here are old message board entries

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[2001-03-27 21:37:00] - Really? What kind of list-serv is it? -paul

[2001-03-27 21:37:00] - the school has tons of money allocated to clubs and you can get a whole lot more if you can provide an alternative to alcohol on the weekends.  -  aba

[2001-03-27 21:36:00] - That's sad, can't even get 10 freethinkers? -- Xpovos

[2001-03-27 21:36:00] - yeah, i know, but we have a listserve with about 50 people on it, so we can fudge the numbers a little.  ;)  -  aba

[2001-03-27 21:36:00] - I think it's very easy to start a club.  And with a little more effort, you can get the school to give you money. :P -logan

[2001-03-27 21:35:00] - You guys sure didn't have ten people there, and the objectivists didn't either -paul

[2001-03-27 21:35:00] - Yeah, he didn't seem to like the definition :-) -paul

[2001-03-27 21:34:00] - i think it's like 10 people or something.  -  aba

[2001-03-27 21:34:00] - you have to have a certain number of active members, but it's actually not that hard.  want to start a club?  -  aba

[2001-03-27 21:34:00] - I mean, Miguel and I could start a Libertarian club then -paul

[2001-03-27 21:33:00] - well, he did get to read the "definition" that we had for freethinker which kind of said that it was primarily for religion.  -  aba

[2001-03-27 21:33:00] - Does anyone know how to start up a club? Because it seems to me that all it takes is two people to get a room :-) -paul

[2001-03-27 21:33:00] - Ok, for a second I thought it might be something interesting, but I've had enough small social group politics to last me a life-time.  I'll stick to the big stuff. -- Xpovos

[2001-03-27 21:32:00] - I think he was under the impression it was a blanket club for people who think with their head instead of emotion, he probably didn't know it was primarily for religion -paul

[2001-03-27 21:32:00] - the club is just getting started back up since most of the people who used to belong to it graduated or stopped going.  -  aba

[2001-03-27 21:32:00] - Nope, it was mostly a bunch of people trying to figure out what to do :-) -paul

[2001-03-27 21:31:00] - i think he had some good ideas, but they really didn't gel with the original purpose of the club.  i dunno.  it was supposed to be about religion and philosophy, not politics.  -  aba

[2001-03-27 21:31:00] - The West Virginia guy? Yeah, he was kind of blunt but he raised interesting points -paul

[2001-03-27 21:31:00] - No debates, paul? -- Xpovos

[2001-03-27 21:31:00] - What happened, josh? -logan

[2001-03-27 21:30:00] - I thought it was interesting.... but kind of boring, we didn't really do anything. -paul

[2001-03-27 21:30:00] - yeah.  i have to admit he did have some good ideas though. - mig

[2001-03-27 21:29:00] - i thought that new guy was weird.  he kept his mouth shut the entire time, until we had planned something and then kind of accused us of having childish ideas.  -  aba

[2001-03-27 21:29:00] - I have no bar. -- Xpovos

[2001-03-27 21:28:00] - ugh.  damn library computers.  i hate these things.  -  aba

[2001-03-27 21:28:00] - i liked it. - mig

[2001-03-27 21:28:00] - hey josh, paul and miguel, what did you guys think of th freatvt stuff?  -  aba

[2001-03-27 21:28:00] - yeah, such a shame that inane discussions get you a big bar up top.  :\

[2001-03-27 21:27:00] - Think of our poor family reunions, now you know why avoid my mother's side of the family. :) -- Xpovos

[2001-03-27 21:25:00] - God you two have the most inane discussions :-) -paul

[2001-03-27 21:24:00] - Actually here's a link for you decent game - nemo

[2001-03-27 21:24:00] - Just as well I see no need to talk about it then. :-D -- Xpovos

[2001-03-27 21:23:00] - the message board is usually reserved for discussions and link exchanges.  if you want to chat about how your day was, then you should take it to aim.  -  aba

[2001-03-27 21:21:00] - *shrugs* Okay. - nemo

[2001-03-27 21:19:00] - I see no need to talk about my personal life on the message board -- Xpovos

[2001-03-27 21:19:00] - Now who the hello is the prick who won't sign and make homosexual insults?  - nemo

[2001-03-27 21:16:00] - so gay person, how was your day?

[2001-03-27 21:16:00] - cows

[2001-03-27 21:12:00] - So Andrew, how was your day? - nemo

[2001-03-27 21:12:00] - Hmmm what would explain why... no one appears to be talking - nemo

[2001-03-27 21:12:00] - Yeah, except for the occassional verbal brawl this place is pretty tame. -- Xpovos

[2001-03-27 21:08:00] - I must say I am a fan of qwerty - nemo

[2001-03-27 21:07:00] - Mother of god, I'm still on the bar? - nemo

[2001-03-27 21:06:00] - vocal?  about what? - mig

[2001-03-27 20:55:00] - freethinkers? -- Xpovos

[2001-03-27 20:49:00] - it's a good thing i left that meeting before i got really vocal ;-) -jdb

[2001-03-27 19:19:00] - Whew, just did my first phone interview. -logan

[2001-03-27 18:10:00] - fucking internet connection. -mig

[2001-03-27 17:22:00] - -- About damn time California got it's act together. -- Xpovos

[2001-03-27 17:22:00] - -- a huge gain for equality for all. -- Xpovos

[2001-03-27 16:55:00] -

[2001-03-27 16:55:00] - logan needs this for sprite -jdb

[2001-03-27 16:52:00] - er jdb:)

[2001-03-27 16:52:00] - -kdb

[2001-03-27 16:14:00] - Heh, for the longest time my keyboard had the keys in the dvorak layout (though I was still using the us layout).  Too frustrating to adapt to dvorak, and vi isn't very nice with it without major changes. -logan

[2001-03-27 16:10:00] - How does a rat head accidentally get stuck in a hamburger? -paul

[2001-03-27 16:09:00] - at least ever since the subway opened up near my house. - mig

[2001-03-27 16:09:00] - ewww.  glad i haven't eaten their in about a year or 2. - mig

[2001-03-27 16:07:00] - Mmmmmmm..... rat head -paul

[2001-03-27 16:01:00] -    another reason why no one should eat at mcdonalds  ;)  -  aba

[2001-03-27 15:41:00] - Which would be worse for me since I sign by using the "-" key -paul

[2001-03-27 15:34:00] - @@@/pics/backgrounds/dvorak2.gif  ~a

[2001-03-27 15:33:00] - nope.  since it isn't in the home position, it is just another fairly commonly used special char:  "-"  and "_"  ~a

[2001-03-27 15:31:00] - Yeah, on dvorak, the enter key is surrounded by other enter keys - aaron

[2001-03-27 15:31:00] - I'm sure they aren't. But I'm equally sure there is another, more used key that is next to the enter button. Am I right? -paul

[2001-03-27 15:30:00] - they aren't near on dvorak!  :-P  ~a

[2001-03-27 15:27:00] - Damn quote key and it's nearness to the enter key -paul

[2001-03-27 15:27:00] - And congratulations logan, sounds like quite an accomplishment :-) -paul'

[2001-03-27 15:26:00] - I would go hiking but I got an OO program due that day so unless I finish it until then... -paul

[2001-03-27 15:25:00] - Why are you posting the filename?

[2001-03-27 15:22:00] - E:\music\!other\marcy playground-sex and candy.mp3

[2001-03-27 15:05:00] - marcy playground

[2001-03-27 14:39:00] - i'm going to go -jdb

[2001-03-27 14:13:00] - More blatent self-promotion: -logan

[2001-03-27 13:54:00] -  there's a nice easy cheap 3 mile hike this friday, if anyone is interested in going.  im or email me.  -  aba

[2001-03-27 12:33:00] - I would love to continue to debate this, but I gotta go. Sorry :-( -paul

[2001-03-27 12:30:00] - And I don't know if it's necessarily true that that majority of people in the world are liberal, I'm sure people in socialist countires don't know an alternative exists and remember, half the people in the US don't even bother voting -paul

[2001-03-27 12:29:00] - Nearly all of Europe is left-leaning to the point of socialism, Asia is pretty close to the same way. I don't know about African nations but South America is also very left-leaning -paul

[2001-03-27 12:27:00] - I don't think that's true at all, that majority of the governments in the world are left-leaning. Look at Europe and Asia -paul

[2001-03-27 12:25:00] - i would disagree that the world (as a set of governments) is left-learning. perhaps, the world (as a set of people) is. -jdb

[2001-03-27 12:16:00] - Of course, I suppose you could rally the troops over the fact that the republicans are in control of all branches of federal government currently :-) -paul

[2001-03-27 12:14:00] - So I imagine it's hard to excite the troops over the prospect of "Let's get out there and keep the world exactly as it is!" :-) -paul

[2001-03-27 12:13:00] - And you have to admit that the world is more left-leaning then anything else -paul

[2001-03-27 12:13:00] - It was half joking about how I think the world is already too liberal -paul

[2001-03-27 12:12:00] - D'oh! -paul

[2001-03-27 12:12:00] - paul: so what didn't make sense about my comment? ("yours didn't make sense") how is the world way liberal as it is? -jdb

[2001-03-27 12:12:00] - *Pounding ground with balled fists* But I'm not a conservative, I'm not! I'm not! -pau

[2001-03-27 12:12:00] - (that time, it was directed towards you, hehe)

[2001-03-27 12:11:00] - that conservatism comment wasn't really directed to you, but to the world in general -- so don't have a hissy fit, you conservative! :-P -jdb

[2001-03-27 12:03:00] - And for the umpteenth time, I am not a conservative >:o -paul

[2001-03-27 12:00:00] - Yours doesn't make sense, what kind of change is there left for liberals to make in the world? It's already way liberal as it is :-) -paul

[2001-03-27 12:00:00] - I'm of the mindset that a college campus should be libertarian, pissed off and excited to change the world -paul

[2001-03-27 11:59:00] - Adrian, you mispelled "complaints" in your second response email thing -paul

[2001-03-27 11:59:00] - "challenge old ideas" and conservatism in general are not that compatible. ;-) i'm of the mindset that a college campus should be liberal, pissed off and excited to change the world. :-) -jdb

[2001-03-27 11:58:00] - So while I agree that it's their right to choose what is published and what is not, that doesn not mean I have to agree with their decision -paul

[2001-03-27 11:57:00] - It's like college is the place to learn new things and challenge old ideas but how are we suppose to do that when presented with only one point of view (or the same old ideas) -paul

[2001-03-27 11:57:00] - probably so. -jdb

[2001-03-27 11:56:00] - Agreed, but I'll bet that if Jesse Jackson wanted to take out a similar ad saying why reparations were a good idea, it would have a much better chance to get displayed in the collegiate Times -paul

[2001-03-27 11:47:00] - <-- checkout the animations -jdb

[2001-03-27 11:36:00] -

[2001-03-27 11:34:00] - er that first part should be speech

[2001-03-27 11:34:00] - i think the idea of equating newspapers and freedom of press is somewhat silly. the whole point of having "freedom of press" is the freedom of what to print (press), not what to write (that's freedom of speech). -jdb

[2001-03-27 11:29:00] - Lunch at Owens at 12:45 with Ping Pong afterwards -paul

[2001-03-27 11:21:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-27 11:20:00] - Oh, of course. It's their right to put whatever they want in it. I just wish they hadn't is all -paul

[2001-03-27 11:17:00] - well, should a newspaper be able to exercise editorial control? they refuse to run editorials *all* the time (space constraints). -jdb

[2001-03-27 11:16:00] - Damn collegiate times. I guess I should've expected as much -paul

[2001-03-27 11:16:00] - nope, apparently they refused. -jdb

[2001-03-27 11:14:00] - Was the ad run in the collegiate times? -paul

[2001-03-27 11:12:00] - the topic is about freedom of press, focused on horowitz's ad on why reparations (sp?) are a bad thing. -jdb

[2001-03-27 11:11:00] - I can't believe I am still on the bar... -paul

[2001-03-27 11:08:00] - it features Collegiate Times editor; starts about 37 minutes into it. -jdb

[2001-03-27 11:07:00] - checkout the Saturday, March 24 episode of C-SPAN's Washington Journal -jdb

[2001-03-27 03:20:00] - once again, i totally miss the discussion. i need to stop doing my homework from 11pm to 1am or something - vinnie

[2001-03-27 03:02:00] - I think it's funny that through no intention of his/her own, nemo added "turing" to the dictionary, which seems like the type of word which one of us would use randomly while talking about an unrelated subject - boing

[2001-03-27 00:42:00] - Well folks I gotta hit the hay... I'm tired and my mind is turing to butter.  Nactus pacem - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:39:00] - exactly... so you can't compare the two.    and it doesn't figure into the quality of a high school public or private. - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:35:00] - and you also have somewhat of a choice on where you go to college, or the choice not to go at all. - mig

[2001-03-27 00:35:00] - And mig that it is much more elite... you can't leave out that factor.  And the fact that you want to be there... and the fact that you are working in a specific area... - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:34:00] - That was me - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:34:00] - I'm wondering who isn't signing.. cause in many ways I agree with them.

[2001-03-27 00:33:00] - well josh, the difference between this and public high schools is that we actually pay money to go here. - mig

[2001-03-27 00:33:00] - children aren't equiped to decide what they want.  That skill doesn't come till around age 11 at the earliest usually much later.  (Piaget) - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:32:00] - It is like a starving man complaining because you didn't give him butter for his bread. - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:31:00] - I need to go to bed.  It's been an interesting discussion.  Good night. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:31:00] - I think children are equipped to determine on their own what they need to know, as they need it.  The most important capability, I think, is that of being able to learn something new on their own. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:29:00] - They can logan.  That is why they are let to play with fire engines and such.  But even if they become a fire fighter they still need to learn basic math, basic science etc. - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:29:00] - I agree Josh, it's a conundrum I have to deal with on a daily basis. :P Although you have to admit that higher education is vastly different from elementary/high schools. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:29:00] - i still wanna be an astronaut

[2001-03-27 00:28:00] - i find all of this anti public school talk funny, especially considering most of us (maybe all) are at public institutions :) -jdb

[2001-03-27 00:28:00] - I've posted it before, but it's relevant here: -logan

[2001-03-27 00:28:00] - And why should children not be allowed to pursue their dream of firefighter or astronaut, until they come up with another idea? -logan

[2001-03-27 00:26:00] - at a young age you have no idea what career you are going to end up in.  ask most children and you will get firefighter or astronaut.  public schooling fills it's role very well.  It isn't perfect.  I'd love to see more tech schools - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:26:00] - Better way #1: Private school. :P -logan

[2001-03-27 00:25:00] - You seem to think that public schools are the only institution that can provide this.  I say sell them all to private entities. :P -logan

[2001-03-27 00:24:00] - No Mig I mean the ability to communicate and interact.  It is more then just cliche's  Read up on child psychology.  And while you may say there are better ways logan I challenge you to list one. - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:24:00] - I'd rather choose for myself what I learn. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:23:00] - high school teachers are specialized.  Or to take another rate, what type of music experience can tone deaf parents give a son who may be the next beethoven. - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:23:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-27 00:23:00] - I can think of better ways to build social skills than public schooling. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:22:00] - social skills?  you mean the popularity contests and the cliche groups.  please. - mig

[2001-03-27 00:22:00] - Slice it however you want.  Public schooling also has limits.  It is good for primary ages.  Basic math reading etc.  But after that, how much does your father know about chemistry?  What about the Kreb cycle? That is why secondary and... - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:21:00] - i've seen several 20somes...... try #vtlug

[2001-03-27 00:21:00] - Logan it has been tested in studies and it also addressed in many texts.  Public schooling also exists to help build social skills in children.  You don't get those sitting at home with your parents. I've seen a 16 with 8 year old social skills- nemo

[2001-03-27 00:17:00] - The point is, my parents are uneducated.  My dad is the only one that finished high school.  They both worked, so they had little time to teach me.  Yet they did far more than school ever did. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:17:00] - Also logan, I've known home taught kids who have come to school but had no physical or social skills.  It is one of the pitfalls in our nations and the worlds obsession with book smarts. - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:17:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-27 00:16:00] - i don't think just any private school is the answer.  I think either home schooling, or something akin to the sudbury model. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:16:00] - Mig... unless you read about 1000's of high schools you are looking at a small section and judging the whole.  It would be like me judging the safety of cars by the 10,000 that crash every year and not looking at the 100,000's that don't - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:15:00] - well, of course its going to be different when its just you and your parents

[2001-03-27 00:14:00] - I'm not trying to make myself out as a genius.  There was just a very marked difference between how education occurred at home, and how it occurred at school. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:14:00] - I know a lot of people who love to complain about high school.  But I tend to notice that most of the people who complain are doing okay in life and just like to complain about anything.  If they had gone to a private school they would complain - nem

[2001-03-27 00:13:00] - i also have a few friends stories from their own problems with public schools. - mg

[2001-03-27 00:13:00] - i never thought my school system was abnormal... and there was always something i could find to challenge me (of course, i'm not as smart as, say, logan)

[2001-03-27 00:13:00] - nemo, that was in first grade, and even then I was ahead of other students, because of the education I had at home. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:13:00] - But look at Radford High School as a prime example of the travesty that public education can become, at the very least. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:12:00] - i've actually read about what does go on in other public schools (it perked my interest after Columbine), and well, i've formed my opinion based on that. - mig

[2001-03-27 00:12:00] - Not many.  I don't keep track of anyone from my high school. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:12:00] - what?  i thought mine fostered my individuality, and intelligence, at least

[2001-03-27 00:12:00] - for praise. - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:11:00] - Okay logan.  Here is why you get in trouble.  If you know the answer don't always raise your hand.  Good that you've got it.  Let other students try to get it.  It is common and it isn't because you are so smart.  It is because you are looking - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:11:00] - A public school has little to no incentive to foster individuality, intelligence, or diversity. And the trend is that they don't. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:11:00] - logan, how many of them were in your hs?

[2001-03-27 00:10:00] - nemo, I know of others that had bad experiences.  I can identify what fundamentally caused my bad experiences, and theirs as well. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:09:00] - that's how many were in mine.  20-30 students each class, if not more. - mig

[2001-03-27 00:09:00] - I saw a lot of kids beat physically, while the violence was mostly ignored. I see a lot of people hating intelligence and hating to learn, because of their conditioning. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:09:00] - Logan you seem to think that because you had a bad experience that thousands of others had one too.  It is egocentric transferance just read about that a week or two ago - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:08:00] - and i couldn't name anyone that i think it did cause harm.  i think if you really wanted to get ahead, you found a way to do it.

[2001-03-27 00:08:00] - My parents told me that when I was in the first grade, I got in trouble for answering questions too much.  That's what public school is like for the vast majority of intelligent children that do not have rich parents. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:08:00] - You see mig... that is the mentality.  Everyone says mine aren't too bad, but others are worse.  How do you know?  Also, have you ever tried to teach a class with 25 students?  It is hard enough teaching a class of 15 trust me I know - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:08:00] - i don't think my school caused *me* any irreperable harm......

[2001-03-27 00:07:00] - I realize that there may exist a few good public schools.  But who gets to go to them?  Why are we paying for all these terrible ones that cause so much irreperable harm to children? -logan

[2001-03-27 00:07:00] - as many areas. I know a LOT about these types of schools I have been to more board of education meetings and I've had a parent serve on the board. - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:07:00] - I was even held back from taking the AB Computer Science Exam, which I would have aced, and the school had no right to do that at all. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:06:00] - I looked into skipping a lot of classes.  I was held back.  A few other students weren't.  I don't know why.  I was just as smart as they were, and had grades as good. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:06:00] - i don't think mine in particular was bad, but i know the reality is that the great majority of them are. - mig

[2001-03-27 00:06:00] - Magnet schools run into two problems.  One over participation.  Part of a magnet school is smaller classes and they can't hold the level of students a public school can.  Also they cost more and since they are more specialized you don't get to - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:05:00] - logan needs to realize that not all public schools are bad.

[2001-03-27 00:04:00] - The primary agenda of most public schools is not to foster learning, individuality, diversity, or anything at all other than complacency.  The vast majority of public schools exist solely to babysit. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:04:00] - Did you ever look into skipping a grade Logan?  If you were so bored?  When I got bored in classes I would simply ask questions or ask the teachers for readings etc.  I kept myself busy.  I didn't wait for them to feed it to me.  - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:03:00] - It took me three years of college to recover. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:03:00] - wrong.  my school actually gave a fuck about the students. - mig

[2001-03-27 00:03:00] - I was constantly held back by my teachers and school administration.  I could've spent the 8 hours I spent daily in school trying to sleep in tiny desks sleeping in my bed at home instead (or reading books, or surfing the web, etc.). -logan

[2001-03-27 00:02:00] - And I would have to say that if going to a public school kept you from college it would be your own fault. Not your teachers. - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:01:00] - of your higher intelligence.  And actually 30 years ago algebra wasnt' TOUCHED till high school - nemo

[2001-03-27 00:00:00] - i have to agree with logan.  if i didn't go to a magnet school, i would not be at college rigth now, at least probably not here. - mig

[2001-03-27 00:00:00] - And I understood everything in class, because I was constantly ahead.  It offered nothing for me, other than tedium and monotony. -logan

[2001-03-27 00:00:00] - Paul many highschool kids don't do algebra.  You have to understand that since you are required to go to school till 16 (in many states) sometimes people don't take high math then basic.  The fact that you could do algebra at that age speaks.. - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:59:00] - Despite the fact that I know I will be kicked off the bar, I'm afraid I have to take my leave of you now. I require sleep. Bye all -paul

[2001-03-26 23:59:00] - public education almost destroyed my intelligence. -logan

[2001-03-26 23:58:00] - My education in a public school was Far better then my private school if in no other way then that I felt I actually understood the material.  Some of the best teachers I ever had were in public. - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:57:00] - I'm not terribly intelligent, and they had an entire four years of extra education on me. I was doing algebra when I took it -paul

[2001-03-26 23:55:00] - GPA has nothing to do with anything, it's such an arbitrary measure that it holds no meaning to me -paul

[2001-03-26 23:55:00] - They have a better graduating percentage because they are paying to be there... you can't accurately compare the two. and have you ever seen a school budget? - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:55:00] - My point is that public education and government stifle private education.  Perhaps the best education you're going to get is at home. -logan

[2001-03-26 23:55:00] - by they i mean private schools . - mig

[2001-03-26 23:54:00] - Paul it isn't sad when you look at two things.  One you are obviously pretty smart.  Two they average includes all the dumb people who are in school because they are required by law to be there - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:54:00] - they also have a better graduating percentage, which i think is more important. - mig

[2001-03-26 23:54:00] - -logan

[2001-03-26 23:53:00] - logan I want you to take a one to one analysis of private to public.  Sure a private schools graduating class may have all 1300's or better with 3.0 or better GPa's but there are only 100 or 50 of them.  Take that number out of a public school -nemo

[2001-03-26 23:53:00] - i blame public education for killing my interest in reading. - mig

[2001-03-26 23:52:00] - ss. - mig

[2001-03-26 23:52:00] - i honestly could have gone through school not going to class ever.  all the material i ever had was put into 3 categores:  1)  Stuff that i knew already 2) Stuff that was easy enough that i could teach it to myself 3)  Stuff that was completely usele

[2001-03-26 23:52:00] - I took the SATs in eighth grade and I was told my score was higher then the average score for public high school students, that is sad -paul

[2001-03-26 23:52:00] - I did decently on the SAT, though I didn't try very hard, and I owe none of that to public education.  -logan

[2001-03-26 23:51:00] - Well No Duh whoever posted that... you try running a building for a year.  Teachers salaries are a SMALL chunk of the money.  Most of it goes to supplies, heating, electricity, maintainance, do you realize how much overhead means? - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:51:00] - If you pay sales tax, that goes to the State, which even if it doesn't go towards public education, it frees up more money for them to spend on it from other sources -paul

[2001-03-26 23:51:00] - That smart people come out of public education is just a matter of survival. Just like occasionally some people survive car accidents.  Doesn't mean they aren't deadly. -logan

[2001-03-26 23:50:00] - My sats were a 1390, my sisters were a 1460, several of my friends were in the 1300 to 1500 range, all with public education. - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:50:00] - good for your gf.  what about everyone else? - mig

[2001-03-26 23:49:00] - "Two out of every five public school dollars are spent on bureaucracy and overhead, rather than on classroom instruction." -- School Reform News January 2001

[2001-03-26 23:49:00] - No paul... very little federal funding goes to education.  Mostly it is state taxes.  And most of the money the state gets is from property tax, not income or sale tax. - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:48:00] - Public education doesn't suck.  It lacks in one on one teaching because they get more students.  You want citations?  My GF a 1500 sat and perfects on some SAT2's Public education - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:48:00] - Everyone who pays taxes pays for public education, and the reason they are using vouchers is so that they can turn private schools into public schools -paul

[2001-03-26 23:47:00] - And you can't afford private schools, because you're paying taxes to support the public ones, where kids are chained to a desk all day and told to shut up and do as they are told. -logan

[2001-03-26 23:47:00] - and we suck because we teach our students how to take the test rather than teach them something useful. - mig.

[2001-03-26 23:46:00] - Most tax districts actually have vouchers you can recieve to send your student to a private school.  Many more are implementing them. And you logan don't pay a cent for education, unless you own property. - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:46:00] - The statistics aren't from among those in secondary schools, there among the whole spectrum of adults. Americans are stupid because we have stupid "education." -logan

[2001-03-26 23:46:00] - Public education sucks so badly compared to an equally funded private school -paul

[2001-03-26 23:45:00] - My public school made us spend a lot of time practicing and taking standardized tests, just so the school could look good.  It was so tedious. -logan

[2001-03-26 23:45:00] - Americans score low because the way education is run elsewhere... In Japan only the top 10% get to go on to secondary school.  Take the top 10% of our students and you are on par if not ahead of many nations - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:44:00] - nemo, there are few good private schools, because they can't compete with government subsidized schools.  And we have no money to spend on private education, because we're already paying for everyone else's public education. -logan

[2001-03-26 23:44:00] - I went to a CT public school.  And there are a lot of tiny little catches and rules they can use.  And if nothing else they always have the right to act on their judgement.  There may not be a rule that says no dead animals in class... - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:44:00] - Americans score so low on standardized tests compared to the rest of the world, all thanks to our wonderful public schools -paul

[2001-03-26 23:43:00] - Currently our money goes to the government, which then slowly filters it to the schools.  Why not spend our money directly on the school our child goes to, without going through all this inefficient taxation? -logan

[2001-03-26 23:43:00] - and explain why all the democrats and republicans are in power? - mig

[2001-03-26 23:42:00] - That is a crock logan.  I've gone to public instituations and private.  My private school had no arts and no music.  If I had not switched I wouldn't be where I am today. - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:42:00] - what schools do you go to?  down here in Fairfax County we don't have dumb codes like that. - mig

[2001-03-26 23:42:00] - And nemo, our country is, compared to most other first world countries, pretty stupid (literacy rate, math skills, etc.), from what I've heard. -logan

[2001-03-26 23:41:00] - i agree that public education should be avaiable, but i don't like the state it is now, because i do agree with logan, it tries to indoctrine kids into complacent and non-thinking citizens. - mig

[2001-03-26 23:41:00] - Do you consider yourself a non thinking citizen logan.  People always say how schools brainwash people.  They why do so many people say it? If they were going to brainwash I'm sure they'd do a better job then that. - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:41:00] - "Free" public education could be provided more cheaply and more efficiently through private means.  It would also allow diversity of knowledge. -logan

[2001-03-26 23:40:00] - Actually I think you would be suprised if you actually READ most dress codes... few schools allow tshirts, sandles and other common items in the dress code.  Overall they are lax to a point. - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:39:00] - Free public education is one of the things that makes this nation what it is.  Most other places it hard to get into upper levels of education. - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:38:00] - Well, yes, the whole idea of public education is to indoctrinate young people to turn them into upright, complacent, non-thinking little citizens. -logan

[2001-03-26 23:36:00] - Brainwash them at an early age, best way to do it :-) -paul

[2001-03-26 23:35:00] - I have a thing against the government deciding what my kids should and should not know, and at the same time expecting me to pay for their indoctrination (as well as everyone else's). -logan

[2001-03-26 23:35:00] - and in the cases i've seen it's stuff that's entirely the students computer and webpage, so they can't use that argument. - mig

[2001-03-26 23:34:00] - "bands you don't like" are not prohibited in the dress code. - mig

[2001-03-26 23:32:00] - If it is in the dress code it is in the dress code.  I'm personally in favor of a stricter dress code in more schools... I think overall it is a plus not a minus - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:32:00] - Public schools should be abolished. -logan

[2001-03-26 23:32:00] - It's not like their helping matter either, since students have to be let back in eventually to public schools -paul

[2001-03-26 23:31:00] - If they are libel or slander then yes I can see it... a kids actions outside of school can affect his standing, and if he used the school computer in anyway to access and or update the sever sure - nemo

[2001-03-26 23:31:00] - the list goes on and on. - mig

[2001-03-26 23:31:00] - or for deciding that the word "korn" implies obscenity and therefore suspending a student wearing a korn t-shirt - mig

[2001-03-26 23:30:00] - and suspsending students for saying things on a students personal page on his own server. - mig

[2001-03-26 23:28:00] - I mean, kicking students out for playing cops and robbers? What the heck is that? -paul

[2001-03-26 23:27:00] - I have to agree with Miguel here, school administrators seem to be having a contest to see who can kick out students for the stupidest reason -paul

[2001-03-26 23:27:00] - i respect teachers and administrators who respect students, i don't respect administrators or teacher who do not respect students. - mig

[2001-03-26 23:24:00] - If not more hours a year then other jobs. And usually for less pay - nemo

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