here are old message board entries
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2000-08-04 15:30:00] - hmmm
2000-08-04 15:29:00] - <a href=> My shameless plug </a> -
2000-08-04 15:22:00] -
Hmm... well, it'll come up again at a later date, I'm sure. Xpovos out.
2000-08-04 15:20:00] - or apathetic (that was the word i was thinking of)
2000-08-04 15:19:00] -
andrew, considering i think we are the only two people here, i think you win the argument since i am agnosticporter
2000-08-04 15:18:00] - rior force keeping it running.
2000-08-04 15:17:00] - If we must assume that the universe has -always- existed using these same laws, then final entropy would have already occured unless there was an exte
2000-08-04 15:17:00] - it is a proven fact?
2000-08-04 15:17:00] - i have to do work, so i cannot be an active participant in this conversation. oh darn.
- aba
2000-08-04 15:17:00] - Final entropy, should the universe last that long, will occur, this is a mathematical certainty of this universe.
2000-08-04 15:17:00] - byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2000-08-04 15:16:00] - bya paul
2000-08-04 15:16:00] - Entropy is the tendency of matter and energy to attain lower states, that is, to spread themselves out evenly. A search for equilibrium.
2000-08-04 15:16:00] - I need to go.... Sorry
Bye all
2000-08-04 15:16:00] - i thought the most popular religion by population was islam
- aba
2000-08-04 15:16:00] - i don't think i agree with #4 either (entropy)
2000-08-04 15:16:00] - Ok then, I guess this would be a good time to make my exit then
2000-08-04 15:16:00] - But I'll do my best to explain.
2000-08-04 15:15:00] - THat's a little complex, honestly.
2000-08-04 15:15:00] - I'm a bit weak on my physics, taking it next semester...
2000-08-04 15:14:00] - How does it go against entropy?
2000-08-04 15:13:00] - And if not created, then it has always existed, in some form of matter, which goes against the physical laws of entropy.
2000-08-04 15:13:00] - Ack! Except for that third one!
2000-08-04 15:13:00] - 3) at one time things didn't exist? i don't think that can be proven
2000-08-04 15:13:00] - If created the creation came from outside the world, an external Will, we shall call God.
2000-08-04 15:13:00] - I can agree with those premises for now....
2000-08-04 15:13:00] - 3) Nothing interior to the world could have created the world, that would require pre-existance. Therefore:
2000-08-04 15:12:00] - created
2000-08-04 15:12:00] - And just because we disagree doesn't mean we hate you
2000-08-04 15:12:00] - 1) Things exist. 2) Nothing begets nothing, essnetially call it a loaw of conservation of matter. Matter, the stuff that exists isn't spontaneously
2000-08-04 15:11:00] - It's like 800 million or something, if I remember my Simpsons...
2000-08-04 15:11:00] - I don't always disagree with you, only on matters of ecnonomics...
2000-08-04 15:11:00] - because he is irrational
2000-08-04 15:11:00] -
Right, moving on to the premises then:
2000-08-04 15:11:00] - I thought the most popular religion by population was hinduism?
2000-08-04 15:10:00] - Hurray! I have an ally!
2000-08-04 15:10:00] -
aparna, why?
2000-08-04 15:10:00] -
heh. everybody disagrees with me anyway, so i might as well just say exactly what i think.
2000-08-04 15:10:00] - aba
2000-08-04 15:09:00] - That probably wasn't Xpovos or Adrian.... so who could it be....????
2000-08-04 15:08:00] - the christian god blows
2000-08-04 15:07:00] - he was also french
2000-08-04 15:07:00] - Except when it came to math, Philosophy wise, though, he wasn't anything to bright.
2000-08-04 15:07:00] - But it is representative of the majority of the population of this message baord
2000-08-04 15:07:00] - that whole perfect sphere thing?
2000-08-04 15:07:00] - Descartes was a drunken idiot.
2000-08-04 15:06:00] - Agnostic means you don't know one way or the other and you can't prove one way or the other so no point in worrying about it
2000-08-04 15:06:00] - but the christian god is not representative of the majority of the world's population
2000-08-04 15:06:00] -
Well, if you ever took Philosophy with Mr. Lamb at TJ, it would be like the way Descartes tried to do it
2000-08-04 15:06:00] - Shall I give you the premises?
2000-08-04 15:05:00] - does agnostic mean you don't care?
2000-08-04 15:05:00] - doh
2000-08-04 15:05:00] - like dm?
2000-08-04 15:05:00] - That would be agnosticism
2000-08-04 15:05:00] - Agnostic
2000-08-04 15:05:00] - Follow a simple line of logic starting for a series of premises and acept the valid logical conclusion.
2000-08-04 15:05:00] - Can we just assume we're talking about Christian God here?
2000-08-04 15:04:00] - i believe there is no way to prove either way - is there a name for that?
2000-08-04 15:04:00] - You can't.... at least not for the more popular version of God....
2000-08-04 15:03:00] - how am i supposed to know if there is a god or not?
2000-08-04 15:03:00] - how am i supposed to prove if there is a god or not?
2000-08-04 15:02:00] -
Ooohhhh, he was cool
2000-08-04 15:02:00] - A theist following the ideas of Thomas Aquinas.
2000-08-04 15:02:00] -
btw, I can't get too involved in this debate because I have to go at 3:15
2000-08-04 15:01:00] - thomist thiest?
2000-08-04 15:00:00] - well if someone believes in god, it doesn't mean that they are necessarily religious
2000-08-04 15:00:00] - Xpovos equals Thomist theist.
2000-08-04 15:00:00] - I want caps back, dammit!
2000-08-04 14:59:00] - So we have one thiest here?
2000-08-04 14:59:00] -
2000-08-04 14:59:00] - doh
2000-08-04 14:59:00] - Monotheist = one god, That's the three major Western Relgions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
2000-08-04 14:59:00] - i am adrian. a white one to boot.
2000-08-04 14:58:00] - thiest is someone who believes in a god(s) of some sort
2000-08-04 14:58:00] - i am an atheist. a hindu one to boot.
2000-08-04 14:58:00] -
2000-08-04 14:58:00] - Humanist is same as athiest except they believe humanity can better themselves with hard work (in a nutshell)
2000-08-04 14:58:00] - thiest?
2000-08-04 14:58:00] - theist?
2000-08-04 14:57:00] -
Well, I will venture that I am the only non-thiest posting right now, am I right?
2000-08-04 14:57:00] - humanist?
2000-08-04 14:57:00] - I second
2000-08-04 14:57:00] - Y'all lost me.
2000-08-04 14:57:00] - Don't you want to know the reason why the cupboard's not appealing - They Might Be Giants
2000-08-04 14:57:00] - I am undecided. Either agnostic, athiest or humanist.... Haven't picked one yet
2000-08-04 14:56:00] - i'll say paul sucks
2000-08-04 14:56:00] - I'm not gonna say Trent reznor sucks. you know it, i know it, i'm not gonna say it.
2000-08-04 14:55:00] - god is dead and no one cares if there is a hell i'll see you there - trent reznor
2000-08-04 14:55:00] -
Yes, kill them all
2000-08-04 14:55:00] - Or however you spell it
2000-08-04 14:54:00] - i think most of us agree that religion is getting out of hand
2000-08-04 14:54:00] - God is dead
2000-08-04 14:54:00] - Actualkly that was me, Xpovos... Well, firstly, I'm a Catholic.
2000-08-04 14:53:00] -
ok, paul, start us off
2000-08-04 14:52:00] - Opiate!
2000-08-04 14:52:00] - So time to start a new debate topic then, I would guess... How about everyone's favorite: Religion.
2000-08-04 14:52:00] - I wonder if Affirmative Action helps women....
2000-08-04 14:51:00] - and i don't know how to spell, so deal
2000-08-04 14:51:00] - hand hand hand hand hand!
2000-08-04 14:50:00] - i think the previous topic was affirmative action but i don't think we have a side for afirmative action
2000-08-04 14:50:00] - Gotta hand it to Weird Al, that song has pretty fun lyrics
2000-08-04 14:50:00] - Although I think the debate has died because it got out of hand...
2000-08-04 14:50:00] - Hurray for Xpovos's hand!
2000-08-04 14:49:00] - I'm back, and ready to debate. The hand is healing very nicely.
2000-08-04 14:49:00] -
2000-08-04 14:49:00] - how now brown kow
2000-08-04 14:47:00] - If you're everyready... I'm Frito Lay
2000-08-04 14:47:00] - i'm strictly plug and play
2000-08-04 14:37:00] - double clickin' on my mizouse
2000-08-04 14:36:00] - me too!
2000-08-04 14:36:00] - *you're
2000-08-04 14:36:00] - you just about as useless as jpegs to hellen keller
2000-08-04 14:35:00] - i should do the world a favor and cap you like old yella'
2000-08-04 14:35:00] - posting "me too" like some brain dead aoler
2000-08-04 14:34:00] - It's this old eighties movie about what happens when nonconformity goes too far.
2000-08-04 14:34:00] - heh
2000-08-04 14:34:00] - You go to the zoo and get a lion, then you put a remote-control bomb up its butt, you push the button on the bomb, and you and the lion die like one.
2000-08-04 14:34:00] - what is heathers?
2000-08-04 14:32:00] - ... Heathers Script! Wow.
- Aaron
2000-08-04 14:31:00] - i want cheesecake. yumyum.
2000-08-04 14:30:00] - It's a surprisingly common thing to find. Ijust did a search on google: 'foreign "i before e"'
- Aaron
2000-08-04 14:29:00] -
ejrtr . . . i mean where . . . did you find this list?
2000-08-04 14:28:00] - Pretty exciting stuff, eh.
2000-08-04 14:27:00] -
seize, either, weird, height, foreign, leisure, conscience, counterfeit, forfeit, leisure, neither, science, species, sufficient
- Aaron
2000-08-04 14:27:00] - I found a short list of words which break the I before E rule. I don't think it's complete though.
2000-08-04 14:23:00] - beep beep boop boop beep boop beep boop boop beep beep beep boop beep
2000-08-04 14:17:00] - cout? like flute? haha
2000-08-04 14:16:00] - Who was it who thought "cout" rhymed with "grapefruit"? It may have been Pierce but I don't remember.
2000-08-04 14:16:00] - auk?
2000-08-04 14:13:00] -
ack, abbreviating
2000-08-04 14:13:00] -
bout, actually it is a word.....but i was abbreviate about
2000-08-04 14:12:00] - cout << "adrian is a dork\n";
2000-08-04 14:12:00] - touche
2000-08-04 14:12:00] -
bout, is that like cout?
2000-08-04 14:11:00] - i'm smarter than me
2000-08-04 14:10:00] -
well, i dunno bout everyone else, but smarter than you, yeah =)
2000-08-04 14:08:00] - I see, asians are smarter then everyone else eh?
2000-08-04 14:05:00] - all those poor smart asians who can't get into college because they're already too many asians there, hehe
2000-08-04 14:04:00] -
errrr, it does
2000-08-04 14:04:00] - They work against us
2000-08-04 14:04:00] - I don't think most Asians like affirmative action
2000-08-04 14:03:00] - -Dave
2000-08-04 14:03:00] -
sheesh, affirmative action.
2000-08-04 14:01:00] - I am here, I just felt that "moomoo" didn't require a response...
2000-08-04 13:53:00] - i like to say moo
2000-08-04 13:51:00] - where is everybody?
2000-08-04 13:18:00] - moomoo
2000-08-04 13:12:00] - I clicked on the link in Pierce's profile!
2000-08-04 13:07:00] - "no, i fuck the 70th fuck"
2000-08-04 13:00:00] -
2000-08-04 13:00:00] - bye bye ap.
2000-08-04 13:00:00] - Time to eat food. Bye bye AP.
2000-08-04 12:59:00] - ok
2000-08-04 12:59:00] - I'm also not sure if you will have to pay for the service, or if it will be included in the price tag. Many many questions.
2000-08-04 12:58:00] - And they said it was cool to be able to play with the experts in japan, but that the slight delay in placing tiles did impede the fun.
2000-08-04 12:58:00] - Well I really have no idea what ping is like, but for the Dreamcast I was reading about Chu Chu Rocket's multiplayer...
2000-08-04 12:57:00] - a ping of 100 miliseconds isn't too bad
2000-08-04 12:57:00] - Oh ha ha
2000-08-04 12:56:00] -
no, i fixed the 70th post
2000-08-04 12:56:00] - I see you got your 69 posts back. Good job! Did you sign your name backwards like I suggested?
2000-08-04 12:55:00] - I think it will be using something like a 56k modem over regular phone lines. Like AOL, there will be local servers to dial into. That's my guess.
2000-08-04 12:48:00] - how does the network, um, work? is it over a special cable or a phone line or what?
2000-08-04 12:37:00] - Like the dreamcast, it will still probably lag in magnitudes of tenths of a second. Still it's a huge step for console systems.
2000-08-04 12:36:00] - ....Meaning network multiplayer functionality, like the dreamcast. Hope this kind of thing catches on!
2000-08-04 12:36:00] - The Starcube is likely the name of the new Nintendo system. It will also have a multiplayer functionality, called "Star Road"
2000-08-04 12:23:00] -
ok, what is the new subject of conversation?
2000-08-04 11:16:00] -
adrian, log off aim completely and back on, i am sending you messages and you are not getting them
2000-08-04 11:06:00] - H'ooook. Bad time for Xpovos to step in... perhaps I'll visit the doctor early.
2000-08-04 11:05:00] - i don't want to fucking tlak about it anymore
2000-08-04 11:04:00] - and we are all racists, right?
2000-08-04 11:04:00] - it's everybody vs. me. what a surprise.
2000-08-04 11:02:00] - aparna seems to think it is the racists against her . . . she is wrong
2000-08-04 11:00:00] - I can't tell you whose side I'm on unless I'm told the sides.
2000-08-04 11:00:00] - what a crappy friday morning
2000-08-04 10:59:00] -
2000-08-04 10:58:00] -
no, andrew will not be on my side. he will be on paul's side. because they are staunch libertarians. nobody is on my side. everybody else is white
2000-08-04 10:58:00] - What are the sides, then?
2000-08-04 10:58:00] - The debate is abut racism
2000-08-04 10:57:00] - i hope you are on aparna's side 'cause she is getting pissed
2000-08-04 10:56:00] -
Well, it's a lively debate... I'll have to join in after getting back from the doctor's.-
2000-08-04 10:56:00] -
no, it wasn't. i am sick of talking about racism with somebody who doesn't understand where i am coming from.
2000-08-04 10:55:00] -
aparna, stop that!
2000-08-04 10:55:00] -
2000-08-04 10:55:00] - a while also providing an end-to-end Service Level Agreement that guarantees minimal latency and loss over the entire Internet and guarantees 100% ava
2000-08-04 10:55:00] -
2000-08-04 10:54:00] -
equires. With its unique PrivateNAP nationwide architecture, the SAVVIS network is able to provide consistency and the most direct route for your dat
2000-08-04 10:54:00] - that isn't a very good answer, aparna
2000-08-04 10:54:00] - The SAVVIS Network offers unmatched levels of interconnectivity, reliability and redundancy to deliver the high-speed performance that your business r
2000-08-04 10:52:00] - how is the racist or non-racist employer supposed to know that the underqualified minority is going to do a better job than me?
2000-08-04 10:52:00] -
ok, fine . . . add all those things to my definition of qualification and tell me that:
2000-08-04 10:51:00] - 't come through in a resume.
2000-08-04 10:51:00] -
no, qualifications are things on paper that matter. there are also things like personality, intelligence and perseverence that don
2000-08-04 10:50:00] - ~a
2000-08-04 10:50:00] - and it isn't a boost; it is more than that; but that is not what we are aguing . . . "i am arguing that qualifications are all that matter"
2000-08-04 10:49:00] - or better, aren't they proof of qualifications?
2000-08-04 10:49:00] -
applications, recommendations and interviews . . . aren't those qualifications?
2000-08-04 10:48:00] - i am arguing that qualifications are all that matter . . . what else can they go by?
2000-08-04 10:48:00] - that's why you have applications, recommendations and interviews. the govt giving a boost to minorities is not a bad thing.
2000-08-04 10:47:00] - adrian
2000-08-04 10:47:00] - but how is the racist or non-racist employer supposed to know that the underqualified minority is going to do a better job than me, the more qualified
2000-08-04 10:46:00] - ob than you
2000-08-04 10:46:00] -
no, i will say it again, qualifications are not all that matter. just because a minority is disadvantaged, doesn't mean that they won't do a better j
2000-08-04 10:44:00] - how can we satisfy both points?
2000-08-04 10:44:00] - my point is any employer (racist or not) should pick me over the less qualified minority
2000-08-04 10:43:00] - how am i missing the point . . . your point is the racist employer should't pick me over the more qualified minority
2000-08-04 10:42:00] - adrian you're missing the point. i am not talking about pure qualifications. i am talking about people being racist.
2000-08-04 10:42:00] - "if i am fuck fuck fuck fuck minority, who should get the fuck ~a"
2000-08-04 10:41:00] - if i am more qualified than a minority, who should get the job?!?
2000-08-04 10:40:00] -
oh, so some employers
are racist . . . but i don't see how you want to stop that
2000-08-04 10:40:00] - I'm imposing a ban on me posting on this message board until I feel like i can argue civilized again
2000-08-04 10:40:00] - no you shouldn't have
2000-08-04 10:39:00] - I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that
2000-08-04 10:39:00] - (if i don't answer quickly, it's because i am juggling work and posting)
- aba
2000-08-04 10:38:00] - Perhaps you're right.... You want to call me inferior for being white and we'll see?
2000-08-04 10:38:00] - well we are talking about employment
2000-08-04 10:38:00] - but people have
2000-08-04 10:38:00] - not my employer
2000-08-04 10:38:00] - has any previous employers of yours ever said that to you?
2000-08-04 10:38:00] - and i say it is necessary for govt intervention. racism isn't fun and games.
2000-08-04 10:37:00] - has your employer said that to you?
2000-08-04 10:37:00] - Please understand that it's not an attempt to be mean or anything, I just don't like
any government intervention where not absoultely necessary
2000-08-04 10:37:00] -
no, you
don't understand. you most likely won't until you hear somebody call you inferior for the color of your skin and your ethnicity.
2000-08-04 10:36:00] - i don't understand
2000-08-04 10:36:00] - whoever said i was a good debater?
2000-08-04 10:36:00] - I think I understand, I just disagree.
2000-08-04 10:35:00] - those aren't very good debate tactics, aparna
2000-08-04 10:35:00] - I meant protect them from outside invasion, I'm sorry, bad wording
2000-08-04 10:35:00] - fuck it. you'll never understand.
2000-08-04 10:34:00] - and by haveing affirmative action they are protecting the minority against racism
2000-08-04 10:34:00] - In my opinion? Ensure that everyone has the freedom to do what they want to an extent and protect the people. That's pretty much it
2000-08-04 10:33:00] - to hire the more qualified minority, but not require them to hire the less qualified one
2000-08-04 10:33:00] - the government should give benifits to companies that hire close to the percentage of minorities that there is in a population to encourage companies
2000-08-04 10:32:00] - It's nothing against minorities or anything, I just believe in little government intervention, hence no Affirmative action
2000-08-04 10:32:00] - because i don't want someone less qualified than me taking my job
2000-08-04 10:32:00] - if the govt is not supposed enforce the ideals of the constitution, then just what the fuck is it supposed to do?
2000-08-04 10:31:00] - it's the libertarian in me
2000-08-04 10:31:00] - I can see where you are coming from Aparna. And I do agree that multiculturalism is good, but I don't think it's the government's job to enforce it
2000-08-04 10:31:00] - something better needs to be devised for eliminating descrimination but not potentially benifiting the less qualified person
2000-08-04 10:29:00] - helping those who need help is fine . . . but descrimination is not the correct way
2000-08-04 10:28:00] -
ok, i will go further than paul; maybe they do need help, but how do you feel they should be helped, by descriminating against paul?
2000-08-04 10:27:00] - "minorities *do* need help". perhaps.... but everyone needs help at sometime or another
2000-08-04 10:27:00] - affirmative action helps those who need help. why is it bad? multiculturalism is something to be aspired for, not run away from.
2000-08-04 10:26:00] - "Affirmative Action is good". Good for some. "Racism is a problem of today." Agreed
2000-08-04 10:26:00] - and how do you think they should be helped?
2000-08-04 10:25:00] - I'm sorry, you're right, I just don't understand...
2000-08-04 10:25:00] - i am saying that affirmative action is good. racism is a problem of *today*, not one of history. minorities *do* need help.
2000-08-04 10:24:00] - maybe we will change our mind, maybe we won't . . . but at least we will try to understand your point
2000-08-04 10:23:00] - wtf? you need to explain your point for us to understand it
2000-08-04 10:23:00] -
god, this is dumb. neither of you even understand what i am talking about. there's no point in this discussion. no one will change their mind.
2000-08-04 10:23:00] - Race may be a qualification, but it's not up to the government to say in what way
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