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[2015-06-05 10:07:13] - I'm just curious, why exactly is this important news? - mig

[2015-06-05 09:35:28] - i KNEW it!! i knew it - aaron

[2015-06-04 15:05:22] - daniel:  sure, it's a long time, but with the dem field so barren I just don't see anyone even coming close to giving Clinton a challenge.  As I said before, Obama didn't really come out of nowhere.  There was talk of him being a potential nominee since he was elected as a senator.  And it helped that he was actually an inspirational and charismatic candidate. - mig

[2015-06-04 14:49:17] - mig: I think we all reasonably expect currently that Hilary will win, I'm just saying there is enough time for crazy things to happen and introduce unlikely outcomes.  Maybe she has a heart attack?  Who knows.  I think she's the favorite just that there is still time for someone else to make a go of it.  -Daniel

[2015-06-04 14:43:31] - a bit of a date article, but highlights a particular annoyance of mine.  I'm beginning to wonder if this group of people just aren't happy unless they are in a state of being perpetually offended. - mig

[2015-06-04 13:27:51] - the dnc might have already made up its mind, too. - mig

[2015-06-04 13:22:46] - daniel: i'm fairly confident Warren isn't running short of something incredibly catastrophic happening to Clinton. - mig

[2015-06-03 13:15:43] - But yeah, just fire up the client click on the heroes button download the game (if it hasn't downloaded already) and just fire it up. - mig

[2015-06-03 13:13:10] - You get access to a rotating pool of 5-7 heroes (which changes each week on tuesday).  You can unlock access to heroes permanently by either paying for them (which I don't recommend) or accruing gold (gained by playing and leveling your account and individual heroes). - mig

[2015-06-03 13:05:12] - It's "free" but also pretty micro-transactiony. - mig

[2015-06-03 13:04:33] - paul:  technically it's been out and free for anyone to download for a few weeks.  They just christened yesterday as a "release day". - mig

[2015-06-03 12:40:28] - So... Heroes of the Storm is out now? And it's free? -Paul

[2015-06-02 12:04:17] - mig: I see something similar to the original ruling, where the government technically loses the case, but Roberts finds a way to essentially rule in their favor in another way. -Paul

[2015-06-01 15:21:02] - xpovos:  I'm leaning 5-4 against the government, though Kennedy and Roberts seem like big wildcards for me. - mig

[2015-06-01 12:22:03] - mig: I think we see the rarest majority. A 3-3-3.  Kagan, Sotomayor and Ginsburg hold for the IRS in a concurance.  Breyer, Kennedy and Roberts (who writes the majority opinion) hold for the IRS narrowly, likely on an ugly technicality.  Scalia, Alito and Thomas dissent. -- Xpovos

[2015-06-01 12:02:07] - king v. burwell decision is supposed be coming in the next day or 2, any predictions? - mig

[2015-06-01 11:51:30] - interesting free speech ruling somewhat tangentially related to the mboard conversations about when speech qualifies as "violence". - mig

[2015-05-30 01:11:09] - mig: Pretty good.  The Amaz bonus clip got me. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-30 00:18:53] - xpovos: this is probably one of the best trolden episodes in a while. - mig

[2015-05-29 18:28:54] - xpovos:  there is a vin, yes.  but that doesn't mean it will turn up.  ~a

[2015-05-29 18:27:05] - paul:  yes sir.  two years ago i bought a ktm.  two years of fun, and i miss it already.  i posted this to facebook a few weeks ago . . . weeeee!  ~a

[2015-05-29 17:20:49] - a: Sorry, that sucks. I didn't even know you had a motorcycle... -Paul

[2015-05-29 15:23:53] - a: That is depressing.  Almost mean.  It's like Amazon is rubbing salt in your wound.  At least a motorcycle has a VIN, right, so there's more hope in tracking it down than say a GPS unit; though obviously the value is not comparable. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-29 15:22:40] - a: tank you [title].  You got it. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-29 15:04:33] - yes somebody actually stole my motorcycle.  right now I'm staring at a fan kit that just came in the mail for a bike that is gone and it's a little depressing.  ~a

[2015-05-29 15:02:09] - i think i get it.  Je suis Charlie + Charlie Charlie Challenge is demonic?  :)  ~a

[2015-05-29 14:50:39] - a: Did someone actually steal your motorcycle?  Do you have a motorcycle?  Here's a joke... no one's gotten it yet. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-29 13:48:36] - mig:  "i'm fairly confident that [people] would hate [the idea of getting rid of marriage licenses].  i think you'd see possibly more fierce political opposition for 'failing to recognize our marriages!'"  i guess i get to eat my words assuming this alabama thing actually happens and isn't used to continue discriminating.  ~a

[2015-05-29 13:22:51] - so, somebody stole my motorcycle last night.  any ideas on how i can hunt them down and steal it back?  . . . sigh, somebody come up with a better joke question, because that one doesn't really lighten the mood any.  ~a

[2015-05-29 13:16:57] - mig:  i guess my point was, both parties don't need to be there.  there is no notary public.  ~a

[2015-05-29 13:12:53] - at least that's my perception of the process, since I've never partaken. - mig

[2015-05-29 13:12:13] - daniel:  right not a big deal proceeding, but a proceeding nonetheless, that is essentially required for legal recognition, since some judge or other official does some mystical government incantation to give the state's blessing and then you get your license. - mig

[2015-05-29 12:58:31] - mig: It wasn't a deal for me and Andrea.  We went and got it and while legally important it was not an important proceeding for us.  -Daniel

[2015-05-29 12:48:07] - a:  well I was using the term "ceremony" rather loosely.  Is "proceeding" a better word, possibly? - mig

[2015-05-29 12:43:36] - mig:  no.  audrey was able to do it without my participation :-)  . . . it might vary from state to state.  ~a

[2015-05-29 12:38:25] - state to recognize the union. - mig

[2015-05-29 12:38:15] - I guess question for the married folks since I appear to be in the minority here, is obtaining the marriage license sort of a "ceremony" in of itself?  If I'm understanding the Alabama bill correctly, it seems to be cutting that part of it out and just allowing couples to file their agreed upon contract with the state governenment and that would be enough for the

[2015-05-29 12:34:28] - it also could be the idea is just not that controversial? - mig

[2015-05-29 12:19:49] - a:  strangely, this bill hasn't received much coverage from anywhere it seems.  Which is odd, given it's rather unorthodox approach to the gay marriage issues. - mig

[2015-05-29 12:17:07] - daniel:  if i'm understanding the bill passed correctly, I believe so.  If nothing else, this should be an interesting experiment. - mig

[2015-05-29 12:14:46] - xpovos:  why haven't we heard about this until now?  this was like over a week ago.  like . . . no daily show coverage on it yet.  ~a

[2015-05-29 12:01:59] - Xpovos: So can two people can enter into a marriage contract regardless of gender there now?  -Daniel

[2015-05-29 11:46:01] - aaron:  wow those are some amazing special effects.  ~a

[2015-05-29 11:37:53] - I really should, at this point in my life, be used to the fact that people tend not to get my jokes. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-28 23:54:40] - Go Alabama.  Never thought I'd say that. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-28 23:35:16] - kung fury has been released for free on youtube. it's a short film which combines a whole bunch of cheesy 80s action cliches into 30 minutes of awesome - aaron

[2015-05-28 13:25:28] - My understanding is that the company that was performing the buy offs is U.S. based, hence the U.S. interactions.  But I'll admit to not knowing much about it. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-28 12:34:32] - mig: yeah, i was also surprised that the charges originated from the US. but i don't know much about the politics of FIFA - aaron

[2015-05-27 16:12:56] - the fifa thing is interesting, but does it even fall under US jurisdiction?  It's seems strange this would be placed under the US's sphere instead of the EU.  - mig

[2015-05-27 15:49:04] - labor unions that pushed for $15 minimum wage and arguing against exemptions for certain businesses now demand their own special exemption from the new minumum wage. - mig

[2015-05-27 10:38:07] - He thought she was the Medusa.  A reasonable guess, honestly. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-27 10:37:54] - Just spent 15 minutes trying to explain the plot points behind the Queen of Blades on my <a href="">messenger bag<a> to my Guatamalan employee.  That was a different kind of entertaining. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-27 09:33:02] - FIFA officials indicted on corruption charges - aaron

[2015-05-27 08:34:49] - a: It could just be that they make massive profits already with a broken (English) product, so why bother improving it? -- Xpovos

[2015-05-26 10:50:44] - heh, sigh.  ~a

[2015-05-26 10:42:35] - a: Now my comment just looks weird!  -Daniel

[2015-05-26 10:31:03] - . . . i often wonder how thin their profit margins are.  if it were super profitable to be a spammer, there would probably be a lot of competition?  i'm not sure.  ~a

[2015-05-26 10:29:43] - daniel:  yeah i'm guessing spammers can't pay a lot of money to have their spam correctly translated into each language.  ~a

[2015-05-26 10:28:03] - I'm not sure I prefer this web page, it looks frugal,  Its such an obstacle.  -Daniel

[2015-05-22 10:34:24] - aaron: Heh.  Whoops.  Yeah, context is important. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-22 10:31:44] - one of my solutions goes through ~10^8 possibilities, but doesn't always come up with exactly the right answer.  the other goes through ~10^18 possibilities, and does get exactly the right answer, but 10^18 is too big so it'll take too long.  ~a

[2015-05-22 10:24:51] - :)  it shouldn't be a surprise that i'm having trouble solving it.  i have two "solutions" that get me part of the way there.  i'm hoping those solutions help me to find some patterns.  ~a

[2015-05-22 09:56:48] - a: seems really easy, just sum up the total area for all 10^3010 possibilities and divide by 10^3010. although i guess you might encounter a problem because there's not that many atoms in the universe. hmmm - aaron

[2015-05-22 09:50:56] - xpovos: without the context of hearthstone, i had a hard time piecing together that message.... "he was trying to put his phone in his hand... and the screen crackled his face somehow??? maybe... maybe he was pushing really hard? wow" - aaron

[2015-05-21 11:53:41] - mig: And now the Last of Us is done! I can give you your PS3 back the next time I see you. Thanks for letting me borrow it for so long! -Paul

[2015-05-21 10:20:20] - xpovos:  ah yes, handling spell cards is the one thing on the phone ui that is a little perilous.  I learned very quickly to do it carefully. - mig

[2015-05-20 17:18:20] - aaron:  i'm looking at  . . . haven't solved it, but it's fun.  ~a

[2015-05-20 17:04:39] - mig: Chalk up another loss to my phone. Crackled my face trying to put it back in my hand. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-19 15:30:29] - mig: I'm going to force myself to not play that until I at least finish The Last of Us (I think I'm on the last chapter) or Heart of the Swarm or ideally both. -Paul

[2015-05-19 12:53:50] - paul:  heroes of the storm just went into open beta today, should be available for download on the client. - mig

[2015-05-19 12:12:04] - first reveal of orcs from the warcraft movie. - mig

[2015-05-19 11:24:55] - what an odd case (in the sense of how it was decided), and a odd collection on each side of the decision. - mig

[2015-05-18 15:40:29] - Daniel: If I'd taken the time to get involved with the OS, I'm sure it would've been a lot easier, but I was really just visiting. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-18 15:37:43] - Xpovos: Hmm I guess I haven't found anything that slowed me down that long.  There were a few things in the beginning I had to google but nothing drastic.  I'm not super pro 8 or anything but I haven't had much trouble with it either.  -Daniel

[2015-05-18 15:34:30] - Of course... why would I is the other question, but it's important for Windows to continue to give positive reasons for people to stay rather than rely on the competition not giving them reasons to leave. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-18 15:33:57] - It was the need to perform 'at speed' and failing to be able to do so that was the biggest issue.  Something that would've been simple for me in 7 (which I use extensively) was nearly impossible in 8 because of lack of familiarity.  If I have to learn an entirely new system, why would I stay with Windows? Why not move to OSX or Linux? -- Xpovos

[2015-05-18 15:32:47] - Similarly, I would say the biggest problems were ease of use/speed issues.  I eventually got my project to work, but it took me far longer because nothing was where it had been.  Not deathstroke, but frustrating when I'm working on a one-off project and trying to be fast.  With the friend's laptop I was trying to do something deeper, but again [...] -- Xpovos

[2015-05-18 15:30:42] - d: i use windows two to six hours per year. so each time i sit down, i have to remember: where is the control panel? how do i find the services window? where are administrative tools? will win+R+cmd work? of course they're in a different place each time, but how long will they take me to find?  with windows 8, you can imagine it takes me longer than with windows 7. ~a

[2015-05-18 15:05:34] - What were you guys major issues with 8?  I think once I adjusted to the start menu taking up the full screen and learning to not use metro apps on my desktop I was fine with it.  -Daniel

[2015-05-18 15:04:24] - a: I have 8 on my home PC and I'm pretty used to it at this point.  It has a different way of doing things certainly but I didn't have any major issues with it.  -Daniel

[2015-05-18 15:04:04] - I don't actively dislike windows 8 but I find most of its new "features" to be utterly worthless.  I find it functional, unlike Vista, which was not. - mig

[2015-05-18 15:02:14] - a: Just like how Microsoft skipped over version 9. ;) -- Xpovos

[2015-05-18 14:38:42] - i think windows 8 will be like windows vista . . . most of the world just skipped over some versions.  ~a

[2015-05-18 14:38:02] - should come as no surprise, but i fucking hate windows 8.  windows 7 i have at least started to learn where things have moved to.  ~a

[2015-05-18 14:18:10] - I played around with a friend's Win8 laptop for a few minutes and couldn't find anything I was used to.  I installed Win8 in a shell on my Win7 PC for a project I was working on and trying to use it was genuinely painful.  -- Xpovos

[2015-05-18 14:17:22] - aaron: I'm not sure about current versions, but for 2000- Windows 7 you can uninstall (prevent from being installed as well) certain features, including Minesweeper.  I of course have no idea if this is analogous to the Candy Crush options now, or even if anything remains the same in Windows 10.  -- Xpovos

[2015-05-18 13:39:32] - daniel: i don't know, i'd assume it's bundled the same way minesweeper is bundled. can you uninstall minesweeper? i'm actually not sure - aaron

[2015-05-18 13:24:56] - This was intended as satire, but it's not actually all that bad, except for the likelihood of confirming any establishment bias that already exists in the Republican party candidate nominating machine. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-18 11:24:50] - aaron: Can I uninstall it?  Thats the main question that matters, bloatware that I can just get rid of isn't great but its the stuff that you cant (like on phones) that really bothers me.  -Daniel

[2015-05-18 10:52:57] - aaron: So, Candy Crush Saga is the new IE? -- Xpovos

[2015-05-18 01:56:12] - Maybe this is why our health care costs are so high... - mig

[2015-05-15 18:34:53] - i'm kind of locked into the pc version, considering it was one of the reason i built a new machine in the first place. - mig

[2015-05-15 17:25:35] - it's also fun to decode the base64 content in the URL after you submit a question and get an answer.  ~a

[2015-05-15 17:23:38] - what should i do with my life?  it said i should drink at night.  how will i die?  it said i die in a horrible corn biking accident!  love it.  emojic 8 ball.  ~a

[2015-05-15 16:15:25] - candy crush saga will automatically be installed for customers that upgrade to or download windows 10 - aaron

[2015-05-15 15:38:09] - mig: The reviews that have come out for it already were for the console version and they were all very glowy so I think console seems ok to me at the moment.  -Daniel

[2015-05-15 15:37:43] - I plan on playing Witcher 3.  I was leaning towards PS4 as a game that Andrea *might* be interested in watching me play (those happen occasionally). -Daniel

[2015-05-15 14:59:40] - paul:  I think my annoyance is more from people making that point as an actual serious argument in protesting the Brady suspension.  Which I think is wrong for the reasons I listed earlier. - mig

[2015-05-15 13:57:11] - mig: I've heard amazing things about Witcher 2, obviously, but I also know it's long, and I anticipate Witcher 3 being long. And Dragon Age: Inquisition took me FOREVER to beat when I actually had a lot of free time. It might take me years to beat the Witcher games. -Paul

[2015-05-15 13:56:24] - mig: I played a few hours of the Witcher 2 (on PC) and "own" it on Xbox 360 (free game with gold) but haven't played it yet. My gaming time is woefully sparse (still haven't beaten Heart of the Swarm and I saw a commercial for Heroes of the Storm last night) and so I'm wondering if I should play either game (or both). -Paul

[2015-05-15 13:23:58] - did you play Witcher 2 on X-Box?  More than some other games, this one I feel is really a PC game that's awkward to play on consoles (much like the first dragon age). - mig

[2015-05-15 13:12:29] - Well, it was the first I'd seen of that particular format of the joke.  I've mostly avoided Deflate-gate coverage, though; because I think the whole scandal is a joke. And I say that as someone who is definitely not a Patriots fan. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-15 12:56:06] - paul:  i plan on playing it but not sure about a recommendation.  Did you like the Witcher 2? - mig

[2015-05-15 12:50:31] - Xpovos: I thought the comic was funny, but I also think things are funny way past when other people think the joke has been done to death. -Paul

[2015-05-15 12:44:13] - Finally beat Dragon Age: Inquisition, so I can hopefully move onto other games now. A little disappointed in the epilogue and climatic battle, but it was still fun. Anybody planning on playing Witcher 3 and want to let me know if it's worth buying? :-) -Paul

[2015-05-15 11:32:58] - I'll concede the 2nd point though.  They admitted the mea culpa, but they should be reminded of that debacle till the end of time. - mig

[2015-05-15 10:33:04] - xpovos:  it might have been funny if this wasn't the 50th time I've heard the crack in the last couple days. - mig

[2015-05-15 10:14:45] - mig: Acknowledged.  But funny none-the-less, which is the purpose of comics.  And if the NFL keeps having their feet held to the fire by things like that, they're less likely to relapse the next time a player acts violently off the field. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-15 09:45:13] - xpovos:  I understand that retort to a point, but it's getting to be kind of a tired point to make.  The league has already admitted that Ray Rice thing was a disaster, so to hold them to that sort of precedent is a little absurd.  And that line of arugment loses a lot of luster considering how hard they came down on Adrian Peterson. - mig

[2015-05-15 09:37:34] - NFL justice. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-15 09:37:21] - If it seems fine, it probably is.  My problems have been very noticeable.  Including at least two games I've lost because the game client stalls while trying to execute an order, so I can't even queue up my moves.  So the rope burns while I watch my 3rd of 5 attackers hover uselessly.  Fun. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-15 09:28:55] - xpovos:  strangely I have not had many connection issues, even at my mom's house with sub-par reception.  This could just be illusionary though.  It *seems* fine on my end, but my opponent could be wondering why my turns are taking forever. - mig

[2015-05-15 00:07:18] - mig: The Android version is identical in graphical display, but the functionality is perhaps not as good.  I have a lot of connection problems (but that might have to do with my playing while moving between cell towers).  It's fine for an occasional game while commuting, but not ideal. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-14 10:27:49] - I have to say I'm impressed by the iphone version of Hearthstone.  Aside from some awkwardness of playing cards (you have to "zoom in" your hand on your turn, the interface works amazingly well, and it seems to handle non-optimal reception without too many jitters. - mig

[2015-05-13 17:01:46] - xpovos: i've resorted to using Firefox with NoScript, but it's not an especially pleasant experience - aaron

[2015-05-13 13:05:49] - I was happy about the move from Flash to HTML5 until the HTML5 videos started auto-playing all over the place.  Is there ANY reason the browsers refuse to let us set that to 'never autoplay'? -- Xpovos

[2015-05-13 12:02:46] - I want to see Age of Ultron but it does have less luster for me since we've had a lot more super hero movies.  -Daniel

[2015-05-13 12:02:02] - I have no idea what the black widow controversy is.  -Daniel

[2015-05-13 09:53:28] - mig: Age of Ultron kind of lost of novelty thing and the climatic thing AND threw in a bunch of complexity. First Avengers movie only needed you to see 4 movies. Age of Ultron requires you to see 8 movies AND is tied into a TV show AND also heavily references the next avengers movie AND is supposed to launch a few new franchises. -Paul

[2015-05-13 09:52:13] - ummm, lol? - mig

[2015-05-13 09:51:16] - mig: I think it's something less insidious. I think the first Avengers movie had a novelty thing going (wait, all of these individual heroes are teaming up?) and a climatic thing going (the Avengers initiative had been mentioned in the very first Iron Man movie, so there were basically 4 movies of build-up). -Paul

[2015-05-13 09:49:58] - mig: As for Age of Ultron, I honestly don't think the Black Widow thing has much to do with it. I follow Marvel movies closely and politics closely and Joss Whedon closely and even I didn't hear much about the controversy, so I have a hard time believing the standard movie going audience heard about it or cares. -Paul

[2015-05-13 09:46:40] - mig: Eh, after the bountygate punishments and the Ray Rice punishments, I have a hard time getting surprised over NFL penalties. Honestly, assuming the NFL believes Brady had some knowledge of what happened, that doesn't seem too outrageous to me. -Paul

[2015-05-13 09:07:31] - -- Xpovos

[2015-05-12 12:50:40] - hmmm, then it'd be either 1 of 2 things (probably cominbation of the 2) :  1) backlash from people getting outraged over black widow's role in the movie, 2)  over performing to such a level on week 1 that such a drop was inevitable. - mig

[2015-05-12 12:34:57] - mig: Still Ultron, with a 5:1 margin over next closest competitor.  No one else was opening up anything big last week or this because who would open against Avengers, given a choice?  Ex Machina is pulling a very strong second week (and onwards) though, which excites me. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-12 12:26:46] - what's #1 this weekend? - mig

[2015-05-12 12:24:58] - xpovos:  SJWs strike again? - mig

[2015-05-12 12:16:37] - Age of Ultron is down 59.4% from opening weekend to weekend #2, which is a shockingly large percentage for a major blockbuster.  Thoughts? -- Xpovos

[2015-05-12 10:57:40] - paul:  also we picked the right wizards game to watch. - mig

[2015-05-11 23:29:11] - mig: Looks like our discussion of Bill Simmons was prescient too. -Paul

[2015-05-11 21:37:27] - holy hell the patriots got steamrolled by the NFL.  Brady suspended 4 games, Pats fined $1 million and lose a 1st and 4th rounder.  Even I think that was a bit overboard. - mig

[2015-05-11 09:26:34] - a: i didn't come up with a solution to #4, but in my defense, neither did the author. #5 was fine - aaron

[2015-05-10 17:38:38] - a: I avoided reading the "solution" to number 4 last night.  I've done that now.  I don't think it's a good one.  Padding doesn't work.  I thought about a string conversion too, but that isn't perfect either, besides--why not use the mathematical tools that are designed for that kind of work.  My algorithm used logs. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-10 09:13:05] - xpovos:  problem 1  ~a

[2015-05-10 09:10:08] - if you like #4, you'll love project euler!  if you try project euler out let me know and Aaron and I can add you as a friend.    ~a

[2015-05-09 23:01:06] - I believe I came up with a functional algorithm.  I had the outline in about 20 minutes after two different paths each failed and I found a way to make the two of them work together for a complete answer.  It's inefficient, I'm sure, but it should work. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-09 22:16:29] - ... anyway, I think part of the reason why I get along well with programmers is that I find puzzles like #4 to be fun. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-09 22:09:02] - 5 took me about 2 minutes to even realize what he was asking for.  Whether that's my lack of comprehension or his questioning skills, I'll leave as an exercise for the reader.  That said, I'm going to go ponder an algorithm for 4 and see if I hit one in less than an hour. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-09 22:08:20] - a: Ooh, nifty.  I'm seriously out of practice for obvious reasons and am not the guy he's ranting about either, since it's been years since I applied for any IT job, but 2 and 3 are easy.  1 is actually frustrating, but I've got it in far less than an hour, I'm sure.  4 is tricky, I'd probably spend an hour on the algorithm alone, let alone any code time. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-08 15:22:44] - five programming problems every software engineer should be able to solve in less than 1 hour. i like the section at the end "unfortunately, you aren't the one that needs this" because i like ego stroking. ;-)  ~a

[2015-05-08 13:23:38] - "brunch", like many strange-sounding words, is an example of a portmanteau because it is derived from the sound one makes while enjoying a good meal

[2015-05-08 11:40:33] - a: Heard of it. Never used it. -Paul

[2015-05-07 19:33:24] - has anybody here heard of quickbooks (online)?  my accountant wants me to use it and i don't think i like it.  ~a

[2015-05-07 17:16:31] - Daniel: I think I am using future advisor. That's the thing that's like mint for retirement funds, right? -Paul

[2015-05-07 16:58:14] - I've seen Charles Schwab I think that has a similar thing to Future Advisor and I know there are one or two others out there that I can't remember the names of.  -Daniel

[2015-05-07 16:57:15] - Paul: Well it does increase your diversity to have small and large but it looks like there is still a big gap in the amount of the market you are invested in.  Any of you guys ever heard of tried any of the things like FutureAdivisor or the other automated investment services?  -Daniel

[2015-05-07 14:52:44] - Ugh, killed my 10th high dragon in DA:I, and didn't get my achievement. Apparently the counter is glitchy and the game thinks I've only killed 7 or so. -Paul

[2015-05-07 13:36:16] - Daniel: Um, I guess I figured having small-cap coverage and big-cap coverage meant I had my growth/risk curve covered and I didn't need mid-cap? I wanted to keep it to fewer funds if possible, and I guess I didn't think it was likely that something would happen where small and big companies get hammered in the market but mid-caps thrive. -Paul

[2015-05-07 12:42:52] - daniel:  yeah i looked at that.  "^CRSPTMC1" on yahoo finance and "INDEXNASDAQ:CRSPTM1" on google finance.  doesn't show much of a history on yahoo finance though.  . . . vtsax has been around a lot longer than CRSPTM1 according to google fininace.    ~a

[2015-05-07 12:27:46] - -Daniel*

[2015-05-07 12:27:43] - a: It looks like VTSMX tracks the index which says nearly 100% of the market.  I'm still not sure why the big gap between mid cap and small cap though.  -Danile

[2015-05-07 12:07:23] - a: There should be a total market index fund, that I would assume covers it all but I would probably check on that now.  Before today I would have said that the S&P 500 index, the mid cap index, and  the small cap index were basically equivalent to the total market (and I think at one point they were) but that seems to not be true.  -Daniel

[2015-05-07 11:30:34] - daniel:  interesting!  i've always considered the s&p500 to be "the market", but i guess something like vtsax would be a better line for "the *whole* market"?  is there an index that includes small and midcap?  ~a

[2015-05-07 09:41:30] - That seems to leave a large gap unaccounted for in between...  Hmmmm  -Daniel

[2015-05-07 09:41:17] - Paul: No love for the mid cap?  Only top 500 and small?  Also with that said, it appears some of my understanding on these index funds is dated.  Looking at the index the small cap index fund is tracking its only looking at "bottom 2%-15% of the investable market capitalization" and the mid-cap is "top 70%-85% of investable market capitalization".  -Daniel

[2015-05-06 14:56:11] - Though I have to say the rush to smear the movement as misogynistic and racist has produced some amusing results. - mig

[2015-05-06 14:36:42] - mig: Right, and I genuinely don't think that Beale deserves a Hugo. it would work better if he weren't on the ballot as a preferred nominee. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-06 14:36:18] - and a valid criticism is writers who don't really want to be associated with the movement or agree with it essentially can get conscripted into it by being on their nomination slate. - mig

[2015-05-06 14:19:12] - xpovos:  the problem with the movement it seems is that it's difficult to defend because people are professionally benefiting from it, in terms of award prestige, it's not that far fetched to believe this movement isn't arising out of principle but just to benefit specific individuals (especially Vox in particular). - mig

[2015-05-06 14:08:10] - I'm just disappointed that John C. Wright has been implicated in all of it.  As far as I can tell all he's done there is write stuff that is offensive to the left wing (good stuff, mind you--high quality offense) and because he's a beneficiary of the movement, he's getting slammed. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-06 14:02:21] - xpovos:  I've been doing some reading about sad puppies (and vox's rabid puppies).  It is a rather strange conflict. - mig

[2015-05-06 13:15:39] - As a result, the harsh reality of free speech upsets them; or upsets them because it upset someone else enough to hurt someone.  So, obviously that's a problem that needs a governmental solution. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-06 13:14:55] - mig: I think the problem is the tension between libertarian ideals (essentially anarchy) and the fact that very few people actually want to live in a world where logical conclusions reach their end point.  They like a squishy middle that 'feels' good. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-06 10:53:26] - mig: That's a good and fair point.  I don't have a good response to that one. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-06 10:50:50] - and moreover, in submitting to this rationale, we would be, in my opinion, veering close to that "well she shouldn't have worn that provocative dress" sort  of victim blaming. - mig

[2015-05-06 10:46:14] - I don't agree with these guys, but to consider them as somehow less vociferous in their own speech than Fayu is missing a very important point.  The difference of course is that these attackers are inciting new violence as well as self-violence.  So the analogy isn't perfect. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-06 10:44:20] - If the speech is motivating people to the point of martyrdom, that is inherently problematic. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-06 10:43:08] - mig: As long as the punishment for the violence is sufficiently more punitive than the punishment against the speech, it should work out just fine.  The times it doesn't work are when people are motivated to essentially commit suicide by cop because of speech. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-06 10:41:50] - essentially a violent heckler's veto would be established. - mig

[2015-05-06 10:34:43] - xpovos:  personally, I find this a rather troubling legal rationale.  Whether the response is rational has to factor in here.  If we submit to this sort of thought, it encourages people to commit violence against speech they don't like and then say, "see, this incites people to violence". - mig

[2015-05-06 10:21:56] - That is, the intent of Piss Christ was 'hate speech', whereas the 'intent' of the drawing contest was not.  But the reality is the reverse. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-06 10:21:24] - It's interesting, though, because the ostensible purpose of each event is very different.  That is, our best guess as to intents.  The drawing contest was designed to be a pro-free-speech event, whereas the art piece was designed to stir a painful emotional response because it represents the artists feelings about religion. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-06 10:20:08] - On the topic of free speech, we have a SCOTUS ruling that "fighting words" are not protected.  It is reasonable to assume that at this point caricatures of Mohammad (PBUH) are "fighting words" as they are likely to incite violence.  Piss Christ is in poor taste, but it won't incite violence. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-06 10:18:44] - I've been 'following' Vox Day more closely, lately, actually.  Far more than I did in college.  His involvement with the Sad Puppy movement has been fascinating for me.  I became aware of his involvement with GamerGate from that. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-05 14:05:32] - paul:  i missed any mention of Vox Day.  Yeah i haven't heard anything from him since college.  I have been reading up on Arhtur Chu (especially his twitter feed).  Some of his ranting are kind of sad. - mig

[2015-05-05 13:22:28] - paul:  they are.  .1% vs .3% (i.e. both very low).  i was about to mention that actually.  it's probably why the dividends are different between the two.  ~a

[2015-05-05 13:15:58] - a: I thought the expense ratios were lower for the admiral ones, although I admit I didn't look into it much. The admiral funds required a higher minimum balance to start with. -Paul

[2015-05-05 13:13:20] - paul:  i'm trying to understand vanguard's "admiral" vs non-admiral ("investor").  it seems like the price is almost exactly the same.  the dividends are slightly higher in admiral?  ~a

[2015-05-05 13:11:03] - it has its own wikipedia page but the image .... but i wouldn't want someone looking at my screen while looking at the entry. - mig

[2015-05-05 13:10:50] - mig:  ah.  ok.  thanks for the context.  my response is . . . welp, double standards exist.  that's about all i can say:  people suck.  at least double standards (mostly) don't exist in our laws.  or at least not as blatantly?  ~a

[2015-05-05 13:09:07] - a:  I wouldn't recommend googling it either.  Essentially, it's a piece of art involving jesus on a crucifix in a glass casing and the artist's own urine. - mig

[2015-05-05 12:50:05] - Let the criticism of my choices begin. :-P -Paul

[2015-05-05 12:49:55] - Also, in case anybody cares, I filled out my vanguard paperwork to get my 401(k) transferred over to a traditional IRA. I chose to split my funds evenly between the "500 Index Fund Admiral Shares (VFIAX)", "Small-Cap Index Fund Admiral Shares (VSMAX)", "Total International Stock Admiral Shares (VTIAX)" and "Emerging Markets Stock Index Admiral Shares (VEMAX)". -Paul

[2015-05-05 12:47:04] - mig: I was chagrined to see the reason article about the Gamergate bomb threat mention that Vox Day (a conservative columnist that I used to read back in college) was an ardent Gamergate supporter. Never thought I would see his name pop up all these years later. -Paul

[2015-05-05 12:46:19] - what's piss christ?  i'm afraid of googling:  piss christ.  :-P  ~a

[2015-05-05 12:31:56] - hence my question, because it's seems to me that something like piss christ is a far more provocative piece of art ridiculing a religious figure, yet doesn't seem to generate the same concerns about hatred or bigotry. - mig

[2015-05-05 12:18:53] - following that, some people went through the "I support free speech, but..." routine where some called it hate speech, some said the event organizers where sort of "asking" for a violent response, etc. - mig

[2015-05-05 12:17:52] - a:  ah yes, some background, since I guess this story didn't get maybe as much attention as the charlie hebdo thing:  someone organized a "draw mohammed" event over the weekend, drawing some ire.  Two people with guns show up, injuring one person and getting themselves killed by police in the process. - mig

[2015-05-05 12:10:40] -  there is very clearly a discussion on whether the event was "hate speech" or not. - ig

[2015-05-05 12:10:26] - a: - mig

[2015-05-05 12:05:35] - mig:  context?  who is declaring/drawing/pissing mohammed/christ as incitement/hate hatred/speech?  ~a

[2015-05-05 11:47:43] - curious question:  if people want to declare an event about drawing Mohammed an "incitement of hatred" or "hate speech", how is something like "piss christ" then not hate speech or otherwise an "incitement to hatred"? - mig

[2015-05-04 21:45:47] - speaking of wondering whether something will get media coverage... - mig

[2015-05-04 15:23:28] - paul:  come on paul, lay off.  bill needs to feed his family. - mig

[2015-05-04 15:18:25] - I have to imagine if Mitt Romney ever said anything about having to be paid $500k per speech to "pay the bills", the media wouldn't let him hear the end of it. -Paul

[2015-05-04 15:17:52] - I'm a little surprised more hasn't been made of some of the comments the Clintons have made recently that make them seem out of touch financially with the rest of America. -Paul

[2015-05-04 13:17:11] - aaron:  yeah, i'm with you.  i don't actually think bitcoin solves the two generals' problem as it was originally proposed.  if we state, hey, "we attack tomorrow" on the bitcoin network, and the enemy controls your connections to the internet, then the enemy can shut off one general's ability to receive the bitcoin confirmations.  ~a

[2015-05-04 11:30:26] - a: i guess "probabilistic" is the wrong word, but what i mean is the solution technically has a flaw where "what if a bad guy took twice the amount of computing power you had and used it to fabricate a billion bad messages" or whatever. not necessarily a practical flaw but a theoretical flaw - aaron

[2015-05-04 11:28:02] - a: yeah, any solution has to be probabilistic like bitcoin's -- which is a perfectly practical solution (even if it's not 100% perfect theoretically.) and that solution also explains how there was concern a few years ago where a single company was potentially going to make up for more than one third of bitcoin's computing power, or something vaguely like that - aaron

[2015-05-04 10:32:36] - aaron:  a lot of people say that bitcoin is a solution to the two general's problem.  you can see discussion on wikipedia on the similar topic:  Byzantine generals problem.  ~a

[2015-05-04 10:18:00] -'_Problem the "two generals' problem" -- two generals have to agree on a time of attack, knowing that any messengers they send might be lost. a pretty interesting problem for computing, as it turns out this is impossible - aaron

[2015-05-01 15:10:09] - my amusement for today. - mig

[2015-05-01 12:11:32] - Paul: Except Chicken Run was funny. -- Xpovos

[2015-05-01 11:34:53] - aaron: That sounds a little bit like Chicken Run to me. -Paul

[2015-04-30 15:44:28] - seth rogen is making an R-rated pixar-style movie about food in a grocery store, and the food thinks when you get purchased all your wildest dreams get true. they don't realize that you get eaten. and it's about them slowly coming to terms with what happens in their afterlife - aaron

[2015-04-30 15:15:09] - paul: this author seems to think it will, but I'm skeptical of his rationale.  Democrats were howling and screaming about these issues in 2014, and they got pretty clobbered. - mig

[2015-04-30 11:15:19] - yes.  ~a

[2015-04-30 11:07:28] - a:  proposing legislation?  check.  speech? check.  good enough? - mig

[2015-04-30 10:54:30] - I'm all for Bernie Sanders running to challenge Hillary from the left, but I do worry that without another "mainstream" challenger, she won't feel the need to even worry about him. I think there needs to be a Sanders/Warren AND a O'Malley/Webb type. -Paul

[2015-04-30 10:18:31] - xpovos: welp, this subreddit is feeling the hype! - mig

[2015-04-29 14:14:37] - mig: Still a better candidate than Hillary. -- Xpovos

[2015-04-29 13:59:55] - looks like Bernie Sanders is about to officially announce he's running for president.  ARE YOU ALL ABOUT GET HYPED! - mig

[2015-04-29 12:52:31] - a: Maybe once we have a libertarian in any kind of national office, they can start doing that. :-P -Paul

[2015-04-29 11:05:19] - paul/mig:  hmmm, i hadn't thought about it.  i guess anything other than twitter?  proposing legislation?  resolutions?  whatever we pay politicians to actually do.  mention what you're going to do about it during a speech at least.  ~a

[2015-04-29 09:56:37] - a:  I'd like to ask this question again:  what qualifies as caring?  I fully understand (and agree somewhat) furiously typing into twitter isn't exactly all that committing but since libertarians have been accused of not caring about this issue before, I'm curious what does qualify as "sufficiently caring". - mig

[2015-04-28 14:41:15] - a: I'm not sure what else libertarians are supposed to do. One of the tweeters had recently lost his spot on a semi-daily cable show and the other only has a regular newspaper column. -Paul

[2015-04-28 14:40:08] - a: Well, considering the limited influence libertarians have on the mainstream media, twitter is kind of the only place that I could see the outrage. In fact, the whole point was that everybody else was fawning over how Obama was "killing it" at the White House Correspondent's Dinner instead of covering Baltimore. -Paul

[2015-04-28 09:08:44] - Emperor Thaurissan in my Ramp Druid is a lot of fun, though. -- Xpovos

[2015-04-28 09:08:14] - mig: Grim Patron is far better than I expected.  Thaurissan is about as good as I expected--which is pretty good. I don't know that the two cards necessarily have a super powerful interaction.  Grim Patron benefits more from Warsong Commander. -- Xpovos

[2015-04-27 17:52:34] - It swems like a lot of the commentators just didn't consider how good the card would be in combination with Emperor Tharussian. - mig

[2015-04-27 17:50:52] - xpovos:  grim ladron is surpisingly effective.  i might seriously give some time to try and hit legend next month with it. - mig

[2015-04-27 15:12:18] - I must be hitting the meta just right.  My (not very good) ramp Druid is tearing up the ladder.  I'm even beating Facehunters pretty consistently. Last game against one went 6 Sunwalker into 7 Druid of the Claw (Bear) + Hero Power into "Well fought, I concede." -- Xpovos

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