here are old message board entries

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[2010-03-03 12:18:05] - just as a bit of resolution for myself for the ps3 problem, i turned it on yesterday and it told me it was march 1st, i resynched the time and all was well again.  - mig

[2010-03-03 12:17:48] - y

[2010-03-03 12:17:44] - xpovos: rhythm heaven! ^_^ it's for the DS. -am

[2010-03-03 12:11:06] - aaron/amy: What game are you two talking about? -- Xpovos

[2010-03-03 11:49:56] - amy: cool! yeah, space soccer is one of my favorite songs too. also the stage is really fun once you figure it out, i still go back and play it a lot. good luck with the rest of stage 6! - aaron

[2010-03-03 11:21:47] - aaron: also that's an awesome song, i had a much better appreciation for it with the headphones on. -amy

[2010-03-03 11:21:28] - aaron: i put on the headphones, turned up the volume, and got a medal on space soccer on the first try. (well almost first try, aborted the actual first try early as it took me a bit to remember how to play the game) -amy

[2010-03-03 11:20:45] - my new video, a cover of "still alive" from portal: -amy

[2010-03-03 11:15:55] - Bryan: I have started reading the James Potter books, a trilogy of fan fic books that has gained popularity. Only available in eBook format. ~Gurkie

[2010-03-03 09:35:09] - lol, found this quote regarding the unintended acceleration in some american cars - "This Corolla comes with Spontaneous Drag Race Mode standard, making it the most exciting car in its class!" - aaron

[2010-03-03 09:21:24] - "Pillar one: Science without results is just witchcraft. Pillar two: Get results or you're fired. Pillar three: if you suspect a coworker of bein' a witch, report them immediately. I cannot stress that enough. Witchcraft will not be tolerated."  :-P  ~a

[2010-03-03 09:01:35] - Looks like Valve has some viral marketing going on. -Paul

[2010-03-02 14:22:30] - "I powered up my PS3 to find the clock was set to April 29th, 2020, but once I went into the system menu and set the date and time via the internet I got an accurate date."  (from sd)  ~a

[2010-03-02 13:32:43] - gurkie: Yeah, I liked it. It is definitely targeted at a younger audience; akin to some of the first Harry Potter books. -Bryan

[2010-03-02 12:44:04] - eval("log off" == "shut down"); return true. Idiots.  -- Xpovos

[2010-03-02 12:29:25] - paul:  anyways, you're basing (1) and (2) on a logical fallacy.  you're assuming that the date functions are monotonically increasing by one every day.  for some reason you think the broken algorithm can't return feb 29, 2010 followed by mar 2, 2010.  that's a false assumption.  broken algorithms can return whatever they want :-D  ~a

[2010-03-02 12:24:41] - paul:  well i was saying they should use time_t.  if they used time_t, they wouldn't have this problem.  ~a

[2010-03-02 11:25:50] - The servers are probably better-prepared to handle the error case of a system having the wrong date (due to internal clock drifting or whatnot) than having an invalid date. - pierce

[2010-03-02 11:20:43] - a: I still don't get it. It seems to me that no matter how the time was stored, either it (1) shouldn't have caused a problem at all or (2) not being February 29th shouldn't have fixed it. -Paul

[2010-03-02 11:15:42] - paul: could also be some weird march first bug. maybe 20100301 trips its profanity filter or something - aaron

[2010-03-02 11:15:40] - bryan: did u like the lightning theif series? ~gurkie

[2010-03-02 11:05:07] - time_t  ~a

[2010-03-02 10:42:57] - Paul: Depends on how they're date counting.  It's at least the most reasonable answer I've heard yet. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-02 10:08:49] - Xpovos: I don't understand how they can get back in sync. Shouldn't the PS3 think that today is March 1st? -Paul

[2010-03-02 10:05:23] - Yeah, reading what I can find, it seems if you had your PS3 off all day yesterday, you're in the clear--it's like this never happened, because the unit and the server will be in synch again.  The question is, what happens if you did turn it on yesterday?  How did they get back in synch?  All I've heard so far is magical hand-wavey stuff. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-02 10:02:34] - that was according to sony's official blog - aaron

[2010-03-02 10:01:59] - a: it wasn't a server problem, it was a leap year problem. the problem resolved itself after 23:59:59 2/28/2010 GMT. but, it might resurface again - aaron

[2010-03-02 10:01:39] - giving a cop the finger is illegal?  ~a

[2010-03-02 10:01:09] - a: Yeah, I don't know. There's a lot of conflicting info out there. Some site even suggested that the "fix" only involved waiting for a day to pass so it was no longer Feburary 29th... except I don't know how that would necessarily fix things since then it would think it's March 1st instead of the 2nd. -Paul

[2010-03-02 10:00:28] - amy: i think it's cool they give you auditory clues for almost the entire game, with the sole exception of, i think, stomp farmer... but i know stomp farmer by heart anyway because it's catchy. so you can play most levels without looking at the screen - aaron

[2010-03-02 09:59:18] - amy: that's nice! i used headphones for most of the games which helped a lot. i tried playing a few levels with my eyes closed and it was easy! and then i tried playing a few levels with no sound and it was very very hard - aaron

[2010-03-02 09:42:26] - omg, i still don't get it.  if a change on the server fixed all of this, then it couldn't have been a firmware issue, right?  this is almost as bad as the toyota thing.  ~a

[2010-03-02 09:35:29] - Xpovos: I've heard it has to do with the machines thinking that 2010 was a leap year, and that February had 29 days this year. Supposedly all that was required to fix it was a change on the servers, so things are ok now. -Paul

[2010-03-02 09:26:45] - It's hard to get any site that has good information on the PS3 error.  They're all flippant, nonsense, wrong, or full of fan-boy flamewars. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-02 02:29:55] - i think what might have made the game harder was that i'm playing at 2.30 AM in the living room with the vol turned down as low as possible so as not to wake vinnie. tomorrow i'll try again and blast the thing. -amy

[2010-03-02 02:29:04] - ...actually gave me an OK rating on the game and unlocked the next one. they just give away free OKs if you fail on something enough times then? haha! -amy

[2010-03-02 02:28:29] - aaron: i just got to space soccer. holy crap it's hard ;_; i tried 3 times then gave up. but the game TOTALLY let me cheat... i saw that there was something waiting for me at the cafe, so i went there and they asked if i wanted them to make it so that i didn't have to pass space soccer to continue. they gave a choice, i chose yes, and when i left the cafe, they... -amy

[2010-03-01 22:20:15] - lol

[2010-03-01 21:41:49] - future of apple - aaron

[2010-03-01 18:44:01] - aaron:  oh, ok i guess i don't understand then.  do you think it's a bug based on the system-time?  ~a

[2010-03-01 16:21:13] - no such pid pid.

[2010-03-01 16:15:46] - aaron: More likely, "Bring your busted PS3 into your nearest Sony store". -- Xpovos

[2010-03-01 16:15:46] - Aaron: That's what I was wondering as well, but that article made it sound like the issue was more a firmware problem than connecting to the PSN. Maybe downloading firmware fixes requires a lower level of PSN connectivity or something? -paul

[2010-03-01 15:47:38] - paul: from an engineering perspective i really can't imagine a way they'd push out a fix, if the symptom is that you can't log onto PSN. maybe they'll mail everybody a key fob, or snail mail everyone CDs or something? - aaron

[2010-03-01 14:59:09] - Information about the PS3 problem. Luckily for me, I haven't even turned on my PS3 since this problem has occured, so I think I should be safe. -Paul

[2010-03-01 14:40:57] - or, well, bad word choice. it's sounding like a problem which isn't affected by the playstation network - aaron

[2010-03-01 14:40:36] - a: buzz is that the bug even affects PS3s that are disconnected from the internet, so it's sounding like a firmware problem - aaron

[2010-03-01 14:06:47] - aaron:  ok, i see.  so, the net is not necessary to play the game.  but, that doesn't mean that the internet connection isn't used.  like miguel says, they can remotely change your system however they want.  ~a

[2010-03-01 13:57:40] - aaron:  it's possible the flaw may accidently flag your PS3 as a "rogue" system and not let you play downloaded games because of that. - mig

[2010-03-01 13:55:15] - a: because you can play the games even when you're not connected to the internet - aaron

[2010-03-01 13:46:02] - aaron:  "i didn't understand 'cause they don't even use an internet connection except for some high score type features" what makes you say that?  ~a

[2010-03-01 13:00:47] - I've been hearing of people not being able to play any games at all (disc or DLC), but they could just be making that up for sensationalism's sake. - mig

[2010-03-01 12:59:51] - aaron:  I didn't try any dlc games, but I was definitely getting disconnected from PSN every so often while playing heavy rain, incidentally this would happen right before I got a trophy. It may be also affecting different models in different ways. - mig

[2010-03-01 12:49:54] - *your.  ~a

[2010-03-01 12:49:11] - definitely:  in this context you're use of pithy is tangentially linked to the implication that people with higher IQs are superior.  ~a

[2010-03-01 12:19:05] - I feel like someone could make a pithy t-shirt out of this article. pithy a good Pierce word?  - Stephen

[2010-03-01 12:00:59] - ps3s suffering from online lockdown; anybody else affected by this? i couldn't play any of my DLC games yesterday... braid, critter crunch, etc, it really sucked. i didn't understand 'cause they don't even use an internet connection except for some high score type features - aaron

[2010-03-01 11:09:02] - That was from me! -Bryan

[2010-03-01 11:08:34] - Dork Anthem:

[2010-03-01 10:34:36] - a: Doh, I forgot about that.  Never mind.  - Stephen

[2010-03-01 10:07:39] - first bout starts at 4pm.  would i be able to make it to fair lakes by 7pm?  if so, i'm in.  ~a

[2010-03-01 09:57:24] - Anyone interested in the roller derby this Saturday?  - Stephen

[2010-02-26 15:17:37] - sorry, march 6th, i got the invite. with all the mb buzz i just wasn't sure if it was sooner or somethin - aaron

[2010-02-26 15:16:46] - wait when is this matrix rifftrax party happening, did we set a date? - aaron

[2010-02-26 14:51:10] - vinnie: if your stereo has RCA inputs then I have a cord that will connect the headphone jack to it. - pierce

[2010-02-26 14:10:13] - nina: ok cool. I think I have a cable for that already, I'll double-check - vinnie

[2010-02-26 13:28:20] - vinnie:  Pierce will bring his copy of the Matrix DVD, and I'll download the Rifftrax onto his iPod. I think we'll need you to figure out how to connect his iPod to your sound system.  -nina

[2010-02-26 10:51:01] - a: LOL to pierce words ~gurkie

[2010-02-26 10:26:41] - nina: btw will you bring the Matrix rifftrax for the party or do you want me to get it? - vinnie

[2010-02-26 10:26:04] - nina: huh, had no idea he was related to Walter Koenig. sad - vinnie

[2010-02-26 10:05:46] - awww...boner is dead... -nina

[2010-02-26 09:25:50] - they were both meant as jokes, but still.  ~a

[2010-02-26 09:24:10] - wow i need to lay-off the saying of mean things.  the last mean thing i said still hasn't even rolled off the bottom of the message board.  ~a

[2010-02-26 09:12:07] - yes, perfunctory is fine.  remember, you also must portray a sense of egotism/snobbery when you use pierce words.  it's more than the words themselves, it's about the narcissism.  ~a

[2010-02-26 08:59:22] - Pierce: Is "perfunctory" a good enough word for Pierce's Time's Up?  - Stephen

[2010-02-26 00:36:59] - System Of A Down - Mezmerize - 7 - Violent Pornography (2005)

[2010-02-25 22:33:18] - a: the reason why i'm so sure that cata will come out soon enough is because they've already released the hardest end-game raid content that they planned for prior to the expansion coming out.  -  aba

[2010-02-25 22:32:18] - a: yea.  i guess i failed to understand that playable demos are a far cry from complete beta testing.  cata and d3 betas haven't even started.  :P  -  aba

[2010-02-25 21:54:35] - aba:  from 2008:  "xpovos: they had playable demos of both sc2 and d3 at blizzcon this year ..., so i'd be surprised if they were pushed back to 2010."  :-P  ~a

[2010-02-25 18:37:59] - i don't think cata will be out until at least the fall, which would put d3 likely in the first 1/2 of 2011.  -  aba

[2010-02-25 18:37:05] - sc2 is already in closed beta testing, so i'd suppose it'll be out in the next 3-4 months.  -  aba

[2010-02-25 16:27:22] - the onion a.v. club review of Cop Out uses both "auteur" and "denouement".  If only they'd included "egregious" they would have achieved the Pierce Time's Up hat trick. - pierce

[2010-02-25 15:32:13] - mig: Damn.  I was always a D2 fan, not so much into Warcraft (aside from WoW) or Starcraft.  - Stephen

[2010-02-25 15:08:22] - hmmm, ok blizz has actually said D3 is definitely not going to be out for 2010, apparently. - mig

[2010-02-25 14:59:36] - I haven't heard anything about any developments on it at all lately. - mig

[2010-02-25 14:59:01] - stephen:  I'm going to guess that with SC2 coming this year as well as Cataclysm coming out this year or early next year as well, I'd have to say next year sometime at the very earliest. - mig

[2010-02-25 14:55:00] - Mig: do they have any idea when D3 might come out?  - Stephen

[2010-02-25 14:48:32] - gotta love robek's. spent 8+ bucks and didn't even get a meal. -amy

[2010-02-25 14:47:34] - i'm in for sc2.  ~a

[2010-02-25 14:42:30] - once a certain game has been released, paul and I may be in the mood for some epic VG nights. - mig

[2010-02-25 14:34:26] - still it's cool that ppl want to go, we can always go multiple times. or i don't know, book 2 adjacent rooms or something. -amy

[2010-02-25 14:34:19] - pump up the jam, pump up the jam, pump it up, that's me in the corner.  ah, weird al, corrupting my memory of lyrics.  ~a

[2010-02-25 14:32:44] - stephen: that's great! ...however there may be a problem with room because that room we had was apparently a "large" room. there were 10 of us, i think we might have been able to squeeze maaaybe 5 more before going into standing room. and there are a lot of ppl who want to do karaoke. so i don't know what to do about that. -amy

[2010-02-25 14:31:37] - I can only do karaoke in good conscience if I'm given the assurance that someone (besides me) will do Pump Up the Jam. - pierce

[2010-02-25 14:30:55] - xpovos: oh man, i kind of remember hearing about that. that sucks. where was it? -amy

[2010-02-25 14:30:38] - xpovos: omg i would love a night of ppl and smash bros!! let's try to schedule a night that you can make it for? .) -amy

[2010-02-25 14:29:59] - amy: I'd come to karaoke in a heartbeat!  I have one or two friends who would definitely join me, too.  - Stephen

[2010-02-25 14:20:07] - amy:  mt vernon rec center was the one i used to frequent when i lived in annandale.  ~a

[2010-02-25 14:20:04] - amy: Also, while I don't think it was on the list, forget about the PWC ice rink (SkateQuest) the whole building imploded during the snow storms. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-25 14:19:14] - amy: VG night!  Bring back the PPL and Smash Bros!  Ah, who am I kidding, I never get to go to these things anyway? -- Xpovos

[2010-02-25 14:04:13] - oh and a karaoke night. (emphasis on "night" haha.) yeah i realize there's probably other non-board game activities going on like poker, or movies but i guess i'm not as into those. so what would the interest be in ice skating or a VG night? (i already know ppl are into the idea of karaoke) -amy

[2010-02-25 14:02:32] - in general i had been thinking about organizing other activities. we get together and play board games a lot. not that i don't like board games. but was interested in other stuff. like the ice skating, or how about good old video games? i miss VGs -amy

[2010-02-25 14:00:14] - so, huh. i was thinking about organizing an ice skating thing sometime. the only ice rinks i know of are ffx ice arena and reston town center. any suggestions on a rink that would be more central to everyone? maybe like merrifield or something? -amy

[2010-02-25 13:55:21] - xpovos:  actually your house is closer than fair lakes for stephen, nina, and me.  ~a

[2010-02-25 13:52:40] - xpovos: i used to love winter olympics. figure skating was my fave. but i don't watch it bc i don't watch anything anymore. -amy

[2010-02-25 13:48:11] - Y'all could come and visit me, and everyone would be miserable.  Perfect compromise, right? -- Xpovos

[2010-02-25 13:40:01] - stephen:  it's so sad that i'm out of town on saturday :'(  you will have to take a picture of his face.  i need to witness his misery somehow.  ~a

[2010-02-25 13:27:53] - Paul: Probably, but we go to where you live way more often than vice versa.  In fact, I'm looking fwd to seeing the misery on your face on Saturday.  - Stephen

[2010-02-25 13:08:10] - Xpovos: I'm the exact opposite.  I find the Winter Olympics completely boring, and I'm not sure why they are given teh same status as the Summer Olympics when 90% of the world lives in places where winter sports aren't an option.  - Stephen

[2010-02-25 12:38:14] - a: Ok, thanks.  I'd say infnitely, except I did actually watch a sliver of 2008 Summer Olympics because it was on the TV at the waiting room in the hospital, so while substantial, it's not a divbyzero error. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-25 12:29:38] - false.  ~a

[2010-02-25 12:22:00] - astephen: If it makes you all feel any better, I probably dislike going to where you guys live more than you guys dislike going to where I live. :-) -Paul

[2010-02-25 11:51:18] - Is anyone paying any attention to the Olympics?  I always find that I watch the Winter games substantially more than the Summer ones. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-25 11:47:52] - Gurkie: Don't worry, it just means that they'll make plans that don't include you and then pretend to go along with what you suggest!  - stephen

[2010-02-25 11:47:25] - A: Seriously.  We need to have special parties and not invite any of the Fairfax ppl.  - Stephen

[2010-02-25 11:28:59] - vinnie: hmm yes i vaguely remember consenting to this. -amy

[2010-02-25 11:13:11] - 2010-2: Sorry if I havent been emailing people work has been .... a bit of a beast this week, hopefully I will be able to check out the board this weekend. Heck I dont even know where people built yet. ~gurkie

[2010-02-25 11:10:56] - amy: nah thats ur job, I dont bother being nice! (Its way too much work and really whats the payout?) ~gurkie

[2010-02-25 11:03:58] - gurkie: ur just bein nice -amy

[2010-02-25 10:45:59] - aaron:  finally someone wants to host something in alexandria, and you relocate the party to fair lakes?  ~a

[2010-02-25 10:24:54] - vinnie: thanks for hosting! -nina

[2010-02-25 10:24:45] - Gurkie: vinnie's e-mail invitation explains it all.  -nina

[2010-02-25 10:08:43] - Amy and I don't mind hosting, I'll send out an e-mail about it today - vinnie

[2010-02-25 09:54:27] - nina: oh cool!! i'd like that, i'd prefer if someone else hosted, i think i might be slightly allergic to your dog - aaron

[2010-02-25 09:41:30] - amy: just giving you a hard time cause... well I guess thats just me. and I still havent had a chance to watch yet... Maybe when I am back in the good old V to the A tomorrow ~gurkie

[2010-02-25 09:40:10] - nina: should I know what a rifftrax party is? (I totally understood Matrix) ~gurkie

[2010-02-25 09:22:51] - nina: All three movies, or just the first? -- Xpovos

[2010-02-25 09:20:39] - i'm thinking about hosting a rifftrax Matrix party (or volunteering someone else's place to host) on March 6th.  anyone interested? -nina

[2010-02-25 01:04:40] - argh. on=one -amy

[2010-02-25 01:04:33] - gurkie: hmm. how about i define "thingy" to mean "channel." on youtube channel ^_^ (but yeah when i started writing that post i was just gonna link the one vid, then decided to add the other link.) -amy

[2010-02-24 21:24:41] - happy birthday, margaret

[2010-02-24 17:29:28] - amy: thats 2 thingies... (cant watch at work even if they are sfw so no comments) ~gurkie

[2010-02-24 12:57:07] - mig:  you need a fairly even military in each country, right?  ~a

[2010-02-24 12:49:08] - United States unhappy that European nations aren't as militaristic as the US.  horray for change? - mig

[2010-02-24 12:40:33] - My orders will be in tonight. I'm at class today and don't have easy internet access right now. -Paul

[2010-02-24 12:37:21] - Sorry, I set my build, but failed to toggle. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-24 12:30:49] - Orders are in, mysterious person who set that headline.  - Stephen

[2010-02-24 09:14:59] - Amy: That's interesting.  Good thing I never cared much for agave nectar!  I just wish sweet things weren't so bad for me :(  - Stephen

[2010-02-24 02:00:51] - interesting article about agave nectar and comparisons to high fructose corn syrup: it's slightly long, i skimmed over the high fructose corn syrup section and read the part about agave. -amy

[2010-02-24 00:51:53] - there will eventually be a completely unrelated music video that has nothing to do with my/our own music coming up. it is finished, but can't be unveiled yet bc it's part of an online challenge. -amy

[2010-02-24 00:50:34] - (they are, of course, sfw.) -amy

[2010-02-24 00:50:19] - so i made a youtube thingy: <-- that's a cover, this is a flickerfall song --> -amy

[2010-02-23 15:29:16] - I think I would root for ole miss on that alone. ~gurkie

[2010-02-23 14:25:01] - It's a trap! -- Xpovos

[2010-02-23 14:02:40] -,221590 apparently there's a movement to make Admiral Ackbar the official mascot of Ole Miss. - mig

[2010-02-23 09:50:21] - I don't think I can do better justice to it than Shamus. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-22 20:04:54] - mig: cool, looks like a good beta! i've never played any RTS very seriously but maybe starcraft 2 will have to be my first - aaron

[2010-02-22 18:31:20] - a:  well, to be fair, they did it with a gun pointed to their heads, essentially. - mig

[2010-02-22 16:56:23] - yeah, hmm.  i'm pretty sure a back-door violates do-no-evil.  ~a

[2010-02-22 15:52:44] - this story is just ... bizzare. - mig

[2010-02-22 14:22:27] - starcraft 2 beta impressions. - mig

[2010-02-22 13:52:30] - and now that I read the post again, it wasn't. - mig

[2010-02-22 13:52:14] - xpovos:  the back doors were there to comply with US government regulations, if that was not clear. - mig

[2010-02-22 13:50:45] - mig: Which gov't?  I'm assuming Chinese, but there's no reason that other government's weren't insisting too. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-22 13:33:10] - chinese hackers broke into google mail using government mandated back doors into their system. - mig

[2010-02-20 01:18:56] - -amy

[2010-02-20 01:18:53] - aaron: omg amazing

[2010-02-20 00:07:27] - vamy: ahhhh i need this shirt - aaron

[2010-02-19 15:30:37] - mig: lol, "Some Ass is available in HD!" - aaron

[2010-02-19 14:42:59] - some good error'd screenshots this week. - mig

[2010-02-19 13:57:24] -

[2010-02-19 13:57:13] -

[2010-02-19 12:52:23] - wow publishers are now getting really, really serious about destroying the second-hand gaming market. - mig

[2010-02-19 10:04:24] - generic news report (needs sound) - aaron

[2010-02-19 08:13:12] - i'd probably opt for the "Walk 'n' Talk Network".  ~a

[2010-02-18 20:05:34] - aaron: I think I had a nerdgasm.  Were the blinking lights really necessary though? -- Xpovos

[2010-02-18 17:35:19] - lego robot solves a 3x3 in 10.75 seconds! that's pretty good. don't read too much into the 2.01s solve, any human with half a brain cell could have solved that cube in 0.3s :) - aaron

[2010-02-18 16:15:03] - vinnie: heh heh that at least gets me the visual i needed. it still seems like it might be a joke though. i hope it's not. - aaron

[2010-02-18 15:27:09] - looks like a joke site, but I think it was just a real product with a shitty site - vinnie

[2010-02-18 15:25:46] - wayback still has it, somewhat: - vinnie

[2010-02-18 15:23:30] - aaron: weird, their site is gone and it's hard to find out anything about it anymore. but yeah it was real, here's a site with some pics: - vinnie

[2010-02-18 15:00:56] - vinnie: is "burger pipe" real? i can't find anything about it on the tubes - aaron

[2010-02-18 14:39:52] - xpovos: wow, eyeroll at the name. reminds me of this Simpsons gem: "My new show is called 'Handle with Care'. I play Jack Handle, a retired cop who shares an apartment with a retired criminal.  We're the original Odd Couple!" - vinnie

[2010-02-18 14:17:25] - Paul: Douitashimashite. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-18 14:10:32] - vinnie: Kinda.  He was cursed with an eventful life but blessed that he would always come out of it alive.  So he became a photojournalist ala Peter Parker, since he was bound to be in the action.  His name, of course, was Chance. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-18 14:00:47] - xpovos: bahaha, I forgot about that show. that was the one with the guy who gets really lucky and really unlucky in each episode? - vinnie

[2010-02-18 13:58:23] - Gurkie: I like the subtle dig in the "About" section which implies that Chrome is a better browser than IE7. -Paul

[2010-02-18 13:55:25] - ~gurkie

[2010-02-18 13:34:37] - Wow, we could get Strange Luck back on the air! -- Xpovos

[2010-02-18 13:15:22] - I think we'd all love the "Geek Victim of Fox" Network. - Stephen

[2010-02-18 12:59:06] - Civilization 5 has been announced. -Paul

[2010-02-18 11:32:09] - Stephen: I'm definitely not a 'basketball fan', but I suspect that the owner/management team will need to stop banking on gun-toting maniacs before they can get close to stopping the rebuilding process.  Ain't no Elvin Hayes or Wes Unseld no more. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-18 11:05:27] - Basketball fans: How many years before the Wizards stop "rebuilding"?  It's kind of laughable who we have on our team after this week, although I'm glad Antawn went somewhere good (even if he is a UNC grad).  - stephen

[2010-02-18 10:23:26] - Xpovos: Yeah, I think I was considering buying a bunch of shares when it was like 15 cents. I didn't like the prospects of the company anymore, but I figured they wouldn't go bankrupt and somebody would either loan them money or buy them outright and I could easily make a quick 20% or so probably. I probably would've sold far before it hit $1, though. -Paul

[2010-02-18 10:13:01] - Maybe if I hold on long  enough I can break even.  Or, hope against hope, catch up to what  a savings account filled with that cash would have done.  Regardless, I'm likely to be a stockholder for the next decade or so. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-18 10:11:44] - Paul:  Yeah, somewhere around $1 on the downside I made a decision to hold to bankruptcy if necessary.  The additional $$ lost wouldn't be all that significant.  Of course around $0.10 I was regretting that.  Now I'm regretting not doubling down.  End result, I still have exactly the same shares of SIRI I did 3 years ago. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-18 10:10:21] - Duke lacrosse accuser charged with attempted murder, arson. -Paul

[2010-02-18 10:08:31] - Stephen: I'm pretty sure Paul likes Phoenix. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-18 09:50:40] - Xpovos: You still have your Sirius stock? I've been keeping an eye on it. I must admit to being completely baffled by it's behavior. I liked the stock during the years when it went from close to a $4 stock to under a $2 stock, and now that I dislike the stock, it's up around 700%. -Paul

[2010-02-18 09:07:42] - Does anyone like Phoenix?  Presale tickets go on sale today (show is at DAR Hall on 4/26).  - Stephen

[2010-02-17 17:09:49] - title: LOL, seriously my client just asked what I was laughing about... ~gurkie

[2010-02-17 16:54:35] - a: the fact that CVS uses "i love you" and "i hate you" as its handshake, just reminds me of like - a teddy ruxpin doll gone rogue or something - aaron

[2010-02-17 16:53:53] - a: yeah i think it's one of the rare cases where learning more about an already funny joke made it funnier - aaron

[2010-02-17 16:21:53] - my coworker had actually gotten that error.  i'm guessing it's common because any java thing (like eclipse) talking to cvs will get this error any time something breaks.  ~a

[2010-02-17 16:21:32] - title:  bahaha.  ~a

[2010-02-17 13:55:12] - haha:  2005 toyota recall.  i guess it would be funnier if i didn't own toyota stock.  ~a

[2010-02-17 13:49:50] - xpovos/aaron/gurkie:  you had to be there  ~a

[2010-02-17 13:49:47] - xpovos/aaron: nm I read the history. ~gurkie

[2010-02-17 13:47:22] - xpovos/aaron: me too... ~gurkie

[2010-02-17 13:17:41] - gurkie:  ahh.  it makes you login before you can see comments!  ~a

[2010-02-17 13:04:21] - aaron: I was in the same boat.  I even tried moving the letters, since multiplication is not order dependent. Bloy? Obly?  Nothing I tried worked.  So I guessed it was irony.  I suppose I should search the archives. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-17 12:55:03] - a: u=loby? now i don't get it! - aaron

[2010-02-17 12:53:06] - Woohoo!  SIRI is back above a buck! -- Xpovos

[2010-02-17 12:43:12] - a: they should be visible on the -> event site... Unless they didnt leave any... ~gurkie

[2010-02-17 12:19:18] - haha.  from the first time we had the 53xy conversation:  "I prefer sux=lobxsy. - pierce"  ~a

[2010-02-17 12:13:00] - gurkie:  how do i read other people's notes?  ~a

[2010-02-17 12:03:07] - to avoid punishment RSVP to the Aarpaumy party. Reservations need to be made. If you havent specified pool/karaoke let us know. If you have no idea what I am talking about and live locally then email someone... ~gurkie

[2010-02-16 15:35:26] - interesting firefox add-on.  hides search behavior in a slew of false searches.  not a fail-proof concept, but interesting never the less.  ~a

[2010-02-16 13:05:19] - "Corruption is for little people.  These are policies.  See the difference?" -- Xpovos

[2010-02-16 11:19:08] - Vinnie: I was aware, but when I saw the preview I knew to leave it alone.  On one level, any sequel for that movie is going to be a bad idea.  On another, at least going after the sister makes sense.  On a third, it looked bad.  -- Xpovos

[2010-02-16 11:14:21] - did you all know there was a sequel to donnie darko? apparently has nothing to do with the team behind the original, seems like a cash-in to me - vinnie

[2010-02-16 10:59:45] - xpovos: foxtrot had a similar joke about a month ago, but it was something like 2i - 6u < 0, solve for i. i think that helped - aaron

[2010-02-16 10:50:45] - Ah.  I think I get it now.  Yeah, I doubt I'd ever have worked that out on my own.  u != you in my vocabulary, ever.  And 53xy => sexy is pretty obscure.  Not like Hen3ry or something. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-16 10:31:41] - xpovos: thanks,  think u = 53xy too :-* - aaron

[2010-02-16 10:25:11] - aaron: I don't get it. u = 53xy.  What's the relevance?  Google doesn't seem to help either. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-16 10:21:44] - subtitle: Id love to see that used on someone sometime... I have a feeling they would either think you were making fun of them or not get it. ~gurkie

[2010-02-16 10:10:17] - subtitle: lol clever - aaron

[2010-02-15 23:40:00] - a: I hadn't heard that.  I guess we shouldn't be surprised.  And it always boils down to the money.  Tried the beta in Chrome, ran sweet.  No flash, and I'm ready to go to McDonald's.  More data? -- Xpovos

[2010-02-15 21:05:09] - i guess nobody else is at work today.  :'(  hey, adrian, did you hear that youtube (google) is going to push for html5?  obviously this is going to make things very hard on ie users.  sadly they're doing it in a way that makes things kind of hard on firefox and opera.  something about proprietary codecs and royalties.  yes, adrian, i had heard that.  ~a

[2010-02-13 01:38:37] - aba:  you random like a girl.  ~a

[2010-02-12 17:55:36] - we meet up at 20:30?  ~a

[2010-02-12 16:08:43] - p-p-poker.  ~a

[2010-02-12 15:05:22] - miguel/aaron/a: are you guys thinking of coming over for poker or board games? Which would you prefer... ~gurkie

[2010-02-12 15:01:55] - aaron: They probably did some audience testing and found viewers confused by the prize structure, so changed it to something more simplistic, and less fun. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-12 14:33:20] - aaron:  ah i understand.  yeah that would make things more interesting. - mig

[2010-02-12 14:33:07] - mig: the new format is more like: person A has $25,000 and there's 63 mob members. they eliminate 9 mob members, so they now have $50,000 (because there's 50-59 mob members left) - aaron

[2010-02-12 14:32:27] - mig: well, with the old format, a typical round would go something like: person A has $38,100, and there's 63 mob members. they eliminate 9 mob members by answering a question correctly; so they get $2,500 per mob member, so now they have $60,600 to risk... - aaron

[2010-02-12 14:31:27] - does a buzz generate an email to everyone following you when you create one?  if so I'll probably stop using it because that could get really annoying. - mig

[2010-02-12 14:19:19] - I thought the proportional relationship mattered only to the mob?  as in the less mob there are, the more winnings per remaining mob person should the contestant get something wrong? - mig

[2010-02-12 14:16:37] - I've only watched like 1 or 2 shows of it but I've always found the show intriguing, which is unusual because I really hate the new style game shows that are on now for the most part.  The dynamic between the mob and the contestant makes it rather interesting. - mig

[2010-02-12 14:06:17] - aaron: No, I've never actually watched the game show.  I think I agree, though, if I understand.  There's granularity there, a direct win/loss proposition for each person. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-12 13:55:56] - aaron: sorry I dont watch the live show. ~gurkie

[2010-02-12 13:40:02] - i guess there's just something cooler about a contestant leaving with $87,600, rather than $50,000 to me - aaron

[2010-02-12 13:39:26] - does anybody watch the 1v100 TV show? the latest version of the show, they changed the format so that the player doesn't get awarded for each mob member eliminated. it makes the show a lot less interesting to me, though i can't put my finger on why - aaron

[2010-02-12 13:26:54] - Paul: I believe they'll have some more extended play through the weekend, but this is the last Live show. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-12 12:51:01] - Xpovos: Tonight is the finale? I thought it was the 14th for some reason... -Paul

[2010-02-12 12:43:13] - Paul: Aw, no 1v100 Live Season Finale?  last chance to play Live for an indefinite period of time. -- Xpovos

[2010-02-12 12:10:01] - aaaron: If you guys are ok with the possibility of playing board games instead of poker tonight... then you might as well show up. Gurkie was talking about possibly doing a board game night instead of poker since I had canceled. -Paul

[2010-02-12 12:08:24] - a:  come anyways tonight, i got aaron to come. - mig

[2010-02-12 12:07:38] - heh heh i was at lunch when miguel told me that you guys had three people, and that you'd be able to host poker if i came. that's why i ended up RSVPing yes - aaron

[2010-02-12 12:00:08] - no no i meant in the future.  not for this week.  ~a

[2010-02-12 11:58:35] - a: You know, RSVPing for something that was canceled due to a lack of RSVPs actually doesn't help. It makes things worse, because now I have to see if I can get the previous RSVPers back and if it's worth trying to get more. -Paul

[2010-02-12 11:24:04] - can i rsvp in advance for an event that may or may not be scheduled?  ~a

[2010-02-12 11:22:46] - but seriously, if that's the way it's going to be, then you have successfully guilted me into rsvping.  ~a

[2010-02-12 11:21:24] - you will catch more bees with honey than vinegar.  sweet sweet honey.  ~a

[2010-02-12 11:02:40] - a: what paul is trying to say, is while he isnt trying to punish you it is your punishment. Unless there are enough RSVPs there will not be poker. ~gurkie

[2010-02-12 10:08:29] - a: I wouldn't call it a punishment, but we only had three people say yes (and it was all people who lived in the house), so I didn't think we would have enough people to warrant having poker. -Paul

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