here are old message board entries

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[2001-02-23 01:58:00] - no prob, travis ;) - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:58:00] - That's true, there isn't an american race per se.... -paul

[2001-02-23 01:57:00] - thank you vinnie, was trying to think of some way to say that - travis

[2001-02-23 01:57:00] - I'm gonna tear your head off Andrew! :-) -paul

[2001-02-23 01:57:00] - Really? Love is a blanket statement, but it holds a lot of meaning to a lot of people -paul

[2001-02-23 01:57:00] - bodily harm?!  ~a

[2001-02-23 01:57:00] - nationalism isn't racism. just look at the word. I can be an american nationalist, and obviously because of the makeup of the Usa, that's not true - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:56:00] - Good, we've all calmed down some, I think, no one threatening me with bodily harm any more? -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:56:00] - You are making racism too much of a blanket statement.  If you do that with words then they lose thier meaning - nemo

[2001-02-23 01:55:00] - not helping your bar by not signing, andrew :-P - travis

[2001-02-23 01:55:00] - That nationalism is racism that is -paul

[2001-02-23 01:55:00] - *isn't even listed so it's alll good* - nemo

[2001-02-23 01:55:00] - I will agree with that -paul

[2001-02-23 01:55:00] - yeah, paul, if you haven't finished that program, you should do it - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:55:00] - Err, me, of  course, the guy in second -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:55:00] - And Paul under your definition all Nationalism is Racism.

[2001-02-23 01:54:00] - I havn't said anything for a while and I'm still in second.

[2001-02-23 01:54:00] - most of the definitions on relate to believing in intrinsic superiority - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:54:00] - That's because society has put a negative tone to the term racism, implying that it has to be bad -paul

[2001-02-23 01:54:00] - *kicks paul in the shins* it doesn't matter if you're right, go do your program!! - travis

[2001-02-23 01:53:00] - Check English Oxford, but the way Racism tends to be defined in most Social Psyc courses is as acts or words that discriminate unfairly against a race or people - nemo

[2001-02-23 01:53:00] - Damn right, bow down to me! -paul

[2001-02-23 01:53:00] - so you're the de facto source for english language paul? :-) - travis

[2001-02-23 01:52:00] - Racism is when, for whatever reason, we treat or think about or act towards a specific race differently -paul

[2001-02-23 01:51:00] - There is a subtle difference and Websters is not really the best source.

[2001-02-23 01:51:00] - like how when asked to think of a bird, most people will think of a small one - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:51:00] - That's just it, racism doesn't have to be mean spirited or morally wrong or not based on fact -paul

[2001-02-23 01:51:00] - stereotyping is something our minds naturally do anyway - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:51:00] - I would say yes -paul

[2001-02-23 01:50:00] - The downfall of society, man, that's what this was all about.  -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:50:00] - yeah, but i believe that this time they weren't right.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:50:00] - you're not denouncing him as being less of a person, just stating a fact. -katie

[2001-02-23 01:50:00] - Racism is discrimination.  If I don't give money to black charities but I give to white charities my behavior can be considered racist - nemo

[2001-02-23 01:50:00] - i just read the same definition. paul's statement was indeed racist :) - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:50:00] - hysteria?  great . . . .    -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:50:00] - society has also taught us that any stereotypes are evil and always wrong, even though a lot of time they're right - travis

[2001-02-23 01:49:00] - is it prejudice to say that the mexican immigrant will have a hard time getting a job because of his lack of english? -katie

[2001-02-23 01:49:00] - When I realized I was trying to defend a foolish notion forced on my by your hysteria I reverted to my natural stance. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:49:00] - Thank you Travis -paul

[2001-02-23 01:49:00] - Sterotyping is making a blanket statement about a culture or people - nemo

[2001-02-23 01:49:00] - "The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others" therefore paul's statement is technically racist as it implie germans are better than other races - travis

[2001-02-23 01:48:00] - I don't have it.  I have prejudice, and I discriminate, but not because of race. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:48:00] - As long as the sterotyping is done by race that is -paul

[2001-02-23 01:48:00] - well, you never tried to backtrack and change what you were saying until very recently.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:48:00] -

[2001-02-23 01:48:00] - Um, I don't know if there is a line to draw... -paul

[2001-02-23 01:47:00] - merriam webster - racism:  racial prejudice or discrimination  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:47:00] - Which was not what I meant to say at all. you misinterpreted me, and ran with it, forcing me to defend myself -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:47:00] - It's a racist comment though, because I say that the German race kicks ass -paul

[2001-02-23 01:47:00] - so where do you draw the line between sterotyping and racism? -katie

[2001-02-23 01:47:00] - i don't think i was being overly sensitive.  you were saying that people like me are uncouth and bring down american society.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:46:00] - Sorry I keep forgetting to sign - nemo

[2001-02-23 01:46:00] - The problem is that we have been taught that racist comments are always either not based on fact or mean-spirited or both. The fact is that they don't have to be either -paul

[2001-02-23 01:46:00] - Actually saying German Kick ass is Racial Stereotyping it is not Racism.

[2001-02-23 01:46:00] - no, but he was making comments on people's ethnic backgrounds that weren't based in fact.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:45:00] - I then stated my views, but hardly anyone listend to them, because you're all to busy condemning me for being a racist. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:45:00] - i agree that i think that he said what he said by mistake, but i still think they had a pretty bad tone to them.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:45:00] - mean I'm a racist - nemo

[2001-02-23 01:45:00] - Just a comment based on someones ethnic background does not make him racist.  I could say my friend Abe is more likely to have Sickle Cell because he is Black.  Or I can say that I don't like Black Rappers.  If these statements are true it - nemo

[2001-02-23 01:45:00] - I made a simple statement about immigrants which was blown out of proportion because people were overly sensitive, and then I felt the need to defend myself. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:44:00] - Of course, he wasn't referring to a specific race, just immigrants in general -paul

[2001-02-23 01:43:00] - Like when I say that Germans kick ass, that's a racist comment -paul

[2001-02-23 01:43:00] - how is that not racist?  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:43:00] - Ethnicity is a word.  I use it a lot.    It is a happy word. - nemo

[2001-02-23 01:43:00] - I'll deal with the ignorant and close minded later.  But I'm glad you admit I'm not a racist. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:43:00] - sure it is racist.  he was making comments based on a person's ethnic background.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:43:00] - I think his comments were racist, but not in a mean-spirited sort of way -paul

[2001-02-23 01:42:00] - close minded, but not racist - mig

[2001-02-23 01:42:00] - State University of New York At Potsdam - nemo

[2001-02-23 01:42:00] - ok, andrew's comments were not racist.  racist comments are based on ethnicity(probably not a real word but you know what i mean).  saying that civilized countries are more superior then uncivilized countries is not a racist comment.  it is ignorant,

[2001-02-23 01:42:00] - Xpovos = 2nd.  Happy day. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:42:00] - As well as my tumbling down to third on the message board :-( -paul

[2001-02-23 01:41:00] - The fact that the population in 3rd world nations is increasing at an astounding rate?

[2001-02-23 01:41:00] - SUNY College at Potsdam, ny  ~a

[2001-02-23 01:41:00] - yeah, bring it on paul - travis

[2001-02-23 01:41:00] -

[2001-02-23 01:41:00] - who is nemo? - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:41:00] - No problem, now it is my turn to get mad about hentai! >:o -paul

[2001-02-23 01:41:00] - I didn't mean for it too, but I can see how it did.  You and I need to be a little less sensitive. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:41:00] - what sparked the discussion was a racist statement of something that was *not* fact.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:40:00] -

[2001-02-23 01:40:00] - i am sorry that i got so mad about the topic, but it struck a little too close to home.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:40:00] - hey, i'm the king, have no doubt - travis

[2001-02-23 01:39:00] - A statement of fact doesn't make someone a racisit!  I mean I could say that African Americans are more likely to get and spread sickle cell.  Does that make me racist? - Nemo

[2001-02-23 01:39:00] - Yes, the politics of personal destruction must end. -paul

[2001-02-23 01:39:00] - yeah, let's argue that one. why aren't you the king, travis :P - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:39:00] - I'll have you know that hentai is demeaning to women -paul

[2001-02-23 01:39:00] - i think that is a gross generalization about paul :-P - travis

[2001-02-23 01:39:00] - Oh, I see. Now I am the hentai king... -paul

[2001-02-23 01:38:00] - ok :) - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:38:00] - :P

[2001-02-23 01:38:00] - okay, was confused on that - travis

[2001-02-23 01:38:00] - paul, the hentai king

[2001-02-23 01:38:00] - increase? did you mean decrease? - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:38:00] - population decrease. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:38:00] - Yes yes, let's go back to talking about sex, much easier to do -paul

[2001-02-23 01:38:00] - ha

[2001-02-23 01:38:00] - Recap: first world countries aren't having sex, leading to population increase, save immigration.  andrew is a racist. -- Xpovos]

[2001-02-23 01:37:00] - it did? wow, i should read the start of this discussion sometime :) - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:37:00] - man, wish i had been here for that part :-) - travis

[2001-02-23 01:37:00] - and to think this all stemmed from sex . . . .  ;)  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:36:00] - hehehe, we jumped on that one ;) - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:36:00] - We are arguing over semantics here, we aren't going to arrive at a definition of "civilized" that will please everyone -paul

[2001-02-23 01:36:00] - how do you define what is sufficient without first defining art?  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:36:00] - he wasn't defining art - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:36:00] - haha ~a

[2001-02-23 01:36:00] - Arts --AND-- (damn, i wish I had caps) sciences.  You need both. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:36:00] - how is he trying to define art with that statement? - travis

[2001-02-23 01:35:00] - i don't think he was defining art  ~a

[2001-02-23 01:35:00] - so now you are going down into defining art?  i think you are in over your head on this one.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:35:00] - No, I'm saying it's not sufficient.  The cave men had art.  They weren't civilized either. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:35:00] - and then there was silence  ~a

[2001-02-23 01:33:00] - i'm not teh one defending my beliefs, you are.  :P  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:33:00] - Arts and sciences can always happen naturally, even in poor countries with huge populations -paul

[2001-02-23 01:33:00] - so you are saying that the art of the african tribes doesn't count?  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:33:00] - Fine, you define it, we'll argue over the semantics of one of your defenitions for a change. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:32:00] - Wow, second.  I'm impressed... --Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:32:00] - yes, it was, travis  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:32:00] - just because you defined it doesn't mean it was the correct definition.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:32:00] - Arts and sciences can only happen naturally if the GDP is high enough to maintain a larger population than the bear minimum work-force.  That's the meaning of invest there. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:32:00] - i think it was, travis - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:32:00] - You mean you defined civilized? Because I don't agree with your definition -paul

[2001-02-23 01:31:00] - did i fail stat at tj? can't tell if that's directed at me - travis

[2001-02-23 01:31:00] - that's ok, it was appropriate both times - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:31:00] - A civilized society shouldn't have to "invest" in arts and sciences, they should produce it naturally -paul

[2001-02-23 01:30:00] - Grr.. why did it post twice? -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:30:00] - I just defined the fucking term. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:30:00] - one of the shortest definitions on for civilized is "cultured". I guess that one could fit - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:30:00] - I just defined the fucking term. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:30:00] - The term civilized is very vague, I see it more as an indicator to the stability and cultural richness of a society, both of which are hard to define -paul

[2001-02-23 01:30:00] - sorry that was me  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:29:00] - did you fail stat at tj or something?

[2001-02-23 01:29:00] - nope

[2001-02-23 01:29:00] - She could be. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:29:00] - not true.  the intelligence will likely stay around the same.  you'll just have more stupid people and more smart people.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:29:00] - huh? run that by me again, travis (clarify) - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:29:00] - Civilized, having a government relatively fair to all people, while maintaining a high enough GDP to invest in arts and sciences. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:29:00] - katie is not posting  ~a

[2001-02-23 01:28:00] - I can't give a good definition, but technology and economy aren't all that's to a civilized society. It could even be argued that they are secondary -paul

[2001-02-23 01:28:00] - besides, if you add any large number of people ot a society, the intelligence will likely go down, doesn't matter where they're from - travis

[2001-02-23 01:28:00] - I do that a lot, esp. with these formats, I spend a lot of time arguing the wrong points, just ask Katie. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:28:00] - i agree with paul, I never agreed with that definition - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:27:00] - then what's your definiton of civilized, paul? - travis

[2001-02-23 01:27:00] - Immigrants come, being typically (generalization here!) less educated, and hence less likely to contribute immediately to the benefit of society. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:27:00] - High technology and a strong economy? That's different from my definition :-) -paul

[2001-02-23 01:27:00] - that's what you said though and then you spent like five minutes trying to back it up.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:27:00] - I shall clarify that statement -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:26:00] - one could argue that it's the white people that are aleady here and multiplying that are reducing the "intelligence" of society as a whole - mig

[2001-02-23 01:26:00] - Ok, will someone stop quoting me.  That was definitely a mis-statment. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:26:00] - We may set the cultural standard for the world, but that's mainly due to the fact that we have the biggest and richest companies, not because we are more refined or whatever -paul

[2001-02-23 01:26:00] - how is that quote not racist?  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:26:00] - but that's part of our definition of civilized, at least mine, paul - travis

[2001-02-23 01:26:00] - stupid lowercase. I meant nine inch nails - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:25:00] - "the 3rd world people come into the soceity (of mixed race) which has been educated, the reduce the inteligence of society as a whole"

[2001-02-23 01:25:00] - So I refuse to be called a racist.  Call me pig-headed, or conservative, if you want.  But I remind you this started with a simple observation about society's decay. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:25:00] - aparna's "terrible lie!" reminds me of nin :) - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:25:00] - I hate to say it, but I think I agree with Aparna here, you can't just say that third-world countries are less civilized then america because they don't possess our technology and economy -paul

[2001-02-23 01:24:00] - me again, sorry :) - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:24:00] - of course, they have refinement. but like you said, that depends on your definition as well

[2001-02-23 01:24:00] - As you may not have seen I clarified that by saying 1) not all immigrants are uncivilized, and 2) any generalization is bound to have errors. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:24:00] - Good job guys, way to echo eachother -paul

[2001-02-23 01:24:00] - beat me to it - travis

[2001-02-23 01:24:00] - depends on your definition of refined - travis

[2001-02-23 01:23:00] - But then I guess you're stuck arguing over the defenition of refined. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:23:00] - It could be argued that tribal cultures were more refined in many ways then the American culture is now -paul

[2001-02-23 01:23:00] - but you are making the over-genealization that all immigrants are "uncivilized" - mig

[2001-02-23 01:23:00] - They have culture, but not refinement. -- Xpvos

[2001-02-23 01:23:00] - actually, travis, almost every culture is cultured and refined. but I suppose that's kinda broad - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:22:00] - dave who . . . we don't know anyone by that name here  >:o  ~a

[2001-02-23 01:22:00] - travis, that's a terrible lie.  many tribal cultures contain matters of culture and refinement.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:22:00] - I don't think it is possible to agree on a definition for civilized, we are arguing over semantics here -paul

[2001-02-23 01:22:00] - Oops.

[2001-02-23 01:22:00] - haha, andrew stole dave's color - travis

[2001-02-23 01:21:00] - I fail to see how my remarks are in the least racist, I'm not making any judment based on race. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:21:00] - "educated in matters of culture and refinement" - people in third world countries are generally more concerned with more mundane things, like food and necessary things for life - travis

[2001-02-23 01:21:00] - :)  ~a

[2001-02-23 01:21:00] - The purple looks great, adrian, thanks. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:21:00] - that was me - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:21:00] - i wouldn't go as far as saying his ramaks as racist, but definitely ignorant and close-minded - mig

[2001-02-23 01:21:00] - My defenition of civilized was educated and refined, containing all defenitions set forth so far -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:21:00] - Believe it or not, I am not arguing against you here Aparna... -paul

[2001-02-23 01:21:00] - by that second definition, I think essentially every culture is civilized

[2001-02-23 01:21:00] - he said something that seemed really wrong to me.  i quoted it before, but i can quote it again.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:20:00] - I was just saying that you are being too harsh to him by calling him a racist - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:20:00] - i was just saying you guys because it seemed like he wasn't alone.  sorry.  :\  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:20:00] - based on any definition of civilized, people in third world countries aren't civilized, that's bases on facts and definitions of those words - travis

[2001-02-23 01:19:00] - i'm not taking andrew's side. here's one that doesn't support him: civilized - educated in matters of culture and refinement

[2001-02-23 01:19:00] - I said I thought what he said was racist... wasn't that your point of view? -paul

[2001-02-23 01:19:00] - When did I support his point of view? -paul

[2001-02-23 01:19:00] - as do i. - mig

[2001-02-23 01:18:00] - if i'm not mistaken, andrew's not the only one supporting tha tpoint of view.  thus the plural you guys.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:18:00] - I resent the implication that I am making gross racial judgements when I have said nothing of the sort so far -paul

[2001-02-23 01:18:00] - when you started supporting his point of view.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:18:00] - how is this racial? I really fail to see how, and plus, I think your disagreement is with Andrew only (possibly me too) - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:18:00] - "You guys"? Since when did everyone else get grouped with Andrew? -paul

[2001-02-23 01:17:00] - yeah, and if i wanted to, i could go troll the net for a couple of definitions that opposed andrew.  what's your point?  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:17:00] - you guys are making gross racial judgements.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:16:00] - here's a definition that supports Andrew from wordnet: civilized - having a high state of culture and development both social and technological - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:16:00] - well, that's exactly how what you're saying is coming out.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:16:00] - So that makes you better then us I guess... -paul

[2001-02-23 01:16:00] - I can't say, I don't know your background. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:15:00] - I don't think anybody here thinks that only stupid people live in developing countries... -paul

[2001-02-23 01:15:00] - Developing = not developed.

[2001-02-23 01:15:00] - i don't think i had close to the same chances as a lot of you when you were younger.  :\  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:14:00] - and my family.  not just my immediate family, but my extended family too.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:14:00] - I am saying that if you give a person in the third world the same chances as a person in the first world he will be ust as civilized, assuming no other variables apply.  Does that sound racist at all? -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:14:00] - perhaps underdeveloped works better - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:14:00] - yeah, and a term that has negative connotations - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:14:00] - the thing that pisses me off is that india and egypt are both pretty much developing countries yet look at me.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:13:00] - Civilized: educated and refined. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:13:00] - i totally don't understand what you just said, andrew  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:13:00] - Civilized is a very vague term, another should be used -paul

[2001-02-23 01:13:00] - hold on a sec and I'll have a bar too :) - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:13:00] - most of the europeans are generally well educated - mig

[2001-02-23 01:13:00] -

[2001-02-23 01:13:00] - That's exaclty what makes them less civilized, if they had the same chances, they'd be exactly like us, that's what I'm saying. --Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:12:00] - if no one is to say who isn't civilized, then how can you argue that they are? - travis

[2001-02-23 01:12:00] - Wow, look at our nice multi-racial bar on the message board... Isn't it beautiful? -paul

[2001-02-23 01:12:00] - i would have to say that there are more "white trash" than "uneducated immigrants" in this county - mig

[2001-02-23 01:12:00] - that doesn't make them any the less civilized than us  :\  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:11:00] - how many nigerians are given the opportunities we are? probably a significant amount less - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:11:00] - except that is based on actual statistical evidence whereas what andrew is saying is just his feelings on the subject.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:11:00] - It's just that some racist remarks are more grounded in facts then others -paul

[2001-02-23 01:11:00] - In generalizations mistakes are made, that's part of stat, you should understand that. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:11:00] - the japanese called europeans barbarians, and they kicked them out, then eventually worked on their terms (for the most part) - travis

[2001-02-23 01:10:00] - I make generalizations, because without them we are lost, I have to say Bob Jones is uncivilized, but Trevor Johnson is civilized, and it takes for ever.  -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:10:00] - he's not saying that they are less capable of learning, he is saying that they are less educated, which is true - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:10:00] - >:o

[2001-02-23 01:10:00] - So what Andrew said was racist, but so would be saying that Americans score lower on intelligence tests -paul

[2001-02-23 01:10:00] - I think i tend to agree with andrew - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:09:00] - ahhhhh  ~a

[2001-02-23 01:09:00] - Technically anything specifically referring to one race (either good or bad) can be considered racist -paul

[2001-02-23 01:09:00] - but you are not making an educated decision about classifying the people of africa as uncivilized.  that's what the slave owners did because they thought they were "barbarians".  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:09:00] - "A third world country is one who is under developed economically, characterized by overpopulation, has a low Gross National Product, and a high poverty rate"

[2001-02-23 01:09:00] - Yes, Katie goes there -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:08:00] - and I think they polled high school kids - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:08:00] - It has nothing to do with their -racial- background.  It has to do with their backgrounds in general.  I've no more love for the uncivilized of West Virginia then I do for the uncivilized of Africa -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:08:00] - don't know anyone there though.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:08:00] - i don't think that was who andrew was referring to though  ~a

[2001-02-23 01:08:00] - yeah, i have.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:08:00] - and you may have your justifications but so did the slave owners back in the day.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:08:00] - Randolph-Macon's Women College???  has anyone ever heard of it?  ~a

[2001-02-23 01:08:00] - americans to tend to score lower on intelligence tests than most first world countries - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:07:00] - i think you're putting down other people because of their racial background which pretty much fits my definition of being racist.  -  aba

[2001-02-23 01:07:00] - yes, I'm here, and so is basically everyone else - vinnie

[2001-02-23 01:07:00] - i do  ~a

[2001-02-23 01:07:00] - i have to admit . . . i wasn't feeling very creative when i made yours  ~a

[2001-02-23 01:06:00] - Does anyone other than aparna think what I've said is racist? -- Xpovos

[2001-02-23 01:06:00] - wow, i stopped this conversation pretty damn fast - travis

[2001-02-23 01:06:00] - Oh, nifty! -- Xpovos

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