searchy searchy

[2011-03-16 12:50:26] - I'm probably using (and even liking) MS Office more now than I have in a long time.  2010 is a complete redesign which bugs a lot of people because they change so much.  But a lot (alot?) of the changes are quite good once you get into the rhythm of the work. -- Xpovos

[2011-03-16 12:42:42] - hmmm, wiktionary has it so it must be a word.  ~a

[2011-03-16 12:41:21] - looks like paul and myself are the only offenders:  link.  but we don't use that word, alot.  ~a

[2011-03-16 12:28:33] - i don't know how many security bugs there have been, total, against adobe flash and adobe reader but it's alot - aaron

[2009-05-06 15:20:15] - paul: yea alot of words should be words, eachother included - aaron

[2005-05-09 14:07:08] - pierce:  alot of people on \. were giving reasons for why the study wasn't very scientific (i.e. the polled population wasn't random)  ~a

[2001-06-14 15:58:00] - dave: You still haven't proven to me that we need all these high-tech gadgets though, I acknowledge that it costs alot to make these things, but do we need them? -paul