here are old message board entries
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2000-08-11 15:30:00] - i am here
2000-08-11 15:29:00] - Aparna and Adrian must be gone
2000-08-11 15:28:00] - It's pronounce Vretia. Which I agree is harder to pronounce than Chronos.
2000-08-11 15:27:00] - ya whatever
- ptobn
2000-08-11 15:26:00] - It's actually a backwards too, it's a "ya" from the cyrillic alphabet.
2000-08-11 15:26:00] - Same as Xpovos, it looks better in capitals so you can see the R is capitalized.
2000-08-11 15:25:00] - It's even harder to pronounce than "xpovos", whatever it means. Was that your goal?
- Aaron
2000-08-11 15:25:00] - Ha ha. I'm sorry. What does bpemr mean anyways?
- Aaron
2000-08-11 15:24:00] - Evil Aaron. Boo.
2000-08-11 15:23:00] - I didn't think you'd actually say it again but I thought it was worth a try.
- Aaron
2000-08-11 15:23:00] - Ha ha ha ha. I tricked you....

I saw it was at 69
- Aaron
2000-08-11 15:22:00] - Gad! No! I blew it already. BpemR is at 70.
2000-08-11 15:21:00] -
ok: i'll rephrase, people are not weird, they're fucking loonies.
2000-08-11 15:21:00] - That's odd. He might not use <img size> tags in his tables, that's possible. Try IE I guess.
- Aaron
2000-08-11 15:19:00] - the page doesn't load in netscape
2000-08-11 15:19:00] - You can say that again
2000-08-11 15:17:00] - I'll rephrase, people are not weird, they're fucking loonies.
2000-08-11 15:14:00] - "The doctors finally snapped. They went out with clipboards to watch pandas fuck and make stag movies about them. Let's be honest. That's insane."
2000-08-11 15:07:00] -
2000-08-11 15:05:00] - Did anybody else read the "Panda Porn" article on That thing was funny
2000-08-11 15:05:00] - People are weird....
2000-08-11 15:04:00] - Very hard though! I've been working on this one puzzle alone for like 3 hours. I'm so dim.
- Aaron
2000-08-11 15:04:00] - Java paint by numbers with user-submitted puzzles. Very very cool
2000-08-11 15:03:00] -
2000-08-11 14:59:00] -
2000-08-11 14:57:00] - Yeah but really really cool special effects. It possibly might almost be maybe barely worth seeing just for the special effects alone.
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:56:00] - Hollow Man looks like a real bomber.
2000-08-11 14:55:00] - (hollow man advertised that it's the #1 movie in america right now)
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:55:00] -
Yawn. And there are no good movies out, if that advertisement for "Hollow Man" is telling the truth
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:55:00] -
2000-08-11 14:54:00] - we could watch paint dry; or grass grow
2000-08-11 14:53:00] - So we're still not on for anything fun today, correct?
2000-08-11 14:52:00] - Monkeys can act like people do, at least in TV commercials
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:51:00] - ot more which do not act as a man does.
2000-08-11 14:51:00] - I'm not going to go into that, but the mind is something more than the mere particles of grey matter, because there are animals with just as much if n
2000-08-11 14:50:00] - And our mind is something, not our brain, which we can't see or touch... Like a soul?
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:49:00] - Our actions are not governed by particles of the brain, they are governed by the mind.
2000-08-11 14:48:00] - And our actions are governed by something other than our mind?
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:47:00] - It has nothing to do with the internal particles, it has to do with your actions.
2000-08-11 14:46:00] - I suppose if man could predict the will of another man, and god couldn't, then god would look pretty silly
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:46:00] - Or rather, can't be predicted at all, no matter what you're using or who you are... That's what I mean.
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:45:00] -
yes, that makes sense to me
2000-08-11 14:45:00] - aparna == the worst
2000-08-11 14:45:00] - Right that's what I mean. Somehow, the molecules inside my brain do things which can't be predicted by science.
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:44:00] - depends on when you went to it - i just finished writing the line of unix code - it counts repeated posts
2000-08-11 14:43:00] - maybe not the molecules - but something linked to them
2000-08-11 14:43:00] -
Adrian, what does "bad posters" mean?
2000-08-11 14:41:00] -
No, your brain is always uinder theeffects of gravity, and you can't decide to go out into space and not havve your brain hemorrage.- BpermR
2000-08-11 14:40:00] - I thought free will meant that somehow the molecules inside my brain don't follow the laws which govern our universe?
2000-08-11 14:37:00] -
No, free will does not equate to random.
2000-08-11 14:35:00] -
Well, if you believe in free will, then everything is random.
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:34:00] - I'm a Catholic, and hence I'm sort of obligated to believe that nothing is random... but... there's a lot of random out there
2000-08-11 14:32:00] - One could argue that nothing is random (assuming you're an atheist) and that everything has an order to it.
2000-08-11 14:31:00] - Well he really really likes stratego, and he's pretty good at it. So I can see how he might be offended if we thought there was luck in it
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:31:00] - Life is Random.
2000-08-11 14:29:00] - that's the utter stupidity of it. all over a boardgame.
2000-08-11 14:28:00] - I think we offended paul somehow, and at the same time, I've no idea what we're talking about
2000-08-11 14:28:00] -
2000-08-11 14:27:00] - "little pwagmattasquarmsettport"
2000-08-11 14:27:00] - aptly put
2000-08-11 14:26:00] -
Sheboygan, WI
2000-08-11 14:26:00] -
Um, I'm really lost now.
2000-08-11 14:24:00] -, what a mouthful
2000-08-11 14:24:00] - Paul! Get on AIM!
2000-08-11 14:23:00] - Yeah suddenly I want to be a republicanitarian republican now
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:23:00] -
fine, if no one wants to actually debate me instead of insult me I shall take my leave
2000-08-11 14:23:00] - If luck exists in anything at all, then it exists in stratego. Like Xpovos says.
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:22:00] -
paul, i strongly suggest you drop this topic. every sentence you utter is lowering people's respect for your views.
2000-08-11 14:22:00] - Either Battleship is 100% luck, or Battleship is 100% non-luck
2000-08-11 14:22:00] - pocatello is a cool name for a city (it's in idaho)
2000-08-11 14:22:00] - Not unpredicatable and it does have an assignable cause
2000-08-11 14:21:00] - We were all shouting at you because Stratego has luck because it has an unknown and unpredictable element!
2000-08-11 14:20:00] - Unknown? Whose point exactly are you trying to prove here, Paul?
2000-08-11 14:20:00] -
Chance: The unknown and unpredictable element in happenings that seems to have no assignable cause
2000-08-11 14:20:00] - moomoo
2000-08-11 14:19:00] -
Luck: The chance happening of fortunate or adverse events
2000-08-11 14:19:00] - go aaron! let us know who wins! give us the play by play!
2000-08-11 14:18:00] - Over aim!
2000-08-11 14:18:00] - You guys have a messed up definition of luck....
2000-08-11 14:18:00] - Well maybe a little more, but over AIM as a convenience to those using this message board for smiley faces and bandaids
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:17:00] - Then I have nothing more to say to you, good day
2000-08-11 14:17:00] - Battleship doesn't have any luck
2000-08-11 14:16:00] - Battleship is extremely similar to Stratego in that there are good strategies and bad strategies, but the best strategy can not overcome bad luck
2000-08-11 14:16:00] - Attacking the person does not help you prove your point, I wish everyone on this board would realize this
2000-08-11 14:15:00] -
secret, you could argue that "Battleship" has absolutely no luck by your logic.
2000-08-11 14:15:00] - You're extremely stubborn and immune to logic. I can't imagine how you can't see an element of logic in a game in which so much information is kept
2000-08-11 14:14:00] - You just need to make reasonable moves based on information on hand
2000-08-11 14:13:00] - it doesn't need to make the best move though because it's opponent is similarly handicapped
2000-08-11 14:13:00] - So even the most powerful supercomputer would have to choose one move out of those 9 or 10 possible best moves, possibly the wrong one
2000-08-11 14:12:00] - Depends on what the concealed information was....
2000-08-11 14:12:00] - Because obviously there could be 9 or 10 best moves, based on what the opponent's pieces are, which it can't see or deduce logically
2000-08-11 14:12:00] -
Paul, a supercomputer could never deduce a solution in Stratego if there was concealed information
2000-08-11 14:11:00] - nobody used to listen to vanilla ice?
2000-08-11 14:11:00] - Using the same set-up every game is asking for someone to use that information to their advantage
2000-08-11 14:11:00] - adn what pray tell is this invention?
2000-08-11 14:10:00] -
Agreed, there is no luck in chess. But according to your arguement, there is...
2000-08-11 14:10:00] - ice is back with his brand new invention
2000-08-11 14:10:00] - alright stop, collaborate and listen
2000-08-11 14:10:00] - vip?
2000-08-11 14:10:00] -
Besides, the sewtup itself is half the strategy
2000-08-11 14:10:00] - yo vip
2000-08-11 14:10:00] -
Paul, chess can be solved. There is no concealed information, so you can feed a setup in to a supercomputer and deduce a solution- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:10:00] - but paul, there is no optimal first move for each setup
2000-08-11 14:10:00] - Not necessarily, I am a firm believer in evolving my opening set-up
2000-08-11 14:09:00] -
paul, just drop it ok?
2000-08-11 14:09:00] - Guesswork should be done by analyzing data, not by chance
2000-08-11 14:08:00] - If you didn't use any guesswork when playing stratego, then your opening setups would always be the same!
2000-08-11 14:08:00] - But we all know chess has no luck (except maybe who goes first)
2000-08-11 14:08:00] - Using your arguement, you could say that chess has luck because you could pick moves out of a hat
2000-08-11 14:08:00] - you win....a big smack in the head!
2000-08-11 14:07:00] - The difference is that in one instance you are analyzing data and in the other you are acting randomly
2000-08-11 14:07:00] - Introducing luck by altering my strategy based on guesswork, exactly. I know at least when I play stratego I do a lot of guesswork.
2000-08-11 14:07:00] - i could make something to do that but i don't see why i would
2000-08-11 14:07:00] - paul-paul!
2000-08-11 14:07:00] -
Excellent, I win
2000-08-11 14:06:00] - is there a way to ban people from the board adrian? lol!
2000-08-11 14:06:00] - thank you for explaining dave
2000-08-11 14:06:00] - Then that would probably be introducing an element of luck into the game. But that would be introducing luck yourself -Paul
2000-08-11 14:06:00] - I think we all accepted that a long, long time ago
- Aaron
2000-08-11 14:06:00] - ( |:::| ) is the virtual bandaid!
2000-08-11 14:05:00] - so let's all just accept that paul's definition is bonkers and leave it at that =)
2000-08-11 14:04:00] - Your argument makes no sense. Why does it matter if I pick numbers out of a hat or just think numbers up. You're insane.
2000-08-11 14:04:00] - see paul, i think everyone is getting tired of your statements. fact of the matter is, your definition of luck is just different
2000-08-11 14:04:00] -
Uh... I don't think so... ALl my lines were signed
2000-08-11 14:04:00] -
OK, Paul, if I pick numbers out of a hat to deduce where his pieces are then!
2000-08-11 14:04:00] - Or roll a dice or something... guessing is based on analyzing the facts
2000-08-11 14:03:00] - what is ( |:::| ) ?
2000-08-11 14:03:00] - -dave
2000-08-11 14:03:00] -
heh, did you say all three of those lines paul?
2000-08-11 14:03:00] - Guessing isn't luck unless you choose pieces out of a hat for your guessing
2000-08-11 14:03:00] - So how is this not luck?
2000-08-11 14:03:00] - I give up, to Starcraft I go.
2000-08-11 14:02:00] - So based on whether I guess correctly, if we are equally good, I can beat him, or he can beat me
2000-08-11 14:02:00] - ( |:::| )
2000-08-11 14:02:00] -
Also, there is a chance that I could guess wrong, and he would beat me.
2000-08-11 14:02:00] - And there is a small (1/a zillion) chance that I could guess what all of his pieces are correctly, and then beat him.
2000-08-11 14:02:00] - If you guess right they wouldgive you an advantage, otherwise it would probably give you a disadvantage
2000-08-11 14:01:00] - meow
2000-08-11 14:01:00] - meow
2000-08-11 14:01:00] - meow
2000-08-11 14:01:00] - (!!)
2000-08-11 14:01:00] - Guessing what they are
could give you an advantage or it could not
2000-08-11 14:01:00] - ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><>
2000-08-11 14:01:00] - <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><>
2000-08-11 14:01:00] - meow
2000-08-11 14:00:00] - most posts per minute yo
2000-08-11 14:00:00] - If knowing what his pieces are gives me an advantage, then doesn't guessing what his pieces are give me an advantage as well?
2000-08-11 14:00:00] - moomoo
2000-08-11 14:00:00] -
Paul, that's not my point...
2000-08-11 14:00:00] - moomoo
2000-08-11 14:00:00] - moomoo
2000-08-11 14:00:00] - moomoo
2000-08-11 14:00:00] - moomoo
2000-08-11 13:59:00] - moomoo
2000-08-11 13:59:00] - If you could see his pieces and he couldn't see yours? That's not how the game is played now is it?
2000-08-11 13:59:00] -
paul, who ever said luck had anything to do with winning?
2000-08-11 13:59:00] -
no, usually (at least in chess) the person who is white (the person who goes first) is randomly chosen
2000-08-11 13:59:00] - My definition of luck was faulty, granted.....
2000-08-11 13:59:00] - Imagine if I could see the computer side's pieces, couldn't I then set up my side so that I could beat him, assuming I was as good as him?
2000-08-11 13:58:00] -
Paul, you are wrong.
2000-08-11 13:58:00] - switch sides and take that opening move as his own.
2000-08-11 13:58:00] - Am I right?
2000-08-11 13:58:00] - moomoo
2000-08-11 13:58:00] - Adrian - Generally for games like checkers where that is a factor, one player makes an opening move, then the other player can decide if he wants to
2000-08-11 13:58:00] - if luck is something that you do not have control over (you do not have control over where he puts his pieces) then there is luck
2000-08-11 13:58:00] - How about this? A computer AI could be designed which would win at Stratego all the time no matter what the opposing person's set-up
2000-08-11 13:57:00] -
paul, your obstinance is making you sound foolish. by your own definition, there is luck involved in stratego-dave
2000-08-11 13:57:00] - what about the luck involved is deciding who goes first? (i know it is negligable)
2000-08-11 13:56:00] - derived through logic
2000-08-11 13:56:00] - The luck in Stratego comes from the fact that there is information which is not revealed to the player at the beginning of the game, which can not be
2000-08-11 13:56:00] - Just because you don't know where his flag is doesn't mean there is luck involved...
2000-08-11 13:56:00] - "i need to learn how to keep my mouth shut"?
2000-08-11 13:56:00] - Checkers has no luck. There is no information concealed from either player
2000-08-11 13:56:00] - I disagree, there is absolutely no luck in stratego...
2000-08-11 13:56:00] - checkers? the same . . . the only luck involved is deciding who goes first
2000-08-11 13:55:00] - I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut.
2000-08-11 13:55:00] - different games have different amounts, but stratego definitely has its share
2000-08-11 13:55:00] - Why is it no fun to play more then one game of Stratego?
2000-08-11 13:55:00] - agreed
2000-08-11 13:55:00] - How about checkers?
2000-08-11 13:55:00] - that's it
2000-08-11 13:55:00] -
paul, nobody is saying that there isn't skill involved in playing statego. the point is that there is also luck
2000-08-11 13:55:00] - i suppose who goes first
2000-08-11 13:55:00] - diplomacy has a huge luck element in it in certain situations
2000-08-11 13:54:00] -
no. not chess
2000-08-11 13:54:00] -
yes, all games have some sort of luck element in them.
2000-08-11 13:54:00] - there's not much fun in playing the game more than once.
2000-08-11 13:54:00] - In stratego, the better player should always win unless he makes a mistake
2000-08-11 13:53:00] - and that's where the luck comes in
2000-08-11 13:53:00] -
99.999999999999999999% of the time the game isn't decided in the first move....
2000-08-11 13:53:00] - Almost all good games have some luck. If a game has no luck, the better player always wins. And if the better player always wins, well,
2000-08-11 13:53:00] - nobody said it wasn't important. but you do not have any control over where he puts his forces
2000-08-11 13:53:00] -
True.... What's your point?
2000-08-11 13:52:00] - ?
2000-08-11 13:52:00] -
No, but you have control over how to distribute your forces and that is just as important
2000-08-11 13:52:00] - our cool.
2000-08-11 13:52:00] - drugs are good, they make you do things you not should. and when you do them people think that you're cool. and when you do them people think that y
2000-08-11 13:52:00] -
Paul, when you advance and make your very first attack in stratego, there is no way of knowing if you will win or lose!
2000-08-11 13:51:00] -
ok, andrew isn't on crack; just paul
2000-08-11 13:49:00] - no control over? you don't have any control over where he puts his flag do you?
2000-08-11 13:49:00] - Hey! I admit to there being -some- luck in Stratego. But I also insist there is some luck in all games, even chess!
2000-08-11 13:49:00] - What evidence? I have yet to see any evidence against me....
2000-08-11 13:49:00] - i wish i could spell
2000-08-11 13:48:00] - if you want to say that you should strategize which side he will put it on, then you can just as well say the same things for the curtains
2000-08-11 13:48:00] - Sides don't matter.
2000-08-11 13:48:00] - You can place your spy in the middle.... I consider luck to be something that you have no control over....
2000-08-11 13:48:00] - paul and andrew are on crack . . . there is soo much evidence against ya
2000-08-11 13:48:00] - then that's what it comes down to. Who is able to guess the other player's setup better.
2000-08-11 13:48:00] - And in stratego, there is luck because there is no way of knowing which side of their board contains the flag... And if both players are competent,
2000-08-11 13:48:00] -
Wow, I never thought Stratego would bring about such a heated debate.
2000-08-11 13:48:00] - but you have no way of knowing which side your opponent will put his flag on
2000-08-11 13:48:00] - i think stratego has luck involved too.
2000-08-11 13:47:00] - That is luck because there is no way of knowing which curtain contains the prize and no way of getting more then one curtain to choose
2000-08-11 13:47:00] - and stratego has tons of strategy and tons of luck involved
2000-08-11 13:47:00] - side of the board their sergeant is on, then you can let them take one of the pieces next to it, and kill their sergeant. That's one example of luck.
2000-08-11 13:47:00] -
hehehe, because IE is weird huh?
2000-08-11 13:47:00] - you guys are weird
2000-08-11 13:47:00] - Then it's very difficult (usually impossible) to move your spy into position to attack their sergeant. However if you're lucky, and can guess on which
2000-08-11 13:46:00] -
hahaha. it does have strategy; but there
is tons of luck involved
2000-08-11 13:46:00] - well what do you consider luck paul?
2000-08-11 13:46:00] -
Paul, you have to put your "Spy" on one side of the board or the other. If your spy is on the opposite side of the board as their "sergeant" ...
2000-08-11 13:46:00] - they don't let me use netscape because they use an active x database that is optimized for ie and makes netscape crash because ie is weird.
- aba
2000-08-11 13:46:00] - yes! aaron has many good points
2000-08-11 13:46:00] - Rock paper scissors actually has strategy to it...
2000-08-11 13:45:00] - At the end of Let's Make A Deal, there's 3 curtains, and you have to guess which one the prize is behind.
- Aaron
2000-08-11 13:45:00] - flag is on a certain side of the board
2000-08-11 13:45:00] - That doesn't really indicate luck in my book, it indicates an inflexible strategy... you should never plan a strategy around the thinking that his
2000-08-11 13:45:00] - i agree with aaron's first point but fail to see how the second one relates
2000-08-11 13:44:00] -
No, that's strategy, the strategy of your opponant. There are strategies in chess too.
2000-08-11 13:44:00] - By your logic you could argue that there's absolutely no luck in rock paper scissors, or on the TV show, "Let's make a deal"
- Aaron
2000-08-11 13:43:00] - If your strong pieces are on the opposite side of your opponent's flag, then it's much much harder to win
- Aaron
2000-08-11 13:43:00] - The luck comes from the fact that there are multiple initial setups, and there's no way to know for sure what side your opponent's flag is on.
- Aaron
2000-08-11 13:43:00] - I don't see how not knowing your opponent's moves/pieces equates into luck....
2000-08-11 13:42:00] - Paul - There IS luck in stratego. I don't know what you're talking about.
- Aaron
2000-08-11 13:42:00] -
wow, why don't they allow you to use netscape?
2000-08-11 13:41:00] - i use ie from him, and netscape at work (netscape doesn't work at him

2000-08-11 13:41:00] - Abalone and Y have no luck, either, just for the record
- Aaron
2000-08-11 13:40:00] - but then (in those cases) both games would suck a lot
2000-08-11 13:40:00] - i use netscape from him, and ie at work (because i am not allowed to use netscape

- aba
2000-08-11 13:40:00] - or you were able to see which pieces were where in stratego, then there would be no luck involved
2000-08-11 13:39:00] - if you were to be able to see all of your opponents moves before hand in diplomacy
2000-08-11 13:39:00] - There is
no luck in Diplomacy and Stratego.... Where does the luck come from?
2000-08-11 13:38:00] - What do you mean there is luck in deciding who you will play? Do you choose who you will play based on a dice roll or something?
2000-08-11 13:38:00] - in stratego and diplomacy there is a lot of luck (no dice though) in chess, there is none
2000-08-11 13:37:00] - There's luck in deciding who you'll play, often enough.
2000-08-11 13:37:00] - There's no luck in Stratego and diplomacy. Luck is only really a factor when a dice or cards are used...
2000-08-11 13:37:00] - ~a
2000-08-11 13:36:00] - chess =
no luck
2000-08-11 13:36:00] - There is luck in almost any game, but Stratego has far less than most board games.
2000-08-11 13:35:00] - Stratego has a lot of strategy to it as well as memorization. I don't see how luck factors in....
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