here are old message board entries

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[2002-07-10 16:25:29] - that last one sounds more like a reform party zealot. - mig

[2002-07-10 16:20:25] - PRIVATE PROPERTY RULEZ!!1111

[2002-07-10 16:19:39] - the government shouldn't stop people from raping their kids because that infringes on the parents' rights to rape their kids.  - wolf

[2002-07-10 16:18:02] - who's to say what's good and bad? - wolf

[2002-07-10 16:17:50] - is also hilarious.  i know so many people who think that way. - wolf

[2002-07-10 16:12:40] - he complains about certain things as if they were bad.... - mig

[2002-07-10 15:56:33] - i do like , though :P - wolf

[2002-07-10 15:50:15] - every political group is pro-freedom --- their freedom, that is.  - wolf

[2002-07-10 15:47:51] - the government is SUPPOSED to defend our freedoms and rights, but it rarely does.  and probably never will, regardless of who is in charge. - wolf

[2002-07-10 15:46:48] - what it boils down to is: nobody within a political party agrees.  which is why i do not have a political affiliation. - wolf

[2002-07-10 15:45:59] - opposite, rather

[2002-07-10 15:45:54] - amusing.  i just got done listening to a libertarian who was arguing the exact oppiste. - wolf

[2002-07-10 15:19:34] - i suppose i could go on, but i don't know if anyone wants to keep listening on to my babbling here. - mig

[2002-07-10 15:02:02] - libertarians do not argue that it is the role of government to protect the rights of individuals, rather they want to hold government to that obligation. - mig

[2002-07-10 15:01:03] - while he is half-right, he neglects to mention that government has been acting to undermine those rights the last couple decades. - mig

[2002-07-10 15:00:14] - "The foremost defenders of our freedoms and rights, which libertarians prefer you overlook, are our governments. National defense, police, courts, registries of deeds, public defenders, the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights, etc. all are government efforts that work towards defending freedoms and rights." - mig

[2002-07-10 14:58:24] - also, i don't recall any libertarian arguments using the dec. of independance as a legal document. -mig

[2002-07-10 14:57:34] - the constitution isn't that archaic of a document.  it describes in plain english what the government is authorized to do. - mig

[2002-07-10 14:56:02] - where in the constitution did it suddenly become interpeted that congress is authorized to provide education, health care, and social security? - mig

[2002-07-10 14:55:30] - It's interesting to note that he uses the original definition of utopia (if I remember correctly) which means something like "a place that does not exist". -Paul

[2002-07-10 14:55:19] - as for plain language of the constitution, i don't really know what he's complaining about.  what of congress shall make no law changes over time? - mig

[2002-07-10 14:53:37] - where did he imply that?  ~a

[2002-07-10 14:49:01] - well, in responding to the point that no working libertarian model exists, well i have to say he's right.  however, he seems to imply that because one doesn't exist that it won't work in the real world. - mig

[2002-07-10 14:44:29] - well you think it has logical flaws only because you're a libertarian and it's attacking libertarianism.  are you going to say what the logical flaws are or why they're logical flaws?  ~a

[2002-07-10 14:37:40] - i think it's well written, but it's got some pretty bad logical flaws. boo to it. - mig

[2002-07-10 14:28:29] - i'm no libertarian and i still think that last link is kind of dumb.  there's got to be a better rebuttal than that.  ~a

[2002-07-10 14:13:40] -

[2002-07-10 12:33:56] - No bailout for Amtrak -Paul

[2002-07-10 12:19:17] - (too big)

[2002-07-10 12:17:45] - Town moves forward in plan to seize church land -Paul

[2002-07-10 12:12:06] - Does globalization help cure poverty? -Paul

[2002-07-10 11:59:19] - the man got ugly. - mig

[2002-07-10 09:17:27] -,7369,752722,00.html - wolf

[2002-07-10 08:51:33] - i guess most people don't need either.  ~a

[2002-07-10 08:51:07] - you don't need  all you need is  right?  ~a

[2002-07-10 08:36:28] - - mig

[2002-07-10 07:26:49] - delete for a special game!

[2002-07-10 00:47:53] - - cryptic

[2002-07-09 23:30:19] - but I also don't want to not be done with this program tomorrow at 2pm - boing

[2002-07-09 23:30:08] - I'm still at work :( I want to go home - boing

[2002-07-09 23:26:56] - "'While this passenger may have been joking it is difficult to determine if someone is joking or serious. We take any comment regarding safety seriously,' she said."... what I don't understand is, what is the safety concern if the person was "serious"?  it wasn't a threat... in fact it was closer to a security measure than a threat - boing

[2002-07-09 23:25:13] - - boing

[2002-07-09 23:23:56] - not really, but hatehatehate dst... if you're going to fuck with the continuity of time, at least make that fucking occur on a defined day in april and october, not "first or last sunday"

[2002-07-09 23:22:57] - hatehatehate perl

[2002-07-09 23:22:44] - .exe .com .bat

[2002-07-09 23:06:34] - MENSTRUAL WOMBAT

[2002-07-09 22:53:32] - MATERNAL COMBAT

[2002-07-09 22:00:36] - wolf: I wouldn't know how you smell... -Paul

[2002-07-09 21:47:25] - paul: you smell like cat food. - wolf

[2002-07-09 21:43:19] - that's not nice, paul. at least your mom enjoyed it.

[2002-07-09 21:36:20] - wolf: I plan on celebrating your death -Paul

[2002-07-09 21:02:37] - what?  ~a

[2002-07-09 19:56:06] - the people on star trek = i fucked all their moms

[2002-07-09 19:37:52] - I grant that many of those quotes are out of context... but the usual point of taking quotes out of context is to support your argument even if the originator would disagree... her fully-contextual articles typically match the views expressed in those quotes - boing

[2002-07-09 18:32:38] - geez, i wish the mrc and fair would just settle down.  all media has some sort of leftist or rightist slant.  get over it. - mig

[2002-07-09 18:25:51] - "real americans are also behind ashcroft 100 %" - mig

[2002-07-09 18:23:20] - several of the perfect gem qutoes in their are deifnitely not taken out of context. - mig

[2002-07-09 18:08:45] - everybody takes quotes out of context. please see

[2002-07-09 17:43:19] - i'm a real american  :'(  ~a

[2002-07-09 17:40:27] - she's another person whose death i plan on celebrating. - wolf

[2002-07-09 17:28:46] - boing: I didn't say all of them were. :-P -Paul

[2002-07-09 17:08:28] - context for you: "real americans are... behind surveillance of arabs 100 percent" - boing

[2002-07-09 16:53:48] - mig: I think a lot of those quotes from Ann Coulter were taken out of context. -Paul

[2002-07-09 16:31:50] - the wisdom of a stupid bitch. - mig

[2002-07-09 14:53:34] - Did the pro-athlete drug his date or not? -Paul

[2002-07-09 14:18:54] - "Anyone who hates Arabs is an ally when you're waging redneck jihad." ... best quote ever. - wolf

[2002-07-09 14:18:45] -

[2002-07-09 13:48:52] - it seems like it was offensive just to be offensive at times.  but we all need a little of that every now and then and i haven't had any in a while.  ~a

[2002-07-09 13:47:41] - i liked it  ~a

[2002-07-09 13:02:55] - wolf: Was that link suppose to be enlightening or humorous? -Paul

[2002-07-09 12:57:29] - - wolf

[2002-07-09 12:27:31] - The debate among publishers over inclusive language -Paul

[2002-07-09 11:23:14] - apparently worldcom didn't give bush any money. - mig

[2002-07-09 11:13:07] -,2933,57172,00.html congress sickens me. - mig

[2002-07-09 10:49:11] -,2933,57216,00.html I just think this article is funny because everytime they mention the "WWF", I think of the World Wrestling Federation and giggle. -Paul

[2002-07-09 10:45:34] - Proposed legislation to provide federal funds to assist state and local governments with community planning and development. -Paul

[2002-07-09 10:39:31] - Maine town shuts down government -Paul

[2002-07-09 10:19:44] -

[2002-07-09 10:06:17] - loop  ~a

[2002-07-09 09:51:27] - while diablo and diablo 2 were less than stellar, i don't think anyone can even touch blizzard in the area of rts. - mig

[2002-07-09 09:32:57] - ahhh, the christmas when starcraft was released.... best christmas ever. - mig

[2002-07-09 09:14:27] - wolf: Back to Blizzard, I still remember how they had essentially finished Starcraft by the Christmas season but they held off releasing it for a few months in order to more finely balance the races and the units. Sure, they patched some things after the game came out but the game was definitely reasonably balanced IMHO when it was released. -Paul

[2002-07-09 09:01:13] - wolf: And while I might agree that Black and White was a poor game, I thought the concept was pretty good and I thought the game in general was pretty ambitious. I think the only problem is that they bit off a bit more then they could chew with the game and it ended up being just a little too messy and confused. -Paul

[2002-07-09 08:57:47] - wolf: I also think Diablo 2 was reasonably balanced in the beginning, but the problem was that all of the people who spent far too much time playing the game found the ultimate strategies which Blizzard could not have foresaw and ruined the experience for others. It can be REALLY difficult to balance a game as complex as Diablo 2. -Paul

[2002-07-09 08:52:20] - wolf: I'm afraid I have to totally disagree with you when it comes to your opinion on games. In my opinion, Blizzard is one of the best companies around when it comes to holding off releasing games until they are done. Sure, the patch them after release, but that just shows they are committed to fixing even the problems that got through. -Paul

[2002-07-09 08:50:26] - speaking of infograms, wasn't the multiplayer expansion for civ3 supposed to be released in may? - mig

[2002-07-09 08:39:32] - infogrames has been pissing me off lately as well.  they almost fucked neverwinter nights over with that whole EULA fiasco. - mig

[2002-07-09 08:38:03] - boing:  yeah, EA is definitely one of the worst publishers out there. - mig

[2002-07-09 08:37:19] - i liked it, but i stopped because i wasn't very good at those sim-type games. - mig

[2002-07-09 08:29:44] - more specifically, the creature would've been a good idea if it worked, because it was meant to alleviate the micromanagement portion of the game - boing

[2002-07-09 08:29:00] - I won't say it was as singularly horrible as you think, wolf.  The "creature" idea would have been great if they had made it more receptive to training... as it was, my "good" creature would continually eat people =-O - boing

[2002-07-09 07:09:52] - black & white was an overall horrible game.  it even sucked conceptually.  all bugs aside,  it was impossible to micromanage a couple of cities AND train a pet at the same time.  the pet idea should have been dropped altogether.  it seemed like they added it in at the last minute. - wolf

[2002-07-09 07:08:00] - my host screwed  something up, but they've fixed it. - wolf

[2002-07-09 01:10:05] - yeah, i remeber the final island bug. - mig

[2002-07-08 23:27:39] - mig: agreed.  case in point: EA totally fux0red black & white by making lionhead release it with show-stopping bugs.  it made win2k bluescreen after about 20 minutes for most people for months after its release. - boing

[2002-07-08 22:50:15] - in fact, what happened to - mig

[2002-07-08 22:49:38] - wolf:  a bad publisher can still ruin a potentially good game. - mig

[2002-07-08 22:47:54] - katie, what happened to the oekaki board?  ~a

[2002-07-08 21:05:11] - i won't play war3 because i will never pay money for another blizzard game again.  considering that they STILL have a major rebalance patch in the works for diablo 2 (a game that has been out for three years), they've made it quite clear that turning out a finished product isn't one of their priorities. - wolf

[2002-07-08 21:03:01] - i think they just pulled a blizzard -- releasing a game before it was finished in order to get it out during peak selling season. - wolf

[2002-07-08 21:02:26] - it's a microsoft game, but it really isn't.  it's tempting to blame microsoft since their name is associated with it, but they had very little to do with the actual coding and production.  - wolf

[2002-07-08 15:54:14] - fortunately nwn and war3 are around to occupy my pathetic life. - mig

[2002-07-08 15:52:53] - wolf:  i didn't even get that far, since the game kept on locking up every once in a while, i would have to save constantly, and then i would forget every once in a while, thus blowing about 1-2 hours worht of time.  i eventually gave up on it. - mig

[2002-07-08 15:50:12] - wolf:  lesson of the day:  don't buy microsoft games again. - mig

[2002-07-08 15:15:35] - I hope unsigned has to run a business paying all their servers a "living wage" someday -Paul

[2002-07-08 15:06:40] - i hope paul has to wait tables someday

[2002-07-08 14:48:30] - it had such potential to be a really nice game. - wolf

[2002-07-08 14:47:18] - best of all was that the (yawningly easy) end boss dropped a level 70 healing spell.  due to the faulty xp system (you get exp based on how much damage you do), my healer didn't level at all throughout the game and would never be able to use it. - wolf

[2002-07-08 14:45:31] - it also amounted to about 16 hours of gameplay, including the times i got lost and had to backtrack for 15 minutes or so.  add onto it the fact that single player offers zero replayability, and it just seems like an awful waste of money. - wolf

[2002-07-08 14:44:04] - i finally got around to finishing single player dungeon siege yesterday.  it was terrible.  there's no higher difficulty to move onto so all of my people are basically stuck inside this empty world for forever.  - wolf

[2002-07-08 14:43:06] - I think they should just get rid of minimum wage and pay the servers nothing :-D -Paul

[2002-07-08 14:32:25] - they should just do away with the tip system and pay the servers living wage. - wolf

[2002-07-08 14:23:12] - boing:  my point is that people who get small tips blame the tip giver.  it's just human nature.  ~a

[2002-07-08 14:20:39] -  an old (february) article on wireless technologies.  ~a

[2002-07-08 14:19:00] - it would take a lot to get me to tip <5%, though.  the server would actually have to insult me personally (or one of my party members) - boing

[2002-07-08 14:18:11] - I'm a very generous tipper... I will usually give 15% for lacking, but adequate service... I save the 10% or worse tips for people who are actively rude, try to hide their mistakes at my expense, etc. - boing

[2002-07-08 14:16:32] - A lot of people will tip badly based on things their server could not have controlled (brushed upon in the article) - boing

[2002-07-08 14:15:39] - a lot of people who don't tip are bad people, at least in that respect.  A lot of people underestimate the amount they should be compensating for the service they received - boing

[2002-07-08 14:11:06] - a: I don't like the tipping system either, but I think it works better then you think. In general, people who are better at what they do get better tips then those who are not. -Paul

[2002-07-08 14:01:42] - the tipping "system" doesn't work like it was intended.  people who don't tip are bad people.  instead, it should be, people who don't get tips are bad people.  either change the system or get rid of it entirely.  ie. raise price of meal and ask people not to pay tip.  ~a

[2002-07-08 13:55:40] - fight the man. - mig

[2002-07-08 13:19:47] - a: The people who hire the employees for less the minimum wage :-P -Paul

[2002-07-08 12:51:06] - yay  i'm so happy  :)  ~a

[2002-07-08 12:46:49] - neither have i.  i don't know who decided we were supposed to.  ~a

[2002-07-08 12:41:05] - i've never tipped the maid. :( -kris

[2002-07-08 12:36:35] - and who decides who we are supposed to tip?  ~a

[2002-07-08 11:47:20] - yes -cryptic

[2002-07-08 11:40:22] - you're supposed to tip the maid? -kris

[2002-07-08 11:27:02] - what the fuck? - mig

[2002-07-08 10:50:41] - A somewhat interesting article on tipping -Paul

[2002-07-06 22:23:43] - no one cares about denmark.  ~a

[2002-07-06 20:46:44] - thats wierd since all they do is provide links.  Its not like they are providing full text. - dewey

[2002-07-06 17:39:37] - - wolf

[2002-07-06 17:39:31] - er

[2002-07-06 17:39:04] - - wolf

[2002-07-06 17:35:57] - - wolf

[2002-07-06 17:04:32] -  New Building named. - dewey

[2002-07-05 21:11:33] - dewey:  war3 seems very good so far. - mig

[2002-07-05 18:15:39] -  ~a

[2002-07-05 15:28:36] - and yes, not only has it been done before, it's been posted to the board before - vinnie

[2002-07-05 15:27:54] - I turned down my sound before looking at it, and my suspicions were right - vinnie

[2002-07-05 14:35:40] - anyone played Warcraft 3 yet? - dewey

[2002-07-05 01:04:06] - a: oh baby! - dewey

[2002-07-04 15:48:12] - i want to x you.  ~a

[2002-07-03 17:24:18] - i should hope so.  ~a

[2002-07-03 16:59:03] - - mig

[2002-07-03 16:58:59] - hmmph, war3 fits on one cd

[2002-07-03 16:13:53] - - wolf

[2002-07-03 15:40:04] - :(  that is so unoriginal.  it's been done.  and waldo is cross dressing at the bottom of the "image"  ~a

[2002-07-03 15:39:20] - O:) - dewey

[2002-07-03 15:38:00] - this better not be one of those things that screams at you after like 20 seconds or i'll be pissed.  ~a

[2002-07-03 15:25:48] - - Can you find waldo? - dewey

[2002-07-03 14:57:00] - his real name is harris katherine

[2002-07-03 14:39:18] - percy is a cat.  they got it backwards.  ~a

[2002-07-03 14:30:27] - katherine harris looks like a man with make up

[2002-07-03 11:27:13] - The new tobacco -Paul

[2002-07-03 11:24:10] - Still Waiting for Amtrak Probe -Paul

[2002-07-03 11:20:36] - Gang rape ordered as punishment by tribal jury in Pakistan -Paul

[2002-07-03 11:16:17] - Court considers student discipline for not saying pledge -Paul

[2002-07-03 10:41:46] - I wonder what would happen if Percy won.... -Paul

[2002-07-03 10:11:02] - - mig

[2002-07-03 07:12:49] - netscape 7 is neato. - wolf

[2002-07-03 01:09:16] - hey, how'd I become the angel? sweet, i'm not complaining - vinnie

[2002-07-02 22:31:15] - i doubt you have that picture.  ~a

[2002-07-02 22:18:07] - Yeah, it's like embarass, not like, your bare ass. Do you want me to post your bare ass picture too? - aaron

[2002-07-02 22:17:34] - Yeah, with $7 mil the government could buy, like, an eighth of a jet or something - aaron

[2002-07-02 22:16:03] - is that like embarrass?  ~a

[2002-07-02 22:15:09] -

[2002-07-02 21:33:02] - i've been at work at 2am.  beat that!  ~a

[2002-07-02 21:32:48] - i thought it was funny.  ~a

[2002-07-02 21:12:57] - sorry everyone... it's 9:15pm and I'm at work... makes me silly and annoying - boing

[2002-07-02 21:12:32] - I'm going to be showing her my no face... "no! no! no! you know what I'm saying.... no! hahaha" - boing

[2002-07-02 21:11:39] - but not really - boing

[2002-07-02 21:11:28] - I want my name changed to "pierce's self" - boing

[2002-07-02 18:41:19] - im the no face  :-/

[2002-07-02 18:06:35] - I like the idea of a "free" game, but I think the propoganda issues are scary, and I think our military could better spend $7 mil - boing

[2002-07-02 16:55:25] -

[2002-07-02 16:25:46] -

[2002-07-02 15:42:34] - hmmm.  no, you're right.  it has to be after "v"  ~a

[2002-07-02 15:42:07] - or "pierce's girlfriend"  ~a

[2002-07-02 15:19:23] - Lisa could always change her name to... hmm xerxes - aaron

[2002-07-02 14:47:39] - I need to make you lose friends after Lisa finds you new ones then? -Paul

[2002-07-02 14:47:06] - a: What if I want to be the embarassed face though? -Paul

[2002-07-02 14:39:21] - lisa, you have to find me five new friends who have first names that come before yours if you want to be the angel.  ~a

[2002-07-02 14:16:22] - I'm the foot fetish face :-[ -Paul

[2002-07-02 14:04:31] - i'm the blowjob face! - wolf

[2002-07-02 13:07:51] - why am I the yelling face?  I want to be the angel :-)

[2002-07-02 13:06:51] - was any kind of sex mentioned in the handbook?  ~a

[2002-07-02 12:43:48] - ###/pics/download/148.gif

[2002-07-02 12:35:09] -

[2002-07-02 12:03:03] - Funny, I don't recall gay sex mentioned in the D+D handbook! Hmm maybe it's some kind of expansion. - aaron

[2002-07-02 11:23:54] - because ad&d is just like imagining gay sex. - mig

[2002-07-02 11:10:20] -

[2002-07-02 11:01:40] - $500 - i could get a playstatino 2 and a tivo for so much less. - mig

[2002-07-02 10:56:50] - a lovely dicksucking article. - mig

[2002-07-02 02:49:10] - freeatvt website is hosted by phpwebhosting

[2002-07-01 21:04:57] - he's my hero.  ~a

[2002-07-01 21:04:47] - it's a guy.  ~a

[2002-07-01 20:44:49] - what's a newdow? -kris

[2002-07-01 20:42:31] - mig:  what's your domain?  ~a

[2002-07-01 19:17:31] - ugh, phphosting doesn't let you use another registrar?  no thanks. - mig

[2002-07-01 18:40:50] - go, rather

[2002-07-01 18:40:39] - i'd goe with poehosting mainly because i know chet iknows his stuff and is very honest/reliable.  i currently use because it's cheap. - wolf

[2002-07-01 16:33:11] - mig: or maybe...

[2002-07-01 16:31:28] - new site much better

[2002-07-01 16:05:29] -  New Website look - dewey

[2002-07-01 15:43:35] - or help me pick one. - mig

[2002-07-01 14:22:18] - the problem is one's illegal and one isn't  ~a

[2002-07-01 14:21:44] - i think what the music industry is doing here is far worse than what the music traders are doing.  ~a

[2002-07-01 14:11:05] - Music industry swamps swap networks with phony files -Paul

[2002-07-01 13:54:51] - - mig

[2002-07-01 11:35:04] - -logan

[2002-07-01 10:55:42] -  (too big) Old Too Much Coffee Man comic, I just thought it was interesting - aaron

[2002-07-01 09:57:09] - - mig

[2002-07-01 08:57:02] - and they're still around. - mig

[2002-07-01 08:52:51] - dewey:  i remember some idiots trying to copyright the tone sequences that phone #s made, claiming them as "songs". - mig

[2002-07-01 06:59:29] - i can use it as a button, but i just can't scroll with it.  the same thing happens when i use it with my mac. - wolf

[2002-07-01 04:18:56] - if so, I'd like to copyright belching.  From now on, everyone will owe me five cents for every burp.  I expect payment every month! - dewey

[2002-07-01 04:17:26] - Can you really copyright something like silence? - dewey

[2002-07-01 00:25:35] -

[2002-06-30 23:12:44] - wolf:  that's odd.  my works fine, even when i'm in linux. - mig

[2002-06-30 16:00:33] - The cordless I didn't care too much for... too low-res. -logan

[2002-06-30 16:00:18] - I got the Logitech because it didn't shine a bright light in my eye when I tried to sleep, and had far better resolution. -logan

[2002-06-30 11:45:03] -

[2002-06-30 10:28:55] - the scroll wheel on my logitech mouse doesn't work. - wolf

[2002-06-30 08:55:09] - the only bad thing i can think of about it is that it goes through batteries like there is no tomorrow.  -  aba

[2002-06-30 08:54:43] - i love my logitech mouse!  -  aba

[2002-06-30 00:08:24] - i just got a logitech optical because it was cheaper. - mig

[2002-06-29 21:02:47] - I don't know how their current mice are; their second generation wasn't really any improvement over their first. -logan

[2002-06-29 19:41:44] - -kris

[2002-06-29 17:46:35] - i like their optical mouse better than logitech's  ~a

[2002-06-29 17:42:44] - To clarify, I defend their existence.  Their products generally aren't for me (though I enjoyed their optical mouse for a short while after it came out, before Logitech made better ones). -logan

[2002-06-29 17:40:15] - I think the last HTML rendering bug I noticed in Mozilla was about a year ago. -logan

[2002-06-29 17:38:59] - When have I ever said Microsoft was evil?  I think I'm one of the few people here that actually defends Microsoft on occasion.  I just think that IE is a very shitty browser. -logan

[2002-06-29 17:38:31] - So what was this?  Mozilla 0.9.6 or so? -logan

[2002-06-29 17:02:31] - never mind that it crashed constantly, and every third or fourth time i started it up it would display all jpegs as broken images. - wolf

[2002-06-29 16:57:38] - the last time i had mozilla installed, it ignored table height attributes.  netscape will do this to some degree if you place a div inside a table cell. - wolf

[2002-06-29 16:56:02] - you can cry all you want about how evil microsoft is, but ie is what our clients use.  if we didn't support the browsers our clients use, they wouldn't pay us.  - wolf

[2002-06-29 16:54:55] - logan: i uninstalled mozilla ages ago.  and for the record, i don't use ie on my computers at home. - wolf

[2002-06-29 11:54:10] - I have never observed problems with Mozilla displaying images.  And doesn't Mozilla have far better PNG support than IE? -logan

[2002-06-29 11:52:21] - I will submit that Mozilla's UI is slow as molasses, but that doesn't mean gecko-based browsers are slow (even though mozilla's UI is sorta gecko-based). -logan

[2002-06-29 11:51:41] - wolf: Show me an example of incorrectly drawn tables, please. -logan

[2002-06-29 10:53:35] - mozilla in win2k is slooooooooooooow, incorrectly draws tables half the time, and the other half of the time it won't display jpegs, - wolf

[2002-06-29 10:52:59] - i get runtime errors with certain javascripts in ie/nt4, but that's what most of our clients use, so i have to work around that. - wolf

[2002-06-29 08:52:22] - I was tempted to just not support IE at all when writing my photo gallery software, as every fancy interface I'd come up with was unusable with IE.  In the end I had to go with something more mundane (to work with the lowest common denominator). -logan

[2002-06-29 08:51:26] - Gecko-based browsers have the best support of CSS2.  IE can't even do CSS1 right, and that's a six year old standard. -logan

[2002-06-28 23:37:47] - all of what is IE-only is not standard. - mig

[2002-06-28 23:35:49] - IE doesn't follow standards at all. - mig

[2002-06-28 22:08:05] - gecko follows all the latest standards.  ~a

[2002-06-28 22:07:22] - ie and netscape 6 are about even right now.  at work i use ie, netscape6 and netscape4.7 because that's what most of our clients use. - wolf

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