here are old message board entries
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2009-05-12 10:11:29] - I guess most of the message board users are on the cruise this week or something?
2009-05-08 11:15:41] -
yeah, i'll be there.
2009-05-08 09:52:26] -
a: Do you think you're coming to poker tonight? If so, remind me to give you your movie ticket.
2009-05-08 09:31:58] -
anon: I'm going backthere in December. Woo!
-- Xpovos
2009-05-08 08:10:04] -
2009-05-07 12:23:48] -
title: maybe there is a lot of money to be made by continuously treating people for the symptoms and leaving the disease intact
2009-05-07 11:51:18] -
heh, I like the random title and post. funnier if you remove the comma from the first one
- vinnie
2009-05-07 11:05:39] -
Gurkie: Ooohhhh, 3 to 2.
2009-05-07 10:47:09] -
Paul: so there!
2009-05-06 18:10:44] - I'd never seen eachother in use before. My first guess was Aaron was deleting spaces from his entry to meet the char limit because he had six lengthy choices. Then I realized that wasn't the case. I'd definitely never use 'eachother'.
-- Xpovos
2009-05-06 17:22:22] -
Gurkie: I'm not sure. It might have been worth your time, but I don't think it was worth mine. My time is pretty valuable.
2009-05-06 17:21:19] -
paul: okay, now aren't you happy you picked a fight with me? That really was worth both of our time, wasn't it?
2009-05-06 17:19:41] -
Gurkie: Very well, I agree with the millions of others.
2009-05-06 17:17:33] -
paul: regardless of which is right, I said I agree with others which I think stands. Other people agree... Not necessarily everyone but some people...
2009-05-06 17:13:24] -
Gurkie: Although 332,000,000 is still a pretty big number.
2009-05-06 17:12:33] -
Gurkie: Let's resort to science to resolve our debate. "Each other" seems to be preferred by 20% over "eachother".
2009-05-06 17:09:55] -
paul: your argument just imploded...
2009-05-06 17:07:47] -
Gurkie: Implied? Or implode?
2009-05-06 17:06:48] -
paul: it was implied by him liking e over b
2009-05-06 17:04:09] -
Gurkie: Where did Xpovos say anything about eachother vs each other?
2009-05-06 17:02:10] -
paul: also I said others not the others, which to me implies that I think there may be disagreement in the others...
2009-05-06 17:00:58] -
paul: looking back it appears that many people agree that "eachother" is wrong; a, xpovos, vinnie, and myself. While some of them may not have explicitly said why they liked one over the other the implication was that they found it less correct,and I am agreeing with them.
2009-05-06 16:53:47] -
paul: eachother is non-standard.
2009-05-06 16:40:02] -
Gurkie: The others? You mean Vinnie? Don't make it sound like you have more support than Aaron. It's 2 on 2 (unless you count Adrian, who simply pointed out that "eachother" was non-standard, not that it was two words).
2009-05-06 16:24:56] -
aaron: i agree with others... each other is 2 words not one...
2009-05-06 15:39:48] - eachother looks awful. sorry
- vinnie
2009-05-06 15:20:15] -
paul: yea alot of words should be words, eachother included
- aaron
2009-05-06 15:10:46] -
paul: sorry i was responding to "I don't know if I agree with the point that [Harsanyi] is trying to make" i don't agree with Harsanyi either.
2009-05-06 14:57:37] -
a: Don't agree that Truman is a war criminal? I generally tend to think that if you're going to go so far as to get involved in a war, it might as well be a total war, so I kinda agree with Truman's decision.
2009-05-06 14:55:24] -
Aaron: I swear eachother should be a word.
2009-05-06 14:24:46] -
paul: yeah i don't think i agree with him either. jon stewart's other tidbit of opinion: treating people on the field of battle exactly the same as POWs, isn't necessary.
2009-05-06 14:22:05] -
aaron: i'm still on the fence between e and f. i can't convince myself of the plurality of "each other".
2009-05-06 14:18:10] -
paul: and yes
c) was my first choice before i google gave me its usual conceited "Oh, did you mean?" speech
- aaron
2009-05-06 14:16:00] -
grammar_people: i went with
f) because i thought "eachother" was plural, but now I'm not so sure. nobody else thinks it's f?
- aaron
2009-05-06 13:22:43] -
a: nm, it's in the article paul linked.
- mig
2009-05-06 13:12:57] -
a: what was the basis for Stewart saying he was a war criminal? for launching the atomic bombs on japan? or something else?
- mig
2009-05-06 12:51:33] -
a: Even though I certainly don't condone crucifying somebody for believing that Truman was a war criminal (there are compelling reasons to think that), I would've loved to have seen Jon Stewart humbly recant anything.
2009-05-06 12:43:24] -
paul: jon stewart called truman a war criminal. then fox news (i'm sure others too, fox news is the only one i watch though) got all over his ass about it. the next night stewart humbly recanted. it was an interesting sequence of events to watch unfold.
2009-05-06 12:39:33] - I don't know if I agree with the point that this guy is trying to make (or if he even has a point), but the article contains a lot of good information about how previous presidents abused civil liberties and were arguably war criminals.
2009-05-06 12:10:45] -
Gurkie: Yes ma'am.
2009-05-06 12:01:19] -
paul: you heard the man, pick up one more ticket tonight! (ill even let you have the kiss from a)
2009-05-06 11:57:47] -
paul: the 3 inning rule (which the 30-3 game applied to) is probably a relic from when closers were not a commonly used.
- mig
2009-05-06 11:33:38] -
gurkie: buy me a ticket, please?
thank you!
2009-05-06 11:27:27] -
Mig: Yeah, I know, it's just the arbitrariness of it that gets me. Like that pitcher who got a save in a 30-3 game...
2009-05-06 11:10:09] - i guess you can put pitcher wins into that category as well.
- mig
2009-05-06 11:08:19] -
paul: saves tend not to be really a measurement of performance at its core, but really just an indicator of being in the right place at the right time.
- mig
2009-05-06 10:30:17] - When Downs records 5 outs in a 4 run game and gets squat.
2009-05-06 10:29:59] -
Mig: Ugh, that's really annoying. I thought that your closer basically had to record the same number of outs as the lead you had in order to qualify for a save. Makes so little sense that Percival gets one out in a three run game and gets a save...
2009-05-06 10:29:33] -
paul: however while percival did not pitch one whole inning (condition 1) he does come in with 1 man on, and the guy on deck is the game tying run, so he meets condition 2.
- mig
2009-05-06 10:25:57] -
paul: he does not meet condition 2 either, because there was only 1 person on base, so if the batter up had homered and the guy on-deck homered, the blue jays would still be leading 10-9. and he did not pitch 3 innings, so he did not meet any of the criteria for a save.
- mig
2009-05-06 10:22:40] -
paul: He enters the game with a lead of no more than three runs and pitches for at least one inning.
- mig
2009-05-06 10:18:18] - if people want to see star trek (sat at 7:30) and want paul to pick up tickets email me today... He is planning on going after work. If I havent heard from you by the time I leave work then you are still welcome to come but we wont be getting tickets for you!
2009-05-06 09:58:22] -
a: actually I thought that was a known flaw with some dbs... but I could be making that up...
2009-05-06 09:12:11] - Can anybody who understands baseball explain to me how;_ylt=ArANK5uMfuoHPuOQJBFsGFC4u7YF?gid=290505130 is a save for Percival but is not one for Downs?
2009-05-06 09:09:40] - So I am the only person here who likes "b" more than "e"?
2009-05-06 09:06:33] -
a: "ORDER BY RANDOM" - is this in reference to the fact that something you said seven posts ago is the random title now?
- vinnie
2009-05-06 08:33:06] -
aaron: yeah, I think it's e. when I read it yesterday I thought you had pasted the same thing six times
- vinnie
2009-05-06 01:54:16] - wtf? it seems like "ORDER BY RANDOM" in mysql isn't being very random.
2009-05-05 18:25:15] -
aaron: "eachother" is nonstandard (
source). so that breaks a,b,c. i think d is wrong because there's no apostrophe. f is reserved for possessive plural. the toes are plural but is "each other" singular or plural? (i said "is each other" and not "are each other" so it's probably singular)
2009-05-05 18:02:24] -
aaron: g) step on the toes of one another. Seriously though I think
e is best because it's usually singular (you to one other person).
-- Xpovos
2009-05-05 18:01:00] -
a: Only because of the logos, I think you could strip that and port most of the rest pretty easily. And that's primarily a Windows font issue.
-- Xpovos
2009-05-05 17:20:43] -
a) step on eachothers toes
b) step on eachother's toes
c) step on eachothers' toes
d) step on each others toes
e) step on each other's toes
f) step on each others' toes???
- aaron
2009-05-05 16:46:08] -
xpovos: very pretty video. i doubt i would try to port it though, it sounds like he admits porting would be a pain in the ass.
2009-05-05 14:48:56] - Fun side-code project with some pretty results.
Pixel City: A Procedurally Generated City Open sourced under GPL and a few people here might enjoy fussing around with it. He also blogged about his progress; reading that was fun (for me).
-- Xpovos
2009-05-05 13:17:42] -
Paul: ooh that will be fun, lets go to Mr. Bobs class where u are drunk enough that u dont feel being hit... I would love to see Mr. Bob's reaction.
2009-05-05 12:37:38] -
a: Going to happy hour with my coworkers so I am hopefully drunk enough to not feel the blows raining down upon me by Gurkie.
2009-05-05 11:56:49] -
a: Going home and sleeping off the swing flu.
-- Xpovos
2009-05-05 11:53:20] -
a: not really... does beating paul up (at TKD) count?
2009-05-05 11:46:54] - anyone doing anything for five of mayo?
2009-05-05 09:09:54] - - pierce
2009-05-05 08:40:58] - That is an eerie set of sub-title and random post.
-- Xpovos
2009-05-05 03:39:35] - oh man, I love it when denis leary is a guest on the daily show.
- pierce
2009-05-04 14:33:13] -
Paul: They still don't want to. They've just come to the conclusion that if they don't the whole stress test idea is fundamentally flawed, and the public is smart enough to realize that.
-- Xpovos
2009-05-04 12:22:30] - Weren't we just talking about how the government didn't want to point fingers at any banks and say that they are potentially unstable? Guess what they're doing now.
2009-05-04 10:09:16] - it was a good movie, but yeah I think they tried to cram way too much into the movie, it felt very rushed.
- mig
2009-05-04 10:00:22] -
a: It was ok, but I didn't think it was great. There were some good actions scenes, but I felt like the movie was a little too needlessly complicated.
2009-05-03 15:36:40] -
people, how was the movie? there was bad traffic on 495 AND 66 so i had to bag around vienna. that's the second thing i had to bag in the past 24 hours.
2009-05-01 13:07:48] - if you feel like google-imaging boytronic it's probably the first hit. it's a floor-up shot of a naked guy with a big tattoo on his butt
- aaron
2009-05-01 13:06:56] -
a: ah boytronic, one of the nsfwiest album covers that ever came up pandora at work
- aaron
2009-05-01 08:25:23] -
aaron: i'm not voting for boytronic on tuesday.
2009-04-30 23:58:11] - I have simple tastes. I like ice water. I like a rough mosh pit. I love hearing a friend play in an amateur band and I like blood when it's quickly running down my leg. Simple tastes.
2009-04-30 17:02:49] -
a: well good luck with that
, that sucks about your tire though...
2009-04-30 17:02:25] -
a: and assuming no more flat tires. that sucks, sorry
- vinnie
2009-04-30 15:54:04] - this week's race should be much better assuming it doesn't rain too much.
2009-04-30 15:53:32] -
gurkie: i got a flat tire 10% into the race!
what's more, i couldn't, for the life of me, fix the tire. after 10-20 minutes of fiddling with it, i finally got my tire fixed. i had to bum a tube and a pump from other racers. somehow, i still finished the race. and, in fact, i ended up not getting last place. actually, place wise i didn't do too badly.
2009-04-30 15:14:24] -
a: how was ur race last sunday?
2009-04-30 10:37:01] -
aaron: i'm out this week.
2009-04-30 10:11:38] -
ddr_people: you guys want to try the SFM DDR machine?
- aaron
2009-04-30 01:48:41] -
edmond: ~a
2009-04-30 00:11:47] - jason jones, an interviewer from the daily show, played a serious interviewer on law and order last night.
2009-04-28 19:49:27] - Re: the Syke stuff, I saw the ads on TV and didn't get them, but I noticed the disclaimer at the bottom indicating that they were produced by VTSFC , or something like that, which I knew was the group that did the 'old' anti-smoking ads. So I could put 2 & 0 together and get half of four.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-28 19:47:38] - I think best practices call for database names to be more along the line of your.database. Also, and is a delicate word too. Still, amusing.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-28 17:46:52] - INSERT
that INTO your database and EXEC it
2009-04-28 16:29:45] -
a: on 99.5 yesterday I heard a new syke #9 commercial, which explained that it was an anti-tobacco add really...
2009-04-28 13:52:32] -
a very long article (with a very long url). mostly devoid of information, but has a few tid-bits about the syke commercials.
2009-04-28 12:43:22] - colbert study - conservatives don't know he's joking
- aaron
2009-04-27 19:26:29] - the money quote: "When Anderson complained to a supervisor at DPW she was told that she could lease the property from the District and avoid future tickets". that's wonderful.
- mig
2009-04-27 19:25:48] - apparently you do not own your own driveway if you live in DC.
- mig
2009-04-27 16:24:47] - Another issue is all the preventative videos. Half-bright kids can watch a preventative video and learn just as much as a 'how to' video. Or perhaps just enough less to make it even more dangerous?
-- Xpovos
2009-04-27 13:59:36] -
aaron: i'm sure youtube just had people run a search on them all and quickly removed them. It's not hard to do manual purges like that from time to time, but it won't be too long before videos of that ilk are back again.
- mig
2009-04-27 13:17:26] - American Dad had a reference to the practice in yesterday's episode
- aaron
2009-04-27 13:16:09] - I searched youtube this weekend and all the videos I could find were preventative videos, talking about how harmful the practice can be, and about how it's more dangerous than some illegal drugs. So, maybe youtube's already doing some kind of filtering
- aaron
2009-04-27 11:42:08] -
a: YouTube can't even filter out copyrighted material. I'm not necessarily implying that YouTube should stop trying to filter at all, but it's clearly a losing battle long-term.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-27 11:23:02] -
mig: it doesn't have to be one person's fault. many people can share the blame. youtube did something wrong: if i owned youtube, i would somehow filter out videos like these. if i was a parent, i would restrict and/or monitor access to youtube.
2009-04-27 10:28:44] -
paul: yeah it is sad. But I'm not really understanding the reaction. It just seems like he's convinced it's somehow all youtube's fault for what happened.
- mig
2009-04-24 16:06:53] - This is a sad story, but I feel like the father did everything he could to prevent it from happening. I'm not sure if blocking YouTube is really a workable solution.
2009-04-24 15:20:04] - I random walked my way to this wikipedia page which I found more interesting than I should have. -- Xpovos
2009-04-24 15:17:46] -
Paul: I wasn't defending the actions of Paulson & Treasury. Personally I would've been quite happy to have let the free market have a run at these banks. It would have been ugly, but it would've been over quickly. Instead of forcing loans to good and bad banks, I would've looked at the best of the medium banks and 'desposited' the same money in them.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-24 15:01:06] -
aaron: people who are extremely poor or who have imperfect credit typically cannot qualify for traditional loans even if it's an emergency. pay day lending can be beneficial to them. it's only really bad for people who are over-consuming and end up taking chain loans.
- aba
2009-04-24 14:52:28] - i want to read it later, i'm curious what the positive effects are of payday lending
- aaron
2009-04-24 13:44:37] - the mises article about payday lendning was actually pretty interesting, certainly put some perspective to the "outrageous" terms of it.
- mig
2009-04-24 13:41:56] -
paul: or payday lenders.
- mig
2009-04-24 13:38:55] -
mig: Exactly. At least the credit card companies don't force you to borrow money from them.
2009-04-24 13:33:46] -
paul: particularly when you've been chiding others about predatory loan practices.
- mig
2009-04-24 13:24:18] -
Xpovos: Even if there were good reasons behind it, I think it's definitely ethically questionable to have forced some financial institutions to borrow money and now make it difficult to pay the money back while also placing restrictions on said institutions.
2009-04-24 12:59:06] -
pierce: i have
payday loan on my wikipedia watchlist.
this article discusses the positive (& negative) effects of payday lending.
this one also touches on some of them.
2009-04-24 12:55:15] -
which, don't get me wrong, I know the epithet status of "tar baby" is apparently controversial, and I'll give that banker the benefit of the doubt since the "sticky situation" definition is pretty applicable to the point he was making. it's just funny that that didn't even occur to the author.
- pierce
2009-04-24 12:53:24] - it's amusing that the "troubling" part of the "We're not TARP babies anymore." quote is that Treasury may be infantilizing bank (*cough* even though it wasn't a quote from anyone from Treasury)... nothing troubling at all about the "tar baby" connotation.
- pierce
2009-04-24 12:36:13] - the whole problem with payday lending is that it takes advantage of people who are desperate and/or uneducated and sneaks abusive terms into the fine print. if these banks are strong enough not to need the money, then I'm hard-pressed to believe they were desperate, and they sure as hell better not be uneducated.
- pierce
2009-04-24 12:33:15] -
xpovos: well said. that article is more than a bit one-sided, in addition. it's not really clear on what the government is doing that's against the TARP provisions, despite the accustion that "the Treasury department is making a habit of rewriting... the fine print". instead it plays the banks as "folks", burned by a predatory "payday lender".
- pierce
2009-04-24 10:22:00] - But the whole reason Paulson forced all of the banks to take moeny was to hide which ones
needed the money vs. which ones didn't mind taking it. If the strong ones start giving money back, they're clearly strong, but those that don't are clearly weak. Weak banks get run on, which is self-fulfilling weakness.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-24 10:20:44] -
Paul: It gets complicated, but that's probably because it's all about obfuscation. Treasury had to force most of these banks to take the money in the first place (Paulson used a lot of backdoor deals). Now that Congress is trying to put restrictions on the money, the strong banks want to give it back (so do the weak, but they're not capable).
-- Xpovos
2009-04-24 09:53:53] - "Banks want to pay back their bailout loans early, but Treasury doesn't want to let them go." Kind of ironic considering how Obama was just talking about stopping the credit card companies from being abusive.
2009-04-23 18:09:54] -
ok. i'm leaving here in 10 minutes.
2009-04-23 17:54:21] - I'm heading there now so give me a call if you need to reach me
- aaron
2009-04-23 17:46:43] -
a: i'm talkin about this place: - aaron
2009-04-23 17:32:47] - i'm talking about (more or less) 38.83,-77.3
2009-04-23 17:28:49] - we are talking about the same place, right?
2009-04-23 17:26:26] -
aaron: i called 7039932864 and nobody answered (the machine gave me their hours which confirms what's on ddrfreak)
2009-04-23 17:24:24] -
aaron: that area code doesn't seem right. 301 is maryland.
2009-04-23 16:57:22] -
a: do you want to call them first? (301) 652-1877 ?
- aaron
2009-04-23 16:44:26] -
aaron: i don't remember what he looked like . . . or if he was ever at sfm. anyways, i vaguely remember the gmu ddr not being so good but these things sometimes change.
2009-04-23 16:42:02] -
a: Big L's twin brother? I remember he came to SFM a few times. I forget his name. He was the Time Out manager's son. Unless there's a different air drummer
- aaron
2009-04-23 16:38:32] - you were there i think. it had that guy who was really annoying: he was drumming his hands in time with the music.
2009-04-23 16:32:50] -
a: gmu? i don't remember going to gmu for ddr before
- aaron
2009-04-23 16:22:06] -
Pierce: I definitely feel sorry for Lewis because, like you said, he was kinda damned if he did (go through with merger) and damned if he didn't. I'm definitely wondering where the secretary of the treasury gets the authority to remove the board of a private company, though.
2009-04-23 16:04:46] -
aaron: how was the machine at gmu? i don't remember.
2009-04-23 15:56:47] -
ddr_people: you guys want to play the SFM DDR machine? or something else, i'm up for ideas. or we can stop for awhile
- aaron
2009-04-23 15:55:13] -
hmmm, $28 million, must've skimmed over that, yeah hard to imagine that being paid without taxes.
- mig
2009-04-23 15:51:10] -
pierce: i'd concede on a local level this is not a bad hybrid government/free-market solution.
- mig
2009-04-23 15:45:57] -
pierce: well from what I've read it is from people who actually want the services and those who invested for the infrastructure through bonds (while i'm not a big fan of government issued bonds, its certainly better than taxes), and usually the plan is (I don't know if it is in this case) for these to eventually become wholly private entities.
- mig
2009-04-23 15:20:05] - it sounds like Lewis made decisions as a CEO that were bad for his company but good for the public. Ideally more CEOs would act that way, but I'm wary of giving him too many kudos since the "continue with the merger, withhold information" decisions were also the ones most likely to serve his personal interest.
- pierce
2009-04-23 15:15:44] - I'm honestly not sure which he should have done, it depends on whether you think his responsibilities to BoA's shareholders trump his responsibilities to the financial system as a whole.
- pierce
2009-04-23 15:15:36] -
Lewis, on the other hand, had a choice between continuing with the merger and facing possible repercussions from the shareholders when ML's problems came to light, or withdrawing from the merger and facing removal.
- pierce
2009-04-23 15:12:14] - which is a lot of assumptions, I'll admit.
- pierce
2009-04-23 15:11:57] - ...assuming, also, that they didn't suggest Lewis illegally withhold that information from the shareholders.
- pierce
2009-04-23 15:11:08] - I hadn't heard about the BoA/ML thing, but it sounds like a lose-lose situation unfortunately. If you accept at face value (for the sake of argument) that BoA's withdrawal from the merger would've been a major hit to our financial system then I think Bernanke and Paulson were right to make the threat (assuming they had the proper authority to remove Lewis).
- pierce
2009-04-23 15:06:42] -
paul: yeah, it's not clear which is why I added the caveat. that money probably came from taxes in the short term, but it's possible it's being offset within the service cost over the subsequent years.
- pierce
2009-04-23 14:59:49] -
Pierce: Maybe I am mis-understanding the issue, but didn't the article say the government plan cost $28 million? That money probably had to come from taxes.
2009-04-23 14:58:38] - which really is the systemic failing of traditional capitalism when it comes to "utility" style services. the monopoly power is so overwhelming that the consumer can't get competitive rates.
- pierce
2009-04-23 14:55:34] - Is anybody following the news about how the Fed and Paulson strong-armed Bank of America into acquiring Merrill Lynch? Supposedly, Paulson threatened to remove the CEO and board unless they went through with it.
2009-04-23 14:55:33] -
mig: on the other hand, their competition
is the government. what's interesting here is that, for all the hoo-hah about the inefficiencies of government compared to the free market, here's a government organization providing better service at less cost, unless there are local taxes subsidizing this that aren't mentioned by the article.
- pierce
2009-04-23 14:18:43] - feeling down because you have competition? complain to the government and get them to be outlawed.
- mig
2009-04-23 13:03:23] -
gurkie: nope. i'll try to remember to bring my tools. i don't have much in the way of tools, but i can fix some small things.
2009-04-23 13:02:29] -
paul: sure, i can go on an easy ride on saturday.
2009-04-23 13:02:19] -
a: would you mind checking out my bike?
2009-04-23 13:00:38] -
gurkie: yeah, i'll be there.
2009-04-23 10:37:36] -
a: Want to go bike riding this weekend?
2009-04-23 10:34:43] -
a: also, are you going to poker tomorrow
, I brought my bike to Paul's and was hoping you could look at it and tell me if its ridable or if I need to have things fixed on it or what...
2009-04-23 10:34:11] -
a: I didnt say I was mad, and I didnt make mad faces...
2009-04-23 09:27:45] - 13 years old? he looks like he's in college.
2009-04-22 23:33:52] - 13 year old seth rogen does stand up.
- aba
2009-04-22 18:12:54] -
gurkie: why are you mad at words?
2009-04-22 15:57:35] -
title: y r u mad that its earth day???
2009-04-22 13:24:02] -
a: Yessssss... let the hate flow through you....
- Palpable
2009-04-22 10:56:21] -
a: Yessssss... let the hate flow through you....
2009-04-22 10:41:41] - on the other hand, i'm still kind of mad at ge for having zero accountability on this.
2009-04-22 10:39:17] -
paul: like i said, he wasn't a ge employee.
2009-04-22 10:24:07] -
a: I just recently bought more GE stock.
2009-04-22 10:10:55] -
xpovos: i won't give up, don't worry.
2009-04-22 10:00:44] -
a: re: sub-post: How did that ever get resolved? The GE truck incident.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-22 10:00:16] -
aaron: :O
- vinnie
2009-04-21 21:46:48] -
hmmm. here's the full response
on youtube. it is interesting that paul's link didn't include her quote word-for-word. "opposite marriage" was in her original quote. also, the beginning of her statement, that they cut, seems a little contradictory.
2009-04-21 18:37:51] - I think that's the source.
- pierce
2009-04-21 18:37:11] - "Charmaine Koonce, the mother of Miss New Mexico USA Bianca Matamoros-Koonce, argued back."
- pierce
2009-04-21 18:19:22] -
a: it is really weird having quotation marks without a source
- aaron
2009-04-21 18:19:12] -
a: maybe they were quoting fox news.
- aaron
2009-04-21 18:12:54] - i guess i wasn't asking for where the quote originally came from. i was asking why it was in the article and who they were quoting.
2009-04-21 16:46:54] -
vinnie: (i didn't get it at first either)
- aaron
2009-04-21 16:46:38] -
vinnie: eve rhymes with steve!
- aaron
2009-04-21 16:03:01] - Craigslist?
2009-04-21 15:53:35] -
xpovos: I didnt actually go to the site, I just know awhile ago a guy i met suggested I look for jobs there that its all independent contractors. You could also see if you could post something at GMU or other college, college kids are cheap and hopefully smart.
2009-04-21 14:02:58] -
gurkie: Thanks, that's one site at least. If that's the going rate just for listing, though, I'm afraid.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-21 13:31:56] -
Xpovos: I think their is a site called dice or something which has independent computer contractors... But I am not sure if they are more expensive or looking for part time really, but it might be a good place to check
2009-04-21 13:27:59] - I hate that "Adam and Steve" quote, I've read/heard it a bunch of times, not particularly clever
- vinnie
2009-04-21 13:21:39] - "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" is normally just an anti-gay slogan... this is the first time I've heard it applied to marriage specifically (were Adam and Eve even married?). the whole thing is stupid from start to finish though, from asking the question in the first place to her answer to the "furor" that has "erupted".
- pierce
2009-04-21 12:56:37] - To folow up some questions I had a few weeks back, once I've gotten approval from the bosses, what's a good way to advertise the need for some contract coders. I.E. where would you guys look if you were looking for a part-time gig on the side?
-- Xpovos
2009-04-21 12:38:30] -
a: From the bible?
I don't know, but it's definitely a quote that I have heard before (maybe on a bumper sticker?)
2009-04-21 12:19:09] - "In the Bible it says marriage is between Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!" where did that quote come from? it seems like it's kind of shoe-horned into the article.
2009-04-21 11:20:16] -,2933,517137,00.html Miss California Sparks Furor With Gay Marriage Comments on Miss USA Telecast
2009-04-21 11:04:34] -
a: Yeah, that was really what I was looking for: the date-stamp, to see if it was predictive or responsive. Seems a bit of both.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-21 10:56:41] -
xpovos: i searched for the same thing
. . . travis and paul were talking about the "sicko" movie three years before it came out.
2009-04-21 10:49:32] -
Damn. Now I need to write on the chalkboard 100 times. This is not a search box.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-21 10:49:02] - US Health Care would
2009-04-21 09:45:56] - lol. eat the kids first.
2009-04-21 09:44:01] -
paul: hahaha, nice. I've actually seen WTF OMFG around here
- vinnie
2009-04-21 09:22:47] - Some pretty funny license plates in the picture to the right of the article (although I don't fully understand some of them). Possibly nsfw (but safe for the DMV?)
2009-04-20 19:43:00] - The other fun part of the story is the Gamestop bashing, which is totally legitimate.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-20 19:42:44] - Of course, another example of a Stardock game: The Political Machine, 2008. Note: I own the game and love it, but--it's niche. Pirates don't tend to go after niche games. So, mostly I'm curious to see how Stardock reacts now that their anti-DRM business model is coming *cough* broadside *cough* of major pirating activities.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-20 19:41:38] -
pierce: I think we agree on piracy. I posted the link because I'd been following the story for a while. The most interesting thing to me is Stardock is blatantly anti-DRM (for non-piracy related pirate issues) which I am in favor of. As a result, their games tend to be easier to pirate. Until recently, they haven't been major targets.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-20 16:55:44] - it's not that I'm claiming to be a saint on the matter, it's not like I've never pirated anything, but I don't have any illusions about the principle of it.
- pierce
2009-04-20 16:54:53] -
mig: I agree with that, but I don't think it's relevant to the issue of piracy. piracy doesn't become principled and okay just because it's against a company that's failing to adapt.
- pierce
2009-04-20 16:46:07] -
pierce: it is certainly their right. I guess my main point is that regardless of who is "right" in a legal sense, the bad business models do not sustain themselves, and they need to either adapt or die.
- mig
2009-04-20 16:41:45] -
mig: but so as a die-hard free market supporter, do you not support the RIAA's right to drive themselves out of business if they want?
- pierce
2009-04-20 16:37:24] - well based on your summary I'd take back the critcism of TDS. The ad slightly did irritate me regardless.
- mig
2009-04-20 16:35:08] - I did not see the actual show, but I did see ads about it which did use "rich white guys complaining about taxes" as the tagline. I actually don't remember when it was supposed to air.
- mig
2009-04-20 16:33:03] -
Mig: Few seem to be understanding that the tea parties weren't necessarily about taxes but about out of control spending and the deficits that are ballooning. Granted, this was partially the tea party organizers fault for using a historical anti-tax protest for the name.
2009-04-20 16:32:59] -
also, though I don't doubt it exists, could you cite the "rich white dudes" jokes when you get a chance? none of them are occuring to me offhand and I watched every episode last week.
- pierce
2009-04-20 16:31:58] -
mig: um, that's a really oversimplistic description of TDS's coverage. they talked about the media bias in reporting it, the lameness of the theatrics of it, the magnitude of the protests compared to, say, the inauguration or a reality show audition... it's hardly just jokes about rich white dudes complaining.
- pierce
2009-04-20 16:31:51] -
Mig: It's more annoying to me when I keep hearing about how Obama hasn't even raised taxes on the non-rich yet (which is actually a bit inaccurate) and so the Tea Partiers are idiots.
2009-04-20 16:30:49] - there wasn't anything glorious or righteous about sharing mp3s over the interwebs, but it was an indication to the RIAA that their way of doing business was being rejected by consumers, which moronically they've fought tooth and nail up until now.
- mig
2009-04-20 16:30:30] -
Mig: To me, the worst straw-manning (is that a word?) that is going on in the media isn't even the "Tea Party attendees are racist" lines, because those are fairly obvious mis-representations.
2009-04-20 16:29:26] -
pierce: i don't know about the "right" to make companies redefine their models, but business should be wary that if there business models sucks, they will have to redefine it or go out of business.
- mig
2009-04-20 16:26:08] - Hark! Did I hear somebody espousing the virtues of a fiat currency?
2009-04-20 16:25:47] - s/can/can't
- mig
2009-04-20 16:25:23] - that's not to say they can mock the "rich white dude" segment of the tea parties, but trying to cast all the tea parties in that light I do have a problem with .
- mig
2009-04-20 16:24:39] - if you want to support only OSS gaming, then fine and dandy and I encourage that, but I don't think you can justify claiming some personal moral fiat over these distribution strategies when you so obviously have a vested bias in the matter.
- pierce
2009-04-20 16:23:35] - re: piracy, here's what bugs me about the "principled" arguments supporting piracy... you may think that the gaming industry benefits from piracy in spite of itself, or that there's no significant harm from piracy since most pirates wouldn't have bought the game anyway, but on what basis do you claim the right to redefine these companies' business models?
- pierce
2009-04-20 16:22:46] -
pierce: i consider mocking the tea parties as "rich white dudes complaining about tax increases" to be strawmanning, which is precisely what the daily show was doing.
- mig
2009-04-20 16:19:57] - and at the risk of retreading a recent argument, how is "straw man" an applicable term to a comedy show? if it's funny, it's relevant.
- pierce
2009-04-20 16:18:02] -
wait, wait, I'll give you that the race issue isn't particularly relevant from what I've seen (not that there weren't racist motivations behind
some tea protesting), but how is talking about the tea parties themselves a straw man?
- pierce
2009-04-20 16:14:18] -
subtitle: i second it.
2009-04-20 15:46:32] - this is pure awesome.
- mig
2009-04-20 12:56:41] -
mig: On the other side, it's not like Santolli, who's getting a lot of the credit for the tea party idea (unduly in my opinion) is a great guy to have representing you.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-20 12:36:45] - Even TDS is following the left's lead at straw-manning the tea parties, which is kind of sad.
- mig
2009-04-20 12:36:06] - i'm actually a little stunned at how quickly the left is falling back to race, but then again such garbage is typical of Olberman's show.
- mig
2009-04-20 11:47:28] -
Xpovos: Yeah, I was briefly disappointed as I was reading the review until I got to the part where they seemed to dislike Iron Man (I thought it was pretty good) and said ID4 was a truly great summer film (I loved Independence Day, but I feel like most critics did not).
2009-04-20 11:42:47] -
Paul: Sounds like a winner on both counts to me too. Independence Day was OK at best.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-20 11:11:46] - UK review for the new Star Trek movie says it has a poor plot and action sequences like Iron Man (really?) and isn't a truly great summer film like Independence Day (really x 2?)
2009-04-20 11:02:18] -
Piracy vs. an anti-DRM software company vs. Gamestop's early leak policies. Very interesting, mostly a lot of hot air in the debates, but all sides are sticking to their guns.
-- Xpovos
2009-04-20 10:59:18] -
a: Bad news, you're a racist redneck.
2009-04-17 17:05:54] -
Vinnie: Cool. That's mostly what I suspected, since I read that in a lot of areas, Sprint's network is actually considered better than Verizon's. Thanks.
2009-04-17 16:50:04] -
paul: nope, I've been pretty happy with them. I had a lot more dropped calls and network problems on Verizon, actually, though most of that was when we lived underground
- vinnie
2009-04-17 16:38:16] -
Gurkie: -Paul
2009-04-17 16:37:47] -
paul: i stand corrected...
2009-04-17 16:21:11] -
Gurkie: Supposedly you can. I read that Verizon will let you bring any CDMA phone to them and them will send it to someplace to run "tests" and if it's compatible, then they will activate it on their network for you.
2009-04-17 16:20:19] -
Aaron: I guess it's really the "merging" stuff which has me most excited, though, like being able to handle facebook, text messaging, IM, calling, email and such seamlessly while keeping all your contact info consistent and correct (so they claim, obviously).
2009-04-17 16:18:51] -
Paul: if you buy it on sprint you can not transfer it to verizon...
2009-04-17 16:17:21] -
Aaron: It's also a bunch of little things: Having a physical keyboard would be nice for composing emails, the phone outright states that it can be used as a laptop modem via tethering, it has a standard 3.5mm headphone jack...
2009-04-17 16:15:53] -
Aaron: Anyway, after looking into it more, I liked everything I had heard about how intuitive the interface was and how it merges together all different forms of contact (email, IM, voicemail, etc) so you don't have to go searching in a bunch of different places for info.
2009-04-17 16:14:22] -
Aaron: Originally, I was looking for a smartphone which was like the iPhone, but didn't require me to switch to AT&T. That let me to the Pre (which although it's exclusive to Sprint, it's a CDMA phone which leads me to believe I could transfer it to Verizon Wireless).
2009-04-17 16:12:11] -
paul: what do you like about the palm pre?
- aaron
2009-04-17 16:07:03] -
Vinnie: I'm looking at getting a smartphone and the Palm Pre has me interested, but it's only going to be available on Sprint. I've heard their network is almost as good as Verizon's and it's cheaper, but I am still a little concered.
2009-04-17 16:06:07] -
Vinnie: Sweet. Do you have any complaints regarding service coverage, call quality, dropped calls, etc?
2009-04-17 15:46:15] - not always right - vegetable soup
- aaron
2009-04-17 15:35:43] -
paul: yeah Amy and I have Sprint
- vinnie
2009-04-17 15:35:26] -
aaron: jeez, it gets worse and worse...
- vinnie
2009-04-17 11:29:39] - Does anybody here have Sprint as a mobile phone provider?
2009-04-17 11:18:38] -
vinnie: they got rid of the pump it up machine
they still have the shitty ddr machine though
- aaron
2009-04-16 16:35:34] -
a: okay, i'll check my phone
- aaron
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