here are old message board entries

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[2010-08-05 12:58:15] - Yao Ming is back this year though!  WOO  c'mon yao's feet!  If they (his feet) stay healthy I think the Rockets have a shot at one of the top seeds in the Western Conference.  Don't know if we can beat the Lakers but I'd sure like to watch and find out.  -Daniel

[2010-08-05 12:56:52] - Paul: Celtics won't dissappear but I don't think they do as well this year compared to last.  I think KG is still trending down and as they get older it hurts them.  Perkins being out hurts them too, though he should be back for the playoffs when it matters.  -Daniel

[2010-08-05 12:51:40] - Stephen: I'll be cheering hard for Orlando whenever they play the Heat, at least. -Paul

[2010-08-05 12:27:24] - Paul: The only clear solution to your dilemma is to cheer for Orlando.  - Stephen

[2010-08-05 11:40:16] - Celtics sign Shaq. So torn. From a talent standpoint, the Celtics look better than ever for this upcoming season... except I really dislike Shaq. -Paul

[2010-08-05 11:02:33] - aaron:  yes gmail/im don't allow you to do that easily.  collaboration doesn't exist without technologies like wiki, or source control, etc.  ~a

[2010-08-05 10:17:58] - i liked the functionality to have a document that i could read/update from any computer. but there are much simpler technologies that can do the same thing - aaron

[2010-08-05 10:09:09] - I concur, wave seemed a bit pointless... It seemed like gmail already provided the functionality I wanted with email/im ~gurkie

[2010-08-05 09:59:02] - daniel: yeah I found it confusing. also didn't like that it didn't integrate into gmail - vinnie

[2010-08-05 09:35:39] - I never got into wave.    I signed up for it and looked at it when it first came out but it didn't really seem better than other communication options I had/have.    -Daniel

[2010-08-05 09:30:14] - Google gives up development of Wave. -Paul

[2010-08-04 21:09:15] - party down in alexandria!  ~a

[2010-08-04 18:25:41] - vinnie: boggle :-! - aaron

[2010-08-04 17:54:52] - Xpovos: toggle  :)

[2010-08-04 14:30:01] - mig: Bureaucracies deal only in black and white.  Most human interaction is a shade of grey.  This is ludicrous, but I can't say I'm surprised. -- Xpovos

[2010-08-04 14:05:48] - i knew NCAA rules were pretty draconian ... but wow. - mig

[2010-08-04 13:39:25] - toyota has a strong safety reputation, which I'm sure helped. the measures they took when it became public were good. I have no idea about audi's safety reputation - vinnie

[2010-08-04 13:33:15] - mig:  dip in SALES.  my bad.  i thought you were talking about the stock graph.  ~a

[2010-08-04 13:31:14] - gurkie:  i don't have a cooler that would work.  if you rent the cooler raft, i'll pay.  ~a

[2010-08-04 13:30:47] - Dec 2009 - 187860 Jan 2010 - 98796 Feb 2010 - 100027 Mar 2010 - 186863 Apr 2010 - 157439 May 2010 - 162813 Jun 2010 - 140604 Jul 2010 - 169224 - mig

[2010-08-04 13:30:25] - a:  no i'm not confusing them.  I'm looking at the raw sales #s for each month in 2010 (which admittadly, may not be the best way too look at them).  There's a rather large dip in sales from Dec 2009 to Jan 2010 (almost -50%),  February 2010 isn't much better, then a spike upwards in March.  In the following months, the sales figures look to be somewhat stable. - mig

[2010-08-04 13:19:38] - In terms of tubing what has been fun is to bring a cooler with wine/beer... bev. of choice with. Last time I brought the wine + some snacks to stop on the way and eat... It was fun.  I dont know if you guys have thoughts on bringing a cooler  (renting a cooler raft) ~gurkie

[2010-08-04 13:13:06] - mig:  there was?  are you confusing 2008-2009 with 2009-2010?  the recall was at the end of 2009, not at the end of 2008.  ~a

[2010-08-04 12:56:00] - a: and good for america, maybe they learned something from the whole audi 100 unintended acceleration debacle. or maybe people are just smarter nowadays... or maybe toyota just has a better PR company or maybe just a better reputation than audi did - aaron

[2010-08-04 12:52:47] - a: yeah i accidentally a whole verb - aaron

[2010-08-04 12:41:51] - a: I was definitely expecting the price to go lower.  I had a target of them getting back to the $60 range.  I figured it'd be a good buy then.  As you can see, never made it. -- Xpovos

[2010-08-04 12:38:42] -

[2010-08-04 12:37:43] - there was a 2 month dip in sales for toyota after the recall issues, but it quickly bounced back. - mig

[2010-08-04 12:27:59] - a:  neither were consumers, either. - mig

[2010-08-04 12:19:32] - i think it's so crazy that the huge toyota recall issues didn't affect the stock price nearly as much as the financial crises.  i guess investors aren't always skittish about these things.  ~a

[2010-08-04 12:14:25] - heh.  ~a

[2010-08-04 12:10:32] - "~a, i never realized people could birdies so fast."

[2010-08-04 11:47:13] - i think you forgot a in the first sentence.  ~a

[2010-08-04 11:41:20] - took me a long time to parse the subtitle. i think i was talking about bad mittens - aaron

[2010-08-03 19:18:28] - a: no i'm going to wait - aaron

[2010-08-03 17:13:12] - aaron:  so you've registered already?  ~a

[2010-08-03 16:50:38] - vinnie:  gotcha.  ~a

[2010-08-03 16:30:53] - It sounds like a lot of fun, but I'll doubt I'll be able to go. -- Xpovos

[2010-08-03 16:14:36] - a: the dates are January 13–16 for next year. amy and I are both going, since a ton of people from OCRemix go there - vinnie

[2010-08-03 16:10:41] - i don't honestly know a lot of the details because i've never gone before but their official web site is linked from the wp article - aaron

[2010-08-03 16:10:24] - preregistration usually closes about a month in advance, so i'd get your ticket before december. otherwise you can always register at the door but sometimes lines are worse or it's less convenient/more expensive - aaron

[2010-08-03 15:52:13] - omg that's crazy cheap.  ah yes mag has nothing to do with "magazine".  anyways, i'll come if i'm not skiing.  regardless, i'm more likely to head over on the 3rd and 4th than the 1st and 2nd.  do i need to buy tickets or something?  ~a

[2010-08-03 15:45:46] - a: $40 for the weekend - aaron

[2010-08-03 15:45:20] - a: MAGFest's primary features are a large open video gaming room, a hall of arcade cabinets, and concerts by chiptune artists and video game cover bands - aaron

[2010-08-03 13:51:16] - Pierce: Who said you were allowed to defend yourself?  - Stephen

[2010-08-03 12:50:09] - In my defense it was 2:30am and I'd already gotten most of my sleep for the night. - pierce

[2010-08-03 12:40:02] - a: i liked this one - aaron

[2010-08-03 12:10:33] - i think the most surprising thing about all of this is that pierce thought it was funny.  that site is filled with tons of hilarious images and he picked this one?  ~a

[2010-08-03 11:45:19] - a: ohhhh yeah okay that's what i was missing. since crash isn't a fox, and since foxes are already orange, the whole metaphor of crash looking like fire + fox totally went past me. now that i understand the author's intent it's actually pretty clever, the presentation is just terrible - aaron

[2010-08-03 11:34:03] - aaron:  it's because crash looks a little like fire + fox.  he's not a fox, but i doubt that matters to the joke.  anyways, i figured the only reason i thought it was a dumb joke was because i was biased.  thrue story.  ~a

[2010-08-03 11:31:01] - and with that the frog is dead and i can move on with my life :) ahhhhh - aaron

[2010-08-03 11:29:58] - daniel: i think the joke is just that it's sloppily thrown together, and it's actually a jab at firefox haters, implying that they have a bad sense of humor or that they are bad at putting together funny images. i think that's the "second level" that i wasn't figuring out earlier, now at least i kind of understand the joke - aaron

[2010-08-03 11:28:10] - daniel: yeah i figured that out but it didn't seem very clever. he could at least go with a theme (all video game characters), or a visual metaphor, or something if that was his goal. it looked like he literally typed each word into Google Image Search and mashed up a picture - aaron

[2010-08-03 11:00:05] - aaron: I thought it was like an anti firefox thing, that someone was saying firefox crashed or something.  Though I might be making things up.  -Daniel

[2010-08-03 10:24:04] - pierce: yeah I don't get that either. is the joke that Crash is a red fox? (he isn't.) - vinnie

[2010-08-03 10:10:00] - gurkie:  actually i may be shifting to a no, I might have to get my car serviced on saturday. - mig

[2010-08-03 09:35:50] - pierce: i don't get it. i hate dissecting jokes but what is the joke? is there some kind of pun i'm missing or is it just funny because someone expressed an opinion using pictures - aaron

[2010-08-03 09:20:27] - thruth?  ~a

[2010-08-03 02:32:21] - heh - pierce

[2010-08-03 01:01:51] - nina and I can't, we're in PA this weekend. - pierce

[2010-08-02 18:30:13] - a: sure i'll commit to it too. so that's 3 of us at least - aaron

[2010-08-02 18:07:20] - gurkie:  is tubing happening?  nobody (but paul and i) has RSVPed for it.  if it's on, then "yay".  if not . . . maybe we try again in a month?  ~a

[2010-08-02 16:54:16] - pierce: he said it was about a month ago... ~gurkie

[2010-08-02 16:36:05] - i'm not surprised this is an issue.  have you seen lines outside of female restrooms vs male restrooms?  on the other hand, how much of this is cultural vs how much of this is physiological?  ~a

[2010-08-02 16:33:54] - aaron:  yeah i seriously doubt the uniform plumbing code applies to the movie theaters near me.  because those male restrooms are HUGE.  5X those would encompass half of the building.  ~a

[2010-08-02 15:09:06] - Gurkie: email? I'll go back through later, must've missed it unless it was recent. - pierce

[2010-08-02 15:00:03] - I read that link as "potty party" and was horrified. - pierce

[2010-08-02 14:59:16] - pierce: justin was asking about you, apparently you ignored his email ~gurkie

[2010-08-02 14:51:08] - i mean 4:1! wow! i had no idea movie theaters had so many toilets - aaron

[2010-08-02 14:50:37] - - should women get bigger bathrooms since they are less efficient with their space usage? (stalls vs urinals) or is that just crazy?

[2010-08-02 14:50:23] - daniel was looking for an article on rubiks cube parity but found this one about toilets instead, actually it's more interesting - aaron

[2010-08-02 14:38:02] - pierce: you can login to your fantasy sports account with yahoo and it should show up there... I had no idea where the initial invite email was when I signed up this AM... ~gurkie

[2010-08-02 14:30:12] - Pierce: Ok, if you need another invite, let me know. -Paul

[2010-08-02 14:25:26] - Paul: probably. - pierce

[2010-08-02 14:06:05] - Pierce: Did you get an invite? -Paul

[2010-08-02 13:58:17] - Paul: I'm game for this year. - pierce

[2010-08-02 13:57:21] - a: Hey, this isn't AT&T we're talking about. :-) -Paul

[2010-08-02 13:54:37] - Backdated quasi-unlimited texting for an additional $5/month.  Crisis averted, but seriously?  I can download a gigabyte for free but not send 100 texts?  - Stephen

[2010-08-02 13:46:44] - daniel:  not 100%.  to communicate with people not on the system there are some hacks you could do (ex. verizon lets you email to communicate with people through text messages)  ~a

[2010-08-02 13:46:33] - daniel:  blackberries won't let you install apps?  ~a

[2010-08-02 13:44:40] - paul:  and never have coverage?  ~a

[2010-08-02 13:40:53] - Stephen: Or switch to Sprint and get a simply everthing plan for less than you're paying for your limited text message plan. :-) -Paul

[2010-08-02 13:38:06] - a: would it be compatible with non smart phones?  You can use google talk or something I'm sure on android/iphones but I don't think those communicate well with black berries or regular cell phones.  -Daniel

[2010-08-02 13:35:46] - stephen:  i think it's really dumb that texting isn't lumped into your data plan.  it's such a small amount of data!  we need to create an alternative to texting that uses regular data.  it would be insanely easy to set up since all of these smartphones let you install apps really easily.  in fact i'm sure somebody has already done this.  ~a

[2010-08-02 13:34:40] - Pierce: Sent her an invite. You're not interested in signing up for another year? :-) -Paul

[2010-08-02 13:32:22] - Ok, from what all of you are saying, I may need to contact Verizon to add unlimited texting and/or text less.  Damn texting being easier with a smartphone! - Stephen

[2010-08-02 13:31:25] - Daniel: I've (sent + received) about 500 over the last two months (I counted manually).  - Stephen

[2010-08-02 13:29:49] - Stephen: Yeah, I would definitely not discount it. I know some carriers send out texts when their customers are getting close to their limit, in order to avoid bill shock. -Paul

[2010-08-02 13:28:44] - Stephen: you could edit your plan to include unlimited texts. I think they have added that option and it can be put in for the past month if you sign up before they bill you. I thought texts were in a seperate bucket than your data plan but wasnt sure since I dont have a smart phone I remember friends telling me to email them rather than text to save them money~Gurkie

[2010-08-02 13:26:10] - Stephen: How many texts did you send?  There is a way to look up your account on verizon's website and check how many you have left.  I think even on the limited plan you have a couple of hundred to use.  -Daniel

[2010-08-02 13:23:42] - Daniel: I am probably in the same boat, which means I'm about to get a colossal phone bill.  - Stephen

[2010-08-02 13:19:59] - Stephen:  I have a motorola DROID phone with the data plan but I still have a limited text plan.  Phone companies milk those text messages for all the $ they can get.  -Daniel

[2010-08-02 13:18:31] - Pierce: You may be right.  I think I may have mistakenly assumed that my unlimited data plan would cover the measly amount of bandwidth necessary to send texts.  - Stephen

[2010-08-02 13:14:43] - Stephen: I wouldn't necessarily assume it's a scam unless there's a link to increase your limit on - pierce

[2010-08-02 13:01:35] - Paul: I think Nina was interested but may not be reading the msgboard today - pierce

[2010-08-02 12:52:37] - probably.  ~a

[2010-08-02 12:31:05] - It's definitely a scam for a smartphone user to get a text claiming that they are going to exceed their text allowance on their account, right?  - Stephen

[2010-08-02 11:16:25] - Paul: I use a mouse as well for push to talk.  My mouse has some extra buttons on the side that i use. -Daniel

[2010-08-02 11:15:07] - so it's free for something like a push-to-talk key. - mig

[2010-08-02 11:14:51] - in-game I don't really use the middle mouse button otherwise. - mig

[2010-08-02 11:12:43] - Daniel: I'll shoot you an invite, then. -Paul

[2010-08-02 11:11:41] - mig: Interesting. You have a spare mouse button to use for push-to-talk? I figured it was just on all the time. -Paul

[2010-08-02 11:03:59] - Paul: I could be interested in a fantasy football league and I'm not in the TJ one.  -Daniel

[2010-08-02 10:59:07] - Anybody here interested in participating in a fantasy football league (that's not already in the TJ and Friends one)? -Paul

[2010-08-02 10:55:01] - also managing 24 other people on ventrillo is easier, than through the in-game interface. - mig

[2010-08-02 10:54:30] - for wow, in game voice chat is only a relatively recent feature, so people were already using ventrillo beforehand and weren't given a really compelling reason to use the built in functionality. - mig

[2010-08-02 10:52:10] - paul:  I thought about using the starcraft one but it doesn't let you push to talk with the mouse buttons, that's kind of a dealbreaker for me. - mig

[2010-08-02 10:25:06] - yeah, they even wrote a song about how bad the warcraft one was.  :-P  ~a

[2010-08-02 09:59:13] - Paul: the Warcraft one was originally pretty bad, which soured people on it even after they fixed a lot of the problems.  Now I think is mostly stigma that keeps people from using it. - pierce

[2010-08-02 09:09:07] - aba: I've heard a lot of people use Skype as well. It's so weird that nobody uses the in-game chat. Is it really that bad? -Paul

[2010-08-01 12:41:15] - aba: that's really cool! i'm regaining some faith in disney. i haven't really kept up with anything outside of the pixar flicks lately. i'd be really impressed if they managed to resurrect something as campy and tarnished as "tron" - aaron

[2010-08-01 03:39:38] - aba: That's cool.  I like the music, too.  Nicely ambient, but with enough edge to feel at home in Tron. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-31 16:33:38] -    leaked daft punk tracks from the upcoming tron movie.  -  aba

[2010-07-30 20:49:18] - paul:  the WoW standard is ventrilo.  it's nice also for being able to talk to people (ie guild mates) while doing individual things.  i can't think of a single person i've ever played with who uses the in-game voice chat.  -  aba

[2010-07-30 15:46:16] - do you run around, creeping?  ~a

[2010-07-30 15:46:13] - Aaron: I'm not sure I understand your point. I don't remember Starcraft being a buggy game when it came out, and I thought it was pretty balanced when it first came out too. -Paul

[2010-07-30 15:44:34] - yes it's free to use but it's not open source.  skype has a build for linux, but again, not open source.  ~a

[2010-07-30 15:32:25] - so it sounds like you guys use skype instead of ventrilo to talk during gaming?  Is that free? -Daniel

[2010-07-30 15:32:04] - Paul: I used Ventrilo for voice chat while playing WoW.  It was nice to have a communication method that didn't rely on WoW crashing.  @a: Yes WoW got lots of patches.  -Daniel

[2010-07-30 15:11:22] - a: Yeah, WoW has similar patch releases, but I'm not sure about non-Blizzard games.  - Stephen

[2010-07-30 15:06:56] - a: Oh, agreed.  Voice chat is way faster than typed chat which is the only method I've used for SC--which means most of the game is played intuitively rather than overtly cooperatively.  I just hate voice chat with anyone (irrational dislike).  I can tolerate it better with people I know, at least. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-30 14:57:30] - also, i believe brood war was not a free patch.  ~a

[2010-07-30 14:56:47] - for a game like this i'm glad that they release patches.  don't other online games do similar patch releases?  wow and whatnot?  ~a

[2010-07-30 14:52:28] - actually come to think of it, chess evolved in much the same way afaik - aaron

[2010-07-30 14:50:33] - xpovos:  if you choose to play 2v2 or 3v3 with random people, it's nice if you can chat with the random people on your team.  i've never done it; but i know that voice chat is very useful for these games.  ~a

[2010-07-30 14:47:18] - i think almost any game could become balanced and insane and deep with that much time put into it. it's not like blizzard did anything terribly brilliant or novel or difficult they just had a lot of dedication to their product and were willing to fix (for free) these kinds of issues that people found with gameplay - aaron

[2010-07-30 14:45:33] - nothing against blizzard but i think that one of the only reasons that starcraft was successful is that they are still releasing patches for it eleven years after its release date, instead of trying to make money off of a new game. most companies would be like, "oh yeah, sorry that version of our game was buggy and unbalanced. go buy game v2.0" - aaron

[2010-07-30 14:43:34] - a: I fail to see that as a downside. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-30 14:41:40] - paul:  the downside to skype is you can't voice chat with people who you don't know IRL.  ~a

[2010-07-30 14:40:27] - World of Warcraft people: Do you use the built-in voice chat when playing or do you use something else, and why? -Paul

[2010-07-30 14:39:56] - a: Ok, I won't ask you why. -Paul

[2010-07-30 14:36:59] - paul:  yes but you don't want to use it.  you want to use skype.  don't ask me why.  i think maybe it sounds much better and has a better interface?  ~a

[2010-07-30 14:36:34] - xpovos:  yeah but it's more abstract than that.  sc is all about resource and macro vs micro management.  chess and starcraft both have controlling the key parts of the battlefield and lines of attack.  all of these things are important in war.  ~a

[2010-07-30 14:33:45] - People who have played Starcraft 2 multiplayer: Does support voice chat? -Paul

[2010-07-30 14:30:10] - aaron:  yes.  IT WORKS!  really well.  it plays fast even on my older computer and through wine.  disclaimer:  it's incredibly hard to set up (i can help if you're interested).  on the other hand, it's 1000% better than having to boot to windows every time i want to play SC.  also skype works incredibly well too.  ~a

[2010-07-30 14:22:53] - xpovos: starcraft teaches future geography! that's even more important - aaron

[2010-07-30 14:08:47] - a: Acknowledged.  But Diplomacy at least teaches some historic geography.  Chess has no benefit of that sort, and so is much more on par.  Unfortunately, I can't say any particular war in history ever has been won or lost by a shortage of minerals, or by the absence of knowledge that knights jump over pieces in an L-shape. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-30 14:00:41] - a: are you playing starcraft in wine? - aaron

[2010-07-30 13:50:49] - xpovos:  well the real world applicability of starcraft is about on par with diplomacy and chess (both mentioned in the article).  ~a

[2010-07-30 13:45:31] - manswers?  it seems like the kind of thing they would do.  ~a

[2010-07-30 13:43:07] - and they measured their heart rate, and how many calories they burned :) i wish i could remember which show it was. i know it wasn't actually mythbusters - aaron

[2010-07-30 13:42:31] - they've mythbusted the whole "staring at hot women makes your heart race" thing. in a really silly way though. i can't remember which show did it but they had someone undergo 30 minutes of heavy cardiovascular activity and another guy undergo 30 minutes of watching women topless - aaron

[2010-07-30 13:20:18] - Some of the other comments noted that one of the major differences between the groups was in stress relation, indicating--as noted in the comments--that perhaps a good chunk of the gain/loss could be explained by attempts to steer their gaze against an instinctual pull. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-30 13:18:54] - Daniel: A great deal of other social science experiments have been taken to explore the relationship of dress habits with fertitility rates and periods.  Common findings were that women were subconsciously influenced to wear more enticing clothing when they were in a more fertile period.  Thus, women may not be making the 'choice' that we are implying they logicaly must be

[2010-07-30 12:43:07] - One of my thought experiment things is women with a nice chest wearing a shirt that shows nice cleavage or whatever, on some level she is wearing it to look good and accentuate her figure but if I were to compliment her boobs she would probably not appreciate it..  However if I said nice shoes that would be taken as a nice compliment.  -Daniel

[2010-07-30 12:41:32] - The comments for that article are pretty interesting.  I've always (or for at least a long time) that women are very paradoxical in their actions/dress.  Most want to be sexy and desired (in general) but don't actually want men to notice/look.  I've talked about it with Andrea (my wife) before and we haven't come up with any good explanations.  -Daniel

[2010-07-30 12:31:03] - The secret for enhance male longevity? It's science! -- Xpovos

[2010-07-30 12:22:46] - a: Probably.  Though I'm not sure where SC falls in on the scale.  On the one hand it is a remarkably intricate military strategy game.  On the other hand, it's real world applicability is minimal. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-30 12:12:59] - xpovos:  i heart starcraft.  am i a grognard?  ~a

[2010-07-30 11:58:54] - All men are at heart grognards -- Xpovos

[2010-07-29 23:51:05] - daniel: i got 28 of those, some of those categories were really hard. i was proud to get 3 of the 4 countries in asia. and getting all the presidents wasn't as hard as i expected either - aaron

[2010-07-29 23:39:25] - vinnie: i got 28/50. i missed #5, #22, #23, and almost everything out of the right column. i was proud of #42, and #48. a few of the non-local ones were tough to remember! - aaron

[2010-07-29 17:01:19] - i got all the states except connecticut, but I had to cheat to spell Massachusetts right -Daniel

[2010-07-29 16:57:40] - I like this one. It has a little bit of everything. Unfortunately, I had to walk away from my computer halfway in so my score is invalid. -Paul

[2010-07-29 16:49:05] - Vinnie: I missed #5 too!!!  - Stephen

[2010-07-29 16:45:51] - stephen: yeah I missed places that I eat at all the time. I also missed #5. pretty sad - vinnie

[2010-07-29 16:24:48] - ugh i missed 4 of the us states... ~gurkie

[2010-07-29 16:22:36] - Vinnie: I got 28, I can't believe one or two that I missed.  - Stephen

[2010-07-29 16:15:27] - Vinnie: I got 24/50, although I mispelled two and was certain I had typed a third. -Paul

[2010-07-29 16:14:25] - aaron: catholic family feud - vinnie

[2010-07-29 16:14:10] - My sister used to do the geography ones on there... ~gurkie

[2010-07-29 16:13:43] - vinnie: I got 20 but I did end up hitting I give up cause I was having issues !gurkie

[2010-07-29 16:09:44] - vinnie: is that like family feud for really big families? - aaron

[2010-07-29 16:01:32] - btw I got 21/50 on that one, missed a lot of ones I should've known - vinnie

[2010-07-29 16:00:35] - nina: how does "big brother google" help at all? it's not like they can uncompromise your personal data. - aaron

[2010-07-29 16:00:27] - I've been wasting time on this quiz site all day, pretty addicting. this was a good one: - vinnie

[2010-07-29 15:32:19] - here's an example of when the Big Brother Google can be a good thing.    -nina

[2010-07-29 15:00:44] - I think classifying DORK as unintelligent is unfair! I dont think there is anything wrong with enjoying an imagination without having to be snarky about it! ~gurkie

[2010-07-29 14:48:38] - Michael Douglas as portraying his character in Falling Down.  Definitely a creep on that scale.  Extremely intelligent, but ultimately un-social/anti-social.  I think that's probably the best fit for me, too.  Though, I'll be honest, I enjoy a lot of dorkness. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-29 14:11:12] - gurkie:  it was the picture right above creep.  ~a

[2010-07-29 14:08:53] - Yeah, I'm not sure I can take an article that claims that Bill Clinton was a geek seriously. -Paul

[2010-07-29 14:06:38] - stephen: while I am a nerd I dont really know where I would fall in there... I think on the lines between some... ~gurkie

[2010-07-29 14:05:01] - a: huh? I didnt see Michael Douglas as a choice... ~gurkie

[2010-07-29 14:01:27] - "Libertarianism is an especially popular political sympathy among creeps."

[2010-07-29 13:53:45] - stephen: i hear geeky nerd... or is that a nerdy geek... ~gurkie

[2010-07-29 13:06:19] - i'm definitely michael douglas.  ~a

[2010-07-29 13:06:04] - Aaron: Well since my link says that geek is a subset of nerd, your link implodes under the weight of its meaninglessness.  - Stephen

[2010-07-29 12:59:56] - stephen: which are you?:-)  - aaron

[2010-07-29 12:17:29] -  Which are you?  - Stephen

[2010-07-29 11:44:54] - Daniel: I actually initially posted it just cause of the title and thinking it sounded absurd... But then I actually read it and was excited cause it looks fun! ~gurkie

[2010-07-29 11:05:52] - gurkie: I'm not sure how I feel about the title but it does sound like a fun game.  -Daniel

[2010-07-28 20:04:13] - stephen: I knew you would hate it :-) hence the "(c) a game Stephen would hate" ~gurkie

[2010-07-28 17:03:08] - Stephen: I bet Aaron and Vinnie have seen both of us attempting to draw.  We can let them vote on which of us has the more artistic suckitude.  Although, now I'm nervous.  I was with you on the stick figures, but, man... what art teacher gives Cs? -- Xpovos

[2010-07-28 16:57:05] - Xpovos: Even stick figures are problematic for me.  I actually got C's in art class in elementary school.  - Stephen

[2010-07-28 16:55:07] - aaron: That's a really good example.  Also, the game sounds fun, but it's dependant on a good starting phrase, I think.  Open-ended but clear. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-28 16:47:14] - Stephen: You can't be worse than me. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-28 16:44:11] - - aaron

[2010-07-28 16:41:22] - gurkie: oh i TOTALLY want to play eat poop you cat - aaron

[2010-07-28 16:40:10] - vinnie: oh! that seems really fun. i'd definitely try it. i think it would be really really funny - aaron

[2010-07-28 16:25:23] - Gurkie: Dixit sounds fun, but Eat Poop You Cat sounds...less fun.  Mostly because I hate drawing :(  - Stephen

[2010-07-28 16:23:43] - so I got 6/10 on the star wars quiz, but I feel pretty good cause paul is 0/2 so far :-P ~gurkie

[2010-07-28 16:14:26] - vinnie: I dont check it as much as I used to but yea I think that game looks like a lot of fun! and now I am trying the which is hard!~gurkie

[2010-07-28 16:10:42] - gurkie: I wasn't sure if you still checked BGG, sorry, should've asked you. oh wow that game you linked looks fun. we should play it - vinnie

[2010-07-28 16:06:43] - This looks like (a) a game we would play and (b) a game I would like and (c) a game Stephen would hate. ~gurkie

[2010-07-28 16:02:03] - Looked at the party game list... #9 ~gurkie

[2010-07-28 15:59:01] - vinnie: "2010 Spiel des Jahres Winner" thats a good thing... why didnt you ask me?? and no I hadnt heard it but I think I usually check BGG more than Aar :-P~gurkie

[2010-07-28 15:38:51] - daniel: yeah, seemed like fun to me, though it would depend on how interesting the pictures were. I was curious if anyone has tried it out - vinnie

[2010-07-28 15:27:34] - vinnie:  it sounds like balderdash but with pictures sort of - Daniel

[2010-07-28 15:05:49] - Nifty Ghostbusters trailer. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-28 14:47:08] - aaron: have you heard about or played this game? - vinnie

[2010-07-28 14:44:26] - aaron: haha we have the same favorite one - vinnie

[2010-07-28 14:28:31] - xpovos: lol, there are a lot of great ones - aaron

[2010-07-28 14:01:19] - Awesome stuff. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-28 10:21:53] - The roasts I've seen have been funny, although I don't tend to like the comedians who specialize in uncomfortable humor (Andy Dick). -Paul

[2010-07-28 09:56:59] - a: i think they're funny, depending on the comedians who are organizing it and how good their writers are - aaron

[2010-07-28 09:34:05] - roasts are almost always boring.  even when they try to spice them up it ends up being even more boring (ex. andy dick).  i don't know why they keep doing them.  ~a

[2010-07-28 09:31:03] - xpovos: but yeah to be fair to the audience i was expecting norm to be norm as well, so i was pretty shocked at first by his lame jokes and dry delivery. but once i got it i thought it was really funny - aaron

[2010-07-28 09:29:36] - xpovos: yeah they were purposefully out of line, he was parodying the nature of a roast. rather than delivering edgy, vulgar/rude jokes of a very personal nature, he delivered dated G-rated jokes which had little or no personal information whatsoever. none of his jokes about bob were related to his career, his movies, or his tv show or anything remotely personal - aaron

[2010-07-28 08:47:32] - aaron: No, that (Bob Saget roast) was new to me.  To be fair the audience, the Norm jokes weren't that great, but they didn't seem out of line with the rest of the show (skimmed) or the nature of a roast.  And Norm and Bob worked together later, so apparently no hard feelings, but what an odd reaction. -- Xpovos

[2010-07-28 00:39:22] - primer?  ~a

[2010-07-27 17:58:13] - primer was from 2004 and is no longer on watch instantly.  -  aba

[2010-07-27 17:33:01] - primer?  ~a

[2010-07-27 17:32:44] - there's a nifty independent movie from 2009 called 'TiMER' up on netflix watch instantly right now.  -  aba

[2010-07-27 17:12:03] - anon:  id4.  ~a

[2010-07-27 17:11:08] - ID4?

[2010-07-27 17:06:49] - gurkie: i liked cable guy, although i saw it about 5-10 years after it was released with low expectations - aaron

[2010-07-27 17:02:45] - "actually, i wrote a paper on linux vs. windows in my technical writing class at tech :-) -sam"  "does anyone want to read it? -sam"  "not me.  :)  ~a"    awww!  i'm so mean!  :(  ~a

[2010-07-27 16:59:32] - ah, hackers.  what a great movie.  that movie totally makes me want to move to a city where roller-blading is more common.  ~a

[2010-07-27 16:56:55] - You guys suck! I loved Twister, ID4, and The Rock!!! (now you see why I date Paul?) and Hackers but Cable Guy REALLY sucked... ~gurkie

[2010-07-27 16:51:50] - i thought the bit was hilarious, some of the other comedians were laughing too. but i think the audience just didn't get it. i gained a lot of respect for norm that night - aaron

[2010-07-27 16:51:18] - did anybody see norm macdonald's roast of bob saget from back in the day? the jokes are transcribed here... norm's bit starts at 00:51:35. the audience had like, absolutely no reaction to the whole set! - aaron

[2010-07-27 16:50:26] - vinnie: yeah i know! tough to say. i think the comedy was edgy and weird enough i'd enjoy it today. i can't think of the last movie like that i saw for the first time. i guess something like harold and kumar might qualify. i think it's a little different though. nahhh maybe not - aaron

[2010-07-27 16:47:29] - a: Any movie that appeals to a 15 year old (male) is likely to appeal to me. :-P -Paul

[2010-07-27 16:43:11] - aaron: I couldn't decide if I would like that movie seeing it for the first time today. I probably would? - vinnie

[2010-07-27 16:40:23] - paul:  twister was a below average movie.  but i still like to get the references in pop culture.  (link)  ~a

[2010-07-27 16:38:41] - vinnie: billy madison? - aaron

[2010-07-27 16:37:35] - aaron: it was a pretty strong year overall, though I didn't think much of Apollo 13. but stuff like Hackers, Goldeneye, Batman Forever, Mortal Kombat... I'm pretty sure I only like these for nostalgic reasons - vinnie

[2010-07-27 16:36:48] - aaron:  i like id4.  i wouldn't say it's in my top 5.  but come on, it was 1996:  it has exactly everything a 15 year old wants.  ~a

[2010-07-27 16:34:37] - Aaron: Well, the "insane" part was really the top 4. I didn't remember The Rock and ID4 had come out the same year. Twister and MI aren't bad runner-ups either. -Paul

[2010-07-27 16:34:09] - and conversely, 1996 was the year where my nostalgia ends cold, pretty much. :) ID4, Twister, The Cable Guy, Mars Attacks are all some of the first movies I ever recall being let down by - vinnie

[2010-07-27 16:33:35] - vinnie: aww 1995 had a ton of great movies that i would still see if they came out today, nostalgia or no. apollo 13, 12 monkeys, se7en... as well a lot of other movies without numbers in them so they don't fit the pattern :) - aaron

[2010-07-27 16:30:59] - aaron: yeah, 1990 is a pretty high point for nostalgia for me, so there's a lot of movies on that list I love. though I don't know how many of those movies I would like or see if I were 28 in 1990. I probably would've never seen Home Alone or TMNT, for example. 1995 is another year like that - vinnie

[2010-07-27 16:28:06] - paul: yeah the mission impossible reboot was really popular too. i don't think i'd call it "insane" though, the other movies were pretty mediocre. you really liked ID4 that much? wow you might have even shittier taste in movies than me :) - aaron

[2010-07-27 16:21:58] - Aaron: 1996 looks pretty insane to me. Look at that top 4! ID4 and The Rock might be two of my favorite 5 movies of all time. -Paul

[2010-07-27 15:54:55] - oops that was supposed to link to 1990_in_film - aaron

[2010-07-27 15:54:38] - so 2007 definitely loses to 1987. but the real question is whether 2010 can beat 1990_in_film? damn 1990 was a good year. 2010 has had some great movies but man, those ten movies are almost all classics. and even the bad ones have some notoriety just for being like, clasically bad - aaron

[2010-07-27 15:51:30] - vinnie: oh actually i take that back... Ice Age: The Meltdown? Casino Royale? Night at the Museum? Superman Returns? Happy Feet? look at all these great movies i forgot about - aaron

[2010-07-27 15:49:31] - vinnie: looking at the list of 2006 movies, it was my favorite. it was definitely above average. i can't think of a better one for that year - aaron

[2010-07-27 14:45:36] - a: Although, I will say that V for Vendetta is probably not my second favorite movie of 2006 either. I actually enjoyed X-Men 3 a fair amount, despite the poor reviews it got. -Paul

[2010-07-27 14:29:01] - a:  apparently I'm wrong and I'm the only Daniel on Miguels list.  oops.  -Daniel

[2010-07-27 14:25:03] - a: also I'm real ID buddy friends with miguel so if you have him you can find me as the Gibson option since I think he has another Daniel listed.  -Daniel

[2010-07-27 14:24:15] - a: sent.  -Daniel

[2010-07-27 14:23:48] - k I've added it to my queue - vinnie

[2010-07-27 14:23:10] - a: On the other hand, the V costume was pretty simple (all I really needed was the mask, wig, hat and cape, all of which were fairly cheap). Also, I figured even if there was somebody else dressed up as V, it would actually work out ok (those who saw the movie should know what I am referring to). -Paul

[2010-07-27 14:21:39] - a: So, I actually have a good answer for this. I figured everybody would be dressing up as a pirate in 2006 because of Pirates of the Caribbean, and the pirate costumes all seemed pretty involved. -Paul

[2010-07-27 14:09:36] - wait wait wait.  paul dressed up as V in 2006, yet it wasn't his favorite movie in 2006?  paul, why didn't you dress up as a pirate?  ;-)  ~a

[2010-07-27 14:07:01] - vinnie:  definitely yes.  ~a

[2010-07-27 13:38:44] - daniel:  can you email me the email address that you use for battlenet?  i likely won't be on today, but as soon as my copy comes in the mail i'll probably be playing a lot.  ~a

[2010-07-27 13:31:38] - mig: I should have it tonight and should be around.  -Daniel

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