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[2010-03-11 14:35:55] - well i'd suggest upgrading your linux (hardy is pretty old), but you might want to wait until lucid comes out next month because lucid is an LTS.  ~a

[2010-03-11 14:31:15] - a: I feel like I'm the only person on the interwebs who is having this problem. :-P -Paul

[2010-03-11 14:30:39] - a: Eh, it was some website that I probably couldn't find again. It's annoying because it feels like 90% of the results I'm getting on google are about converting from h.264 to some other format. -Paul

[2010-03-11 14:28:12] - general question:  is using innerHTML property of a DOM element considered good practice or is it something that should be avoided? - mig

[2010-03-11 14:23:28] - usually i need to install medibuntu to get some stuff working, but your video was an exception apparently.  ~a

[2010-03-11 14:22:54] - so maybe it wasn't h.264 and mplayer was lying to me.  where did you read that hardy doesn't have h.264?  ~a

[2010-03-11 14:20:51] - paul:  well hardy played your video (in mplayer and vlc).  and mplayer said your video was h.264.  ~a

[2010-03-11 14:16:05] - aaron:  it's possible to OD on water.  Ban dihydrogen monoxide! - mig

[2010-03-11 14:09:03] - mig: supposedly it's impossible to overdose on vitamin C and there's some other water-soluble nutrients which are impossible to OD on so they could just eat that all day - aaron

[2010-03-11 14:08:42] - mig: new york should try banning everything which can be harmful in large doses - aaron

[2010-03-11 13:20:35] - stephen:  not to mention that salt is how the vast majority of people get iodine in their systems, which people need to prevent things like goiters.  - mig

[2010-03-11 13:15:32] - Xpovos: Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate.... and Paul. -Paul

[2010-03-11 13:12:04] - Mig: That is insane.  Sodium is a natural component of the human diet.  Nobody would ever go to a salt-free restaurant.  - Stephen

[2010-03-11 13:09:52] - xpovos:  take your calm and shovel it. - mig

[2010-03-11 12:58:58] - Enhance your calm, mig. It's not that big of a deal. :-P -- Xpovos

[2010-03-11 12:55:45] - ny politican wants to ban salt from being used in restaurants.  Be well, New York. - mig

[2010-03-11 12:32:03] - Paul: So you're saying Pierce + anger = Paul? -- Xpovos

[2010-03-11 12:25:59] - Pierce: Maybe it was an imposter. It didn't sound much like you, and we found ourselves agreeing a bit. -Paul

[2010-03-11 12:25:13] - a: Did you say that Hardy Heron actually does contain the codecs for h.264? I just read somewhere that it doesn't. -Paul

[2010-03-11 12:15:19] - wow, I was really in the angry dome that day.  I don't even remember that conversation. - pierce

[2010-03-11 11:23:01] - aaron:  yeah and buffet has donated 41 Bs.  so buffet should be 1st place :-)  anyways, i'm not sure it works like that, because they weren't donating 2010 dollars.  inflation and all.  regardless, i still agree with you.  ~a

[2010-03-11 11:19:45] - [2004-03-25 09:25:00] - Then when i wanted to have my genitals pierced, I found I had no genitals left - aaron

[2010-03-11 11:15:55] - a: i just meant that gates has donated like $28.1 billion  so it's kind of an accomplishment that despite earning %50 more than carlos over the course of his life, gates now has less money - aaron

[2010-03-11 11:13:27] - nina:  here is the story (link broken >:O ) and here is the rest of pierce's rant  ~a

[2010-03-11 11:10:45] - gurkie:  no.  ~a

[2010-03-11 10:56:56] - i think i meant pierce quote above -nina

[2010-03-11 10:56:38] - ok, that pierce quote below is just weird. -nina

[2010-03-11 10:47:09] - a: Italy = Asia? ~gurkie

[2010-03-11 10:45:50] - "By the time he was 26 years old, his net worth was $40 million" me jealous... Im already 28 and not worth that much... hmm I wonder if any of his sons (or grandsons) are single ~gurkie

[2010-03-11 10:44:36] - well now that we've all commented on that list, i should admit that i was horribly misquoting wikipedia yesterday.  the actual list from wikipedia is:  "Middle East, Latin America, Italy, Maghreb" and please ignore my earlier comment.  ~a

[2010-03-11 10:43:03] - a: additionally I think Europe and South America would be good examples (i realize south america was in your list) of touching being socially acceptable. ~gurkie

[2010-03-11 10:42:37] - aaron:  buffet has given hilarious amounts of money to charity too.  in fact the only reason buffet stopped being the richest person in the world was because he gave most of it TO bill gates!  :-P  and yeah i mentioned slim earlier today.  ~a

[2010-03-11 10:40:28] - a: while I think being more okay with touching is a good thing to some degree, those examples are horrible for gender equality (as vinnie said). When I said that to me it reads these are the places where women dont have the power to say no and be listened to. Although that perception is really mostly related to Middle East and Africa. ~Gurkie

[2010-03-11 10:37:42] - a: (regarding gates dwindling to 2nd wealthiest person status) - aaron

[2010-03-11 10:37:20] - a: that's interesting, although to gates' credit, he's given hilarious amounts of money to charity - aaron

[2010-03-11 10:18:40] - wow, bill gates and warren buffet are both agnostics?  ~a

[2010-03-11 10:02:41] - amy: Although I can see how for most people, using a credit card probably leads to increased spending just because it makes buying things so much easier. -Paul

[2010-03-11 10:01:35] - amy: Not sure I agree with his statement about not using credit cards. As long as you pay them off every month (and there is no annual fee), then it amounts to an interest free loan for a month. -Paul

[2010-03-11 09:55:08] - a: I think you're right about the single core. It looks like my Atom processor is only one core, but that it supports hyper-threading. -Paul

[2010-03-11 09:53:40] - a: Not the same videos, but videos from the same camera, so it should be pretty similar. I also forgot to mention that my Dad's netbook uses Windows XP so he was probably viewing them in Windows media player. -Paul

[2010-03-11 09:53:37] - paul:  i doubt you have two cores.  even 2010 netbooks (mostly) have one core.  you're probably thinking of hyper-threading.  ~a

[2010-03-11 09:49:38] - wow.  the richest person in the world is now a mexican engineer who i've never heard of outside of wikipedia.  though we'll all probably get to know him better now that he's surpassed warren buffet and bill gates.  ~a

[2010-03-11 09:46:40] - paul:  "the" videos?  the same videos?  ~a

[2010-03-11 09:37:10] - Although my dad mentioned being able to view the videos fine on his 10" netbook, which, while newer than mine, I think has the same CPU. I'm not sure if there is any difference in the video card, though. -Paul

[2010-03-11 09:36:09] - apierce: I did a little more digging last night into the mp4/netbook issue. The system monitor listed two CPUs (I assume two cores) and when I tried opening a video, one or both were pegged at 100% most of the time, which lends itself to the theory that the CPU is too taxed. -Paul

[2010-03-11 09:07:25] - guess that's why it's less common for people to get upset about a black comedian making a joke about a black stereotype, vs. a white guy making the same joke. it's all about the history - vinnie

[2010-03-11 09:05:51] - it's a little bit like jokes about groups of people. some of them probably don't offend anyone, some offend many. I guess the ideal would be that we can make jokes like these, and all of us share the understanding that we are generalizing and not implying anything about a specific person, but there's way too much history there right now for many groups of people - vinnie

[2010-03-11 09:02:00] - though I do agree with pierce on this, not that what he said in contradictory to what ~a said. it's a fine ideal to have everyone be ok with touching (though I'm curious what ~a thinks is normal touching), but right now we're not at that point where we can just flip that switch, for the reasons pierce gave - vinnie

[2010-03-11 08:57:47] - pierce: don't think that I overlooked the vis à vis you threw in there. accent and everything - vinnie

[2010-03-11 02:14:17] - i very randomly stumbled upon mark cuban's blog and found this entry he wrote, thought it was interesting: -amy

[2010-03-11 00:38:17] - I think it's easy to see the ideal as being "everyone touches because everyone only touches in appropriate ways and so everyone is comfortable with touching", but that ideal has to ignore so much about the real world (historical sexism, power dynamics vis à vis the physiological differences between men and women, etc) that it's basically useless. - pierce

[2010-03-11 00:30:16] - a: none of those regions strikes me as a high-point for gender relations and gender equality.  what makes you think the touching in those cultures makes people happier? - pierce

[2010-03-10 22:16:50] - american society is actually out of the norm when it comes to touching and i think that's too bad.  In "The Middle East, Asia, Africa, and South America" haptics is more accepted.  (from WP)  i think being ok with normal touching would make everybody a lot happier.  ~a

[2010-03-10 21:55:19] - offensive by it, and yeah, he stopped doing it too. -amy

[2010-03-10 21:54:41] - respectfully. like in one case it was a coworker, he apologized and i remember he seemed a little nervous, like he was afraid i might tell the mgr. i assured him it was cool as long as it didn't happen anymore, and it didn't, and everything is fine now. the other one was actually my mgr, and he was also respectful, apologized and said he didn't mean anything... -amy

[2010-03-10 21:52:37] - also i have had 2 instances at my current job where i had to tell somebody i wasn't comfortable with their touching me. i think i was anxious before bringing it up, and maybe worried about the impact it would have on my job/career. but i think also bringing it up gives cause of the other person to worry about their own job, so they have good reason to handle it -amy

[2010-03-10 21:38:39] - nina: i follow chai's fb updates about hollaback dc. i think it's great. i think it's important just having a place where it's OK to talk about this and make these experiences known to the world... so that ppl realize it is a real problem. -amy

[2010-03-10 20:42:14] - aaron:  hah.  it shows the section missing from the C&O canal correctly.  and it also includes a trail that goes almost the whole way from dc to pittsburgh.  wowee.  ~a

[2010-03-10 20:26:25] - ok, this article seemed ok up until this sentence:  "It is common courtesy for each player to remove the other players shoes and socks."  wtf?  ~a

[2010-03-10 20:23:41] - actually there are tons of trails we need to add.  burke lake, wakefield, ffc parkway, difficult run, rocky run park, south run.  but yeah, the cct would totally change this map.  ~a

[2010-03-10 20:21:17] - "this is major tom to major tom, I'm talking to myseeeeeeelf"

[2010-03-10 20:18:09] - yay yay yay yay!  it has lots of cool trails.  i've actually been on most of the dark green lines in nova and DC.  i wonder if i can add lines somehow.  they need the CCT.  ~a

[2010-03-10 19:06:15] - hey added bike directions to google (sorry it was a long url) - aaron

[2010-03-10 19:06:01] - a: t

[2010-03-10 17:36:14] - Ugh, my first statement came across as a little blunt, after a number of changes to it... I meant to say that I am not trying to place blame on females or anything, but unless these guys are told that their comments are making others feel uncomfortable, I find it hard to blame them. -Paul

[2010-03-10 17:33:09] - a: If there was some objective reason to be worried (like he was clearly high/drunk, or holding a weapon, etc), then I would definitely be a little creeped out. -Paul

[2010-03-10 17:19:20] - paul:  what if it was some toothless dude who was obviously high on some illegal substance?  ~a

[2010-03-10 17:01:26] - I just wanted to jump in to say that I agree with Aaron. I find it hard to relate to the situation. If I was walking home from work and some girl (even if she were ugly) said I was attractive, I would be flattered. -Paul

[2010-03-10 16:44:45] - snl skit - Sexual Harassment and You.  maybe nsfw.  basically sticks to the "attractiveness matters" point.  ~a

[2010-03-10 16:23:35] - aaron: it was a manager... not directly my manager but one of the managers on my project. ~gurkie

[2010-03-10 16:23:06] - aaron: I agree with you on that... the difference in attractiveness of guys can change ones perception of the scenario. More important than how he looks to me is where we are located, if we are with a group and I feel safe then I am much less inclined to be creeped out, but if he suggests going somewhere alone or we met in an alone setting... Then I am creeped out ~gurkie

[2010-03-10 16:17:24] - gurkie: was it a manager who said the really really inappropriate comment where he "wouldn't mind" something or other? or was that someone else - aaron

[2010-03-10 16:16:20] - a: to be fair, it hasnt always been sexual comments or innuendos, I have had managers who dont think women should be working or think that things women do are innately inferior to the work of a man and that has also made me uncomfortable. ~gurkie

[2010-03-10 16:12:07] - and like you hinted at earler, a big part of it is knowing when to stop. i think most of the times guys either don't understand the signals, or girls don't make the signals clear enough, and it results in a bad situation  - aaron

[2010-03-10 16:09:29] - nina: well, the whole creepy/cute thing is more of an attraction thing than a behavior thing. take the love-at-first-sight scene out of any sappy romance movie and replace the male lead with an ugly guy, and it becomes a very creepy movie... "yuck and when he accidentally touched her hand? sure, whatever, and that freudian slip was just inappropriate" - aaron

[2010-03-10 16:09:04] - "generally its been managers that make me uncomfortable"  oof that sounds much harder i think.  ~a

[2010-03-10 16:08:21] - "it's really quite intimidating to tell someone that they're making you uncomfortable" yeah you might have to do it in private.  i once (very recently) had to tell one of my coworkers back off of the haptics in public.  i had to do it in private so it was less uncomfortable.  ~a

[2010-03-10 16:07:47] - a: there are a couple things with that... I mean yea I didnt tell them they made me uncomfortable but generally its been managers that make me uncomfortable rather than people at the same level as me... And so what I tell them they make me uncomfortable and then I have to wonder how that will affect my career. Or I can just smile, nod, and try to avoid them. ~gurkie

[2010-03-10 16:05:46] - a: and most women do think it's the easier and less confrontational route to say nothing at all. -nina

[2010-03-10 16:05:21] - eh, sometimes I am flattered, so long as I have company with me so I dont feel threatened... ~gurkie

[2010-03-10 16:04:56] - a: yeah, it sounds easy enough, but it's really quite intimidating to tell someone that they're making you uncomfortable.  historically, the blame is put on the lady for "soliciting" that behavior of the man -nina

[2010-03-10 16:03:29] - gurkie:  if you don't tell people how you feel, how will they they know what they have done is wrong?  ~a

[2010-03-10 15:59:41] - gurkie: you're right.  but i think the broad stroked sexual harassment policies are meant to protect you in case the environment hasn't been built to allow a safe space for public sexual harassment. ;-) -nina

[2010-03-10 15:58:50] - aaron: and by default, by partaking in that behavior, you automatically become creepy. -nina

[2010-03-10 15:58:48] - nina: it depends on the work environment, I am fairly certain I have said and done things at work that wouldnt be appropriate at some places... ~gurkie

[2010-03-10 15:58:24] - aaron: i see what you're saying, but unfortunately, the vast majority of people that take part in that behavior are creepy or ugly.  and if it's someone i work with, then it really exacerbates the issue. -nina

[2010-03-10 15:52:00] - a: not really... I didnt want to make a scene really and since it wasnt everyone who made me uncomfortable I thought people would argue favoritism etc... maybe I should have said something, but it didnt bother me much... ~gurkie

[2010-03-10 15:47:50] - nina: it's a difficult situation for guys to relate to. personally i can't relate to it, i think i'd take it as a compliment. i mean, if it was a creepy or ugly guy then i might be like, ugh, gross. but i'd probably think that if a creepy or ugly guy offered me a sandwich too - aaron

[2010-03-10 15:36:49] - i don't think people really take into consideration how those comments, even if they seem like compliments, make a person feel.  objectified, demoralized, etc.  -nina

[2010-03-10 15:35:58] - that was me on that statement below. -nina

[2010-03-10 15:35:46] - my friend started a street harassment blog ( and one of the comments that guys who go to the site always say is "well, you should feel glad that you're getting cat-called.  it means you're pretty"

[2010-03-10 15:34:53] - gurkie: i think that's messed up that people can say things like that in a work environment and think it's appropriate. -nina

[2010-03-10 15:34:33] - amy: that totally sucks about the guy saying those things to you and not reading your body language.  -nina

[2010-03-10 15:08:41] - gurkie:  did you tell people when their comments upset you?  ~a

[2010-03-10 15:08:21] - i just punched one of my coworkers butts today.  ~a

[2010-03-10 14:53:42] - a: my first company I had a lot of inappropriate comments, people slapping my butt, etc... But I assume its cause they were all my age and we got along well so they felt it was okay to touch/comment... It didnt bother me much when it was friends of mine, but some of the comments I got upset me. ~gurkie

[2010-03-10 14:52:52] - stephen: yes! - aaron

[2010-03-10 14:44:11] - all kidding aside that sucks hard.  "but this had not much to do with the company and more to do with the location of the office building."  ok, so like you said it has nothing to do with working with software engineers.  sorry i missed that the first time i read your post.  ~a

[2010-03-10 14:20:59] - Amy: That sounds good to me!  - Stephen

[2010-03-10 14:01:44] - like what if he was still lurking around watching where i went to work etc. but i never saw him again. -amy

[2010-03-10 14:01:28] - a: on my way back from lunch this guy came up to me and kept talking to me. "i know you from somewhere. do go to mason? no? then nvcc? you're very pretty..." he didn't say anything offensive but he wouldn't leave me alone. i told him i had to go back to work and he offered to walk me there, i said no and thankfully he left but for a while i was creeped out, -amy

[2010-03-10 13:59:47] - i should probably be more specific and say that i meant like one of the first 2 wknds in apr. -amy

[2010-03-10 13:59:28] - stephen: i was going to, but march is very busy for me, i think i'm busy for the rest of the weekends until april. i could plan a karaoke outing for april. would that work for everyone? -amy

[2010-03-10 13:57:31] - Does anyone want to plan another trip to Cafe Muse (Korean karaoke place)?  - Stephen

[2010-03-10 13:36:44] - vinnie: it was "ratcatcher"! ...they better not be the same person - aaron

[2010-03-10 13:29:52] - aaron: ice cream man - vinnie

[2010-03-10 12:32:28] - does anybody remember the name of that agricola profession that makes it so that everybody's children aren't allowed to work for one turn? - aaron

[2010-03-10 10:28:50] - i know you can also tell some video players to drop frames when the cpu lags behind.  i have no idea why it's not the default.  (framedrop=yes in mplayer)  ~a

[2010-03-10 10:24:14] - yeah.  how do you test that?  i know that "glxinfo |grep render" tells you some stuff.  ~a

[2010-03-10 10:13:47] - The netbook probably isn't getting a lot of help from the video card, either.  Most video cards have a fullscreen video overlay mode which is balls fast, right?  If the netbook has a dinky bargain-basement card then the OS may have to render the whole thing in software. - pierce

[2010-03-10 10:06:51] - in hardy, the system monitor is:  system -> administration -> system monitor.  ~a

[2010-03-10 10:03:00] - well it's pretty easy to see if your cpu can't handle it.  "system monitor" will tell you (or top or atop or vmstat)  ~a

[2010-03-10 09:46:29] - a: You think it could just be that the CPU can't handle it? I wouldn't be surprised either, and I definitely expected some stuttering, but I thought I would at least get a slideshow instead of a green screen. -Paul

[2010-03-10 09:18:59] - well i'm not too surprised that you're having trouble playing  720p  24bpp  30fps  on a mini9.  you might try scaling down the video.  ~a

[2010-03-10 09:11:55] - paul: cool, a deal's a deal then. you'll forgive me if i wait until then to submit my orders for 2010 ;-) - aaron

[2010-03-10 09:07:51] - aaron: You are welcome to borrow Heavy Rain the next time I see you, although I'll definitely want it back once you're done so I can replay it a few more times. -Paul

[2010-03-10 09:06:52] - a: I'm going to play around with it more tonight and maybe give mplayer a try. Thanks for your help. -Paul

[2010-03-10 09:05:57] - a: I tried both Totem and VLC and once I got it to play (although very jittery, but that could be because it was on a netbook) but the other times it either showed the green screen, a black screen, or just the first frame of the video (while the sound still played properly in the background). -Paul

[2010-03-10 09:04:48] - a: Downloaded VLC last night and gave it a try. Still had problems. I tried copying the files from the camera to the HD (instead of playing them directly off the camera) and it made the problem... different. -Paul

[2010-03-09 22:15:45] - gurkie:  hell we'll all probably leave in ten years.  ten years is a long time.  ~a

[2010-03-09 22:11:13] - amy:  "harassed"?  how were you harassed?  ~a

[2010-03-09 22:06:33] - vinnie:  keep being awesome.  ~a

[2010-03-09 20:58:07] - But whether I would leave in the next 10 years to do something else, maybe. But I think from an industry perspective it would be on my terms. Additionally as a side note of the females in my office most of us are higher up than the average consultant... ~Gurkie

[2010-03-09 20:57:17] - but to your real question, I feel like I can be as feminine as I want at work. If I dress too provocatively I get hit on otherwise I am fine. In terms of being driven out? No not really there are a lot of opportunities for women in tech. ~gurkie

[2010-03-09 20:56:09] - nina: and on to your point... I, like Amy, have really only worked at 2 tech companies. The first was about 50% female the second ... well we probably have about 5% female but most of the females are in my office... ~gurkie

[2010-03-09 20:52:20] - nina: Actually I have a coworker who continuously voted for the computer engineer barbie :-P she was recommending I also vote for her. ~gurkie

[2010-03-09 20:40:29] - i actually liked my previous job or at least thought it was "OK," and i remember that at the time i said i would have stayed there if i'd had the choice. -amy

[2010-03-09 20:39:30] - ...conclusively attribute the gender balance as being the major factor in the difference in feel between the two groups. however i believe it made a huge difference, based on my own intuition. -amy

[2010-03-09 20:37:34] - do with the location of the office building. the software job i had before that was more gender-balanced and i fit in a LOT better there. not just with the other women, but with the men, too. i think that just having women as a normal part of the team changed the whole environment, it changed the way the men treated me. however, with a sample size of 2 i can't... -am

[2010-03-09 20:36:18] - male-dominated was a factor. at my last job in software, i was the only woman. i didn't connect with any of my coworkers. i didn't dress to express my usu feminine style bc it made me feel like an outsider if i did. (also bc the one time i came to work wearing a dress, i was harrassed on my way back from lunch, but this had not much to do with the company and more... -amy

[2010-03-09 16:22:32] - vinnie:  sorry, that was me that asked about the mashable barbie article.  forgot to sign off  -nina

[2010-03-09 15:31:19] - vinnie:  what was it a function of?  ~a

[2010-03-09 15:22:54] - anon: I know part of why Amy left the software world was that she didn't like the environment, though I'm not sure it was that much a function of it being male-dominated - vinnie

[2010-03-09 14:28:56] - gurkie: how do you feel about this article?  Do you feel like you're able to express your feminine side at work?  And, do you think you'll be driven out by your male counterparts in the next ten years?

[2010-03-09 13:12:51] - paul: I'm talking mostly things like sandwiches, salads, and wraps which require minimal (or no) cooking, or casserole-type things that take some upfront time but last several meals - vinnie

[2010-03-09 12:43:34] - or, at the very least, a violation of the tos.  ~a

[2010-03-09 12:43:07] - Paul: I would be into helping you learn how to cook. Also I know vinnie and amy have some veggie cook books :-) we could get some of those. ~gurkie

[2010-03-09 12:41:23] - well, no i think the law does care.  if they're not writing their own code, then it's also copyright infringement.  ~a

[2010-03-09 12:37:34] - Vinnie: I guess I need to find those meals to make. :-) -Paul

[2010-03-09 12:34:02] - a: Despite my own feelings on the matter, my guess is the law doesn't really care if they're writing their own code to read the h.264 type. Do you know if that's true? -Paul

[2010-03-09 11:50:50] - paul: yeah, I do too, at times. it helps that I'm starting to find cooking fun, but a lot of the fun things to cook take the most time. but there are simple meals you can make where it takes only a little more time than microwaving or getting takeout, and for significantly less money - vinnie

[2010-03-09 11:29:04] - paul:  the interesting thing is that ubuntu and (hypothetically) firefox aren't even copying codecs from anybody.  they're writing their own code.  it just happens to be able to read the h.264 file TYPE.  patents on formats are limiting in this respect.  it is horribly at odds with interoperability.  i guess a shortsighted company might not care about interoperability.  ~a

[2010-03-09 11:03:44] - aaron: Nice.  I used audio quality to help my guesses a lot, too.  -- Xpovos

[2010-03-09 10:23:19] - Vinnie: Cooking is something I feel like I should probably improve at, but I have a hard time justifying all the time spent grocery shopping and cooking and whatnot. -Paul

[2010-03-09 10:22:11] - a: Not sure. I'm undecided on the whole concept of intellectual property. I can see the arguments both ways. -Paul

[2010-03-09 10:19:06] - how are patents handled in paul-land?  ~a

[2010-03-09 10:18:58] - "In countries where patents on software algorithms are upheld, the vendors of products which make use of H.264/AVC are expected to pay patent licensing royalties for the patented technology that their products use." (from H.264/MPEG-4 AVC#Patent licensing)  ~a

[2010-03-09 10:14:46] - at least i thought you did.  ~a

[2010-03-09 10:14:35] - you have to pay royalties to include it.  ~a

[2010-03-09 10:04:13] - a: Is h.264 an unusual codec (is that the right word?) to be included? -Paul

[2010-03-09 09:49:28] - wow I can't believe back in 2004 I didn't know how to cook. now I cook all sorts of things. I guess that's amy's influence - vinnie

[2010-03-09 09:27:16] - it's a little weird, actually, that ubuntu is able to play h.264.  not quite sure why firefox is unwilling to internally package h.264 support but ubuntu is.  ~a

[2010-03-09 09:13:31] - paul:  they both come with ubuntu.  use the software installer or apt-get.  they're both under multiverse in hardy.  i'd suggest vlc over mplayer because it's a lot more user friendly.  on the other hand, i use mplayer exclusively.  ~a

[2010-03-09 09:07:50] - a: Thanks. Are VLC and Mplayer just as good (if not better) than Totem? I'll see if I can figure out how to download one of those tonight. Thanks again for the help. -Paul

[2010-03-09 09:00:15] - paul:  vlc and mplayer played the video just fine.  totem gave me an error message saying it didn't have the codec loaded (h.264).  in hardy (8.04.4) i got the same results (except i didn't even bother loading it in totem).  let me know if you need help using vlc or mplayer.  ~a

[2010-03-08 22:28:56] - a: Email sent. Thanks for any help you can provide. It's not an urgent matter, either, so any time you can get around to looking at it would be great. Thanks again! -Paul

[2010-03-08 21:52:53] - xpovos: heh heh some of them were pretty funny. i got 10/10 though, the audio quality gave them away - aaron

[2010-03-08 20:10:32] -  Amusing as hell.  I scored 80% on one go through, I have no idea if it uses the same ten sounds all the time. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-08 20:10:01] - But the fact that the digg'd image that it the source of his complaint contains his exact photoshopped image is the tip-off.  If they guy wanted to steal the joke, all he had to do was recreate the image, instead maybe all he did was add some text.  The fact that the original was created for commercial purpose makes the situation even worse. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-08 20:08:14] - aaron: I tend to agree with a on most of the argument to this point.  I can't say whether Shamus is being selfish or not, but I do feel biased towards him, I both saw his version first, and tend to read his blog fairly regularly.  The essence of the joke is, as he notes, very simple.  It could easily be a repeat, and when I first saw your link, I thought it was. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-08 19:53:32] - ah.  ~a

[2010-03-08 19:06:23] - a: i think pierce is just pointing out that the story of pinocchio is public domain; but the disney movie pinocchio is not. - aaron

[2010-03-08 19:04:37] - a: all those movies were based on stories in the public domain, but the movies aren't in the public domain automatically as a result. - pierce

[2010-03-08 18:55:02] - pierce:  i follow everything except your disney comment.  are you implying that they've changed pinocchio, snow white, cinderella?  are you talking about digital re-mastering, etc?  ~a

[2010-03-08 18:35:33] - even if the apple images were in the public domain, shamus's photoshopped version wouldn't be by extension.  derivative works of public domain content are not necessarily in the public domain, otherwise Disney wouldn't have a revenue stream from pinocchio, snow white, cinderella, etc. - pierce

[2010-03-08 18:32:48] - yeah legally i'm not sure either.  a moron in a hurry applies to trademarks, not copyright.  regardless fair use does apply some legal backing to parodies.  shamus was parodying apple when he copied (possibly public domain) images and i'm not so sure who xhark was parodying when he copied images that were derivatives of (possibly public domain) images.  ~a

[2010-03-08 18:17:41] - a: oh that makes some sense. if not from a legal standpoint, then definitely from a moral standpoint - aaron

[2010-03-08 18:11:59] - coincidently a moron in a hurry even involves apple :-P  ~a

[2010-03-08 18:11:15] - aaron:  i'm not a lawyer.  but usually you have to give attribution, but i'm not sure you have to do that when it's clear what you have done (i.e. a moron in a hurry?)  ~a

[2010-03-08 18:09:02] - vinnie:  i think so.  ~a

[2010-03-08 18:02:42] - a: but if there is a line, i'm pretty sure it's just a moral line and not a legal one - aaron

[2010-03-08 18:02:37] - a: oh so some other person ripped off the joke, said it was theirs, and sent the e-mail to this site? - vinnie

[2010-03-08 18:02:18] - a: and yeah i'm not sure what does and doesn't fit into fair use/parody so you've got me there. maybe there's a line between stealing images from a press release and photoshopping them to make a joke; and stealing images from a joke site and photoshopping them to make a better joke - aaron

[2010-03-08 17:59:58] - vinnie:  i think they were emailed the whole joke:  "I would not offense you, but the image we published is not yours. For proof, I learned the existence of your website by seeing the link you sent to us.. We find the information, we publish and we quote sources. For the iPad, we received an email from our reader, and we also put a link to the site of this reader."  ~a

[2010-03-08 17:57:07] - a: by "selfish" i just meant his attitude of, "a small link is just a matter of basic courtesy", "[they should] say where the joke came from or what it was based on", and such. and yeah i think the iMat made the joke a lot funnier, it's not like he just ripped off the guy and didn't contribute anything - aaron

[2010-03-08 17:53:17] - who would send an image like that in an e-mail anyway? "here, I photoshopped steve jobs holding an iBoard. can you post it with two easily found pictures on the net to make a joke?" if I were them and got that e-mail, I'd be pretty sure the image WAS ripped off - so I'd bet they just knowingly ripped the guy off - vinnie

[2010-03-08 17:46:42] - paul:  ok, i just wanted to make sure.  first thing i'll try is playing it against a few new players (mplayer 1.0rc3, totem 2.29), and if that works, i'll try hardy which is probably what you're using.  if it doesn't work, i'll try to find out why.  ~a

[2010-03-08 17:45:13] - plus we have no way of knowing if it's true... the author of UserFriendly made the same defense when he was accused of plagiarizing a MetaFilter comment for a comic, but it turned out he'd been ripping off ideas from MetaFilter many times in the past. - pierce

[2010-03-08 17:44:42] - claims they got the image from an email, but even if that's true it's no defense... it's still plagiarism even though they didn't know who they were plagiarizing. - pierce

[2010-03-08 17:40:29] - yeah, I'm inclined to agree with ~a on this one.  Shamus copied and modified the iPhone/iPad images in order to parody them and engage in commentary on Apple's product line.  Definitely fair use. copied the third panel, not in an attempt to cite or comment on Shamus's joke, but to plagiarize it for their own gain.  Not fair use. - pierce

[2010-03-08 17:24:13] - "he's on thin ice based on the images he reused in the first place"  actually no i think his image fits into fair use and the ripoff doesn't.  ~a

[2010-03-08 17:22:42] - aaron:  "he shouldn't be so selfish about it"  did you even read his message?  he was anything but selfish about it.  ~a

[2010-03-08 17:00:12] - just rearranging a bunch of already-copyrighted content in some clever way - aaron

[2010-03-08 17:00:02] - i've seen stuff like that elsewhere where people would be pissed off when someone ripped off their sprite comic and it's like, dude, it's a sprite comic, you didn't make any of the art for it in the first place. i can kind of empathize with both sides, but i think people sometimes feel overly defensive about content they "created" even when that created content is - aaron

[2010-03-08 16:58:56] - xpovos: heh, i like the ripoff better. it's a bummer his idea got ripped off but he shouldn't be so selfish about it, he's on thin ice based on the images he reused in the first place - aaron

[2010-03-08 16:27:57] - re: that image aaron posted a few days ago (Apple's predicted product line of the future incl. iMat?) -- Xpovos

[2010-03-08 15:56:59] - a: Nope. Not mention of missing codecs or anything. I'm not sure if the sound plays or not, but it definitely acts like it is playing something.... it's just a blank green screen. -Paul

[2010-03-08 15:48:50] - no error messages, right?  ~a

[2010-03-08 15:41:08] - I probably can when I get home. Thanks. -Paul

[2010-03-08 14:54:27] - paul:  yes i can help.  do you have a small file you can email me?  ~a

[2010-03-08 14:32:32] - So, I tried playing some mp4 movie files from my flip video camera on my netbook last night and all I appeared to get was a couple of minutes of a blank green screen. I believe it was using the Totem movie player. Are there any ubuntu users here who could help me troubleshoot this problem? -Paul

[2010-03-08 09:21:50] - a: Most definitely not.  Another housing bubble would in fact be quite bad for me.  That's part of why I'm worried, of course. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-08 09:20:06] - xpovos:  so you would benefit from another housing bubble?  ~a

[2010-03-08 09:19:33] - except the bondage in the first ten seconds of the video?  ~a

[2010-03-08 09:00:06] - amy: Stop-motion!  Cool. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-08 08:38:30] - a: No. I rent. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-08 01:13:07] - (very safe for work. safe even for my work -- have shown it to a few of my students). -amy

[2010-03-08 01:12:49] - hey guys this is a music video i made for an ocremix (not my remix). it has mario in it. -amy

[2010-03-07 23:11:40] - xpovos:  do you own your place?  ~a

[2010-03-07 17:12:30] - I'm seriously worried we're building another housing bubble. All of my staff members are talking about buying, one of them just did.  He bought a condo in Alexandria.  I know what he makes... -- Xpovos

[2010-03-06 13:48:30] - for those interested in starcraft 2 this guy has been making videos of his games he's played on the starcraft 2 beta.  good watching for getting familiar with all the changes that are a comin for sc2. - mig

[2010-03-06 09:07:55] - haha.  the subtitle is the same as the poll on slashdot.  ~a

[2010-03-05 23:34:46] - yeah.  ~a

[2010-03-05 17:46:59] - "Remember, the plural of 'anecdote' is not 'data'." -- Xpovos

[2010-03-05 16:25:48] - ok, aaron i got up to 2^25-3.  is that good enough?  ~a

[2010-03-05 15:50:09] - File:CollatzFractal.png  i'm surprised that they have proven there are no 68-cycle loops, but stopped there.  what's so magical about 68?  ~a

[2010-03-05 15:44:00] - a: heh heh yeah but it's still a conjecture, cause there's always the chance that for 2^51-3, the value just keeps on increasing forever, or hits a 71-cycle loop. how frustrating! - aaron

[2010-03-05 15:13:47] - xkcd 710.  working backwards with DP, you can prove it works for the first 500,000 numbers in a few seconds.  ~a

[2010-03-05 14:57:13] - aaron: I'd seen it twice before on other sites, but I also have a strange desire to actually own one. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-05 13:51:21] - Portal 2 is official. -Paul

[2010-03-05 13:30:26] - a: Magic powers? -Paul

[2010-03-05 13:16:52] - sonic + obama + harry potter?  there isn't a link between any of those things, right?  ~a

[2010-03-05 12:41:28] - aaron: i LOLed -amy

[2010-03-05 08:30:16] - oh how i need this backpack - aaron

[2010-03-04 16:02:56] - this amount of interaction while i'm not around is just egregious. well, off to put on my pashmina and head to work. -amy

[2010-03-04 16:01:01] - wow i caught up on mboard too late in the day. now my "lol" responses won't be apropos anything anymore. -amy

[2010-03-04 15:21:42] - a: now it can change your life in whole new ways! ~gurkie

[2010-03-04 14:42:23] - wow i didn't even consider my male cousins.  hmmmmm  ~a

[2010-03-04 14:17:52] - a: Congratulations! Who is the lucky cousin? And it looks like you can even pick a male cousin so long as you hold the ceremony in DC... ~gurkie

[2010-03-04 13:58:57] - =-O  ~a

[2010-03-04 13:43:53] - a: wtf?  also, i'm guessing that it's "allowed" in the sense that no one has bothered to say anything about it in the law books.  If it was never a problem to begin with, there was no need to regulate it.  and again, a, wtf??? -nina

[2010-03-04 13:32:47] - this has changed my life!  also, vinnie & nina make sure you read this carefully.  File:Cousin marriage map1.svg  ~a

[2010-03-04 13:20:47] - Well, Star Wars did happen in the past, instead of the future, which most sci-fi takes place in. -Paul

[2010-03-04 13:15:45] - vinnie: I never knew there was a distinction between sci fi and science fiction, I thought I was just being lazy... Maybe its Science Fiction I dont like then. ~gurkie

[2010-03-04 13:14:46] - a: plus of course its real... like aar said... ~gurkie

[2010-03-04 13:13:12] - I've heard star wars referred to as "sci-fi" to be distinguished from "science-fiction" which is the harder sci-fi stuff. personally, I think the whole idea of distinctions for this stuff is pretty meaningless - vinnie

[2010-03-04 13:12:53] - a: star wars is really a fantasy epic that happens to take place in space. IMHO ~gurkie

[2010-03-04 13:09:17] - a: star wars is sci FACT - aaron

[2010-03-04 13:04:58] - gurkie:  star wars isn't sci fi?  ~a

[2010-03-04 12:32:06] - xpovos: you might be a fantasy fan like I am a sci fi fan... Most of the actual sci fi books dont appeal to me at all... But everyonce in awhile I like. Plus I love star wars, which a lot of people mistakenly consider sci fi ~gurkie

[2010-03-04 12:02:31] - gurkie: It may just be that I don't like modern fantasy.  I consider myself a fantasy fan, but I have difficulty naming a single fantasy novel written in the past 20 years that I enjoyed, except for some mindless ones, like my Lawrence Watt-Evans books.  Good fun, not literature. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-04 11:59:44] - Vinnie: The gay marriage legalization or the mason-dixon line move? -Paul

[2010-03-04 11:49:51] - aaron: that's cool, I hope it sticks. the mason-dixon line curves a little bit nowadays - vinnie

[2010-03-04 10:57:48] - a: they moved the mason dixon line south at some point during the 2008 presidential election - aaron

[2010-03-04 10:52:23] - aaron:  i wonder if it'll stick.  if so, dc will be the furthest south.  somehow it passed the mason-dixon line.  ~a

[2010-03-04 10:47:37] - Actually I lied it was Travis not Dave who mentioned it to me and then I bought it on Kindle. ~gurkie

[2010-03-04 10:46:22] - xpovos: really? aaw that makes me sad. was there something in specific about it that you didnt like? (not that u should say what here) ~gurkie

[2010-03-04 10:45:08] - Bryan: Name of the Wind was REALLY good! I definately recommend it. I dont know if you have met Dave he sometimes posts here he loaned it to me... I think... And one of my coworkers also recommended it. ~gurkie

[2010-03-04 10:00:00] - washington dc legalizes same sex marriage - aaron

[2010-03-04 09:46:41] - Rothfuss seems like a decent guy, but I couldn't read his book.  But I'm in the minority there, most everyone I know loves it.  -- Xpovos

[2010-03-04 09:13:31] - Gurkie: PennyArcade had a post about a book called The Name of the Wind and I was just told by a friend to check it out too. Looks interesting at least. -Bryan

[2010-03-03 16:21:58] - vinnie: No problem. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-03 16:14:19] - Gurkie: Cool, I'll have to check it out -Bryan

[2010-03-03 15:53:21] - xpovos: alright, cool, do you mind bringing it? a: thanks for the offer - vinnie

[2010-03-03 15:39:50] - vinnie: I'm coming, and have several copies.  The joys of merging DVD collections and having a special edition, too. -- Xpovos

[2010-03-03 15:31:55] - vinnie:  yes, but i'm not 100% sure that i am coming.  you can borrow it from me if you come to lost (tomorrow?).  ~a

[2010-03-03 15:15:47] - a: do you have the Matrix on DVD? - vinnie

[2010-03-03 15:01:08] - -msg board

[2010-03-03 14:42:04] - i'm board

[2010-03-03 14:36:01] - mbooooooored

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