here are old message board entries
prev <->
2001-04-09 12:47:00] - logan is the only one behind ayn rand 100% though.
- mig
2001-04-09 12:46:00] - you could always send him (devin) the link
2001-04-09 12:46:00] - logan's back from texas, so maybe he'll start posting again soon
- aba
2001-04-09 12:46:00] - or sometimes me vs. paul
- mig
2001-04-09 12:46:00] - So I have been lecturing myself about good posting habits?
2001-04-09 12:45:00] -
Well, no. It depends on the topic. Anything political it would be against you. But we could debate anything regarding capitalism and I would be Ayn Rand's sole defender (besides Logan)
2001-04-09 12:45:00] - devin left 12-13 minutes ago after his last post
2001-04-09 12:44:00] -
yes, a vicious debate of everybody vs me (and sometimes josh or adrian).
- aba
2001-04-09 12:43:00] - That's true, but everyone is pretty much in agreement on that one. We don't want a happy agree-fest like debate 2, we want a vicious debate
2001-04-09 12:42:00] -
also, most things bashing the cs dept will invoke a minor discussion about how much it sucks.
- aba
2001-04-09 12:40:00] - Don't worry, I think me seeing "The Taxi" was worse
2001-04-09 12:39:00] - Anything political should do it, as well as any anti-feminist comments and any comments regarding microsoft. Those should invoke a response from anybody who posts to the message board
2001-04-09 12:38:00] - for a moment i was thinking of elves and then i realized you meant the earth liberation front.
- aba
2001-04-09 12:37:00] - You have to learn exactly which buttons to push in order to invoke a repsonse
2001-04-09 12:37:00] - See? My one post got four responses
2001-04-09 12:36:00] - elf hater!
2001-04-09 12:35:00] - i could debate that the elf is good, but i am not sure if i really believe it.
- aba
2001-04-09 12:35:00] - rei
is better than asuka and netscape
is better than ie.
- aba
2001-04-09 12:34:00] -
bum. - aba
2001-04-09 12:34:00] - That's hardly better. You need to post something controversial like "ELF is good", or "Rei is better then Asuka" or "Netscape is better then IE"
2001-04-09 12:32:00] -
Heh. -devin
2001-04-09 12:32:00] -
testing. -devin
2001-04-09 12:29:00] - ~a
2001-04-09 12:27:00] - if you really need to test the message board at least make your message more interesting than "testing"
- aba
2001-04-09 12:25:00] -
Testing. - Devin
2001-04-09 11:57:00] - You can do it adrian!
2001-04-09 09:20:00] - Nobody sounds very happy. i think I'll go back to bed
2001-04-09 07:37:00] - you still have time before the due date. i hope you get your project done.
- aba
2001-04-09 02:59:00] - 3041 lines and still not done with shared memory
2001-04-09 02:22:00] - and i'm a cs major, and i've
never been able to get a cs related job.
- mig
2001-04-09 02:21:00] -
ugh. i hate job searching. i always hope i can get a decent job somewhere but it never happens.
- mig
2001-04-09 01:57:00] - -devin
2001-04-09 01:57:00] - No caps? White?? Gah!
2001-04-09 01:56:00] -
Testing. -Devin
2001-04-09 00:21:00] - Silly Aparna, going to classes. Goodnight
2001-04-09 00:20:00] - bedtime for aparna. i actually
go to my 8 am classes.
- aba
2001-04-09 00:18:00] -
Yupyup, our Christmas bonus was coupons to use at Giant
2001-04-09 00:18:00] -
hehe. my friend's dad works at a place that gives their thanksgiving bonuses for their workers in the form of shopper's git certificates so that they'll be forced to spend them on food.
- aba
2001-04-09 00:14:00] - For christmas
2001-04-09 00:09:00] - was that like your employee bonus for the summer or something?
- aba
2001-04-09 00:07:00] -
Aw.... I got a coupon for half price on ice cream!
2001-04-09 00:06:00] - and i would work at giant, but i'd rather have an employee discount at a place where i'd actually use it. sorry paul.
- aba
2001-04-09 00:06:00] - i have sent off a ton of resumes.
the job market for interns is pretty bad because that is one area where companies are cutting costs this year.
- aba
2001-04-09 00:05:00] -
aba: you should send off a ton of resumes/generic cover letters while you're at home.
2001-04-09 00:05:00] - You should work at Giant, it is fun there
2001-04-09 00:02:00] -
bleh. we are going home this upcoming weekend, so i'm going to file some applications at borders and a couple of music stores.
- aba
2001-04-08 23:44:00] - Retail!
2001-04-08 23:31:00] - i don't have any possibilities left at all.
- aba
2001-04-08 23:29:00] -
ok, even if you list the other job as just a "possibility", you're still a lot better off than i am.
- aba
2001-04-08 23:27:00] - i have
one job offer and that is at the same place i have been working for for the last two summers.
2001-04-08 23:25:00] - that's not quite true . . . . you have two job offers though you don't really want either job.
- aba
2001-04-08 23:06:00] -
hey, i'm a cs major and i don't have a job.
2001-04-08 22:34:00] - at least you are a cs major . . .
- aba
2001-04-08 22:30:00] - Useless? Who's gonna be useless here? I'm the useless failure of a CS major
2001-04-08 22:20:00] - looks like i'm going to end up being useless afterall. so much for a magnet school and college education.
- aba
2001-04-08 22:17:00] - Just think, we get to join them in two years
2001-04-08 22:04:00] - Too many unemployed people out there with no skills
2001-04-08 21:49:00] - hehe. this explains why no one is hiring.
- aba
2001-04-08 20:00:00] - But that doesn't stop me
2001-04-08 20:00:00] - Nobody is posting because nobody has anything to say
2001-04-08 19:05:00] - busy-busy
2001-04-08 18:16:00] - why is no one posting?
- aba
2001-04-08 16:58:00] - i want more black cherry soda.
- aba
2001-04-08 16:03:00] - amusing cat haikus
- aba
2001-04-08 15:46:00] - cello!
- aba
2001-04-08 15:38:00] - @@@/pics/cello/cello0.jpg
2001-04-08 15:37:00] - psychologist is a new word? my mommey is a psychologist.
2001-04-08 15:15:00] - HA HA HA! "oh shit, i made the sun blue! I'm sure the child psychologist will ask about that." miffy link was good
- aaron
2001-04-08 14:50:00] - -jdb
2001-04-08 13:27:00] -
Nope, but I'm sure he made an ass out of himself
2001-04-08 12:00:00] - did anyone listen to rush limbaugh ranting about conservation (in california) on friday?
2001-04-08 11:50:00] - <-- funny 404 error message.
2001-04-08 11:22:00] - a house-bunny would be fun. they can be litterbox-trained, etc.
2001-04-08 11:17:00] - awwww. bunny rabbits are so cute.
- aba
2001-04-08 09:21:00] - -jdb
2001-04-08 03:50:00] - Curses you, so does this say they get out of school before us?
2001-04-08 03:46:00] -
paul: (2 clicks, first try, hehe)
2001-04-08 03:26:00] - I can't find anything on UVAs infernal site
2001-04-08 02:50:00] - -jdb
2001-04-08 02:47:00] - -jdb
2001-04-08 01:38:00] - check ?
2001-04-08 01:33:00] - Does anybody know when UVA gets out? Is it before or after us?
2001-04-08 01:04:00] - everybody left again. no one is interesting.
2001-04-08 01:00:00] - now it is me that is being uninterested. new topic is food! i have munchies!
2001-04-08 00:47:00] - Okay there, that should be better
- aaron
2001-04-08 00:47:00] - Poor kitty cat!
- aaron
2001-04-08 00:45:00] - fightclub was a good movie
2001-04-08 00:42:00] - (aww. diss.)
2001-04-08 00:42:00] - hmmmmmmm i still need to watch fight club! I don't suppose anybody still have an asf version of it or anything?
- aaron
2001-04-08 00:40:00] -
no, because you're not saying much
- aaron
2001-04-08 00:39:00] - because you hate me?
2001-04-08 00:38:00] -
sorry, i'm still here i just see no reason to respond
- aaron
2001-04-08 00:35:00] - everybody left
2001-04-08 00:26:00] - one second you are fine and the next you are totally fucked up
2001-04-08 00:24:00] - your memory is very distorted. you remember things differently.
2001-04-08 00:19:00] - two minutes and two seconds are synonymous.
2001-04-08 00:18:00] -,7369,405804,00.html -paul
2001-04-08 00:17:00] - and at the moment when you lose track of time, you don't notice it, but later on you do, and you wonder what exactly you were thinking when you did lose track of time.
2001-04-08 00:13:00] -
wooooo. it is warm and fuzzy. you have to try it. you feel different. it's a whole new world.
2001-04-08 00:10:00] - It's because stoned man and Aaron are pushing my messages off
2001-04-08 00:10:00] - Gah! Why has Aparna surpassed me on the bar when she hasn't been posting any more stuff then I have?
2001-04-08 00:10:00] - i get these really weird time things. you know, where you totally lose track of time. and it is variable . . . it fades in and out.
2001-04-08 00:07:00] -
no.. i am serious. it is super super cool
2001-04-08 00:03:00] - stoned man, you are uninteresting as a topic! New topic is spraypaint! I have six cans!
- aaron
2001-04-08 00:01:00] - hehe it is a secret
2001-04-08 00:00:00] - Who is stoned?
- aaron
2001-04-07 23:59:00] - it is really
really cool
2001-04-07 23:58:00] - i am
soooo stoned
2001-04-07 23:56:00] - Therefore regardless of what the chinese say, if their jets collided with our spy aircraft, and they hit us from behind, then it is impossible for us to be at fault, they obviously had to be going faster to hit us from behind...
- aaron
2001-04-07 23:55:00] - And I'm pretty sure that if two planes are over international waters, faster planes are supposed to yield right of way to slower planes
- aaron
2001-04-07 23:55:00] - And yes, I agree with mig and paul - No matter who is who, it is still mean to punish a crew, after you collide with their plane and force them to land
- aaron
2001-04-07 23:47:00] - I don't understand? Why would a chinese plane be on our east coast? It would seem more sensible if the plane were over the pacific.
- aaron
2001-04-07 23:25:00] - and another thing, it might be ok for them to keep the plane, but there is absolutely no reason why they are still keeping the crew, and no reason why
we should apologize to them.
- mig
2001-04-07 23:23:00] - i have to agree. if the situation was reversed. we probably wouldn't be that anal about the jet. i'm just guesssing about that though.
- mig
2001-04-07 23:19:00] - That is an interesting article, but if an Chinese surveillance aircraft travelling in international airspace was knocked out of the sky by a United States jet fighter, we should return the crew and aircraft without incident
2001-04-07 19:36:00] - 04/06 in particular is very interesting
2001-04-07 19:33:00] - -jdb
2001-04-07 19:33:00] - -jdb
2001-04-07 17:45:00] -
2001-04-07 17:36:00] - i think this one is muchmuchmuch funnier.
- aba
2001-04-07 17:24:00] -
2001-04-07 17:18:00] -
2001-04-07 17:08:00] -
ok. bye
2001-04-07 17:08:00] -
ok, cya later guys... good luck, porter
- boing
2001-04-07 17:07:00] - that-s weird, I think the mac reloads the page with the same CGI data posted if you hit "back"
- boing
2001-04-07 17:07:00] - oops
2001-04-07 17:06:00] - when is it due?
2001-04-07 17:06:00] -
tuesday. ~a
2001-04-07 17:06:00] - when is it due?
2001-04-07 17:05:00] - and NO, you ass
- boing
2001-04-07 17:05:00] -
okay, we're gonna go pick up my film... talk to you guys latah
- boing
2001-04-07 17:04:00] - if i win will pierce do my os?
2001-04-07 17:04:00] - I am the king, no one can knock me down
- boing
2001-04-07 17:03:00] - who wants to come knock pierce down in the gladiator joust????
- lisa
2001-04-07 17:02:00] -
haha. ~a
2001-04-07 17:02:00] - oh I give up
- boingisfrustrated
2001-04-07 17:02:00] -
oops, I mean lisa means
- boing
2001-04-07 17:02:00] -
oops, I mean
- boing
2001-04-07 17:02:00] - hey!!!! what are you accusing me of???
- lisa
2001-04-07 17:01:00] - so that sentance should have been, "why thank you, self, that was very kind of you."
- mig
2001-04-07 17:01:00] - because we're both at the emproium... duh
- boing & lisa
2001-04-07 17:00:00] -
hmmmm, pierce, all of these posts are originating from the same computer . . .
2001-04-07 17:00:00] -
mkay. you are pretty cool yourself.
2001-04-07 17:00:00] -
- boing
2001-04-07 16:59:00] -
why, thank you lisa, how kind of you
- boing
2001-04-07 16:59:00] - pierce is the coolest human being alive!!!!!
- lisa
2001-04-07 16:58:00] - white is pretty
- lisa
2001-04-07 16:58:00] -
no, i like white
- lisa
2001-04-07 16:58:00] -
- lisa
2001-04-07 16:58:00] - you guys should go to Soundfest's fun!!
- Lisa
2001-04-07 16:58:00] - does lisa want a color?
2001-04-07 16:57:00] - Lisa is here too
- Lisa
2001-04-07 16:57:00] -
2001-04-07 16:57:00] -
Hahaha, I'm not really spending ime here, I came here to tell you guys about the CDs
- boing
2001-04-07 16:55:00] - why would anyone spend time there???
- aba
2001-04-07 16:50:00] - hey! pierce is in the emporium.
2001-04-07 16:50:00] - volume 2 is the tech bookstore at university mall
- aba
2001-04-07 16:49:00] - where is volume 2?
2001-04-07 16:49:00] - Hey guys, go to volume 2! Their ususally-$16 cds are 50% off
- boing
2001-04-07 15:59:00] - too bad i have os to do.
2001-04-07 15:59:00] - yes it is.
2001-04-07 15:58:00] - it's such a nice day!!!!
2001-04-07 00:34:00] - i like the practical optimism in the extropian principles
2001-04-07 00:32:00] -
jdb: the transhumanist thing seems like something out of a sci-fi book
2001-04-06 19:35:00] - +
2001-04-06 18:30:00] - i think the issue is because he is the president, all his private conversations over email (encrypted or not) can legally become public.
2001-04-06 18:28:00] - i think it's odd that he's decided to stop using email while still trying to push forward the use of computers in public schools, etc.
- aba
2001-04-06 18:28:00] - surely he could use encryption or something similar to that. bush is technically one of the most powerful men in the country, and he should be pushing forward with technology, not forsaking it.
- aba
2001-04-06 15:56:00] - Why is it sad that Bush no longer wants to email his extended family due to privacy concerns?
2001-04-06 14:51:00] - looks like an interesting idea, josh. something i wouldn't mind trying out if i had a family to take care of.
- aba
2001-04-06 14:38:00] -
aba: ... and (leeburg).
2001-04-06 14:37:00] -
aba: virginia cohousing projects --> (blacksburg), (charlottesville), (vienna), (loudon county), ...
2001-04-06 14:35:00] -
aba: two good intros --> , -jdb
2001-04-06 14:30:00] - interesting take on the whole china fiasco
2001-04-06 14:27:00] - co-housing?
- aba
2001-04-06 14:18:00] - another random subject to throw out there... anyone have any opinions about co-housing?
2001-04-06 14:17:00] -
kris: more links --> , -jdb
2001-04-06 13:43:00] - does anyone else think that this is sad?
- aba
2001-04-06 13:22:00] - acrobat 5.0 and pdf 1.4 --> <-- yay for my favorite document format!
2001-04-06 12:37:00] - in case anyone's curiosity was piqued by pierce's link.
- aba
2001-04-06 10:56:00] - - boing
2001-04-06 08:43:00] - Doctor fishopolis, you need a shave! .... ow! A shave.... ow! a shave....
- aaron
2001-04-06 08:13:00] - i miss my fish
2001-04-06 07:44:00] - all your adrian are belong to
- aba
2001-04-06 07:38:00] - all your adrian are belong to base.
2001-04-06 04:06:00] -
yay for dhs! ~a
2001-04-06 03:47:00] -
hm. thanks, maybe i will borrow it from you sometime
2001-04-06 02:48:00] -
Anyway, goodnight all.
2001-04-06 02:48:00] - Stop posting on the message board and get your OS done Adrian
2001-04-06 02:47:00] - No problem, I have an OO test in 5 hours that I should sleep for
2001-04-06 02:47:00] - os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os os
2001-04-06 02:46:00] -
bleh. i need to finish my homework. maybe i'll come back in a bit, but i have to look a bunch of stuff up right now, so i can't really chat. sorry.
- aba
2001-04-06 02:45:00] - That's probably true, but it also means we don't know what we're missing so we don't miss it as much I guess
2001-04-06 02:42:00] -
hm. yeah. well, most of you haven't really a good idea of what the gains are. *shrug*
- aba
2001-04-06 02:41:00] - And I think some may have been hurt too many times before to think that it's worth it.... I dunno
2001-04-06 02:40:00] - I suppose it's just that different people weigh the risks and gains differently and reach different conclusions
2001-04-06 02:39:00] - i think the happiness far outweighs the hurt, but i am sure there are a lot of people out there that disagree with me.
- aba
2001-04-06 02:38:00] -
yay. well, yay that i got it, but not yay that it occurs. i wish more people took risks that way. so what if you get hurt once? you are at least taking a chance at attaining lifelong happiness.
- aba
2001-04-06 02:38:00] -
Yeah, see? It's a perfectly normal thing among psychopathic stalker people who can't distinguish fantasy from reality
2001-04-06 02:37:00] - it kind of makes sense to me.
- aba
2001-04-06 02:37:00] -
Yes, there you go! I think that's probably what it is.
2001-04-06 02:37:00] - most introverted guys are very worried about being hurt i guess. so they focus their attention on women that they aren't real. (?)
- aba
2001-04-06 02:36:00] - they are attainable
because they are not real? probably because you are safe from rejection.
- aba
2001-04-06 02:35:00] - Even though they are not real... I don't know how to explain it. Sorry
2001-04-06 02:34:00] - I agree whole-heartedly. But anime females are much more attainable in a way
2001-04-06 02:32:00] - i dunno. i think there are a lot more attractive people that i know in real life than i've ever seen in a book or in anime.
- aba
2001-04-06 02:31:00] - i have the movie princess mononoke on vhs in my room if you ever want to borrow it, kristin.
- aba
2001-04-06 02:30:00] - you should watch some at least once. but make sure it's good, recommended anime first.
- aba
2001-04-06 02:24:00] - i don't think i've ever watched any anime
2001-04-06 02:19:00] - I think you would be surprised, there are a lot of anime shrines out there dedicated to male anime characters
2001-04-06 02:16:00] - I guess it's that the people who make anime mold the personalities of the females to make them attractive (gotta capture the teenage male demographic) and me being the weak-willed stereotypical male that I am, fall for it hook line and sinker
2001-04-06 02:15:00] - i still can't get over their cartooniness though. it's interesting that more males are attracted to anime females than there are the reverse. or am i wrong on that??
- aba
2001-04-06 02:15:00] - i guess being attracted to anime characters is the same as being attracted to a movie star or something.
- aba
2001-04-06 02:14:00] -
bleh. and i agree with adrian. didn't need to know that.
- aba
2001-04-06 02:14:00] - - aba
2001-04-06 02:14:00] -
haha. i wasn't implying anything. i was just stating that if that had been the case i wouldn't have been able to argue with you.
- ab
2001-04-06 02:12:00] - didn't need to know.
2001-04-06 02:11:00] - I resent the implication that I am attracted to anime females because they have large breasts. I'll have you know that many of the anime females I find attractive are made fun of in the anime because they have small breasts.
2001-04-06 02:10:00] -
Oh, well I'm not developing deep psychological commitments to these people
I find them attractive on a superficial level.
2001-04-06 02:09:00] - now if paul were to have said that he was attracted to their large breasts or something, i don't think i could have argued against that.
- aba
2001-04-06 02:09:00] - i was saying that you can't compare their personalities to those of humans therefore i can't understand why that particular quality of theirs would be attractive.
- aba
2001-04-06 02:08:00] -
well, i meant i don't see how you can be attracted to them seeing as they are not real human beings.
- aba
2001-04-06 02:06:00] - Possibly because they
do lack that certain unpredictability that people have that frightens me
2001-04-06 02:05:00] - I said they were better to talk to
2001-04-06 02:04:00] - ~a
2001-04-06 02:04:00] - he never did. ~
2001-04-06 02:02:00] - they can have some personality, but i don't see how you can compare that to a real human being.
- aba
2001-04-06 01:49:00] -
Well, I guess not. But it's kind of like an android. They may look like they have emotions and personality, even if it's just a program or something
2001-04-06 01:48:00] - are you saying none of the characters in a book can have any personality of any kind?!?
2001-04-06 01:47:00] -
hm. i don't really think so. i mean, someone made this character up in their head. they can't have close to the same kinds of personalities as real people do.
- aba
2001-04-06 01:45:00] - And I think Anime characters have plenty of personality, much more so then most normal people, that's what makes them fun to watch
2001-04-06 01:44:00] - you
can determine the personality of someone you have never met.
2001-04-06 01:44:00] - Real people are scary, they talk back. Anime people are much easier to talk to.
2001-04-06 01:43:00] - i think you guys need to get out more and meet more
real people.
- aba
2001-04-06 01:43:00] - personality???? how? you can't even talk to them!
- aba
2001-04-06 01:41:00] -
Besides. Everyone knows that personality is the most important factor when it comes to deciding the attractiveness of females, and anime characters have that in spades
2001-04-06 01:40:00] - *Shrug* I dunno, it's not like it's a serious attraction or anything. I think it's more like thinking they're cute or something...
2001-04-06 01:37:00] - i don't really understand how you can be attracted to a cartoon character.
they don't have any real features.
- aba
2001-04-06 01:36:00] -
hm. that makes me question your view of
- aba
2001-04-06 01:34:00] -
Actually, I agree that Asuka is a bitch, that doesn't mean she isn't attractive. Besides, 99% of the time the pretty ones are either bitches or dumb beyond belief
2001-04-06 01:34:00] - someone who should be doing their os (~a)
2001-04-06 01:33:00] - I demand the know the identity of this little birdy
2001-04-06 01:32:00] - that's what i think, little birdy, but i don't think that that's what paul thinks.
- aba
2001-04-06 01:30:00] - asuka is a bitch
2001-04-06 01:28:00] -
wow. how was i the first person to use asuka???
- aba
2001-04-06 01:28:00] - that's just because you think asuka is hot.
- aba
2001-04-06 01:26:00] -
prev <->