here are old message board entries
prev <->
2006-05-11 14:54:54] - like aba said, though, a lot of class was just learning how to approach a problem, not really how to solve it or anything.
2006-05-11 14:53:56] -
sam: some of the more formalized stuff, i learned in class. like design patterns and vocabulary; i learned those in class too. all of the techy stuff i learned out of class for sure.
2006-05-11 14:52:17] -
a: learned in class
2006-05-11 14:24:15] - "little to do with the" my words disappeared!
- aba
2006-05-11 14:23:32] -
sam: i think college has very little to the facts you learn in class and a lot to do with the fundamentals of critical thinking.
- aba
2006-05-11 14:15:27] -
Sam: Very little.
2006-05-11 14:10:47] -
a: heh i tried to think through both, and the answer was the same in each case.
2006-05-11 13:56:48] -
sam: learned while at college? or learned while in class?
2006-05-11 13:56:13] -
sam: very little.
2006-05-11 13:52:00] - how much of the stuff that you learned in college are you actually using at your current job?
2006-05-11 12:35:02] -
vinnie: if you're going to "ddr" today, it''s at NVCC
2006-05-11 11:34:30] - which is -2.3% today.
2006-05-11 11:33:46] - i'm just barely winning at .62k down today (and something like .3k down yesterday)
2006-05-11 11:21:09] -
a: About $560 right now.
2006-05-11 11:01:25] -
paul: how much money have you lost today?
2006-05-11 10:48:56] - or jello with a j (j is for juitar).
2006-05-11 10:47:56] -
wee eee eee eee!
2006-05-11 10:30:47] -
a: so yeah i think we should start a band. why don't we call it... celltar.
2006-05-11 10:25:48] -
Paul: well i went there once, and the guy running it played for about a half hour before anyone on the list got to go. so i would guess no sooner than 9, and probably later than then.
2006-05-11 10:25:03] -
a: actually the last time i went there was a band of a guy with guitar and a girl on cello and they were called "gello" (though they kept calling it "jello with a g", so maybe that is their actual name -- ehh, more of a spoken joke than a written one)
2006-05-11 10:07:43] - i won't be bringing the cello though.
2006-05-11 10:07:22] -
amy: i am planning to go, yes.
2006-05-11 10:02:07] -
Amy: When will you have an idea of about what time you are playing?
2006-05-11 09:36:04] -
a: you mentioned the open mike thing on mboard yest (and said "YAY ALEXANDRIA"), does that mean you are planning to go to it tonight? i wasn't sure.
2006-05-10 23:41:04] -
mel: interesting that they quote a rep since people don't see eachother visually at first.
- aba
2006-05-10 18:52:23] -
a: it's all in your face. I know.
2006-05-10 17:24:23] -
mel: i like kids
2006-05-10 17:00:20] - (for long term relationships, that is)
2006-05-10 16:57:08] - women are most attracted to men who like kids
2006-05-10 15:33:19] - another interesting thing is that apparently Russia's population is declining by 700k a year. So they're instituting a program to give money to people who have kids
2006-05-10 15:30:48] - also of interest, he wants russia to the follow the US in spending money on defense "We must always be ready to counter any attempts to pressure Russia in order to strengthen positions at our expense," Putin said. "The stronger our military is, the less temptation there will be to exert such pressure on us."
2006-05-10 15:30:15] - -dave
2006-05-10 15:30:09] - in putin's speech, he takes swipe at US."We are aware what is going on in the world," he said. "Comrade wolf knows whom to eat, it eats without listening and it's clearly not going to listen to anyone."
2006-05-10 12:21:30] -
sam: Only if you shake the whole thing around a lot and create some kind of weird friction. I can't imagine it causing a problem with day to day uses. And touching the grease probably only matters in that it made your hand sticky.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-10 12:14:20] -
xpovos: touched that grease patch with my finger... it left a tiny little mark
2006-05-10 12:13:41] - if i just attached that heat sink to the CPU, will it damage the CPU?
2006-05-10 12:12:01] -
sam: touch it with what? Likely not, but--
-- Xpovos
2006-05-10 12:11:59] - touched
2006-05-10 12:11:09] - will i need to replace the heat sink for the CPU if I touch the thermal grease thing on the bottom? i touch the corner of it, just little bit
2006-05-10 11:59:57] -
title: It's the Apocalypse!
-- Xpovos
2006-05-10 11:45:05] -
a: That's true, although it did say she was sexually assaulted. I suppose it could be something like they tore her clothes off and that was it.
2006-05-10 11:43:45] -
a: thanks a, and no i don't mind. i forgot to mention in LJ, feel free to pass invitation on to friends, bfs, gfs, coworkers, strangers off the street, etc.
2006-05-10 11:33:28] -
paul: well the article doesn't really say what they
did ~a
2006-05-10 11:33:09] -
2006-05-10 11:29:04] -
a: Well, the reason I asked about this weekend is that some coworkers are going. Next weekend I think I'm busy.
2006-05-10 11:26:51] -
Sam: Geez, how would they have clue what to do at that age?
2006-05-10 11:25:36] - and for people who don't lj (hopefully she won't mind that i'm posting this here), open mic is tomorrow at 830pm in alexandria (YAY ALEXANDRIA).
2006-05-10 11:20:49] - i guess saturday would be the 20th.
2006-05-10 11:20:25] -
paul: what about the next weekend (19th-21st) for hiking?
2006-05-10 11:14:07] - Twelve boys in the first and second grade at a St. Louis elementary school are accused of sexually assaulting a second-grade girl during recess, authorities said Tuesday. -sam
2006-05-10 11:09:28] -
a: Ah, congrats for her then (your sister, not your mother).
2006-05-10 10:21:51] -
paul: it's vt's graduation and my sister is graduating a year early.
2006-05-10 10:21:37] -
paul: i'll be there with my mother
2006-05-10 10:20:52] -
Xpovos: Well, they did make wearable computing so maybe that t-shirt had a computer in it.
2006-05-10 10:19:58] -
a: You're going to be at VT? That's an odd way to spend a mother's day weekend.
2006-05-10 08:51:29] -
Paul: Yeah, weirdly, I saw a guy wearing a Xybernaut t-shirt yesterday, like he was an employee. I saw that and was amused, it made me think of you.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-10 08:48:55] -
sam: yes, depending on other factors, like my continued employment, and a guage as to how much time I have to spend on console gaming.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-09 21:11:21] - what about next weekend?
2006-05-09 21:09:39] - I WANT TO GO HIKING!!!! but not this saturday
i'm going to be at vt on saturday!
2006-05-09 20:51:01] - Would anybody be interested in hiking this Saturday?
2006-05-09 16:27:52] -
sam: It depends on the quality of the games, and whether it supports non-region-controlled backwards-compatibility (so, probably not for awhile)
- aaron
2006-05-09 15:32:36] -
sam: i'll be buying a ps2 or ps3 in the next year.
2006-05-09 15:28:56] -
Sam: Probably not.
2006-05-09 15:27:39] -
sam: most likely.
- mig
2006-05-09 15:22:16] -
xpovos: the NASDAQ is down for the day - Dell has been dragging everything down with it, hehe
2006-05-09 15:21:23] -
sam: maybe.
2006-05-09 15:20:07] - any of u planning to buy ps3?
2006-05-09 15:15:53] -
Xpovos: I tried that before with Xybernaut. Didn't work too well.
2006-05-09 15:11:57] -
Paul: I wish I had about $1K extra right now, I'd buy up. It's a pretty decent hedge strategy.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-09 15:02:19] -
Xpovos: Yeah, I dunno. It's the mystery of the stock market. Sorry.
2006-05-09 14:56:46] -
Paul: Yes.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-09 14:55:48] -
Xpovos: Sirius?
2006-05-09 14:32:59] - Augh! Paul! What happened?
-- Xpovos
2006-05-09 13:32:08] -
sam: notably, the cheap one will not have an HDMI output whereas the expensive one will
2006-05-09 12:43:10] - Sony announced plans Monday to offer two packages when the system goes on sale this fall. A PS3 with a 20 GB hard drive will cost consumers $499. Those wanting a larger, 60 GB hard drive will pay $599. The $499 version will also lack several features found in the more expensive one. -sam
2006-05-09 11:31:09] - -sam
2006-05-09 10:36:56] -
enh. it was a one letter typo. it's just annoying that it turned it into an english word.
2006-05-09 10:19:07] -
Yes, clearly I'm not quite 100% awake right now.
2006-05-09 10:16:19] - s/be/me
2006-05-09 10:00:24] -
mig: Not really, but the more I thought about it last night/this morning, the more I realized that they probably would rather have be awake and productive today than staying up all night just to get some arbitrary deadline met.
2006-05-09 08:52:37] -
paul: did you meet your ultimatum?
- mig
2006-05-09 08:41:41] - that's the spirit!
2006-05-09 02:12:44] -
Eh, screw this. I'm going home.
2006-05-09 00:34:09] -
yawn. nope.
2006-05-08 23:51:17] -
a: But you're not going to be around for long, I assume.
2006-05-08 23:38:48] -
me. ~a
2006-05-08 21:54:53] - *Sigh* I don't suppose anybody is on the message board right now...
2006-05-08 20:56:29] -
2006-05-08 18:52:59] - the oozinator delights children (
nsfw... well, I would feel weird watching it at work anyway)
- aaron
2006-05-08 15:59:02] -
xpovos: yes friends
can be good people to go in on a roommate/apartmentmate situation, but if someone (later) feels like they're getting screwed, then they might stop being friends or somewhere inbetween.
2006-05-08 15:43:18] - early phases of career and life.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-08 15:43:07] -
a: Yeah, but then there's the whole issue of rent to be dealt with. Shares in a house might work, but ultimately it results in problems, since there's still the problem of what happens when someone wants out, who buys the shares? If there is no buyer, do the shares decrease in value? Etc. Complicated, yes, but it seems beneficial for people who are friendly and in the...
2006-05-08 14:43:47] - i think to make everything easy to work out legaly, there needs to be one (and only one) owner.
2006-05-08 14:43:09] -
xpovos: maybe there is a way to like . . . buy shares in the house from the owner?
2006-05-08 14:42:38] -
xpovos: sounds way too hairy. like ... too hairy to be worth it. i'd like to think that having one person own the place is much much better for both people envolved.
2006-05-08 14:23:14] -
Tenancy in common. 8th on the list.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-08 13:33:06] -
xpovos: pick one ~a
2006-05-08 13:21:47] -
xpovos: what is a TIC?
- mig
2006-05-08 12:57:53] - Weird question: anyone interested in getting involved in a TIC?
-- Xpovos
2006-05-08 11:49:40] -
Xpovos: Yeah, he seems like the type of running back which can be successful in college but not so much in the pros. Still, you never know...
2006-05-08 11:30:01] -
Paul: From ESPN: Mike Imoh: Height: 5-7. Weight: 195 lbs. He'll need to be ~210 if he wants to be a bruiser, 220 would be better. But he has enough speed that he'll want to cut it to the outside a lot, and he just can't do that, not in the pros. Which is why he probably won't work out. Still, I'm glad the Redskins got him.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-08 11:20:11] -
Xpovos: Ok, because I remember him being pretty short (but also probably broad for his height).
2006-05-08 11:11:17] -
Paul: I'm speaking more of bredth as a ratio to height. Makes for low centers of mass. Hardly any running backs are really tall.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-08 10:42:10] -
Xpovos: Imoh? Are we thinking of the same person? I thought he was pretty small...
2006-05-08 10:18:30] - also the more the merrier of course .)
2006-05-08 10:18:20] -
sam: that sounds cool. esp. if we got a lot of people to go, then the cost isn't so bad.
2006-05-08 10:03:54] - It's all a matter of whether or not he can be effective enough as a short-yardage back with his size, granted he's big for college, but he's no Bettis.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-08 09:57:29] -
Dave: I wouldn't have thought so either, but he was fairly good when healthy (which wasn't all that often over the past two years).
2006-05-08 08:04:48] - imho?
2006-05-08 07:36:06] - Imoh attended the Redskins rookie workout this past weekend. I wouldn't have thought he'd be good enough for the NFL, but maybe so
2006-05-05 17:42:35] -
xpovos: i found out today that there is someone named Richard Dicks
2006-05-05 17:41:49] -
vamy: she is supposed to get back to me on which ones are good
2006-05-05 17:35:49] -
vamy: my mom said she knows a lot of karaoke rooms in annandale. i'm gonna try to see which ones are good. she said most of them are $30 per hour, regardless of the number of people.
2006-05-05 14:52:27] - I could've done Saul, but that's too easy.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-05 14:46:19] - Error Checking & Correction Registered Dual In-Line Memory Module.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-05 14:44:12] -
Sam: yar, made sense to me.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-05 14:39:44] -
sam: I never looked. I probably should huh
- vinnie
2006-05-05 13:58:27] -
vamy: were you able to find some info on karaoke rooms?
2006-05-05 13:48:18] -
xpovos: paul + sam = pam?!
2006-05-05 13:47:07] - what's ECC RDIMM?
2006-05-05 13:12:01] -
Paul: Trend: Since purchasing stocks, my invested value has risen sharply, and declined slowly. Sharp rise one day vs. slow decline over many many days = net decline of higher than I would like to see. "I'm a late bloomer, Alex."
-- Xpovos
2006-05-05 13:02:09] -
Xpovos: My stocks are going down today too. I try not to stress out over what goes on in a single day too much. I try to look at trends more and stress over that.
2006-05-05 12:53:59] - The market goes up, my stocks go down. Whee! I need to stop paying attention. Come back in a few months and stress out about it less.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-05 11:07:21] -
Vinnie: But I agree, I have enjoyed the past couple episodes of The Office a lot.
2006-05-05 11:03:15] -
Vinnie: I was reading some plot summaries for the office last night and it sounds like a missed a number of good (and important) episodes. I didn't know Pam had kissed Jim!
2006-05-05 11:02:04] -
Vamy: Yeah, I definitely agree that they were trying to imply that Jim thought he was wasting his life by just spending his whole day pestering Dwight. I just felt it kinda came out of left field because I never got the impression Jim really aspired to be anything more than what he currently was.
2006-05-05 10:33:56] - yeah i agree, there was like a moment after he said: "that's basically all i did that day" where he looked sort of pensive. i think they do that a lot on that show, like a character will say something to the camera and then for a split second before it cuts to the next scene, they make a very telling facial expression.
2006-05-05 10:31:36] -
paul: anyway that was a really funny episode. the Office has been awesome lately
- vinnie
2006-05-05 10:30:43] -
paul: yeah that's a good point. but he also seemed bothered by the fact that pestering Dwight had been all he was doing the past four years. I think he kind of had a realization
- vinnie
2006-05-05 09:59:56] -
Vinnie: Yeah, I was wondering if it just had to do with getting away from Pam or if it had more to do with what you were saying. I didn't really buy it, though, because those pranks still seemed funny to me and Jim never struck me as a particularly motivated guy.
2006-05-05 09:54:57] -
paul: seemed kind of like he realized how petty and insignificant his life was there, by way of having it replayed to him via complaints
- vinnie
2006-05-05 09:40:40] - Did anybody watch the Office last night? Why do you think Jim did what he did at the end?
2006-05-05 07:43:04] -
Pam: Not sure when yet, the idea is to run it via e-mail, IM, web-chat, and forums via my gaming website, with turns (semesters) every 24 hours, or perhaps ever 48. I'll note that you guys are interested and keep you guys updated as I work things out on the other side.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-05 00:23:15] -
Sam: I don't know if I will be able to play NBA 2k6 with you this weekend. Sorry.
2006-05-04 18:03:25] -
xpovos: i'd be interested in playing diplomacy also.
2006-05-04 17:44:37] -
Xpovos: When?
2006-05-04 17:37:25] -
Paul: Interested in playing some Diplomacy online with some friends of mine? (Query is open to others as well)
-- Xpovos
2006-05-04 14:34:45] -
vinnie: For the first few months I kept a record of the funny ones. After a while they just stopped being amusing for some reason, but there's gobs of them.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-04 14:25:09] - sfm it is
- aaron
2006-05-04 14:05:25] - sounds good
- vinnie
2006-05-04 14:00:12] - i vote sfm.
2006-05-04 13:34:12] -
ddr_people: so where we at today?
- vinnie
2006-05-04 13:33:37] -
xpovos: oh man, cracking up at your names over here
- vinnie
2006-05-04 09:26:38] - Yup yup.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-04 09:12:52] -
xpovos: French Dick? r u serious?
2006-05-04 09:01:25] -
sam: I run into odd names all the time, here are some actual ones from my job. Richard (Dick) Johnson. Richard (Dick) Spann. French Dick. The women aren't exempt. Helen (Carol) Troy. Paige Page. Jackie James-Bond.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-04 08:54:29] - harry?
2006-05-04 08:53:08] - for a person with "Dicks" as a last name, what first name would be the funniest?
2006-05-04 08:10:39] -
anon: girls love me.
2006-05-04 08:10:02] -
a: r u a bad guy?
2006-05-04 08:08:08] -
dave: ~a
2006-05-04 07:06:50] -
a: hehe, yeah, it always amuses me when people who hate the military (or the things it is used for) go and work for a defense contractor
2006-05-04 07:04:13] - marcus vick gets dolphins tryout
2006-05-03 17:38:04] -
anon: shut up.
2006-05-03 17:02:36] - Why do good girls (what what what) like bad guys? Knowin that bad guys tell mad lies?
2006-05-03 15:47:06] -
a: yeah my group is hiring too i think and i don't go anywhere near wmds, heh.
2006-05-03 15:38:43] -
a: Come work for us, we're hiring too, and there's no chance for WMD. Of course, the pay is garbage, but the bene's are good.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-03 15:38:16] -
Dave: Cool, well done!
-- Xpovos
2006-05-03 15:09:24] -
a: Intwine is still hiring.
2006-05-03 14:09:10] - don't want to be creating wmds.
2006-05-03 13:44:15] -
a: Don't want to have to salute your boss?
2006-05-03 13:06:31] - the company that did the buying is known for being very militaristic.
2006-05-03 12:56:47] -
a: How come?
2006-05-03 12:46:29] - b/c i liked my job and chances are very large that i won't like my job in the near future.
2006-05-03 12:31:08] -
xpovos: that last part "amusingly..." was added by me
2006-05-03 12:23:20] - New Orleans Gets a New Hurricane Plan.
2006-05-03 12:12:54] - Who is nono?
2006-05-03 12:12:21] -
a: Why is it sad that your company got sold?
2006-05-03 12:11:56] -
Amy: Yeah, I watched that episode last night and I loved how it ended (well, that last monologue at least).
2006-05-03 12:11:15] -
ooh... is the title from the office? it sounds really familiar.
2006-05-03 12:06:27] -
heh, i probably shouldn't say on a public board. it's not public info yet.
2006-05-03 12:04:42] -
a: Huh, I missed your comment. I'm with Amy, sold to whom?
2006-05-03 12:01:23] -
Hmm. I + would = I'd. I + had = I'd. I + would = I + had? .)
2006-05-03 12:00:41] -
a: nono sold to whom?
2006-05-03 11:56:06] - Who said the quote? I find it amusing. Of course, the statement by Wells still makes sense, but it was clever of the reporter to see through it.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-03 11:44:56] - [spurs vs kings] "In fact, Game 5 winners in best-of-seven series that are tied at 2 have advanced 107 of 128 times in NBA history, a whopping 83.5 percent. "We are just going to try and change those percentages," Wells said." amusingly, there is 100% chance that they will be able to change the percentages
2006-05-03 10:51:44] -
amy: paul.
2006-05-03 10:47:22] -
a: I was thinking I'ld = I + would.
2006-05-03 10:47:10] -
aba: Eh, he's got the whole tentacle thing going.
2006-05-03 10:45:05] -
a: to whom?
- amy
2006-05-03 10:43:28] -
paul: ew. davey jones is pretty gross looking.
- aba
2006-05-03 10:33:10] - I'ld = I'd + I'll ?
2006-05-03 10:16:07] -
aba: I'ld hit it.
2006-05-03 08:19:36] - looks effing hottt!
- aba
2006-05-03 08:04:09] - MMORPG money tied to real world money. Apparently some guy makes 1.2k a month from property in-game that he spent 10k for. $165 mil goes through the game per year
2006-05-02 20:59:54] - look at which gas station hast the most expensive gas.
2006-05-02 19:01:54] - my company just got sold.
2006-05-02 15:03:18] -
a: my company is mainly military i think, but i personally work on county government projects.
2006-05-02 14:27:08] -
a: I don't.
2006-05-02 14:21:31] -
xpovos: you don't work for the military or a military contractor, i know. does anybody else not work for the military or a military contractor?
2006-05-02 14:05:34] -
Paul: Fall-out from the 90K. Everyone who fit those narrow conditions has to have a new background check. Whee! Luckily it's at most 120, and I'm cutting that list in half.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-02 12:06:44] -
Xpovos: So now what are you working on?
2006-05-02 12:06:20] -
Xpovos: Well, the plan is to hold on until it gets above what I paid for it. Hopefully that will happen again.
2006-05-02 11:13:26] - Finally done with my 90K record project. That's a good way to kill a day and a half.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-02 10:54:30] -
Paul: Hmm, hang on for a while longer then, eh? I'm thinking the summer quarter will see a nice price boost. No more Stern costs, and solid continued growth. Still no profit, but-- the share price will climb all the same.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-02 10:52:18] -
amy: I still hear people say 'house' for pretty much everything. House, townhome, condo, apartment, hovel, cardboard box on the sidewalk, etc.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-02 10:37:33] -
Xpovos: Yeah, Sirius is still down about 11% for me right now since I bought it.
2006-05-02 10:26:52] -
amy: It's not too uncommon around here for people to have to drop whatever they're doing to get some bug fixed but it usually doesn't take longer than a day, I don't think.
2006-05-02 09:56:40] - hmm is a condo also an apartment? like adrian if you were talking about your place would you say: "let's all go over to my apartment" or "my condo is big enough for the party" or are they interchangeable?
2006-05-02 08:46:31] - That is: The earnings surprise is about +3c/s and only -36c/s because of the massive payout for content, which will pay off long term, and in pre-trade SIRI is up about 30c this morning. Nice, if I hadn't bought up ~40c.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-02 08:44:56] -
Paul: There we go, earnings estimates were off a bit, so Sirius looks to rebound today, a little. Earnings are still poor, but that's Howard's fault.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-01 17:55:18] -
a: ah. so this is a regular occurence in dev (in your experience and in mine, at least). i was just wondering how common this is, and what better and unbiased a way than to ask the mboard .)
2006-05-01 17:35:22] -
amy: it used to be the case that i would send email/phone calls to my coworkers about sudden issues with whatever i was developing/integrating (on production at the client site), such that they would have to drop everything they were doing at the moment and devote hours to fixing the thing.
2006-05-01 17:12:03] - (i say "particularly at the client" because otherwise it usually isn't an emergency.)
2006-05-01 17:10:38] -
developers: how often do you get emails/phone calls from your supervisors about sudden issues with whatever you're developing (particularly on production at the client), such that you have to drop everything you're doing at the moment and devote hours (or days) to fixing the thing?
2006-05-01 16:39:06] -
Dave: I would agree, except the market has put out for me every once in a while.
2006-05-01 16:31:15] -
Paul: Market's such a tease eh? x.0
2006-05-01 15:47:20] -
Gah, I hate it when the market starts off looking so promising, with all my stocks going up, and then ends up with me losing a bunch of money by the end of the day.
2006-05-01 15:06:01] -
Paul: now if the NASDAQ would just go up instead of down... ^_^
2006-05-01 15:04:47] -
Paul: woot!
2006-05-01 13:32:14] -
Dave: Symantec has "turned the corner". Hurray!
2006-05-01 12:36:02] - I have so few permissions here it's not funny.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-01 12:35:05] -
hmmm. yeah. i guess if you can't ever get the part of the database that you're interested into plaintext, then it really limits your possibilities.
2006-05-01 12:13:32] - Enter != Backspace. tp->to wouldn-> wouldn't miss any. -- Xpovos ;
-- Xpovos
2006-05-01 12:12:48] - Add in 'error-prone' tp that human script description. I mean, I might miss one or two. The script wouldn
2006-05-01 12:10:30] -
a: I can hand check the records via multiple queries. Basically turn myself into a ugly little slow running script.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-01 12:09:56] -
a: I could if I could actually 'touch' the database. As is, my tools for accessing the database are SQL queries via Crystal (which is a bastardization anyway) or the database access and update tool, which only hits one record at a time, and is a POS anyway.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-01 11:43:45] - i'll agree that sometimes sql isn't the right tool for the job, but you should at least be able to write a program or script.
2006-05-01 11:42:11] - if the query contains a contradiction, then how can you hand check the records for the condition that contains the contradiction?
2006-05-01 11:26:08] - Why not use a program, or at the very least a handy db query? Because the db is so fouled up that the query needed to create this list contains a contradiction. Woo!
-- Xpovos
2006-05-01 11:25:26] - My project for the day: Check 90,000 records to see if a very narrowly defined condition exists in each, then record a unique value for that record if so.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-01 10:03:53] -
xpovos: true true
2006-05-01 08:09:32] -
Dave: I'm not too surprised, the end of his VT career was so blemished that even if a team was interested, they wouldn't want to throw a draft pick at him, knowing he'd be available on the free-agent market afterwards, likely.
-- Xpovos
2006-05-01 07:52:01] - apparently marcus vick went undrafted
2006-04-30 18:22:47] - A 16-year-old Hispanic boy was beaten, sodomized and left for dead because two other teens at an unsupervised house party were offended that he tried to kiss a 12-year-old girl, authorities said Thursday. -sam
2006-04-30 10:46:29] -
Paul: Why not? He's practically a younger version of Steve McNair. I think it will fit the system there very well and give them a long-term replamement for McNair. Mario Williams, now that's the choice that doesn't make sense.
-- Xpovos
2006-04-29 12:40:06] - Vince Young? Oh man, I don't like that pick by the titans...
2006-04-28 21:45:03] -
a: Poor Prince William County. More podunk than Leesburg. Pwned.
-- Xpovos
2006-04-28 19:36:01] -
ok, i guess leesburg was a slight exaggeration.
2006-04-28 19:34:36] - all the losers live in/near freakin podunk (sp?) leesburg.
2006-04-28 19:33:37] -
xpovos: all the cool people live in/near alexandria.
2006-04-28 16:41:11] -
mig: where you looking to live? Screw Paul and his Reston.
-- Xpovos
2006-04-28 16:26:18] - ditto on andrew's comment.
- mig
2006-04-28 15:48:01] -
Paul: I'm pretty desperate to move out, but Reston isn't hugely convenient for me.
-- Xpovos
2006-04-28 14:31:12] -
aba: I don't think that would work out because Arlington is too far away, thanks though.
2006-04-28 14:24:25] - the girl i am subletting from needs a roommate starting after i leave (so the beginning of july)!
- aba
2006-04-28 14:23:48] -
actually, no. the prof i am working with is going to germany for 5 weeks, so i can work from NoVA just as well as i can work from durham. i figured it would be nice to get a break and be somewhere different.
- aba
2006-04-28 13:46:49] -
OR, does anybody know somebody who would be interested in working at Intwine? We're still looking for people.
2006-04-28 13:46:28] -
Also, does anybody know somebody who is looking for a roomate in the Reston area?
2006-04-28 13:45:56] -
aba: Will you be working up here too?
2006-04-28 13:39:30] -
paul: yah, i will be living in arlington for all of june and potentially a week in may.
- aba
2006-04-28 13:28:06] -
aba: Cool, are you still planning on coming up to NOVA at some point this summer?
2006-04-28 12:47:39] - Haha my friend in Texas took this picture with his phone cam -amy
2006-04-28 12:31:29] -
a: im going to be doing research with a prof here at duke.
- aba
2006-04-28 12:21:16] -
oh, where are you working?
2006-04-28 12:15:09] -
paul: also my classes are over. last paper and take home final are due on monday. i start work on tuesday.
- aba
2006-04-28 12:14:23] -
paul: i think it is an issue similar to nuclear power plants..... no community wants one built next to it.
- aba
2006-04-28 11:58:32] -
paul/amy: you're probably both right.
2006-04-28 11:43:53] -
Xpovos: Doesn't quite seem like a reasonable thing to hope for.
2006-04-28 11:36:42] - Sirius will annouce 1Q earnings on 5/02. This will either staunch the bleeding or send it into a tail-spin. Since the predictions have been growing more dire, I have to hope that the news will come off as plesant by comparison.
-- Xpovos
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