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[2014-08-26 12:39:36] - paul:  there's a few notable ones down in the see also section.  see also.  ~a

[2014-08-26 12:26:54] - a: Is there a listing on wikipedia of the applications of the Sherman Antitrust Act? My wiki-fu is weak... -Paul

[2014-08-26 12:20:43] - a:  considering the shit they tried to pull with Windows Vista, i'd wager it had little effect. - mig

[2014-08-26 12:13:04] - "they were still toppled by market forces"  agreed.  however, how antitrust legislation modified their behavior isn't knowable.  ~a

[2014-08-26 12:00:27] - a:  and that had really nothing to do with anti-trust laws.  No one considered the DOJ settlement to be anything of significance to MS, as much of the practices that people were complaining about still continued.  Yet, they were still toppled by market forces. - mig

[2014-08-26 11:56:51] - paul:  Sherman Antitrust Act.  ~a

[2014-08-26 11:55:48] - mig:  microsoft doesn't rule the world.  there was some healthy competition for once.  that's the point.  ~a

[2014-08-26 11:45:01] - a: What are some good examples of anti-trust laws that have helped? -Paul

[2014-08-26 11:44:05] - a:  yes because clearly Microsoft rules the IT world now, right? - mig

[2014-08-26 11:37:23] - antitrust laws, one of the few examples of government meddling that actually helps.  ~a

[2014-08-26 11:28:17] - I thought google was a better fit honestly, and it seems dumb that potential government meddling killed the deal between google and twitch. - mig

[2014-08-26 11:03:51] - twitch ends up being bought by amazon, not google. - mig

[2014-08-25 15:48:55] - Aaron: I enjoyed that one today. :-) -Paul

[2014-08-25 15:10:37] - wikipedia article titles with the right syllable stress pattern to be sung to the tune of the original "teenage mutant ninja turtles" theme song - aaron

[2014-08-25 15:03:09] - Paul: Maybe independently it's a stretch, but coupled with the previous issues, noted in WaPo, I figured it was something of interest to enough people to warrant a story.  Seems I was correct. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-25 13:47:06] - Xpovos: Oddly enough, I was surprised it was big enough news to warrant WaPo. -Paul

[2014-08-25 12:37:15] - Paul: Ah, I didn't see you post that article to the league.  Whoops. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-25 12:35:51] - Not that it compares to global strife, or anything, but it's kind of a medium deal. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-25 12:35:31] - I'm actually surprised this isn't bigger news: -- Xpovos

[2014-08-22 12:28:53] - paul: or perhaps if they figure out how to turn them into white people. - mig

[2014-08-22 12:09:21] - mig: I'm certain it'll be covered if anybody gets shot over it. -Paul

[2014-08-22 11:44:28] - I'm wondering about 2 things:  1) if this story will get covered by more mainstream outlets.  2) how it will be covered if it gets to that point. - mig

[2014-08-22 11:14:26] - a play on "testes"?  or "tester" vs "testee" / "tester" vs "testa"?  more likely testb/testc/testd existed in the past.  ~a

[2014-08-22 08:49:28] - my office has two test suites named "testa" and "teste". why did they pick "e"? - aaron

[2014-08-21 13:41:13] - yeah that's probably it.  ~a

[2014-08-21 13:35:47] - a: lunchtime? - aaron

[2014-08-21 13:00:45] - a: If you're IMing me, I'm not getting them. -Paul

[2014-08-21 12:58:45] - man, i'm IMing with three different people, and none of them are replying to my IMs.  did everybody on the internet die?  or am i that annoying guy that nobody wants to talk to?  ~a

[2014-08-21 12:11:02] - aaron:  yeah after i posted that, i realized that the graphs were cumulative.  :-[  ~a

[2014-08-21 12:08:52] - a: the graphs are cumulative, they can only go up! i don't think inflation plays a role here. if anything the lines seem steeper in the 80s (maybe because films were more popular then, or the films were gorier?) - aaron

[2014-08-21 11:25:04] - a: Haha, I actually did see contact and know exactly the scene you are referring to. My counter would be that their SWAT team apparently didn't do a good job there. :-) -Paul

[2014-08-21 11:20:29] - obviously you didn't watch contact.  nasa needs heavy security to keep the religious right from bombing their shit.  ~a

[2014-08-21 10:50:06] - NASA has a SWAT team? Wow... -Paul

[2014-08-20 16:20:22] - stupid inflation  ~a

[2014-08-20 16:18:45] - a: I don't know, honestly. Did we know the schedule before the deadline before? I thought we did. -Paul

[2014-08-20 16:11:48] - omg, lawrence park.  yuck.  and i thought arrowhead park was far.  ~a

[2014-08-20 16:11:40] - will i know the schedule of events before september 1st?  probably not, right?  ~a

[2014-08-20 16:01:40] - a: I want to make a joke about it being ironic and ass backwards when people use that logic for voting, but I can't think of a clever way of delivering it. :-) -Paul

[2014-08-20 15:51:49] - well i know it's ironic and ass backwards, but i probably won't sign up unless there's a lot more people.  :-\  ~a

[2014-08-20 14:46:52] - a: It looks like the team has 3 females and 7 males right now. It looks like registration ends September 1st. -Paul

[2014-08-20 14:31:18] - yes to the first question.  for the second question, i have two questions of my own:  1. how many females and how many males does your team have?  2. when is the last chance i have to sign up?  ~a

[2014-08-19 17:41:22] - a: Are you planning ultimate this week? Also, are you joining a Fairfax Ultimate league for the fall season? -Paul

[2014-08-18 17:21:47] - a: What annoys me is that we have all these medical records in centralized systems, and yet whenever I visit the doctor, I still have to fill out pages upon pages of forms detailing my medical history. We get all the downsides and no benefits! -Paul

[2014-08-18 16:52:20] - database that holds medical data for 200 hospitals was hacked.  private records on 5 million were stolen.  centralization is lame.  ~a

[2014-08-18 16:24:05] - Daniel: I think it's something an entrepreneur might take an interest in.  I know of (off hand) about 5 major clients that would each pay thousands of dollars for software that did that if they could customize the zones. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-18 14:12:08] - g: Sounds like an argument for self driving cars! -Daniel

[2014-08-18 13:49:28] - aaron: horses arent dumb enough to allow that to happen. ~g

[2014-08-18 12:38:51] - it can wait - aaron

[2014-08-18 11:58:59] - or I should say a letter could be perhaps interpreted that way. - mig

[2014-08-18 11:57:49] - a:  it could just be a misunderstanding.  A letter from an organization such as FFRF might insinuate or imply legal action, depending on how it's worded. - mig

[2014-08-18 11:51:19] - a: I have no idea. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was illegal (wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't also). My guess is nobody technically (or credibly) threatened a lawsuit, but the owners felt like they were under threat of one. -Paul

[2014-08-18 11:41:26] - Daniel

[2014-08-18 11:41:25] - Xpovos: I know a guy who has worked on OCR for the post office and theirs is pretty damn good at reading handwriting.  Once you've read it in, you could certainly alphabetize them.  As long as the paper documents all have some standard area to read from or something it should be possible, but the question is can you get OCR good enough without spending a crap ton?

[2014-08-18 11:34:10] - paul:  mary says that "we are being threatened by lawsuit", and "she dropped the discount out of fear of a lawsuit from [FFRF]".  and the FFRF said they "did not threaten to sue the restaurant".  is somebody lying?  ~a

[2014-08-18 11:31:57] - it is illegal to "charge an atheist more than a christian."  is this true?  i wonder which law this is.  ~a

[2014-08-18 10:27:43] - The comments section is actually surprisingly largely non-toxic, and some people even make some good points. I didn't even think of the discount people over 65 sometimes get at places. -Paul

[2014-08-18 10:26:19] - Wondering if anybody had any thoughts on this case. An open-and-shut case of assholish bigotry? :-P -Paul

[2014-08-18 09:52:52] - aaron: Yeah, I think that was my favorite. I literally laughed out loud when I got to "nothing". -Paul

[2014-08-18 09:45:39] - paul: "be sure not to pick up any object that could be perceived by a police officer as a firearm, such as a cell phone, a food item, or nothing." :D - aaron

[2014-08-16 19:15:02] - mig . . . what's your opinion of the situation?  ~a

[2014-08-15 22:40:51] - "I didn't make this kid pass out on my floor..." - mig

[2014-08-15 15:02:25] - The fact that this doesn't exist... is it just because the problem of determining text from handwriting is so error-prone?  Or is it that people don't believe such a product could be valuable enough to warrant the effort? -- Xpovos

[2014-08-15 15:01:31] - I have a software design idea that could be awesomely valuable, but it's nearly impossible to code properly.  The ultimate goal would be to take physical paper documents with handwritten elements on them, scan them, use heuristic OCR on the handwriting (zoned) to get a probablistic text variable, then alphabetize the documents. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-15 13:00:40] - This is really a buzzkill when watching the olympics, but a part of me can't help but wonder what will happen to all these fancy stadiums once the events are over. -Paul

[2014-08-14 23:37:30] - mig: Here's the counterpoint to your article. -Paul

[2014-08-14 17:16:08] -,36697/ There are some good ones here. :-) -Paul

[2014-08-14 16:26:51] - If this article was written like a month from now and they both had ignored the situation, this article may have had more credibility.  But the timing now just makes the piece bollocks. - mig

[2014-08-14 16:23:52] - Also there's the issue of this arbitrary deadline to speak out the author placed for people like Rand Paul and Amash.  As paul mentioned this really wasn't major news until about a few days ago. - mig

[2014-08-14 16:17:37] - g:  published op-eds don't just magically appear, especially in a publication like Time.  I'm pretty sure that piece was being written before the WaPo article. - mig

[2014-08-14 16:02:03] - mig: given that after called out on not taking it up as a cry to arms they talk about it? That doesnt make the article wrong unless of course they replied to the article with I wasnt using this as a rallying cry because of a, b, and c... but I didnt read their replies... ~g

[2014-08-14 15:41:25] - g: Fair enough, but I guess I still disagree. I've largely seen more attention paid to the events there from libertarians than the mainstream media and the more impassioned responses appear to have come from libertarians. Compare Rand Paul's response to Obama's, for instance. -Paul

[2014-08-14 15:35:29] - g:  given tgat those politicians have all responded, the article seems a bit foolish now, doesn't it? - mig

[2014-08-14 14:57:55] - paul: to me it seems like the story in the post is about how liberatarian politicians arent taking this up as a battle cry for the injustices against civil liberties, not a blanket statement against liberatarians commenting on the events. ~g

[2014-08-14 12:44:32] - And there's the last of the big three that were accused of ignoring Ferguson... -Paul

[2014-08-14 12:35:54] - Not technically a teen OR killed, but here's a pretty similar situation that practically nobody heard about. -Paul

[2014-08-14 12:33:45] - one instance of police brutality (at the time). As somebody else mentioned, this (unarmed black teen killed by cops) sadly happens a lot, and it's kinda of random why this particular instance set off protests. -Paul

[2014-08-14 12:32:45] - It's also worth mentioning that unless you were really following the situation, this didn't really become national news to a lot of people until a day or two ago. Considering all the other stuff going on in the world (Isreal/Hamas, Ukraine, Snowden revelations, etc), it seems a little unfair to jump on a politician for not speaking out on... -Paul

[2014-08-14 12:29:14] - He had a few mentions on August 11th (including a retweet from somebody else about blacks being stopped twice as often as whites by cops). -Paul

[2014-08-14 12:27:53] - a: Balko first mentioned it on August 11th in the washington post and his twitter feed has been going crazy with pictures and new since then. -Paul

[2014-08-14 12:25:21] - a: Sure, and all those people/things I mentioned have been talking about Ferguson/Brown too. My RSS feed has had multiple mentions of it from libertarian sources since the first protests began. -Paul

[2014-08-14 12:18:28] - that book isn't about brown.  i think maybe the confusion is in his article title.  the article content is about how libertarians aren't discussing brown.  ~a

[2014-08-14 12:17:48] - Here's a good list of a bunch of libertarian or libertarian leaning people and organizations that have been talking about Ferguson. -Paul

[2014-08-14 12:10:52] - a: He wrote this book for starters... -Paul

[2014-08-14 12:10:26] - a: And, like he said in the article, a bunch of libertarian organizations HAVE been talking about it. -Paul

[2014-08-14 12:09:57] - a: As somebody pointed out, using that same logic, "progressives" could've been slammed for not speaking up (Elizabeth Warren and a bunch of other progressive politicians hadn't spoken out either). -Paul

[2014-08-14 12:09:22] - a: The article isn't wrong, just misleading. Yes, Rand Paul hasn't mentioned Ferguson yet, and Amash and Stossel hadn't until recently (after the article was written), but that's hardly representative of all libertarians. -Paul

[2014-08-14 11:31:04] - what did balko write about?  ~a

[2014-08-14 11:29:03] - a:  when he doesn't even acknowledge the work of a libertarian writer who works for his own paper(Radley Balko), I'm going to say he's being a bit dishonest. - mig

[2014-08-14 11:10:47] - paul, so the washington post is just plain wrong?  it sounded like the dude did some due diligence.  ~a

[2014-08-14 10:30:02] - mig: I've heard 10x more coverage of the stuff going down in Ferguson from libertarian sources like Reason, Cato, The Independents, Balko, etc than I have from the main stream media, and Balko has been talking about police militarization (and misconduct) for years. -Paul

[2014-08-14 10:28:51] - mig: I don't know if you follow Radley Balko on twitter (or how well you know him), but his twitter feed was infuriating last night. He kept re-tweeting all these people (including Roland Martin) who were mocking libertarians for being silent about Ferguson. Many flat out accused libertarians of being racist. -Paul

[2014-08-14 10:27:43] - mig: I see it as a good thing. People used to go out of their way to ignore libertarians. The fact that they're getting attacked more just goes to show that people are taking them more seriously. -Paul

[2014-08-14 10:27:37] - mig: I think it's because they're worried about them stealing the hearts and minds of young people who actually care about things like civil liberties, constitutional rights and are anti-war. -Paul

[2014-08-14 10:16:55] - can someone explain to me why there's a sect of progressives that seem utterly obsessed with attacking libertarians lately? - mig

[2014-08-14 00:23:40] - Ferguson police are not acquitting themselves well tonight... -Paul

[2014-08-13 17:35:37] - a: It is? I thought that was only in some states... Stupid state laws! National laws should triumph! -Paul

[2014-08-13 16:54:34] - or if you knew whether killing rich people was illegal?  ~a

[2014-08-13 16:25:36] - a: They seem different in my mind, although I can't fully articulate why right now. I guess it's because if you deliberately performed some act that you knew was wrong (ie, killing somebody), then I don't particularly care why (he was black, he was jewish, he was gay, he was rich, etc). But I do care a lot if you accidentally killed somebody. -Paul

[2014-08-13 16:22:11] - a: Ah, okay. Gotcha. That totally makes sense. That's an interesting point. I'll have to give it some thought. -Paul

[2014-08-13 16:16:38] - regarding #2, it's something i can't find right now, but it was regarding hate crime discussions.  ~a

[2014-08-13 16:15:52] - hmmm.  mkay.  ~a

[2014-08-13 16:08:03] - a: Same thing here. New Jersey having it's own gun laws is fine, but that doesn't mean I can't think that particular law is stupid or that we would be better off if states had more similar laws. -Paul

[2014-08-13 16:06:57] - a: I think of it like how I felt about Mozilla (basically) firing Eich. The libertarian "position" is that companies are perfectly within their rights to fire their CEO for whatever reason, and I stand by that, but I can also think that it was disconcerting of them to fire their CEO for his personal beliefs. -Paul

[2014-08-13 16:04:58] - a: I can see where you might think #1, though. I wouldn't necessarily say I am arguing against states rights. Think of it more like me saying a law is stupid, then it sounds more like me. :-) -paul

[2014-08-13 16:02:50] - a: Um... I don't think so for #2. Are there times where I felt like intent was unimportant to the sentence of a person? -Paul

[2014-08-13 16:00:34] - they seem to conflict some.  like, you can't have it both ways.  it's weird to see these two things:  1.  paul and miguel arguing against state rights.  (stupid new jersey having dumb laws:  the national laws should trump!)  2.  paul trying to use intent to determine the sentence and/or guilt of a person.  both of theses things are backwards from normal, right?  ~a

[2014-08-13 15:50:34] - a: Honestly, not sure. I skimmed the wikipedia article but haven't done more of an in-depth look at it yet. -Paul

[2014-08-13 15:49:37] - paul:  how is mens rea different from . . . ignorance of the law, therefore innocent of the law  (my paraphrasing of ignorantia juris non excusat).  (animus nocendi seems to be the same too?)  ~a

[2014-08-13 15:00:03] - Considering the number of laws that we have (many of which aren't exactly "common sense"), I really like the idea of being lenient with people (within reason) who seem to have legitimately not known that what they were doing is against the law. -Paul

[2014-08-13 14:58:28] - I liked reading the first comment (which taught me something). I hadn't heard of "mens rea" before, but I like the concept. -Paul

[2014-08-13 14:53:17] - mig: Yeah, what I "learned" (somewhat tongue in cheek) from this is not to keep my (non-existent) guns out of NJ, but that if I ever find myself in a state with some legally acquired guns, I probably shouldn't volunteer that I have them. -Paul

[2014-08-13 14:24:00] - And if the gun happens to be discovered there's potential for violent escalation. - mig

[2014-08-13 14:23:13] - a:  and thats the problem with one of the defenses of the NJ law cited by the article, that this would act as some sort of deterrent for people to not bring their guns into NJ.  I think it's much more likely that people will just not tell cops of any firearms they might have. - mig

[2014-08-13 14:02:58] - she was doing exactly what the police would want her to do:  would the cop have preferred her to keep the gun a secret to be surprised by later in the heat of a moment?  ~a

[2014-08-13 14:02:25] - ignorance of the law is not a defense.  but . . . i feel like ignorance of the law and cooperation with the police and offering all of the evidence to the police in a nicely wrapped package should affect sentencing.  it's too bad it apparently doesn't work that way.  ~a

[2014-08-13 13:35:53] - a: Like you said, she told the cop about her gun, which means she was pretty clearly unaware it was illegal. -Paul

[2014-08-13 13:35:15] - a: Right, and that's the big deal (in my mind). Yes, she broke the law, and a punishment of some sort is to be expected (even though it seems like the most honest of mistakes), but what justice is being served taking her away from her kids for years? -Paul

[2014-08-13 12:24:09] - like seriously, if she was attempting to do something nefarious with her gun-running, she wouldn't have told the cop it was in her fucking purse.  ~a

[2014-08-13 12:23:30] - paul:  yeah well, ok, that seriously sucks.  i thought it was going to be a fine.  i'd be against any jail time for this very minor offense.  i was thinking $400 or something along those lines.  ~a

[2014-08-13 12:11:49] - a: I think that comment was in reference to the fact that she had no criminal record (until this gun charge). -Paul

[2014-08-13 12:11:15] - a: take a look at the context of that snippet you nit-picked. - mig

[2014-08-13 12:10:49] - a: I've seen a couple of numbers thrown around, from 3.5 years in prison to possibly 11+ if the judge decides to throw the book at her (which he bizarrely seems to want to). -Paul

[2014-08-13 11:41:02] - "law-abiding gun owners like Allen"  i'm pretty sure the author screwed up that sentence since she's not a law-abiding gun owner.  ~a

[2014-08-13 11:39:52] - what is her punishment?  i'm not sure the article said.  ~a

[2014-08-13 09:05:28] - Not sure if anybody else has heard about this case, but I wish more attention was being paid to it. -Paul

[2014-08-13 09:02:27] - a: It's amazing to me how many laws and regulations and in place to help established businesses/interests against innovative smaller companies instead of because of a true need. -Paul

[2014-08-13 09:01:10] - a: Welcome to the libertarian mindset. :-P -Paul

[2014-08-12 18:01:17] - "if spacex were suffering more than the usual number of problems that would be worth investigating, but that's not the case here."  assholes.  ~a

[2014-08-12 17:58:07] - reminds me of the uber conversation.  if somebody is beating you at your own game, then burdensome regulation will solve your problems.  ~a

[2014-08-12 11:35:32] - i'll do it.  ~a

[2014-08-12 11:09:26] - a: Am I planning frisbee this weekend, or are you? -Paul

[2014-08-12 09:55:24] - aaron: true enough but he did certainly start fanning the flames once the angry responses started rolling in. - mig

[2014-08-12 09:34:14] - mig: it's less tacky than just being like, "me and zach galifianakis" or "saw zach in new york, oh my god i love his movies" - aaron

[2014-08-12 09:33:53] - mig: i don't think it was trolling, i think it was just a humorous non-tacky way of telling people you saw a famous guy on the subway, like posting a selfie with zach galifianakis and captioning it, "this homeless guy had the coolest beard i've seen in awhile" - aaron

[2014-08-11 15:44:49] - Daniel: Yeah, it was relatively minor compared to what the Bushes did, but I definitely do remember it. People were talking about how they thought he was only doing it to distract from his scandals. -Paul

[2014-08-11 15:36:51] - Paul: huh, learned something new today.  though I wasn't following world events much in 1998.  -Daniel

[2014-08-11 15:32:56] - Daniel: -Paul

[2014-08-11 14:40:41] - Paul: when did Clinton bomb Iraq?  -Daniel

[2014-08-09 17:47:38] - a: probably! you can opt-out of sharing your location with google. maybe you did that. - aaron

[2014-08-09 10:31:50] - mine doesn't have anything.  i must have this turned off?  ~a

[2014-08-09 09:14:50] - a cool page which shows all of the places you've been for the past nine months or so. apparently on saturday november 9th last year, i drove out to merrifield around 4:30 pm and stayed there for 3 hours? maybe that was for karaoke! - aaron

[2014-08-09 06:53:16] - paul:  minor, but i wouldn't call it cashing out.  i just "spend" bitcoins.  in most cases, i'm actually using bitcoins as a medium for "cashing out" of my USD, as opposed to using my credit card.  ~a

[2014-08-09 06:51:49] - paul:  i use gyft, but i like egifter better because it has a better discount system:  3% discount and 3% points (6%).  i end up using gyft for things that egifter doesn't have (target and hulu).  ~a

[2014-08-09 01:17:49] - Hearthstone: Living the Dream.  Have double Knife Jugglers on the board, drop Onyxia.  It was pretty awesome. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-09 01:17:01] - I'm too much of a B5 fanboy not to be excited, but I see the concerns.  I don't think JMS is as talented as many--IMO B5 was lightning in a bottle--so I'm nervous, but cautiously optimistic. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-08 22:51:36] - a: Do you use gyft to cash out bitcoins? -Paul

[2014-08-08 18:58:05] - I'm not sure I'd be open to a B5 reboot.  The main charm of the series was the various actor's portrayals of the characters.  Having other actrors in established characters woild probably ruin it for me.  I will admit that the Star Trek reboot at least got the casting right though, so maybe JMS could do some magic in that regard. - mig

[2014-08-08 18:16:21] - how would you rate the success of this trolling? - mig

[2014-08-08 13:54:22] - Like a commenter said, though, I might prefer them just taking the originals and giving them a nice HD remake for the CGI and cleaning up some of the film and putting it all in 16:9. I would probably pay for a new Blu-ray set if they did that. -Paul

[2014-08-08 13:53:18] - As much as I want to be excited about this, I also realize JMS did a bunch of B5 movies that were fairly mediocre after the series ended. Not sure I trust him to do justice with a reboot. -Paul

[2014-08-08 11:11:58] - mig: Sure, I'd be intrested, but I'll be honest that the odds of my being able to go are extremely low. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-08 10:36:48] - any interest in this barcraft/hearthstone thing on 8/24?  Day9 is apparently going to be there. - mig

[2014-08-07 14:36:18] - g: Well, I assume his defenders would say he was referring to Amash's attacks on the NSA surveillance programs and defense of civil liberties. -Paul

[2014-08-07 14:17:11] - paul: was there a component that wasnt racial? ~g

[2014-08-07 13:58:50] - I think it's going to be a lot like Plague where the first boss is so brutal in Heroic that even though I could probably beat the other two, I'll never get a chance.  We'll see, I'll give Heroic military a swing tonight. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-07 13:55:57] - I beath Gothik first try, but it was mostly luck.  I switched into Zoolock and was playing a little too control at first.  I saw I got minions, and I thought it was a good thing!  Fortunately, it worked out.  I did lose the Shaman challenge against him, initially, though.  That was pretty tough. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-07 13:54:19] - I really enjoyed the 4 horsemen fight, it was pretty creative.  I had no problem with it with my tempo warrior.  I lost to Raz first try.    I thought he'd keep the taunts, and I misread his hero power (thought it was to me only) so my tempo warrior got destroyed.  Won second try with taunt druid. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-07 13:39:46] - xpovos:  this was before doing 4 horsemen, which wound up being pretty easy.  Figuring out te decks for razuvious and gothik took of time for me. - mig

[2014-08-07 08:41:34] - mig: I think 2 and 3 are significantly harder than 1, but I had fewer problems with the Miltary wing than I did the Plague.  But, I haven't done Heroic on either, yet, so... -- Xpovos

[2014-08-06 21:29:23] - so these naxxramas wings are definitely getting harder as they release them. - mig

[2014-08-06 11:50:12] - mig: Well, considering the "best friend in congress" comment, I don't blame him. That's below the belt, and I felt like it had a racial component to it as well considering Amash's ethnicity. -Paul

[2014-08-06 11:47:54] - I suppose this is a bit uncouth as it goes against the post election decorum, but I kind of like Amash's victory speech. - mig

[2014-08-06 10:13:24] - a: Doesn't seem so secretive if there is an article written about it. :-) -Paul

[2014-08-06 09:01:01] - Inside the Military's Secretive Smartphone Program  ~a

[2014-08-05 14:40:22] - Daniel: It's just ironic, because the person isn't transgender, and even though they're gay, it was a gay bar "discriminating", so it seems like a weird perversion of the law. -Paul

[2014-08-05 14:39:44] - Daniel: The way it ties back into the baker case (and public accommodation laws) is that if the dress code (or the reason for this person being denied entrance to the bar) is found to be discriminating against a protected group (in this case, I guess transgender people), it would basically be illegal. -Paul

[2014-08-05 14:31:36] - mig: Yeah the conclusions they were drawing seemed a bit of a stretch to me as well which seems like that is the problem not the dress code.  -Daniel

[2014-08-05 14:26:34] - I think what's problematic is the mental divination that regulators are trying to apply.  They admit the bar's dress code is in of itself perfectly fine, but is discriminatory because they feel the audience the bar caters to has a "discriminatory" attitude.  How they come to that rationale, I don't know. - mig

[2014-08-05 14:15:49] - Daniel: And so the end result is that (as I understand it), a gay man is suing a gay bar for discrimination because he was supposedly (although this is denied by the bar) discriminated against for being transgendered.... except he isn't, despite being dressed as a female. -Paul

[2014-08-05 14:14:36] - Daniel: Yeah, I'm not sure. It seems like this should've been something they could've worked around (much in the same way one would think the lesbian couple wouldn't have wanted their cake made by somebody who disapproved of their marriage), but they didn't. -Paul

[2014-08-05 12:40:26] - Paul: If they have a no wig rule shouldn't he have been allowed in if he just took off the wig?  It seems like no high heels, no wigs, no perfume isn't the same as a no gays rule.  However I'm not familiar with the baker case or public accomodation laws in general so I might be missing the point / something  -Daniel

[2014-08-05 12:26:42] - Clearly not one of Rand Paul's better moments, but considering the discussion that went on afterwards, maybe he had the right idea. :-) -Paul

[2014-08-05 12:22:15] - Mig: Hahaha, great minds? :-P -Paul

[2014-08-05 12:22:04] - This seems like an interesting variant on the baker who didn't want to serve gays case. A "bear" gay bar is being accused of discriminating against somebody who is not transgender, but was dressed as a woman. -Paul

[2014-08-05 12:05:31] - does this incident perhaps inspire some rethinking about public accomodation laws? - mig

[2014-08-05 09:32:35] - mig: Yeah, no kidding. Lee Suggs, Kevin Jones, Ryan Williams, David Wilson... all ended early with injuries. -Paul

[2014-08-05 09:11:22] - I almost got Heroic noth last night but ice block saved him and then I died.  :(  -Daniel

[2014-08-04 22:17:58] - I still contend Lee Suggs' only failure was being drafted by the Browns... -- Xpovos

[2014-08-04 19:39:57] - I'm beginning to wonder if Virginia Tech running backs are cursed. - mig

[2014-08-04 16:33:17] - mig: It does seem like a bizarre thing to commemorate. Maybe it's less a celebration than a remembrance? -Paul

[2014-08-04 12:09:10] - I mean to say the *start* of WW1 is being commenorated today.  I could understand it better if they were doing this on the end date of the war. - mig

[2014-08-04 12:02:56] - apparently Europe is commenorating the 100th anniversery of WW1.  Am I missing something about this because it seems a little looney as well as disturbing. - mig

[2014-08-04 10:47:59] - mig: Yeah, I was thinking zero minions if I could pull it off, which made it Mage, but I don't have Pyroblast.  So I tried a face Hunter varient.  Utter failure.  I thought of Rogue, but I don't have Leeroy for miracle or anything like that.  I should probably try a Conceal SP+ variant. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-04 10:33:51] - xpovos:  i had to create the most bizzaro rogue deck to beat Noth.  Only 3 minions (2 auctioneers and Leeroy). - mig

[2014-08-04 08:44:40] - I gave heroic Noth a few tries.  I'm not going to try any more for a bit.  I just don't have the cards necessary to build a control deck to get past him. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-02 14:26:46] - I haven't even tried heroic. I found the regular version much harder than the first week's regulars, and lost one of the two class challenges initially (I didn't lose either first week), so either the game is punishing my style of play, I'm getting bad RNG, or the week really is tougher.  That said, I've had fun with it. -- Xpovos

[2014-08-01 19:58:11] - so this week's naxx encounters have been really difficult.  I'm pretty sure I only got through the first 2 through sheer rng alone.  The free fen creeper that loatheb starts with is really stumping me. - mig

[2014-08-01 09:22:55] - Xpovos: I heard about that. Sounds like the NFL is about to get inundated with stats. I'm a little surprised this didn't happen earlier. -Paul

[2014-08-01 09:09:54] - Paul: -- Xpovos

[2014-07-31 12:57:38] - mig: Double play on a walk. -Paul

[2014-07-31 10:32:13] - mig: I don't think it's weird at all. Last I checked, Bush was a non-Democrat (a Republican, even!), so it makes perfect sense. -Paul

[2014-07-31 10:26:34] - paul:  i guess its just weird Democrats are throwing hissy fits over some small possibility that the House might try to impeach the president when they didn't seem to have much issue with some of their members actually bringing action to impeach Bush. - mig

[2014-07-31 10:15:16] - mig: The A's are looking mighty formidable in the AL. -Paul

[2014-07-31 09:38:35] - mig: I think it's part Sarah Palin, part Boehner's lawsuit, and part Democrat concerns about how the worst could happen if they lose the Senate. -Paul

[2014-07-30 23:51:25] - mig:  sarah palin.  ~a

[2014-07-30 23:34:42] - I never really understood how this whole impeachment story blew up. - mig

[2014-07-30 15:10:59] - MSNBC is more into talking about impeachment than Fox News is... -Paul

[2014-07-30 14:12:29] - mig: Probably why this article appealed to me. -Paul

[2014-07-30 14:12:17] - mig: Yeah, and I guess that's the difference between you and me. I thought the original concept for the Xbox One was pretty cool and the proposed implementation didn't bother me (and seemed to be the most obvious way to implement the concept). I was pretty dismayed by all the negative publicity and how MS had to backtrack. -Paul

[2014-07-30 14:07:27] - Also I'm a bit annoyed with the tone of the article that expresses undeserved (imo) sympathy for Microsoft.  Was there initial concepts that the Xbox one was exploring interesting?  Sure.  It doesn't change the fact that then proposed implementation was considered utter shit by just about everyone. - mig

[2014-07-30 13:15:30] - Paul: Any chance EA turns some of their servers back on with this deal? If not there's no way I can see joining. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-30 13:00:26] - paul:  "The marketplace requires a log-in and Internet connection to play your library of purchased titles," that's not 100% true.  It can be an obtuse process but you certainly aren't required to have an online connection to play games in your steam library. - mig

[2014-07-30 12:41:25] - And by the discussion being old, I mean we were talking about it on the message board awhile ago. The EA Access thing is new. -Paul

[2014-07-30 12:40:50] - The discussion is a little old, but it's this kind of forward thinking stuff that has made the Xbox brand appealing to me. -Paul

[2014-07-30 10:46:35] - mig: reverse it.  Say I'm willing to give you the groceries you need to live (food bank style) but only if you convert to Catholicism.  The outrage?  The demands for revocation of charity status?  Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with PETA doing this.  It's more advertising than anything else. But it's certainly not charity. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-30 10:05:27] - any thoughts? act of kindess or predatory agenda pushing? - mig

[2014-07-30 08:57:06] - And as long as that continues there can be talk of potential post-season matchups.  An O's vs. Nats World Series with this lawsuit in the background?  That is some quality free entertainment. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-30 08:56:13] - mig: With all that said, I actually can't think of anything better than if it were to spill onto the actual playing field.  Inter-league play is rare, and it would add some extra spice to the games--maybe get some more people to jump on my anti-Oriole bandwagon around here.  Until two nights ago, both teams were doing well ... -- Xpovos

[2014-07-30 08:52:37] - Before I start talking, I should make my biases known.  I loathe Peter Angelos.  I loved the Orioles as a kid--they were the local team and I had no reason not to.  I now despite them with almost the same passion as the Yankees and Red Sox, and take some solace in the fact that whenever these three teams play against one another, one of them loses. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-29 20:13:16] - of some local interest, hopefully this doesn't spill over onto the actual playing field. - mig

[2014-07-29 20:11:16] - xpovos:  ok, so I read that right ... this release time makes absolutely no sense. - mig

[2014-07-29 09:35:01] - I still haven't beaten Faerlina yet but I've been busy with other things and haven't tried again since last week.  Maybe I should make some attempts tonight before wing 2 comes out.  -Daniel

[2014-07-29 09:13:39] - Just in time for wing 2.  Though I have to say... releasing it at 11:59 PM.... Pacific... is not releasing it on Tuesday. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-26 19:27:48] - Finally beat heroic Maexx. Took me like 15 tries with a specialized Mage deck. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-25 21:53:42] - oh shit.  they list the trial number in each of the experiments.  in experiment one, we were watching the first trial.  ~a

[2014-07-25 18:16:36] - aaron:  i wonder how long the full unedited video is.  like . . . how many times does the bird take like an hour to figure one of those things out?  ~a

[2014-07-25 12:59:55] - "Euereka," crowed Tom Swifty.

[2014-07-25 12:51:49] - causal understanding of water displacement by a crow - aaron

[2014-07-25 09:14:46] - I got heroic anub last night with a warlock taunt heavy deck that led to Jaraxxus.  My 6/6 a turn was greater than his 4/4 a turn.  -Daniel

[2014-07-25 08:40:22] - Heroic Maexx has been tough. I thought Priest would be a good option, and I think I was close, but couldn't get it--so moved to Shaman and got rolled. Might have to try Pally next.  Sad that my best control seems to be all in Pally. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-24 22:43:32] - Apparently late to the party, but I found this amusing. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-24 18:55:49] - i had heard rumours about this but it's apparently happening. - mig

[2014-07-24 12:00:08] - *24N

[2014-07-24 11:53:55] - The most ironic thing for me was the fact that I went Pally because of Truesilver, but I didn't draw a single Truesilver in the match.  I ended up with a deck that was 6P 34N and won without the weapon.  Guess it was just time. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-24 09:23:47] - I got heroic Maex last night with a pally deck too.  I got Faerlina down to single digits twice (4!) but ended up losing each time to her.  Her stupid followers that give her 3 attack are by far the worst part for me.  I was trying a warrior enrage deck so I'll try a more standard zoo and see how that goes.  -Daniel

[2014-07-23 20:00:15] - And my zoo took down Faerlina without any real trouble. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-23 19:50:13] - Hah. Pally did it, no problem.  didn't even have close to the quality of cards you did, but I was able to make it work. :-) -- Xpovos

[2014-07-23 15:36:33] - mig: I actually threw some Mog Warriors in.  They were Shadow Bolt bait, but at least that meant the bolt wasn't hitting something else.  Truesilver Champion is such a good card, and perfect for Anub.  I had some success with Flamestrike, but living to turn 7 was iffy. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-23 15:29:41] - xpovos:  for anub'rekan the legendaries I was using were probably overkill (Black Knight was a dead card for me actually). You could probably use beefy taunt walls in their place. - mig

[2014-07-23 15:25:50] - xpovos:  TB is a bit of a workaholic, the stress of all the things he's involved in probably contributes to some of that.    I mean compare Obama pre president to today.  It seems like he aged quite considerably.  - mig

[2014-07-23 15:11:55] - So, two things that surprised me yesterday.  1) John Bain is younger than us.  His MP balding and voice lead me to believe he was older.  Just shows the power of stereotypes, I guess. 2) He has cancer.  Which is particularly relevant given the first point.  Obviously people can and do get cancer at all points in their lives, but... -- Xpovos

[2014-07-23 11:49:59] - a: I wouldn't be surprised if Amazon is taking bitcoin in the next 6 months, unless some serious restrictive laws come first. -Paul

[2014-07-23 10:58:48] - I watched your vid.  I hadn't thought of a Pally solution yet.  I'd tried Priest, Mage, Shaman and Rogue. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-23 10:48:22] - I also found the nerubian eggs to be helpful with the first 2 encounters, provided you have a good way to hatch them.  The enemy decks have no silence on them so you can just drop the egg early and plan out a way to kill it latet. - mig

[2014-07-23 10:47:47] - I'm figuring my Zoo should take her, maybe with some slight modification... once I get there.  I just apparently suck at playing control.  Also not having Alexstrasa hurts. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-23 10:38:37] - aaron:  definitely don't need super tailored decks but some key cards/combos definitely help.  I think you can probably beat Faerlina on heroic with any decent rush aggro deck, for instance. - mig

[2014-07-23 10:37:12] - paul:  yeah i saw that!  i'm more happy about newegg than anything though (10% off until july 31st!).  in the set of things i want, newegg is a superset of  sadly, i'll still probably continue to use amazon (with gyft/egifter) for non-computer things unless it happens to be something that overstock has.  ~a

[2014-07-23 10:27:50] - Daniel: Weird.  That definitely sounds like I got a good draw then.  I'll go retry when I get home and see if I have a different experience. The rogue challenge resulted in a ton of stuff bouncing around between my hand and the board. I drew three Echoing Oozes (breaking the 2-per-deck rule) and must have played it 7 times because of the bounce. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-23 10:19:56] - I didn't try the rogue deck but I felt like the druid deck was pretty crappy for the challenge.  I never had a minion with more than 3 attack and that was only after buffs.  The game I won I got a bunch of the gargs out that heal themselves and the spiders that summon more when they die and just did lots of 1 damage hits till she died.  It took forever.  -Daniel

[2014-07-23 09:58:40] - Daniel: I'm surprised you had trouble with the class challenges.  The Druid one in particular went very smoothly for me.  Obviously draw affects that a lot, but the deck they give you seems well tailored to the challenge.  Meanwhile the Rogue one was just silly. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-23 09:57:17] - The hero powers aren't quite that insane, obviously, but at a certain point, they make no functional difference.  After all, if they did 2: gain 30 life, why not do 2: gain 60 life?  Both powers encourage the same response.  So the ones they do have are pretty aggressive, without being completely laughable. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-23 09:55:04] - like, they'd make an opponent with a 2-mana hero power "Gain 30 life", or a 1-mana hero power "Gain control of all of your opponent's creatures", or something silly like that, where yeah you can win but you've got to make a really specific kind of deck to beat an opponent like that

[2014-07-23 09:54:04] - i was kind of anticipating that the heroic encounters would require super tailored decks, like decks which could do 30 damage in one turn, or decks which could kill by turn 5, or decks which had no creatures with less than 3 power, or something like that - aaron

[2014-07-23 09:10:50] - I briefly tried the heroic encounters but pretty much just got stomped by Anub and Maex to see what heroic was like.  -Daniel

[2014-07-23 09:10:21] - I got Anub and Meax first try on normal.  I played a slow druid deck again Faerlina and got stomped the first time when she was using her power to do like 6 damage a turn to me.  Switched decks and got her on the third overall try.  Druid challenge mode took me like five tries.  I don't know if it was crappy draws or what but they didn't go well.  -Daniel

[2014-07-23 08:43:17] - here are my successful attempts at the heroic bosses, if you're looking for ideas for what type of decks to use. - mig

[2014-07-23 01:20:08] - Maexnna actually took a really long while.  I think I might have beaten her in one of my early attemps, but her webspinner minion ended up deathrattling fucking King Krush. - mig

[2014-07-23 01:18:32] - I got anub'rekan on heroic on the first try.  You need a fairly good control deck to beat it.  Faerlina and Maexxna gave me lots of trouble.  You do have to tailor your decks to play around their special powers. - mig

[2014-07-22 23:34:40] - The heroic mode is crushing me, at the moment.  I don't think I have the firepower in my collected cards to deal with Anub's souped up hero power.  I'll have to try and get sneaky. -- Xpovos

[2014-07-22 22:36:23] - xpovos:  yeah it seems if you've been playing a while normal mode isn't too difficult.  i didn't have much problem with anub'rekan but I lost to faerlina but I think that just might have been due to poor draws.  I'm a little surprised they don't make you use premade decks for the encounters, lest people cry "pay2win" for the heroic encounters. - mig

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