here are old message board entries

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[2005-01-26 15:45:29] - paul: 100 years? don't be so optimistic! I'll bet its more like 50 years before all of our morals and ideals are laughably out of date - aaron

[2005-01-26 15:44:54] - a: Why are standard deviations needed for some of the stats to be of any use? -Paul

[2005-01-26 15:44:10] - Dave: Maybe, I just think that the desire to impress would be stronger. -Paul

[2005-01-26 15:42:36] - paul_dave:  ok, i'm asking you why you care about anything in that article.  they don't list standard deviations, so i don't see how it could be of any use.  ~a

[2005-01-26 15:40:54] - Paul: really? you dont' think the males would be distracted by ogling the females? -dave

[2005-01-26 15:40:05] - Dave: I wouldn't be surprised if men's scores went up with a higher percentage of women in the room. Something to do with the competitive nature of males. -Paul

[2005-01-26 15:36:28] - Paul: what would also be interesting is to see if men's scores went down with a higher percentage of women in the room -dave

[2005-01-26 15:35:24] - a: and I agree with Paul, I don't get what you were trying to say 0_o -dave

[2005-01-26 15:34:42] - a: I find it interesting that you find the uninteresting sentences to be interesting enough to post uninteresting sentences about them ^_^ -dave

[2005-01-26 15:32:49] - a: For instance, it could be something to support the existence of all-female schools. -Paul

[2005-01-26 15:30:43] - a: I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say. I just think it's interesting that supposedly women don't perform as well on math tests when there is a higher percentage of men in the room. -Paul

[2005-01-26 15:29:34] - Aaron: Makes you wonder what scientists 100 years from now are going to think about things we think we know now. -Paul

[2005-01-26 15:27:04] - look at the standard deviation, dude, not the mean.  ~a

[2005-01-26 15:27:01] - "I found sentences like that to be pretty interesting."  i know you probably don't care, but i find them very uninteresting.  regarding your quote and others like the "stereotype threat -- a feeling of discomfort when women fear that they may fulfill a negative stereotype about their group.".  applying these tidbits to real-world circumstances is ignorant . . .  ~a

[2005-01-26 15:26:48] - paul: Kids under 12 years old slander eachother all the time, I'm guessing they were trying to avoid kids for getting prosecuted for namecalling - aaron

[2005-01-26 15:25:50] - paul: "male scientists feared that mental exertions would draw blood away from women's ovaries" oh, those wacky 19th century scienticians - aaron

[2005-01-26 15:22:40] - I'm also curious as to why it only applies to women over 12 years old. -Paul

[2005-01-26 15:09:16] - The law does say it is OK to slander a "common prostitute."

[2005-01-26 15:09:02] - Aaron: You would think it would be a pretty open and shut case. -Paul

[2005-01-26 15:08:37] - "Women's math scores are also known to fall when the proportion of men in the room increases" I found sentences like that to be pretty interesting. -Paul

[2005-01-26 15:08:01] - URL says it all again. -Paul

[2005-01-26 15:07:05] - "a man who let loose with a few profanities after falling out of a canoe...." hehe :) i would love to be a juror for a case like that! - aaron

[2005-01-26 14:56:31] - Seattle Senator Wants to Repeal Slander Law -Paul

[2005-01-26 14:40:59] - i guess i didn't snow

[2005-01-26 14:34:21] - i guess i didn't know.  i guess i didn't know.

[2005-01-26 14:18:49] - a: I guess i just didn't notice - aaron

[2005-01-26 13:51:13] - that's just what we need, another vaguely worded law to make sure all programmers are terrified to write programs. - mig

[2005-01-26 13:34:15] - aaron:  dave posted a link at 9am then there was 140 something hits (mostly google being dumb), then posted a link at 12pm then google dicked around for a while (probably bringing it up to 28).  did you miss the one at 12pm?  ~a

[2005-01-26 13:23:47] - well it doesn't reset it anyways.  ~a

[2005-01-26 13:23:33] - dave:  changing the title doesn't change the hit counter.  ~a

[2005-01-26 13:10:12] -  Tsunami aid piles up but victims still go hungry -Paul

[2005-01-26 13:08:28] -,7369,1398419,00.html Black Americans suspect HIV plot -Paul

[2005-01-26 12:45:07] - aaron: stealth post! or mebbe it was achange of title -dave

[2005-01-26 12:37:39] - How did the hit counter reset? I don't see a new post, but it went from 140-something back to 28 - aaron

[2005-01-26 11:54:59] - governor of missouri bans video games in prison -dave

[2005-01-26 08:59:22] - EU software patent directive postponed again -dave

[2005-01-26 08:57:31] - EAs bid for world domination thwarted. Take Two buys Sega's game studios -dave

[2005-01-26 08:54:05] - another columnist on the bush payroll about to be exposed. - mig

[2005-01-26 08:49:25] - mig: true true. I was just saying that because there's this whole public outpouring of sympathy for this guy, and I just wanted to point out that we only have one side of the story -dave

[2005-01-26 08:45:30] - dave:  well i guess with the husband, is it something that we (the public) really needs to know?  could be something embarassing.  - mig

[2005-01-26 08:15:13] - Teenagers suing McDonald's for "misleading" them and making them obese. What a bunch of junk -dave

[2005-01-26 08:11:32] - like what if the guy beat his wife, or had a 4 year affair with someone else? -dave

[2005-01-26 08:10:43] - man takes out $17k newspaper ad to ask for wife's forgiveness. Interesting that they don't list what the husband did -dave

[2005-01-26 08:08:01] - boys arrested for stick figure drawings showing them stabbing and hanging another kid -dave

[2005-01-26 08:06:55] - hurrah! Palestinian govt using security forces to prevent attacks against Israel -dave

[2005-01-26 08:00:44] - Britain, Russia, and most of the European countries I could see us "safely" being at war against though -dave.

[2005-01-26 07:59:16] - a: or how about Japan/Taiwan/Korea - what % of the world's electronic goods is routed through there at some stage? -dave

[2005-01-26 07:58:01] - a: the thought of another world war is interesting though. I mean think about it, a large portion of the world's manufactured parts come from China, if we were fighting against them, we'd have to either gear up our industry to make them, or find someone else amicable to buy them from -dave

[2005-01-26 07:52:32] - a: as far as the US being invaded, I think I agree with Paul. Even if we were ganged up on by several nations, it'd still be quite tough to actually invade the US. I mean really, if our whole military was consolidated to protect the US, we could probably take on at least 2-3 major countries on at the same time -dave

[2005-01-26 07:49:51] - a: the only somewhat reasonable argument I can think of is that countries such as north korea and pakistan are "known" to sell their weapons to terrorists, so everyone's scared of them selling nukes etc to terrorists. The superpowers supposedly don't -dave

[2005-01-26 07:48:25] - a: yeah, most of the 'superpowers'  have nukes etc, and yet we still yell at any new nation attempting production etc. I think the 'illogical' rationale that we use is that we're 'responsible' in our use of the weapons whereas other countries such as pakistan, north korea etc, aren't -dave

[2005-01-25 17:03:33] -  Goodger (Firefox's lead software engineer) joins Google  -mel

[2005-01-25 16:51:21] - I understand "we are the world" is a pretty long song but...... two DVDs?! - aaron

[2005-01-25 13:43:44] - i reinstalled & reconfigured php.  right now there are 3 builds of php on  cli, cgi, and modphp (aka. apache 2.0 module).  to deconflict the cli and the cgi, i changed the cgi prefix directory (which is why sites were down while i was at lunch)    plus, reinstalling the apache module always requires an http restart.  ~a

[2005-01-25 13:34:39] - a: what happen?

[2005-01-25 13:34:27] - psychotropics are humane as far as chemical weapons go, like I said. probably even as far as weapons go, barring some horrible side effects. not humane though - vinnie

[2005-01-25 13:28:07] - sorry the server was down when i was at lunch.  ~a

[2005-01-25 11:45:38] - google video search active! Covers ABC, NBC, PBS, C-SPAN - aaron

[2005-01-25 10:51:06] - Mig: Well, it's like what Vox was saying about the internment of Americans of Japanese heritage during World War 2. The threat  was blown way out of proportion in order to scare people into approving of it. -Paul

[2005-01-25 10:48:23] - paul:  though if you'd listen to bush talking about the "terrorist threat", you'd think the ships carried islamic marines are just on the coast waiting to strike. - mig

[2005-01-25 10:32:26] - treaty being talked about essentially giving ownership of all the ocean to a UN agency. - mig

[2005-01-25 10:23:16] - And I'm not entirely sure if any nation has a navy that can even come close to ours. Maybe Britain? -Paul

[2005-01-25 10:22:33] - a: Barring the use of nukes, I think I disagree. Only Canada and Mexico could really launch land attacks against us, everyone else would have to launch a naval attack or settle for air raids. -Paul

[2005-01-25 10:15:34] - paul:  i think if the nations planned a joint attack we might not be able to do much squashing.  ~a

[2005-01-25 10:00:22] - a: That, and we're supposedly a democracy, which is generally seen as more lovable and friendly than dictatorships. -Paul

[2005-01-25 09:59:52] - a: Because we're bigger than everybody else and would squash anybody who tried to stop our chemical weapons production. -Paul

[2005-01-25 09:57:22] - psychotropics are humane?  maybe by comparison they're humane, but i still wouldn't flat out call them humane.  ~a

[2005-01-25 09:53:45] - a: I see you point, but 1) this is only something being looked into, and 2) it's pretty humane as far as chemical weapons go, unlike what they claimed Saddam was developing in Iraq - vinnie

[2005-01-25 09:36:18] - why is US chemical weapon production acceptable when iraqi chemical weapon production is a reason for war?  now that our production plans have gone public, will a country with the best interests of the world in mind declare war on the US?  ~a

[2005-01-25 09:21:03] - dave: I know. it seems unreal - vinnie

[2005-01-25 07:23:24] - vinnie: I'd be more interested in the fact that they could come up with some chemical that would promote gay behavior, if they were able to come up with it.  -dave

[2005-01-25 07:12:44] - mig: Not to mention it would make us even easier to villify. - aaron

[2005-01-24 17:25:46] - vinnie:  that is quite possibly the most insane thing i've ever heard of anyone come up with. - mig

[2005-01-24 16:34:41] - pentagon looking into gaying up enemy troops - vinnie

[2005-01-24 16:28:29] - also launching a website explaining how companies can license tech to get their media players to function better with windows -dave

[2005-01-24 16:28:04] - Microsoft won't appeal EU sanction. They're going to sell a Windows version that doesn't have the media player, but it's the same price as the one with the media player -dave

[2005-01-24 15:20:38] - snow makes going home very annoying. - mig

[2005-01-24 15:17:53] - mig:  what happened?  ~a

[2005-01-24 15:16:09] - i have never hated snow as much as i hate snow now. - mig

[2005-01-24 14:43:53] - rumors of Google wanting to launch a free internet phone service -dave

[2005-01-24 14:18:47] - mig: I don't really think we need to expend resources to figure out why nations hate the US.  I could understand the desire to expend resources to try to increase our international stature though. -dave

[2005-01-24 13:02:37] - a: :-D - aaron

[2005-01-24 12:45:32] - "It is a simple strategy," he said of the Patriot Act, grinning expectantly at the half-Asian crowd. "If you are a terrorist suspect we will stick to you like white on rice"

[2005-01-24 12:42:47] - author of the patriot act makes complete jackass of himself. - mig

[2005-01-24 12:16:26] - if having sex with underage boys and providing weed and booze is wrong, then i don't want to know what right is.  ~a

[2005-01-24 11:54:03] - French court says Google can no longer use the trademarks of Le Meridien Hotels and Resorts for its keyword ads -dave

[2005-01-24 11:51:16] - Verizon sued over aggressive spam-filtering -dave

[2005-01-24 10:27:18] - Dave: I did not know that. -Paul

[2005-01-24 10:01:07] - Did you know that the 'nerf' verb came from the analogy of turning something from a 'real' gun into a 'nerf' gun? -dave

[2005-01-24 09:18:00] - Motion Picture Recording Industry vs. Grokster in Supreme Court case. Several large companies (MS, Apple, Google, AOL, etc) urge Supreme court to not strip protections from liability -dave

[2005-01-24 09:07:17] -  A 40-year-old woman held sex and drug parties with teenage boys, telling police she wanted to be a "cool mom," authorities say. -dave

[2005-01-24 09:04:27] - baby named yahoo a hoax. reporter fired -dave

[2005-01-24 02:49:02] - pierce: I guess most of those are small and soft, and they squeeze well. They're bouyant but they wouldn't roll very well.... I can't imagine how lubricant fits in there though - aaron

[2005-01-24 00:29:16] -  hfs is broadcasting online now with aol....  -  aba

[2005-01-23 18:16:18] - "Similar objects: chewing gum, a photon, a stick of gum, an eye ball, a ribbon, a hair tie, a bag of potato chips, glitter (little sparkly bits), earplugs, a hair scrunchie, a necklace, lubricant." - pierce

[2005-01-22 23:46:06] - The URL pretty much says it all. -Paul

[2005-01-22 18:56:13] - imo, the saddest entry is  -  aba

[2005-01-22 18:55:38] -  and    -  aba

[2005-01-22 15:05:04] - aaron:  can you add it to a salad?  ~a

[2005-01-22 13:40:54] - Play 20 questions with an A.I. I've seen stuff like this before. I thought it was pretty funny what happened when I thought of "condom!" - aaron

[2005-01-21 17:45:39] - travis: sounds good. I like cheap food. -- Xpovos

[2005-01-21 17:16:53] - Travis: But if you're going to go through the drive-thru, I'll go with you. :-) -paul

[2005-01-21 17:16:28] - Travis: And everybody else working there. -Paul

[2005-01-21 17:16:04] - Travis: Not counting every other person going through the drive-thru tonight. -Paul

[2005-01-21 17:14:22] - "The coach was much older, and married."  how much older?  ~a

[2005-01-21 17:14:04] - paul: guess i get lucky all to myself then ;-) - travis

[2005-01-21 16:25:38] - Travis: Your offers are tempting, but I think I'm going to just visit Subway in an attempt to be like Jared and Eat Fresh. -Paul

[2005-01-21 16:23:30] - Travis: You're so mean. :'( -Paul

[2005-01-21 16:20:41] - paul: there's even coupons for salads, mr fatty mcfat - travis

[2005-01-21 16:20:02] - mig+paul+xpovos: if any of you want to eat mcdonald's i have coupons :-) 20 nuggets = $3, buy stuff get free stuff, etc - travis

[2005-01-21 16:19:00] - mig: show up at 7 8-) - travis

[2005-01-21 16:13:15] - travis:  ok i can show up around 6 i think. - mig

[2005-01-21 16:08:22] - paul: heh heh heh. ^_^ -dave

[2005-01-21 16:06:05] - mig: paul and andrew are gonna be at my place tonight if you wanted to show up and play the franchise - travis

[2005-01-21 16:05:22] - Dave: I get the feeling that any comment I make on that article is just going to get me in trouble so I'm going to keep my mouth shut. :-P -Paul

[2005-01-21 15:55:41] - -dave

[2005-01-21 15:55:33] - I believe they're talking about female atheletes -dave

[2005-01-21 15:55:20] - "In the first extensive study of its kind, sociology professor Sandra Kirby of the University of Winnipeg found that 22.8 percent of respondents in a Canadian sample had sexual intercourse with a coach or other person in position of authority within their sport." -dave

[2005-01-21 15:55:17] - dave:  if you feel like chiming in on my latest journal entry, i would appreciate any wisdom you have on the topic of video cards, of which i know you have plenty. - mig

[2005-01-21 15:55:07] - Paul: Yeah, I know what you mean. A lot of people think that about Hero. -dave

[2005-01-21 15:45:38] - Dave: It's not even that I think those kind of movies are poorly made or anything, I just don't usually like movies whose primary goal is to try to be artsy and the plot and everything else is secondary. -Paul

[2005-01-21 15:44:25] - Dave: It just feels like the director is more concerned with making leaves change from yellow to red than in making the plot interesting or having pieces of green cloth flying around instead of making the characters likeable. -Paul

[2005-01-21 15:43:14] - Dave: Unfortunately, I find that often movies that attempt to be stylish or creative with their colors often are lacking in other departments. Somewhat in the way people complain about how special effects in movies sometimes take away from the story or whatever. -Paul

[2005-01-21 15:41:33] - Dave: It's not really that I think it's "ok" to use it sometimes but not others. It's just that 99% of the time I don't find wacky use of color to be inherently good. -Paul

[2005-01-21 15:33:49] - a: "The benchmark index remains on track to open the year with three straight weeks of losses, an event not seen since 1982. In that year, the Dow fell 3.4 percent in those three weeks but ended up 20 percent on the year. " -dave

[2005-01-21 15:31:45] - paul: ahh ok, I guess I wasn't sure of what you thought it was "ok" to use it for, or your difference between "style" and "substance" -dave

[2005-01-21 15:30:50] - vinnie: yeah, I think it was just used for that one thing. -dave

[2005-01-21 14:44:42] - Dave: I never saw Schindler's List but from everything I've heard the black and white aspect had very little to do with trying to make the movie stylish and there was plenty of substance behind it. -Paul

[2005-01-21 14:40:12] - dave: schindler's list just had one part like that, right? I remember it basically being a black/white movie with one trick - vinnie

[2005-01-21 14:33:57] - paul: it would be interesting to have had those same people say whether Kerry would have been a better choice. I mean, I guess the question implies they think he would, but I'm curious nonetheless -dave

[2005-01-21 14:30:04] - paul: how about Schindler's List? -dave

[2005-01-21 14:11:14] - Most Indians say 'thumbs up' to second Bush term -Paul

[2005-01-21 14:01:11] - Travis: And as much as I am intrigued by Jessica Alba's pole dancing, I'm worried about the fact the Sin City looks like it's going to be one of those movies which is all about style and saying "Look at the weird things we can do!". -Paul

[2005-01-21 13:57:46] - Travis: Pleasantville is one of the very few movies I can think of where such a similar type thing actually added greatly to the movie (and was fairly integral to it as well). -Paul

[2005-01-21 13:56:00] - Travis: Because I often don't think it adds anything to a movie and usually it's used in movies which I don't like (or I feel like it's too central a part of the movie, as if visuals were all that mattered). -Paul

[2005-01-21 13:48:13] - paul: well, you did talk about rather derisively :-) - travis

[2005-01-21 13:22:00] - Travis: Ok, I was just confused by "most people are probably like paul and won't like the black/white plus color visuals". Sounded like you were saying I didn't like it either. -Paul

[2005-01-21 13:20:20] - travis: ahhh, yeah. Don't think they're expecting it to be as big as Batman Begins -dave

[2005-01-21 13:17:48] - paul: and that's all i meant, the majority of audiences don't like black and white or subtitles in their movies - travis

[2005-01-21 13:12:37] - Travis: I don't know if I recall the exact conversation, but I do remember saying that I don't think the movie will necessarily be a big hit because of the black and white contrasting with bright colors aspect of it. -Paul

[2005-01-21 13:09:55] - paul: no, i was basing it off your direct comment during the falcons/rams game - travis

[2005-01-21 13:09:26] - dave: i guess you're talking about FF, and yeah, it would be early to be advertising, but batman begins already has posters in theaters - travis

[2005-01-21 13:09:13] - Dave: No, but I figured Travis was basing his comment off the fact that I didn't like Hero and the movie is similar in that they both appear to heavily utilize bright and contrasting colors as a major part of the movie's appeal. -Paul

[2005-01-21 13:07:55] - hmm, altho Sin City is released in April, sooner than Fantastic Four -dave

[2005-01-21 13:06:50] - Paul: Hero was black/white with color visuals? -dave

[2005-01-21 13:05:50] - travis: it's released in July? that's a longtime away to start advertising for it, yes? Specially comic book movies that really have a cult following, no? -dave

[2005-01-21 13:05:47] - Travis: I don't dislike it, I just hope that the entire point of the movie doesn't revolve around it like I felt Hero did. -Paul

[2005-01-21 13:04:16] - on the other hand, most people are probably like paul and won't like the black/white plus color visuals - travis

[2005-01-21 13:03:31] - dave: regarding sin city, that's why i think it could do very well, since they can also advertise it however they want - travis

[2005-01-21 13:00:12] - dave: yeah, paul said it was there, but there haven't been ads on tv or any other movies, and it's not like elektra did very well - travis

[2005-01-21 12:59:49] - travis: dang, sin city has a lotta big names -dave

[2005-01-21 12:58:39] - travis: I saw the fantastic four preview when I saw Elektra -dave

[2005-01-21 12:54:19] - Xpovos: btw, if you have time, can I talk to you on AIM sometime? -Paul

[2005-01-21 12:53:38] - Xpovos: Yeah, I noticed that. I wonder if that's just there because we're the reigning ACC champs or if it will always be on our schedule at the beginning of the year. -Paul

[2005-01-21 12:48:05] - is --> us. oi

[2005-01-21 12:47:46] - Paul: I love how they have is penciled in for the ACC championship. -- Xpovos

[2005-01-21 12:12:09] - pierce: yeah, sin city looks like the best comic book movie this year, so of course it's also getting the least amount of advertising, although maybe that will pick up closer to release since i also haven't seen much fantastic four advertising - travis

[2005-01-21 11:57:43] - 2005 Football schedule for Virginia Tech released. -Paul

[2005-01-21 11:55:30] - what I'm really excited about is sin city. - pierce

[2005-01-21 11:55:08] - I think it looks decent, I'm not expecting citizen kane but I didn't like citizen kane. - pierce

[2005-01-21 11:54:41] - dave+travis: it looks like the matrix only they took away the "metaphor" part of the religious references. - pierce

[2005-01-21 10:30:02] - Costco sells an orginial Picasso -dave

[2005-01-21 09:32:10] - the character was originally created by alan moore during his run on "swamp thing", neil gaiman used him in an early issue of "sandman" and he's had his own monthly book for a long time now (just passed 200 issues) - travis

[2005-01-21 09:29:53] - that would be "magician" not "magacian" - travis

[2005-01-21 09:29:26] - dave: it's based on the comic book "hellblazer", the main character is a british magacian named john constantine who uses wits and trickery to get out of trouble with demons and the devil (not a "cross"bow) - travis

[2005-01-21 09:24:11] - can't SCO just die already. - mig

[2005-01-21 09:16:15] - SCO granted additional access to IBM code =/    -dave

[2005-01-21 09:09:19] - dave:  well i've seen previews.  seems to be one of those hit-or-miss movies for me. - mig

[2005-01-21 09:07:19] - anyone know anything about the movie Constantine? It look good? Supposed to be based on a comic book -dave

[2005-01-21 09:04:31] - stoical kerry during inauguration -dave

[2005-01-21 09:00:10] - VA Senate approves bill to bar teens from cell phone use while driving -dave

[2005-01-21 09:00:01] - ugh i just read that awful speech he gave yesterday.  Seeing him use the word "self-government" felt painful. - mig

[2005-01-21 08:52:45] - heh heh, at an inaugural ball "Little said he missed and adored the late President Ronald Reagan and "I wish he was here tonight, but as a matter of fact he is," and he proceeded to impersonate Reagan, saying, "You know, somebody asked me, 'Do you think the war on poverty is over?' I said, 'Yes, the poor lost.' " The crowd went wild. " -dave

[2005-01-21 08:11:32] - a: on the upside, GE just reported strong earnings, so that has a decent chance of sparking a rally -dave

[2005-01-21 07:49:48] - a: well, a lot of people were taking profits after the extreme high's from dec. what's kinda frustrating though is that it's still been trending down, even though earning announcements from companies have been good, as well as other economic indicators -dave

[2005-01-20 21:27:21] - gah... musical guest on SNL this weekend is Ludacris featuring Sum 41.  That does not make sense.  If SNL's musical guest is Ludacris featuring Sum 41, you must acquit. - pierce

[2005-01-20 19:03:08] - man the stock market sucks now.  stupid bush getting reelected.  ~a

[2005-01-20 09:42:04] - dave: Same here, it looked like about 2-3" - aaron

[2005-01-20 09:10:02] - dave: well, technically speaking, a lot of wifi configurations use ethernet between the router and the wan, so I bet ethernet's still technically winning. - pierce

[2005-01-20 09:04:01] - wi-fi surpasses ethernet in household use -dave

[2005-01-20 07:23:46] - how much snow did you guys get? we got just enough to cover the ground and stuff, but that was about it -dave

[2005-01-20 02:54:48] - pierce:  nope.  they had a patch ... like ... the day of.  ~a

[2005-01-20 02:41:20] - a: that is surprising... I haven't been keeping up-to-date about it since I'm not currently using any linux machines for anything, but that seems uncharacteristic for the community.  Was it a very complicated problem or something? - pierce

[2005-01-19 23:22:41] - until today, the message-board-computer was running a fixed release candidate, and even still my non-message-board-computer is running an exploitable kernel.  ~a

[2005-01-19 23:18:35] - pierce:  they still haven't had a stable 2.6 linux release since the most recent kernel exploit?  until today they didn't have a stable 2.4 release since the kernel exploit?  wtf?  hasn't the exploit been out for like two weeks?!  ~a

[2005-01-19 21:01:47] - a: well you know, the spammers were worried that they were getting portrayed as legitimate businessmen.  They've worked hard for their reputation as bottom-feeding scum of society, and they intent to protect it. - pierce

[2005-01-19 20:46:21] -,39025001,39127148,00.htm  poor guy gets sued by spammers.  ~a

[2005-01-19 20:29:40] - amy:  pick a color.  ~a

[2005-01-19 20:06:04] - I don't have anything to say - amy

[2005-01-19 19:10:25] - mig: i'm still at work, and the traffic is only marginally better. Jones Branch is still backed up as far as I can see but the traffic is moving ~3 mph - aaron

[2005-01-19 19:00:47] - nearly 2 fucking hours to get home and i left at like 4:15..... arghhhhh. -mig

[2005-01-19 18:15:05] - paul: :(

[2005-01-19 18:03:34] - Aaron: Oh wow, that sucks. I haven't been outside yet, but from my window it looks like traffic is about normal around here. -Paul

[2005-01-19 17:56:23] - paul: The whole tysons area is really congested right now. Cars aren't moving at all! - aaron

[2005-01-19 17:15:05] - Aaron: Why won't the snow let you go home? -Paul

[2005-01-19 16:42:12] - snow won't let me go home :( i want to go home! - aaron

[2005-01-19 16:17:39] - dave: Interesting. - aaron

[2005-01-19 16:10:33] - pierce: well to me, those examples fell in the "latter" category as well, but I suppose I can see how you might see differently. Unfortunately I don't have the time atm to come up with another example (if one exists), as I have to leave work. I'll try to post something later -dave

[2005-01-19 16:08:15] - aaron: well, there have been a few notable exceptions where scientists have gone on missions to disprove christianity by evidence, and then during/after that mission converting to Christianity -dave

[2005-01-19 16:06:25] - No arguments or anything, I'm just saying what i'm thinking - aaron

[2005-01-19 16:05:24] - dave: Right, he could be trying to test all of our combined faiths, like job x a million or something. Unlucky coincedence that the people who try to overanalyze things scientifically end up getting punished the most! I think i had a long conversation about this with the G+P folks - aaron

[2005-01-19 16:03:57] - aaron: not that I think those fossils prove/show that God doesn't exist, but to discuss the possibility with Pierce -dave

[2005-01-19 16:03:49] - both of those examples seem like the latter.  genetic similarities and fossil records seem like the former. - pierce

[2005-01-19 16:03:23] - dave: again, I'm trying to draw a distinction between "proof he doesn't exist" and "lack of proof that he does exist". - pierce

[2005-01-19 16:02:23] - -dave

[2005-01-19 16:02:09] - aaron: yeah, I agree, it's not exactly the same. But i'm trying to use them to show examples in the Bible of God doing something that people at the time would not have understood because it seemed to go against what they thought God wanted. In the same vein, what's to say that God didn't put those fossils there for reasons we don't know right now?

[2005-01-19 15:59:56] - dave: Good examples, although I think there's a small (no sarcasm) difference between God being a bully, and God trying to disprove his existence - aaron

[2005-01-19 15:58:38] - Pierce: yeah, it could. It's one of the issues that many Christians spend a lot of time and thought trying to examine / explain -dave

[2005-01-19 15:57:38] - pierce: right, I agree they don't show that God doesn't exist because we "know" that he did them. However, to Moses and Job, both of those things that "God did" could understandably have been good proof that God didn't exist -dave

[2005-01-19 15:55:32] - tangentally, couldn't the hardening of Pharoah's heart be considered an abridgement of free will? - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:54:58] - dave: on the contrary, both of those things are god actively doing something, so even if it's viewed as contrary to a benevolent god, it's evidenciary of the existence of a god. - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:51:58] - pierce: or with Job who God had given almost every earthly comfort you can imagine, he took them all away even though Job hadn't done anything. That had to seem pretty dang contradictory -dave

[2005-01-19 15:50:10] - pierce: well, I don't know if I can give you an example of that exactly, but with the Israelites in Egypt, God "hardened" Pharoh's heart so that he wouldn't let the Israelites go. From Moses' perspective, that had to be pretty dang contradictory -dave

[2005-01-19 15:47:31] - dave: give me an example from the Bible of God doing something to convince people He doesn't exist, rather than simply not doing something that would prove His existence. - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:47:20] - pierce: fish and whales also seem to have a lot in common, don't they? -dave

[2005-01-19 15:46:07] - examples being the "hardening" of Pharoh's heart, and Job -dave

[2005-01-19 15:45:24] - pierce: on the topic of God doing things that might seem counterintuitive to us (such as including fossil evidence that might seem to point to evolution), well the Bible does include several accounts of things he did that would have seemed very counterintuitive to the people it was happening to -dave

[2005-01-19 15:45:07] - dave: I consider myself pretty unbiased (although who wouldn't say that), and while I see a large difference between apes and men I see more similarities.  Omnivorous vertebrates that walk more-or-less erect on two limbs, with the ability to absract the use of external tools to tasks, and social behavioural tendencies. - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:39:48] - pierce: taking your thoughts one step further, you might say, well why would God create a creature with so much similar DNA? Well, I honestly don't know. But if you take a step back and look at humans and apes, especially today, a completely unbiased person couldn't help but say that the difference between humans and apes is enormous -dave

[2005-01-19 15:38:24] - pierce: But the most complex part of evolution is "evolving the ability to evolve" so to speak. That makes up a lot of everyone's DNA - aaron

[2005-01-19 15:37:08] - pierce: No :( - aaron

[2005-01-19 15:37:04] - pierce: in other words (continuing my previous thought) just because something has a reasonable argument, or can understandably be concluded from something, doesn't mean it's true at all -dave

[2005-01-19 15:35:56] - from -dave

[2005-01-19 15:35:48] - aaron: "For example, the genetic analyses published in New Scientist have revealed a 75% similarity between the DNA of nematode worms and man." "the genes of fruit flies belonging to the Drosophila genus and human genes yielded a similarity of 60%." -dave

[2005-01-19 15:32:37] - pierce: Yeah, I agree. I can see how someone could think one came from the other since so much of it is alike. But at the same time, I think there are plenty of reasonable arguments for things that we would both agree aren't true, or have been proved to be false later -dave

[2005-01-19 15:31:07] - aaron: seriously?  I'd never heard that... do you have a source? - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:30:16] - pierce: I heard we share like %97 of our DNA with mosquitos! - aaron

[2005-01-19 15:28:17] - Again, I'm not saying it has to be evidence against intelligent design, I'm just asking if it appears that way within reason. - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:27:40] - I mean, why would humans have anything in common with chimps, let alone so much genetic material if not that we came from the same genetic lines? - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:26:49] - dave: okay then, what do you think of the fact that humans share 99.8% of their DNA (or whatever the number is) with chimpanzees?  Does that not appear to be evidence that's counterindicative of "humans are a special case" to all but the most ardent defenders of the bible? - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:25:10] - pierce: from what I know, yeah. humans evolving from a single-celled organism, or an ape, doesn't fit -dave

[2005-01-19 15:24:05] - aaron: Honestly, I don't have a codified creationist belief. My faith relies in part on "evidence" and logic, but also for a large part on personal experience -dave

[2005-01-19 15:23:11] - dave: okay, but you do oppose the idea that men evolved from apes, right? - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:22:18] - pierce: Honestly, I'm not positive, I probably don't know enough to make a real statement. But if you want one, I'll say yes, I don't know of any Biblical objections to having an alligator evolve from a fish -dave

[2005-01-19 15:21:55] - or more specifically, whether I accurately or inaccurately described your beliefs. - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:21:16] - neither necessarily are intentionally trying to bias their thoughts, but they're just inherently biased to look at it one way -dave

[2005-01-19 15:21:15] - dave: before we go on, can you answer yes or no to my question?  I want to be perfectly clear. - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:20:22] - prove evolution -dave

[2005-01-19 15:20:19] - pierce: ok, I think I understand where you're coming from now. And my reply to it would be that I think people are pre-biased as to how they will see something. Say the person is a christian he will dig up the fossil and say wow, this definitely shows creationism. An evolutionist might dig up that same fossil and say wow, this certainly...-dave

[2005-01-19 15:18:20] - Dave: so just to be absolutely clear, you don't believe the Bible is in conflict with the idea of lizards evolving into mammals and birds, or amoeba into troglodytes?  Just that it's in conflict with the evolution of apes into men? - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:17:17] - dave: Right, the "man days" versus "god days" theory, I didn't think you believed in that though - aaron

[2005-01-19 15:16:23] - dave: fair enough, it's almost the definition of a religious belief that you don't believe any evidence can ever exist that would contradict it.  But what I'm asking is why God would have created something that looked like such evidence, since He doesn't have an obvious history of tricking people into thinking He doesn't exist? - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:16:15] - pierce: in fact, most christians I know don't necessarily believe that the Bible's "seven days of creation" happened in seven literal days of time as we now define it -dave

[2005-01-19 15:15:26] - pierce: there are several biblical interpretations of literally how long it took. not all of them state a number of 3000 years or whatever -dave

[2005-01-19 15:14:40] - pierce: to be more specific, I had stated before "Hence my comment that I don't think the fossil evidence proves that he doesn't exist" -dave

[2005-01-19 15:14:16] - dave: but biblical interpretations of the time scale indicate a 3000 year history or whatever, clearly in conflict with the millions and billions of years of macroevolution.  Biblical, Christian creationism is in conflict with macroevolution of lower mammals and lizards, not just apes-to-humans. - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:13:47] - pierce: I have stated several times that I don't believe evidence exists that contradicts God's existence. Hence it's not contradictory -dave

[2005-01-19 15:12:37] - pierce: I never said that, in fact, i specifically stated "most people" instead of evolutionists in particular. I entirely agree with you -dave

[2005-01-19 15:12:23] - Dave: those statements you just made were contradictory.  If a benevolent Christian god wouldn't, or didn't implant evidence contradicting his existence, then the existence of that evidence means that he doesn't exist, right?  I'm not saying that has to be what you believe, but it is the logical conclusion of your post. - pierce

[2005-01-19 15:12:04] - aaron: christian creationists just believe in the Bible. It does say God created all things. However, the only one it specifically points out is how he created man in his own image etc etc. So It doesn't necessarily contradict a horse being created by having it evolve from a squirrel, or whatever -dave

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