here are old message board entries

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[2001-03-26 23:23:00] - Mig I think you really don't have any respect for teacher and administrators and you honestly have no idea how much work goes into it.  As an education major I can tell you that even with the summers off teachers work on average... - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:22:00] - i think the administrators are winning. - mig

[2001-03-26 23:21:00] - public schools just seem to be a contest know.  a minority of stupid kids and stupid administrators and teachers competing for the prize of the most stupid. - mig

[2001-03-26 23:17:00] - Yes Actually mig... Not because they are playing cops and robbers, but because in many cities and states now there have been increasing numbers of violent killings with children - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:16:00] - made to follow rules.  But they don't have the rule "students must wear shirts and shoes to school" because they think we are dumb.  They do it because someone WAS dumb enough to not do so - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:15:00] - kids must be real dumbasses if they act normal.... - mig

[2001-03-26 23:14:00] - you mean dumbass things like playing cops and robbers? - mig

[2001-03-26 23:14:00] - Actually Hate speech is allowed.  In schools it usually is frowned upon.  And then again, schools have more juridiction because they are an extension of the states power, or in a private institution you are paying to go there so you are.. - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:12:00] - If students didn't DO dumbass things the teachers would SUSPECT them of doing dumbass things. - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:00:00] - there are also issues with libel and slander, but that's usually only applied to reputable newspeople. - mig

[2001-03-26 22:57:00] - your right to free speech pretty much covers everything except the reckless endangerment of others and i think "hate speech" - mig

[2001-03-26 22:56:00] - I'm upset, and I'm not an angry teenager, I'm 20 :-) -paul

[2001-03-26 22:54:00] - and it's not just "angry teenagers" who are upset about stupid shit like this. - mig

[2001-03-26 22:54:00] - sorry about that  ~a

[2001-03-26 22:53:00] - i don't think schools are more lax.  suspending students for the dumbest things is not being more "lax". - mig

[2001-03-26 22:47:00] - No actually you can't yell fire in a public museaum... It is because it poses a threat to the general safety. - nemo

[2001-03-26 22:44:00] - That's a bit different though, it's because you are on property that someone else owns and they can ask you to leave if you yell "fire" -paul

[2001-03-26 22:40:00] - And mig, angry teenagers will rebel against anything.  If anything the schools are more lax now then they used to me - nemo

[2001-03-26 22:39:00] - Well you have rights up to a point... your right for free speech doesn't cover yelling fire in a movie theater - nemo

[2001-03-26 22:36:00] - yeah yeah.  school's abuse their "authority" enough though that there's kind of anti-authority movement going on in schools. - mig

[2001-03-26 22:34:00] - not that everything it says is accurate ; - ) just more than i would think something from just a name would be -dave

[2001-03-26 22:34:00] - I think this was something the Supreme Court ruled -paul

[2001-03-26 22:34:00] - this is so accurate it's freaky -dave

[2001-03-26 22:33:00] - -dave

[2001-03-26 22:33:00] - I remember a teacher once told me that students have some of their rights revoked since public schools are a "special environment" -paul

[2001-03-26 22:29:00] - some different, but also limited rights. - mig

[2001-03-26 22:17:00] - Minors are citizens, however they are citizens with different rights. - nemo

[2001-03-26 22:12:00] - *shurg* it's weird. - mig

[2001-03-26 22:09:00] - I thought it was possible to be a citizen without being able to vote, but I am pretty sure that if you can vote then you are a citizen -paul

[2001-03-26 22:06:00] - the right to vote is one of those differences. - mig

[2001-03-26 22:06:00] - well there is a difference between citizens and 2nd class citizens. - mig

[2001-03-26 22:04:00] - So being able to vote is what defines a citizen? -paul

[2001-03-26 22:02:00] - all those who can not vote are not citizens.  ~a

[2001-03-26 22:00:00] - right, paul.  i forgot.  it says all citizens can vote.  ~a

[2001-03-26 21:58:00] - constitution does not say anything about non-adults to the best of my knowledge. - mig

[2001-03-26 21:58:00] - Don't you dare try to knock me off the bar >:o -paul

[2001-03-26 21:55:00] - eep. my bar is gone. - katie

[2001-03-26 21:55:00] - he was off of it for a little while  ~a

[2001-03-26 21:53:00] - I wonder if we can push paul off the bar here. :P -logan

[2001-03-26 21:52:00] -  booo canada! - mig

[2001-03-26 21:52:00] - I have no idea, but I would guess that you don't become a citizen until you are old enough to vote -paul

[2001-03-26 21:51:00] - ok.  just clearing things up.  the constitution does not call minors citizens neither explicitly nor implied?  ~a

[2001-03-26 21:49:00] - by law, minors are second class citizens i believe. - mig

[2001-03-26 21:37:00] - Actually flacid isn't right, but I figured it would be a new word. - nemo

[2001-03-26 21:37:00] - minors are not citizens, right?  ~a

[2001-03-26 21:36:00] - I hate not being on the board.  I feel so... flacid - nemo

[2001-03-26 21:35:00] - Nah... remember when I got debating about language and animals in here and it was entire room vs me.  That is shitty - nemo

[2001-03-26 21:34:00] - Those are the best ones :-) -paul

[2001-03-26 21:22:00] - Censorship debate... that could get messy.  I'm glad I missed that one - nemo

[2001-03-26 21:21:00] - Yeah but I love her... even though she is an engineer. - nemo

[2001-03-26 21:17:00] - There is no way I am reading that entire censorship debate, sorry guys :-) -paul

[2001-03-26 21:16:00] - girls are funny like that

[2001-03-26 21:15:00] - *laughs* I keep saying I'm going to hell and it really ticks my GF off, her being roman catholic and all. - nemo

[2001-03-26 21:10:00] - so, what, i should just keep hanging around you?

[2001-03-26 21:09:00] - Then avoid going to heaven! -logan

[2001-03-26 21:07:00] - *i* wouldn't want to be cut up

[2001-03-26 21:04:00] - How about the humans are fed to the fish in little tiny chunks? -logan

[2001-03-26 20:59:00] - aww, don't cut up the cats :(

[2001-03-26 20:59:00] - I sawwy... At least now it is heaven, where the tank is always free and the cats are fed to the fish in little tiny chunks.  - nemo

[2001-03-26 20:57:00] - adrian (me) and aparna  :'(  ~a

[2001-03-26 20:57:00] - And hello to Logan paul and a who I know.  And the rest hello as well, but just not as heartfelt. - nemo

[2001-03-26 20:55:00] - btw... whose fish was it that died? - nemo

[2001-03-26 20:55:00] - Hello hello hello - nemo

[2001-03-26 20:51:00] - Heh, I'm the only person that's said "wherever"? :P -logan

[2001-03-26 20:48:00] - Well, wherever they want, more or less.  So there is a chance they might go to a public school, I guess. -logan

[2001-03-26 20:33:00] - ?!  where are they going?  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:53:00] - My kids are never going to a public school (and probably not a private one either). -logan

[2001-03-26 19:32:00] - i don't think it is. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:32:00] - heh?  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:31:00] - it's rather realistic  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:31:00] - Just before I head to dinner: Macadamia! Expunge! Harvey Keitel, Madonna, Indemnify! - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:31:00] - that's rather pessimistic. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:31:00] - aaron:  irish:  "i wouldn't call me kid a pussy"  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:30:00] - Irish? Who? - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:30:00] - Of course not, but I don't know if anything you could tell him would help to remedy the situation - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:30:00] - i was irish for 1/2 a second

[2001-03-26 19:30:00] - yes, my

[2001-03-26 19:29:00] - my?

[2001-03-26 19:29:00] - and i wouldn't call me kid a pussy. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:29:00] - hehe  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:28:00] - video = tons of images that create a much more realistic scene with sound  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:28:00] - Sheesh, I didn't know we used that word so much

[2001-03-26 19:28:00] - ALthough I would be surprised if an elementary school showed children gory holocaust images, that doesn't seem normal - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:27:00] - how are they different? - mig

[2001-03-26 19:27:00] -

[2001-03-26 19:27:00] - then i would talk to him about it.  that's what parents are supposed to do when the kid's got a problem. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:27:00] - images and video are totally different  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:26:00] - "You big pussy! You should see Event Horizon, now THAT'S violent! Sheesh." - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:26:00] - What are you going to tell your kid if he has seen 2 seconds of holocaust footage or something on TV, and is crying so excessively that he can't sleep? - Aaron

[2001-03-26 19:26:00] - you still get images in the text book. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:25:00] - sorry, i meant es  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:24:00] - and i never saw documetaries of concentration camp murders in hs  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:24:00] - Well some parents would probably think that was too early, but there is also a difference between being read to, and being shown video - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:23:00] - And when you learn about the details of the holocaust in school, you're usually old enough to understand it in the proper light - aar

[2001-03-26 19:23:00] - i remember learning about almost everything about the ww2 in 5th or 6th grade.  including all the gruesome stuff. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:23:00] - He can't un-see something, miguel. By the time he's frightened it's probably too late to change the channel - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:22:00] - about what in school?  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:22:00] - what about when we learn all about it in school? - mig

[2001-03-26 19:22:00] - esp children  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:22:00] - if he was extremely frightened, i don't think he would keep watching. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:22:00] - exactly.  watching extreme violence and porn does scar people  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:21:00] - I think you're overestimating children's threshold for violence - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:20:00] - You wouldn't be worried about your kid, maybe being extremely frightened, or mentally scarred, at the sudden realization that both of his parents could be brutally murdered? - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:20:00] - dammit i need to learn how to spell. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:19:00] - documentaries are educatinal.  sure. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:19:00] - How about a documentary of the holocaust, or something, where they're showing families being incinerated or gassed? They wouldn't be having sex. Okay or not okay? - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:18:00] - It was called, "Event Horizon", I just remembered - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:17:00] - no problems.  as long as the kid knows it's fiction. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:16:00] - i'm not sure. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:16:00] - I think your kids would disagree - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:16:00] - So no amount of violence could possibly cross the line? Like that movie... With the starship, where they cut a guy's stomach open and nail his hands and feet to the ceiling so his guts hang out? No problems? - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:15:00] - porn is ok on public tv:  yes or no  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:15:00] - i said porn was  a touchy subject.  i didn't explicitly say i agreed with you. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:14:00] - porn isn't ok?!?!  there!!!  you have drawn a line!  define porn!  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:14:00] - anyway porn is a touchy subject, but everything else is fair game as far as i'm concerned. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:13:00] - hehe.  yes.  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:13:00] - and very impossible  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:13:00] - What if you have direct TV or some satellite service with like 900 channels? Don't be ridiculous. There has to be a rating system. - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:12:00] - And miguel, it's very time-consuming to block every specific program which you think could be offensive - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:12:00] - and chores, and allowances  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:12:00] - miguel, kids can get money from babysitting and such.  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:11:00] - Obviously your kid is going to go to whatever theaters he can get into - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:11:00] - if a kid is stealing money from parents or other sources, the kid has problems other than what he's watching. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:11:00] - I gotta give my girlfriend a ride, and get some food.  BBL. -logan

[2001-03-26 19:11:00] - Pfffft, logan, that's idiotic. What if you're in the city, where there are blocks of porn theaters? And they're trying to do good business so they let everyone in? - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:10:00] - Not all parents need help.  The help should be provided voluntarily, not through government mandates, like the v-chip. -logan

[2001-03-26 19:10:00] - if it was adapted so that you could block specific programs, instead of "blocking all rated r content" i wouldn't have a problem with it.- mig

[2001-03-26 19:10:00] - logan, kids get money in other ways.  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:09:00] - You're being very vague about what these filters are. Filters can be good, or filters can be bad. - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:09:00] - parents need help.  if porn is on the tv, kids will watch it  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:08:00] - I don't see why restrictions are necessary.  Parents can choose to only give money to theaters that enforce the rating system they most prefer, for instance. -logan

[2001-03-26 19:08:00] - the problem i have it is once again another person's standards imposed on parents, so it's not really the parent's choice at all. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:07:00] - Well having no restrictions at all is not going to fix the problem - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:07:00] - It's a law in Australia, ISPs either have to provide filters themselves or make sure that their customers install filters on their computers. -logan

[2001-03-26 19:07:00] - computers can and are more easily regulated by parents  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:07:00] - v chip is evil. i do not support it in anyway. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:06:00] - Apparently, some parents don't want their kids watching Lady and the Tramp, either.  Government is not the solution here, as it doesn't allow any sort of diversity of opinion. -logan

[2001-03-26 19:06:00] - I haven't heard about this, logan - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:06:00] - wouldn't you?  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:06:00] - ....V-chip? - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:06:00] - if he/she sees that, i will be unhappy  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:06:00] - i find porn objectionable  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:05:00] - So aaron, what do you think of having ISPs implement filters based on content, like Australia? -logan

[2001-03-26 19:05:00] - and? so what if he sees something you find objectionable on tv? - mig

[2001-03-26 19:05:00] - Miguel, you don't seem to understand that some parents don't want their underage kids to watch porn, and that it's impossible for them to achieve this goal without help - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:05:00] - if you are not watching the kid 24 hours a day, he will watch whatever is on the tv.  ~a

[2001-03-26 19:04:00] - That's some good news from Arkansas. -logan

[2001-03-26 19:04:00] - "running away to be free" .... how impudent, how hateful! Grrrr - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:03:00] - well, that's the only way you can protect kids 100% of the time.  why are we so obsessed with that? - mig

[2001-03-26 19:03:00] - But come on! Lady And The Tramp II, scamp's adventure? And look at the quotes they give, for "impudence/hate".... - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:03:00] - You're mistaken if you think the parent has to shadow the kid like that. -logan

[2001-03-26 19:02:00] - Haha, I love the cap.  Their South Park review was great. -logan

[2001-03-26 19:01:00] - So you think it should be the parent's responsibility, to follow the kid around everywhere he goes, if the parent has objections to anything the child could possibly watch? - aaron

[2001-03-26 19:01:00] -

[2001-03-26 19:01:00] - What laws? -logan

[2001-03-26 19:01:00] - precisly adrian. - mig

[2001-03-26 19:01:00] - :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:59:00] - the theater needs to enforce laws.  you just think the laws are wrong?  ~a

[2001-03-26 18:59:00] - and as for my policy.  it's up to the individual parent to enforce their own rules.  you don't see the government crawl up to god when they can't enforce their own rules. - mig

[2001-03-26 18:59:00] - And generally, theater rules are, kids show IDs to get into R rated films. I thought this wasn't good enough? - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:58:00] - Aaron, the rules regarding the theater (should) come from the theater.  The theater employee should be enforcing theater rules, not parent rules. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:58:00] - is it my duty to enforce another parent's rules? no. - mig

[2001-03-26 18:58:00] - maybe not the liberal vote  ~a

[2001-03-26 18:58:00] - People who hate theaters are much more vocal than people who like them, having a %50 %50 split will kill your theater - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:57:00] - and my theater would gain the libretarian/liberal vote.  what's your point?

[2001-03-26 18:57:00] - your browsers fault!!!  :)  ~a

[2001-03-26 18:57:00] - So miguel, your policy about rules seems to be, don't enforce them, but rather just punish kids for breaking them - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:57:00] - As a theater, I care about money, not conservative votes. :P -logan

[2001-03-26 18:56:00] - That was interesting adrian... for a second, I had my blue border, but aaron's white links. Tiny synchronization issue. :P -logan

[2001-03-26 18:56:00] - once again, this is an issue of living "under the parents rules".  you're kid broke one of your rules?  you resolve it with the kid.  it's not my problem. - mi

[2001-03-26 18:56:00] - Well, your movie theater would definitely lose the conservative vote - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:55:00] - I'd tell them to do their own parenting. (this is assuming my employer has no policy regarding this) -logan

[2001-03-26 18:55:00] - "how the fuck am i supposed to know that?"

[2001-03-26 18:54:00] - How about if you're a cashier at a movie theater, and a parent is yelling at you because you let their 8-year old son into "The Sixth Day"? What do you tell the parent? - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:54:00] - That's good.  Now if we can get the media to stop making such a big deal out of school shootings, we'll be setting a good trend. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:54:00] - yeah.  that is what our (aaron and my) psyc teacher said.    ~a

[2001-03-26 18:53:00] - actually the surgeon general issued a report saying the violence in video games cause violence in life theory was full of shit. - mig

[2001-03-26 18:53:00] - The adolescents that are maturing sexually but have sexual information withheld from them. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:52:00] - and frankly, what kid gets interested in pornography?  - mig

[2001-03-26 18:52:00] - And there's the popular fallacy, exploited by politicians, that violent or sexual entertainment has any sort of causative contribution towards deviant behavior. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:51:00] - The existing system is pretty much voluntary, so I have to respect it, but there are a lot moves and pressure to make it mandatory.  Especially regarding video games. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:51:00] - So, if my 16 year old wants to watch a harmless rated R movie, I have to go with him?  That seems ridiculous. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:50:00] - let's put it this way.  you are a kid.  you live under your parents "rules."  if you break those rules, you're parents are the ones responsible for punishing/talking to you or whatever.  the government has no reason or no right to get involved. - mig

[2001-03-26 18:49:00] - I'd rather have a kid that comes to me with the movie and asks if it's good, and respects my decisions, rather than a kid that immediately sneaks behind my back whenever he can, and I think my style of parenting will encourage that. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:49:00] - They're just not allowed to rent it when they are alone - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:48:00] - Good for you, the current system doesn't stop you from showing your kids all the porn they want

[2001-03-26 18:48:00] - that's touchy, but i'd rather not draw the line, then draw it and have it constantly pushed back. - mig

[2001-03-26 18:48:00] - I think Miguel may have meant, drugs and contraceptives and such, maybe - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:48:00] - A lot of kids see their parents as people that just restrict what they do.  I'd rather raise my kids in such a way that they see me more as someone that helps them do what they want, with their long-term interests in mind. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:47:00] - some pornographic material are movies.  where do you draw the line?  ~a

[2001-03-26 18:47:00] - Well, sure, his friend's vcr and tv, problem solved - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:46:00] - I want to reserve my right to raise my children as I see fit. I expect to watch a few R rated movies with them. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:45:00] - Aaron, I think so. He also has to have access to a VCR and TV. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:44:00] - well, there are some stuff that kids shouldn't get their hands on.  but as far as i'm concerned, video games and movies shouldn't be one of them. -mig

[2001-03-26 18:44:00] - Oh okay. So if a 10-year old kid is able to bike by the video store after school, it's assumed that he is mature enough to not be offended by pornography or ultra-violence - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:44:00] - I'm definitely against anyone making it mandatory for stores to restrict what their customers can buy based on age. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:43:00] - By implementation, I mean the enforcement at the vendor level.  I'd rather stores not restrict what customers can buy based on age.  I respect their right to voluntarily choose to do that, though. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:43:00] - I didn't say you said that, miguel - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:42:00] - i didn't say that, aaron. - mig

[2001-03-26 18:42:00] - I took that to mean that the Parents had to tell the ESRB that it was okay, for them to rate games or something - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:41:00] - "i'm against rating systems that are implemented by anyone without the parents express request"....? - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:41:00] - aaron, no one here is against voluntary ratings.  I am just against forcing people to rate their products, and I am against forcing vendors to enforce ratings. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:40:00] - Well duh, but that's what childhood is for in the first place. At one point in their lives, children are young enough that they only have a vague idea of what is wrong and right - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:40:00] - And sometimes you do watch kids 24 hour a day... I know this from experience with a 2 year old cousin. :P -logan

[2001-03-26 18:40:00] - i'm not saying ratings system shouldn't exists. like i said, they should be used as a guideline, but should not really be enforced. - mig

[2001-03-26 18:40:00] - Adrian, as the kid gets older, you watch them less because they become more responsible. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:39:00] - I didn't saythe kid was alone, the parent could be there - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:39:00] - What if you're just walking around in a video store, the box has no ratings or anything, and nobody has seen it (perhaps a less popular anime than akira) - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:39:00] - what is the kid doing at the video store by himself in the first place? - mig

[2001-03-26 18:39:00] - No.  The only parents that have to agree with me are the ones that interact with me.  I think you suffer an extreme misunderstanding of how simple capitalism works. :P -logan

[2001-03-26 18:38:00] - no parent can watch a kid 24 hours a day.  you won't see that until you are parents.  ~a

[2001-03-26 18:38:00] - It depends on the circumstances, logan - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:38:00] - The parent can get an idea, if they wish. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:38:00] - Well yeah, so your system works great if every parent in the world agrees with you. Good for your system - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:37:00] - No.  The day care center should only do that if it fears offending its customers.  Those paranoid stupid parents can find their own special day care center. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:37:00] - Wow, okay. What about the kid who wants to rent Akira, and the parent has no idea whatsoever what is in the film? - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:36:00] - if a rating system is used to be a guide, i have no problem, in fact, i would support it,but if it's like the moive system(you can not watch R unless you are 17), then i have problems with it. -mig

[2001-03-26 18:36:00] - I'm against rating systems that are implemented by anyone without the parents express request. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:36:00] - So the day cares should warn parents before they show any movie, and the parents should watch any movie that is going to be shown? - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:35:00] - grrr . . . can't read any of the links.  i'll fix.  ~a

[2001-03-26 18:35:00] - I love a good censorship argument, but I gotta go to class. Keep up the fight for freedom Miguel and Logan, later everyone! -paul

[2001-03-26 18:35:00] - Then those parents shouldn't leave their kids at that day care center.  It seems absolutely clear to me. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:34:00] - So are you against rating systems in general, or just rating systems which decide directly what people can watch, or what? - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:34:00] - well, if the parent has unreasonable strict standards, then it's impossible to enforce them. - mig

[2001-03-26 18:34:00] - If you restrict your children less, you give them the opportunity to develop their own ability to restrict themselves. I think the optimal level is fairly low (e.g., consisting of protecting from physical harm). -logan

[2001-03-26 18:33:00] - i remember reading about canada making a law require all video game retailers to obtain a special licesnse to sell "M-rated" games.  how's that for censorship. - mig

[2001-03-26 18:33:00] - This seems obvious, but wouldn't you think that maybe some day care centers would think that, say, Return Of The Jedi for instance was OK to watch, when the parents wouldn't? - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:32:00] - well, they go hand in hand in some instances. - mig

[2001-03-26 18:31:00] - What are kids doing watching tv every minute of their lives, anyway?  Kids should be playing outside, or learning things.  Those are my fondest memories of childhood. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:31:00] - Oh, we're talking about video games now? I thought we were discussing TV, video games are entirely different -paul

[2001-03-26 18:31:00] - i have no problem about ratings system.  i have problems when they start making laws around the rating system. - mig

[2001-03-26 18:31:00] - My parents never made any broad restrictions.  They knew I was intelligent enough to choose for myself what to watch. They worried more about me not staying up all night than what I watched. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:30:00] - the case is not that kids are watching stuff because their parents can't stop them, it's becase they're either incompetent or don't care enough. - mig

[2001-03-26 18:30:00] - I don't know, Paul, but they have done a pretty good job so far, based on the ratings of most video games I see. - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:30:00] - That's why parents take a minute out of their busy lives to check into day care centers before leaving there kids there to make sure it meets with their approval -paul

[2001-03-26 18:29:00] - You choose your day care center based on how it corresponds to how you want your children cared for, obviously enough.  -logan

[2001-03-26 18:29:00] - Well yeah, my mom was pretty good too, she just said nothing above PG, with a few smart exceptions - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:29:00] - I know you're not making this up, I want to know how you can justify having a couple of random people decide what shows are "suitable" -paul

[2001-03-26 18:29:00] - Should they list every single show which they think their kids can watch, and every single show they think is not OK? That's a lot to keep track of - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:29:00] - my mom was pretty good at it. - mig

[2001-03-26 18:29:00] - I don't see why parents have to control what their kids watch, but you have to question, why are their kids watching tv in the first place? -logan

[2001-03-26 18:28:00] - What about parents who leave their kids in day care centers, or trust other parents with their children overnight, and such? - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:28:00] - Should the government have then used that as an excuse to censor Martin Luther King Junior and other civil rights leaders? -paul

[2001-03-26 18:28:00] - There was an interesting period of time when the vast majority of the people in the south felt that the notion that African Americans were equal to whites. -paul

[2001-03-26 18:28:00] - It's probably something like <a href="">The ESRB</a>

[2001-03-26 18:27:00] - No, it's not very difficult for parents to control what their kids watch.  In fact, it's very easy. -logan

[2001-03-26 18:27:00] - I really don't know, Paul. I'm not making this up, it's not like this is some theoretical board of people. Look it up yourself, lazy. - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:26:00] - No physical harm, you mean? - aaron

[2001-03-26 18:26:00] - I want to know who is on this board and what qualifications they have to decide what I can and cannot watch -paul

[2001-03-26 18:26:00] - no one has the right to block somehting simply because people are offended by it. - mig

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