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[2011-07-26 12:06:25] - g:  well i'm guessing you also totally hated your bachlorette party then.  ~a

[2011-07-26 11:59:41] - g: My recollection is that the speedy part gets interpreted very broadly by the Supreme Court when the issue comes up.  If there's a remotely plausible reason it took so long, it's generally OK.  The modern-day speedy trial issue is really for people in places like Guantanemo Bay--especially U.S. citizens. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-26 11:18:26] - g: Not sure.  If I'd taken criminal procedure in law school I probably could tell you the answer :)  - Stephen

[2011-07-26 09:32:32] - jury selection is happening now, but I believe the raid on his compound was a couple years ago... ~g

[2011-07-26 09:31:53] - I mention this cause Warren Jeffs

[2011-07-26 09:31:42] - I wonder what constitutes a fair and speedy trial... Casey Anthony served 2 years and 9 months before her 6 week trial concluded. That means she had already been in jail for 2 years and 7 months before it even started, which does not seem speedy. ~g

[2011-07-25 15:47:14] - and no clue about PR.  I think it's soon, though.  - Stephen

[2011-07-25 15:46:32] - g: I've been really bored with SYTYCD this season.  At least my top girl (Sasha) and guy (Jess) are still on.  - Stephen

[2011-07-25 15:00:45] - stephen: do you know when Project Runway starts? ~g

[2011-07-25 14:59:30] - also, I watched up through the top 12 now... Still need to watch the top 10 from last week... I almost stopped watching SYTYCD cause I havent felt that impressed. ~g

[2011-07-25 14:58:49] - Stephen: Bones is a TV show featuring a strong female lead... ~g

[2011-07-25 14:47:24] - g: Yes!  Vegetarian food, celebrity gossip, and movies featuring a strong female lead (Netflix's favorite category for me).  - Stephen

[2011-07-25 14:18:05] - Stephen: Yummy vegetarian food? Yumm! ~g

[2011-07-25 14:09:02] - a: well you would have totally hated my bachlorette party then ;-) ~g

[2011-07-25 12:51:40] - i hate talking about kinky porn.  ~a

[2011-07-25 10:18:49] - g: Let's talk about all the things the other posters don't like talking about.  - Stephen

[2011-07-25 09:50:06] - ~g

[2011-07-25 09:50:03] - hmm, im guessing the msg board might be pretty quiet this week... What do you think?

[2011-07-22 16:43:29] - a: Assuming one believes the Bible was written by a monotheistic deity, how does it get peer-reviewed? -- Xpovos

[2011-07-22 16:00:13] - at least they're sourcing their statements.  now we just need a peer-reviewed version of the bible we can quote.  ~a

[2011-07-22 10:40:24] - Stephen: That song was/is weird.  Abstinence only education is dumb.  I'm also annoyed that pamphlets handed out by the school are talking about Jesus and quoting the Bible.  -Daniel

[2011-07-22 10:27:49] - a: No more potential than that "Sex and Candy" song from when we were in high school!  - Stephen

[2011-07-22 10:02:47] - the only criticism i would make, is that lumping "sex" and "drugs" into one class called "health", while logical for certain reasons, has the potential to warp children who mistakenly associate the two - aaron

[2011-07-22 09:59:59] - a: i can't even play devil's advocate on that one. schools should be teaching facts, or arguably they should be avoiding the subject entirely - but i think history has shown that not teaching kids about sex has immediate measurable negative consequences. i think the current opt-out all-inclusive sex education system starting in 5th grade virginia has is ideal - aaron

[2011-07-22 09:43:15] - that was painful to watch.  is anybody on the message board for abstinence-only sex education?  ~a

[2011-07-21 22:13:01] - when confronted with the inflated pregnancy numbers after switching to abstinence-only education, gov. rick perry sticks to his guns - "[abstinence] is the best form of -- uh -- to teach our children" - aaron

[2011-07-21 10:46:13] - Daniel: It probably wouldn't bug me so much, except my bank uses it and one of the three pieces of data they ask for I frequently type wrong--usually because it's the middle one and the first auto-tab threw me off and I enter a wrong digit... then it becomes a hassle trying to correct the data.  So, it's not just a problem, but one I encounter frequently. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-21 10:02:24] - Xpovos: Yeah I registered on an site last night and it had the auto move you to the next field thing and my double shift tab didn't work so it does seem to be  a pretty iffy solution.  -Daniel

[2011-07-20 15:39:31] - a: I believe its just a text file, I have opened it on my laptop without issue. ~g

[2011-07-20 13:19:36] - Daniel: And even after figuring it out, it's not 100% because there are multiple versions of the auto-tab type of script, and some of them are pretty insistent. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-20 13:07:38] - -Daniel

[2011-07-20 13:07:35] - Xpovos: I do see what you mean, it took a sec but I figured out that if you shift tab back twice then tab forward once it won't auto move you to the next field and you can fix it, but that is pretty random to have to figure out.  -Danile

[2011-07-20 12:55:31] - Daniel: Make a typo, now fix it without using the mouse. -- Xpovos.

[2011-07-20 12:32:10] - Xpovos: That seems a pretty harsh reaction.  I've never had a problem with that feature before...  -Daniel

[2011-07-20 12:24:07] - Coders who conceived and designed this deserve a swift kick in the nuts.  Webmasters that implement it deserve two. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-20 10:29:53] - in what format?  ~a

[2011-07-20 09:55:35] - in regards to the kindle, you can back up your notes onto your computer very easily. ~g

[2011-07-19 18:27:29] - oops.  season 3 doesn't actually start until next tuesday.  there was a patch today and i assumed s3 would start with it. - mig

[2011-07-19 17:56:21] - mig: aww i thought you meant the other kind of borders - aaron

[2011-07-19 14:57:29] - i'm able to get on late on thursday.  ~a

[2011-07-19 14:43:17] - sc2_people:  Season 3 begins today, don't forget your placement games. - mig

[2011-07-19 10:48:57] - Stephen/mig: Plus the, you you know, actual age.  We've been watching Obama very closely for 3+ years.  Heck, I've noticed my new boss going grayer in just the three months he's been on staff and dealing with the stress load here.  But he too is right in the age-window for going gray anyway. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-19 10:32:27] - mig: It has.  It's amazing but not really surprising how quickly being the POTUS ages people.  - Stephen

[2011-07-19 10:21:44] - borders could be dead as soon as friday. - mig

[2011-07-19 09:49:02] - is it just me or has obama's hair gotten a lot more gray since he was elected into office? - mig

[2011-07-19 09:24:26] - a: Yeah there is definitely stuff that I wouldn't want to use the cloud for but for notes in a textbook that I'm probably only using for 1 semester I'm ok with that.  -Daniel

[2011-07-18 16:27:33] - cloud based movie-playing would have been a disaster as well.  ~a

[2011-07-18 16:27:20] - well, i guess i don't care about most of those things when i'm renting.  when i'm buying, it's a different story.  but in both scenarios (buying or renting)  not being able to access the cloud is a problem for me.  my friend was trying to access his amazon-cloud-mp3 content in afghanistan, and it wouldn't load.  my non-cloud music archive loaded just fine.  ~a

[2011-07-18 16:01:59] - a:  Did you use a text book again after one of your classes ended?  I don't think I ever went back to a previous text book to look at something.  -Daniel

[2011-07-18 15:52:34] - daniel:  the potential savings over 8 semesters the kindle probably pays for itself a few times over. - mig

[2011-07-18 15:50:40] - a: if they cost 80% less I care about none of those things.  I didn't have a lot of $ in college and being able to save even 100 bucks would have totally been worth it.  Although I guess that assumes the already paid cost of a kindle.  Hmmm.  -Daniel

[2011-07-18 15:49:49] - a:  what if I don't care about any of that? - mig

[2011-07-18 15:42:14] - or what if the cloud evaporates?  ~a

[2011-07-18 15:42:06] - mig:  ughh, not me.  "If you choose to rent again or buy at a later time, your notes will be there just as you left them, perfectly Whispersynced."  yeesss, perfectly whispersynced.  so what if i try to use a non-amazon version of the book?  what happens to my whispersyncs then?  what if i change kindles?  or change amazon accounts?  what if i cannot access the cloud?  ~a

[2011-07-18 15:19:11] - textbooks that is.  -Daniel

[2011-07-18 15:18:55] - Yeah that would have been nice.  I stopped buying books eventually until I determined I actually needed them regardless of how important the professor swore the book would be.  -Daniel

[2011-07-18 13:55:47] - i wish this was available when I was in college. - mig

[2011-07-15 13:38:24] - Georgia Tech forced to vacate its 2009 ACC title. - mig

[2011-07-14 18:31:13] - xpovos: and i don't know if "what's the point of savings" was rhetorical or not, but savings provides an obvious monetary benefit. if sales tax is 10% then people with no savings only get to spend $0.90 of every dollar. people who can afford to invest their money for a few years before spending it, get to spend $1.00 (or more) of every dollar - aaron

[2011-07-14 18:24:25] - predictably, poorer households also spend a higher percentage of their income on food, rent, utilities, clothes (only by a little), health care. the wealthier brackets spend more money on some things like insurance, entertainment and transportation, which makes sense, but i guess it doesn't make up for the difference - aaron

[2011-07-14 18:22:42] - xpovos: if this article by forbes is to be believed, then the poorest 20% of americans spend 195% of their pre-tax income annually, while the richest 20% spend 63% of their pre-tax income annually (that's going off the numbers for average income/expenditures) - aaron

[2011-07-14 18:18:54] - xpovos: wow you really think so? you think a household making $24k a year, and a household making $150k a year, on average, spend a comparable percentage of their income on things like like clothes/desks/etc to which sales tax applies? admittedly i don't have any numbers or anything, i'm just very surprised you think that - aaron

[2011-07-14 16:42:55] - Daniel: What's the point of savings except to consume at a later date?  All a savings rate is doing is delaying the tax receipts much like a 401(k) does, only the 401(k) does it doubly so because it's avoiding the income tax instead of a sales tax. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-14 16:38:16] - Xpovos: I really think you are confusing the points of % of income and absolute dollars paid.  The idea is that the lower your income the higher % of it is required to be spent in order to sustain yourself.  I'm pretty sure that savings rates go up with income and the more you save the more you avoid a sales tax thus regressive.  -Daniel

[2011-07-14 16:37:10] - There are plenty of $150K/year households living paycheck to paycheck. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-14 16:36:02] - aaron: Save my point below that our excess grow along with our income.  Those who make $24K could get by on $12K, but they don't want to.  Similarly, those who make $48K could get by on $24K, and yet don't.  And so on.  It's not until you get into the top few percentage points of all income that this pattern really changes.  -- Xpovos

[2011-07-14 16:32:08] - (oops, "QPQ" -> "QED" although i'm probably not using it correctly anyways. ahhaha) - aaron

[2011-07-14 16:30:22] - taken to a simple extreme; if you accept that all humans can "get by" on $12,000 a year of clothes/desks/toilet seats/etc, - and if those items are taxed at 10%, and if there is no income/other tax, then QPQ those earning $12,000 or less per year will be paying a greater percentage of their income in taxes, right? - aar

[2011-07-14 16:27:30] - and i think 85% is pretty lucky too honestly, i think the average american probably spends about 90-95% of their money, or in some cases, maybe more like 110%-120%. now some of that is on stuff like rent to which sales tax doesn't apply, so that might discredit my point a little - but i think my point is still valid - aaron

[2011-07-14 16:24:21] - xpovos: i disagree. stuff like plungers, toilet seats, televisions, desks, dressers, mattresses, literally everything which is sold, poorer people will spend a greater percentage of their income on; because poorer people spend a greater percentage of their income. personally i spend about 60% of my income, when i was fresh out of college i spent more like 85% - aaron

[2011-07-14 16:11:13] - mig: How would you even know, unless you guys are using more than 250GB (or Verizon's equivalent) in a month?  This is something that's buried deep in the fine print, if there. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-14 15:27:02] - g:  as far as i can tell (though Paul would probably know for sure since he gets the bills), no. - mig

[2011-07-14 15:20:47] - Does verizon do this too? ~g

[2011-07-14 15:08:26] - a: I didn't set the title, but I did recently re-watch the movie.  My BIL had the rifftrax.  Some funny bits, but on the whole, the movie held up remarkably well.  The few stupid bits they were able to point out are standard movie-making fare.  Book was still better. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-14 15:02:09] - title:  jeff goldblum?  ~a

[2011-07-14 13:09:54] - aaron: The cited tax there that's relevant to our discussion is a sales tax on food.  I agree that a sales tax that existed only on food products would be recessive.  Similarly a sales tax that taxed food products at a higher rate than other products would be recessive.  A sales tax on all products doesn't fit the definition there. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-14 13:01:00] - Xpovos:  I'm pretty sure you are wrong or at least in the minority based on what I've read and seen elsewhere on the internet on the idea that a sales tax isn't regressive.  If you have any links that back up your ideas I would be interested in seeing them.  -Daniel

[2011-07-14 12:42:59] - so states like california which rely primarily on income taxes have a more difficult time during recessions, while other states that rely on sales taxes don't see their tax revenue change as drastically - aaron

[2011-07-14 12:41:58] - xpovos: i read a discussion on this topic yesterday which covered what stephen/daniel said; basically sales tax punishes the poor and income tax punishes the wealthy, so why not abolish sales tax and just have income tax? there was a good rebuttal, which was that "average income" is tied closely to the stock markets while sales are more fixed - aaron

[2011-07-14 12:31:13] - Actually, nevermind, I wouldn't mind if you paid sales tax on my rent.  But ignore my failed English.  The real point is that people spend all of their money, and richer people spend more of their money as a percentage on things that aren't taxed by sales tax.  That makes them regressive in that sense. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-14 12:27:55] - Daniel: Except for the extremely rich, people tend to spend their entire income, their lifestyles adjust upwards as their income does.The biggest issue here is that one of the major expenses both groups have and which is not currently taxed as a sales tax item, and attempting to might cause riots, is shelter.Imagine telling someone you have to pay sales tax on their rent!

[2011-07-14 12:04:36] - Yeah I think the idea of progressive tax vs regressive tax is not based on the number of dollars payed but the % of income you are paying the taxes on.  Sales tax would tax a  higher % of income on lower income people since they have to spend a higher % of their income. -Daniel

[2011-07-14 11:53:02] - xpovos: Yeah, rich people buy more shit, but they are spending a smaller proportion of their income on sales taxes.  At least, that is what liberals (and Miguel) believe.  - Stephen

[2011-07-14 11:44:32] - xpovos:  rich people may buy more shit, sure, but I'm certain not all of them do.  The way I look at it is if two people are buying an equal amount of shit, the one making more money is being squeezed less by it. - mig

[2011-07-14 11:42:01] - mig: Only if the sin is making more money. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-14 11:39:50] - Daniel: But rich people buy more shit, and so therefore clearly pay more tax than poor people, who while they may be spending every dollar, still spend less.  -- Xpovos

[2011-07-14 11:37:30] - sure, you can structure it so that it's not as regressive, maybe even progressive, but at the same time you would have to restructure it to the point where I don't think you can call it a sales tax anymore, but rather a "luxury tax" or "sin tax" label might be more appropriate. - mig

[2011-07-14 11:33:43] - Yeah I'm not sure I've ever heard someone argue a sales tax is progressive.  From what I've seen most people accept that the poorer you are the higher % of income you have to spend on shit to get by which means you pay taxes on a higher portion of your income than a rich dude who only has to spend 30% of his income and can save/invest the rest.  -Daniel

[2011-07-14 11:31:30] - now let me clarify that a sales tax that functions like they do right now in most states (everyone pays it, no exceptions) is what I believe to be regressive. - mig

[2011-07-14 11:23:03] - xpovos:  really?  I think it's inherently regressive. - mig

[2011-07-14 11:19:41] - Or am I being to sensible and straightforward?  We need the tax code to be complex, right, so that we can use it to transfer wealth more discreetly. And there have to be tax breaks on important things! -- Xpovos

[2011-07-14 11:14:24] - Hell, I would think the ideal liberal tax policy would be a flat national sales tax and a +/- graduated income tax combo plan.  If you make $50K, you pay 0% income tax.  $500K and you pay 15%.  $5K and you pay -15% (i.e. the gov't tax on your paycheck is actually a cash transfer).  And everyone pays 15% sales tax on everything. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-14 11:12:31] - mig: I don't know why.  The sales tax is inherently progressive.  I guess it smacks of too much fairness?  It's also easy to implement and enforce. The only 'drawbacks' would be having to figure out some way to make it even more progressive in a way that you give a rebate or incentive check to low-income households to compensate for the increased purchase prices. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-14 10:44:48] - s/who/would/

[2011-07-14 10:44:04] - Even the most liberal populace who be against something like that. - mig

[2011-07-14 10:42:33] - I don't know if a federal sales tax would ever happen though, unless it was coupled with a drastic decrease or abolition of the income tax. - mig

[2011-07-13 21:22:33] - I think state sales taxes are eventually going to go extinct and you'll see all states adopting other forms of taxation in lieu, such as income tax.  Virgina has both, but some states already forgo the sales tax bit, like Delaware, so other states can model their revenue streams that way and avoid the battle entirely.  Amazon wouldn't be able to avoid a federal sales tax.

[2011-07-13 17:46:59] - Aaron: I know very little about the issue, but I do think that there isn't an easy answer because the tax code really doesn't work well with companies like Amazon where it's hard to figure out where a company is based and what states it has a presence in. -Paul

[2011-07-13 17:43:37] - Vinnie: Awesome. I haven't been on a lot of trips, but I also loved my trip to Japan. Glad you enjoyed it. -Paul

[2011-07-13 14:04:38] - Yeah its possible I just played against people who weren't into throwing, and its been a long time since I played it much (mostly on the n64) but I never had a problem being Kirby and dealing with throws.  -Daniel

[2011-07-13 14:00:12] - aaron: That's true, but even against other players who played without our 'no/few throw' rules, I was successful with Kirby because I could spike them instead of throwing still, whereas they were all completely throw-dependent.  DK was a huge favorite. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-13 13:21:38] - xpovos: they also made characters like donkey kong faster, basically they tried to make all of the characters more "samey" to avoid the complications in, like you said, balancing out a large roster. it's a lot easier if you just "mortal kombat" everyone and make them all identical :-) - aaron

[2011-07-13 13:20:25] - xpovos: yeah, the later versions of smash were considerably more balanced; they balanced out the weights so that characters like jigglypuff and kirby were (seemingly) equal weights to characters like pikachu and ness. they also added delay to (i think) every move, most notably things like ness/kirby's down+a air - aaron

[2011-07-13 13:17:15] - has anybody heard the stuff about amazon's scuffle with CA sales tax laws? thoughts? i think that the amazon should have to pay sales tax comparable to other businesses, but i agree that the current system is so unwieldy and complicated that it's infeasible; i'd be in favor of some kind of tax code simplification - aaron

[2011-07-13 13:15:09] - also i could be wrong but i think ness has a faster running/rolling speed which helps a lot with effective "throwing cheese" - aaron

[2011-07-13 13:11:41] - i think kirby does OK in our circle of friends because we have a "gentlemans rule" against abusing throwing. but without that rule, ness is definitely the best character just because his throw has huge range, no delay, and kills at low percentage - aaron

[2011-07-13 13:10:36] - kirby wasn't a bad character, but his throws were awful (often not killing even the lightest characters at 150%), and throws were so OP in smash bros that if you didn't have a good throw, you were unplayable - aaron

[2011-07-13 13:03:25] - mig: Ok, so by making what are essentially clones, sure.  But is that really a new character? -- Xpovos

[2011-07-13 12:46:18] - xpovos:  not necessarily, in melee there were quite a few characters who were very similar to each other, despite the larger cast (Roy/Marth, Link/Young Link, Mario/Dr. Mario, Pikachu/Pechu, Falcon/Gannondorf) - mig

[2011-07-13 12:39:30] - Daniel: I played him more than any other character.  Doesn't stop me from recognizing his cheese. :-)  I thought the game was remarkably well balanced overall, honestly.  Even Jigglypuff could be played effectively.  That level of balance is hard to maintain with the substantially larger character bases of the next gen versions. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-13 12:30:42] - I loved Kirby!  -Daniel

[2011-07-13 12:19:43] - I can really only speak for the 64, because later versions I didn't play nearly as much, and IMO, Kirby was the 'cheapest' character.  The disadvantage he had in weight was negligible compared to his benefits and his impressive longevity despite low weight.  Ness had some cheap moves, but required a lot of skill to play well overall. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-13 11:56:04] - aaron:  ness had some clear weaknesses though, like how wide open he was when doing his 3x jump.  I'm not sure if kirby had any weaknesses in the 64 days. - mig

[2011-07-13 11:22:29] - i'll have to check that out when i get home, but honestly i thought ness was cheaper than kirby back in the smash 64 days, particularly if people were willing to abuse his throw! - aaron

[2011-07-13 09:33:50] - paul: yeah it was fantastic. one of the best trips I've ever taken - vinnie

[2011-07-13 08:54:24] - mig: Kirby was the only way I could keep up with Aaron. ;) -- Xpovos

[2011-07-12 22:52:14] - hmmm, side note, site is probably nsfw. - mig

[2011-07-12 22:47:28] - aaron: people agree with me! - mig

[2011-07-12 14:59:43] - daniel: you were right, that was really interesting. thanks! ~g

[2011-07-12 14:35:21] - Vinnie: By the way, did you enjoy your trip to Japan? Not sure I've gotten to talk to you since you've been back. -Paul

[2011-07-12 14:29:26] - Vinnie: I don't necessarily consider a few more months of work out of politicians to be a good thing.... unless it means they are actually reading the laws that they pass. -Paul

[2011-07-12 13:55:30] - I'm for term limits on senators and representatives. not sure it would change much, but hey, you get a few more months of work out of your politician instead of campaigning - vinnie

[2011-07-12 13:39:31] - Meanwhile, I agree, terrific send-up of the Stuxnet virus, even if I was aware of a lot of that, it was well written and they got good stories from the people actually involved in cracking it.  A lot to chew on from a CS point of view.  Politics and international relations, too. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-12 13:32:35] - ... which is much like what you said immediately afterwards, yeah. 80%+ re-election rates are not healthy for a democracy, IMO. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-12 13:29:49] - mig: IMO, the biggest problem with Congress is that 'everyone' thinks their members are OK, but it's the other 432 that are screwing things up. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-12 13:27:01] - Daniel: I don't care much either way. Not sure if it improve things or make things worse. I don't even think it would get rid of career politicians because between the House, Senate, Governorships and other government positions, I doubt people will run out of things to run for. -Paul

[2011-07-12 13:25:28] - And maybe if there are term limits you can get a sort of "new" generation of people into the house and senate, so you might get faster progress on things like gay marriage, drug legalization, or fiscal disciipline etc. - mig

[2011-07-12 13:18:33] - even in the last election with the "throw the bums out" being the big theme, over 80% of incumbents in both the house and senate still won reelection. - mig

[2011-07-12 13:15:29] - but still I feel the biggest problem with congress is that most of those fuckers tend to stay around forever. - mig

[2011-07-12 13:15:07] - daniel:  i would be for it and I think it might be an improvement.  Personally, I loathe the concept of a career politician, and feel that there should be a limit on terms.    Though we have term limits for most governors and presidents, so maybe there won't be much improvement. - mig

[2011-07-12 13:08:19] - -Daniel

[2011-07-12 13:08:15] - aaron: Yeah I've read a couple of different articles on it, that one was probably the best.  Stuxnet was crazy ridiculous.  Its the first step of what everyone is worried about cyber attacks being.  Its pretty crazy when your virus looks for stuff that specific and then every 27 days jacks the hertz on your frequency converter for 15 mins then goes back to normal.  Yikes.

[2011-07-12 13:06:26] - Whats yalls opinions on a two term limit for Senate and House?  Would it be a net improvement?  I know it would be next to impossible to ever happen but as a thought experiment.  -Daniel

[2011-07-12 13:05:38] - daniel: wowww that's an awesome article! that's insane, i never knew stuxnet was so advanced. shame on nuclear facilities for using windows! - aaron

[2011-07-12 12:54:16] - xpovos:  yeah i agree it's a bit of a paradox for libertarians to become career politicians.  term limits for house and senate could do wonders in that regard, but unfortunately that will probably require a constitutional amendment. - mig

[2011-07-12 12:47:23] - So, President or bust?  Well, probably for the best.  Even libertarian-minded individuals probably shouldn't be career politicians. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-12 12:45:31] - mig: Yeah, at his advanced age, and with his son all set to carry the banner, this seems like as good a time as any for a last hurrah. I would love it if he did a last third party run if he doesn't win the Republican nomination. -Paul

[2011-07-12 12:41:57] - paul:  sad, but not terribly surprising. - mig

[2011-07-12 12:23:27] - Ron Paul not running for re-election to the House of Representatives. -Paul

[2011-07-12 11:34:56] - Cool read on the stuxnet virus if anyone isn't familiar with it:  -Daniel

[2011-07-12 09:04:16] - IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME

[2011-07-11 16:36:52] - I like that Google+ has inherently better privacy controls in place than Facebook.  They're sensible and easy to implement.  But I'm also already looking at this from a protection standpoint. that is: parental monitoring and organizational monitoring of sponsored employee use.  Those two are often opposed, so I wonder how Google will pull it off, or if they don't even try.

[2011-07-11 16:12:47] - g: stream? -Daniel

[2011-07-11 16:09:42] - someone's comments just dissappeared from my google+ wall... not sure what its called there... ~g

[2011-07-11 16:05:53] - "A relatively slim majority of Republicans voted in favor of the measure, while a larger majority of Democrats opposed it". -Paul

[2011-07-11 16:05:40] - In the spirit of the discussion referred to in the "3 or 4 world wars" quote, I submit this article about the House defeating a measure to cut funding for the Libya non-war: -Paul

[2011-07-11 15:56:04] - ...moves Gurkie to the "never ever talk to" circle :P

[2011-07-11 13:48:23] - stephen: hrmm, yea good point... But in google plus you dont have to block them cause you just put them in the "never ever talk to" circle. ~g

[2011-07-11 12:49:19] - I've figured out the use of Google Plus!  - Stephen

[2011-07-11 12:12:36] - Stephen: Haha, I didn't even notice that. I have to admit that I have trouble catching that particular error. I didn't think I often made that mistake, though. -Paul

[2011-07-11 11:07:45] - Paul: Sorry? I'm trying to keep your mind sharp so you can try to piece together Hamsa and Zain's facebook posts. ~g

[2011-07-11 09:50:20] - Paul: No, because of the "you're hatred of punctuation" line.  - Stephen

[2011-07-11 08:57:30] - Stephen: Because I said "wonder" instead of "wondering"? Sadly, no. I'm prone to typos and mispellings (does it count as a mispelling if I just write the wrong word?) like that all the time. -Paul

[2011-07-08 22:51:13] - Paul: Was your last post meant to be ironic?  - Stephen

[2011-07-08 18:00:53] - Paul: You've better control than me.  I did laugh out loud at work.  Ah, thankfully I have an office. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-08 17:07:58] - g: Also, you're hatred of punctuation and capitalization can make it really hard to read sometimes. I spent a few seconds wonder what the hell Facebook 3 was. -Paul

[2011-07-08 17:07:06] - aaron: I very nearly laughed out loud at work when I got to the "color names most disproportionately popular among men". -Paul

[2011-07-08 16:22:15] - a: Clearly they need a halting state check in Java. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-08 15:49:17] - xkcd color survey results and analysis. i guess he showed people a bunch of colors and asked for them to name them, then collected the data. my favorite part were the 5 color names most unique to girls, and most unique to boys - aaron

[2011-07-08 14:53:13] - but aaron, how can java know if the method will terminate?  ;-)  ~a

[2011-07-08 13:52:42] - i assumed it would have thrown a compiler error, "method must return a result of type int" but apparently there's a loophole (albeit not a very practical one) - aaron

[2011-07-08 13:52:15] - mig: Hmm I thought this was supposed to be like fbook Ill wait to post something til I figure out what its used for... Ill lurk for now! ~g

[2011-07-08 13:51:43] - so apparently java allows you to create a function without a return statement... public int method() {while (true);} - aaron

[2011-07-08 13:50:38] - g:  yes.  but this is better .... supposadly. - mig

[2011-07-08 13:48:50] - mig: wasnt that google buzz or google wave? ~g

[2011-07-08 13:45:57] - g:  well, post stuff, that's kind of what it's for. - mig

[2011-07-08 13:40:09] - Also the way google tries to build up its base is totally to limit access at the start, that way people (like me) want in just to be "in". ~g

[2011-07-08 13:35:49] - and the two invites I got were not from people I would have expected to invite me :-) ~g

[2011-07-08 13:35:12] - So I am on google+ now what? ~g

[2011-07-08 12:58:22] - i thought it was said in jest.  ~a

[2011-07-08 12:39:57] - xpovos: :-D - aaron

[2011-07-08 11:30:09] - Paul: Yeah, I remember them (now) but most of the time they stay blocked out of memory.  -- Xpovos

[2011-07-08 11:24:13] - Xpovos: That wasn't the only slightly-less-than-civil discussion jdb and I have had, although I feel like most of it occurred over email. -Paul

[2011-07-08 11:11:05] - -- Xpovos

[2011-07-08 10:42:04] - The sub-post from Paul sounds uncharacteristically harsh, but it fits the conversation... what with jdb threatening to molest his roomate's stuffed animals... -- Xpovos

[2011-07-08 10:40:03] - Paul: I am not sure. At the time we thought they were searching for us... But it could be that they are looking at who has recently posted resumes that are possible matches. Another friend got a call from CGI saying "We would like to interview you" he replied with "I already work for you." ~g

[2011-07-08 10:25:33] - migg: Do you think it's because your companies are making sure the employees aren't looking for another job, or because they are looking for people to hire and stumble across those resumes? -Paul

[2011-07-08 09:58:34] - g:  oh yes I know mine does as well.  I remember one of my co-workers said that they found a 4-year old resume on monster and they asked him to take it down. -mig

[2011-07-07 23:58:30] - -- Xpovos

[2011-07-07 21:10:48] - Appeals only work on issues of trial technicalities.  The issues of fact are settled.  So, if the gov't wanted to appeal they'd have to claim that somehow the trial that they conducted was improper.  Yeah... that's a bad position to be in. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-07 16:54:28] - I know my company searches us... not only that I think once you are hired they still search for us on job sites. Or maybe it was happenstance that a friend went on Monster and was called by a VP the next day. ~g

[2011-07-07 16:53:14] - I wonder how much they charge... Although I guess I should be able to look at that myself. ~g

[2011-07-07 16:22:15] - a:  oh it does not worry me in the slightest.  I just found the whole thing fascinating. - mig

[2011-07-07 16:12:40] - mig:  "it won't flunk you for getting drunk or knocked up.  Even if you do both things at the same time. Party on."  i think you, me, and most of our mutual friends are safe.  ~a

[2011-07-07 15:44:04] - Do you pass the social media background test? - mig

[2011-07-07 15:09:20] - g: yes, the defense is not allowed to ask the witness a question if they know the answer will be a lie. i learned that from some movie - aaron

[2011-07-07 15:06:59] - mig, g: I wish I knew.  I know next to nothing about criminal procedure, since it's not a required class at UVA.  - Stephen

[2011-07-07 15:05:20] - g: I think mistrials are up to the prosecutors discretion if they want to retry or not.  Thats from watching Law and Order though so probably should take that with a grain of salt.    -Daniel

[2011-07-07 15:00:10] - stephen: mistrials dont get retried right? ~g

[2011-07-07 14:12:16] - daniel:  hmmm, well that would certainly cause the judge to declare a mistrial if it was brought to light during the trial.  But after the fact, I'm not sure anything can even be done about that... - mig

[2011-07-07 14:03:07] - mig: I think you would have to appeal on some issue that would make the jury verdict invalid.  Like I think jury tampering or something would allow you to try again.  But I don't think you can just take another crack at it.  -Daniel

[2011-07-07 14:01:55] - AFAIK govt cant appeal due to the double jeopardy issue. ~g

[2011-07-07 14:01:34] - Mig: so you are saying if Casey Anthony wanted to file an appeal? ~g

[2011-07-07 13:58:32] - aside from the double jeapordy complications, can you even appeal an acquittal decision? - mig

[2011-07-07 13:56:00] - Stephen: Yea that makes sense I guess... I don't necessarily agree with the verdict, but I am not calling for them to try the case again. ~g

[2011-07-07 13:46:58] - Too many "they"s - if the witness does lie, and the lawyers knows it, the lawyer isn't obligated to do anything.  - Stephen

[2011-07-07 13:46:34] - g: If memory serves, a lawyer can't put someone on the stand knowing that they will lie, but if they do lie, I'm not sure they're obligated to do anything about it.  - Stephen

[2011-07-07 13:45:55] - mig: Agreed.  Apparently people had signs telling the government to appeal the not guilty verdict.  Who cares about double jeopardy?    - Stephen

[2011-07-07 13:45:53] - I feel like the defense lawyers put people on the stand and asked them questions that shouldnt have been asked. Correct me if I am wrong but if the lawyer knows the testimony to be false they cant put the person on the stand, right? ~g

[2011-07-07 13:43:44] - I feel like that isnt really questionable so much as her mom lying very blatantly. ~g

[2011-07-07 13:43:12] - Eh there were things that were questionable because her mother claimed to have searched for chlorophyll and ended up searching chlorophorm when her mother had initially said she was at work, and had that corroborated by coworkers and had computer records showing she (or someone using her creds) was on the work comp. ~g

[2011-07-07 13:39:07] - stephen:  yeah I can understand being outraged, but when it gets to "how can teh jury be some dumb" it starts to irritate me. - mig

[2011-07-07 13:35:17] - Xpovos: Yeah, that's the vibe I got as well.  I'm pretty sure that's why the members of the jury, who were actually instructed in terms of what evidence is necessary to convict, acquitted her.  Meanwhile, the bloodthirsty public, unencumbered by actual legal requirements, is calling for her head.  - Stephen

[2011-07-07 13:33:00] - Go, go, less-noble version of 12-angry men. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-07 13:32:49] - Daniel: I'm the same way.  The general vibe I got from this whole process was a "she probably did it, but there's no smoking gun, there's no eye-witness, and there's not a preponderance of hard evidence--in fact all of the evidence has some reasonable question attached.  Combined it's damning, but only if taken in the worst lights".  -- Xpovos

[2011-07-07 12:38:29] - I haven't followed the case and don't know much about it past what I've read here but I think I'm ok with someone not getting convicted on only circumstantial evidence.  -Daniel

[2011-07-07 12:35:13] - okay, maybe she did look for her daughter, a LOT, but she just did a good job covering that part up, because she's humble - aaron

[2011-07-07 12:34:27] - g: well, she framed the nanny because she's racist! and she didn't look for her daughter because... hmm... because she didn't know where to look! well okay i'm not sure why she didn't look for her daughter, that part is weird - aaron

[2011-07-07 12:21:37] - g:  well yeah, when you have other corrobating evidence, that particular defense argument does kind of fall apart. - mig

[2011-07-07 12:12:42] - mig: possibly, a lot of people identified the smell of decomposing flesh as well including her father who, I cant remember what his career was but it did put him in contact with the smell. ~g

[2011-07-07 11:50:46] - g:  to be fair to the defense, the reliability of police dogs is actually not as iron-clad as people believe. - mig

[2011-07-07 11:50:38] - g:  i get home on the 21st or soon after.  ~a

[2011-07-07 11:49:36] - daniel:  "Is that common to have stuff going off close around you?"  very very common.  like almost every day something happens.  once a week it's bad enough that we have to put our armor on.  "How often do you hang out in your helmet/armor?"  never.  we only put it on if we hear load gunfire/etc.  ~a

[2011-07-07 11:47:53] - aaron: riiight, and so she lied to her parents cause she didnt want them stressed, and she didnt look for her daughter cause that might have upset her more... oh yea and then she totally new who kidnapped her daughter until of course they found out the nanny had nothing to do with it...~g

[2011-07-07 11:46:46] - I think it might have been a slow news week when caylee was reported missing, and because she was cute and the mom was eccentric it became a big trial. ~g

[2011-07-07 11:46:26] - g: well obviously she didn't want to worry her friends until she was sure her daughter was missing for real. and she was really sad her daughter was missing so she had to cheer herself up with hot body contests and parties. - aaron

[2011-07-07 11:46:11] - stephen: good point, apparently billy bob thorton's daughter was convicted of killing her child during this whole caylee anthony mess... ~g

[2011-07-07 11:45:24] - Pretty sure cadaver dogs also identified that there had been a dead body in the trunk of the car, although the defense argued that something else made the cadaver dogs believe that... ~g

[2011-07-07 11:44:41] - aaron: that was a lot of it, there were a lot of weird things that the mother did while the child was missing before she was reported missing like partying, entering hot body contests, lying to everyone about where her daughter was ~g

[2011-07-07 11:38:54] - a: i had to edit that out of the Tom Swity wikipedia entry yesterday :-b - aaron

[2011-07-07 11:27:56] - a: That's a hilariously modern swifty. -- Xpovos

[2011-07-07 10:50:44] - yeah i'm not sure either.  I wasn't even aware of the trial's existence until sometime last week. - mig

[2011-07-07 10:27:12] - a: I don't get it, myself.  There are lots of trials of parents who may or may not have killed their children, and I don't get why this one became _the_ sensation of the summer of 2011.  - Stephen

[2011-07-07 10:06:27] - i haven't been following it but i glossed over the wikipedia summary yesterday so of course, i'm an expert - aaron

[2011-07-07 10:06:03] - mig: there's a couple other things, they found evidence that (someone) used her computer to search for instructions on how to make chloroform. and they found traces of her daughter's hair and chloroform in the trunk of her car, and there was proof that the hair samples were taken post-mortem (something like that) - aaron

[2011-07-07 09:58:23] - So let me see if I get the gist of this straight:  child dies (nobody still knows of what), mother panics, keeps it hidden, makes shit up to police to try and hide the fact that the child is dead, dead child turns up, mother prime suspect?  do I have that right? - mig

[2011-07-07 09:40:56] - a: I figured you slept on the ground in body armor and helmets... I think thats what I would do if I were there. Do you know when you come home? ~g

[2011-07-07 09:40:05] - a: I think it might be the biggest trial to be going on while social media is so prevelant... Kim Kardashian who is apparently the daughter of OJ's lawyer was outraged at the outcome... I find this funny. ~g

[2011-07-07 09:00:46] - a: Is that common to have stuff going off close around you?  How often do you hang out in your helmet/armor?  -Daniel

[2011-07-06 23:45:33] - g:  latter.    we had body armor and helmets on because there was gunfire/rockets/mortar/etc.  i was lying on the ground for a reason.  ~a

[2011-07-06 23:38:05] - i read the summary of the Death of Caylee Anthony article and a bunch of other random paragraphs.  how the hell is this "the social media trial of the century"?  how is this trial about "a story that has a very, very strong human dimension to it"?  what am i missing?  is there a twist to this case i skipped over?  ~a

[2011-07-06 23:04:53] - aaron:  "I have no soul," Tom said gingerly.  :'(  ~a

[2011-07-06 18:02:12] - entemann's PR department inadvertently references casey anthony trial in a tweet - aaron

[2011-07-06 13:55:52] - aaron: That would be interesting to see.  It can be misleading somewhat though since it doesn't account for sales.  Most of the games in mine were bought at a pretty extreme discount.  Still cool though.  -Daniel

[2011-07-06 13:18:10] - wow!! i'm almost afraid to ask what yuriy's total would be, i get the impression he has a really large collection - aaron

[2011-07-06 12:50:48] - An interesting website for those that use steam:  just change the part after /id/ to your steam id.  -Daniel

[2011-07-06 12:42:38] - "i used to be a pilot," tom explained... here's a reddit thread with lots of tom swifties, some of them are pretty ingenious - aaron

[2011-07-06 10:51:56] - g: I think the difference is that Californians voted in a referendum to repeal their same-sex marriage laws, whereas the issue was never put on ballots in the Northeast, where the result might have been the same, or in Iowa, where it definitely would have been.  - Stephen

[2011-07-06 10:47:11] - Its interesting to me that the NE is much more open to gay marriage then the west coast. Also Iowa??? Who knew! ~g

[2011-07-06 09:41:06] - a: was he just randomly filming when that happened? Or did you know that an attack was imminent but thought it would be far away?? Also he pretty much was aiming at his feet for a fair amount.... Im assuming you all were fine since you are on the msg board... ~g

[2011-07-06 09:40:05] - Stephen: I went to Reston so I avoided busses on 66... Metro was about normal :-P ~g

[2011-07-06 09:21:09] - How bad was your evening commute, people who go home on 66 West?  - Stephen

[2011-07-05 22:10:40] - paul:  haha.  in his defense, we were all scared shitless.  ~a

[2011-07-05 21:56:38] - g:  most states require that you're a working individual, you usually aren't allowed to be on it long and your benefits usually decrease over short periods of time, sanctions exist for infractions and shit (source, pdf, page 3-4).  there's no way a heroin addict would be able to manage any of these things.  ~a

[2011-07-05 17:06:30] - g: yeah i saw that, there was a reddit thread about it where people were trying to figure out the pattern, because things like "gay pride" or "gay anything" would trigger it, but "gay porn" and "gay nuns from mars" did not trigger it - aaron

[2011-07-05 16:59:06] - aaron: Yeah.  I would totally watch older seasons if I could.  Long live seasons 3 and 4!  - Stephen

[2011-07-05 16:50:03] - ~g

[2011-07-05 16:49:42] - apparently google had a rainbow pop up on gay searches - words such as gay or homosexual.... but I missed it, apparently last month was gay pride month or something... ~g

[2011-07-05 16:43:18] - stephen: i think music licensing issues stops them from selling DVDs or redistributing older seasons - aaron

[2011-07-05 16:35:54] - Daniel: If you're talking about this season, the episodes are available on the official website:  If you're talking about earlier seasons...sorry, no idea!  - Stephen

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