here are old message board entries

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[2001-07-13 09:59:00] - ok... wtf?!  Lobstermagnet is odd - dewey

[2001-07-13 09:53:00] - left claw north

[2001-07-13 09:39:00] - vinnie: Yes I saw that a while ago, was pretty funny. Also, you need a sound card - aaron

[2001-07-13 09:38:00] - this is fucking hilarious if you have the bandwidth - vinnie

[2001-07-13 09:37:00] - July 2001Story of the Month (I think the story is set in Anarchy Online - it's a good short story) -dave

[2001-07-13 09:25:00] - paul: i'm sending out the final e-mail right now - vinnie

[2001-07-13 09:24:00] - assfish... Let's toss some of them in the hostagepault just for kicks! - aaron

[2001-07-13 09:22:00] - Just to make sure, the plans are to still see the Final Fantasy movie tonight at Merrifield at 7:15? -paul

[2001-07-13 09:19:00] - a hilarious modern turing test - vinnie

[2001-07-13 09:09:00] - dave: Guess you'll have to find a paladin to trade with then -paul

[2001-07-13 09:09:00] - don't worry, i'll get to it :)  ~a

[2001-07-13 09:08:00] - there are so many things i have to do on this page and so little time.  i spent three hours last night trying to get ssh to work so i could fix things from work but it kept giving me a weird error.  ~a

[2001-07-13 09:08:00] - yes, dave.  nothing works anymore.  in case no one told you, i just moved my entire site accross platforms.  the programs i write are system independent but they require lots of configuration.  ~a

[2001-07-13 09:08:00] - paul: oops, 24 -dave

[2001-07-13 09:07:00] - paul: rune words up on - 23 of them -dave

[2001-07-13 09:05:00] - paul: not better than two-handed sword my barb has unfortunately, so it's just taking up stash space -dave

[2001-07-13 09:05:00] - paul: it's an "exceptional" unique -dave

[2001-07-13 09:04:00] - paul: stats - (52 - 124), +2 paladin skills, +75 defense, +10 vit, +8 dex, +16 str -dave

[2001-07-13 09:02:00] - paul: very good for a single-hand sword. look up on if you want full stats. +2 to all paladin skills and +10ish to various stats -dave

[2001-07-13 08:58:00] - dave: Cool, is it any good? -paul

[2001-07-13 08:55:00] - a: links don't work from this page anymore? -dave

[2001-07-13 08:55:00] - paul: i picked up a unique ancient sword yesterday (atlantean) -dave

[2001-07-13 08:39:00] - try here dave: why the bill is bad from a libertarian pov. - mig

[2001-07-13 08:37:00] - if you want to buy the zip drive, here's the link - i would read all the info carefully to make sure i didn't miss something: -dave

[2001-07-13 08:37:00] - dave: Most of the other news websites also have some sort of article you can read if you are still confused -paul

[2001-07-13 08:34:00] - vinnie: see, hoyts is betta! = ) -dave

[2001-07-13 08:33:00] - paul: i know, i read it, i'm still slightly confused -dave

[2001-07-13 08:32:00] - iomega is letting you buy a zip250 drive at a discount of $54 if you send in your old zip 100 drive. in other words, you can get a zip250 internal for $50 if you send in your old one.  expires july 15th -dave

[2001-07-13 08:32:00] - i would have liked to see the campaign finance bill passed, but unfortunately its intentions were perveted by compromise, to the point that it will do more harm than good the way it is now.  - mig

[2001-07-13 08:30:00] - in manassas - vinnie

[2001-07-13 08:29:00] - bizarre, but andrew is going to see final fantasy at hoyts at 7:45 tonight with some of his friends - vinnie

[2001-07-13 08:28:00] - dave: has a big article about what happened to the bill on it's webpage right now -paul

[2001-07-13 08:27:00] - a: Thanks for fixing the problem and I apologize about that, I just like using upper and lower case letters for filenames. I'll try to avoid that in the future -paul

[2001-07-13 08:20:00] - it seems to me that the republicans would be against it since they benefit most from outside funding? -dave

[2001-07-13 08:19:00] - both kinda -dave

[2001-07-13 08:18:00] - are the democrats against it and the republicans for it? or are they both kind against it? -dave

[2001-07-13 08:17:00] - does anyone know exactly what happened with the campaign finance bill? -dave

[2001-07-13 08:12:00] - it seems rather like an annoyance to me - when are you going to want to name a file the same thing except with a different case? -dave

[2001-07-13 08:11:00] - a: is having it be case sensitive really useful? -dave

[2001-07-13 08:03:00] - just to be safe, everyone, keep all file names in all lower case.  it isn't just because i like lower case but because that's the way the web works.  everybody keeps file names in lower case.  ~a

[2001-07-13 08:02:00] - paul, you had a problem on your journal with this.  you had a directory that was called pics in upper case and you referenced it on your journal as pics in lower case.  in windows it didn't matter because windows sucks.  i fixed it for you.  ~a

[2001-07-13 07:39:00] - the reason it was broken is actualy relavant to everyone who uses my computer.  everybody repeat after me: windows is case insensitive, linux is case sensitive.  i just moved from windows to linux.  everybody keep that in mind.  ~a

[2001-07-13 07:37:00] - aaron, i fixed your journal.  ~a

[2001-07-13 03:35:00] - -jdb

[2001-07-13 02:00:00] - hahahahaha! - mig

[2001-07-13 01:52:00] - Linux & Animation --> -jdb

[2001-07-13 01:16:00] - very interesting look into prisons --> -jdb

[2001-07-13 01:04:00] - a: Thank you adrian! :) I know you've had a lot to do recently - aaron

[2001-07-12 23:01:00] - -jdb

[2001-07-12 22:36:00] - -jdb

[2001-07-12 20:56:00] - - wolf

[2001-07-12 19:06:00] - anybody here real good with css2? :-D -jdb

[2001-07-12 17:35:00] - aaron: i'll fix it first thing when i get home.  ~a

[2001-07-12 16:55:00] - dewey: and maybe you'll find out how i always feel - driving places to do stuff with you guys takes long time =P -dave

[2001-07-12 16:54:00] - dewey: that's why you take back roads =P -dave

[2001-07-12 16:44:00] - yeah, i think for now we'll stick with merrifield. hoyts is too far out - vinnie

[2001-07-12 16:14:00] - The one thing is, heading out 66 at that time of day... will take nearly an hour just to get there. - dewey

[2001-07-12 15:34:00] - dave: i saw that too. both post reviewers trashed it, but said it had good cg. that's basically all i'm looking for - vinnie

[2001-07-12 15:15:00] - vinnie: for the hoyts in manassas, ff is showing at 7:45 and 10:05 -dave

[2001-07-12 15:13:00] - ouch, the post says (about FF) "real actors are missing, and so is the plot" -dave

[2001-07-12 15:11:00] - My journal's not working anymore. - aaron

[2001-07-12 14:01:00] - if people are willing to drive that far, I don't mind going there. after all, i'm closer to manassas than most - vinnie

[2001-07-12 13:20:00] - dewey: yeah! i agree! -dave

[2001-07-12 13:19:00] - course, that's probably far away from everyone = ) -dave

[2001-07-12 13:19:00] - hoyts is a very good theatre, or at least the one in manassas is.  I'm not sure where other ones are or if they are as good -dave

[2001-07-12 13:07:00] - work is good, sitting at desk with nothing to do sucks. - dewey

[2001-07-12 12:11:00] - adrian is awesome, work is not.  -  aba

[2001-07-12 11:29:00] - np

[2001-07-12 11:27:00] - a: thank you for the effort you've put into getting all this up and running. i really appreciate it - vinnie

[2001-07-12 11:24:00] - a: hooray, you did it! :) yes, those three were the only entries lost - vinnie

[2001-07-12 11:20:00] - vinnie, i don't think i lost any entries to your journal (i might have been wrong).  i sent you an email describing what i did; let me know if everything works.  sorry again.  ~a

[2001-07-12 11:19:00] - aha, that is pierce - vinnie

[2001-07-12 11:19:00] - it's the closest place for everyone. i remember a while back pierce was talking about going to dc, but he never followed up on that - vinnie

[2001-07-12 11:19:00] - -boing

[2001-07-12 11:18:00] - I mean, I wasn't able to find a digital theater or anything, but we still can do better

[2001-07-12 11:17:00] - why are we going to the multiplex for FF?  the visual and audio quality is terrible there

[2001-07-12 10:49:00] - phew, some good news at last from dc. - mig

[2001-07-12 10:47:00] - every -dave

[2001-07-12 10:47:00] - mig: well if you think about it, most tech savvy people get a new computer ever 2-4 years -dave

[2001-07-12 10:46:00] - ok, so if you hold everything to the standards of God, then you might be let down. :-D  The photos are not real-time, they are actually at least a year old because they don't have any of the construction here at the mitre buildings. - dewey

[2001-07-12 10:36:00] - um, good quality - vinnie

[2001-07-12 10:36:00] - dewey: not that god quality. I can't even see my brother's car on the street :P - vinnie

[2001-07-12 10:32:00] - Vinnie: I would like to confirm my plans to attend the afformentioned movie in your invitation. :-p - dewey

[2001-07-12 10:31:00] - does this talk about "disposable pcs" bother anyone? - mig

[2001-07-12 10:29:00] -,3396,s%253D1031%2526a%253D7236,00.asp i dunno about you, but i like to have my pc built by myself. - mig

[2001-07-12 10:27:00] - dude, mapquest has gotten scary!  They can show you an arial photo of the address!!  And it is good quality. - dewey

[2001-07-12 10:27:00] - i sent out an e-mail regarding the final fantasy movie - vinnie

[2001-07-12 10:23:00] - it works! - mig

[2001-07-12 10:19:00] - at merrifield, of course - vinnie

[2001-07-12 10:18:00] - looks like the logical time to go would be 7:15. the only other times are 4:30 and 9:45 - vinnie

[2001-07-12 10:15:00] - dewey: i wasn't envisioning this as a tj and vt thing. but if you want to make it one, go right ahead. by the way, the lunch group is getting together at aaron's at 6 today, in case you didn't know - vinnie

[2001-07-12 10:15:00] - vinnie: do you have times and location yet? - dewey

[2001-07-12 10:11:00] - vinnie: and you have May, erica, and other people's phone numbers who don't read the message board, right?  or do you want me to call them tonight? - dewey

[2001-07-12 10:10:00] - i guess i should send out a formal e-mail - vinnie

[2001-07-12 10:09:00] - dang, that's a lot of new words, lol. -dave

[2001-07-12 10:09:00] - vinnie: quite possibly - not positive what my plans are for friday yet. let me know what you end up deciding on -dave

[2001-07-12 10:07:00] - vinnie: sure. - dewey

[2001-07-12 10:06:00] - dewey: how bout you? final fantasy on friday? - vinnie

[2001-07-12 10:06:00] - a: And congrats on getting this up and running.  I know how time consuming messing with Linux installations can be...  I never did get it working on my machine, so I gave up. - dewey

[2001-07-12 10:05:00] - a: FYI- gives an Error 500 - dewey

[2001-07-12 10:01:00] - paul: damn you. :) I was counting on you to organize this baby? dave, adrian? interested in seeing final fantasy on friday? - vinnie

[2001-07-12 09:57:00] - a: dang, all from working on this? that's rough = ( -dave

[2001-07-12 09:54:00] - not to mention five hours the night before.  ~a

[2001-07-12 09:53:00] - i got a whole one hour of sleep last night so be easy on me :)  ~a

[2001-07-12 09:49:00] - hehe.  as you might have seen, the only two cgi scripts i got up and running this morning were index.html and main.css . . . r.html (the page you go to when you click on a link) isn't up and running yet.  ~a

[2001-07-12 09:47:00] - go adrian! -dave

[2001-07-12 09:46:00] - ooo, board is back up -dave

[2001-07-12 09:46:00] - a: I can connect to webmail just fine. Vinnie: Friday night is fine with me, but I'm not going to plan anything -paul

[2001-07-12 09:42:00] -  is anyone else having troubles getting to vt?  ~a

[2001-07-12 09:29:00] - I may have it at home, but I doubt it - vinnie

[2001-07-12 09:29:00] - I don't have them anymore :( - vinnie

[2001-07-12 09:24:00] - ok.  i can combine the two.  the problem is all journal entries on the 11th (yesterday) were misplaced.  if you or anyone has them in their cache, i'll gladly put them in.  :(  ~a

[2001-07-12 09:18:00] - a: i also added an entry this morning, so you can't just replace the file if you find the old one. you might have to combine the two somehow - vinnie

[2001-07-12 09:17:00] - a: i e-mailed you the password - vinnie

[2001-07-12 09:15:00] - paul: i was thinking about going on friday night, like we did with ai - vinnie

[2001-07-12 09:15:00] - i am really sorry for the inconvenience.  i had troubles installing linux and had to reinstall so some files got moved around.  did anyone else lose any jornal entries?  if you did i might be able to find them.  sorry!  :(  ~a

[2001-07-12 09:14:00] - a: yeah, i've added at least one since tuesday morning - vinnie

[2001-07-12 09:14:00] - vinnie, for security reasons, there is no root or administrator ftp account, and i don't have sshd installed yet, and i don't have your ftp password memorized.  can you email me your ftp password (if you have it)?  ~a

[2001-07-12 09:13:00] - time to work  :'(  -  aba

[2001-07-12 09:13:00] - yay!  go adrian and his master linux skillz!  :-p  -  aba

[2001-07-12 09:12:00] - vinnie: Yes, I am assuming Escaflowne will take up most of Saturday. -paul

[2001-07-12 09:11:00] - vinnie, have you added a journal entry since tuesday morning?  ~a

[2001-07-12 09:09:00] - shit.  vinnie, are you serious?  ummm.  uhhh.  my fault.  i have them but they aren't linked in.  i'll fix it.  ~a

[2001-07-12 09:07:00] - you can't do stuff saturday? you mean besides anime watching, I presume? - vinnie

[2001-07-12 09:06:00] - vinnie: I am, but I can't do anything tonight or on Satruday. -paul

[2001-07-12 09:04:00] - are people interested in seeing final fantasy? I really am, but is down - vinnie

[2001-07-12 09:01:00] - and you don't have graphical smilies activated :'( - vinnie

[2001-07-12 09:00:00] - a: some of my journal entries have been erased :( - vinnie

[2001-07-12 08:55:00] - Whoops, nevermind. Spoke too soon, they already mentioned that later on in the article. -paul

[2001-07-12 08:43:00] - wow, 29 new words in one post. That's gotta be a record. -paul

[2001-07-12 08:42:00] - Whoever posted that article awhile back about homosexuality in Star Trek needs to do their homework. There was a homosexual kiss on a Deep Space Nine episode between Dax and her lover -paul

[2001-07-12 08:37:00] - wow, many new words - vinnie

[2001-07-12 07:59:00] - if anyone finds any security problems, please let me know.  ~a

[2001-07-12 07:59:00] - for security reasons, you can not ftp things into your cgi bin directory.  however, when i get sshd working, you will be able to move files into your cgi bin directory.  ~a

[2001-07-12 07:57:00] - and ftp might be working.  ~a

[2001-07-12 07:56:00] - search engine doesn't work.  and most of the links are broken.  ~a

[2001-07-12 07:52:00] - does this work?  ~a

[2001-07-06 17:56:00] - time to install mandrake!  :)  ~a

[2001-07-06 16:45:00] - im going home.  bye all.  -  aba

[2001-07-06 16:42:00] - i am (-4.69, -5.5).  go me.  -  aba

[2001-07-06 16:35:00] - boo windows xp.  ~a

[2001-07-06 16:00:00] - dave: my windows xp cds came in today. hopefully i will install within the next week. -jdb

[2001-07-06 15:59:00] - boo for webmail being down. :'( -jdb

[2001-07-06 15:59:00] - <-- checkout this political quiz. my score: (-2.04,-6.44). my prediction for others... (+3ish,-7ish). -jdb

[2001-07-06 15:44:00] - xpovos: I sent an email to you, and I don't have Katie's email address, so could you kindly forward it to her? Thanks! - dewey

[2001-07-06 15:37:00] - i think i am going to try to leave early if i can.  -  aba

[2001-07-06 15:18:00] - aba: here here! i would like to know too! I hate it when there's no work to do. -dave

[2001-07-06 15:10:00] - why am i stuck inside this stupid office doing a whole lot of nothing when its such a beautiful day outside????  -  aba

[2001-07-06 14:49:00] - and by outlook i mean outlook express.  sorry.  :[  -  aba

[2001-07-06 14:42:00] - i use outlook at home, but webmail at work.  -  aba

[2001-07-06 14:14:00] - dewey: I use both outlook and outlook express -dave

[2001-07-06 14:13:00] - dewey: i don't use webmail. too slow to load on my home machine - vinnie

[2001-07-06 14:08:00] - am I the only one who uses Outlook over the summer? - dewey

[2001-07-06 14:08:00] - so if I send an email to someone's Tech address, they won't read it?

[2001-07-06 13:57:00] -    the combo visor/cell phone looks interesting.  still too expensive to make the combo worth it in my opinion.  -  aba

[2001-07-06 13:43:00] - still pretty corny, vinnie.  ~a

[2001-07-06 13:40:00] - good for human rights? i guess they can buy things to execute in effigy or something :) - vinnie

[2001-07-06 13:38:00] - here's a less corny joke, top one on the page - vinnie

[2001-07-06 13:37:00] - hehe, according to them, hosting the olympics will be good for their human rights. don't ask me how -dave

[2001-07-06 13:36:00] - hehehe.  i was about to post that.  ~a

[2001-07-06 13:32:00] - ###/pics/download/48.gif

[2001-07-06 13:32:00] - "We're sorry. Virginia Tech WebMail is currently unavailable.  Service will return on Sunday July 8, 2001."    >:o  no good  -  aba

[2001-07-06 13:28:00] - i think they have a good chance of being the host, though i dont think they should host it.  they have too many problems.  they dont really even have the proper infrastructure for hosting the olympics.  -  aba

[2001-07-06 13:26:00] - heres the cnn article:  -  aba

[2001-07-06 13:25:00] - and dagnabit, someone make the stock market stop crashing -dave

[2001-07-06 13:24:00] - do you think that china will still host the olympics? should they? -dave

[2001-07-06 13:23:00] - oh man thats a bad joke.  -  aba

[2001-07-06 13:23:00] - 2,960 sentenced to death and 1,781 executed according to the post -dave

[2001-07-06 13:22:00] - more people have been executed in china in the past three months than have been executed in the world in the past three years -dave

[2001-07-06 13:19:00] - ba hah hah, read the top joke on the page - vinnie

[2001-07-06 13:05:00] - but we've knocked wolf off since then - vinnie

[2001-07-06 13:05:00] - we had at one point 11 earlier today - vinnie

[2001-07-06 12:47:00] - bah.  no work for me to do.  i guess i will just sit here and read salon then.  :-\  -  aba

[2001-07-06 12:38:00] - lunch finished.  :(  i guess i should go find some work to do.  boohoohoo.  :'(  -  aba

[2001-07-06 12:31:00] - pauls been on vacation for the past week though.  the only way he could have stayed on was if someone posted as him.  -  aba

[2001-07-06 12:29:00] -    haha.  this guy must have embarrassed bill gates so much.  :)  -  aba

[2001-07-06 12:27:00] - yeah.  10 is close to the record.  paul isn't even on the bar anymore.  ~a

[2001-07-06 12:08:00] - i think its pretty cool that the stat bar up there is so diverse.  -  aba

[2001-07-06 12:06:00] - yay for lunch time!  -  aba


[2001-07-06 11:58:00] - everybody must be taking a five day weekend.  there was no traffic for me today nor yesterday.  ~a

[2001-07-06 11:51:00] - Apparently my site is cool enough for google. 8) - aaron

[2001-07-06 11:50:00] - i think maybe because they are laying a bunch of lines in my area.  we'll see if things get better.  ~a


[2001-07-06 11:36:00] - oh yeah, adrian i might follow suit with mandrake, i'm going to install it tonight to see if i like it, and if i do i'm going to switch to it from red hat. - mig

[2001-07-06 11:35:00] - a:  you've been having problems with roadrunner?  i have them too but i didn't have a single problem last night(except not being able to get to this site). - mig

[2001-07-06 11:34:00] - i am interested in going but i don't think we have a choice.  ~a

[2001-07-06 11:31:00] - alright then, i guess we arent going to see sw.  i am going to buy my tickets for rammstein tonight though because i dont want to miss that.  >:o  -  aba

[2001-07-06 11:19:00] - diablo fans: send me an email at today, or after 4 pm.  I have a mailing for you. :-) - dewey

[2001-07-06 11:19:00] - they deemed me too much of a loser to index my site :( - vinnie

[2001-07-06 11:19:00] - a: was that a sly google reference? - vinnie

[2001-07-06 11:17:00] - aba, mig: I didn't get a ticket yet either.  And I am not a big fan of scalpers.  I'm not really overly interested in going either.  I would have gone if it was going to be easy. - dewey

[2001-07-06 11:10:00] - AW, POOR ADRIAN.  -  ABA

[2001-07-06 11:02:00] - so did i.  i thought maybe my ratio of outgoing mail to incoming mail was way to high and they deemed me a big loser; way too big of a loser to be using webmail.  ~a

[2001-07-06 10:56:00] - COOL.  I THOUGHT MAYBE IT WAS ONLY ME.  -  ABA

[2001-07-06 10:46:00] - i am.  i emailed .  ~a


[2001-07-06 10:22:00] - woohoo! back up! - vinnie

[2001-07-06 07:23:00] - 12 hours to be exact.  ~a

[2001-07-06 07:20:00] - man, road runner has been down for a looooooong time :(  ~a

[2001-07-05 18:57:00] -

[2001-07-05 17:19:00] - ok, well i am going home now.  have a good night people.  :-*  -  aba

[2001-07-05 17:17:00] - dewey: tee `tty`  ~a

[2001-07-05 17:16:00] - i honestly am not too wild about looking around for scalpers, or extra ticket people. - mig

[2001-07-05 17:15:00] - an observation: the druid's lycanthropy gives an insane life boost.  a modest amount of points into vit makes him pretty indestructible. - wolf

[2001-07-05 17:15:00] - i dunno.  dan mentioned that he wants people to come to uva some weekend, and pierce and maybe some others are up for it next weekend. - mig

[2001-07-05 17:13:00] - thats ok miguel, i didnt say anything much about it either.  so are we gonna go anyway or what?  -  aba

[2001-07-05 17:10:00] - i always miss the diablo discussions - wolf

[2001-07-05 17:08:00] - i'm sorry guys, i should've been militant about getting tickets sooner, but i didn't think it would sell out until sometime next week. - mig

[2001-07-05 17:08:00] - i got the ticket for rammstein, though, so it wasn't a total loss. - mig

[2001-07-05 17:06:00] - not kidding, i just got back from the ticket place at hecht's. - mig

[2001-07-05 17:05:00] - amusing. - mig

[2001-07-05 17:05:00] - hm, unless we go there and try and find people with extra tickets . . .    :-\  -  aba

[2001-07-05 17:05:00] - fuck.  are you kidding miguel?  that means that adrian and i arent going either.  i wonder if dewey got a ticket.  -  aba

[2001-07-05 17:05:00] - whoops - mig

[2001-07-05 16:57:00] - i have no real problem with media unless they start saying things that are blatantly false, (i.e. Al gore wins Florida 10 mins before polls close!). - mig

[2001-07-05 16:56:00] - The reason why I disliked that ad was because it was promoting fear and paranoia and the elimination of freedoms for no good reason. -logan

[2001-07-05 16:56:00] - foobar!  i went to get ticket for cult, but it was sold out... :( - mig

[2001-07-05 16:50:00] - hehe.  "meat machines".  but you are right, josh, babe is a cool movie.  :)  -  aba

[2001-07-05 15:52:00] - ok, i agree. sorry, just a little defensive there about a show a know a bit about :) - vinnie

[2001-07-05 15:51:00] - heh, in D2 at least when a hireling dies it costs a lot to revive them. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-05 15:50:00] - In pokemon, I mean. - aaron

[2001-07-05 15:50:00] - vinnie: doesn't matter if it is censorship or the creator or whoever -dave

[2001-07-05 15:49:00] - vinnie: i don't think dewey is necessarily talking about censorship. he's talking about how we shield kids from stuff that perhaps we shouldn't -dave

[2001-07-05 15:49:00] - Well yeah, they just change the wacky idea of death and revival in games like "Final Fantasy" to a more realistic fainting and revival system... I don't know if it was even a censoring issue really - aaron

[2001-07-05 15:49:00] - vinnie: I was also being generalistic. - dewey

[2001-07-05 15:48:00] - It wouldn't good gaming sense to have the character you spent hours building up die just because he lost a fight -- Xpovos

[2001-07-05 15:47:00] - even the original version of pokemon, the characters never died. blame the creators, not the censors - vinnie

[2001-07-05 15:46:00] - unfortunately, dewey that doesn't have much to do with the censors - vinnie

[2001-07-05 15:45:00] - dave: see and read (excellent book for anyone that works with, or wants to know more about the www) -jdb

[2001-07-05 15:43:00] - I'm glad to see TV being daring - dewey

[2001-07-05 15:43:00] - hell, look at pokemon.  They fight and battle and are just 'tired' or knocked-out when they lose.  And they can't fight another day.  Stupid censors, deciding it is bad to expose kids to death.  What a crock. - dewey

[2001-07-05 15:43:00] - babe is a cool movie. -jdb

[2001-07-05 15:43:00] - dewey: i would tend to agree with you that kids in general aren't as responsible -dave

[2001-07-05 15:42:00] - most of that can be blamed on the parents, and children being spoiled or sheltered, but also a lot of times in games and movies and tv you see character's dying/fighting/drug use without any appearent consequences. - dewey

[2001-07-05 15:41:00] - logan: i agree that the media shows some pretty heinous stuff sometimes, but if nothing else, it shows you what they're thinking, or wanting you to think -dave

[2001-07-05 15:40:00] - logan: I haven't seen that ad, but I think it is a good idea.  Too many kids today don't take any responsibility and don't realize there are consequences to their actions. - dewey

[2001-07-05 15:39:00] - jdb: semantic web? -dave

[2001-07-05 15:39:00] - dewey: open, I only have 2 chars, a crappy 'ress and a decent pally -- Xpovos

[2001-07-05 15:39:00] - logan: so you think that everything the media displays is a lie? of course not. there's something behind everything they report. -dave

[2001-07-05 15:38:00] - She's level 35 and just finished the Normal Cow Level... FO is awesome there because of the huge packs. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-05 15:37:00] - maybe with the semantic web, we'll be able to build more of a network of news trustworthiness *shrug* -jdb

[2001-07-05 15:37:00] - xpovos: is that a character or open character?  I'm working on building up an assassin open character. - dewey

[2001-07-05 15:36:00] - logan: i mean, if you get right down to it, everything you see or read or whatever is biased.  scientific experiments or whatever you do is biased by your mindset or whatever -dave

[2001-07-05 15:36:00] - People don't check real information, and think that this is a real problem. -logan

[2001-07-05 15:35:00] - logan: i'm not disagreeing with you, i'm just saying i don't think it is as harsh as you appear to be making it out to be -dave

[2001-07-05 15:35:00] - I never watch tv, but last night I saw a commercial that was just disgusting.  Showed little kids at a funeral, basically saying "This is what happens if you don't tell on other kids." -logan

[2001-07-05 15:35:00] - That's what references are for.  If someone refers to a source you trust, then you can trust the data they derived from that source.  If not, you check the source's sources, and so on, until you establish trust or find something wrong. -logan

[2001-07-05 15:34:00] - logan: i don't think there's anything wrong in using the media's information, as long as you always remember where it came from -dave

[2001-07-05 15:34:00] - If you know it for a fact, then you have data and references.  If not, you're not reporting truth, just speculation or opinion or outright lies. -logan

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