here are old message board entries

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[2004-03-04 16:41:00] - Travis: I just guessed movies that you owned. I still don't really recognize it. :-P -Paul

[2004-03-04 16:39:00] - 19 now... -Paul

[2004-03-04 16:39:00] - uh oh, that means i should've gotten it - travis

[2004-03-04 16:24:00] - travis owns it! - vinnie

[2004-03-04 16:24:00] - omfg how did we not get 'c' before? - vinnie

[2004-03-04 15:56:00] - J is still really bugging me! There's so few horror movies with a "J" in it, it should be obvious

[2004-03-04 15:54:00] - I got S finally but O and U are still bothering the hell out of me. -Paul

[2004-03-04 15:52:00] - uh oh, the page isn;t loading for me anymore - vinnie

[2004-03-04 15:49:00] - still missing 7 (c, o!, s, u, v!, x, y) - travis

[2004-03-04 15:48:00] - A B C F G H J S X Y - damn i'm having a lot of trouble with the beginning of the alphabet - aaron

[2004-03-04 15:48:00] - ooooh, that's what 'j' is 8-) - travis

[2004-03-04 15:40:00] - Travis: Dammit, I still don't have B :-( -Paul

[2004-03-04 15:38:00] - 18! -Paul

[2004-03-04 15:37:00] - yay, i finally got 'b'!  maybe asking other people about the project i'm supposed to be working on jogged my memory - travis

[2004-03-04 15:28:00] - Aaron: Except I'm still tied with them so it wouldn't be catching up for me. :-P -paul

[2004-03-04 15:28:00] - hey, no trading - vinnie

[2004-03-04 15:27:00] - Paul: we should trade some of ours - so we can catch up to vinnie and travis - aaron

[2004-03-04 15:24:00] - Crap, and I'm still stumped with all of my remaining ones. :'( -Paul

[2004-03-04 15:22:00] - whooo, up to 17 - vinnie

[2004-03-04 15:18:00] - finally got 'z'. that one should not have been so hard for me - vinnie

[2004-03-04 15:14:00] - i've never the seen the movie either, but if you ever see the box it's obvious. very few movies have sideways lettering - vinnie

[2004-03-04 15:14:00] - Aaron: I did that for some of these. :-P -Paul

[2004-03-04 15:12:00] - Sweet - w is mine without ever having seen the movie or its box mwahaha - i just guessed based on the pink font - aaron

[2004-03-04 15:08:00] - aaaaaah - i recognized "V" right away but thought the movie was called "the running man" for some reason - now i'm up to 15 - aaron

[2004-03-04 15:06:00] - Vinnie: I don't think they black out surrounding letters, which leads me to believe that it ends with 'Y' -Paul

[2004-03-04 15:02:00] - i recognize the 'y' as well, but I think the surrounding letters have been blacked out which, if true, is throwing me off - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:59:00] - Man - that "Y" is so weird! I can't believe i could have seen that "Y" and not remember it - aaron

[2004-03-04 14:56:00] - Vinnie: I feel stupid for not have 'o' >:o -Paul

[2004-03-04 14:55:00] - course I feel stupid for not having 'a' - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:55:00] - you're missing 'p'? hahahaha I have 'o', 'p', 'u' - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:54:00] - So - collectively, BCJSXY ? Does anybody have those? - aaron

[2004-03-04 14:52:00] - B C J O P S U X Y -Paul

[2004-03-04 14:49:00] - which ones are we missing collectively now? not too many I don't think - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:49:00] - I already had 'V' :-) -Paul

[2004-03-04 14:48:00] - I got 'v' - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:45:00] - Travis: Actually, I just got 'n' so we're tied now. :-P -paul

[2004-03-04 14:43:00] - ah ha, so i'm leading you with 17, but i'm totally stuck (though i should know 'o', 's', 'b' and 'j' they just look familiar) - travis

[2004-03-04 14:40:00] - Aaron: I have 16 but I haven't gotten any new ones in awhile. -Paul

[2004-03-04 14:40:00] - ahhhhh I got "O" - i knew the movie was correct the instant i thought of it, without even looking back at the page - aaron

[2004-03-04 14:38:00] - Paul: How many do you have? I think you still have more than me (13) - aaron

[2004-03-04 14:34:00] - Aw, man. Everybody seems to be getting more and I'm stumped. :-( -Paul

[2004-03-04 14:31:00] - ugh, I finally got 'o'. yes it is a space movie - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:31:00] - Aaron: I've got A, G and H if you want them. -Paul

[2004-03-04 14:28:00] - i got f and n, and from the blog i got the game from: "The X is a french movie but produced by a well known guy :) (I’m european, so that wasn’t that hard for me) " - travis

[2004-03-04 14:27:00] - yeah, it took me a while to come up with 'u' - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:26:00] - tsk - wait I know "U"! It's so obvious! grrr - aaron

[2004-03-04 14:25:00] - yeah, I've tried every space movie with 'o' in it I can think of (it does look like space in the bg, right?) - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:25:00] - Yeah - i was thinking maybe, matrix reloaded or contact - some sci-fiey movie, but they're no good - aaron

[2004-03-04 14:24:00] - i'm missing everything travis is missing - plus, A G H - aaron

[2004-03-04 14:24:00] - 'o' is really annoying me because it looks REALLY familiar... -Paul

[2004-03-04 14:23:00] - I got n - aaron

[2004-03-04 14:21:00] - Vinnie: It doesn't look familiar to me at all but it looks distinct at least. -Paul

[2004-03-04 14:20:00] - yeah, 'n' has to be something I know. it looks so familiar - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:18:00] - 13 - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:18:00] - So 'N' is something I should know? -paul

[2004-03-04 14:17:00] - vinnie: 'a' isn't in my collection but you should really know it - travis

[2004-03-04 14:16:00] - oh, oh, i got "n" you'll kick yourselves when you think of it - travis

[2004-03-04 14:16:00] - I got 'u' - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:16:00] - Travis: Do you want my help on the ones you are missing? -Paul

[2004-03-04 14:15:00] - 'a' and 'j' both seem like movies in travis' collection, can't believe I don't know those - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:15:00] - missing: b, c, f, j, n, o, s, u, v, x, and y - travis

[2004-03-04 14:15:00] - 12 - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:12:00] - really fast i got 13 of them, you can also go to but it's harder ( also exists, but it's foreign movies) - travis

[2004-03-04 14:10:00] - Vinnie: No! And it's driving me crazy too. I got 15 now btw. ;-) -Paul

[2004-03-04 14:09:00] - aha! 11 - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:08:00] - I got one more. 10 now - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:08:00] - do you know 'n'? that one's driving me crazy - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:07:00] - Vinnie: I've got 12. I can't believe I'm beating Vinnie at this. :-P -Paul

[2004-03-04 14:06:00] - I got 9 and I'm stumped - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:02:00] - I don't know his scheme for adding spaces though - vinnie

[2004-03-04 14:02:00] - Well, I got about half of those letters but now I'm kinda stumped. -Paul

[2004-03-04 14:02:00] - I can explain it since ~a is being lax. if the url is longer than the length of the screen, it will expand the width of the window, which makes it annoying to read other multi-line posts. the spaces fix that - vinnie

[2004-03-04 13:54:00] - Not sure if anybody here cares or even knows about this... -Paul

[2004-03-04 13:53:00] - Travis: Supposedly there is, but I can't really explain it to you since I didn't understand it when it was explained to me. :-P -Paul

[2004-03-04 13:48:00] - - travis

[2004-03-04 13:47:00] - any reason for doing that? - travis

[2004-03-04 13:29:00] - Travis: It's deliberately put there by the message board to break up long groups of text. -Paul

[2004-03-04 13:10:00] - why is there a space between the "d" and "r" in misterdreamer?  (doesn't show up in the url, just the link text) - travis

[2004-03-04 13:09:00] - if all of you could pass  along to anyone you know, i'd appreciate it, this is the only place i posted about it and that probably doesn't open me up to a wide audience - travis

[2004-03-04 10:12:00] - Poor sap. -Paul

[2004-03-04 10:05:00] - the woman in front of him is his girlfriend - travis

[2004-03-04 09:55:00] - Travis: Why is he at that store if he doesn't buy into it? -Paul

[2004-03-04 09:39:00] - - travis

[2004-03-04 09:25:00] - Too bad this wasn't trendy when I was going to school. -Paul

[2004-03-04 09:24:00] - Hey, I've got a question that might sound stupid but it's coming from a stupid person. If I'm supposed to make a perl script that will run off a website and somebody tells me to find a CGI/Perl Module, what in the hell does that mean? :-P -paul

[2004-03-04 09:17:00] - I'm never really on anymore. - pierce

[2004-03-04 01:37:00] - or worse?  ~a

[2004-03-04 01:36:00] - pierce, are you just never on aim anymore, or do you have a new sign name?  ~a

[2004-03-04 01:32:00] - That'll teach him not to buy tampons in bulk. - pierce

[2004-03-04 01:31:00] - Ah, maybe she’s smiling like that because she assumes a girl sent me out to buy all this stuff.  hehe.

[2004-03-04 01:26:00] - travis:  don't use "that that"  it's annoying  ~a

[2004-03-04 01:25:00] - it's been more than two months, hasn't it?  ~a

[2004-03-04 01:24:00] - again, too slow.  ~a

[2004-03-04 01:24:00] - damn.  i'm too slow.  ~a

[2004-03-04 01:24:00] - i'm nearly positive - pierce

[2004-03-04 01:24:00] - i'll guess that anonymous is travis.  ~a

[2004-03-04 01:23:00] - it's travis.

[2004-03-04 01:21:00] - anonymous:  who are you?  and i like paragraphs.  ~a

[2004-03-03 20:07:00] -  read...critique

[2004-03-03 17:41:00] - yeah, i read a couple days ago they registered for the url SERENITYMOVIE.COM (nothing's there right now, if you check) - travis

[2004-03-03 17:35:00] - travis and pierce: short blurb saying the firefly movie has been greenlighted - vinnie

[2004-03-03 16:10:00] - ", wait, left!' - vinnie

[2004-03-03 15:42:00] - Uhhhh.... was it the women's idea to remove turning signals from the car? - aaron

[2004-03-03 14:46:00] - yeah, it totally seems like a parody or maybe some article about the future from the 1950's - vinnie

[2004-03-03 14:31:00] - Vinnie: I'm wondering where the feminists are to protest that. -Paul

[2004-03-03 14:26:00] - cars for women by women. the part about the "bonnet" is priceless - vinnie

[2004-03-03 13:38:00] - yeah, the "straightforward" made that a weird statement. normal news programs seem much more straightforward, while I'd call the daily show silly. maybe she has her definitions mixed up - vinnie

[2004-03-03 13:14:00] - I didn't mean to say the Daily Show is dangerous, I just worry that the person who said that thinks that the Daily Show "keeps it truthful and straighforward". The fact that it has obvious jokes/biases doesn't mean that it doesn't also have more subtle biases as well. -paul

[2004-03-03 13:12:00] - But I'll agree that one of the things that makes me annoyed with them is the fact that they seem to be so whiny as a group. -Paul

[2004-03-03 13:11:00] - Pierce: Well, if we're going to do this seriously, then first I'll say that I think that my objection to women is rational, if not PC. -Paul

[2004-03-03 12:59:00] - yeah, at least the daily show makes it obvious when they're joking (i.e. not really telling the truth), it's worse with all those investigative reporting shows that have obvious biases and slants but present everything as completely factual - travis

[2004-03-03 12:48:00] - I agree with vinnie. Plenty of media sources present news alongside editorial opinions, which I personally view much more dangerous than mixing news and sarcasm/humor... - aaron

[2004-03-03 12:12:00] - But ironically, this may be worse for me, nutritionally... when lisa and I go to mcdonald's, we split a super-size fries usually.  Without it, we might each get a medium, which I think adds up to more than a supersize. - pierce

[2004-03-03 12:11:00] - It doesn't.  And even if it did, the trademark is well-branded enough that they wouldn't even really need to put it on the menu proper.  The real reason is the bad publicity about how bad McD's food is for you. - pierce

[2004-03-03 12:01:00] - I'm surprised mcd's is axing supersizing. I thought that was like free money for them. how much menu space does "supersize for 30c more" take anyway? - vinnie

[2004-03-03 11:59:00] - so I think it is a valid place to get news, and it's obvious enough when they're being truthful - vinnie

[2004-03-03 11:58:00] - for a while, the daily show was the only place I got news, but it was usually obvious what was real and what wasn't - vinnie

[2004-03-03 11:49:00] - Paul: although, now that I think of it, a lot of your irrational objection to women is you objecting to them being offended by something... so it's a crossover category. - pierce

[2004-03-03 11:48:00] - It makes me sad when I look at rottentomatoes and see that all five movies listed under "box office" are rotten. - pierce

[2004-03-03 11:47:00] - Paul: yeah, you're right... what was I thinking. - pierce

[2004-03-03 11:44:00] - Pierce: I would think that most people would consider my "irrational objection to women" to be greater than most of my other "irrational objections". :-P -Paul

[2004-03-03 11:30:00] - Paul: that's the side I would expect you to be on.  Your irrational objection to "offended people" is greater than your irrational objection to women. :) - pierce

[2004-03-03 11:09:00] - I love the Daily Show but I'm a little distrubed that somebody believes that Jon Stewart "keeps it very truthful and straightforward". -Paul

[2004-03-03 11:04:00] - More proof that teaching evolution in our schools is a dangerous thing (do I need to say I'm kidding?) -Paul

[2004-03-03 11:04:00] - Travis: You might find it interesting that I'm on the t-shirt seller's side here. If people are getting upset that women are wearing these shirts, they need to grow up and get some tougher skin. -Paul

[2004-03-03 10:55:00] - "I couldn't buy this kind of publicity." for selling a product, that's the whole reason protesting doesn't work.  i also find it amusing how that article includes so many things you hate: protesting, women degrading men, Hot Topic - travis

[2004-03-03 10:47:00] - Another lesson that protesting rarely does any good. -Paul

[2004-03-03 10:45:00] - McDonald's to get rid of Supersizing. How long do you think that's going to last? -Paul

[2004-03-03 10:37:00] - I think people would still tell me I'm wrong about women ruling the world even if voting WAS done like that. -Paul

[2004-03-03 10:36:00] - Travis: As for that quote about there being a rational basis for same-sex marriage, it's actually not the author of the article saying that. It's a quote from some other person. -Paul

[2004-03-03 10:33:00] - Travis: He says that an employer who abhors homosexual behavior shouldn't be forced to subsidize a same-sex marriage but I think the other side of the coin (with heterosexual marriage) is implied too. -Paul

[2004-03-03 10:32:00] - Travis: Firstly, I think you missed the point of the article (which is ok, it took me two readings to make sure I had it right) which is that the government shouldn't be meddling in marriage at all (which is my position). -Paul

[2004-03-03 10:24:00] - well, it shows that attractive women rule the world.  Kathy Bates might not have too much influence. - pierce

[2004-03-03 10:20:00] - Paul: you should be happy if voting was like that, it shows how women rule the world :-) - travis

[2004-03-03 10:19:00] - "'I think there is clearly a rational basis for not privileging same-sex marriage in the same way you would marriage between a man and a woman.'"  and what would that basis be?  we've been over this before, you shouldn't privilege any group, yet this guy says we should privilege same-sex couples for no real reason - travis

[2004-03-03 10:18:00] - "It is arguably unreasonable to expect an employer who abhors homosexual behavior to subsidize a same-sex marriage."  what about a boss who abhors heterosexuals?  why does he have to subsidize their spouses? - travis

[2004-03-03 10:05:00] - A Reason artice about the ties between Gay Marriage and other forms of alternative marriage (what we were talking about before). -Paul

[2004-03-03 10:04:00] - Aaron: I don't know exactly where it's at. -Paul

[2004-03-03 10:03:00] - Travis: You're into the fourth season of Babylon 5 and you don't see the danger that an out of control government can do yet? :-) -Paul

[2004-03-03 09:58:00] - Is killington really right in the middle of vermont? That would make the state a very funny shape - aaron

[2004-03-03 09:32:00] - that's about my stance on voting, too :-P - travis

[2004-03-03 09:28:00] - Town to secede from Vermont? -Paul

[2004-03-03 08:54:00] - a: I agree with Pierce. There's no compelling reason for them to change their stance either. -Paul

[2004-03-02 23:35:00] - a: don't see it happening anytime soon; catholicism is pretty fundamentally against any sexual activity that's not for procreation, and I doubt that that dogma is going to be revised within our lifetimes. - pierce

[2004-03-02 23:02:00] - s#gives up on#gives up on being against#  ~a

[2004-03-02 23:01:00] - how long until catholicism gives up on birth control?  lets make a pool.  $10 to enter.  ~a

[2004-03-02 21:00:00] - "What makes OkCupid so awesome is the underlying romantic analysis we perform. Every question delicately modifies a sophisticated multidimensional measure of your personality. Would you rather get caught masturbating by your mother or father?"  bahahaha.  ~a

[2004-03-02 15:28:00] - ...and other lesser-known proverbs.

[2004-03-02 15:17:00] - Well I suppose whatever doesn't format you can only make you stronger - aaron

[2004-03-02 14:53:00] - supposedly, user.exe is the "user interface core component".  I don't suspect that it did much, but it definitely wouldn't have helped. - pierce

[2004-03-02 14:45:00] - Like - apparently User home directory = C:\Documents and Settings\piepera is a valid dos command? what does it do? - aaron

[2004-03-02 14:43:00] - it also performed all these "AT" commands "at" etc... - now i have to sift through and make sure none of these commands were actually harmful - aaron

[2004-03-02 14:42:00] - so it automatically pasted and executed the contents of the clipboard - it did like 10 pages of stuff and when it was done, it was on the S: drive and i don't know what else it did - aaron

[2004-03-02 14:42:00] - ahhhhhh ha ha ha ha - oh no this is so awful. I accidentally right-clicked a command window while i had a java stack trace in my clipboard - aaron

[2004-03-02 14:34:00] - Aaron: You just like that picture because it contains a homonym. :-P -Paul

[2004-03-02 14:25:00] - not that it ever has anything anymore anyway, but still... - pierce

[2004-03-02 14:25:00] - why is dewey's web site down? - pierce

[2004-03-02 14:15:00] - paul: No way - the kitten stuck between the pair of pears takes my heart - aaron

[2004-03-02 13:23:00] - Vinnie: Did you see the kitten and the chick (literally) picture in the comments? That was cuter IMHO. -Paul

[2004-03-02 13:19:00] - the kitten in the pop tarts box takes the cake. my brain was overloaded by its cuteness - vinnie

[2004-03-02 13:13:00] - Travis: Those are some damned cute kittens. If I didn't have such an aversion to having to deal with them eventually dying, I think I would get a kitten to keep me company when/if I get my own place. -Paul

[2004-03-02 12:39:00] - hee hee - i like the idea of zebrafish with vertical stripes - aaron

[2004-03-02 12:24:00] -;jsessionid=OJNNPILELEBF?id=ns24361 artists invading biotech - travis

[2004-03-02 12:18:00] - in case you have free time to goof off - travis

[2004-03-02 12:17:00] - because cute cats rule! - travis

[2004-03-02 12:05:00] - No kidding -paul

[2004-03-02 09:12:00] -,2933,112973,00.html Roman Catholic charity must offer birth-control coverage to its employees -Paul

[2004-03-01 17:29:00] - Aaron: I'm sure if you do enough other random adding and subtracting in different number bases you can end up with 666 too. -Paul

[2004-03-01 16:45:00] - oh, wait, I forgot other people have middle names. ha ha ha - vinnie

[2004-03-01 16:44:00] - and Pierce if I'm not mistaken - vinnie

[2004-03-01 16:43:00] - -vinnie

[2004-03-01 16:43:00] - Hey, me too!

[2004-03-01 16:09:00] - Aaron Karl Pieper in scrabble scores 23 points which is also my age. Prophecy! - aaron

[2004-03-01 15:18:00] - I wish moveable type didn't rebuild pages completely every time someone posted a comment; it takes too long.  I wish every autogenerated link went to the script, and it generated the pages on first access. - pierce

[2004-03-01 13:11:00] - Travis: the closest I can think of was a gothic night-club/music mailing list I was subcribed to for a while.  Still am TBOMK, but they've not sent me a post in a long time.  So either I'm off or they're dead.  Either way, it's not really a list of oddities. -- Xpovos

[2004-03-01 12:47:00] - Anonymous: happy to oblige, I guess. - pierce

[2004-03-01 12:36:00] - Pierce: I can't believe you chose to phrase your last post as a global substitution.  Thats pretty quality.

[2004-03-01 11:05:00] - Travis: No surprise here, but I don't know of one. -paul

[2004-03-01 10:45:00] - does anyone know of any sites like this for our area? - travis

[2004-03-01 10:43:00] - Aaron: Clearly the end of the world is upon us. -Paul

[2004-03-01 09:17:00] - " 'Holy Bible' equals 890. This is just two more than 888, which is the total of the letters which spell Jesus in Greek" WOW! No way! - aaron

[2004-03-01 08:55:00] - a: I agree with Pierce, it seems to me that both things are rude to say. Why? Somebody not like your apartment? :-P -Paul

[2004-02-28 10:44:00] - well, if you do an s/car/apartment/g on that sentence, it's still pretty rude.  But you don't have to pretend that it's great either; just diplomatically express your disgust. - pierce

[2004-02-28 01:03:00] - you know, when a friend spends $17,000 on a car you don't usually go up to him and say "man, your car totally sucks.  you should have gotten a completely different car."  so when somebody spends $17,000 on an apartment, why is it any different?  ~a

[2004-02-27 16:33:00] -  this page scares me.  ~a

[2004-02-27 15:40:00] - maybe tutty's problem was a conflict between her beliefs about sexuality and her gender? like, maybe she was attracted to women but her religion or whatever forbid homosexuality. but now she doesn't know what she is so she can feel comfortable with it? i dunno, it's a weird sentence, but it sounds like she never liked dating men - vinnie

[2004-02-27 15:23:00] - i was just referencing the simpsons. tsk is fine, but you used it twice in three posts so an opportunity showed itself - vinnie

[2004-02-27 15:22:00] - I guess lesbians are more likely to be open to the whole situation... because they can relate to how annoying it is being alienated based on sexual identity. That's my guess anyway. - aaron

[2004-02-27 15:16:00] - Travis: There was also the comment about how somebody wanted to be a male carpenter. The article possesses a decidedly anti-male bias. -Paul

[2004-02-27 15:07:00] - "Since discovering her intersexuality, Tutty has decided to stop dating men" and so she became a lesbian... because a woman will understand the situation better somehow? - travis

[2004-02-27 14:41:00] - "it's easier to make a hole than build a pole..." best sentence ever - aaron

[2004-02-27 14:34:00] -,9171,1101040301-593551,00.html?cnn=yes Babies that are neither male nor female? -Paul

[2004-02-27 14:27:00] - Travis: I said I like hUmph, which is different from hmph. One is a pronouncable word while the other is just a collection of consonants. :-p -Paul

[2004-02-27 14:15:00] - I think people don't like tsk because they don't know how to pronounce it. It's that clicking noise when you remove your tongue from the top of your mouth. It doesn't rhyme with "wisk" or anything. - aaron

[2004-02-27 14:12:00] - Paul: thanks for proving my point 8-) - travis

[2004-02-27 14:11:00] - I like *Sigh*, Humph, Ugh and Arg. :-P -paul

[2004-02-27 13:49:00] - pierce:  your message is lots funnier without context.  ~a

[2004-02-27 13:49:00] - I like *grumble* - pierce

[2004-02-27 13:44:00] - "hmph" was never cool - travis

[2004-02-27 13:41:00] - I can't think of a better onomotopoeia to express a small level of frustration. "hmph" just isn't cool anymore. - aaron

[2004-02-27 13:08:00] - will you stop saying tsk so much? - vinnie

[2004-02-27 12:53:00] - *scard = cards.... my typos are becoming more elaborate now - aaron

[2004-02-27 12:41:00] - Tsk! Red has all the coin flip scard. I don't know if you understand why I want a robot to play magic. It's for the coin flips - aaron

[2004-02-27 11:45:00] - one of the interesting things about magic is the best players often have the most knowledge of the field. the best magic bot would need to scour the web right before a tournament to create the best possible deck against the field - vinnie

[2004-02-27 10:54:00] - Travis: Let that be a lesson to you. Kissing girls is no longer legal. :-P -Paul

[2004-02-27 10:22:00] - well, damn, when i kissed a girl in kindergarden the teacher just told us to stop, i didn't get slammed with sexual harassment.  of course, kids our age were also the last to be spanked and not have our parents condemned for  child abuse - travis

[2004-02-27 09:58:00] - Don't kiss that girl! -Paul

[2004-02-26 23:01:00] - Okay then - a tag team with a human being and a coin flipping robot - aaron

[2004-02-26 20:42:00] - Programming a bot to play MTG would be difficult, esp. since they keep adding new rules. -- Xpovos

[2004-02-26 18:16:00] - tsk. humans and their "bias". this is why the best magic players will always be robots - aaron

[2004-02-26 18:07:00] - ah, i didn't even read that part where they talk about the human bias. once again my inability to read the entire article makes me feel stupid :) - vinnie

[2004-02-26 18:04:00] - aaron: the trick will be to be cautious and vary your flips enough so that they appear random, but that you always choose correctly. -- Xpovos

[2004-02-26 17:16:00] - Time to practice my first turn mana clash kills again - aaron

[2004-02-26 16:45:00] - but i think i understand what you mean, that they tried to prove you can flip a coin in a certain way and always get the same result - travis

[2004-02-26 16:41:00] - "If a coin starts out heads, it ends up heads when caught more often than it does tails" i thought that meant if you flipped it heads up, it'll land heads up more often.  the trick i heard about when i was a kid was the opposite (start on heads to end on tails) - travis

[2004-02-26 16:13:00] - unless you were being facetious, which you almost certainly were. please ignore me - vinnie

[2004-02-26 16:12:00] - travis: i think you read it wrong (although the phrasing is awful). they meant heads will always come up tails if flipped the same way, and it will always come up heads if flipped a different same way - vinnie

[2004-02-26 16:07:00] - aaron: sorry, I've been in a meeting for the past couple hours. you can e-mail me at my normal address; I check it about twice a day at work - vinnie

[2004-02-26 15:03:00] - Travis: I think it's amusing that it took this giant experiment to figure out that a coin that is flipped in exactly the same way will always get the same result. -Paul

[2004-02-26 14:58:00] - hehe, i think the first victim was the guy that plays jesus getting struck by lightning during the filming :-) - travis

[2004-02-26 14:57:00] - about the coin flipping: that's funny, when i was a kid i always heard the opposite, that if you flipped starting heads up, it would usually land tails up and vice versa - travis

[2004-02-26 14:35:00] - The Passion of the Christ claims it's first victim. -Paul

[2004-02-26 14:34:00] - Short, fairly obvious article about coin flipping. -Paul

[2004-02-26 14:17:00] - Melissa: Not a Christian I assume. -Paul

[2004-02-26 14:16:00] - vinnie: What e-mail address can i contact you at while you are at work? - aaron

[2004-02-26 14:10:00] - I saw Passion last night.  Didn't particularly like it that much.  In a weird way it had very little message.  Its only message really seemed to be "look at what Jesus did for us" which I couldn't relate to.  - Melissa

[2004-02-26 13:54:00] - Travis: Yes, well, in a strangely opposite way, I guess that's exactly what I'm talking about. :-P -Paul

[2004-02-26 13:52:00] - hehe, that reminds me of the radio ad for the chapelle show, where he talks about a white guy complaining about the lack of positive images about white people on the chapelle show, and chapelle replies that he only puts negative images of white people to balance out all the positive ones he sees everywhere else - travis

[2004-02-26 13:38:00] - a: Might help. -(IMHO) Paul

[2004-02-26 13:33:00] - paul, should we change your signature to read "(IMHO) -Paul" ?  ~a

[2004-02-26 13:32:00] - And so I'm just trying to even out the media coverage I guess. :-P -Paul

[2004-02-26 13:32:00] - We have plenty of people and lobbying groups out there telling us how women earn less and are discriminated against and beaten and raped and so forth but we hardly ever hear a peep about any problems that men face (IMHO). -Paul

[2004-02-26 13:31:00] - I don't know if I was attacked or not, but I'll defend myself anyway. :-P The reason I like to trumpet the problems of men so much isn't because I don't think women have problems, but that I don't think we hear enough about men's problems. -Paul

[2004-02-26 13:28:00] - travis: well, it's not saying that you necessarily should decry those wrongs, just that it's not very noble to complain about your own problems while you ignore other people's problems.  Not very controversial, but it's not going to change anything... people are just hardwired to not be noble about that sort of thing. - pierce

[2004-02-26 13:27:00] - Some groups (African Americans, Jews) seem to have louder voices in terms of protesting injustices than other groups (Asians, Christians). -Paul

[2004-02-26 13:26:00] - In a perfect world, everyone would speak up equally about all injustices but that just doesn't happen in our non-perfect world. -Paul

[2004-02-26 13:26:00] - Well, I think that statement certainly has merit, but on the other hand that's really not what organizations like the anti-semitism league or whatever is all about. -Paul

[2004-02-26 13:22:00] - Pierce: yeah, but i figured someone would comment about why people should decry wrongs done to others (yes, paul, that seems aimed at people like you) - travis

[2004-02-26 13:20:00] - Paul: basically.  how they don't get up in arms when anti-christian stuff is released, although jews apparently protested disney's aladdin because they thought it was offensive to arabs o_O - travis

[2004-02-26 13:16:00] - Travis: So I guess this was said to the Jews regarding how they complain about everything done to them while ignoring what was done to others? -Paul

[2004-02-26 13:12:00] - travis: yeah, it's pretty self-evident, if you ask me.  it's like saying "playing is for pleasure." - pierce

[2004-02-26 13:11:00] - but apparently it's not a very controversial statement :-P - travis

[2004-02-26 13:10:00] - Paul: no, just read it in an article written by a rabbi about the protests over Passion, thought was interesting and wanted to see people's reactions - travis

[2004-02-26 13:08:00] - Pierce: I prefer to think of it as 'aware'. :-) -Paul

[2004-02-26 13:07:00] - Paul: boy, sensitive, aren't we. :) - pierce

[2004-02-26 13:02:00] - Travis: Let me guess, this is directed at me? :-P -paul

[2004-02-26 12:54:00] - Aside from the fact that I mis-read it the first time as "Ignorable to ignore--" not much I can say.  We loudly decry the wrongs done us because we are most familiar with them.  Often 'ignoring the wrongs done to others' is a matter of true ignorance, rather than spiteful neglect. -- Xpovos

[2004-02-26 12:48:00] - "It is ignoble to ignore the wrongs done to others while loudly deploring those done to us" discuss - travis

[2004-02-26 11:53:00] - The extra controversy has definately helped.  I wonder, though, if this will subvert it's intent.  Money being the core of evil, the increased box-office could easily lead some to conclude the wrong things about the film.  Anyone seen it yet.  I'll be going on Friday. -- Xpovos

[2004-02-26 11:31:00] -  well, if nothing else, it's making money - travis

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