here are old message board entries

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[2010-07-27 13:20:06] - aaron: never saw it! should I? - vinnie

[2010-07-27 13:14:03] - starcraft_2:  we need to organize some 3v3 or 4v4 madness for those getting the game today. - mig

[2010-07-27 13:09:54] - vinnie: you didn't like v for vendetta for 2006? - aaron

[2010-07-27 12:21:07] - 2009 is particularly weak because I haven't seen so many of them.  I'm broke, so my movie attendance is way down.  Of the 10 highest grossing, I've only seen 3.  And only 2 in the theatres.  -- Xpovos

[2010-07-27 12:19:35] - I must have missed No Country for Old Men and I am Legend on wikipedia, but they're both on adrian's wiki for 2007, and they'd both get 2.5+ too. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-27 12:17:48] - Paul: I saw both Spiderman 3, Pirates 3, and Transformers... none of them made my list.  But there were also others I haven't seen yet that I would expect would have. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-27 12:16:51] - Well, here are some of the others from 2007 that I enjoyed: 300, TMNT, Hot Fuzz, Live Free or Die Hard, Harry Potter and Phoenix, Sunshine, Simpsons Movie, Bourne Ultimatum, Stardust, Superbad, War, Halloween, 3:10 to Yuma, Shoot 'Em Up, Across the Universe.  Obviously some of those I like better than others, but I saw all of them and would give each of them 2.5+ stars. --

[2010-07-27 12:13:11] - I'm surprised by all the Ratatouille love (although I haven't seen it). I didn't think 2007 was a terribly strong year for great movies, but there seemed to be a lot of contenders with 300, the Simpsons movie, Pirates 3, Spiderman 3, Transformers... -Paul

[2010-07-27 12:10:43] - Vinnie: I really didn't like District 9, and haven't seen Up yet, but the rest of those movies are pretty good. Watchmen would probably be a strong contender in any other non-avatar year. -Paul

[2010-07-27 12:10:40] - :-D  ~a

[2010-07-27 12:10:01] - hahaha.  yeah totally.  ~a

[2010-07-27 12:09:46] - a: and he thought 2009 was weak. you gotta love the guy :) - vinnie

[2010-07-27 12:09:24] - a: I thought Avatar was supposed to be a tragedy... didn't all the good guys die? :-P -Paul

[2010-07-27 12:07:39] - xpovos:  in a very good year?  we were all complaining about how much we hated 2007.  :-P  ~a

[2010-07-27 12:07:07] - paul: yeah 2006 was weak too. I really really liked Children of Men, and The Departed was very good, but after that, there's nothing. I have Casino Royale, Little Miss Sunshine, and The Prestige in my Netflix queue, we'll see how those are - vinnie

[2010-07-27 12:06:10] - Paul: So long as we acknowledge that this is favorite, and not best, it's a pretty clear choice for me: Batman Begins, Thank You For Smoking, Ratatouille (in a very good year), WALL-E, Watchmen (in a weak year) and for 2010 so far: The A-Team, but probably only because I haven't seen Inception yet. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-27 12:03:22] - paul: Avatar, Up, The Hangover, District 9, Watchmen, Star Trek. I think I liked all of those more than Ratatouille (which is still a very good movie) - vinnie

[2010-07-27 12:01:58] - paul:  it=wall-e but i guess avatar applies also.  ~a

[2010-07-27 12:01:07] - paul:  i'm surprised to hear you say this.  it was hippie-liberal-propaganda.  and those are from my biased hippie-liberal-eyes.  ~a

[2010-07-27 11:59:20] - Vinnie: Yeah, 2007 was a pretty weak year for great movies for me (although it did have a bunch that I thought were pretty good). I wish Dark Knight or Wall-E had come out a year earlier (or two years earlier, as 2006 was another weak year for me). What else came out in 2009 that you liked? -Paul

[2010-07-27 11:57:11] - a: Ah, I thought Dark Knight was a very good movie, but I thought Wall-E was an absolutely great movie. Iron Man is probably #3 on the list, although it's close. -Paul

[2010-07-27 11:56:44] - paul: Sin City, Children of Men, Ratatouille (2007 was a weak year for me), Wall-E, Avatar (2009 was a good year for me) - vinnie

[2010-07-27 11:49:51] - avatar and 300 were pretty good.  not sure why nobody added them.  i don't think i saw either of those movies until after the lists were made.  ~a

[2010-07-27 11:48:49] - oops.  ~a

[2010-07-27 11:48:44] - not even a little bit.  they were both kick ass movies but really i liked dark knight a lot.  so, what's your list?  ~a

[2010-07-27 11:48:33] - a: Starting from 2005: Serenity, Pirates 3, 300 (That wasn't on your list?), Wall-E, Avatar (also wasn't on your list?) and so far for 2010... Kick-Ass. -Paul

[2010-07-27 11:45:37] - a: Interesting, I really enjoyed all of those movies (and they were contenders for my list), but I don't think we have any movies in common. -Paul

[2010-07-27 11:42:54] - a: 2008 Also had Wall-E and Iron Man. You're not even tempted to pick one of those? -Paul

[2010-07-27 11:40:01] - mine are a subset of these pages.  starting from 2005:  crash, v for vendetta, i am legend, dark knight, watchmen.  it's a little early for 2010.  ~a

[2010-07-27 11:37:22] - 2008 is easy.  dark knight.  seriously.  ~a

[2010-07-27 10:56:17] - Here's a question for the message board: What are your favorite movies of each year, for the past 5 years? 2008 is a difficult year for me. -Paul

[2010-07-27 10:29:49] - I'm at work, and am picking my copy up today, but I have a baseball game tonight, so I won't be playing until tomorrow. -Paul

[2010-07-27 10:16:54] - apparently my copy is being shipped to me instead of in-store pickup.  oops.  i guess i won't be playing today as my package is in ohio for some reason.  ~a

[2010-07-27 10:08:55] - I'm guessing the msg board is going to be silent today because all the SC2 players are taking off work.  - STephen

[2010-07-26 20:01:20] - 우리는 더 많은 미네랄이 필요합니다.  ~a

[2010-07-26 17:48:43] - Aiur위한 나의 생활! -- Xpovos

[2010-07-26 17:45:16] - Apparently: 스타 크래프트  Which probably is much more finger-efficient.  Assuming someone is a good typist in Korean. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-26 17:29:52] - a: I've no idea.  How do you say "Starcraft" in Korean? -- Xpovos

[2010-07-26 17:15:15] - xpovos:  what about on this layout?  it's probably not 3x2 and 3x1 there.  ~a

[2010-07-26 16:52:59] - a: Probably.  9 letters, 3x2 and 3x1, though so it's not likely a different layout would improve the situation much. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-26 16:43:50] - xpovos:  but isn't typing something entirely with one hand suboptimal?  ~a

[2010-07-26 16:20:29] - a: I'm going to go with good.  I hadn't realized it before which is probably a result of my not touch typing enough when SC1 came out.  So--clearly because post hoc ergo propter hoc, Starcraft has made me a better typist. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-26 16:19:36] - xpovos: ... - vinnie

[2010-07-26 16:16:22] - xpovos:  is that good or bad?  ~a

[2010-07-26 15:38:48] - I just realized that Starcraft can be typed entirely with the left hand... -- Xpovos

[2010-07-26 14:55:31] - Jailbreaking your Iphone is now legal according to the Gov: -Daniel

[2010-07-26 11:41:54] - stephen: oof expensive, but I'll think about it. I love Tears for Fears - vinnie

[2010-07-26 10:20:03] - Inception - 2 solid thumbs up.  I would recommend it if you haven't seen it yet.  -Daniel

[2010-07-26 09:44:58] - Xpovos: Pretty much. -Paul

[2010-07-26 09:18:30] - Paul: The internet is a series of tubes, but the things we care about are what traverse those tubes? -- Xpovos

[2010-07-26 08:39:23] - a: Without websites, we would have an internet backbone, but no real internet in my mind. -Paul

[2010-07-26 08:38:32] - a: I guess it's semantics, but I consider the message board (and all websites) to be a part of the internet, not just on it. -Paul

[2010-07-25 21:39:56] - 80's music people: Tears for Fears (original members) are playing at the 9:30 Club in August.  Tix are insanely expensive, but is anyone interested in going?  - Stephen

[2010-07-25 11:35:35] - a lot of this stuff can be done right now with multiple tabbed windows, especially since they added stuff like tab DnD between windows. i don't think it's that big a deal - aaron

[2010-07-25 09:23:41] - tab candy.  interesting video.  not sure if it'll take off, but it obviously has some crazy new ideas.  ~a

[2010-07-23 20:00:37] - a:  WOO!  I own the message board! -Daniel

[2010-07-23 17:44:54] - also i guess it depends on which definition of the "message board" you're using.  at a less technical level . . . we all own the message board.  without you posting, the message board would be very different.  ~a

[2010-07-23 17:43:39] - to answer your question, i would say that the message board is "on" the internet.  "part" of the internet would be correct i guess.  but i do own the message board, or at least most of it.  ~a

[2010-07-23 17:41:51] - i guess the contents of the mysql files could be considered owned by their respective authors.  however, the copyright status of things posted to internet message boards is probably not very solid.  ~a

[2010-07-23 17:39:44] - i own the message board, all except the ip and the dns server but those could be changed with little affect to the board itself.  the rest is over leased lines owned by private companies.  mostly paid for by me, you, and others like us using the internet.  ~a

[2010-07-23 17:37:11] - the message board is a set of .php and .inc files.  also a few files in the /var/lib/mysql directory.  those files all reside on a computer of which i own.  that computer is accessible from an ip that i lease from comcast and a domain that i own and hosted on a domain naming service that i lease from gandi.  ~a

[2010-07-23 17:33:25] - a: Also, if I might ask a tangental question (or two), do you consider this message board to be a part of the internet? If so, does that mean you do not own it? -Paul

[2010-07-23 17:32:11] - a: I never said it was owned by the government, I said it was publicly owned. I submit that the internet is closer to publicly owned than it is to privately owned, due to the enormous number of private companies that "own" the internet. -Paul

[2010-07-23 17:27:32] - the us government doesn't have juristiction over the .com dns servers, or the .cn dns servers for that matter.  they sometimes pass laws that affect private companies the exist in the US, but really that's all they have the power to do.  ~a

[2010-07-23 17:25:06] - paul:  it is owned by a huge number of private companies.  you seriously thought the internet was owned by the government?  ~a

[2010-07-23 17:22:46] - a: Who owns the internet, then? -Paul

[2010-07-23 17:03:39] - the internet is not publicly owned.  should i continue to reply anyways?  ~a

[2010-07-23 16:56:46] - a: *Sigh* Ok, so I'll go ahead and play Devil's Advocate here: Porn is not only allowed, but is ubiquitous on the internet, which is publicly owned. Children can stumble across porn even if they are not intentionally looking for it. Why is this allowed when a harmless nativity scene is banned from public parks? -Paul

[2010-07-23 16:52:12] - Paul:  I was pointing out the silliness of the argument, not advocating it. :-) ~a

[2010-07-23 16:43:02] - I'm surprised you think we should be able to post porn in a public park. :-P -Paul

[2010-07-23 16:39:57] - ok, so we all agree that the internet and a public park are theoretically somewhat similar.  so we all (including ken huber) think we should be allowed to post porn in a public park?  or is it that we feel posting a "nativity scene" on the internet should be disallowed?  ~a

[2010-07-23 16:35:59] - a: I agree, but I think I can see that guy's point a little better than I thought I would. -Paul

[2010-07-23 16:18:47] - "both the internet and a public park are theoretically 'public', so they're actually somewhat similar in that respect"  theoretically somewhat similar?  sure.  but once you start talking details they actually share very little in common.  ~a

[2010-07-23 16:03:00] - a: I didn't mean to imply one of those, although I would obviously pick public parks being owned by private entities. I was more thinking about the fact that both the internet and a public park are theoretically "public", so they're actually somewhat similar in that respect. -Paul

[2010-07-23 15:59:02] - paul:  so would you make the internet owned by the government or would you make the public park owned by private entities?  i wonder which paul will pick.  ~a

[2010-07-23 15:49:37] - I thought you could have a nativity scene in a public park.  Just not ONLY a nativity scene and nothing else.  I think people would be upset if ONLY christian ideas were allowed on the internet.  -Daniel

[2010-07-23 15:40:49] - aaron: Yeah, he's definitely going for sensationalism over a deeper analysis of the issues (unless he thinks that a public park is the equivalent of the internet, which is actually an interesting thought). -Paul

[2010-07-23 15:39:57] - who are you calling a man??? what part of "sally" didn't you understand - aaron

[2010-07-23 15:39:00] - says the man with multiple penises.

[2010-07-23 15:35:29] - paul: i agree, there's a few good points, and that in general, i even agree with the sentiment of some of the bad points. like how some people are tolerant of racism when it's perpetrated by minorities. but the delivery is awful and dilutes his points - aaron

[2010-07-23 15:32:31] - a: because i have two dicks - aaron

[2010-07-23 15:25:45] - aaron:  why is your name sallytwodicks?  ~a

[2010-07-23 15:25:06] - aaron: lol

[2010-07-23 15:23:57] - aaron: That is by far not the worst "letter to the editor" that I have ever read. There are at least a few good points sprinkled in there. -Paul

[2010-07-23 15:23:48] - daniel: my name... is SallyTwoD**ks! - aaron

[2010-07-23 15:21:59] - Its a good thing neo didn't have a goofy leet speak username.  'My name is _xPWNZ0rz_!'  wouldn't have had quite the same effect.  -Daniel

[2010-07-23 15:19:52] - you forgot "It is the sound of your death... Goodbye, Mr. Porter". - mig

[2010-07-23 15:16:28] - a: 'You hear that adrian?  That is the sound of inevitability.'  'My name is ~a!'

[2010-07-23 15:02:34] - "you're worse at figuring things out but better at relating things to previous experiences"  can this tendency be overridden?  or will we not be able to fight it?  ~a

[2010-07-23 15:01:16] - daniel:  the only thing constant is change.  i think you're right that we'll look back with a little bit of nostalgia.  but i hope we don't do it too much.  i hope we don't start watching fox news either.  ~a

[2010-07-23 15:00:29] - daniel: she's in her 50s or 60s. and yeah i've heard that too about people becoming set in their ways. brains become rewired as you get older, so you're worse at figuring things out but better at relating things to previous experiences - aaron

[2010-07-23 14:54:37] - my other sister pointed out that people generally become more set in their ways as they get older.  I wonder if that means when we are all in our 50's if we will all be wistful for the way america was back in the '00s.  -Daniel

[2010-07-23 14:53:34] - aaron:  How old was the relative?  My sister says I'm pretty age-ist in that I tend to think elder people are often less tolerant and don't understand diversity very well.  Not 100% but I feel they trend that way compared to other age blocks.  -Daniel

[2010-07-23 14:51:43] - i really hate the starcraft-source now, they just posted an article saying "SC2 release pushed back to July 30th" and then inside the actual article say, "Just kidding!'. - mig

[2010-07-23 14:50:06] - aaron:  give up the fight.  if it were my relative i would reply.  but . . . maybe that's why i stopped getting these emails from my relatives.  ~a

[2010-07-23 14:33:23] - my favorite one was "you can have pornography on... the internet, but you can't put a nativity scene in a public park" zomg - aaron

[2010-07-23 14:32:11] - one of my relatives FW FW FW RE FW RE'ed me this e-mail and i had to fight not to pick apart every little thing in the letter that made no sense - aaron

[2010-07-23 09:05:11] - Aaron: I agree, either Billy or Jose should have gone, there were good reasons for both. And no, for the second week in a row Jose was not in the group dance.  Obviously I have my guesses as to why.  - Stephen

[2010-07-23 09:03:57] - i do think jose should have been kicked off but it would have been crappy to imply that billy's performance on wednesday and thursday outshone jose's performance - aaron

[2010-07-23 09:02:56] - i didn't think it was that unfair. i thought jose put up a really good solo; i didn't think he'd put up that much originality in his last 3 or 4 solos but i thought thursday's solo was really good. vinnie and i couldn't find him in the group dance though - did they omit him from the group dance? - aaron

[2010-07-23 08:36:44] - Gurkie: I am super pissed off.  The show doesn't even pretend to care about consistency or fairness.  Plus, Jose is still on :(  - STephen

[2010-07-23 08:29:29] - SYTYCD_People: What did you think of last night? ~gurkie

[2010-07-23 00:17:56] - a:  similar.  ~a

[2010-07-22 18:01:50] - I'm sure you guys have seen it, but the most recent Starcraft 2 trailer kicks all kinds of ass. -Paul

[2010-07-22 15:58:00] - i'm with daniel.  open and honest communication is the way to go.  private conversations are forbidden.  ~a

[2010-07-22 15:41:08] - mig: I disagree.  boards is clearly the best answer to all conversations between you and paul.  -Daniel

[2010-07-22 15:40:57] - killing a 6 yo? Not good for emotional growth. ~gurkie

[2010-07-22 15:39:12] - a: well i mean that if I wanted to host one, it'd be at the house he owns, so naturally i'd need his blessing and what not.  that conversation does not need to happen on the msg board. - mig

[2010-07-22 15:32:55] - a: I don't read the message board, just write to it. -Paul

[2010-07-22 15:25:52] - i think paul sometimes reads this message board.  ~a

[2010-07-22 15:23:34] - a:  nothing firm planned yet.  I would like to do one, but the coming weekends are kind of hectic for me.  and i probably should talk it over with paul as well.  - mig

[2010-07-22 15:18:09] - is there a lan game planned?  i had heard people talking about one.  ~a

[2010-07-22 15:12:29] - SC2 for 45$ ->

[2010-07-22 15:09:53] - a:  if you ordered it online it will probably arrive the day of release. - mig

[2010-07-22 15:07:53] - paul:  i preordered sc2 through gamestop in april.  i'm hoping something will let me download and get a key on release day.  if not, i'll show up at the gamestop next to my house and grab a copy.  ~a

[2010-07-22 15:01:42] - CHRISTMAS?!

[2010-07-22 14:52:20] - Paul: I'm being gifted. I'm pretty sure I'm being gifted with the special edition.  However, the actual gift won't arrive until Christmas, it seems, so--there's some pluses and minuses. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-22 14:51:20] - pre downloaded from then you buy your key the day it comes out.  -Daniel

[2010-07-22 14:47:58] - So, how are the denizens of the message board getting their copy of Starcraft 2? Anybody splurging for the special edition (besides Miguel)? -Paul

[2010-07-22 13:42:55] - "You are committing the typical human mistake of assuming that problems have solutions, and focusing your energy on the perceived injustice rather than on progress toward your goal. Sometimes, problems are simply problems." - Gax

[2010-07-22 12:56:17] - a: I think torture of a 6 year old where I would agree that the vast majority of those that went through it come out worse but if even one comes out stronger/more resilsent / mature / whatever then thats enough.  Tough to prove an absolute. -Daniel

[2010-07-22 12:54:42] - a: Its for me to imagine a scenario where no one could come out of it somehow better. is mostly what I'm thinking of.  Its hard to say/prove that no one could grow from some bad thing whatever the bad thing is.  -Daniel

[2010-07-22 12:14:11] - a: On the one hand, it would have to depend on the purpose and nature of the torture.  On the other, my statement doesn't allow for differences based on things like that, so, we've reached (already) a difficult point. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-22 11:47:32] - daniel:  ok good point.  no 6 year olds?  ~a

[2010-07-22 11:39:49] - a: "very few 6 year olds" implies that some would come out ok.  -Daniel

[2010-07-22 11:34:33] - situation:  torturing a 6 yo.  i think there are very few 6 year olds that could come out of a torture session emotionally healthy.  ~a

[2010-07-22 09:59:31] - a: Intrinsically, or in certain cases?  I'll grant the second, but not the first. That is, I don't believe there is a situation where emotional scarring has to be only harmful. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-21 21:55:45] - yep.  but who's the father?  ~a

[2010-07-21 17:53:59] - i have a cat.  does that count as a kid?  :P  -  aba

[2010-07-21 17:27:54] - do you at least agree that some emotional scarring is exclusively harmful?  ~a

[2010-07-21 15:56:07] - a: There is a well-established concept of creative destruction, so at a minimum, that works, but I think it's probably also fair to say that some people are incapable of turning a destructive experience into a formative one.  That doesn't mean we should place them in a bubble, and even if it did, it's clear age is a substantially smaller component of that. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-21 15:39:17] - "the pain we experience (emotional scarring) is some of the most formative aspects of our lives"  what do you mean by formative?  if it's formative, can't it also be destructive?  ~a

[2010-07-21 15:19:28] - So, I suppose we'll have to check back in another ten years to see if I've raised unholy terrors as a result of my obviously bad parenting. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-21 15:07:18] - a: No, but I was playing the BrĂ¼tal Legend demo last night.  Theresa was totally uninterested. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-21 15:03:06] - anon: Heh, I'd read that back myself.  I was being faceteous, even back then, but I seriously didn't expect things to turn out quite the way they have.  That said, I'm still of the opinion that the pain we experience (emotional scarring) is some of the most formative aspects of our lives. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-21 14:53:19] - also hopefully andrew isn't subjecting the young ones to q3 quite yet.  ~a

[2010-07-21 14:22:49] - anon:  yeah hah!  that looks like it was a heated argument.  but i doubt she'll be bringing her kids two months from now.  ~a

[2010-07-21 13:48:17] - "[2000-08-08 17:01:00] - We'll see, 10 years from now we'll meet again, you bring your kids, and I'll still be a bachelor. - Xpovos"  LOL

[2010-07-21 13:33:36] -,464/ old onion article - aaron

[2010-07-21 09:38:37] - hehe

[2010-07-21 09:37:55] - Ew

[2010-07-21 09:36:45] - alternatively, you could upgrade to lucid.  but i'll try not to fuck that dead horse.  ~a

[2010-07-21 09:28:45] - there is.  but you have to install it outside of your app store.  it appears there's no such thing as a "stable" build of chromium, so you have to download chrome:  ~a

[2010-07-21 09:04:27] - a: Sad. So there is no chrome support for Hardy Heron? -Paul

[2010-07-21 00:04:38] - paul:  "lucid or newer."  ~a

[2010-07-20 21:03:42] - a: apt-get install chromium-browser didn't work -Paul

[2010-07-20 16:59:03] - i'm trying not to look too much at the game mechanics stuff that's being posted right now because i figure it will change drastically before release.  however i'm pretty psyched about the new screenshots and mob skins that have been mined so far.  -  aba

[2010-07-20 16:45:56] - yeah i wouldn't worry too much about the state of the trees right now, it's really early in beta, and most of them are probably going to look very different in the coming months. - mig

[2010-07-20 16:39:01] - Stephen:  Yeah I looked at the druid ones and thought they were bad too.  I think I used the word terrible as well.  A warlock friend of mine said affliction was pretty bad too.  Hopefully they change cause right now they aren't so hot.  -Daniel

[2010-07-20 16:34:49] - mig: Phew.  It doesn't seem like any of them really leave you with any options, though, like everyone is going to be running around with the same specs.  - Stephen

[2010-07-20 16:33:39] - stephen:  some of them are still very much works in progress.  The Paladin trees are going to change drastastically from what theya re now. - mig

[2010-07-20 16:30:56] - Has anyone looked at the proposed 31-pt talent trees for Cataclysm?  Some of them look absolutely terrible (like Affliction Warlocks, who have to spec into PvP talents just to get to the next tier).  - Stephen

[2010-07-20 15:42:59] - aba: Ah, excellent. I think that's what I have been looking for. Thanks! -Paul

[2010-07-20 15:20:24] - paul:  to the right of where it says "people you follow", there should be a little chat bubble icon that pops up whenever you have unread comments.  it shows posts in reverse chronological order of last comment posted.  -  aba

[2010-07-20 14:51:27] - vinnie:  ok, understood. - mig

[2010-07-20 14:47:09] - mig: you may be thinking of "may have caused" in the wrong context. the acid rain was definitely caused by pollution, that much has been proven. I just might not know whose pollution specifically caused my crops to die, for example - vinnie

[2010-07-20 14:39:40] - vinnie:  isn't "may have caused" a bad barometer for regulation as well?  - mig

[2010-07-20 14:27:16] - paul: I thought about whether a class action suit would work for something like that, but I don't think it would. there's too much "may have caused" on any given party. I think that's why the Clean Air Act was passed in the first place, the problem was so widespread, caused by so many different parties - vinnie

[2010-07-20 14:15:55] - Vinnie: As for acid rain, I don't see why we couldn't just see a class action lawsuit that names all the major polluters that may have caused acid rain. I don't know if it would be any worse than the current system, where we have to wait until the effects of acid rain are seen before anything happens anyway. -Paul

[2010-07-20 14:14:04] - Vinnie: Possibly true, but the courts already have some pretty impressive power. Look at the Microsoft monopoly case where they were considering breaking MS apart, or look at all of the tobacco lawsuits. I feel like the courts already have the power to make or break companies, and it doesn't appear to have corrupted them too badly. -Paul

[2010-07-20 14:10:52] - ... it affects us. I can't imagine you'd even know who to sue for something like acid rain because of how much it moves around, but it causes damage to all of us - vinnie

[2010-07-20 14:09:41] - paul: yeah I'm sure you're right, but if we give the courts more power I think we would see the same kind of lobbying. I'm not that familiar with the history of acid rain in the courts, but it strikes me as one of those problems that is extremely hard to tie to one group or individual. I think it's more the result of everyone polluting, and added up...

[2010-07-20 14:01:33] - Vinnie: I'm not familiar enough with the history of acid rain to comment, but how does your system handle it better? Was it regulated before it became an issue (and therefore, before it had to be traced back to groups)? -Paul

[2010-07-20 13:59:40] - Vinnie: I guess I just trust the courts more than I trust congress and government agencies. I think it's a lot rarer for a company to be able to buy a verdict in the courtroom than it is for them to get preferential treatment in legislation. -Paul

[2010-07-20 13:56:29] - paul: that would be just as much a problem with courts, if they were in that position of power. you'd get companies lobbying them for the same things. also my system would be able to (er, does :) ) deal with problems that are nearly impossible to tie back to one individual or group, things like acid rain - vinnie

[2010-07-20 13:53:04] - In a way, I believe it would treat them more like crimes, where people are presumed innocent until proven guilty. -Paul

[2010-07-20 13:51:10] - Also, my system wouldn't have "pre-emptive" regulation where the government would come in and make sure things were ok. Instead, the government wouldn't have to get involved until there was a complaint. -Paul

[2010-07-20 13:50:39] - are you sure?  ~a

[2010-07-20 13:49:59] - Vinnie: Because right now, I don't think regulations are based on "proven in a court of law". I think they are more based on politics and lobbying. -Paul

[2010-07-20 13:37:29] - I see it as the lawmakers are deciding what is a problem, often based on what comes through courts, and the courts are enforcing that - vinnie

[2010-07-20 13:36:47] - paul: yeah I'm not sure I understand the difference between the courts deciding vs. an agency deciding what is a health problem. in both cases, it can be arbitrary but most of the time it is based off whether something is a problem for someone else (not limiting to health because your pollution could affect someone else's business, property, etc) - vinnie

[2010-07-20 13:31:14] - paul:  so you want regulation that is based on what is causing health problems instead of being arbitrary?  i agree with that.  but i'm guessing that the makers of regulation you dislike also agree.  ~a

[2010-07-20 13:20:56] - similar to snail mail - aaron

[2010-07-20 12:54:55] - Aaron: Woohoo! Party in Warsaw this year, everybody! BYOBB! -Paul

[2010-07-20 12:46:13] - paul: welcome back to warsaw! - aaron

[2010-07-20 12:44:34] - farms make money for the city and residents also make money for the city so there's a balance. but the city can only really enforce this balance through regulations right? i mean if it was beyond the city's power to regulate the farms, then the farms would drive the people away - aaron

[2010-07-20 12:43:08] - a: Sure, and my point is that I think the definition should whether or not the pollution is causing health problems and not just some arbitrary list created by some government agency. -Paul

[2010-07-20 12:43:03] - paul: yeah, typically state by state or sometimes even city by city. and yeah, smell by smell. there's often laws governing how many like, chickens per square foot and stuff like that for chicken farms - aaron

[2010-07-20 12:26:33] - paul:  regulation.  i'm sure they're defined by the clean air/water acts.  ~a

[2010-07-20 12:25:37] - a: Isn't this whole issue pretty vague, though? Is a horrible smell illegal pollution? CO2 emissions? Where do you draw the line and how do you draw it? -Paul

[2010-07-20 12:19:59] - paul:  "If you think your neighbor is causing health problems for your family by dumping toxic waste in your lake, take him to court and prove it"  i think that's a horrible idea, actually.  "health problems" is way too vague and completely legal without regulation defining what's healthy/unhealthy and what's legal/illegal.  ~a

[2010-07-20 12:18:15] - gurkie:  ok.  yeah i agree, but i think it's sounding like even the crazies agree with that.    (just kidding, crazies)  ~a

[2010-07-20 12:16:32] - a: basically. I mean regulation isnt inherintely good or bad in my mind. ~gurkie

[2010-07-20 12:05:56] - mig: "angry people with pitchforks" is a phrase i would typically use to pick on anarchocapitalism... not to support it :) but if it works for you - aaron

[2010-07-20 12:04:51] - title: google translate did a not very good job on that lyric :) i kind of knew the gist of the song but i had forgotten what that line meant exactly - aaron

[2010-07-20 12:03:43] - aaron:  "if i build a chicken-repurposing factory on my land which emanates a stench that covers 20 square miles of land... why is that my problem".  if that is the case you might have angry people with pitchforks coming on to your property to *ahem* explain why it's your problem, regulation or no. - mig

[2010-07-20 12:03:12] - Aaron: Right, although I would argue that merely creating a stench probably isn't enough (in my mind) to be illegal. -Paul

[2010-07-20 12:02:13] - is there a better, simpler, easier-to-enforce way rather than just having a long list of regulations and some kind of whistleblowing or routine inspection system set up? - aaron

[2010-07-20 12:01:15] - or yeah if i have a farm and use all sorts of chemicals and pollutants which get soaked into the local aquifers. obviously US regulates the hell out of this stuff by saying like, no, you have to use this kind of plastic liner, etc, but i don't know! it seems like regulation is a really valuable tool here - aaron

[2010-07-20 11:59:43] - paul: yeah hence "clean air and water act" :) i think that's where it's sticky. if i build a chicken-repurposing factory on my land which emanates a stench that covers 20 square miles of land... why is that my problem - aaron

[2010-07-20 11:56:28] - Aaron: I think the anarcho-capitalist view would be that all (most?) land would be privately owned, and that most people wouldn't want to pollute their own land (and polluting somebody else's land is a violation of their property rights) so pollution wouldn't be a huge problem. I do not know how things like rivers (which flow through the land) would work, though. -Paul

[2010-07-20 11:54:09] - a: It's not really one of my hot-button issues, so I haven't thought it through much, but I wonder if we could just leave things to the courts and not regulate at all. If you think your neighbor is causing health problems for your family by dumping toxic waste in your lake, take him to court and prove it. -Paul

[2010-07-20 11:50:49] - a: i had actually read that comment earlier today! i agree with paul that it's very anecdotal, although i do wonder what the anarchocapitalist alternative to something like the "clean air and water act" is - aaron

[2010-07-20 11:43:52] - what do you think?  ~a

[2010-07-20 11:43:40] - so what about you?  ~a

[2010-07-20 11:42:57] - a: Probably less agreement when it comes to air, but I'm not sure. My guess would be that it's an issue that divides libertarians much as abortion does. -Paul

[2010-07-20 11:41:27] - gurkie:  so good regulation is good and bad regulation is bad?  :)  ~a

[2010-07-20 11:39:25] - Gurkie: So if the regulation is a tool that is used properly by incorruptible people, then it's useful? I think you are holding government regulation to an even higher standard than I do. :-) -Paul

[2010-07-20 11:36:55] - Pna lbh oernx gur pbqr?

[2010-07-20 11:35:34] - paul:  what about pollutants into the air?  ~a

[2010-07-20 11:34:12] - a: Also, I believe that many libertarians are ok with certain types of environmental regulation that is based on the concept of property rights. For instance, I would think most libertarians believe it should be illegal to dump pollutants into a public lake that other people use. -Paul

[2010-07-20 11:32:09] - a: We can base opinions on anything we want. Whether it's a good idea or not is a different question. :-) -Paul

[2010-07-20 11:07:11] - a: find us some nice uncorruptible people then regulation can be much more useful. Additionally it falls on the lawmakers to create the right regulation. I think I fall in with the mentality that its a tool if used properly it can be a good thing, if used improperly it can be bad... ~gurkie

[2010-07-20 11:06:59] - a: 2nd question: occassionally.  -Daniel

[2010-07-20 11:05:32] - second question.  peeing in the shower.  a. i've never done it.  b. i definitely don't do it regularly.  c. i'm a fucking degenerate.  ~a

[2010-07-20 11:05:30] - mig:  well if this piece of regulation is the shit, can't we say that regulation isn't always bad?  ~a

[2010-07-20 11:04:23] - a:  i was speaking more towards, "if you're against regulation then you're a fucking horrible person" sentiment from the comment, but i echo paul's statements as well. - mig

[2010-07-20 11:02:39] - k.  ~a

[2010-07-20 11:02:14] - a: I think regulation is a good idea.  However I was trying to point out that I don't think its an automatic magic bullet to make things great.  It needs to have the right incentives and the right balance.    -Daniel

[2010-07-20 11:01:01] - paul:  "was it because of the government regulation or something else?"  i guess we'll never know for sure.  we can't draw any definitive conclusions.  but we can base opinions on things like the results of the clean air/water acts, right?  ~a

[2010-07-20 10:58:16] - daniel:  so good regulation is good and bad regulation is bad?  i agree that political figures are probably more corruptible than the people they're regulating, but i'm not sure of a better way to make regulation.  ~a

[2010-07-20 10:58:12] - a: Well, I would say it's a nice anecdote, but it's hard to draw any definitive conclusions from one example. Things got better in Cahokia, did it get better anywhere else? Even if things did get better everywhere else, was it because of the government regulation or something else? -Paul

[2010-07-20 10:56:12] - I think regulation can be helpful but isn't some magic answer on its own.  Regulators can be just as stupid and corrupt as the people they are supposed to be regulating.  Its a tricky world out there but having people who's job it is to watch out for the public doesn't seem like a bad idea to me.  -Daniel

[2010-07-20 10:55:30] - mig:  specifically what's wrong with that?  didn't nixon's clean air/water acts do a pretty effective job (even if the ends don't necessarily justify the means)?  ~a

[2010-07-20 10:54:26] - a: from a follow on comment "I am not an extreme green person but regulation is just like any other from of law. A little bit now and then really helps."  I'm ok with regulation but I recognize that the govt is often a stupid inefficient system so regulation is never going to be perfect.  -Daniel

[2010-07-20 10:54:25] - I especially do not agree if he is talking about regulation in general, and not specifically of environmental regulation. - mig

[2010-07-20 10:53:39] - if you're speaking of "Nobody who lived before this environmental legislation, or had a loved one crippled or killed due to an employer's negligence before OSHA, is against government regulation unless they're sociopaths who don't give a damn about other people's health, well being, or livlihood." I do not agree. - mig

[2010-07-20 10:52:13] - everybody.  ~a

[2010-07-20 10:47:38] - mig: Ugh, I don't know if I want to get involved with another nebulous social networking thing that I have no idea how it works or what benefits it provides. -Paul

[2010-07-20 10:44:39] - a: Who is your comment directed at? Everybody? -Paul

[2010-07-20 10:36:21] - i've never done this before, but i'm going to link to an individual sd comment:  here.  you don't necessarily have to read the context because it's relatively self contained.  do you agree with this assessment of government regulation?  if not, which part in specific do you disagree with the most?  ~a

[2010-07-20 10:31:28] - paul:  I've linked my google reader stuff with google buzz, which will send emails when ppl comment. - mig

[2010-07-20 09:07:27] - Google reader people: Do you know if you have to do something to see if/when people comment on things that you share or things you have commented on? I've never seen if anybody commented on the things I share and I've also never seen any replies to comments I've posted. -Paul

[2010-07-19 16:31:01] - i don't tend to crap twice in a row.  ~a

[2010-07-19 14:24:11] - crap twice in a row!

[2010-07-19 14:24:06] - furry midget sex convention

[2010-07-19 14:15:49] - anon:  haha.  i do that all the time.  ~a

[2010-07-19 14:12:59] - sigh.  could have sworn I was putting that on the google search bar...

[2010-07-19 14:11:28] - "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Resources cannot be null."

[2010-07-19 13:39:53] - and twilight the book displaced twilight the recolorable theme for drupal as results #1-28 :( - vinnie

[2010-07-19 13:28:37] - :( twilight saga eclipse displaced as the #1 search result on google - aaron

[2010-07-19 11:35:08] - I did OK up until Redcliffe Castle, then I just started dying immediately left and right because I had no healer and no access to one.  Potions aren't enough. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-19 11:04:44] - pierce:  I got through the game fine on hard difficulty with one mage, though i did tend to stock up on health potions every chance i got. - mig

[2010-07-19 10:51:52] - Paul: I played as a elf rogue and had both mages and the tankadin in my party.  While the one mage can be self rightgeous I just didn't talk to her that much.  You aren't really in danger of losing anyone I think given the amount of gifts available to be given.  -Daniel

[2010-07-19 10:15:42] - also, while the dog provides a lot of entertainment, it's not a very good party member. - mig

[2010-07-19 09:12:08] - Pierce: Ah, ok. Well, I decided to go with a human warrior for now since I figured it would be easiest to pick up. I don't quite have combat down, though, since I have already died twice in the Wilds. -Paul

[2010-07-19 09:10:31] - aba: I figured, but I wasn't sure if there were people on the board who really thought that, so I thought it was prudent to play it safe. -Paul

[2010-07-18 21:31:31] - well, if you got the stone prisoner add-on with your purchase then you're stuck with the goofball tankadin at the beginning and then you quickly get a ridiculously overpowered dps/tank who barely needs any gear. - pierce

[2010-07-18 20:56:27] - Paul: What Pierce said.  Basically, if you're a warrior you are stuck with a self-righteous mage, and if you are a mage you are stuck with a goofball tankadin.  - Stephen

[2010-07-18 17:55:36] - paul: in terms of dynamics, you really want to have at least two characters who can heal (in case one gets stunned and focused down) in your party in the mid- to late-game.  Only mages can heal, and there are only two mage NPCs who can join your party.  if you play a mage you get a lot more flexibility as to which party members you want to bring to later missions. - pierce

[2010-07-18 16:24:00] - i was not being serious.....  -  aba

[2010-07-18 14:49:24] - aba: What Xpovos said. Call me crazy, but I actually think that trying to get people to save even less and spend their money as soon as they make it is generally a bad idea. -Paul

[2010-07-18 14:15:42] - Stephen: Does being a warrior get me the mage and being a mage gets me the paladin? -Paul

[2010-07-18 11:14:29] - Paul: I enjoyed being a human mage (I was a healer for the most part).  It kind of depends on whether you want your party to include a goody two-shoes human male paladin, or a self-righteous human female mage.  - Stephen

[2010-07-18 00:51:12] - Ok, just got Dragon Age for the PC. Any suggestions on what type of character to start with? I was thinking of going with a Human Warrior to start off with, but a Human Mage or Dwarf Warrior also sounds appealing. -Paul

[2010-07-16 21:25:41] - aba: Only if you're a Keynesian... which, Obama is for the most part, so-- maybe? -- Xpovos

[2010-07-16 18:53:19] - paul: isn't taking a vacation and spending money the ideal way to combat unemployment?  :P  -  aba

[2010-07-16 16:39:05] - Paul: I've never had a job where I felt like I got enough holidays.  MORE HOLIDAYS! -Daniel

[2010-07-16 16:38:00] - Stephen: And I also think my job is less important than the President's. -paul

[2010-07-16 16:37:24] - Stephen: If anything, I probably like it when Presidents go on vacation because it means they can't cause as much harm. I feel like my job gives me a lot of holidays and a fair amount of vacation days, and I don't know if I have ever done three vacations (even weekend ones) in three months before. -Paul

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