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[2020-07-15 00:13:21] - paul:  from 2006:  "Dave: I have a coworker (who as far as I can tell has absolutely no ties to native americans at all) who hates the name "Redskins" and says she refuses to cheer for the team at all until they change the name. -Paul"  ~a

[2020-06-23 13:52:32] - Paul: I'm not sure there is a "turned so" as much as a tipping point eventually where things can change.  I'm not sure where the tipping point was but I think even 10 years ago you had people who didn't like it.  Like the 'Redskins' - there are already people that don't like it so if in five years the name changes and you ask when did people turn against it the answer would be slowly over the last fifty years or something.  -Daniel

[2019-10-10 10:34:01] - imo probably more.  redskins never got their name changed, but if you used that same title with the redskins, i think you'd see outrage today, and in 2014, and in 2009.  ~a

[2019-07-15 12:50:30] - yep now it's mostly just middle-age white men talking about middle-age white men stuff.  how about them redskins?  maga  ~a

[2018-10-16 15:36:16] - There's a narrative about how a lot of these big controversies (the Redskins name, cultural appropriation, etc) are ginned up by white liberals who are outraged on behalf of groups who largely don't care. I don't know if there's anything to that narrative, but there's anecdotal evidence supporting it. -Paul

[2018-10-16 15:00:45] - a: I do not. -Paul

[2018-10-16 14:59:59] - paul:  "see the Redskins controversy" don't mean to derail here, but i don't follow the premise of this.  i'm pretty sure actual native americans (at least 50%?) are against the redskins team name.  do you feel this is not true?  ~a

[2018-10-16 14:56:22] - aaron: "those statements aren't offensive to gay people in general. roseanne's statements are offensive to black people in general" Do we know this? I don't know of any way to measure this. A lot of times when I hear things like this, it actually ends up being refuted by actual data (see the Redskins controversy). -Paul

[2018-07-26 11:52:17] - In the case of Redskins I think its not a clearly defined thing.  I think people are arguing about what is "reasonable" and who gets to decide what.  I think Synder is potentially responsible depending on if one finds it reasonable that people are harmed by Redskins.  But if one finds it unreasonable to be harmed by Redskins then one would not assign 'blame' to Snyder.  -Daniel

[2018-07-26 11:47:28] - Daniel: Okay, so let's go with Redskins or Braves then. Should Dan Snyder or whoever owns the Braves (or even their players and fans) feel responsible for the hurt the team name inflicts on people who are offended by it? -Paul

[2018-07-26 11:37:40] - Braves isn't a pejorative.  I think you could make a case for Brave being 'honoring their native heritage' vs Redskins which came from a slur.  -Daniel

[2018-07-26 11:27:32] - (honest question because i don't know shit about the braves)  how are the braves and the redskins different?  ~a

[2018-07-26 11:06:40] - I don't know who James Gunn is but I think Redskins is closer to an example of where there can be different sides to an argument (though honestly probably not for Redskins, maybe like the Braves or something) where people disagree.  -Daniel

[2018-07-26 10:54:52] - Daniel: Okay, what about the Redskins example, then? Or maybe James Gunn's jokes? Basically, any example where the speaker truly intended no harm, but the listener perceived it. I know they're different, but they seem to touch on a similar idea regarding things said in terms of whether intent matters or perception matters. -Paul

[2018-07-26 10:35:42] - Daniel: Hmmm, okay. So let me ask you this: Do you see any similarity between these examples and somebody who flies the confederate flag solely and sincerely to honor their southern heritage, despite knowing that some people find it hurtful? Another example might be the term Redskins for a football team. -Paul

[2017-09-25 16:35:21] - just as a weird anecdote I was at a local bar to get some dinner and catch the end of the afternoon games and my god I have never seen a place that dead in my life on an NFL Sunday.  And I didn't really see anyone roll in for the Redskins pregame as I was leaving.  - mig

[2017-03-10 14:49:31] - paul:  I guess, but there are some controversial elements to it (there's some dispute whether the Redskins assertion that he was an unruly drunk are accurate), and it seems like a human interest fall from grace that usually hooks in new outlets. - mig

[2015-12-30 13:04:16] - paul:  honestly, the redskins record has been more surprising.  Who knew a lot of the teams they played would be so bad? - mig

[2015-12-30 11:43:11] - mig: I was going to post something to facebook about how my prediction on Kirk Cousins (and the Redskins this year) is probably my best prediction of the year. I think I said something about the team being able to go 8-8 or 9-7 if they stuck with him all year and that he would put up points and all that has been eerily true. -Paul

[2015-09-13 11:27:50] - I'll go ahead and put it on the record: if the Redskins stick with Cousins all season long, then I predict 6 or more wins from them. I know it may not sound too bold, but they were 4-12 last season. This would represent a 50% (or more) improvement. -Paul

[2015-09-10 11:40:45] - paul:  redskins are playing the AFC east this year, with all 4 teams having pretty killer defenses.  I'm pretty sure they're going 0-4 against that (Buffalo *might* be a toss up).  And I'm looking at the rest of their schedule and I just don't see a game other than @Chicago or Tampa Bay and say, "Eh they have a shot in that one." - mig

[2015-09-10 10:48:01] - This is probably obvious based on my pick-up in fantasy football, but I actually don't think Cousins is going to be a dumpster fire for the Redskins. I think they can be 7-9 with him under center (yes, I'm aware of the record of games where he starts and finishes them). The interceptions are a huge problem, but he also moves the chains and puts up points. -Paul

[2014-11-26 12:09:56] - paul:  we'll agree to disagree there.  Let's revisit this in a year, assuming he is actually playing somewhere else and the redskins don't just hold on to him on the roster next year out of spite. - mig

[2014-09-26 12:27:16] - Did the Redskins supporters really say (after all the talk about being ambushed and lied to) that they would come back on? If those guys at the stadium signed the waivers, why did they still have to blur their faces? Does Jon Stewart really believe they never try to mis-represent people's views? -Paul

[2014-09-26 11:31:28] - The Redskins segment on the Daily Show apparently aired. -Paul

[2014-09-23 11:46:31] - a:  democrats in congress. - mig

[2014-09-22 17:28:46] - redkins+name.  it looks like we talked about the name change in 2006 and twice in 2014 ;-)  ~a

[2014-09-22 17:25:10] - paul:  the tipping point seemed to be when the USPTO revoked their trademark.  anyways, we have already talked about the name a little.  the Notre Dame Fighting Irish seems pretty horrible  ~a

[2014-09-22 16:52:02] - Speaking of which, do the message board denizens have an official position on the Redskins name? Offensive? No big deal? I personally don't care much about the name debate, but it does seem like a tipping point might be fast approaching. -Paul

[2014-09-22 16:49:25] - a: The dialog from Snyder and RG3 where they are supposed to sound like the native american side which are against the name seemed forced. I don't think in real life anybody would call it offensive or derogatory if somebody else named their organization the Redskins. -Paul

[2014-09-22 14:23:55] - TDS "ambushes" redskins fans with Native American activists.  Fair or fowl?  Though from the description in the article, I don't think it'll be a very funny segment if/when it does air. - mig

[2014-06-19 09:44:04] - the appeal better not win.  the redskins name is pretty cut and dry, imo.  but maybe i'm a little skewed, the Notre Dame Fighting Irish seems pretty horrible too.  ~a

[2014-06-19 09:35:55] - a: No, the trademark still existed, it just loose "registered" status, which is a federal thing.  It's still civilly protected, just not legally.  That is, the Redskins could sue you for money and confiscate your labeled wares, but you wouldn't end up in the slammer for it. -- Xpovos

[2014-06-19 09:08:03] - So, the radio was full of talk about the Redskins losing their patent (trademark?) on the name (3 out of my 4 normal stations were talking about it). I don't really care about this specific instance (not offended by the term, but also no loyalty to the team/name), but I find the discussion over what is offensive to be interesting. -Paul

[2014-05-22 14:15:50] - I found a number of things interesting from this article. It's interesting that the letter apparently wasn't distributed to any Republicans. It's interesting that the Virginia Senators were 2 out of the 5 that didn't sign. -Paul

[2014-04-28 13:07:15] - I think there's something about the timing.  The Redskins were bad for a decade, "no one" cared that they were called the Redskins.  They had one winning season and went back to the playoffs, and now everyone's insisting on a name change.  Winning changes the profile. -- Xpovos

[2013-12-16 16:23:47] - mig: Yeah, as a non-Redskins fans, it's really hilarious that they can't even tank for a better pick very well since they traded away their top picks to the Rams. -Paul

[2013-12-16 16:22:02] - yikes.  I was looking at the nfl standings and the redskins are in contention for the #1 pick as it stands right now (though houston will probably get it).  That's gotta suck. - mig

[2012-12-10 15:33:45] - mig: I think that's why I place blame on Flacco. People keep getting fired around him because they aren't able to get him to perform like the elite QB the Ravens seem to think he is. I saw the same thing with Jason Campbell and all the OCs the Redskins went through. -Paul

[2012-10-22 15:04:41] - mig: I called it as soon as I saw Davis pull up lame in the end zone.  Sucks for Davis, but I think this has to be a positive for the Redskins overall. -- Xpovos

[2012-10-22 15:03:50] - well I think this move pretty much surprises no one. - mig

[2012-08-31 16:12:32] - Xpovos: If at all possible, I want to avoid the any running backs on the Redskins, Panthers or Patriots because I have no confidence that I'll be able to predict who might be the main back any given week. -Paul

[2012-03-14 12:23:05] - josh morgan, pierre garcon sign to redskins.  Reportadly Eddie Royal is probably going to sign as well.  Redskins becoming a hokie haven of sorts now? - mig

[2012-03-10 09:13:14] - 3 1st round picks for RG3.  At least it'll be easy to remember.  I expect this also finishes at least three careers.  Don't get me wrong, I think RG3 could be very good, and if he is even better, people will forgive this atrocity of a deal.  But the Redskins win 6-8 games next year with RG3, and Shanahan will now get fired.  He wasn't on the hot seat before. -- Xpovos

[2012-03-08 12:11:50] - The most intriguing scenario, which also is one of the most far fetched, is Peyton signing with the Texans, and the Texans dealing Schaub to the Redskins (and presumably sign an extension with them). - mig

[2012-03-08 12:07:21] - mig: It's all fun speculation, but I seriously think any team that gets him will be disappointed--he'll be above average if he plays, but that's in question and he won't be as good as he was.  For that reason I really hope the Redskins don't take him.  But maybe this takes some of the pressure off the RG3 debate? -- Xpovos

[2012-03-08 12:01:56] - xpovos:  From what I can tell that's only speculation from random people.  The truth I think is that there just isn't any good fits.  The Eagles aren't going to dump Vick (even if they wanted to, capwise, it's impossible).  Obviously the Giants are content with Eli.  THe Redskins are in such a horrid state that I can't conceive him wanting to sign there ..

[2012-03-08 11:49:06] - redskins are talking to peyton manning...  as are a bunch of other teams~g

[2012-02-27 14:07:48] - Xpovos: I agree it's too high a price to pay, but the Redskins DO need a QB more so than most teams. Luckily for them, there are a lot of options available (Luck, RG3, Manning, Flynn). -Paul

[2012-02-27 13:51:37] - I can't see trading up for RG3.  Take him at 6, fine.  IMO that's still overpaying, but it's a legitimate pick and need.  Trading up at all for him is over-paying.  Draft an O-linenman at 6, or better yet trade down for a couple.  Doesn't matter who's at QB right now, except maybe Vick, who it seems is the one QB the Redskins nation never fell in love with. -- Xpovos

[2012-02-27 12:47:17] - redskins reportadly going to offer the rams this years 1,2,3 and next year's 1 to try and get RG3.  Seems an awful lot to give up but they must be really desparate for a QB.  - mig

[2011-08-04 16:13:36] - For my fellow Redskins fans: $10. 'Nuff said. -- Xpovos

[2011-08-04 15:29:23] - the redskins, for whatever reason, cannot escape bizzare headlines. - mig

[2010-11-02 14:39:21] - i figure redskins fans will enjoy this photo. - mig

[2010-10-14 15:25:07] - Matt: Maybe, but I think most Redskins fans understood and appreciated the call, even if the player didn't.  That's one player, and the situation is not an easy one.  I think going for it is right, and Godfrey had his chance to have a say on the field.  Stop 'em on 4th. Needless to say, that didn't work out too well. -- Xpovos

[2010-09-30 14:45:29] - mig: oh that's funny. i bet it's like the NFL too, where like - you can't just air some of the redskins without the NFL getting involved, even if it's a casual match. what a drag - aaron

[2010-06-28 10:02:29] - a: I'm saying it's weird because we don't do it in American English. If we're using a singular word for the team (Ghana, England, Boston, Washintgon, etc), then we tend to use "is". We don't use "are" unless the team name is plural (Celtics, Redskins, Hokies, etc). -Paul

[2010-03-26 14:56:20] - mig: Peter King, not Art Monk.  Just to be clear.  Though I'm sure Art Monk is no virgin, his sex was all matrimonial and missionary.  Peter King, however, violently raped the entire tribe of Redskins and claimed he was right to do it.  That is a fucker. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-03 19:37:36] - So, it's kind of like the joy I get when my fantasy football team wins.  Not as much as if the Redskins won, but more than not playing a part at all.  Gleeful may be overstating it, but I'll admit to listening to the radio to hear the decision and letting out a cheerful yelp when Rio was announced. -- Xpovos

[2009-08-24 15:30:14] - Pierce: Finally, your team should also start a kicker and a defense. We don't draft defensive players, just defenses as a unit. So you'll draft the Redskins defense and not Albert Haynesworth, for instance. -Paul

[2009-07-28 10:30:05] - dave: Redskins remain a possiblity, although only slim.  Apparently Snyder met with Vick's agent and came away convinced he wasn't a good fit.  But there's always the lure of controvery to sell seats, so it could happen.  Another likely couple of likely stops are Detroit and Oakland.  Or, the team whose 1st string QB goes down with a n injury in the first game. -- Xpovos

[2009-07-28 10:15:53] - Paul: I wouldn't mind having him on the Redskins except for all the qback controversy we've had already.  Probably better to stay away since Zorn doesn't seem excited about the Wildcat.  Probably good since they're only in the 2nd year of the offense -dave

[2007-11-28 08:04:03] - mig: not only for him, but also for the redskins, he was a huge player for them -dave

[2006-12-17 19:25:53] - anyone interested in buying 2 redskins vs. giants tickets?  lower level section 108, row 234.  face value is $99 per ticket.  I'm selling them to $80 each.  -sam

[2006-10-05 08:53:23] - Oh, smack! Shawn Springs was asked if he though LaVar would be able to help the Giants this Sunday against the Redskins because of his familiarity with the defense.  Shawn replied, "I don't think LaVar knew all our defense when he was here." -- Xpovos

[2006-09-11 10:15:46] - I wonder which is better for my job-keeping prospects: staying late at work or inviting coworkers over my place to watch the Redskins game. :-P -Paul

[2006-09-05 13:38:52] - redskins are the most profitable and the team with the most value in the NFL. -sam

[2006-08-28 10:46:52] - redskins lost 41 to 0 to the patriots? -sam

[2006-05-08 11:30:01] - Paul: From ESPN: Mike Imoh: Height: 5-7. Weight: 195 lbs.  He'll need to be ~210 if he wants to be a bruiser, 220 would be better.  But he has enough speed that he'll want to cut it to the outside a lot, and he just can't do that, not in the pros.  Which is why he probably won't work out.  Still, I'm glad the Redskins got him. -- Xpovos

[2006-05-08 07:36:06] - Imoh attended the Redskins rookie workout this past weekend. I wouldn't have thought he'd be good enough for the NFL, but maybe so -dave

[2006-04-06 13:12:52] - a: Like when I hope that the Redskins win, it crosses over as an artifact from events we can change, I would say. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-13 10:08:58] - Dave: Seeing as the Redskins really only had one WR last year (I don't consider Cooley a WR) and that neither person that they got is considered to be a great receiver, I'm not too surprised. -Paul

[2006-03-13 08:13:16] - dang, now the redskins have sooo many receivers -dave

[2006-03-06 10:31:11] - Though i have to say the redskins are total morons for letting it get that bad. - mig

[2006-03-06 09:46:37] - mig: wow, lavar didn't like the redskins that much? -sam

[2006-03-06 08:57:32] -;_ylt=Avxlzy_p7nBKmpXZfLzzr4FDubYF?slug=ap-redskins-arrington&prov=ap&type=lgns arrington pays $4 million to be released from the redskins. - mig

[2006-01-20 07:48:00] - Kansas City Chiefs offensive coordinator Al Saunders  Redskins hire Kansas City Chiefs offensive coordinator Al Saunders  -dave

[2006-01-07 20:56:21] - congratulations to the redskins for setting the record for the least offensive yards in a playoff victory!  -sam

[2006-01-05 14:31:50] - In other words, at some point in time the majority of people in the Washington D.C. area probably had to have thought that the name "Redskins" was a proud and honorable name for a team or else they wouldn't have picked it. -Paul

[2006-01-05 14:10:18] - Paul: oh, right. so you're assuming that native american tribes/names like redskins, seminoles, etc aren't/weren't intimidating? -dave

[2006-01-05 12:47:57] - Dave: I have a coworker (who as far as I can tell has absolutely no ties to native americans at all) who hates the name "Redskins" and says she refuses to cheer for the team at all until they change the name. -Paul

[2005-10-04 13:32:10] - Paul: Being a Redskins fan, I wouldn't mind if that happened ^_^ -dave

[2005-10-04 13:31:18] - "Pretty amazing -- the Redskins are 3-0 and have won their games by one, two and three points. They keep that up and they'll get their first double-digit win against the Raiders in Week 11." :-P -Paul

[2005-06-06 10:39:39] - Paul: I kinda do, but at the same time, I'm kinda hesitant since it'd stink if the Redskins lost a player that was able to really make the team better -dave

[2005-06-06 10:36:42] - Is anybody else hoping that the Redskins just cut Taylor right now? -Paul

[2005-02-28 08:48:10] - samari rolle to the redskins most likely. - mig

[2005-02-12 12:31:23] - It's been a season!  And I'm back in the playoffs for the third consecutive year.  A substantial improvment over the real Redskins. -- Xpovos

[2005-02-11 16:13:44] - Paul: I didn't dismantle the Redskins.  I traded a non-performing RB to a team that desperately needed on, cut several players who were making no improvment, including many older players who were drawing hefty salaries for sitting on the bench.  -- Xpovos

[2005-02-11 15:30:42] - I think the Packers aren't getting enough respect. After all, we ARE the reigning champs and it's not like we dismantled our team as soon as we won it like the Redskins did last year. -Paul

[2005-02-02 10:51:25] - "The Redskins are one of the most financially successful teams in sports, with a resale value estimated by some at $1 billion and an operating income of $70 million for the 2003 season, according to Forbes magazine. " Snyder bought the Redskins for $800 mil -dave

[2005-01-05 16:39:35] - Redskins safety Sean Taylor cleared of drunken driving charge -Paul

[2004-11-03 07:50:52] - them poor Redskins, now they've lost their job as electoral predictor -dave

[2004-09-15 09:41:25] - "In the past 18 presidential elections, if the Redskins lost or tied the last game before the election, the party in the White House lost, too" that's a funny statistic, and i approve - aaron

[2004-07-29 09:23:36] - Mig: Hehe, your company's CEO has been a Redskins Ticket. :-P -Paul

[2003-09-12 09:41:00] - Paul: Bet you wish you hadn't made fun of the metro trying to charge extra to the redskins game. - pierce