here are old message board entries

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[2000-08-08 16:29:00] - like "minors can not buy any album that contains a parental warning sticker" - miguel

[2000-08-08 16:28:00] - the concept of labeling is good, but the only problem is that they can make laws that revolve around it...

[2000-08-08 16:28:00] - I miss my smileys! Well why do they still show up in the archives? No fair. - Aaron

[2000-08-08 16:28:00] - &#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9

[2000-08-08 16:25:00] - HEY you took away my smiley

[2000-08-08 16:25:00] - That was me! I was mean to your page a little &#9786;

[2000-08-08 16:24:00] - you guys were very mean to my page while i was working . . . shame on you . . . some of the bugs were fixed    ~a

[2000-08-08 16:23:00] - If excessively violent or sexual video games and comics are labeled, then parents will not be quite so afraid of their children seeing bad material...

[2000-08-08 16:22:00] - It's similar to the ESRP ratings which many companies put for video games. It's a good idea. - Aaron

[2000-08-08 16:22:00] - Hum, I see about publishers censoring their comics, and about seals which were put in comics deemed appropriate for children...This is not abnormal...

[2000-08-08 16:22:00] - censorship is EvIL! - miguel

[2000-08-08 16:00:00] - Well, I think your 1 minute is up.... I gotta go home now. Maybe we can finish this tommorrow? -Paul

[2000-08-08 15:55:00] - I also have to leave around 4:05 so we might not have time to discuss :-) -Paul

[2000-08-08 15:53:00] - While you're reading the articles, you might also want to read the discussion Aparna and I had so we don't go over the same ground -Paul

[2000-08-08 15:52:00] - The Senate held a hearing about how to censor comics, I would call that targeting... I dunno about you -Paul

[2000-08-08 15:50:00] - .... 1 minute ...

[2000-08-08 15:50:00] - That was the last one if I recall, there should be 4 more before that -Paul

[2000-08-08 15:49:00] - If you want more articles, I can go find some more. I just figured that 5 or 6 would be plenty... -Paul

[2000-08-08 15:49:00] - Oh here's one about this crumb guy. What am I looking for? - Aaron

[2000-08-08 15:47:00] - The napster one was one that Aparna posted, I posted ones about Comic Books -Paul

[2000-08-08 15:46:00] - You are the one who hasn't backed up your arguements at all -Paul

[2000-08-08 15:46:00] - I looked at three of them, one was on napster.... I don't remember the other two

[2000-08-08 15:45:00] - Did you ignore the half dozen articles I posted for Aparna to read? -Paul

[2000-08-08 15:43:00] - When did the government ever, even once, target the comic industry, at all! - Aaron

[2000-08-08 15:42:00] - You still haven't backed up any of your arguments at all, and I don't remember any of this stuff you're talking about. - Aaron

[2000-08-08 15:38:00] - I agree that a number of factors played a part in the downfall of comics, but I think government was one of the biggest -Paul

[2000-08-08 15:37:00] - Perhaps, but you can't deny the fact that the government was targetting the comic industry unfairly -Paul

[2000-08-08 15:33:00] - Paul - I don't think government smacked comics down. I think the spread of television resulted in a decline in the popularity of comics... - Aaron

[2000-08-08 15:31:00] - Except maybe religion, and that's a toughie to debate -Paul

[2000-08-08 15:30:00] - But we have nothing to debate... :-) -Paul

[2000-08-08 15:26:00] - I do debate with you, Paul, quite a bit... - Xpovos

[2000-08-08 15:05:00] - Anyone else want to debate with me? :-) -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:42:00] - comics are kewl!

[2000-08-08 14:41:00] - Timmy!

[2000-08-08 14:33:00] - Have fun -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:33:00] - hey, paul, i have to go do some work.  not sure when i'll be back.  :(  talk to you later.  -  aba

[2000-08-08 14:30:00] - Whoops... :-) Apul is Paul -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:30:00] - Or arresting writers and artists that dared to publish "controversial" material -apul

[2000-08-08 14:30:00] - I'm sure accusing comics of perverting youth and burning them at schools didn't help much -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:29:00] - It's not considered normal to enjoy reading comics, especially the ones that gevernment tried to ban -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:28:00] - yes, but the thriving also had a lot to do with the war.  after the war, they lost a lot of their material.  -  aba

[2000-08-08 14:28:00] - Comics have been shunted away to a niche where it's not acceptable to admit that you like them -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:28:00] - Lemme put it this way. Approach any "normal" person and they will most likely tell you that comics are for weirdos or guys who live with their mothers

[2000-08-08 14:27:00] - Surviving is a lot different from thriving like it was during it's height (ie, before government smacked it down) -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:26:00] - haha.  i don't really know how to counteract that argument.  i mean it is surviving.  -  aba

[2000-08-08 14:25:00] - And with that, the conversation is over -paul

[2000-08-08 14:24:00] - moomoo

[2000-08-08 14:24:00] - How is the comic book industry suppose to thrive under these conditions anyway? Isn't this the land of opportunity? -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:21:00] - For those willing to go to great lengths, there is always an alternative. But why should we have to go to great lengths? -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:21:00] -

[2000-08-08 14:19:00] - yes, but there will always exist an alternative.  there are plenty of pretty popular comic books that don't conform with the code (ie sandman). -  aba

[2000-08-08 14:18:00] -

[2000-08-08 14:18:00] - Needless to say, they chose the same path as comics and chose self-regulation -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:17:00] - Hell, Lieberman even suggested that they make a ratings system or let the government do it for them -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:16:00] - The exact same thing is happening with Computer Games right now... -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:15:00] - Government was really sneaky with comic books, never even had to pass any laws... just spread paranoia.. -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:15:00] - Because if they didn't do it, the government was -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:15:00] -

[2000-08-08 14:14:00] - "it is a method of self-censorship agreed upon by participating publishers"  -  aba

[2000-08-08 14:13:00] -

[2000-08-08 14:11:00] -

[2000-08-08 14:11:00] -

[2000-08-08 14:10:00] - either one.  and i don't see the resemblance.  sorry.  :(  -  aba

[2000-08-08 14:09:00] - Is it just me, or does Lieberman look a lot like Palpatine in Star Wars? :-) -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:06:00] - You want proof that Government targeted comics or that government led to it's downfall? -paul

[2000-08-08 14:06:00] -

[2000-08-08 14:04:00] - Same with me and Gore :-) -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:02:00] - i understand.  i wish i could say the same about bush.  :(  -  aba

[2000-08-08 14:01:00] - But I despise the vast majority of his proposals. I respect him, but I don't have to like him :-) -Paul

[2000-08-08 14:00:00] - Oh I think Lieberman is an honest and trustworthy guy who votes according to his heart and not money (which I admire about him) -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:59:00] - i don't really agree with you there.  sorry, paul.  maybe if you find me some factual info.  :(  -  aba

[2000-08-08 13:58:00] - Comics are less availible so the market dries up and comic companies go belly up -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:57:00] - And then they start cracking down on the small stores or stores that carry comics as a side-business  -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:57:00] -

[2000-08-08 13:57:00] - It starts with propaganda "Comics books are violent, they make people violent, are your kids reading comics?" -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:55:00] - Same thing with AD&D and soon to be computer games.... -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:55:00] - The beginning of the end for comics was when government starting saying that they were too violent and started censoring them -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:54:00] - And if you like to debate stuff.... -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:54:00] - most comics lost their appeal because they started to suck majorly.  when the writers don't bother to keep with continuity, the readers stop reading.

[2000-08-08 13:54:00] - Politics is fun if you have something that you believe in and someone to root for -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:54:00] - Back in a flash, I get to start training a geek. - BpemR

[2000-08-08 13:53:00] - I think jefferson put it a bit more eloquently but.... :-) -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:53:00] - Odd I'm fairly certain I typed that correctly, Adrian, is your filter chewing up my words now? - Xpovos

[2000-08-08 13:53:00] - foo.  i hate elections.  they always politicize my summers.  =-O  -  aba

[2000-08-08 13:52:00] - Now comics are a small, niche thing mostly and most of the companies are barely keeping from bankruptcy -paul

[2000-08-08 13:52:00] - The tree pof Liberty mus occasionally be bathed in the blood of patriots - Jefferson.

[2000-08-08 13:52:00] - Comics used to be big, just like Computer games. Until Government started censoring it and fining people for no reason -paul

[2000-08-08 13:51:00] - Just like Clinton and his crusade against tobacco and guns.... many small steps over time -paul

[2000-08-08 13:51:00] - people won't stand for it.  and what happened to the comic book industry?  there are plenty of violent/graphic comics out there.  -  aba

[2000-08-08 13:51:00] - Yes, more voting is better. Even if it means more stupid people voting (not implying anything here) -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:50:00] - moomoo

[2000-08-08 13:50:00] - Infirngements on liberty always start small. It's not like he would be able to pass a law banning all violent games at once -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:50:00] - not, so be it. - Xpovos

[2000-08-08 13:49:00] - Bye Aaron. Ever hear about what happened to the comic book industry? Exact same thing -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:49:00] - I'd like everyone who can vote to vote... even if I disagree with their choices. I'd like to think that the majority of people share my views, but if

[2000-08-08 13:48:00] - bye aaron

[2000-08-08 13:48:00] - I said nothing about cowcatchers.

[2000-08-08 13:48:00] - Oh okay. I will talk to paul then in private afer my lunchtime. Bye for a while, folks. - Aaron

[2000-08-08 13:48:00] - i don't think walmart represents the whole us gaming market - aba

[2000-08-08 13:47:00] - paul knows where to get it from  :)

[2000-08-08 13:47:00] - I'll fill it out for you as long as you vote (you can vote for whoever you want, even *shudder* Gore) As long as you vote -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:46:00] - Where do I get the form, Aba? - aaron

[2000-08-08 13:46:00] - Lieberman is Gore's VP candidate, and you're wrong, Lieberman forced WalMart and some other stores to ban certain games -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:46:00] - Now is taco time. Back 3:00ish. - Aaron

[2000-08-08 13:46:00] - ok, aaron, if you get the form, i'll fill it out for you  -  aba

[2000-08-08 13:46:00] - his vp candidate - aba

[2000-08-08 13:42:00] - I am vocintc for gor!  Who's lieberman? - aaron

[2000-08-08 13:41:00] - lieberman will never be able to do anything with game censorship.  no one else will support him.  -  aba

[2000-08-08 13:39:00] - Andrew, how come there are so many commies on this board? :-) -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:39:00] - You want Gore to win? (You do realize that Lieberman is the #1 enemy of computer gamers...) -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:39:00] - i'll fill it out for you if you promise to vote for gore.  -  aba  :)

[2000-08-08 13:37:00] - um that was aaron - aaron

[2000-08-08 13:37:00] - Absentee ballot? It's not worth the trouble. I hope bush doesn't win though.

[2000-08-08 13:36:00] - "barbarian sucks! i myself can't beget my cowcatcher! -xpovos"

[2000-08-08 13:36:00] - It won't be you'll probably have to get an absentee ballot, and those are always a pain. I know. - Xpovos

[2000-08-08 13:36:00] - You need to get an absentee ballot form and fill it out... -paul

[2000-08-08 13:35:00] - sure, if it's convenient enough from college - aaron

[2000-08-08 13:34:00] - /-\aron, you planning on voting during the presidential election? -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:34:00] - Hmm, with our luck then, it'll never be released... - Xpovos

[2000-08-08 13:32:00] - Yes it will be fun. Maybe they'll up the ai? hope it's released in the states soon. they haven't announced a release date. - aaron

[2000-08-08 13:31:00] - Ooh Baby! - Xpovos

[2000-08-08 13:30:00] - Tetris Attack 64 is in production

[2000-08-08 13:30:00] - Not our fault that Adrian's board is buggy -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:29:00] - Yahoo sucks! I can't get my mail! -Xpovos

[2000-08-08 13:29:00] - &#79;k &#79;k &#78;o more &#65;&#83;&#67;&#73;&#73; madness. - Aaron

[2000-08-08 13:28:00] - I did nothing! - Xpovos

[2000-08-08 13:27:00] - Ugh. It's kind of a fifty-fifty thing. I think it just doesn't like me using the strange faces. &#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9787;&#9786;

[2000-08-08 13:27:00] - :)&#9786;&#9787;:)&#9786;&#9787;

[2000-08-08 13:27:00] - stop with your ascii madness!  -  aba

[2000-08-08 13:26:00] - it works for me  -  aba

[2000-08-08 13:26:00] - ;)

[2000-08-08 13:26:00] - poor adrian.  you messed up his board while he was gone.  :'(  -  aba

[2000-08-08 13:26:00] - &#9786;&#9787;:-)  &#9786;&#9787;:-)

[2000-08-08 13:24:00] - Am I doing my smiley wrong? Colon hyphen end-paren?

[2000-08-08 13:24:00] - Bugs should be squished, excpet for Mandelbrot sets.

[2000-08-08 13:24:00] - &#9786;&#9787;:-)&#9786;&#9787;:-)&#9786;&#9787;:-)

[2000-08-08 13:23:00] - Um? Well we'll ignore that... ahem... bug bug...

[2000-08-08 13:23:00] - &#1; &#2; :-) &#1; &#2; :-)

[2000-08-08 13:23:00] - Share the wealth.

[2000-08-08 13:23:00] - | will endeavor to learn the rest so that | may type like a civilized person again -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:22:00] - &#72;urray! thank you Aaron, you are my hero -paul

[2000-08-08 13:22:00] - &#72; <----capital h? -paul

[2000-08-08 13:21:00] - | don't know |-|+/\/\|_ escape sequences.... :-( -paul

[2000-08-08 13:21:00] - he is using the ascii code

[2000-08-08 13:20:00] - &#72;, for example, is simply amphersand-pound sign-72-semicolon. - Aaron

[2000-08-08 13:20:00] - &#80;aul, capital letters are as simple as using &#72;&#84;&#77;&#76; escape sequences. - Aaron

[2000-08-08 13:19:00] - |-|urray! |-|ow did you accomplish this magnificent feat? -Paul

[2000-08-08 13:18:00] - yes, if we were talking in person, it would be better than the board.  here, we can look stuff up, but it is harder to explain thoughts - aba

[2000-08-08 13:17:00] -

[2000-08-08 13:16:00] - &#72;a &#72;a! &#67;apital &#76;etter success. &#66oo-yah.

[2000-08-08 13:15:00] - &#78;aybe this will work? It's worth a try.

[2000-08-08 13:15:00] - /-\nd yet extremely true, don't you agree? -paul

[2000-08-08 13:13:00] - :D  funny paul

[2000-08-08 13:12:00] - |-|owever, | suggest we avoid that arguement since neither of us would be able to change the other's mind :-) -paul

[2000-08-08 13:12:00] - btw should be all in lower case, | dunno why.... | think |3ush senior was a better president then <linton... -paul

[2000-08-08 13:11:00] - Grumph. I tried.

[2000-08-08 13:11:00] - &#9872;ell maybe I can find away around Adrian's filter if &#9879; try hard.

[2000-08-08 13:10:00] - don't you mean "|3tw" or something like that?  :) - aba

[2000-08-08 13:09:00] - well, he does try to say that voters made mistake in not re-electing bush.  imho, bush sr wasn't a good president at all.  -  aba

[2000-08-08 13:09:00] - btw, | think a capital "o" makes the best capital "o" myself but the message board can't handle capital letters so | have to improvise -paul

[2000-08-08 13:08:00] - |-|ow is he trying to capitalize on it? |)emocrats have been bashing him because of it for awhile -paul

[2000-08-08 13:07:00] - ()h really? -paul

[2000-08-08 13:07:00] - well, not really "put up".  he is trying to capitalize on it.  -  aba

[2000-08-08 13:06:00] - 0 works better as a capital "o", paul. - Aaron

[2000-08-08 13:05:00] - ()f course, \/\/ has to put up with the fact that his father was president so.... -paul

[2000-08-08 13:04:00] - | do feel a bit sorry for Gore, he's stuck between two Clintons.... -paul

[2000-08-08 13:04:00] - Boy look at all this cool stuff! Are you guys seeing this? Weeeeee

[2000-08-08 13:03:00] - &#9834; &#9835; La la la &#9835; &#9834;

[2000-08-08 13:03:00] - no, it's not.  it's just an interesting take on the election.  -  aba

[2000-08-08 13:02:00] - &#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9787; Hey I found more happy face &#9786;&#9787;&#9786;&#9787;

[2000-08-08 13:01:00] - |s this suppose to be another arguement against \/\/? -Paul

[2000-08-08 12:56:00] -  <  interesting

[2000-08-08 12:55:00] - /-\nyone want to debate Lieberman as \/p candidate? :-) -paul

[2000-08-08 12:53:00] - /\/\uch better then just writing in lower-case all the time |'m sorry to say -paul

[2000-08-08 12:52:00] - your captials are not very good, i'm sorry to say  :(  -  aba

[2000-08-08 12:50:00] - | will forgive you as long as you forgive my lack of sarcasm tags on occasion -Paul

[2000-08-08 12:49:00] - |)on't worry about it, I can usually pick your messages out... -paul

[2000-08-08 12:49:00] - Lunch time! - Xpovos

[2000-08-08 12:48:00] - i'm sorry.  i always forget to sign them.  also, since i am usually the only vocal person disagreeing with you, it tends to be obvious.  -  aba

[2000-08-08 12:47:00] - My brain hurts - Mr. Gumby

[2000-08-08 12:46:00] - I apologize, I guess I should say since Aparna doesn't sign her messages... -paul

[2000-08-08 12:45:00] - In italics when I remember and capitals where allowed. _BpemR

[2000-08-08 12:45:00] - La la la

[2000-08-08 12:45:00] - I almost always sign my messages - Xpovos

[2000-08-08 12:45:00] - Sometimes I sing my messages, but sometimes I forget, and sometimes there's not enough room - Aaron

[2000-08-08 12:44:00] - I'm talking to the person who likes using sarcasm tags (assuming it's Aparna but since no one signs their messages I don't know) -paul

[2000-08-08 12:43:00] - moomoo

[2000-08-08 12:43:00] - ya lost me, coach

[2000-08-08 12:42:00] - btw, I absolutely loved your point-by-point counter-analysis of the article. You raised some interesting points -Paul

[2000-08-08 12:42:00] - oro!

[2000-08-08 12:42:00] - Fluffernutter tastes better than Penut butter!

[2000-08-08 12:41:00] - Andrew, what are trying to argue? Your points are going nowhere and you're pretending to be someone else. I'm confused. - Aaron

[2000-08-08 12:40:00] - yeah, well, paul, you think a lot of weird things.  :P

[2000-08-08 12:39:00] - And I think Bush has 100 times the integrity that Gore does.... -Paul

[2000-08-08 12:39:00] - Yes, it's andrew. He has the same IP as the person who's been signing "xpovos" for a loooong time

[2000-08-08 12:39:00] - I object to the gross generalization that porn stars have no integrity. What do you base this accusation on? -Paul

[2000-08-08 12:38:00] - Grr, not having a static IP does numbers to my message board stats - Xpovos

[2000-08-08 12:37:00] - not andrew, not paul and not dave.  who is it?

[2000-08-08 12:34:00] - Yes, how lovely. btw, this is not Andrew, check his political alignment, you'll see he believes in laws-- Someone else.

[2000-08-08 12:32:00] - a state without power might as well not be there

[2000-08-08 12:32:00] - It is not anarchy, because anarchy is the absence of the State, this is the presence of a State that has no power to inflict fear.

[2000-08-08 12:31:00] - andrew, that's anarchy, and anarchy doesn't work.

[2000-08-08 12:30:00] - The point eventually comes back to the fact that the State cannot forbid anything.

[2000-08-08 12:27:00] - What? No! Look it up! crime, noun. an act or the commission of an act that is forbidden ... etc... especially a gross violation of law!

[2000-08-08 12:26:00] - A crime is something which is evil. There is no evil in the disobeying of any law which fear is the only deterrant.

[2000-08-08 12:25:00] - Um, a crime is, by definition, a violation of law. Maybe you should brush up on your english?

[2000-08-08 12:21:00] - My point is that people obey the laws because they fear the consequences, that does not make disobeying them a crime.

[2000-08-08 12:17:00] - if they people don't like the govt, then they can fight it.  you don't have a point, andrew.

[2000-08-08 12:17:00] - no, they have the authority of the people.

[2000-08-08 12:17:00] - What? The country does? You're not making any sense. It's just a bunch of random blurbs strung together to try and make yourself sound smart. - Aaron

[2000-08-08 12:15:00] - The have the authority of having the most guns.

[2000-08-08 12:13:00] - I don't understand what point you're trying to make. Is this Andrew? - Aaron

[2000-08-08 12:12:00] - The same authority as any other country, I suppose... You're on their soil/waters, you obey their laws, right?

[2000-08-08 12:11:00] - What authority does the US law govern under?

[2000-08-08 12:08:00] - Under US law, lots of things are crimes. I don't understand. - Aaron

[2000-08-08 12:03:00] - Nothing is a crime.

[2000-08-08 12:00:00] - malicious intent is a crime

[2000-08-08 11:58:00] - tion, and I don't fell that tobacco companies should be forced to pay for their mistakes; and risk-taking choices. -Xpovos

[2000-08-08 11:57:00] - actions, not even when they've turned out to be more dangerous than we thought.  I don't know a single person who didn't start smoking of his own voli

[2000-08-08 11:57:00] - Common sense or not, every action we do in life has a risk associated even if we don't know it fully, we can't make other people responsible for our

[2000-08-08 11:54:00] - and yeah, politicians should have integrity in what they do.  i don't care what they do in their personal lives.

[2000-08-08 11:53:00] - yeah, but a lot of people who sued started smoking before it was common sense.  :-\

[2000-08-08 11:51:00] - "What am I? The Beer Wench?" - Aaron

[2000-08-08 11:49:00] - I agree, Andrew, maybe suing when they were just finding out that cigarette smoke was bad for you made sense, but it's common sense now. -Aaron

[2000-08-08 11:49:00] - Bush is supposed to have integrity? He's a politician, right? Shit, politicians have about as much integrety as porn stars. -Xpovos

[2000-08-08 11:47:00] - no, andrew, i object to bush's integrity in this case, not his choice.

[2000-08-08 11:46:00] - g the tobacco companies. -Xpovos

[2000-08-08 11:46:00] - ok.  i believe you.

[2000-08-08 11:46:00] - BTW, I hate Bush as much as the next man, but his taking money from Tobacco companies is not the reason why.  I have no sympathy for these idiots suin

[2000-08-08 11:44:00] - ... I'm just reading through the Scream script right now .... - Aaron

[2000-08-08 11:42:00] - It was after Sidney got attacked in the bathroom in Scream 1, and she tells Tatum. Tatum says that when they're walking home from school.

[2000-08-08 11:42:00] - huh?

[2000-08-08 11:41:00] - Ha ha! I forgot about this quote from Scream... "You’re not going to pee anymore alone. If you pee, I pee. Is that clear?"

[2000-08-08 11:40:00] - I miss a lot of discussions because they always happen when I have to go to work. Welcome to my world, Miguel. -Xpovos

[2000-08-08 11:33:00] - God I loved it! “I’ll send you a copy” BAM bitch went down! “I’ll send you a copy” BAM Sid, super bitch! You are so cool!

[2000-08-08 11:32:00] - sorry, most of the recent posting has been by    -  aba

[2000-08-08 11:29:00] - You are welcome, emoticon :-D - Aaron

[2000-08-08 11:26:00] - thanks aaron  :)

[2000-08-08 11:25:00] - Plasma TV = flat screen and hi-resolution - Aaron

[2000-08-08 11:23:00] -    < here's the current one

[2000-08-08 11:23:00] - i wish there was a "none of the above" selection for the voting ballot

[2000-08-08 11:19:00] - <sarcasm>what a nice guy, paul.  he seems like he'll really help the country out.</sarcasm>

[2000-08-08 11:18:00] -

[2000-08-08 11:17:00] - damn, i miss such interesting debates when i don't get up early - miguel

[2000-08-08 11:07:00] -

[2000-08-08 11:06:00] - what's a plasma tv?

[2000-08-08 11:05:00] -

[2000-08-08 11:04:00] -    <  pr2 is out if anyone cares

[2000-08-08 10:51:00] - Mmmmm petaflop - Aaron

[2000-08-08 10:48:00] - "She’s getting mad alright? You better liver alone." ... ha ha ha ha.... - Aaron

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