searchy searchy

[2022-09-16 11:05:27] - a:  Is DeSantis engaging in a craven political stunt? !00% yes.  But it is equally craven to boast about your status as a "Sanctuary City" and then cry and complain when you actually receive migrants. - mig

[2022-08-15 15:25:52] - a: I don't know. But "I heard Musk's biographer said Hyperloop is a scam" is a far cry from "Elon Musk admitted it was a scam". Otherwise I guess Biden admitted to molesting Tara Reade? -Paul

[2022-05-18 14:45:03] - paul:  "Now, if the argument is that that is bad.... then yeah, I disagree with that"  yes, absolutely that is *the argument*.  tucker carlson (and others) have been pushing this theory.  "you will not replace us" (and the lesser-used but more inflammatory "jews will not replace us") was the "Unite the Right rally" cry.  other than trump, we don't see much in the way of promoting that rally because it became a crime scene.  ~a

[2022-01-07 14:49:30] - mig: But not with "cancel culture" (or whatever you want to call it), it's a little more dangerous. Casually throw out an accusation about somebody being racist and you might get them fired or ruin their life. Make a joke about Rowling being anti-semetic and mobs will take up the rallying cry and demand actions against Harry Potter (and be taken seriously). -Paul

[2021-12-23 20:06:19] - paul:  "That seems like a far cry from just being unvaccinated, though"  i'm glad you said this because that's obviously the next logical step.  can you explain where you draw the line?  why is being unvaccinated coughing into close-proximity air SO much different from just coughing on people?  ~a

[2021-12-23 20:04:43] - a: "if (hypothetically) someone was intentionally spreading covid-19 to people" Sure? Wasn't there a case really early on where somebody intentionally coughed right in some bus driver's face? I think they got charged with assault or something. That seems like a far cry from just being unvaccinated, though. -paul

[2021-09-30 18:29:15] - geometry indexes for all of north america in postgis apparently makes my computer from 2014 cry.  ~a

[2021-09-24 14:08:36] - Daniel: It's because for the past few years, all we've been hearing is the non-stop cry of "follow the science" in regards to why Dems are so smart and good and Reps are so dumb and evil. The problem is that oftentimes the Dems are just as bad at following the science as Reps. -Paul

[2021-04-07 18:25:42] - a: "why would biden's team focus on the 5:00 thing?" I don't know. I feel like this is a consistent frustration I have with Democrats. Even when I agree with them, they seem to get hung up on the "wrong" things. Like why was Michael Brown the big rallying cry for police misconduct (when it sounds like it was probably a justified shooting) vs Tamir Rice (which was a complete travesty). -Paul

[2021-03-16 13:45:49] - a: No, I don't blame him, but is it a positive thing? I guess that's what surprised me. Is it positive that some people didn't want to give a female work but a male who is the exact same person they're all lining up for? I'm far from somebody who is the first to cry sexism, but that really seems like sexism, no? -Paul

[2021-01-23 03:49:23] - wow, just before I reply to the reuters thing, the scary algorithmic stuff: as is, that link has a "more tweets" section starting with a publicity stunt by madison "cry more, lib" cawthorne, then a don jr. retweet of a nypost article, then a couple of boebert tweets (did incognito in firefox and chrome to confirm). without the "?s=19" it's just the reuters tweet and replies. where did you get that link from, paul? - pierce

[2020-10-14 17:09:21] - Daniel: "Like can Paul actually say with a straight face that ACB doesn't want to over turn Roe?" Did I say that (legit question, I can't remember)? I believe she would probably like it overturned, but that's a far cry from actually being able to overturn it, which is at least partially my point. A court case would have to work its way up to them and be accepted. Roberts already seems pretty hell bent on not rocking the boat. -Paul

[2020-07-07 18:12:42] - mig: I don't think that article somehow says its ok to spread covid.  It just said BLM protests might be worth it for some epidemiologists.  I think thats a far cry from where those parents ended up in FL.  They ended up in the completely ignore science camp and killed their child.  -Daniel

[2020-06-25 15:15:46] - a: that's way higher than i expected. that many people want to be tested?? gurkie told me that the doctors do the total recall nose thing to you until you cry. maybe if she told everyone else about that, fewer people would get the test - aaron

[2020-06-05 15:14:23] - if some other different radio host says some dog-whistle bullshit, i won't cry you a fucking river.  ~a

[2020-06-05 14:36:31] - paul:  a radio show personality got fired for publicly posting some dog-whistle bullshit.  cry me a fucking river.    ~a

[2020-04-01 18:58:30] - aaron: I tried out the ai thing - it made me laugh.  I was able to eat a monster which disappointed my parents.  I think killed a village which made my mother cry.  I then typed "be good" and it said I changed my ways and made my parents proud.  lol  -Daniel

[2020-03-24 11:11:19] - now you're free to assume the variable rates won't go up too much, but that's a far cry from arbitrage.  ~a

[2020-03-23 16:01:24] - paul:  "that's a far cry from the hundreds of thousands"  i'm not sure it is a far cry.  the 5k in italy is rising 700 *per* *day*.  18k in italy is 100k in the united states (per capita).  ~a

[2020-03-23 15:47:44] - a: Maybe the article is overly optimistic, but have you ever given thought to maybe you (and/or others) are being overly pessimistic? Italy seems to be the poster child for mishandling COVID-19 right now (outside of the US, I suppose), and they're looking at 5k deaths. Obviously that's awful, but that's a far cry from the hundreds of thousands or millions of deaths lots of other people are predicting. -Paul

[2019-12-17 12:28:44] - a: I kinda liked cheetos fingers noobs (or whatever it was). It's my new battle cry. -Paul

[2019-09-17 10:48:27] - paul/mig:  it's a good "rallying cry" because it's hard to defend against.  having a gun for sport, or a gun for home defense, is a good use case.  so politicians have an easier time (*relatively*) banning guns that are bad at sport and bad at home defense.  ~a

[2018-11-26 11:06:24] - aaron: Or, I guess, they see the tweet in the news or something. I guess it could show up in moments, but stumbling across somebody saying that he thinks women are women or whatever seems like a far cry from the repeated abusive tweets. -Paul

[2018-06-25 12:00:30] - a: I think R's are a label for a group (maybe class?  maybe not?  I think that would be a very semantic distinction of people based on definition of class) that have selected / chosen something.  I don't think people are born R's or are inherently R's.  I do get your grey area though.  It does seem simplistic to deny service to all R's but denying service to Miller because he enjoys seeing photos of kids cry seems ok to me.  -Daniel

[2018-06-20 14:24:17] - you give trump too much credit.  he's playing damage control by lying.  he (really sessions) did some shitty stuff and got caught.  instead of backing down he does what he always does:  make everybody think it was on purpose and doubles down.  it'll work as well as usual:  his opponents will cry out, but nothing will change.  ~a

[2018-05-22 13:21:33] - Adam Sandler actually pegged those kids with dodge balls in Billy Madison, and apparently the parents weren't happy... Ha ha - aaron

[2018-05-17 10:05:58] - daniel:  harsh?  probably.  But I feel it's accurate.  The tax that was created feels pretty arbitrary and almost certainly targeted at Amazon.  And then to cry about extortion when Amazon stops expansion and considers leaving Seattle?  Yeah, that's feels like entitlement to me. - mig

[2018-03-28 12:31:54] - mig: Whereas I don't really hear anything in the media about how liberals have been rallying around this cry of basically explicitly resisting anything and everything Trump stands for. -Paul

[2017-10-03 23:21:01] - a: Not yours, but the constant cry from comedians and coaches and actors and honestly even politicians who don't seem to know a damn thing about guns, let alone gun policy. -Paul

[2017-10-03 12:06:48] - and right, the DoD would certainly be open to allowing some source code to be open source, but there are some contexts that they would cry, "Nope, would endanger natsec!" - mig

[2015-07-21 15:06:15] - paul:  understood.  for storing small amounts, usually this is ok, right?  if i keep $40 on my phone, for spending, and someone hacks my phone, i won't cry to anybody about my lost $40.  in reality, you're more likely to "lose" your money than have it stolen, which is why you have to make sure to write down your 12 words.  ~a

[2014-11-04 10:26:27] - aaron:  if the network goes down, if i'm offline in afghanistan, if amazon decides to stop supporting their service, if amazon's servers happen to be too slow one day, if throttling of my isp prevents me from watching the movie, if any of these things, drm falls on it's face.  and i cry salty tears.  ~a

[2014-08-14 16:02:03] - mig: given that after called out on not taking it up as a cry to arms they talk about it? That doesnt make the article wrong unless of course they replied to the article with I wasnt using this as a rallying cry because of a, b, and c... but I didnt read their replies... ~g

[2014-08-14 14:57:55] - paul: to me it seems like the story in the post is about how liberatarian politicians arent taking this up as a battle cry for the injustices against civil liberties, not a blanket statement against liberatarians commenting on the events. ~g

[2014-07-22 22:36:23] - xpovos:  yeah it seems if you've been playing a while normal mode isn't too difficult.  i didn't have much problem with anub'rekan but I lost to faerlina but I think that just might have been due to poor draws.  I'm a little surprised they don't make you use premade decks for the encounters, lest people cry "pay2win" for the heroic encounters. - mig

[2014-06-19 09:40:25] - a: Unless the defendent in that case could make a case for sufficient market confusion, ala Xerox.  And since the term is "offensive" it's unlikely to be picked up as a rallying cry by people trying to make if financially painful to the team and owner. There were 6 registered trademarks, though, so that might be broad enough to do something... -- Xpovos

[2014-06-10 15:57:24] - "I wanted to see banshees attacking you, and then have asari gunships zoom in and blow them away. I wanted to see a wave of rachni ravagers come around a corner only to be met by a wall of krogan roaring a battle cry." -Paul

[2014-05-27 16:38:59] - Maybe it wasn't the right kind of care, but this seems like a far cry from somebody like the Virginia Tech shooter where he was a mentally ill person who slipped through the cracks. -Paul

[2014-02-10 15:02:59] - Paul: Their lives warranted the same dignity as yours or mine...  but the irony is humorous, and I don't think there's any problem in laughing.  Sometimes all you can do is laugh or cry.  Probably better to laugh. -- Xpovos

[2013-05-14 15:24:28] - the only thing about this incident with holder is you can't explain it away as "republican conspiracymongering", like many did with F&F.  Media outlets generally will all cry foul when a media organization is directly targetted by abuse by government. - mig

[2012-05-25 12:30:52] - that doesn't make you smile?  or cry?  ~a

[2012-04-30 15:34:15] - g: That headline is really misleading.  They didn't renew her contract, that's a far cry from firing her.  We don't renew contracts all the time.  Most of the time it doesn't cause controversy, but it's very entertaining when it does.  Well, except for that one guy... -- Xpovos

[2012-02-14 12:35:37] - I like the interactivity though it seems to make my browser cry in pain at times. - mig

[2011-12-02 15:03:40] - aaron:  anyways, I don't see why the S&P would have found the obama-boehner deal to be acceptable in their eyes.  They had set a clear deficit reduction threshold as the terms whether they would  downgrade (which that deal didn't meet), and other parameters (being "open" to entitlement reform is a far cry from actually doing entitlement reform). - mig

[2011-09-07 16:13:27] - a: Ill pout and cry... and if you still dont give me a copy Ill steal it from you :-D ~g

[2011-09-06 13:02:52] - aaron: I didn't dig too deep into the wikipedia article, but I'm assuming when they say "At least half of all lifelong smokers die earlier as a result of smoking", the number is probably close to 50% or else a stronger phrasing would be used. I think that's still a far cry from "almost all". -Paul

[2011-09-06 12:13:46] - Xpovos: Which is a far cry from saying that it kills almost all of their users in a very short amount of time, IMO. -Paul

[2011-02-16 15:27:31] - Though I wonder if a robot could do a dance that would amke people cry.  Like if you magically had a robot that could compete on sytycd would people simply not cry because its a robot so it doesn't have its own emotions?  Or would it still be able to move people to tears.  Interesting...  -Daniel

[2011-02-16 15:26:21] - aaron: Thats the point!  Something they are terrible at now that we just assume they couldn't do.  Then its that much more impressive when a robot belts out Sweet Child of Mine with all the right emotion and what not.  Or dances a song about breast cancer that makes people cry.  Quite a challenge for a robot.  -Daniel

[2010-12-07 17:05:49] - but about 90% of my coworkers rely on ctrl+c ctrl+p as like, their only refactoring tool, and it makes me cry - aaron

[2010-12-01 11:53:25] - Daniel: It went to the right article, it sounds like.The poll asks how people want to close the deficit, cut spending/increase taxes. Most say cut spending (good), but both answers are legitimate. The part that makes me lose faith in democracy and cry "B&C" is that the spending cuts are 'non-specific', and everyone rushes to defend their pet project immediately. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-17 20:25:35] - vinnie: cry ~gurkie

[2010-02-25 22:32:18] - a: yea.  i guess i failed to understand that playable demos are a far cry from complete beta testing.  cata and d3 betas haven't even started.  :P  -  aba

[2009-12-07 12:48:00] - a: *cry* ~gurkie

[2009-09-24 15:12:40] - what about, say, Metal Gear or Resident Evil?  Devil May Cry?  or whatever other franchises you think might be worth exploring? - pierce

[2009-08-25 13:17:39] - Paul: You cry easily! When I kick your @$$~gurkie

[2009-08-25 13:17:11] - Gurkie: Ah, you cry easily. :-) -Paul

[2009-08-25 13:16:45] - paul: I think aar was saying I would cry cause of all the diplomacy talk... ~gurkie

[2009-08-25 13:16:27] - me cry ~ gurkie

[2009-08-25 12:48:39] - Aaron: Why would Gurkie cry? -Paul

[2009-08-25 12:45:13] - also i hope gurkie doesn't check the message board today or she might cry a little :-d - aaron

[2009-07-09 15:08:34] - Xpovos: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH you hate me! Trying to ban me from the msg board... *cry* ~gurkie

[2009-06-30 13:20:27] - gurkie: the carnivore flyer made me cry, can we start a vegetarian support group that i can turn to for consolation? -amy

[2009-03-06 12:09:48] - a: t-spin triples made me cry when i learned about them. it's the dumbest thing they did to New Tetris, it's completely arbitrary and makes no sense - aaron

[2009-02-23 10:06:10] - gurkie: They may run a little small.  I used to wear smalls when I was in better shape, but even in good shape I would never be able to wear the smalls I bought from them.  So long as I stay in OK shape, or can improve to good shape, the mediums should be fine for me.  If I need to go large, I'll go cry over a pint of Hagan Daaz.  -- Xpovos

[2008-07-28 11:54:00] - paul:  i'm guessing that schools/companies can pay for accounts with higher time limits.  the speech made me cry at the end.... it was really really powerful.  -  aba

[2008-07-01 18:03:24] - "a: AMD has taken a big hit lately but they have also been on quite a run this past month or so. Normally the stock dropping so much would've made me cry but it's still up a huge amount from when I bought it so I don't mind so much. -Paul" Ah... good times. -Paul

[2008-07-01 17:37:55] - search    search

[2008-01-29 13:20:15] - Needing to learn Java is making me cry. -- Xpovos

[2007-07-20 16:16:40] - I didn't want to hurt you, but you're pretty when you cry.

[2007-07-20 15:49:17] - pierce: cause its fun to see you cry. ~gurkie

[2007-05-10 12:23:52] - gurkie: Well, they did all those killings already, right? Why cry over spilled milk!  Some groups did protest the killings when they happened, though.  Just not enough. -- Xpovos

[2007-02-23 08:44:06] - Paul: I should sell now and take my first profit on a stock ever.  But I'm not going to.  I'm convinced it has a chance to hit my target price. If it tanks next week (quite likely) I will cry. -- Xpovos'

[2007-01-24 09:11:33] - Xpovos: The thing which is really annoying me is that 2006 was a bad year (I think I was down overall) and AMD specifically makes my heart cry. -Paul

[2006-11-28 13:20:43] - a: While I see the analogy, it's flawed.  The blackjack game is a far cry from an 'always 10%', and I'd have no qualms about a zero rake poker game myself. -- Xpovos

[2006-09-11 18:05:57] - gurkie:  I'm in the wedding - so I will definately be busy the nigth before - but adrian might not.  I will cry a little if I miss the party but I'll live.  I hope you all have fun!  - lori

[2006-09-11 15:19:02] - And making them cry. -Paul

[2006-06-15 12:34:48] - Amy: What about if you started to cry? :-) -Paul

[2006-03-07 16:57:54] - abamy: I guess I could see not wanting to cry in the office or something like that, but it seems perfectly acceptable to cry outside the office. -Paul

[2006-03-07 16:47:50] - amy: i cry all the time too.  i hate it because it makes me feel like such a stereotypical female.  -  aba

[2006-03-07 15:58:32] - a: yeah, i know people who don't cry anymore that say they wish they did, or even that they have tried to when they were really upset but could not. personally, i wish i didn't cry all the damn time. we should take the average. or something. -amy

[2006-03-07 15:55:02] - amy:  i don't cry anymore.  i have a feeling that something inside me died.  ~a

[2006-03-02 08:42:00] - sam: I think the entirety of the country was pretty well warned about a massive hurricane about to hit New Orleans.  IIRC correctly it was the main story for close to a week before it hit.  The issue isn't warning.  It's that people completely disregard the warning.  Partially a 'cry wolf' effect.  Partially a stuborness regarding their homes and lives. -- Xpovos

[2006-02-12 17:51:13] - paul: go here and watch Xbox360 vs. PC Tech Demo (HD version) for Far Cry      Far Cry for Xbox360 look amazing... -sam

[2006-01-31 10:04:11] - dave:  while it's good these idiot government goons got caught, hopefully this won't serve as a rallying cry for politicans to try an regulate wikipedia. - mig

[2006-01-30 15:37:47] - Random side-note: The more I read about taxes and investing, the more I want to cry. :-P -Paul

[2006-01-25 11:11:14] - cry cry again.

[2006-01-17 14:01:11] - a: AMD has taken a big hit lately but they have also been on quite a run this past month or so. Normally the stock dropping so much would've made me cry but it's still up a huge amount from when I bought it so I don't mind so much. -Paul

[2005-08-24 11:53:35] - "It's hard to believe it, but 10 short years ago today saw the launch of Windows '95 ...  As part of the launch, Microsoft paid $12,000,000 for the rights to use the Rolling Stones' song "Start Me Up" (containing the prophetic line 'You make a grown man cry'). "  :-P  ~a

[2005-01-13 10:38:21] - Dave: Actually, it would probably be more appropriate to say that I should translate my Far Cry skills to real life since HL2 has more to do with fighting aliens in an Eastern European city. Far Cry deals more with fighting mercenaries in a jungle environment. -Paul

[2004-12-26 22:34:14] - lies make baby travis cry

[2004-11-25 13:13:45] - Hopefully that will be the tone of the ensuing debate, rather than sensationalistic "OMG tehy banned the constitution and made baby Jesus cry!" - pierce

[2004-10-21 23:39:11] - Assuming progressive improvements that would keep his condition from degenerating beyond the effects of old age, it's not all that outlandish to imagine he would have survived until we figured it out.  It's optimistic, but optimistic is a far cry from "false hope". - pierce

[2004-08-27 15:01:34] - *cry* - aaron

[2004-06-14 17:40:33] - cry for me then! the painting was hard work! :P - vinnie

[2004-06-14 17:32:47] - Don't cry for me, message board patrons. :-) -Paul

[2004-06-09 12:01:48] - Dave: Well, I just find it hard to cry for women who think it's too hard to go out and ask a guy out. Maybe I would feel sympathy for them if it wasn't something I had to deal with. Periods, on the other hand... -Paul

[2004-05-04 11:13:00] - paul:  and the people complaining are probably the same people who cry and whine when the ten commandments might get taken down from a public building. - mig

[2004-04-21 20:19:00] - well i'm not too upset about the china thing either.  but it rings rather hollow to cry about being censored when you go off and threaten to censor someone else.  while al jazaeera is by no means a principled news source (then again, who is?)  i've seen nothing to indicate they are outright making shit up. - mig

[2004-03-22 10:52:00] - the absence of "the" just ruined my joke. I'm off to cry in a corner - vinnie

[2003-08-07 16:29:00] - wow.  i didn't think that i had posted the link.  i never post links!  "  it makes me cry when good ideas get ruined by politics.  ~a;6-19-03 2:09am"  ~a

[2003-06-19 02:09:00] -  it makes me cry when good ideas get ruined by politics.  ~a

[2002-08-02 10:31:51] - lies make baby jesus cry

[2002-06-29 16:56:02] - you can cry all you want about how evil microsoft is, but ie is what our clients use.  if we didn't support the browsers our clients use, they wouldn't pay us.  - wolf

[2002-06-26 19:46:39] - and we live in a republic, which means majority doesn't rule.  all those christians can go cry a fucking river. - mig

[2002-01-01 19:29:44] - no one likes my web page;  cry  :'(

[2001-09-27 23:15:00] - are you going to cry because he mentioned the janitor and not the banker?

[2001-08-13 12:47:00] - dewey: Call me crazy, but I think that this cam-whoring is a far cry from a dataing service -paul

[2001-07-28 21:34:00] - 98 rock was totally dissing marilyn manson today.  this girl really wanted to hear the beautiful people and the dj was really making fun of her.  she then really kindly asked for the dope show and he made fun of her some more.  cry.  :'(  ~a

[2001-07-27 14:59:00] - all of the "good" things that the clinton administration did, the bush administration is undoing.  it makes me want to cry with frustration to see how egotistical they are being.  -  aba

[2001-07-21 01:54:00] - i did not meen for the message board to be down all of friday.  i fixed the problem in 4 minutes on thursday night and accidentally left the message board down.  cry.  ~a

[2001-07-13 12:51:00] - back to work.  *cry*  -  aba

[2001-06-30 21:33:00] - cry!  we aren't going to make it.  only 2.5 hours left.  :'(  ~a

[2001-06-23 10:50:00] - Funny goats today (friday)... "I'm lost and I need to call my mommy." "Just dial 1-800-CALL-TTA! Use the buttons on my shirt, they're wacky!" "*cry* Won't you just give me a quarter?" - aaron

[2001-06-20 23:35:00] - did you make baby jesus cry? - mig

[2001-06-20 23:26:00] - a: cry? -paul

[2001-06-20 23:21:00] - cry.  ~a

[2001-06-20 11:22:00] - cry.  i like Fitter Happier.  pointless?  ~a

[2001-05-24 22:52:00] - i don't want to sleep!  cry!  ~a

[2001-05-17 15:11:00] - cry

[2001-05-17 15:06:00] - i hungry.  :[  no one else is at home to feed me.  *cry*  -  aba

[2001-05-17 14:40:00] - and since i am living in cochrane again (cry)  ~a

[2001-03-24 19:18:00] - Actually, Vinnie's comment about Voyager made me cry first, then Logan poured salt in the wound with his insulting of my manly red color :-( -paul

[2001-03-24 19:16:00] - you made paul cry logan  >:0  that wasn't nice of you  -  aba

[2001-03-01 16:53:00] - government sucks. if it gets bigger in four years, i will cry -paul

[2001-03-01 16:42:00] - bush sucks.  if he gets reelected in four years, i will cry.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 00:30:00] - *cry*  -  aba

[2000-08-03 15:54:00] - i'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints the sinners are much moer fun