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[2004-11-08 15:32:25] - a: Well, you'll have to talk to Dave about that statement. ;-) -Paul

[2004-11-08 15:26:04] - paul:  i understand now.  in that case, "almost by definition, if someone or an organization disagrees with several issues, they are 'less' liberal or conservative"  that's not the point.  if it's something that liberals don't agree on, then if you have a firm belief either way, then you're no more or less liberal.  ~a

[2004-11-08 15:09:26] - a: Understood. I was only confused because your response to my statement was "not really.  you could just say that it disagrees with some liberals on those issues" which sounded like a disagreement. -Paul

[2004-11-08 15:08:35] - a: And so I offered my reasoning of why I felt that strong disagreement on an issue where liberals are divided would make the ACLU seem like less of a liberal organization to me. -Paul

[2004-11-08 15:08:34] - paul&dave:  ok then i guess i confused everybody.  what i should have said was:  i already conceded the aclu discussion.  "it seems like they dodge both issues enough that it only reinforces the 'liberal' tag for me"  i agree with this.  ~a

[2004-11-08 15:07:49] - a: Not as far as I can tell. You proposed how the ACLU disagreeing might not indicate it being less of a liberal organization and Dave disagreed with you. -Paul

[2004-11-08 15:07:09] - a: 0_o well, for the record, I didn't mean to disagree with that statement of Paul's -dave

[2004-11-08 15:04:47] - a: what what? what's directed towards me? I don't see anything of Paul's I really disagree with, unless I missed something -dave

[2004-11-08 15:04:05] - paul:  you posted "it seems like they dodge both issues enough that it only reinforces the "liberal" tag for me."  i agreed and dave disagreed.  then later you thought i was disagreeing.  ~a

[2004-11-08 15:04:01] - a: oh, he took some specific geological data that scientists had used to 'support' the theory of evolution, and explained them through other events, mostly events that would or could have coincided with a traditional creationistic view -dave

[2004-11-08 15:03:17] - dave:  "It seemed to me like he was taking geological evidence and making a case that evolution was not necessarily the only explanation for the data."  what was another explanation?  ~a

[2004-11-08 15:02:38] - a: Sorry, I'll shut up then and get some work done. ;-) -Paul

[2004-11-08 15:02:12] - paul:  i never disagreed with that.  i think you meant to direct that twards dave.  ~a

[2004-11-08 15:02:11] - a: ignoring your posts? -dave

[2004-11-08 15:02:09] - a: For instance, if the ACLU was strongly against laws against hate speech and for pornography, it would seem to indicate (to me) that they are more of an advocacy group for free speech than just a liberal organization. -Paul

[2004-11-08 15:01:01] - i don't like these two threads.  dave is ignoring my posts to the evolution thread.  ~a

[2004-11-08 15:00:38] - a: Right, but if an organization agrees with some ideology on most points and has the same internal disagreements on other points as the ideology, I think that's more than a little coincidental. -Paul

[2004-11-08 15:00:17] - Paul: ahh, mebbe I just missed it, or don't remember that point. I don't really remember much beyond the broad scope of what he was saying, so that could easily be true -dave

[2004-11-08 14:59:15] - a: err, almost by definition -dave

[2004-11-08 14:59:02] - Dave: No, that was definitely his main point. I just remember he had made the observation that creationism has a slightly different scope than evolution (in that it covers origins). At least I think it was that speaker, maybe it was somebody else. -Paul

[2004-11-08 14:58:26] - a: 0_o almost be definition, if someone or an organization disagrees with several issues, they are 'less' liberal or conservative, etc -dave

[2004-11-08 14:58:02] - paul:  k.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:57:41] - dave:  what was another explanation?  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:57:37] - a: But from what I've been reading on their website, it seems like they dodge both issues enough that it only reinforces the "liberal" tag for me. -Paul

[2004-11-08 14:57:31] - Paul: I also remember several outspoken evolution supporters becoming quite agitated ^_^ -dave

[2004-11-08 14:56:56] - not really.  you could just say that it disagrees with some liberals on those issues.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:56:24] - Paul: I remember the speaker, but I guess I had a different take on what he said. It seemed to me like he was taking geological evidence and making a case that evolution was not necessarily the only explanation for the data -dave

[2004-11-08 14:55:26] - a: Well, if the ACLU had strong stands on either issue, then I think that would be an argument on how it is less of a "liberal" organization. -Paul

[2004-11-08 14:54:27] - Dave: I think you were there with me for that speaker, it was in some small room in Squires. -Paul

[2004-11-08 14:53:57] - Evolution only explains how simple organisms may have evolved into more complicated ones whereas creationism is more concerned with the origin of life (pretty much what Adrian is saying). -Paul

[2004-11-08 14:53:56] - paul:  exactly.  that guy would agree that the sticker was incorrect.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:53:11] - I remember there was one speaker at Tech who was talking about evolution and geology from a religious perspective and he pointed out that creationism and evolution explain somewhat different things. -Paul

[2004-11-08 14:53:05] - hate speech and porn aren't things that liberals can agree on; so i don't see why the aclu would be going against liberals either way.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:51:58] - a: 0_o most interesting, I didn't know that -dave

[2004-11-08 14:51:36] - Dave: Yeah, the ACLU is probably the exacty opposite of what you would like. I used to think they were a good organization fighting for free speech and stuff too until I learned that their agenda is really quite different. -Paul

[2004-11-08 14:50:42] - dave:  tons of biologists/geneticists are christian.  they have to believe in micro-evolution to get their jobs done, which makes it hard for them to not believe macro-evolution.  from there they leave the origins of life to god.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:50:33] - a: Your dad might be talking about it being an organization for civil libertarians, which would be a little more accurate (but still not something I would entirely agree with). -Paul

[2004-11-08 14:49:51] - a: I would say liberal except I'm not entirely sure the ACLU's position on hate speech so there might be a little bit of disagreement there. Also, not sure what their stance on porn is. -Paul

[2004-11-08 14:49:27] - dave:  seriously many biologists believe in that exact thing.  it's not bastardized at all.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:48:55] - a: so you could have some sort of bastardized Evolution theory where God creates all the single-celled organisms, and then they 'evolve' into humans eh? ^_^ -dave

[2004-11-08 14:47:29] - Paul: hmmm, I see. I guess at the beginning when I heard about the aclu in school or whatever, it sounded like a very good idea, but then when I heard the kinda stuff they were litigating, it seemed kinda backwards, so I stopped paying attention ^_^ -dave

[2004-11-08 14:46:19] - heh heh, Pixar stock drops arter 70.7 mil opening for The Incredibles. Apparently traders figured it would do better ^_^ -dave

[2004-11-08 14:45:30] - there are exceptions, i know.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:45:21] - paul:  i.e. liberal?  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:44:46] - Dave: It's actually quite simple to figure out what the ACLU is going to do in most cases. Take whichever side can be connected with christianity and the ACLU will be on the opposite side. And I'm not really kidding. -Paul

[2004-11-08 14:43:33] - dave:  my dad said that they were a libertarian organization.  but i think more often than not they're a liberal organization.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:42:56] - "A general name for the history of the steps by which any living organism has acquired the morphological and physiological characters which distinguish it."  see?  nothing about origins.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:41:09] - a: but yes, the aclu supports / litigates a lot of things which I wouldn't think they would. I've ceased to try to decipher their intentions a long time ago ^_^ -dave

[2004-11-08 14:39:25] - a: I mean, I can understand how you might have a technical problem with it explaining the 'origin of life.' but methinks enough people would define it as that for it not to be 'blatantly wrong' -dave

[2004-11-08 14:38:49] - and you're basically having the same point as paul.  i'll call single celled organisms "life" such that your points will be nullified.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:38:10] - dave:  sure.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:37:26] - a: in some senses though, it seems like many people would still regard Evolution as a theory explaining the 'origin of life' since it hypothesizes the evolution of humans from single-celled organisms, yes? or do I have that wrong? -dave

[2004-11-08 14:37:24] - that's a definitions question.  i don't know nor care.  go find a dictionary :-D  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:35:37] - a: Are bacteria and other simple organisms considered living things? -Paul

[2004-11-08 14:34:28] - a: hmmm, i see -dave

[2004-11-08 14:33:55] - a: oh?? I guess I'm confused. I thought you were objecting to '...Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things...' -dave

[2004-11-08 14:33:05] - paul:  "evolution is a theory ... regarding the origin of living things"  incorrect.  evolution is a theory regarding the history of living things.  it never tries to explain the origin of living things.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:32:15] - dave:  what?  i never said that, and neither did the sticker.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:32:10] - a: How is the sticker wrong? -Paul

[2004-11-08 14:31:13] - a: so most people who believe in evolution tout it as a fact? -dave

[2004-11-08 14:28:48] - plus the sticker is blatantly wrong anyways.  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:27:56] - shouldn't the aclu be fighting for the rights of the stickerers?  (i.e. not the other way around)  ~a

[2004-11-08 14:23:07] - The stickers read: "This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered." -dave

[2004-11-08 14:22:50] - sticker claiming evolution is a theory, not fact, contested in court -dave

[2004-11-08 14:16:06] - mig: If that statistic is accurate and significant about the correlation between  states with paper trails and states where exit polling yielded misleading results, then that would be very interesting - aaron

[2004-11-08 14:00:10] - dave:  it's possible.  i dunno :-(  ~a

[2004-11-08 13:52:54] - mig: I like his little algorithm at the end. Essentially making stealing the election appear to be a lot more complicated than it probably would be. :-P -Paul

[2004-11-08 13:46:13] - a wild conspiracy theory about the 2004 election, but it's some food for thought. - mig

[2004-11-08 13:37:36] - Travis: Maybe you can sue him and he'll come back for you next year after re-discovering his passion for football. ;-) -Paul

[2004-11-08 13:33:00] - or a barry sanders case.  i realize it wouldn't have saved dillon for me but i would have a better reason than assuming he pulled a ricky williams - travis

[2004-11-08 13:32:12] - paul: i thought about that, and it would be nice if they gave a reason why a guy retires, then they could even make up an occassional random case like "family business" or something - travis

[2004-11-08 12:55:44] - Travis: Wasn't Dillon injured when he retired? Maybe his injury was a lot worse than we thought and it was a factor in ending his career. -Paul

[2004-11-08 12:55:15] - Travis: The sad thing is that my secondary is supposed to be good. I think the problem was I couldn't get a pass rush against him. -Paul

[2004-11-08 12:41:51] - a: do you know if the movie title 'Swordfish' was a deliberate play off of crypto algo's like Blowfish and Twofish? -dave

[2004-11-08 12:41:03] - paul: priest should've retired if dillon did, priest is one year older, guess it was those 27 TDs wears a man out more than rushing for 1700 yards ;-) - travis

[2004-11-08 12:39:08] - a: who better to crack the system then one of the inventors? ^_^ -dave

[2004-11-08 12:37:51] - i think it was actually that he found out both of your secondaries aren't that good and used that to get big gains to get close to portis could run for short and get it in - travis

[2004-11-08 12:33:23] - i don't think i have to worry about jamal.  he's only be 25 next season.  and andrew won the superbowl because he finally figured out how to score at will with portis, so his defense didn't really factor into it. - mig

[2004-11-08 12:28:59] - Travis: Andrew was without one defensive tackle. I was without two AND two starting linebackers. That's over a third of my starting defense. :-) -Paul

[2004-11-08 12:28:12] - Travis: I was worried that Priest might retire last season but now that I have him for at least another season I think I can adequately prepare for him leaving hopefully. -Paul

[2004-11-08 12:25:49] - dave:  of course, Bush takes no heat for helping Spectre win his nomination against an actual conservative. - mig

[2004-11-08 12:16:09] - paul: tsk tsk, whining about defensive losses, andrew won the super bowl without his star defensive tackle :-P - travis

[2004-11-08 12:15:12] - paul+mig: i will laugh heartily if priest or jamal retires for no reason when their contracts end >:O - travis

[2004-11-08 12:15:04] - dave:  haha, this is pretty funny.  rsa stands for the last names of the three guy's who designed rsa.  the s in rsa stands for adi shamir who is a creator of a theoretical hardware device that was designed to break rsa encryption. :-D  ~a

[2004-11-08 11:32:35] - btw, it looks like Vinatieri did get credit for that passing TD in our league since he has 24 points this week (with an * next to his score). Unfortunately, Lindo didn't start him. :-P -Paul

[2004-11-08 11:31:20] - senator who 'warned' bush on pro-life court nominations taking flak -dave

[2004-11-08 11:30:04] - dave: You're right that "anti" and "abortion" are both very loaded words, so the term sounds a lot more offensive than it really is when you think about what it actually means - aaron

[2004-11-08 11:29:16] - a: I'm not positive atm to be honest. Now that you mention it, I think jscript may have only been in the client, and the server was just some asp and xml files -dave

[2004-11-08 11:23:09] - how do you do javascript on the server side?  ~a

[2004-11-08 11:22:39] - a: unfortunately, the client/server we have now are in jscript -dave

[2004-11-08 11:19:39] - a: we were going to use RSA and AES -dave

[2004-11-08 11:19:10] - women in prison at all time high. also - "More than 44 percent of all sentenced male inmates were black, and many of them were young." -dave

[2004-11-08 11:09:58] - dave:  what sort of encryption is it?  rsa?  generall ssl?  java has some nice packages already built into the language.  ~a

[2004-11-08 11:02:03] - Mig: I'm just saying I think I might actually prefer losing somebody like Priest or Brett or Javon over losing Cletidus and Grady. -Paul

[2004-11-08 10:54:36] - Mig: I don't deny that. You had to deal with essentially losing every vital piece of your offense for varying amounts of time last season whereas I never really had any injuries to my star players at all. -Paul

[2004-11-08 10:53:23] - 250 mil divorce settlement up for sale. Apparently, if you can track down the assets the wife was supposed to be awarded, you get to keep a lot of it -dave

[2004-11-08 10:50:47] - yes, yes, I know the injuries are not a totally big deal for me.  But for some reason i seem to get a disproportionate amount of big injuries compared to the rest of you guys. - mig

[2004-11-08 10:18:03] - Mig: I don't mean to sound unsympathetic to your injuries, but I do think that it's easier to compensate for offensive losses than defensive losses. You can avoid throwing to whoever replaces Moss, but it's hard to stop people from running at your two crappy defensive tackles. :-P -Paul

[2004-11-08 10:16:51] - Travis: Cool. If it's not too much trouble, I would like to take a couple minutes to look over my team sometime and check out who is injured and maybe cut or trade some players and adjust depth charts. -Paul

[2004-11-08 10:16:26] - a: hmmm ok thx. I guess maybe I'll look for source that does the encryption in java or javascript -dave

[2004-11-08 10:10:32] - to do what you want to do, you'll probably have to reimplement your code in java or javascript.  on the other hand, i've heard of weird non-standard cpp (the python version was more popular) compilers that will compile to the jvm.  ~a

[2004-11-08 10:10:11] - a: so how would an app. get encryption done on the client side? The protocol I believe orginially suggested having the user download an app and install it. Is that the only recourse? -dave

[2004-11-08 10:09:05] - it's possible you can beg a browser plugin to let you use native code via a manual client-side user interaction (like the user says:  yes i want this applet to be able to do crazy stuff like run native code).  but i doubt it.  plus that's not javascript anyways.  ~a

[2004-11-08 10:08:30] - though i am quite annoyed. - mig

[2004-11-08 10:08:16] - travis:  taylor and heap should suffice until he gets back.  i was playing pretty well without moss and lewis for awhile so i'm not worried. - mig

[2004-11-08 10:07:56] - aaron: well regardless of whether either side is 'justified' in their names of pro-life and pro-choice, it is somewhat slanting your opinion if you refer to pro-choice people as anti-life or pro-life people as anti-abortion. Granted, the anti-life seems a lot more extreme, but I don't think using an anti-label for either is quite fair -dave

[2004-11-08 10:07:18] - generally client side code is controlled.  cpp is not very controllable.  ~a

[2004-11-08 10:06:37] - paul: i think you have a lot of minor injuries but not to your star players and i had to cut kevin faulk for cap space - travis

[2004-11-08 10:06:22] - well client side code will probably not be able to run cpp code.  ~a

[2004-11-08 10:04:56] - a: currently I think our client/server code is in jscript. But we have C++ functions that can do the encrypting -dave

[2004-11-08 10:04:23] - a: hmmm, I think my problem falls into trying to run it browser side. We're trying to have a client encrypt some info with sym. crypto, then encrypt the sym. key with asym. crypto and send the encrypted key and info to the server. -dave

[2004-11-08 10:04:02] - dave: huff is a show on showtime ( ) - travis

[2004-11-08 10:03:31] - Travis: Anything else eventful happen after I left besides that? -Paul

[2004-11-08 10:02:34] - Aaron: I think Dave's point is that the term "anti" usually evokes negative feelings more than "pro". -Paul

[2004-11-08 10:02:31] - mig: guess who got injured for the first 6 weeks of the regular season when the computer simulated the preseason... mr. randy moss himself :-) - travis

[2004-11-08 10:00:19] - dave: I think nearly all pro-choice people are pro-life. They just think people should be able to choose one-way or the other. - aaron

[2004-11-08 09:47:43] - and yes, I intentionally used loaded terms there. -Paul

[2004-11-08 09:47:33] - Dave: It's the same way anti-gun people are called activists but pro-self-defense people are called lobbyists. -Paul

[2004-11-08 09:47:13] - if it's not, and you're trying to run some sort of java servelet (server-side), then you probably want to look at the "native" keyword.  if you're using asp (server-side), then ask paul or dewey; they're the only two people i know that know asp.  ~a

[2004-11-08 09:46:39] - Dave: 400k for 20 years of his life. I don't think I would take that tradeoff. -Paul

[2004-11-08 09:45:40] - dave:  javascript is generally run on the browser-side.  you're not going to be able to run c++ code from a browser.  that's not what you're trying to do, is it?  ~a

[2004-11-08 09:30:02] - dave:  your answer is probably lurking in msdn somewhere. - mig

[2004-11-08 09:23:46] - Reuters Ddiscovers BitTorrent. Apparently BitTorrent passed Kazaa in network traffic several months ago -dave

[2004-11-08 09:14:47] - I've found several examples of calling a jscript function from C++, but not the other way around -dave

[2004-11-08 09:13:35] - or where a good resource might be to figure it out? -dave

[2004-11-08 09:13:00] - does anyone know how to go about running some C++ code or an exe from within javascript/asp ? -dave

[2004-11-08 07:53:50] - mebbe it's because their audience in gneral probably supports pro-choice more than pro-life, but'd think they'd use the less biased monikers -dave

[2004-11-08 07:52:43] - y'know, it's mildly annoying that washpost uses anti-abortion instead of pro-life. I never use anti-life when talking about pro-choice. -dave

[2004-11-08 07:31:25] - apparently evangelical groups were more organized than the GOP -dave

[2004-11-08 07:16:27] - two women recant accusations of sex abuse. Apparently they were kids at the time of the abuse, and their grandmother told them to lie. Wrongly accused man (imprisoned since 1984) may be entitled to 400k in compensation -dave

[2004-11-08 07:01:27] - Pierce: Huff? What is this...Huff? -dave

[2004-11-08 07:01:10] - Gotta love the willingness of Spurs players to take less money -dave

[2004-11-08 00:17:32] - cool!  Jewel Staite (Kaylee from Firefly) is in Huff. - pierce

[2004-11-05 16:42:41] - Vinnie: Yeah, I think I left enough time for us to watch a decent number of Angel episodes and still have plenty of time to make it to the movie (and feed dogs along the way). -Paul

[2004-11-05 16:37:11] - paul: I know. :) I didn't expect an e-mail since I didn't respond but I also wasn't sure if you had sent one at all. that works quite well, because I have to feed Bandit sometime around 4 - vinnie

[2004-11-05 16:31:10] - Vinnie: I believe the plan is 4:40 at Cinema De Lux on Saturday (I was planning on going right after Angel). -Paul

[2004-11-05 16:30:01] - Vinnie: Yes, I sent out the plans to those who responded. :-P -Paul

[2004-11-05 16:29:51] - paul: i suppose that should be addressed to paul. and this one shouldn't be addressed to paul - vinnie

[2004-11-05 16:29:25] - there was an e-mail about the incredibles, right? are there plans for that this weekend? - vinnie

[2004-11-05 12:40:57] - Travis: I might be a little late, I think I want to stay here until 6:00 today and I might stop by someplace to get some food. -Paul

[2004-11-05 12:10:28] - paul: i don't have anything planned, but do i ever?  you guys are welcome to come over around 6pm - travis

[2004-11-05 11:30:21] - Travis: So I guess the answer is no? -Paul

[2004-11-05 11:29:36] - Dave: Explains why their stock is up 15% -Paul

[2004-11-05 11:22:04] - paul: you're asking the wrong to try and decide on something to do :-P - travis

[2004-11-05 11:21:47] - nVidia quadruples profits from a year ago. -dave

[2004-11-05 11:19:26] - IBM hits 70 tflops. In second is NEC with 42.7, and third is Earth Simulator at 35 -dave

[2004-11-05 10:18:11] - Travis + Miguel: So are there any plans to do anything today? -Paul

[2004-11-05 10:17:33] - a: Too bad we have to wait another 1000 years or so until we get those. -Paul

[2004-11-05 10:13:05] - paul:  "thomson's teeth - the only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth."  ~a

[2004-11-05 09:41:52] - a: " While the disc can theoretically be eaten, it is coated by a 0.1-millimeter (0.004-inch) thick layer of resin and is too hard for even the strongest teeth." -Paul

[2004-11-05 09:39:14] - for when you need a snack and no food is near:  ~a

[2004-11-05 09:30:42] - Vinnie: And you would've still played better than me. :'( -Paul

[2004-11-05 09:25:49] - paul: I could have done that all along really... :) - vinnie

[2004-11-05 09:23:24] - Vinnie: Just learn how to play with one hand. -Paul

[2004-11-05 09:23:08] - Dave: Not a very good democrat then, is he? -Paul

[2004-11-05 09:19:48] - paul: I'm in no shape to play anyway. I have about 15 degrees of movement on my wrist :) - vinnie

[2004-11-05 08:00:08] - New Senate minority leader. "Republicans might find it hard to pigeonhole Reid as a liberal since his anti-abortion, anti-gun-control views are contrary to Democratic dogma" 0_o -dave

[2004-11-05 07:58:23] - Putin clears way for Kyoto Pact (limiting greenhouse emissions) -dave

[2004-11-05 07:56:45] - US to test weapons in Australia. Apparently we have close military ties with them. 0_o -dave

[2004-11-05 07:54:14] - EU to present reconstruction aid package to Iraq (Allawi). Chirac to miss meeting -dave

[2004-11-05 07:51:45] - Mars rovers still ticking -dave

[2004-11-05 07:49:06] - "A county commission race in this gambling state was decided in true Nevada fashion -- by the luck of the draw." -dave

[2004-11-04 17:00:53] - Vinnie: So the cast is off? Hurray! Too bad it happens the same week we stop playing basketball. :-/ -Paul

[2004-11-04 16:55:21] - I was off getting my cast removed  wh00t (though I haven't been on as much anyway lately) - vinnie

[2004-11-04 16:45:08] - Israel, that is.  -mel

[2004-11-04 16:44:37] -  Isreal blocking Arafat burial in Jerusalem  -mel

[2004-11-04 16:33:08] - Dave: And dull. -Paul

[2004-11-04 16:15:51] - Paul: And your bat'leth or whatever it is, is a bit unweildy eh? ^_^ -dave

[2004-11-04 16:10:42] - Dave: Too lazy to get a sword. -Paul

[2004-11-04 16:03:07] - Paul: yeah, it's amazing that you haven't committed seppuku by now ^_^ -dave

[2004-11-04 16:00:53] - Dave: Now you know why I'm so miserable all the time. ;-) -Paul

[2004-11-04 15:58:41] - Paul: *nod* honestly, I can't think of much, if anything any modern president has done that you would really root for -dave

[2004-11-04 15:57:19] - Dave: I'm going to reserve judgement. But I'm not terribly hopeful based on his previous four years in office. -Paul

[2004-11-04 15:56:07] - Dave: I think it helped him a decent bit. -Paul

[2004-11-04 15:55:12] - Paul: *nod* I predict, your opinion of what he does will range from indifferent to dislike -dave

[2004-11-04 15:54:26] - "Among Tuesday's lessons: It still pays to be the candidate voters wouldn't mind having a beer with" -dave

[2004-11-04 15:54:26] - Dave: He has touted a great many things. We'll see what he DOES. -Paul

[2004-11-04 15:53:59] - opinions on how much (if any) Bush's reachability helped? Or is it your opinion that he was less likable than Kerry? -dave

[2004-11-04 15:53:30] - "An affable guy who can laugh at himself, but does not suffer fools gladly, he used this persona with brilliant simplicity during the campaign to touch a chord in the middle states that all of Kerry's intellectualism and high-minded concepts couldn't reach." -dave

[2004-11-04 15:53:26] - Paul: Well, he appears to be touting tax simplification and social security privatization atm. May give you a partial gauge -dave

[2004-11-04 15:48:37] - Dave: We'll see. If nothing else, the next four years should be interesting to see what Bush does. He's in his last term and he has decent majorities in congress along with the most votes ever for a president so he has the power. We'll see if he uses it for good or for evil. ;-) -Paul

[2004-11-04 15:45:33] - Paul: *nod* yup yup. Tho I believe he just mentioned the abortion issue, not necessarily any other 'conservative' issues -dave

[2004-11-04 15:44:24] - regardless of whether you were for bush or kerry, you definitely have to appreciate what's happend to the stock market ^_^ -dave

[2004-11-04 15:44:17] - Dave: True, but I don't think it bodes well for people hoping for an overturn of Roe v Wade if the supposed head of the judiciary committee is telling Bush not to nominate conservative judges. -Paul

[2004-11-04 15:38:09] - Paul: Yeah, I can understand that point. Technically though, Bush hasn't said anything on the matter. It was only a the GOP senator that is the head of the Judiciary committee trying to advise Bush on the matter -dave

[2004-11-04 15:34:54] - on tues. and thurs. I'm at class for most of the day. I suppose you could construe that as a sort of 'depression' ^_^ -dave

[2004-11-04 15:17:24] - Travis: Very well, then I accept your use of the term in this instance. -Paul

[2004-11-04 15:16:06] - i'm sure not all of dave's views are conservative, in fact i think he said so a little bit ago when you were saying how gracious he is when his views are trampled on by people on the message board - travis

[2004-11-04 15:14:38] - and i wasn't clear when i said your views are conservative, i didn't mean all of them, just that you have some, which is more than most people here - travis

[2004-11-04 15:13:17] - and yes, i know that doesn't apply to this election - travis

[2004-11-04 15:12:53] - well, if it can take less than 50% of the popular vote for a man to become president, then you can be labeled "conservative" by only agreeing to about half of their ideals :-) - travis

[2004-11-04 15:08:09] - Travis: I just really don't think the term "conservative" applies to me in terms of politics because I also reject roughly half of what they believe in. -Paul

[2004-11-04 15:07:20] - Travis: Well, relative to Aparna and Pierce I suppose you could call me conservative and I do share the same opinion with conservatives on some issues so I guess what you said is technically correct. -Paul

[2004-11-04 15:05:38] - like you're against gun laws and taxes, isn't that a conservative view? - travis

[2004-11-04 15:04:35] - paul: haven't you said before that your views tend toward the conservative side?  or is that only relative to people like aparna and pierce? - travis

[2004-11-04 14:53:59] - Travis: My conservative views? -Paul

[2004-11-04 14:52:52] - paul and dave's conserative views made all the liberals run away :-P - travis

[2004-11-04 14:01:25] - mig: Don't know. I guess everybody is in the "depression" phase right now. -Paul

[2004-11-04 13:58:30] - what's with the board being dead today.  everyone trying to move to canada? - mig

[2004-11-04 11:21:08] - paul:  or gay marriage for that matter. - mig

[2004-11-04 11:01:23] - Dave: I think his point is that a lot of conservatives backed Bush over the belief that he would do something to end abortion and that just two days after his reelection (with a majority in congress), the GOP is already telling people that it's not going to be able to do much about abortion. -Paul

[2004-11-04 10:56:59] - i don't really care either way but i'm just amused by the fact that the GOP has sold out their conservative base this quickly after the election. - mig

[2004-11-04 10:54:11] - damn keyboard. - mig

[2004-11-04 10:48:11] - dave:    he just said that    he would nominthose types of judges are considered "extreme". - mig

[2004-11-04 10:47:40] - dave:    he just said that    he would nominate people who would strictly just interpret the

[2004-11-04 10:47:40] - dave:    he just said that

[2004-11-04 09:31:58] - mig: besides, shouldn't you be happy if people are telling Bush not to nominate extreme conservatives? -dave

[2004-11-04 09:31:22] - mig: so in short, the whole issue of supreme court judge nominations was definitely brought up before the election -dave

[2004-11-04 09:30:13] - mig: and besides, when Bush was asked flat-out in a debate what kind of judges he would nominate for the Supreme Court, he just said that he would nominate people who would strictly just interpret the constitution (what both candidates said). -dave

[2004-11-04 09:27:47] - mig: because otherwise they might not get passed -dave

[2004-11-04 09:27:27] - mig: I guess I'm misunderstanding how you can construe that as the GOP becoming pro-choice. It read to me like the congressman was just warning Bush that he should be careful not to put forth 'extreme conservative' judge nominations. -dave

[2004-11-04 09:26:27] - mig: the font on your journal's comments section is freakin' huge now! - travis

[2004-11-04 08:49:48] - so much for the pro-life GOP.  Isn't it an amazing coincidence that the republicans wait until after the election to bring this up. - mig

[2004-11-04 08:11:48] - dave:  that study (if it's the same one i read linked from slashdot like three days ago) only took manual attacks into account.  you really have to look at the whole picture when doing a security study.  ~a

[2004-11-04 07:53:14] -,10801,97157,00.html Woah, Mac OS-X and BSD Unix top security list....Linux comes in last...WIndows second to last. 0_o Had no clue Linux was that bad -dave

[2004-11-04 07:51:02] - Dell mulling plans to build manufacturing plant in NC. State incentives look to top $150 million. Plant will generate ~8000 jobs -dave

[2004-11-04 07:45:54] - MPAA gearing up to sue illegal downloaders -dave

[2004-11-04 03:59:46] - Paul: and honestly, there are plenty of things that I haven't necessarily decided on either, along the lines of those adrian mentioned. So it's nice to be able to bat those ideas around as well -dave

[2004-11-04 03:58:34] - Paul: however, if nothing else, talking with you guys about things helps me think through the issues and arguments, so when I talk to other people who might be convinced, I have a better shot at it -dave

[2004-11-04 03:57:28] - Paul: too true, unfortunately -dave

[2004-11-04 03:57:09] - Pierce: yeah, quite probably -dave

[2004-11-03 23:35:49] - Nevertheless, the cynic in me also recognizes that Giuliani probably has some significant political aspirations, and has started patting Bush's back in the hopes of Bush (politically) patting his. - pierce

[2004-11-03 23:34:45] - Dave: you may be right, my objection to Giuliani's gushing about Bush may have been somewhat of a knee-jerk response to anything today that's associated with Bush. - pierce

[2004-11-03 23:15:55] - Xpovos: No game for me Sunday so football should be a go for me. -Paul

[2004-11-03 22:15:56] - Paul: I'd leave the message on AIM, but I'm afraid of crashes and stuff.  Besides this way Miguel and Travis can see it too.  I can't make basketball/football this Friday.  So it's Sunday for me, unless you're going to another game. -- Xpovos

[2004-11-03 18:57:37] - paul:  my views are pretty fluid and based on consistantly changing models.  i think dave could convince me of lots of things.  like maybe we should spend less on federal programs, i don't know.  maybe welfare needs to be reformed, who knows?  ~a

[2004-11-03 18:53:32] - Dave: And I hate to be a downer, but I don't think you ever will. You probably have a better chance convincing Travis to vote. :-P -Paul

[2004-11-03 18:39:33] - Paul: haha. Well, I don't think I've really convinced anyone here of any of my views, unfortunately -dave

[2004-11-03 18:20:56] - Dave: Well, let's put it this way, in most every instance I can think of, your method would achieve better results. The only time I can think where my method would be better is if somebody respected loudmouthed jerks more and I don't know if I want such a person's respect then. :-P -Paul

[2004-11-03 18:19:16] - Paul: well, who knows if it's 'superior.' I can definitely respect willingness to be just as heated as the next person if the situation arises -dave

[2004-11-03 18:19:12] - k

[2004-11-03 18:11:38] - Dave: Maybe. But the big difference between us is that even though I acknowledge the superiority of your way, I still have absolutely no qualms about becoming just as heated as whoever I am talking to. It's not something that I'm proud of, but it's also not something that I go out of my way to avoid. -Paul

[2004-11-03 18:11:29] - Pierce: In other words, if someone helps you out, and there's another person that would have done the same thing if he were there, you're still grateful to the person that helped, and not grateful / indifferent to the person who didn't -dave

[2004-11-03 18:10:28] - Pierce: You definitely have a valid point that probably many of the things Bush has done / gotten credit for are things that any president would have done. However, I think it's a fundamental human characteristic to be grateful when someone helps you out. -dave

[2004-11-03 18:06:40] - oops, that was to Paul -dave

[2004-11-03 18:06:30] - aul: I don't think that's necessarily true. You keep a much more lvl head then most of the people I know. Things can set you off, but I think that can be said of almost everyone. It's definitely true for me as you well know, much to my chagrin -dave

[2004-11-03 17:53:45] - mel:  thanks.  i used to set titles every week or so.  then i decided it would be pretty cool if everybody could set the title.  ~a

[2004-11-03 17:52:06] - Dave: It doesn't go unnoticed by me at least. It makes you look a lot better in relation to others when they are fuming and throwing about incendiary terms and you are keeping calm and refusing to lower yourself to their level. It's something that I, sadly, cannot do. -Paul

[2004-11-03 17:50:29] - Dave: You probably have the right idea, and I'm sure my method causes a lot more trouble. So I guess what I should be saying is that I respect how you can just shrug off everything people say and keep a relatively cool head. -Paul

[2004-11-03 17:49:08] - Dave: All I'm saying is that it seems odd when somebody will call the candidate you care about all sorts of names and you just keep responding with considerate, intelligent questions. -Paul

[2004-11-03 17:48:20] - pierce:  i was referring to the title.  but now that i reviewed the title history my remark made much less sense.  ~a

[2004-11-03 17:33:50] - ok I found the answer  The 108th Congress, 2nd session convenes on january 20th.  -mel

[2004-11-03 17:27:35] - maybe a stupid question..  so is the new congress that we elected the 109th congress?  -mel

[2004-11-03 17:24:45] - You may think that another president would've handled the retaliation against Afghanistan differently, but the aid to NYC?  The things Bush did were the obvious choices. - pierce

[2004-11-03 17:23:28] - Giuliani was pissing me off on CNN.  He kept ranting and raving about what a good person Bush was, and how much he helped [Giuliani's] city after the attacks.  Now, what exactly did Bush do to help NYC that any other president wouldn't have done?  That's what I'm asking. - pierce

[2004-11-03 17:20:54] - mig: don't you know? absence of evidence = evidence of absence.  That should've been a ministry slogan in 1984. - pierce

[2004-11-03 17:00:57] - mig: unless, I guess, if you want to debate whether one party has a much larger percentage of people like that then the other -dave

[2004-11-03 17:00:34] - I remember rudy guiliani kept on ranting and raving about how since no one has attacked us since 9-11, bush has done a magnificent job of keeping us safe. - mig

[2004-11-03 17:00:24] - mig: (shrug) there will always be people (both dems and repubs) who will find explanations for whatever their candidate did or didn't do. So I don't think either side can really say much on that matter -dave

[2004-11-03 16:58:30] - dave:  the problem is that the cult of bush will try to have it both ways.  if nothing happens, then it's because bush saved us, if something does happen, it's not his fault because there was nothing he could do to stop it. - mig

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