here are old message board entries

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[2001-04-06 01:25:00] - The evangelion engel music video is more then good -paul

[2001-04-06 01:23:00] - engel is more than good!  ;)  -  aba

[2001-04-06 01:20:00] -

[2001-04-06 01:20:00] - Engel is good -paul

[2001-04-06 01:19:00] - they're just such a wholesome band.  -  aba

[2001-04-06 01:19:00] - everybody loves rammstein.  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-06 01:14:00] - Rammstein

[2001-04-06 01:11:00] - bestrafe mich

[2001-04-06 00:51:00] - Cardigans - Lovefool

[2001-04-06 00:49:00] - love me love me say that you love me

[2001-04-06 00:10:00] - jdb: ask me again if i don't mention it.. i'll try and read those pages tomorrow afternoon -kris

[2001-04-06 00:03:00] -  ~a

[2001-04-06 00:02:00] - nobody ever said giggles??? -kris

[2001-04-06 00:02:00] - I see nothing wrong with voluntary female nudity, but I know there are people out there who would probably disagree :-) -paul

[2001-04-06 00:01:00] - oh my gosh, josh *giggles at the rhyme* i can't read all that i'm writing a paper -kris

[2001-04-06 00:01:00] - and i've even got a little of the being submissive to your husband idea in me too.  well. not a lot.  i think it conflicts with my idea that the husband should always spoil his wife. -kris

[2001-04-06 00:00:00] - kris: see these pages --> , -jdb

[2001-04-06 00:00:00] - i'm a fairly non-feminist person.  i'd be all about settling down and keeping house and raising babies -kris

[2001-04-05 23:58:00] - jdb: uhm. what are they? :)  -kris

[2001-04-05 23:57:00] - d'oh, as = ask -paul

[2001-04-05 23:56:00] - Don't as me, I'm not a feminist :-) -paul

[2001-04-05 23:55:00] - paul: nudity is demeaning? how? -jdb

[2001-04-05 23:55:00] - if(mbt[block]->getflags()&Fchanged) copytime+=200;

[2001-04-05 23:48:00] - kris: so how do you feel about transhumanism... or even more specifically, extropian thinking? -jdb

[2001-04-05 23:47:00] - Topless women are demeaning and set back the feminist movement hundreds of years -paul

[2001-04-05 23:44:00] - -kris

[2001-04-05 23:44:00] - i think that eyelid thing is stupider than the topless chic

[2001-04-05 23:42:00] - seriously though, it's all about grabbing people's attention... and it works! free advertising (news articles, etc.) -jdb

[2001-04-05 23:39:00] - i don't know about you, but i don't think topless women are stupid! ;-) -jdb

[2001-04-05 23:24:00] - Why does PETA have the stupidest advertising and demonstrations? -paul

[2001-04-05 23:24:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-05 23:22:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-05 23:18:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-05 23:03:00] - Does anyone know when the choir thing is tomorrow? -paul

[2001-04-05 22:42:00] -    woooooo!  -  aba

[2001-04-05 22:25:00] -  wtf???  -  aba

[2001-04-05 19:03:00] - silly adrian.  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-05 18:41:00] - cookies are yummy antohesotnahent oanth ntaoehnatoh  ~a

[2001-04-05 18:35:00] - O:-) i have a hat  ~a

[2001-04-05 17:39:00] - okay, i'm off to groupwork. talk to you latah - boing

[2001-04-05 17:38:00] - was he spouting gibberish or wearing a tinfoil hat?  because if he was, then they might've been funny cookies.  then again, it might've just been adrian :) - boing

[2001-04-05 17:36:00] - Ok, thanks. Miguel and Vinnie just told me as I was about to call :-) -paul

[2001-04-05 17:36:00] - i did.  and adrian's in class right now.  -  aba

[2001-04-05 17:28:00] - btw, that is a very interesting article, whoever posted that. -paul

[2001-04-05 17:26:00] - adrian: are they "funny" cookies? - boing

[2001-04-05 17:25:00] - Can I assume you know the time and place Adrian? -paul

[2001-04-05 17:15:00] - sounds good to me.  -  aba

[2001-04-05 17:13:00] - Fine fine, I'll organize dinner. 5:40 at Dietrick? -paul

[2001-04-05 17:12:00] -

[2001-04-05 17:10:00] -    phone them  :d  -  aba

[2001-04-05 17:09:00] - There are only three people in my room, how am I suppose to get in touch with the rest? :-( -paul

[2001-04-05 17:07:00] - because you have good organizing abilities.  plus a whole lot of people are in your room, and aim is down.  -  aba

[2001-04-05 17:05:00] - Why do I have to organize everything?  you're the one who wanted to go to this thing in the first place :-) -paul

[2001-04-05 17:01:00] - you are the organizer paul.  :)  -  aba

[2001-04-05 16:53:00] - So when are the plans for Dinner at Dietrick? -paul

[2001-04-05 16:53:00] - it actually wasn't me.  :O  -  aba

[2001-04-05 16:52:00] - did anyone give me cookies?  there are some cookies outside my room with my name on it and i don't know who gave them to me.  ~a

[2001-04-05 02:21:00] - :-D  ~a

[2001-04-05 02:15:00] - Are you asking where the emphasis goes? -paul

[2001-04-05 02:06:00] - is that ping pong or ping pong?  ~a

[2001-04-05 02:02:00] - Ping Pong at 3:00 at Squires -paul

[2001-04-05 01:26:00] - moo!  -topic

[2001-04-05 01:13:00] - Is that a vote to switch the topic to moo? -paul

[2001-04-05 01:03:00] - topic!  -moo

[2001-04-05 01:01:00] - i am guessing that all the people who read the board aren't going to be enthralled by my views of myself, so should we take this to im or switch the topic?  -  aba

[2001-04-05 00:56:00] - Don't lie to me under the guise of making me happy. >:o Why do you think you are a loser? :'( -paul

[2001-04-05 00:54:00] - hm.  ok.  i can pretend i'm not if that'll make you happy.  i am the super-duperest person out there!  -  aba

[2001-04-05 00:51:00] - I don't. You shouldn't call yourself a loser. >:o -paul

[2001-04-05 00:48:00] - hm.  i thought it was pretty self-explanatory.  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-05 00:46:00] - What is that suppose to mean? >:o -paul

[2001-04-05 00:45:00] - a loser.  -  aba

[2001-04-05 00:45:00] - What do you consider yourself then? A statistics "girlie"? -paul

[2001-04-05 00:41:00] - ok, well i don't consider myself a real cs nerd.  -  aba

[2001-04-05 00:39:00] - Actually, I prefer the more politically correct term "nerd" -paul

[2001-04-05 00:38:00] - i dunno.  i could say cs geek if that would be better for your delicate sensibilities.  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-05 00:36:00] - CS Girlie? Isn't that sexist or something? I imagine I would get slapped pretty hard if I called a female cs major a cs girlie -paul

[2001-04-05 00:34:00] - hm.  somehow i doubt that.  i'm not really a cs girlie since my knowledge is totally superficial.  -  aba

[2001-04-05 00:33:00] - Coward #0 ? Um.... it's the signed bit for the coward string.... or something.... I'm sorry, your dork knowledge exceeds mine -paul

[2001-04-05 00:30:00] - who is coward #0?  (yes, i am a *huge* dork)  -  aba

[2001-04-05 00:30:00] - sorry i stopped talking to you.  a bunch of people all IMed me at the same time.  :\  -  aba

[2001-04-05 00:13:00] - I value my health, which means I am coward #1 -paul

[2001-04-05 00:11:00] - Which is exactly why I wouldn't help them, I don't want you to beat me up too -paul

[2001-04-05 00:10:00] - i have too much wrath.  :d  -  aba

[2001-04-05 00:10:00] - uh, paul, i think i could do a better job beating them up than you could.  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-05 00:09:00] - Besides, I'm sure you could beat the crap out of him and any other cronies he brought along to help. -paul

[2001-04-05 00:05:00] - I'm hurt, you think I would help him? I don't want my paddle to get all bloody. :-) -paul

[2001-04-05 00:01:00] - heh.  knowing you, you'd help him.  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-04 23:56:00] - Besides, I would like to think that one of us might try to stop him after a few minutes... -paul

[2001-04-04 23:56:00] - Possibly, although I see that as being a bit more obvious. Hard to pretend it was an accident when you are holding a bloody ping pong paddle -paul

[2001-04-04 23:54:00] - or maybe he'll just beat me to death with his ping pong paddle.  -  aba

[2001-04-04 23:48:00] - We should all be wary if this Dan Hall brings his own ping pong ball that makes strange ticking noises... -paul

[2001-04-04 23:48:00] - bleh.  death by ping pong ball sounds painful.  -  aba

[2001-04-04 23:47:00] - He's probably planning an "accidental" ping pong death as we speak. No one would suspect that... -paul

[2001-04-04 23:46:00] - There's an interesting conspiracy theory, they want to convert Adrian but recognize you as the greatest roadblock. Therefore they wish to silence you so they have free access to Adrian. That's pretty clever... -paul

[2001-04-04 23:42:00] - probably how best to silence me  ;)  or how best to get at adrian since he seemed the most redeemable out of all of us  -  aba

[2001-04-04 23:39:00] - Obviously not if they wanted to eat lunch with you. None of the rest of us got such preferential treatment from them. So either they think you can be redeemed or they are figuring how to best silence you -paul

[2001-04-04 23:38:00] - considering i started off god and pizza by attacking the bible's authenticity, i doubt they ever though i was redeemable.  -  aba

[2001-04-04 23:30:00] - I think as long as I can get four out of seven, that'll be more then enough to convince them that you are beyond redemption -paul

[2001-04-04 23:28:00] - hm.  greed's probably the easiest one to get me on.  same with gluttony, wrath, pride or envy.  lust'll probably be the hardest.  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-04 23:19:00] - Well, it doesn't matter what you think, but Dan Hall thinks you are a lazy mean person now, one deadly sin down, six to go :-) -paul

[2001-04-04 23:16:00] - i think those sins only apply to you if you actually believe in them.  :d  -  aba

[2001-04-04 23:16:00] - usually there are 6 of us or something but we rarely play doubles or anything like that.  -  aba

[2001-04-04 23:07:00] - Lazy is even worse, sloth is one of the seven deadly sins you know -paul

[2001-04-04 23:07:00] - how many of you play ping pong at once? -kris

[2001-04-04 23:04:00] - aw.  i'm not too mean.  just too lazy.  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-04 23:02:00] - *Sigh* Very well then. I'll send him an email about ping pong. But I am going to tell him that I am doing it because you were too mean to do it yourself :-) -paul

[2001-04-04 22:59:00] - that's really ok.  i don't need more christian email.  ;)  -  aba

[2001-04-04 22:55:00] - Damn you for mentioning that, I think I have that email. I can forward it to you so you can email him if you want :-) -paul

[2001-04-04 22:53:00] - sorry.  i deleted his email.  he sent everyone who gave him their email addresses something a long time back.  -  aba

[2001-04-04 22:45:00] - There are four "Dan Hall"s that show up when I search for this person on people finder -paul

[2001-04-04 22:41:00] - sure.  sounds good to me at least.  -  aba

[2001-04-04 22:36:00] - Argh, you people are impossible. So are we going to do ping pong at 3:00 tomorrow? -paul

[2001-04-04 22:34:00] - hm.  you could delegate to me and i would just do nothing or you could email dan hall yourself.  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-04 22:32:00] - Essen monarchy? What does that have to do with anything? -paul

[2001-04-04 22:31:00] - Even assuming that were true (which it is obviously not), you are my contact with this Dan Hall person. So as supreme organizer, I am delegating authority to you.... or something like that -paul

[2001-04-04 22:31:00] - it's the essen monarchy . . .  ;)  -  aba

[2001-04-04 22:30:00] - because you are the supreme organizer of things!  :d  -  aba

[2001-04-04 22:29:00] - Why do I have to email him? I couldn't even recognize his face :-( -paul

[2001-04-04 22:25:00] - you can try emailing him.  his name is dan hall.  look him up on people finder.  -  aba

[2001-04-04 22:16:00] - I just realized that we don't usually play ping pong until 3:00 in the afternoon on Thursday, so if that Christian guy was going to meet us there, he is gonna be really early :-( -paul

[2001-04-04 21:58:00] - Glad to see I have a monopoly on the word "bow". At least until you used it :-) -paul

[2001-04-04 21:56:00] -  ~a

[2001-04-04 21:50:00] - yes -paul

[2001-04-04 21:46:00] - I concur -paul

[2001-04-04 21:44:00] - d.d. cu frg oaf or  ~a

[2001-04-04 21:44:00] - Aaron will not beat you, you will overcome. You shall triumph! -paul

[2001-04-04 21:42:00] - i will give him a run for his money though.  ~a

[2001-04-04 21:42:00] - absolutely terrible.  arron will beat me.  :(  ~a

[2001-04-04 21:39:00] - How goes OS Adrian? -paul

[2001-04-04 21:37:00] - :(  ~a

[2001-04-04 21:21:00] - adrian's big head

[2001-04-04 21:14:00] - It all depends on what it is -paul

[2001-04-04 21:09:00] - you, suck it  ~a

[2001-04-04 20:41:00] - Who is sucking what now? -paul

[2001-04-04 19:34:00] - suck it!  >:o

[2001-04-04 15:52:00] - and it kind of disturbs me that the media is proclaiming this, since it was their fault this fucked up situation happened in the first place. - mig

[2001-04-04 15:48:00] - oh goddamit, i need to learn me english.  one = won. - mig

[2001-04-04 15:13:00] - without florida - mig

[2001-04-04 15:12:00] - yes yes, we all know that gore should have one.  i still don't fell sorry for gore.  he had all the advantages he could have possibly had over bush, and the fucked up bigtime. if he had won any other state he would have won the election

[2001-04-04 15:05:00] - uld you? - mig

[2001-04-04 15:05:00] - as for microsoft, i'm not justifying the government actions, but i think that microsoft should be punished in some way.  Either way, the government is just screwing with microsoft to suit their own ends, you shouldn't have a problem with that, now wo

[2001-04-04 15:05:00] - another cool mit thing --> -jdb

[2001-04-04 15:04:00] - in your system there is nothing to stop one who has money(which is equivalent to government power) to abuse their power and no one can do anything to stop them. - mig

[2001-04-04 15:03:00] - at least in our government, faulty as it is, has some sort of check and balance system against those who abuse thier power(we don't vote for them the next election, and we can impeach them, kick them out or whatever). - mig

[2001-04-04 15:01:00] - whoops distruction = distribution. - mig

[2001-04-04 15:01:00] - the argument against anarchocapitalism is not the distructions of wealth is a bad thing, is ttha a skewed distribution of wealth without a government is a very bad thing. - mig

[2001-04-04 14:23:00] - "But using the Bush standard -- the most restrictive method of analysis, in which only cleanly punched chad from the ballots were counted as votes -- Gore would have eked out a victory by three votes."  hah  ~a

[2001-04-04 13:40:00] -

[2001-04-04 13:39:00] -

[2001-04-04 12:41:00] - Even if their word processing software is awful, what does that have to do with justifying government actions? -logan

[2001-04-04 12:38:00] - So i still think that people are being overly critical of microsoft. it's not easy to make a huge word processor like "word 97" without having a few bugs, and making it big file-size-wise. - aaron

[2001-04-04 12:37:00] - Mmmm that stuff about microsoft is interesting. But then you see companies like Adobe who try to make word processors/viewers and they don't work properly either - aaron

[2001-04-04 12:28:00] - So I think to speak of the allocation of wealth is nonsense. -logan

[2001-04-04 12:25:00] - I don't buy any of that wealth distribution rhetoric.  I don't think of wealth as a quantifiable substance. -logan

[2001-04-04 12:25:00] - Their entire argument against anarchocapitalism seems to be centered around the notion of a certain distribution of wealth being capable of being a bad thing. -logan

[2001-04-04 12:19:00] - I never would've connected socialism with anarchism, but I don't like the idea of anarchism without capitalism. -logan

[2001-04-04 12:17:00] - logan: (a link from that site) what do you think of that? -jdb

[2001-04-04 12:12:00] - It looks like they pick and choose what they think sounds good from each ideology, but I don't think they've considered the inconsistencies. -logan

[2001-04-04 12:11:00] - hrm, the set of links off of the nazi site is interesting --> -jdb

[2001-04-04 12:10:00] - And I'm not a greeno. :P -logan

[2001-04-04 12:10:00] - I'm not a national socialist. -logan

[2001-04-04 12:07:00] - logan: so... are you a nazi? :-P -jdb

[2001-04-04 12:07:00] - in a google search about fairly unrelated things... hehe, yeah it's good stuff. :-D -jdb

[2001-04-04 12:07:00] - *rofl* Where did you find that?  I can't tell if it's a joke or not! -logan

[2001-04-04 11:55:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-04 11:49:00] - I never fit into either of those categories, although I suppose I lean toward the side of the "Randites." -logan

[2001-04-04 11:46:00] - mig: -jdb

[2001-04-04 11:21:00] - amazing how a company that should be able to afford top-notch lawyers get caught with its pants down in court. - mig

[2001-04-04 11:19:00] -,10000,0-1003-200-338742,00.html

[2001-04-04 11:18:00] -,10000,0-1003-200-338113,00.html

[2001-04-04 11:17:00] -

[2001-04-04 11:04:00] - maybe not for antitrust, but microsoft should be nailed for some of this shit they pulled. - mig

[2001-04-04 11:03:00] - - mig

[2001-04-04 10:59:00] - I think any company that makes money is pro-consumer... that's where the money comes from. :P -logan

[2001-04-04 10:58:00] - Did you read the argument for that statement? -logan

[2001-04-04 11:02:00] - "Microsoft's business practices are pro-consumer." sorry, but i cannot agree with that at all. -mig

[2001-04-04 11:02:00] - I'm starving. -logan

[2001-04-04 10:58:00] - mmmm . . . hungry  ~a

[2001-04-04 10:57:00] - Ok, I think I've spammed enough. -logan

[2001-04-04 10:54:00] - -logan

[2001-04-04 10:51:00] - -logan

[2001-04-04 10:48:00] - Heh, check out this guy's epitaph: -logan

[2001-04-04 10:47:00] - -logan

[2001-04-04 10:06:00] - yes, we've used ass but it wasn't considered one of the 300 most commonly used english words at the page i went to.  ~a

[2001-04-04 10:06:00] -  ~a

[2001-04-04 10:03:00] - We've used ass? -logan

[2001-04-04 10:02:00] - of the 300 Most Commonly Used English Words, the only word we haven't used yet is sea  ~a

[2001-04-04 10:00:00] - mmmm . . . hungry  ~a

[2001-04-04 10:00:00] - Any idea what's up with those annoying guys dressed as crash test dummies at the Turner St. red light and the Tom's Creek red light? -logan

[2001-04-04 09:56:00] - If it ever does, I want to go buy some chicken tenders and hang out with them. -logan

[2001-04-04 09:50:00] - there have been protests at mcdonalds for sure. -jdb

[2001-04-04 09:49:00] - i dunno. there was a planned protest for the on-campus bk, i believe. i have no idea if it happened or not. -jdb

[2001-04-04 09:48:00] - Heh.  Is care going to protest outside the Turner St. Burger King someday? -logan

[2001-04-04 09:39:00] - muhaha. my objectivist club meeting announcement has been forwarded along to tree & nrv-care lists. :-P -jdb

[2001-04-04 09:39:00] - hmm..  nice day for me to be wearing an Earth Day tshirt -kris

[2001-04-04 09:37:00] - The environmentalists just want to scare us into following their agenda. Some of them I would call intellectual terrorists (though some are real terrorists). -logan

[2001-04-04 09:35:00] - "Obviously, you can't have a cancer epidemic if UV is declining, rather than increasing." -logan

[2001-04-04 09:33:00] - Very nice essay: -logan

[2001-04-04 09:33:00] - It is, to some degree.  There are myths on both side of the argument in this case, really. -logan

[2001-04-04 09:29:00] - Droogish; Dwile flonking; Eleemosynary; Emmet and grockle; Empasm; Etaoin shrdlu; Farb; Fimbriated; Flabbergasted; Flibbertigibbet; Florilegium; Funambulist; Furbelow; Gaberlunzie; Gafiate; Gallimaufry; Gazump; Handfasting; Haplology; Haptic

[2001-04-04 09:28:00] - I see most environmentalists acting in a very dangerous, short-sighted, knee-jerk manner. -logan

[2001-04-04 09:28:00] - i suppose the hole in the ozone is another "myth" as well. - mig

[2001-04-04 09:27:00] - -logan

[2001-04-04 09:26:00] - The UN actually ignored its own reports that suggested that no global warming was taking place, when its agenda was to force the world to agree to things like the kyoto treaty. -logan

[2001-04-04 09:24:00] - Tatterdemalion; Tautochrone; Tawdry; Tergiversate; Thaumaturgy; Titubation; Tontine; Trebuchet; Triskaidekaphobia; Truckle; Turlough; Ullage; Umami; Vexillology; Volitation; Wassail; Wayzgoose; Welkin; Whilom; Wobbegong; Zany; Zenzizenzizenzic

[2001-04-04 09:23:00] - Most environmentalist rants about global warming are entirely non-scientific.  We don't have the data to describe short-term global climate changes. -logan

[2001-04-04 09:23:00] - -logan

[2001-04-04 09:21:00] - i mean, "myth" of global warning? what kind of fucked up shit is that? - mig

[2001-04-04 09:20:00] - I'm quite willing to modify the environment in order to achieve my ends. -logan

[2001-04-04 09:19:00] - i don't think i'll be going to the objectivists though, i don't think i'll be able to stomach their crap for very long. - mig

[2001-04-04 09:19:00] - There are varying sorts of environmentalism (though objectivists probably wouldn't admit to that).  I'm against the kind that tries to place moral value on non-human things. -logan

[2001-04-04 09:19:00] - the environment in general? or environment they privately own? -jdb

[2001-04-04 09:14:00] - hey, hey, some libretarians do care about the environment. - mig

[2001-04-04 09:13:00] - logan: shutup, dirty libertarian! :-D -jdb

[2001-04-04 09:13:00] - I hate Earth Day. :P -logan

[2001-04-04 09:06:00] - kind of like us.  (with cs anyway). - mig

[2001-04-04 09:05:00] - wow. that's really nice of them. - mig

[2001-04-04 09:01:00] - awesome! ya mit! :-D -jdb

[2001-04-04 08:59:00] - i know that people liked him a lot and stuff, but what did he actually do? - mig

[2001-04-04 08:56:00] - i was wondering something for a while, and i haven't been able to come up with a good answer....  what was so great about clinton? - mig

[2001-04-04 07:20:00] - like getting money from your parents... Oh, and I think sharing an apartment is pretty much required for the current minimum wage unless you work two jobs - aaron

[2001-04-04 07:18:00] - ... but if it's off by 5 - 15 cents I don't think that would really make the principal completely ineffective. And all this stuff you're saying about ways to live on minimum wage, they all work as ways to live without working at all, paul - aaron

[2001-04-04 07:16:00] - Assuming minimum wage is the exact minimum needed to live, that is. Obvious it's very difficult to set a minimum wage exactly.... - aaron

[2001-04-04 07:15:00] - And a few things paul: If a wife and husband work, and they both make less than minimum wage, they will not live, because they will need to pay for twice as much food - aaron

[2001-04-04 07:14:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-04 07:06:00] - topic: anti earth-day stuff. :'( -jdb

[2001-04-04 07:05:00] - Next Objectivist Club meeting is Thursday evening, 5-6pm, in Squires 302. -jdb

[2001-04-04 02:04:00] - -paul

[2001-04-04 02:04:00] - -paul

[2001-04-04 01:59:00] - Goodnight Josh -paul

[2001-04-04 01:59:00] - And I should read more Heinlein and Browne, it's all about the struggle for freedom -paul

[2001-04-04 01:58:00] - anyways, goodnight all. -jdb

[2001-04-04 01:58:00] - ah, i think i should read marx again. it's all about the class struggle. ;-) -jdb

[2001-04-04 01:57:00] -,4586,5080528,00.html - whoo! bad thing averted - mig

[2001-04-04 01:57:00] - You're telling me, I'm adding horrendous mispellings to Adrian's dictionary like there is no tomorrow -paul

[2001-04-04 01:56:00] - I don't think we will ever reach a capitalist utopia, kind of like a communist utopia. Unatainable -paul

[2001-04-04 01:56:00] - paul: one of the virtues of being an academic is making up a new vocabulary as you go along... -jdb

[2001-04-04 01:54:00] - "capitalist utopia".... i don't like the sound of that. - mig

[2001-04-04 01:52:00] - A capitalist utopia? I've never heard that one before :-) -paul

[2001-04-04 01:51:00] - er.. spelling bad... hehe

[2001-04-04 01:51:00] - hmmm, in our current condition i'd have to say yes. in a "captialist utopia," hell no. -jdb

[2001-04-04 01:49:00] - At the risk of sounding like an arrogant asshole (which I am an expert at doing). I feel fairly certain saying that you support a minimum wage. Am I right? -paul

[2001-04-04 01:49:00] - i just happen to be a social (rather utilitarian in approach) do-gooder as well. i think there can be a balance. -jdb

[2001-04-04 01:47:00] - don't make too many assumptions about my belief systems paul; you might be suprised. i'm pretty fiscally conservative. ;-) -jdb

[2001-04-04 01:47:00] - Of course, we can't have congressmen that can't afford a new summer home now, can we? -paul

[2001-04-04 01:46:00] - of course congress can give itself a pay raise to account for inflation, though. - mig

[2001-04-04 01:46:00] - Ok, I gotcha. I will admit that your way makes more sense then the way we have now, but you should know I still don't agree with it :-) -paul

[2001-04-04 01:43:00] - sorta.. but we don't adjust it -- that is why so many bitch about "living wage." if we had adjusted it over the years in relation to inflation et al, apparently it would be greater than $8 now. -jdb

[2001-04-04 01:42:00] - Isn't that kind of like what we have now? -paul

[2001-04-04 01:41:00] - i think if we do have a minimum wage, it should be a "flat minimum" wage, that is adjusted yearly for inflation.-jdb

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