because you think they should be enjoyed ironically, but.... why? Which part exactly do you think is ridiculous to teach kids? Free market is good? Or socialism bad?
2021-12-26 19:58:36] -
a: Nevermind. Found myself with some time on my hands and took the dive. What an awful website. My username is a random collection of letters and numbers. Password is NOT case sensitive and I literally had to enter it using a virtual keyboard (couldn't type on a regular keyboard). What kind of craptacular UI is that?
2021-12-26 18:25:33] -
a: Have you done it? Any suggestions? I was going to create a Treasury Direct account.
2021-12-26 18:25:05] -
a: Completely off topic. I think I decided to bite the bullet and try buying some iBonds before the end of the year, assuming I can get it done in time (I've heard some people have had trouble creating accounts).
2021-12-26 18:24:09] -
a: Based on the two books I've read, I can say they are a little dry (for kids), and sometimes get a little too preachy or obvious about their lesson, but I feel like they are still largely a TON more educational than most other stuff they read even with that.
2021-12-26 18:22:53] -
a: And they seemed to actually get really into it. So for Christmas this year I bought the set of the books. I've read them one more (The Law) and they still seem to be into the books even though I still think the books are a little dry for kids.
2021-12-26 18:21:45] -
a: I honestly forgot about it until recently, when I learned they were making a TV show. I started showing the girls the TV show (which I think is surprisingly good in terms of being entertaining... I'll admit to having actually chuckled a few times).
2021-12-26 18:20:55] -
a: I'll try to make the story as short as possible. I bought one book around a year ago to try it out (Miraculous Pencil). I read it to the kids and was worried that it seemed a little dry, but they seemed to enjoy it.
2021-12-26 04:23:30] -
paul: i agree the ads aren't satire. "I ordered some of those recently". wait. what. you ordered some of these books? are they any good? based on these ads alone i assumed they would be horrible. teaching "correct principles" about free markets and making fun of socialism sounds amazing, but i'm not sure kids would understand that the books are meant to be enjoyed ironically?
2021-12-26 03:04:14] -
a: Where did you find that ad!? I've been seeing those non-stop for the past few weeks because I ordered some of those recently. They're pretty corny ads, but I don't think they are satire.
2021-12-26 03:03:22] -
a: And even if it doesn't, the less deadly part seems pretty unambiguously good.
2021-12-26 03:02:36] -
a: I'm far from an epidemiologist, but a more infectious and less deadly variant seems like it is much better than an equally infectious (or even less infectious) and more deadly variant, right? Doesn't coming down with one form of COVID provide some sort of protection (not necessarily immunity) from other variants?
2021-12-23 22:21:27] -
this 2 minute advertisement is amazing. "no honey, that just means we'll all be poor..." and the joke about how dad thinks the mom is too demanding. this feels like it *needs* to be satire.
2021-12-23 21:51:53] - but even if you were right on all of this, omicron might be partially immune to the vaccines, and the next variant (whatever comes after omicron) might be as well.
2021-12-23 21:50:56] - your premise seems to assume that once you catch omicron and survive, then you're safe from other more deadly variants, and i'm pretty sure that's not right for omicron.
2021-12-23 21:49:35] -
paul: yes, i think you understand the question, sorta, but i don't think you answered it. (technically, daniel and i only said the unvaccinated were breeding grounds). i'll answer yours though: no, i don't think so. suggesting omicron is potentially a good thing, seems to be against every bit of info i've seen on it. do you believe omicron is a good thing?
2021-12-23 21:44:18] -
a: See if we would bite on us not having omicron / delta without the unvaccinated? If that's the question, here's one back for you first: Isn't Omicron potentially a good thing if it ends up being very infectious but far less deadly? Wouldn't that be a better variant than the original?
2021-12-23 21:24:42] -
paul: i've been thinking a lot about how you+miguel would reply to the "[unvaccinated] provide breeding grounds for variants" (to quote daniel) that we have brought up a few times, and i wanted to bring it back to the top again to see if you'd bite. context: there's a small chance we wouldn't have had omicron/delta with a higher vaccination rate?
2021-12-23 20:15:02] -
paul: five
2021-12-23 20:14:17] -
a: "well here we agree" But I guess where would you rank "vax status" as a factor? Like, to me, I would rank a lot of other things higher (knowing you are infect, being out in public, not covering your mouth when coughing) before I got to vax status. And again, are we talking one shot? Two? Three? Four!?
2021-12-23 20:14:04] -
paul: "unvaccinated person who just stays home all day" these people do not exist in large numbers. they are statistical anomalies.
2021-12-23 20:12:23] -
a: and I don't see how it has to be reliant on vaccinated or not. We know the vaccinated CAN spread it, so a vaccinated person openly coughing without a mask on a bus is probably being a lot more dangerous than an unvaccinated person who just stays home all day.
2021-12-23 20:12:23] - "Probably some combination of intent and negligence?" well here we agree
2021-12-23 20:11:16] -
a: "can you explain where you draw the line?" Probably some combination of intent and negligence? COVID isn't the first time we've had to deal with this kind of question (pretty sure people were prosecuted for intentionally spreading AIDS by having sex and not disclosing they were infected).
2021-12-23 20:06:19] -
paul: "That seems like a far cry from just being unvaccinated, though" i'm glad you said this because that's obviously the next logical step. can you explain where you draw the line? why is being unvaccinated coughing into close-proximity air SO much different from just coughing on people?
2021-12-23 20:06:12] -
a: I think I was either combining stories or misremembering, because I am pretty sure this is what I was thinking of.
2021-12-23 20:04:43] -
a: "if (hypothetically) someone was intentionally spreading covid-19 to people" Sure? Wasn't there a case really early on where somebody intentionally coughed right in some bus driver's face? I think they got charged with assault or something. That seems like a far cry from just being unvaccinated, though.
2021-12-23 19:55:43] -
paul: "Is that a normal expected thing?" in most situations, no. but if (hypothetically) someone was intentionally spreading covid-19 to people, you'd agree there would be cause for action, right?
2021-12-23 19:54:10] -
a: "how do i get recompense?" You don't. I mean, how did you get recompense for the original COVID-19 strain? How do you get recompense for the flu or any other disease? Is that a normal expected thing?
2021-12-23 19:26:10] -
paul: or just "yes". how do i address getting disabled (or killed) by a person who chose to make a bad decision that affected me?
2021-12-23 19:25:30] -
paul: if an unvaccinated population (or "person" if you'd prefer) mutates a new variant, that is less protected by vaccines, and i catch the variant, how do i get recompense? how is the massively negative outcome addressed?
2021-12-23 19:23:31] -
a: I'm not sure I understand the question. How do you address getting sick?
2021-12-23 19:04:32] -
paul: we have, yes. how do you expect them to address the effects?
2021-12-23 19:00:39] -
a: "and you aren't expected to address those effects?" Who said anything about not expecting them to address the effects? Haven't we talked a lot already about the risks of COVID to the unvaccinated?
2021-12-23 18:12:34] -
daniel: is this the first year where you're going to have to file taxes with your individual stock brokerage account? let me know how that goes
2021-12-23 17:56:19] -
paul: "If you're not free to make bad decisions, then do you really have personal freedom?" huh? can you think of any other situations where you're free to make bad decisions that directly and negatively affect other people, and you aren't expected to address those effects?
2021-12-23 16:54:23] -
Daniel: Nice! I know nothing is a sure thing, but man, I really don't see how that isn't a big winner in 2022 (or 2023 at the latest). The only possible way I can see it being a loser is if for some reason people don't want to use their treatment for other types of cancers, but I can't figure out why people wouldn't.
2021-12-23 16:53:17] -
Daniel: Yeah, I get that vaccines are a little different since they more directly affect others, but I just get really uncomfortable with trying to force others to make "good" personal decisions. If you're not free to make bad decisions, then do you really have personal freedom?
2021-12-23 16:52:33] - novocure*
2021-12-23 16:52:15] -
paul: I bought some shares of novacure after reading your quarterly pvtm post! Rando sharing.
2021-12-23 16:50:52] -
So, I've got a little bit of cash that I'm thinking of deploying before the end of the year and I am super torn between trying out some of those eye-poppingly high yielding iBonds or just buying shares in companies that are down like 30-80% over the past few months.
2021-12-23 16:50:25] - Obesity is a thing that a lot of people have been trying to figure out how to deal with for awhile now.
2021-12-23 16:50:03] -
paul: I mean vice taxes are a thing because of that. /shrug. But yeah I think when things have a high shared cost across society then society gets some voice in how thats responded to / handled.
2021-12-23 16:45:42] -
Daniel: And I bring that up because I worry about the same rationale about shared cost/burden being used to justify things beyond vaccine mandates.
2021-12-23 16:44:58] -
Daniel: "there is still a shared cost / burden to all of society" I don't say this to troll at all, but I am curious how obesity correlates with mortality when it comes to COVID, specifically in relation to vaccination status. I've heard obesity is a major risk factor.
2021-12-23 16:41:38] -
Yeah, man. Missing out on the playoffs by like 20 points after a 6 game win streak might be more heartbreaking than me missing the playoffs in redraft after being 7-1 and going on a 6 game losing streak. Tough break.
2021-12-22 17:54:06] -
mig: uh, yeah if you're talking about cash for vaccines, its been tried a bunch. i have nothing against it. its probably a good idea. seems crazy that we've gotten to this point, but here we are.
2021-12-22 14:26:04] - I don’t know if this tact has been tried, but why not? This might make more sense for the unvaccinated instead of for boosters, though.
- mig
2021-12-22 07:39:52] - Boo apparently I don't understand tie breakers
my bad
2021-12-21 18:42:20] - Also congrats to Miguel on making playoffs in both fantasy leagues! Strong run in the keeper league to win six in a row! If I don't win the championship I'm definitely rooting for you in a giant winning streak to take it.
2021-12-21 18:41:08] - However there is still a shared cost / burden to all of society because of a larger than necessary unvacinnated community.
2021-12-21 18:40:37] -
paul: I think to some degree there already is a new normal to some degree but I don't think the unvaccinated operate in a bubble so I don't think we can just ignore them off to the side to die. They take up hospital space. They add stress / hardship to doctors and nurses. They provide breeding grounds for variants. If it wasn't for these things I'd be more for screw it just let em ride it out.
2021-12-21 17:50:47] - Which is a fair shot, but seems pretty far from empathetic.
2021-12-21 17:50:26] -
a: What are the "empathetic remarks"? I saw less inflammatory remarks and remarks that were calmer, but nothing necessarily more empathetic. In fact, there was another shot at the unvaccinated: "One hundred sixty thousand unvaccinated people have already needlessly lost their lives just since June, and this number will continue to go up until the unvaccinated take action"
2021-12-21 17:13:51] -
paul: maybe the flu needs a 50-bagger, or a spiffypop, or whatever the kids are calling it these days.
2021-12-21 17:11:19] -
paul: it's still many orders of magnitude off. did you think the rate of death (deaths per unit time) were comparable?
2021-12-21 17:04:22] -
paul: the rate of death isn't down to flu levels and it won't be any time soon. . . . especially at our current vaccination rate.
2021-12-21 16:41:32] -
paul: "Is it getting closer to flu like levels?" no, i don't think so, but also "levels" assumes that there is only one dimension. there will never be only one dimension. i think you're always going to have trouble comparing it to the flu. "former cdc director says omicron is 'as infectious as measles'". maybe comparing it to the measles is more apt? former cdc director thinks so, anyways.
2021-12-21 16:38:19] -
paul: "What part of the excluded statement changes the meaning of that quote?" if you remove all of the empathetic remarks from a remark, you'll assume its just cold-blooded. but, i'll agree to agree that it's desperate and hyperbole. . . . we are in desperate times, and omicron looks pretty lame.
2021-12-21 15:59:21] - I know the degrees are different, and Adrian might actually not have a problem with this, but it feels like banning everybody from driving because some people drink and drive.
2021-12-21 15:57:54] - Or we can accept that things have permanently changed and this is the new normal and try to get back to a normal state. Yeah, it super sucks that a bunch of unvaccinated people are dying, but at some point we can't keep continuing to punish everybody because a group of people are making irresponsible (in my mind) decisions.
2021-12-21 15:56:02] - Does anybody know what the updated fatality rate for COVID is for people who are vaccinated (either double or triple)? Is it getting closer to flu like levels? Because I feel like at some point we need to accept that COVID is likely here to stay and we can either continue to live the rest of our lives in constant states of lockdown/masking/remote learning/news stories about how evil the unvaccinated are....
2021-12-21 15:53:51] -
a: I think it's fair to disagree about if it's vindictive or not, and I can see the argument for it just being strong or desperate or whatever else. I still don't get the "out of context" accusation. What part of the excluded statement changes the meaning of that quote?
2021-12-21 15:52:35] - Another great (IMHO) GoRemy video.
2021-12-20 21:25:58] -
mig: with this tact, won't new variants grow and spread in the unvaccinated and then threaten the rest of us? we saw it with delta, and it looks like we (vaccinated) did ok with that, sorta, but then with omicron it seems like we (vaccinated) are not doing as well. we might not have had delta or omicron if there was less vaccine/mask/testing hesitancy, right?
2021-12-20 21:16:28] -
I would prefer the Jared Polis tact at this point. We should get back to normal, and the unvaccinated just have to accept the risk of coivd.
- mig
2021-12-20 20:40:15] -
daniel: yeah, i think they're desperate; as they should be; as we all should be. but still, in moments of desperation, it's probably a bad idea to make things worse.
2021-12-20 20:39:09] - I think the "I strongly urge" or "I'm pleading with you" approach was tried from basically April to like November. Maybe they are trying new verbiage to see how it goes?
2021-12-20 20:32:20] -
mig: i'm pretty sure the biden administration was trying to get the unvaccinated to reconsider their position. whether it will work or not is hard to know for sure either way, but i doubt it'll work.
2021-12-20 20:16:00] - if the goal is just owning the cons, then sure, give yourself a high five for that.
- mig
2021-12-20 20:08:43] -
a: i agree, i'm not sure the context changes much for me either. At best, it's a mean spirited statement, and I think I've harped on before that this isn't a particularly healthy form of persuasion if the goal is actually getting people vaccinated.
- mig
2021-12-20 19:02:35] -
paul: maybe i can agree to agree. that ONE sentence is hyperbolic. hyperbolic only. and that one sentence only. i don't think its vindictive, or malicious, or demented. and i think it's criminally taken out of context.
2021-12-20 18:36:57] -
And, frankly, it's becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between the "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated". Is somebody without a booster shot vaccinated? Somebody with only their first shot? How about a 6 year-old with no shots? There are a ton of different degrees and different risk profiles.
2021-12-20 18:35:01] -
Daniel: Instead of saying, "You and your family are going to die and the hospitals will be overrun", how about a "I strongly urge" or "I'm pleading with you"? I think the latter is far more likely to convince somebody.
2021-12-20 18:32:35] -
Daniel: It's less about the factualness (or non-factualness) of the statement and more about the tone. After all, sometimes (although admittedly not that often) there was a kernel of truth to what Trump was saying, but he always found the most asshole-ish way to say it. There's definitely a more compassionate and more likely to convince people way of phrasing this...
2021-12-20 18:29:18] -
a: By the "may" addition? I am actually shocked because it doesn't fit the tone of the rest of the statement. It would be like saying: "Trump was a fascist murdering dictator who may have been a bad person". The latter part is bizarrely uncertain considering the first part.
2021-12-20 17:09:56] -
paul: I mean if we get to over 3k deaths a day again it doesn't seem that outrageous to me? And if most are in the unvaccinated community? Why is it vindictive?
2021-12-20 17:07:56] -
paul: i'm assuming you're not shocked by that, and are being sarcastic, since you also think the comment is hyperbolic?
2021-12-20 17:07:41] -
a: If you came up to me and told me I need to stop driving a car or else I will face a year of severe injury and death for myself and my family I would be wondering what I did to anger you and suggest you take a chill pill.
2021-12-20 17:04:29] -
a: Eh, I don't think the added context changes much to me. Disagree about it not being hyperbolic or vindictive. "a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your family, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm"? I'm shocked they added "may" in that last part considering the certainty about severe illness and death for you and everybody you love.
2021-12-20 16:50:11] -
paul: i very much don't think it's hyperbolic or even a bit vindictive. nor malicious nor demented. it's a powerful call to action. these times are unprecedented, and a normal boring press release won't be enough. if you crop out 90% of the message, you'll definitely miss the empathy and humanity that's constantly strewn throughout the release. and you can do that if you want, but it seems like a mistake.
2021-12-20 16:47:33] -
selectively edited? ~a
2021-12-20 16:47:10] -
paul: i didn't mean to suggest that you cropped it on purpose. but someone maybe did?
2021-12-20 16:46:36] -
a: The imagine I posted? It was what I saw on Twitter. I didn't crop it. What context could make that section sound anything but hyperbolic and vindictive?
2021-12-20 16:45:47] -
Daniel: You didn't have NEARLY enough randomly capitalized words for your tweet.
2021-12-20 16:42:49] -
paul: why did you take that completely out of context? it feels like that was taken out of context on purpose.
2021-12-20 16:39:01] - (I thought about fixing some typos but felt they added authenticity to it
2021-12-20 16:38:16] - I dunno its hard to be in Trump's head lol - thats the best I got for now.
2021-12-20 16:37:58] - Trumps Version (if he believed the same msg): For those cowards who are unvaccinated and hate our country you are looking at an endless season of the worst possible sick, the worst! for you, your family, loves ones, you, and everyone around you. You will destory our hospital system as so many of you come down with sick instead of taking my vacinne which is right there in my hand ready for you to take.
prev <->