here are old message board entries

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[2005-01-12 15:40:58] - Dave: I think it was just suspended until a future date. -Paul

[2005-01-12 15:38:31] - Paul: so is the debt totally forgiven for those countries? Or are the payments just suspended till a future date? -dave

[2005-01-12 15:22:45] - Jeff Garcia's girlfriends in court over fight. -Paul

[2005-01-12 15:21:42] - U.S. military operates under close Indonesian watch -Paul

[2005-01-12 14:18:16] - a: Ha ha ha! What a great article - i always thought that after they pulled off stuff like that, they had to go around and get people to sign releases, but I guess this time they just ran away - aaron

[2005-01-12 13:52:24] - vinnie:  probably because they never got confirmation that it was ali g.  ~a

[2005-01-12 13:38:35] - Dave: I suppose you could think of it like that, if I understand everything correctly. -Paul

[2005-01-12 13:38:11] - a: oh my word, hehe. that's hilarious -dave

[2005-01-12 13:36:18] - a: how come the article seems confused whether or not it's Ali G? was it not him but an imitator? I'm confused :/ - vinnie

[2005-01-12 13:35:43] - usgov gives up weapons hunt in iraq. - mig

[2005-01-12 13:35:20] - Paul: so it balances out because the US generates successful companies that foreign parties then pay money to own some of? So in essence we would be trading corporate know-how for raw goods? -dave

[2005-01-12 13:28:01] - a coworker sent me that "ali g strikes roanoke"  :-P.  ~a

[2005-01-12 13:27:40] - Dave: I think a lot of countries invest it back into the US, like you say. -Paul

[2005-01-12 13:27:16] - aaron_vinnie:  lol.  ~a

[2005-01-12 13:25:36] - Paul: yeah, I get why we have a trade deficit, I was just curious as to how a country that is always paying out more than it is getting survives. Like if we always have a net outflow of money, do we just grow more money on trees? or do the other countries invest it back in the US, or what? -dave

[2005-01-12 13:24:34] - paul: hmm, very true. I see your point about publicity etc -dave

[2005-01-12 13:24:26] - dave:  didn't clinton essentially shut down the government over squabbling on the federal budget? - mig

[2005-01-12 13:23:20] - Dave: So he can present his budget ideas to the public and sell them on it and then bash Congress if it disagrees and blame them. -Paul

[2005-01-12 13:22:49] - Dave: Primarily because he can dictate which budgets he will and will not accept and gets a lot more publicity than members of Congress do. -Paul

[2005-01-12 13:21:47] - Dave: Technically I think you are right about Congress possessing most of the power but I think recently it has been the president who has taken a lot of the power for various reasons. -Paul

[2005-01-12 13:20:37] - Dave: It costs less money to make stuff overseas, which is why we buy more overseas stuff and the rest of the world doesn't by as much American stuff (because our stuff is comparatively expensive). It's how the market tends to work towards balancing itself out. -Paul

[2005-01-12 13:19:06] - Dave: Well, if I understand correctly, a trade imbalance like we have is a natural result of our economy being more advanced than average amongst the countries of the world. -Paul

[2005-01-12 13:17:01] - oops, I think those last two should have been directed at mig -dave

[2005-01-12 13:15:33] - a: so I believe congress really has the major power in fashioning the budget, cuz they can add or remove whatever they like -dave

[2005-01-12 13:15:17] - a: just having the ability to veto the budget isn't so great a power as you might think, because you have to veto the entire thing, and you can only either accept or veto what congress gives you -dave

[2005-01-12 13:14:30] - Paul: I actually think Congress has the majority of the power in fashioning the budget. The president presents a budget he wants, but then Congress rips it apart and removes/adds all sorts of things. -dave

[2005-01-12 13:13:31] - paul: yeah, I believe you are correct, I didn't mean to connect it to the US govt. But I was just curious as to how the imbalance works since we've had a trade deficit for like a gazillion years, and yet our economy is still going fairly well. -dave

[2005-01-12 13:12:18] - Mig: I know, I was just saying you can't limit a discussion of federal budgets to just the president since technically Congress is supposed to have the ultimate power to create budgets (I think). -Paul

[2005-01-12 13:08:23] - paul:  congress makes the budget but i do belive the president has to sign it, just like any other bill, so he does have a rather signficant say in it. - mig

[2005-01-12 13:03:18] - a: Clinton and Carter had their share of expensive military conflicts too. Besides, I'm not entirely sure what that has to do with federal budgets growing other than possibly excusing reasons why it grew under Bush Sr and Bush Jr. -Paul

[2005-01-12 13:00:39] - Dave: I don't think the trade deficit has much to do with how much money the government takes in, I think usually when you hear about money flowing out of the US it is referring to non-US companies making money instead of US companies. -Paul

[2005-01-12 12:56:45] - interesting question.  has the US always imported more than it exported?  ~a

[2005-01-12 12:51:25] - or mebbe the money is just being invested back into the US by foreign parties? -dave

[2005-01-12 12:51:08] - so are we generating more money somehow, or just getting more and more poor every year? -dave

[2005-01-12 12:50:15] - like so US imports way more than it exports, meaning money keeps on flowing out of the US right? -dave

[2005-01-12 12:49:45] - anyone know how things work with the trade deficit? -dave

[2005-01-12 12:29:32] - right.  but the wars (which are mostly a bush jr/sr thing) cost lots of money.  ~a

[2005-01-12 12:00:21] - Same party, more stuff gets done and the budget tends to increase faster. Different party and less stuff gets done and the budget tends to increase slower. -Paul

[2005-01-12 11:59:25] - Also, there's a pretty good correlation regarding whether or not the president is from the same party as the party that currently controls congress. -Paul

[2005-01-12 11:57:32] - Anyway, isn't it technically Congress' job to make the budget anyway? I would think it would be important to note who controlled Congress as well. -Paul

[2005-01-12 11:46:54] - a: I think it has been Republican since sometime during Clinton's administration. -paul

[2005-01-12 11:46:08] - paul:  it's been R since bush sr, right?  ~a

[2005-01-12 11:45:26] - paul:  nope.  ~a

[2005-01-12 11:40:50] - it states that the budget will probably cut a lot of funding for programs (and lists some programs) and also probably change the budget formulas of others so that the funding doesn't increase even to keep up with inflation, etc etc -dave

[2005-01-12 11:39:30] - either of you read the article? it talks about what you guys are commenting on and discusses the specifics of what will probably be proposed -dave

[2005-01-12 11:39:10] - a: Any idea who controlled Congress during those administrations? -Paul

[2005-01-12 11:29:51] - it seems like the repubs like the daily debt increase measured in billions and the demos like the daily debt increase measured in millions.  ~a

[2005-01-12 11:27:55] - billions per year sorted by result:  Wbush (R) 393    bush (R) 389    regan (R) 229    clinton (D) 175    carter (D) 77    ~a

[2005-01-12 11:18:08] - craziness, dude.  ~a

[2005-01-12 11:17:56] - yes.  and 1.6 trillion after 4 years of bush sr. also.  ~a

[2005-01-12 11:11:57] - that was some disciplined fiscal restraint the last 4 years, wasn't it? - mig

[2005-01-12 11:11:01] - it rose 1.6 trillion after 8 years of clinton.  4 years under bush and it's already risen nearly $2 trillion ... - mig

[2005-01-12 11:05:38] -  government owes $7.6 trillion dollars; we pay $400 billion in interest per year.  yikes.  ~a

[2005-01-12 11:05:15] - and that will be $3 trillion in domestic spending, which won't include the costs of bush's imperial adventures in the middle east. - mig

[2005-01-12 10:57:52] - dave:  yep.  if you increase spending and decrease taxes, then the money has to come from somewhere.  ~a

[2005-01-12 10:57:37] - dave:  pardon my cynicism but i wouldn't get all excited about this.  I've heard this song and dance before when Bush got elected in '00 , and well look what happened.  I expect the federal budget will get to $3 trillion by the time Bush leaves in '08.  - mig

[2005-01-12 10:26:02] - Bush budget expected to have aggressive budget cuts. Yay. -dave

[2005-01-12 09:58:49] - mig: jeez, that's scary -dave

[2005-01-12 09:27:37] - beware!  the north korean fashion police are on the prowl! - mig

[2005-01-12 09:24:17] - vinnie: yeah, although understandably depressed. -dave

[2005-01-12 09:02:49] - dave: francis sounds clinically depressed by this news. "I don't know what I'm going to wake up for." any psychologist will tell you that's a person on the verge of suicide :) - vinnie

[2005-01-12 07:57:14] - apparently they were "kicking, stomping and slamming chickens against a wall " the place was a chicken slaughterhouse that supplies KFC -dave

[2005-01-12 07:56:57] -  no charges in chicken cruelty case -dave

[2005-01-12 07:50:44] - Apply to sell iPod Shuffle for $99 and $149 with 512 Megs and 1 gig of memory respectively -dave

[2005-01-12 07:48:19] - Iraqi insurgents at odds with bin Laden's desires -dave

[2005-01-12 07:39:10] - Christie traded to Orlando. So sad =[ -dave

[2005-01-12 07:37:24] - books with nude pictures shouldn't also -dave

[2005-01-12 07:37:15] - vinnie: yeah, I thought of that. It's a good point. In some senses those books are "more graphic" than pictures since they can spell out a whole sex scene whereas the books with pictures we've been talking about don't. Since I definitely think romance novels etc. have a valid place in the library, then there's no good reason why the... -dave

[2005-01-11 16:16:02] - Examining some of the myths of the NFL playoffs. -Paul

[2005-01-11 16:10:45] - there are romance books describing full frontal nudity in the library? that seems wrong too somehow (sorry in advance, dave :) ) - vinnie

[2005-01-11 15:37:19] - Dave: Libraries tend to pander to what the majority wants. At my mom's library, the romance books get tons of circulation so they get more attention than science fiction books, for instance. -Paul

[2005-01-11 14:52:00] - like there are so many other great books I'd love to see in the library (that aren't so controversial) that aren't there, it was interesting to me that they chose to get those. -dave

[2005-01-11 14:50:42] - ...and to forego having so many other books in favor of having ones with nudity in them just seemed interesting to me -dave

[2005-01-11 14:50:07] - aaron: yeah, I don't really have a problem with the books themselves, I was just thinking more along the lines that libraries only carry a very small subsection of all the books that are out there and... -dave

[2005-01-11 14:48:12] - aaron: yeah, if you can show it has some artistic content supposedly it makes it not porn. Although saying that making porn isn't artistic in the first place seems rather odd to me -dave

[2005-01-11 14:47:23] - aaron: haha, great idea ^_^ I like it -dave

[2005-01-11 14:17:53] - I feel really bad for the sheltered kids whose only exposure to pornography is naked male bodies with the supreme court justices heads pasted on top. That really can't be good for one's sexual development. Maybe putting some regular pornography in libraries wouldn't be such a bad idea by comparison - aaron

[2005-01-11 14:15:55] - dave: I understand why you think it's wrong though - I think I agree to an extent, that certain kinds of nudity don't belong in a library. It's a fine line. - aaron

[2005-01-11 14:14:44] - dave: Full frontal nudity != pornography, if there's some kind of artistic intent (isn't that it?) - aaron

[2005-01-11 14:14:00] - i know they've been court cases related to it but i don't know what came of them. - mig

[2005-01-11 14:07:48] - Dave: Although I just realized your question was phrased differently than I thought. I don't know if looking at "porn" on the internet is allowed in any american libraries. -Paul

[2005-01-11 14:06:56] - Dave: I'm not sure if Fairfax libraries have any kind of censoring software on the computers or not. -Paul

[2005-01-11 13:54:47] - a: And I wanted to roll people into balls long before i ever played katamari - aaron

[2005-01-11 13:53:26] - a: Hehe. I agree about Tony Hawk and Crazy Taxi, sometimes in the real world I would think "swerving into oncoming traffic could save me 10 minutes on my commute" but it's always a very conscious thing - aaron

[2005-01-11 13:51:32] - Paul: Fairfax? -dave

[2005-01-11 13:31:30] - Dave: I think it depends on where the library is located. -Paul

[2005-01-11 13:19:53] - is looking at porn on a library internet machine not allowed? -dave

[2005-01-11 13:19:01] - paul: well, ok then ^_^ -dave

[2005-01-11 13:02:45] - Dave: ie, your opinion is wrong. ;-) -Paul

[2005-01-11 12:50:13] - "it seems like there's plenty of other things they could buy that would be just as helpful / useful"  you have the right to have your oppinion, but many people would disagree with that.  ~a

[2005-01-11 12:46:33] - not that I'm against the books themselves, but it seems like there's plenty of other things they could buy that would be just as helpful / useful -dave

[2005-01-11 12:46:10] - there are art books with full frontal nudity in the library? that seems wrong too somehow. -dave

[2005-01-11 12:36:52] - dave:  there are many art books with full frontal nudity in the library so try not to take it out of context :)  ~a

[2005-01-11 12:35:57] - aaron: dang, a book with full frontal nudity in the library? that seems wrong -dave

[2005-01-11 12:26:06] - aaron:  :-D  can you relate?  ~a

[2005-01-11 11:51:26] - library unbans america the book - aaron

[2005-01-11 09:49:09] - Dave: Thank you. :-) -paul

[2005-01-11 09:26:37] - a: yes I agree. it works great for IBM. ^_^ -dave

[2005-01-11 09:20:29] - dave:  ok.  but ibm never supported it as THE model to use.  they use it when it suites them and that's just super.  something for nothing works really well in this case, doesn't it?  ~a

[2005-01-11 09:18:16] - a: I wasn't disputing the fact that what IBM does still supports open source -dave

[2005-01-11 09:17:45] - a: and I didn't get how your statement about software being non-consumable had any bearing on that quote -dave

[2005-01-11 09:17:10] - a: right....I guess I was more commenting on the Microsoft quote you posted. To me, it meant that Microsoft was saying that IBM only supported open-source products in areas that they didn't have a competing product in - in other words, IBM is just using it to get "something for nothing" as opposed to supporting it as THE model to use -dave

[2005-01-11 09:10:33] - dave:  i think you missed my point.  the linux kernel is open source.  company X starts using the linux kernel but decides to contribute NOTHING to the open source community.  company X hasn't hurt linux; in fact they have done linux a favor.  ~a

[2005-01-11 09:02:17] - mig: that's pretty sad. Makes you wonder how often / if that happens in all administrations or whether it is an isolated incident -dave

[2005-01-11 08:56:09] - armstrong williams not the only "conservative" commentator taking taxpayer money to spew Bush administration propaganda... - mig

[2005-01-11 08:39:32] - a: microsoft would be pretty hurt if it open-sourced all of its software and someone incorporated it all into linux, yes? -dave

[2005-01-11 08:38:34] - a: a microwave is not consumable, but a microwave company is still hurt if it gives out all it's "tech" to another company that starts competing with it for marketshare in the microwave area, yes? -dave

[2005-01-11 08:37:30] - a: not that I have anything against open-source (it's great), but what does software not being a consumable commodity have to do with it? -dave

[2005-01-11 08:27:21] - dave:  wow!  that's really cool!  and it blows in the face of microsoft's statements about ibm.  "[ibm] sees a benefit for some open-source products when they don't have a strong platform or product in that space."  which is a pretty dumb statement anyways since it completely ignores a big point of open source:  software is not a commodity that can be consumed.  ~a

[2005-01-11 07:53:41] - that quote from -dave

[2005-01-11 07:53:25] - "In other corporate news, the world's largest computing company IBM (Research) said late Monday it will give free and open access to 500 software patents to anyone working on open-source software, a move that marks a major shift in the company's intellectual property strategy. " -dave

[2005-01-11 07:51:29] - I think Clooney's idea of inviting O'Reilly to be a presenter is great -dave

[2005-01-11 07:51:10] - O'Reilly and Clooney spar over tsunamis aid telethon -dave

[2005-01-11 07:44:16] - "you guys" not including Paul I suppose, but that's about it -dave

[2005-01-11 07:39:42] - a: reading about what both sides have said on the matter makes me quite sad that there is such raw animosity between the two sides in our govt, but then I think to how much animosity there is between the common people (say you guys and your opinions of my views) and I realize that it's just a mirror of what the country is actually like -dave

[2005-01-11 07:38:11] - a: at the same time I can understand why the Dem's are being very staunch and not giving on anything since the election was so heated -dave

[2005-01-11 07:37:05] - a: honestly though, I can't really blame Bush even if he's not trying as much to compromise with the Dem's because he won the election more authoritatively than he did last time, and he won in large part because of a very solid extreme right, which wouldn't want him to compromise -dave

[2005-01-11 07:35:27] - a: same with Bush and the Dem's. You can say that it's Bush's fault for not doing more what the Dem's want and therefore getting their cooperation, or you can say that the Dem's aren't being flexible enough to work with Bush -dave

[2005-01-11 07:34:05] - a: which isn't such a bad analogy if you think about it. Because you can both that the person had no business jumping in front of the bullet if they didnt' want to get shot and that the shooter had no business shooting at an animal. -dave

[2005-01-11 07:32:45] - a: the person could be the instigator if someone was shooting at an animal, and the person jumped in front of it to save the animal -dave

[2005-01-10 19:02:17] - anybody know a way to convert the formatting from a wiki page to a MS Word document?  -mel

[2005-01-10 18:31:47] - then i agree.  ~a

[2005-01-10 17:22:28] - a: Successful? -Paul

[2005-01-10 16:56:25] - paul:  well that all depends on your definition of "good"  ~a

[2005-01-10 16:46:10] - a: You wouldn't make a good politician then. :-) -Paul

[2005-01-10 16:29:01] - if you're going to be very anti-X, then telling everybody that you are very pro-X is probably the wrong thing to do.  ~a

[2005-01-10 16:26:31] - i would hate it less if he just didn't say anything at all about it.  ~a

[2005-01-10 16:21:31] - a: Somehow I think you would hate it more if Bush came right out and said "I don't care at all what the Democrats think, I'm going to do my best to cram legislation down their throats." -Paul

[2005-01-10 16:17:19] - i don't know, maybe not.  but either way, at least they're not being so dishonest and disingenuous about it.  ~a

[2005-01-10 16:12:24] - a: And do you honestly think the democrats are interested in doing any of that with him? :-P -Paul

[2005-01-10 16:09:47] - paul:  i "do not believe Bush is genuinely interested in cooperation or compromise with the opposition."  ~a

[2005-01-10 16:01:05] - a: Bush must be a worse president than I thought if he wakes up every day scheming to find ways to get his initiatives blocked. -Paul

[2005-01-10 15:35:14] - in your example, it's pretty obvious that the bullet is the instigator.  in the real world example, it's not obvious who is the instigator, bush or the dems.  i was giving my viewpoint and your analogy really didn't detract from (or add to) the viewpoint.  ~a

[2005-01-10 15:27:10] - a: You're faulty! -Paul

[2005-01-10 15:19:27] - paul:  your analogy is faulty.  ~a

[2005-01-10 14:38:53] - a: Another viewpoint to murder, people determined to stop bullets with their vital organs. ;-) -Paul

[2005-01-10 14:21:08] - dave:  another viewpoint: bush is more determined than ever to have his initiatiatives blocked.  ~a

[2005-01-10 13:39:26] - dave's url was broken for a while (it is no longer broken).  my url is in fact different, but now contains the same information.  ~a

[2005-01-10 13:38:43] - mig:  don't worry, they are not.  ~a

[2005-01-10 13:01:16] - a:  both of those links are identical as far as i can tell. - mig

[2005-01-10 12:53:14] - unless that's a different article on the same subject.  ~a

[2005-01-10 12:52:41] -  it is here now i guess.  ~a

[2005-01-10 12:49:15] - dave:  your cbs story is gone.  ~a

[2005-01-10 12:30:31] - Movie Gallery nabs Hollywood Entertainment, beating out Blockbuster -dave

[2005-01-10 11:38:25] - 4 fired at CBS over Bush-Guard story. -dave

[2005-01-10 11:37:15] - Democrats more determined than ever to block Bush initiatives -dave

[2005-01-10 10:44:09] - more prison scandals abound for usgov. - mig

[2005-01-10 09:02:52] - Hehe. "lawn mullet". - aaron

[2005-01-10 08:27:46] - Supreme Court to hear case from CIA spies -dave

[2005-01-10 08:15:33] - parents voluntarily spend detention with their kid -dave

[2005-01-10 08:04:18] - prostitude reports man for having child porn -dave

[2005-01-10 07:55:01] - did you know that pajamahadeen are bloggers who challenge and fact-check traditional media ? -dave

[2005-01-10 07:54:26] - Top phrase of '04: 'Red state, blue state, purple state' -dave

[2005-01-09 23:44:30] - funny goats comic. i'd give a description but it would ruin the punchline - aaron

[2005-01-09 23:04:13] - boring message board weekend.

[2005-01-08 00:34:33] - go home?  ~a

[2005-01-07 19:53:34] - it is almost 8pm on friday, and i dont want to be at work anymoooooooooooore.  :-(  -  aba

[2005-01-07 17:50:45] - Judge rules: Listerine not as good as flossing. - aaron

[2005-01-07 15:23:41] - Long, but amusing discussion about another way to view LotR: FotR. I guess it's supposed to be a parody, although it does occasionally make some good points I think. -Paul

[2005-01-07 13:58:59] - mig:  regarding the no child left behind thing . . . "National Education Association (NEA) dedicated $14 million to 'governance and policy,'  $20 million to 'government relations,' and $14 million to 'state affiliate relations.' By contrast, they spent $3 million on 'Student achievement.'"  i don't think they even want to solve the problem.  ~a

[2005-01-07 13:46:39] - aba: Creepy. The pictures of indonesia especially. - aaron

[2005-01-07 13:15:23] - bush administration paid black radio show host $240,000 to promot the No Child Left Behind legislation. - mig

[2005-01-07 12:28:36] - before/after aerial shots:  -  aba

[2005-01-07 10:52:42] - Paul: heh heh wow, poor girl, to have such an awful performance in front of so many people -dave

[2005-01-07 10:38:55] - Dave: From what I saw, I don't think there was any way to blame equipment problems for Ashlee's performance. -Paul

[2005-01-07 10:35:58] - paul: so you think it was more equipment problems then horrible singing? or a combination of the two? -dave

[2005-01-07 09:59:56] - paul:  yeah i heard the sound clip of it on 980 a few nights ago.  dear god it was awful. - mig

[2005-01-07 09:52:15] - dave: Being a paralegal, I hope he'd realize that a case like that would set precedent for networks to stop airing anything that could shock anybody.... - aaron

[2005-01-07 09:49:08] - Honestly, I thought William Hung sounded better than she did. At least he wasn't screaming and having his voice break by the end of the song. -Paul

[2005-01-07 09:48:13] - Dave: I heard bits and pieces of the halftime show. ABC really dropped the ball. Not only did they have microphone problems with one of their analysts AND Kelly Clarkson, but Ashlee sounded absolutely horrible. -Paul

[2005-01-07 09:47:11] - kids arrested for "cyber bullying" - mig

[2005-01-07 09:43:31] - mig: I guess I don't really know one way or another, but I think I would disagree with you on that if I had to say one way or the other -dave

[2005-01-07 09:42:27] - mig: ahhh, I see. so you meant torture isn't effective -dave

[2005-01-07 09:25:36] - tucker carlson is leaving CNN, and crossfire is probably being cancelled as a result. - mig

[2005-01-07 09:17:17] - or perhaps i should have bolded or rather the lack thereof as emphasis. - mig

[2005-01-07 09:15:07] - dave:  i never said it was effective, though my word choice in that last post probably should have been better. - mig

[2005-01-07 09:13:13] - another interesting thought is people generally regard torture as bodily harm to the person, but what about stuff like pressuring the person by non-physical threats? -dave

[2005-01-07 09:11:29] - mig: really? how is it effective? -dave

[2005-01-07 08:57:02] - well, there's also something to said for the effectiveness of torture, or rather the lack thereof. - mig

[2005-01-07 07:36:47] - not to say that 9/11 could have been prevented if we had tortured people -dave

[2005-01-07 07:36:24] - I mean, it's easy to say torture is horrible, but then you wonder whether preventing something like 9/11 isn't worth smacking a few people around -dave

[2005-01-07 07:34:49] - on one hand it's easy to say that 'torture' is horrible and we should never do it, but I think the realities of gathering intelligence might not be so clear-cut -dave

[2005-01-07 07:33:53] - The gonzales questioning on the subject of torture brings up an interesting topic, what should be defined as torture and what should and shouldn't be allowed ? -dave

[2005-01-07 07:20:03] - RIP becomes first player in NBA history to lead his team in scoring without scoring a field goal -dave

[2005-01-07 07:12:57] - paralegal suing NBC because he got nautious and hit his head on a doorframe from watching Fear Factor. hehe, what a joke -dave

[2005-01-07 07:10:50] - honestly, with all the dancing that the singers have to do now, it's kinda impressive that they can sing at all at the same time, I suppose that's what they're getting the big bucks for ^_^ -dave

[2005-01-07 07:10:03] - amusingly, if it was really that bad, just goes to show how much more audiences appreciate having recordings played for them with the performer lip-syncing -dave

[2005-01-07 07:09:16] - there's so much hubbub about Ashlee Simpson's 'horrible performance' at the bowl game. Anyone see it? was it really that bad? -dave

[2005-01-07 07:08:38] - pierce: yeah, I wasn't exactly clear on what they were teaching either, but I got the same impression as you -dave

[2005-01-07 02:31:56] - vinnie: I hadn't seen this penny arcade since we moved in... it seems somewhat apt now. - pierce

[2005-01-06 20:48:19] - They don't even technically have to be taught separately, though putting them together (like the disclaimer sticker we discussed the last time this topic came up) reveals a pretty clear ulterior motive. - pierce

[2005-01-06 20:44:58] - I dunno, i just don't see what's wrong with teaching two facts: "scientific theories are merely predictive models based on observation and logical reasoning" and "darwinistic evolution is a scientific theory". - pierce

[2005-01-06 20:35:00] - "Genesis is an explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin's view, and if students want to read more about it, they can read a book called 'The Bible' which they can find in the school library or the nearest hotel room." - pierce

[2005-01-06 20:33:33] - if I did understand it correctly, I fail to understand how "Intelligent Design is an explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin's view, and that if students want to read more about it, they can read a book called 'Of Pandas and People' which they can find in the school library." is functionally different from... - pierce

[2005-01-06 20:30:57] - regarding the intelligent design challenge, I was a little unclear on what exactly is being taught... as I gathered it, they're not actually teaching the theory, just telling the students that it exists and they can read about it in a particular book.  Is that right as far as you all read it? - pierce

[2005-01-06 16:58:12] - he got the sack

[2005-01-06 16:58:06] - did you hear about the nearsighted circumcisor?

[2005-01-06 16:45:35] - Dave: Zero tolerance. It's not just for kids anymore. -Paul

[2005-01-06 16:28:32] - seems a bit harsh of a sentence for the situation. -dave

[2005-01-06 16:28:00] - apparently she drove her son to school, found the guns in the back of the car, asked her son why they were there (he said he didn't know), locked the car and went into the school. The kid apparently had a key to the car the mother didn't know about, got a gun and went into the school -dave

[2005-01-06 16:27:00] - VA mother gets 3 months in jail cuz her son took a loaded rifle to school. -dave

[2005-01-06 14:14:27] - 0‡‡k1‡(;4895.)6*;48‡0†062(5(:_5(†.‡_k8;)

[2005-01-06 13:05:12] - Dave: There aren't any official libertarian congresspeople (Ron Paul ran for president as a libertarian but runs for congress as a republican), I don't know about the Green party. -paul

[2005-01-06 12:58:36] - Paul: actually, it came about because a congresswoman signed or didn't sign something to spark a debate. Are there any libertarian or green congresspeople? -dave

[2005-01-06 12:57:58] - Paul: that is because they are insignificant ^_^ -dave

[2005-01-06 12:57:41] - PA district defends its plan to teach intelligent design alongside evolution -dave

[2005-01-06 12:56:44] - Dave: Interesting that there is no mention of the libertarian and green party challenge to the Ohio results. -Paul

[2005-01-06 12:54:52] - here's a cnn article on the challenging of ohio electoral votes for you non-washpost registered people -dave

[2005-01-06 12:50:57] - reimportation of drugs from Canada may be stopped -dave

[2005-01-06 12:43:50] - he'd been separated for 3 years already, and the wife still got 5 out of 35 mil -dave

[2005-01-06 12:43:28] - man divorces his wife before collecting lotto prize -dave

[2005-01-06 12:39:37] - Democrats forcing debate by challenging pres. election in Ohio -dave

[2005-01-06 11:37:22] - god the hornets are hilarious this year - vinnie

[2005-01-06 11:24:59] - mig: Crap, Miguel is going to get back a guy who shoots 50% from the line and goes 1-10 from downtown on a team that has, what, two wins? We're doomed! -Paul

[2005-01-06 11:24:00] - bah, it matters not, now that the baron is back you all are doomed.  doomed! - mig

[2005-01-06 10:25:26] - Vinnie: Trade him to me. ;-) -Paul

[2005-01-06 10:07:16] - HOMM 4 was released 2 years ago i think. - mig

[2005-01-06 09:55:31] - paul: Heroes of might and magic? That's a really old game. Did they make a sequel recently or something? - aaron

[2005-01-06 09:45:19] - paul: now if ak-47 could only stop playing computer games and rejoin my fantasy team!! :) - vinnie

[2005-01-06 07:45:21] - Paul: hehe, yay for doug christie -dave

[2005-01-05 17:02:07] - AK-47 likes computer games! -Paul

[2005-01-05 16:59:44] - Actor Richard Gere encourages Palestinians to vote -Paul

[2005-01-05 16:58:21] - OMG, the Doug Christie show!? -Paul

[2005-01-05 16:39:35] - Redskins safety Sean Taylor cleared of drunken driving charge -Paul

[2005-01-05 16:25:00] - obviously there are lots of contrasts between a prenup and an eula.  i just wish there was a legal way to make contracts and eulas short enough that people would be expected to actually read and understand them.  in the case of the eula, i'd like to be able to have "don't sue me if this software breaks something" and legally that would be enough ~a

[2005-01-05 16:20:09] - Aaron: Exactly. I hope he got a lot of good tax benefits from being married for 12 years to at least partially offset it. -Paul

[2005-01-05 16:17:39] - Like, outside of moving to a different country, there's nothing further he could have done to protect his investments - aaron

[2005-01-05 16:16:42] - paul: So I guess I'm just saying, if he really cares about his money enough to ask for a pre-nup, then I think he did the right thing and it's awful he's being punished for it anyways - aaron

[2005-01-05 16:14:33] - paul: Well, asking for a pre-nup is such a faux-pas, and he was willing to possibly invalidate the marriage or insult his fiance by asking for one two days before the wedding. I think that shows where his priorities are (his money/estate), and it also takes a lot of courage - aaron

[2005-01-05 16:12:45] - Aaron: I feel bad for the husband. -Paul

[2005-01-05 16:08:49] - paul: I think the article is pretty hilariously tragic myself - aaron

[2005-01-05 16:07:52] - ditto what aaron said.  i don't think there is even a case affirming eula's status as a legal contract, most of these cases end up getting settled before going to court. i could be very wrong on this however.  - mig

[2005-01-05 16:07:10] - paul: Okay, I had a feeling he wasn't comparing the two. - aaron

[2005-01-05 16:05:43] - Aaron: I think he was comparing the two of them since they are both contracts and I made the comment about contracts not appearing to mean anything these days. -Paul

[2005-01-05 16:01:45] - Because if you are, there are so many great differences between the two that I don't know where to begin invalidating your analogy - aaron

[2005-01-05 15:59:55] - Just to clear the air, are you trying to compare EULAs to "pre-nuptural agreements?" - aaron

[2005-01-05 15:59:45] - I've also got to wonder when the husband signed a contract saying he'll give his ex money if they divorced. Is that in the marriage contract? -Paul

[2005-01-05 15:56:21] - a: I don't agree to eulas, I just keep clicking next without reading anything until the software installs ;-) -Paul

[2005-01-05 15:54:20] - a: although I think my dad said that there is some law that takes into account knowing what you're signing etc. Like if you miss something in the fine print it might be taken into account in court -dave

[2005-01-05 15:53:18] - a: no, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we're not liable for it either -dave

[2005-01-05 15:52:52] - mig: yeah, the only angle I could see is some sort of defense saying she didn't know what she was signing, or it wasn't fair popping the prenup on her a few days before the wedding etc -dave

[2005-01-05 15:52:13] - that's addressed to paul and dave too.  ~a

[2005-01-05 15:51:56] - mig:  do you read all of every eula you agree to?  ~a

[2005-01-05 15:48:15] - i mean honestly, if a term in a contract is so "unreasonble", then why do you sign off on it in the first place? - mig

[2005-01-05 15:27:12] - Dave: Contracts don't seem to mean anything these days. -Paul

[2005-01-05 15:23:51] - paul: blech, how horrible. What is a prenup if it's not defining your future rights? -dave

[2005-01-05 15:02:15] - Appeals Court has ruled that an ex-wife is entitled to alimony even though she signed a prenuptial agreement waiving it. -Paul

[2005-01-05 13:13:20] - Dave: I'm not entirely sure what the democrats are saying, but my guess is that their point is that the problem is easily solved by raising taxes (or, as they would probably phrase it, roll back Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy). -Paul

[2005-01-05 13:09:30] - a:  i do not blindly believe everything i read, if that's what you're implying. - mig

[2005-01-05 13:07:06] - paul: but if that's the case, I don't get why the dem's are saying it's not critical to solve SS now -dave

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