here are old message board entries

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[2004-05-11 10:21:00] - paul: I guess I don't understand. Prisons cost a lot of money to build and maintain, why would it be profitable for a pizza place to help fund a prison? - aaron

[2004-05-11 10:21:00] - paul:  so are you now the unofficial spokesman for anarcho-capitalism? - mig

[2004-05-11 10:19:00] - Aaron: It depends, but either individuals (or groups of individuals acting together voluntarily) or private businesses. I imagine there would be a lot less prisons either way though. -Paul

[2004-05-11 10:18:00] - aaron: there would be no prisons. the only penalty would be death by firing squad ^_^ -dave

[2004-05-11 10:08:00] - paul: Who would fund prisons in an anarcho-capitalistic society? - aaron

[2004-05-11 10:01:00] - Aaron: Heh, ok. But don't count on it. I don't go to McDonald's too often. -Paul

[2004-05-11 09:55:00] - paul: Well if you end up getting the meal, I want to play with it - aaron

[2004-05-11 09:54:00] - I definitely think the stepmeter would be fun to play around with. I probably would take it off while driving and sitting at my desk, though. :-) -Paul

[2004-05-11 09:43:00] - dave: I don't know - does pressing on the brake pedal count as a step? There's a lot of stop-and-go traffic on my route to work! - aaron

[2004-05-11 09:41:00] - aaron: haha, depending on how long you play, I wouldn't be surprised if you took as many steps playing DDR as you do for the rest of the day ^_^ -dave

[2004-05-11 09:38:00] - dave: I think a 'stepmeter' counts as a toy! I'd love to compare the number of steps I take in an DDR/non-DDR day - aaron

[2004-05-11 09:34:00] - aaron: do the happy meals have toys? ^_^ -dave

[2004-05-11 09:15:00] - Aaron: The problem is that I'm not so sure there are many foods which you like that would also qualify as healthy and part of a complete meal. :-P -Paul

[2004-05-11 09:08:00] - paul: I would definitely try it if it had something I liked. I really can't stand salad. - aaron

[2004-05-11 09:04:00] - Aaron: Actually, I saw an advertisement for that last night and it seems like an intriguing idea. Next time I go to McD, I might order one ot see what it's like. -Paul

[2004-05-11 08:58:00] - woo adult happy meals launched - but only with salads? aww - aaron

[2004-05-11 08:17:00] - Vinnie: NO! >:o -Paul

[2004-05-11 07:43:00] - Saw the highlights. Close enough. -- Xpovos

[2004-05-11 02:00:00] - anyone see kings/t'wolves? my mind is boggling, that series keep me so on edge - vinnie

[2004-05-10 18:38:00] - stats now included again . . . updated nightly instead of by post (makes devel time much shorter)  ~a

[2004-05-10 18:18:00] - wow, i had no idea how much you guys talked on friday.  almost as many posts in one day than all of senior year combined (574 vs 826).  ~a

[2004-05-10 16:02:00] - pierce: make it so.  ~a

[2004-05-10 16:00:00] - Perhaps the new metadata functionality of J2SE 1.5 might be used to make some sort of standard compiler directive library in the future. - pierce

[2004-05-10 15:25:00] - pierce: i'll bet many of the java expressions are evaluated at compile-time (System.out.println(3+5); the 3+5 is probably evaluated at compile-time).  however, no, you do not have compile-time directives.  ~a

[2004-05-10 15:23:00] - aaron:  it is compiled.  "translated" is the more general term, but seeing as "javac" stands for java compiler; then calling it compiled is also correct.  ~a

[2004-05-10 15:23:00] - a: what I'm (hypothetically) looking for is a java expression that is evaluated at compile-time, not runtime, like a #define.  I know that you couldn't do anything nearly as complicated as finding the md5sum of a .cpp file using g++'s preprocessors, but at least there's some level of compiler control within the language.  Make sense? - pierce

[2004-05-10 15:23:00] - i see no link between any of the four mentioned subjects.  ~a

[2004-05-10 15:22:00] - a: it's not compiled? - aaron

[2004-05-10 15:22:00] - aaron:  so?  what does that have to do with compile-time directives.  and what do compile-time directives have to do with making a .class without a .java existing or md5sums for that matter?  ~a

[2004-05-10 15:19:00] - a: because java is interpretive? - aaron

[2004-05-10 15:15:00] - pierce:  you're going to have to clarify.  your post makes no sense.  ~a

[2004-05-10 14:52:00] - Java doesn't have any compile-time directives, does it?  Like, you couldn't take the md5sum of the .java file for the class, compile, then remove the .java file and have it still work, right? - pierce

[2004-05-10 14:44:00] - it may not matter anyway, I'm finding another way around the issue - vinnie

[2004-05-10 14:44:00] - i'm not using java anyway. this is all pl/sql - vinnie

[2004-05-10 14:41:00] - Well, on the java.sql.ResultSet object, I see a getMetaData().getColumnDisplaySize() method, that would get you its maximum displayable size - but i don't think that's what you want. Maybe - you might try it out - aaron

[2004-05-10 14:36:00] - Vinnie: I don't know the answer to your original question, so I'm not just being difficult. :-P -Paul

[2004-05-10 14:33:00] - i'm also amused that none of the responses answered my original question - vinnie

[2004-05-10 14:32:00] - gah, five posts in a row directed to me! in order: I'll think on it, :), hehe, yes!, i'm surprised I didn't recognize him during the movie - vinnie

[2004-05-10 14:28:00] - Basically, it would be incredibly evil. - pierce

[2004-05-10 14:27:00] - And if anyone changed java versions and recompiled, it would break even if you didn't modify the code. - pierce

[2004-05-10 14:26:00] - aaron: it'd be a pain, because if you were taking one (decimal) digit of the md5 hash to get your constant, you'd have to randomly modify your code until it gave you the right number, a one-in-ten chance.  But after you got it all set up, you wouldn't be able to modify anything (except maybe comments... maybe) in the program. - pierce

[2004-05-10 14:22:00] - pierce: I don't even know how to do that - but i don't think I want you to teach me! - aaron

[2004-05-10 14:20:00] - Oooh, ooh, or you could hardcode it based on the MD5 hash of the generated class file!  That'd teach people to mess around with your code without your permission. - pierce

[2004-05-10 14:14:00] - aaron: oh god, imagine the bugs that that would produce if you had an autorefactoring IDE?  Like, if sun deprecated the JCheckBox class and renamed it to JToggleBox or something?  "WTF? Why does it think this column is 10 characters now?!" :) - pierce

[2004-05-10 14:08:00] - Vinnie: I thought he looked familiar! -Paul

[2004-05-10 14:07:00] - vinnie: Did you notice they played that song "Coconuts", by Junior Senior, in that episode of Malcolm where Dewey's selling 'freedom bars'? I thought that was pretty weird - at least they didn't play any of the vulgar parts of the song - aaron

[2004-05-10 13:50:00] - vinnie: I agree with pierce! But don't hard-code it to "9" because they can search for that! Set it to something like JCheckBox.getClass().getName().length(). With practices like that, they can't possibly rationalize letting you go! - aaron

[2004-05-10 13:48:00] - vinnie: I thought he was a monk. :) - pierce

[2004-05-10 13:46:00] - vinnie: you should hard-code it in an obscure place.  Instant job security! - pierce

[2004-05-10 13:45:00] - hehe, it was just pointed out to me that the same guy who played the friar in van helsing was faramir - vinnie

[2004-05-10 12:08:00] - I had a '95 civic EX.  Once you got it going it was great, but to get it going without the engine making terrible noises was the hard part ;-) - Lisa

[2004-05-10 11:42:00] - so that I don't have to update everything if that table ever changes - vinnie

[2004-05-10 11:42:00] - so if the column is like "blah VARCHAR2(9)" i'd like a function to tell me the width is 9 - vinnie

[2004-05-10 11:41:00] - yes they are in the table definitions, that's the length I want. the width won't be dynamic but the table definition could eventually change - vinnie

[2004-05-10 11:33:00] - vinnie:  aren't the lenght of columns defined in the table definitions? - mig

[2004-05-10 11:30:00] - And vinnie, you're talking about the width of a column right? I don't know how to get the width of a column dynamically - aaron

[2004-05-10 11:30:00] - Vinnie: What do you mean the size of the column? -Paul

[2004-05-10 11:30:00] - Here's some stuff about those 'bot flies' I mentioned the other day - aaron

[2004-05-10 11:23:00] - and I don't mean length(), i need the size of the column, not the fields in it - vinnie

[2004-05-10 11:23:00] - anyone know a function to get the size of a column in sql? i feel like an idiot for not knowing it - vinnie

[2004-05-10 11:22:00] - Aaron: Either way. -Paul

[2004-05-10 11:19:00] - Paul: Not lies, subtle sarcasm - aaron

[2004-05-10 11:04:00] - Mig: And do you really need me to post all the lies that ABC/CBS/NBC news has made over the past few years? :-P -Paul

[2004-05-10 11:04:00] - a: I know. But on the other hand, at least it shows they are trying. Which is more than I can say about others. -Paul

[2004-05-10 11:02:00] - paul:  one story doesn't mean anything.  esp, when news organizations are trying to be "fair and balanced"  ~a

[2004-05-10 10:53:00] - paul: - mig

[2004-05-10 10:49:00] - Mig: Yup. Fox is certainly a wildly biased pro-war news station. ;-) -Paul

[2004-05-10 10:44:00] -,2933,119224,00.html Bush apparently knew about Iraqi prison abuse since january. - mig

[2004-05-10 10:42:00] - the episode where "jem!" faced a heroin addiction was harrowing - vinnie

[2004-05-10 09:58:00] - I was browsing the 'drama' movie section of Best Buy yesterday, and saw the "Jem!" collection there. It wasn't just a stray copy, there were 3 other copies behind it. - aaron

[2004-05-10 09:55:00] - i've been quite happy with the non-hybrid civics I've been driving for the past year. or I should say, I was happy enough with my parents' civic that I bought my own - vinnie

[2004-05-10 08:15:00] - Travis: Well, that lawyer sounds like he's doing his best in fighting a losing cause so I might consider hiring him. :-p -Paul

[2004-05-10 08:13:00] - Travis: I had heard about those new coffins with the panic buttons. Reminded me of Buffy more than anything else. -Paul

[2004-05-10 08:09:00] - a: If you're looking for a hybrid car, I've heard good things about the Prius and the Civic so I don't think you can go wrong there. I wouldn't buy a hybrid just for the tax cuts and HOV exceptions though, because those are too variable to rely on. -Paul

[2004-05-09 23:59:00] - aba:  i thought you had a mustang.  ~a

[2004-05-09 23:57:00] - lisa: i've heard that the tax deductions are going to be cut (so says a honda dealer . . . he was new) and that the HOV law might not be around for much longer  ~a

[2004-05-09 23:48:00] - lisa: what year was your civic?  consumer reports on the civic have drastically changed through the years.  ~a

[2004-05-09 23:44:00] - lisa & pierce & aaron, the prius has an 8 month waiting period . . . yeah.  ~a

[2004-05-09 23:40:00] - that should entertain you all for the first part of another monday 8-) - travis

[2004-05-09 23:34:00] -,4057,9364434%255E13762,00.html who would hire this lawyer? - travis

[2004-05-09 23:31:00] - remember that frog that had two heads?  now it's the cow's turn - travis

[2004-05-09 23:27:00] - i'm guessing this old for others since it appears to be connected with somethingawful, which i never go to - travis

[2004-05-09 23:25:00] - would've made that whole scene in kill bill 2 moot :-P - travis

[2004-05-09 23:24:00] - i want this guy's car :-) - travis

[2004-05-09 23:20:00] - only anime can be this hyper and weird - travis

[2004-05-09 23:10:00] - your favorite horror movies in 30 seconds (with bunnies) - travis

[2004-05-09 23:06:00] - anti-porn puppet (it's msnbc, so it's safe for work) - travis

[2004-05-09 22:42:00] - it's all semantics - travis

[2004-05-09 22:29:00] - Obviously, I don't have enough information about your particular situation to custom-fit the advice, but the key is to just take control of your own life.  If you really hate it, the world's not going to end if you turn it upside-down and start fresh. - pierce

[2004-05-09 22:28:00] - Or it might be as simple as just taking a vacation to an exotic location.  Not one of the standard tourist traps, but something where you could really just escape the real world and find yourself again. - pierce

[2004-05-09 22:26:00] - If you really hate your life, perhaps you'd be better off just simplifying at the moment.  For example, if you hate your career, you could quit and start training for a new one that wouldn't be as dull. - pierce

[2004-05-09 22:25:00] - To anonymous: was "moving to another country" just a hypothetical?  I think that would probably solve the "every day is the same/life is too vanilla" problem, but it might be a bit extreme or unnecessary. - pierce

[2004-05-09 22:21:00] - Be careful though, do some research about the technology.  I thought I heard somewhere that you have to replace hybrid batteries more often, and they're a fortune, such that it actually costs more than the equivalent gas.  But that information might be bogus.  Just check it out. - pierce

[2004-05-09 21:44:00] - Other positives about Hybrids are that you can qualify for tax deductions, ride in the HOV lanes, and you also save so much on gas it is worth the extra costs.  If you are looking for a smaller car, I would go for the hybrid. - Lisa

[2004-05-09 21:36:00] - Wow, the only time I ever look at Adrian's journal and my name was mentioned ;-)  I loved my civic, but it was definelty underpowered.  Right now I have a 4 cylinder camry (toyota) and it has great pick-up, much better than my old 4 cylinder civic.  I agree with Aaron, I would go for the Prius.  I know people that have it and love it! - Lisa

[2004-05-09 20:36:00] - lisa used to have a civic too, you could ask her opinion. - pierce

[2004-05-09 20:20:00] - i have a 2003 civic hybrid if you want any info. - aba

[2004-05-09 18:48:00] - a: test drive a prius! - aaron

[2004-05-09 17:30:00] - i'm thinking of maybe getting a civic (possibly the hybrid).  i like the consumer reports ratings and the timing of acceleration.  also it's big enough to accomidate my long . . . "legs".  any opinions?  ~a

[2004-05-09 17:19:00] - hey, who was it that was whining about the absence of a line-in in car sound systems?  b/c nissan has it.  ~a

[2004-05-09 17:15:00] - i thought /title was what it was in irc.  silly me.  ~a

[2004-05-09 13:53:00] - too much irc :) -kris

[2004-05-09 13:53:00] - er

[2004-05-09 13:53:00] - /topic weekend peek in

[2004-05-08 14:59:00] - Apply for one of those teach English in another country programs.  i've thought about doing it..but i'd miss my cats. -kris

[2004-05-08 11:15:00] - Nothing good ever happens;; nothing bad ever happens.  Just a 24/7 of vanilla.

[2004-05-08 10:35:00] - Huh.  It is boring.

[2004-05-08 09:10:00] - What do you hate about your life, anonymous? - pierce

[2004-05-08 02:46:00] - Ok, so I hate my life.  I want it to end but I really don't want to kill myself because I think that would make my friends and family pretty sad; but I'm also way to lazy to make my life any better.  Are there any alternatives?  Like picking everything up and moving to another country or something?

[2004-05-07 17:43:00] - i liked this one a lot - vinnie

[2004-05-07 16:38:00] - ahh ha ha ha ha - aaron

[2004-05-07 16:37:00] - vinnie: Yeah, I already saw Emily. But cool - he's got a new one! - aaron

[2004-05-07 16:35:00] - aaron: don't know if you ever read about randompixel, but kevin fury finished it - vinnie

[2004-05-07 16:34:00] - Er.. Go to Travis'. -Paul

[2004-05-07 16:33:00] - Well, I'll let you all debate it and let me know (via email, or message board, or commenting on my journal). I'm done editing my webpage for today, it's almost time to go home. :-) -Paul

[2004-05-07 16:32:00] - One vote for black background, one vote for smaller lines, (the title will be different, that's just a place holder). -Paul

[2004-05-07 16:31:00] - and left-aligned title - vinnie

[2004-05-07 16:31:00] - here's my vote: better the way you had it. black background, bigger title, tabs on the left. the only change I've liked is the borders - vinnie

[2004-05-07 16:29:00] - paul: I think this looks better than before. I still think I would prefer 1px lines. The white/black background, I don't think I have a preference on - aaron

[2004-05-07 16:29:00] - Ok, well, I would probably make up some imagine for the Skipping Stones text if I kept this. -Paul

[2004-05-07 16:26:00] - Pierce: Heh, actually I meant to address that to Vinnie. :-[ -Paul

[2004-05-07 16:25:00] - How do the tabs look now? -Paul

[2004-05-07 16:25:00] - Paul: why would I do that?  I recognize your authority over your web page, so I'm not trying to delegitimize anything. - pierce

[2004-05-07 16:25:00] - And center-align it. - pierce

[2004-05-07 16:25:00] - Pierce: You should've just invalidated the whole process by refusing to vote. ;-) -Paul

[2004-05-07 16:25:00] - You don't have to change the font size, but there's too much padding above and below it. - pierce

[2004-05-07 16:24:00] - Paul: I like it, make the "Skipping Stones" less ginormous though. - pierce

[2004-05-07 16:23:00] - Vinnie: if it comes down to a vote, you didn't really say anything... just that you weren't opposed to one of the options.  You didn't say you supported it. - pierce

[2004-05-07 16:23:00] - Ok, ignore the tab problems. Now how does it look? -Paul

[2004-05-07 16:22:00] - Kris: Is that a good thing or not? -Paul

[2004-05-07 16:21:00] - it reminds me of pistachio pudding -kris

[2004-05-07 16:21:00] - I might have to buy another game boy soon. This new one sounds like it might be really cool. - aaron

[2004-05-07 16:18:00] - ah, I was afraid of that actually, that 1px might be too small. still I prefer 3px to nothing - vinnie

[2004-05-07 16:18:00] - Vinnie: Don't get greedy. :-) -Paul

[2004-05-07 16:17:00] - the more options, the better, that should say - vinnie

[2004-05-07 16:17:00] - new playstation portable to compete with gba - aaron

[2004-05-07 16:16:00] - Vinnie: No, they are 3px (with two exceptions) because the 1px couldn't be noticed. -Paul

[2004-05-07 16:16:00] - that's fine, the more options. in fact, the best thing would be to give your users their own choices via cookies :P - vinnie

[2004-05-07 16:15:00] - i definitely like it better with the border,btw, now that you've added it everywhere - vinnie

[2004-05-07 16:14:00] - Vinnie: I'm at least going to see how it looks in "Pierce's world" :-P -Paul

[2004-05-07 16:14:00] - are your borders 1px? looks like more. compare to my journal - vinnie

[2004-05-07 16:14:00] - *** Paul tries to think how to add black border.

[2004-05-07 16:14:00] - for the record, i have no problem with it being black instead of white (since this may come down to vote) - vinnie

[2004-05-07 16:12:00] - add the black border, and we'll see.  I like it less without the black border. - pierce

[2004-05-07 16:09:00] - Pierce: Kinda like that without that awkward black area near the tabs and with a black border around it? -Paul

[2004-05-07 16:03:00] - Paul: I want the dark green surrounded by a black border, and I want the black to be changed to white. - pierce

[2004-05-07 16:02:00] - Ok, I think the interior borders are one pixel now. -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:58:00] - Yikes! -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:58:00] - Pierce: I don't understand what you mean by a white background, though. Or for that matter a black border. You want the dark green to be changed to black and the black to be changed to white? -Palu

[2004-05-07 15:54:00] - i agree - aaron

[2004-05-07 15:54:00] - aaron: I think all the black lines should be 1px - aaron

[2004-05-07 15:54:00] - No, I want a black border, and I want you to change the background color to white.  But again, just my opinion. - pierce

[2004-05-07 15:53:00] - Pierce: And yes, I did copy and paste that wrong. You want a white border around the outside of the entire dark green table? -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:53:00] - yeah, the ones separating the title of the side menu with the menu items. - pierce

[2004-05-07 15:53:00] - yeah

[2004-05-07 15:52:00] - Pierce: So you mean the black lines inside the side menus? -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:50:00] - I think it would look great if the entire content (including the sidebars and tabs) had a black border on a white background, but that's just me.  I typically don't like black backgrounds (sorry Miguel). - pierce

[2004-05-07 15:49:00] - Although it's definitely getting better.  I also like how the sidebars are now aligned with the center content. - pierce

[2004-05-07 15:48:00] - Paul: I think just the border between "Archives" and the months, and "Archives" and the external links (did you copy-and-paste that wrong?) need to be 1px.  Everything else is fine at 2px (or whatever it is right now). - pierce

[2004-05-07 15:48:00] - Aaron: Which lines? -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:47:00] - Paul: I think the lines would look a lot stronger if they were 1 px - aaron

[2004-05-07 15:45:00] - Ok, check out the layout of my journal now. I personally think it looks worse but... -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:42:00] - i remember seeing parts of dune, but i don't remember anything besides the sting jokes, so either i fell asleep or stopped watching - travis

[2004-05-07 15:40:00] - vinnie: What?! Drew Carey as a contestant? - aaron

[2004-05-07 15:34:00] - something to do with drew carey IIRC - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:33:00] - aaron: yes! I heard that. there was some controversy over who was being chosen a while back - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:29:00] - Vinnie: I was in the room, but didn't watch. I remember the rock legend sting jokes. -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:28:00] - okay, then I guess I did see it and either promptly forgot it or supressed the memory. - pierce

[2004-05-07 15:28:00] - vinnie: Have you heard "Last Comic Standing" is coming back to NBC for another season? - aaron

[2004-05-07 15:27:00] - pierce: yeah, horrible FX. horrible - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:26:00] - mig: andrew liked the original, I believe. maybe now that I've read the book it'd make more sense but would still pale against the miniseries - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:25:00] - was there a scene in it where one character started flying around absurdly? - pierce

[2004-05-07 15:25:00] - Mig I don't remember if I even saw it.  I just remember all the "rock legend sting" jokes. - pierce

[2004-05-07 15:24:00] - am i the only one who liked dune? - mig

[2004-05-07 15:22:00] - travis: did paul watch dune with us? god that was terrible - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:22:00] - Vinnie: I'm contrast-blind, it appears. :-) -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:21:00] - the black lines lessen the impact of the contrast. at least to us, not you I suppose - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:18:00] - Pierce: I'm "working" on my webpage. ;-) -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:17:00] - Paul: I am working, I just don't have the time for an all-out debate anymore. - pierce

[2004-05-07 15:17:00] - Pierce: and I don't see why the black lines make it any better, but I'll go ahead and work on implementing them to the other menus too. -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:16:00] - Pierce: NOOOOO! You were supposed to be working. :-P And I likewise get frustrated because I don't necessarily see whether or not me believing something affects anything. -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:16:00] - Paul: whatever floats your boat - travis

[2004-05-07 15:16:00] - vinnie: i own pi if you wanna borrow it, and you forgot to borrow unforgiven last weekend - travis

[2004-05-07 15:16:00] - no offense. - pierce

[2004-05-07 15:15:00] - Travis: Maybe I'll implement some changes Dave suggested first and email it to you later? -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:15:00] - Paul: the black lines makee it eighty bajillion times better.  And I only get pissed off because you're rarely clear about whether you're proposing a hypothetical or saying what you really believe (or joking, for that matter), and it sometimes feels like you cop out of some of your statements by fluctuating among those things. - pierce

[2004-05-07 15:15:00] - Paul: from vinnie's journal: how many david lynch movies have you even seen? - travis

[2004-05-07 15:15:00] - Vinnie: Reversing the changes are relatively easy. It's just that those side menus are going to end up involving like 5 seperate tables and it's driving me crazy thinking about it. :-P -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:15:00] - Paul: i won't read it now, but i'll read an email of it sometime - travis

[2004-05-07 15:12:00] - paul: *gulp* i hope you're at least saving different versions of the template. i don't want you have to reverse all the changes if I don't like it - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:10:00] - Vinnie: I'll give it a try, but you better really appreciate all this. :-P -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:10:00] - Vinnie: Except our blue isn't dark enough. -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:09:00] - black lines - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:09:00] - sour starburst, that's it - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:08:00] - Vinnie: What can be thinner, the black lines or the menus? -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:08:00] - Mel: Oh, it's the first chapter of a story I am writing. :-[ -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:08:00] - Vinnie: I bought the crappy version first, but I bought the extended version when I saw Two Towers (which was a definitely orgasm-inducing). I think I also buy more DVDs than you do. -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:07:00] - paul: inside and outside. you may want to shrink them if you do that though. they can be thinner, right? - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:07:00] - Paul: yeah you said you have a rough draft of something you wrote.  -mel

[2004-05-07 15:07:00] - Mel: =-o Wow, that might be the nicest thing anybody as ever said about my debating style. Thank you. :'( -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:06:00] - Vinnie: Where do you want the black lines for the side menus? On the inside AND outside? -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:06:00] - paul: yeah, that was it. I find it amusing that you bought the dvd and I didn't :) - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:06:00] - Paul: The reason its fun to argue with you is because you are logical and you do make sense.  In fact I can often see your point of view but it just tears up some fundemental belief I have and that's where the conflict begins.  -Mel

[2004-05-07 15:06:00] - Vinnie: Heh, yeah. My green is too dark though. -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:05:00] - Mel: Write about? In my message to Travis? -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:05:00] - "tropical fruits" or somesuch - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:05:00] - Vinnie: Oh! I remember that. All I said was that I didn't think it was as orgasm inducing as everyone else thought it was. I definitely liked it. I think my problem is that I often come across as more disagreeable than I actually am. -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:05:00] - i like our four colors. I think they comprise some variety of starburst - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:04:00] - Mel: I think it pisses off Pierce sometimes O:-) -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:04:00] - paul: not in so many words, but you gave it a decided "meh" - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:04:00] - Paul: what sort of topic did you write about? -Mel

[2004-05-07 15:03:00] - unfortunately, hard to tell if I'll like it until you put it around the menus too :P right now it looks out-of-place - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:03:00] - Travis: It's definitely one of the first. You want to read a rough draft of something I wrote? -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:03:00] - Paul: I would exepect nothing less. -Mel

[2004-05-07 15:03:00] - Vinnie: I said that? -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:02:00] - Mel: How flattering. The knee jerk reaction people have to me is "disagree" :-) -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:02:00] - I suppose it's worth saying that I've been known to argue positions that I don't particularly agree with just for the sake of making things interesting. :-) -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:02:00] - travis: haha.  well it was funny one.  I was thinking of Paul so I wrote disagree without thinking.  -Mel

[2004-05-07 15:01:00] - didn't like - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:01:00] - Paul: is this the first time we've been on somewhat the same side in a political debate? - travis

[2004-05-07 15:01:00] - paul: I know! remember when you said you didn't fellowship of the ring? - vinnie

[2004-05-07 15:01:00] - Vinnie: How about that? -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:01:00] - wow, three comments about the same slip - travis

[2004-05-07 15:01:00] - Heh, yeah. You can always count on me to be here to disagree. Even when I agree. :-P -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:01:00] - Mel: you mean it's boring agree all the time? certainly seems like you two disagree enough :-) - travis

[2004-05-07 15:00:00] - Mel: You mean it's boring to agree all the time? -Paul

[2004-05-07 15:00:00] - Paul: I meant boring to agree all the time.  Interesting slip there.  :-)  -Mel

[2004-05-07 14:59:00] - mig: a bunch of links on that article don't work.  :-(  I wanted to see the original source articles.  -Mel

[2004-05-07 14:59:00] - i did, but I think it got lost. in the black table, cellspacing = 1, cellpadding = 0, border = 0 - vinnie

[2004-05-07 14:59:00] - Paul: These discussions are incredibly interesting and thought-provoking.  It's good you're around because its boring to disagree all the time. -mel

[2004-05-07 14:59:00] - Vinnie: And now you can tell me how to make the border smaller. :-P -Paul

[2004-05-07 14:58:00] - if only gore had been more charismatic we wouldn't be in this mess! - vinnie

[2004-05-07 14:58:00] - I better go work too.  I haven't yet all morning. -Mel

[2004-05-07 14:58:00] - Mel: I suppose now might be a good time to say that like your presence here on the message board. It's nice to have somebody new who can intelligently discuss issues without getting overly pissed off. :-P -Paul

[2004-05-07 14:57:00] - Pierce: Bye Pierce. -Paul

[2004-05-07 14:56:00] - Pierce: Right, and I don't think it's right to blame Travis more for the actions of the US government than, say, Al Gore. -Paul

[2004-05-07 14:56:00] - Okay, my hands are cramping and I need to get back to work.  Good debate, all. - pierce

[2004-05-07 14:56:00] - pierce + paul: about the police issue, it's hard to prove either way.  I would look for some statistics, but I'm having trouble figuring out what type of statistics would even be available and relevant in this case.  -Mel

[2004-05-07 14:56:00] - So if you oppose the actions of the American government through voting, then you are less responsible than someone who took no action either way. - pierce

[2004-05-07 14:55:00] - Pierce: I can't. But it's like when Adrian said that I can't guarantee that people wouldn't speed more without speed limits and then said that people WOULD speed more without speed limits. We can't really know either way for sure. -Paul

[2004-05-07 14:55:00] - - mig

[2004-05-07 14:55:00] - Paul: but the question is not "who is to blame for democracy", it's "who is to blame for the actions of American government". - pierce

[2004-05-07 14:54:00] - Pierce: I understand, and that is a huge assumption btw. It just seems wrong to me to assign more blame to a person who doesn't want to be involved in politics at all than to somebody who believes in using politics to wheel and deal and get what they want. -Paul

[2004-05-07 14:54:00] - Mel: yep. - pierce

[2004-05-07 14:54:00] - Paul: You're asking me how police make it better, but how can you say it'd be better without police? - pierce

[2004-05-07 14:54:00] - Pierce: wow.  yeah, that time zone stuff again.  before the discussion about Paul's borders??  :-)  -Mel

[2004-05-07 14:53:00] - Paul: well I'm not really trying to make any specific point about Travis or attack him.  I respect the fact that he is going through life without hurting others.  I was only saying that his choice to live in the United States brings with it a certain responsibility for the US government's actions (IMHO).  -mel

[2004-05-07 14:53:00] - Mel: I wasn't even talking about that... there was a debate this morning, probably before you even got in. - pierce

[2004-05-07 14:53:00] - It's also worth noting that a lot of crime is the result of government meddling. Like a lot of the gang warfare and mob warfare. -Paul

[2004-05-07 14:52:00] - Paul: just to clarify, I'm hypothetically implying that one would have known, in 2000, that a vote for bush would've been a vote for the war.  I don't think anyone knew that, so the blame is a lot less. - pierce

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