here are old message board entries

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[2001-04-13 00:27:00] - the guy told anastesia, "it's not like their going to ask you to sing at it". - mig

[2001-04-13 00:25:00] - okay, am I the only one confused at who just got offended and why? - boing

[2001-04-13 00:24:00] - oh my god, the republican is a big dickhead. - mig

[2001-04-13 00:23:00] - well, any government is going to try and downplay their own "dark" activities... that's what china is doing - boing

[2001-04-13 00:22:00] - anastacia is also showing far too much cleavage - boing

[2001-04-13 00:22:00] - except china thinks that it's ok for them to do it to us, but not the other way around. - mig

[2001-04-13 00:22:00] - yes, it is a fair trade off. - mig

[2001-04-13 00:20:00] - but china is practically asking for it with all the espianoge they do to us - boing

[2001-04-13 00:20:00] - i dunno... I mean, it's morally dubious to constantly have planes doing surveillence from international waters... - boing

[2001-04-13 00:19:00] - yeah. - mgi

[2001-04-13 00:17:00] - that anastacia girl is really naive about international policy - boing

[2001-04-13 00:15:00] - hope no one from china is wathcing p.i. tonight. - mig

[2001-04-13 00:13:00] - he's at aparna's and i assume he's asleep there. - mig

[2001-04-13 00:12:00] - oh, he's asleep, isn't he miguel... I remember him saying he hadn't slept - boing

[2001-04-13 00:11:00] - wow.  that was a long monologue. - mig

[2001-04-13 00:10:00] - hey, where's porter... I remember he was amazed that I was vying for most posts earlier... I want him to see this - boing

[2001-04-13 00:09:00] - but my point about the physical and emotional inconsistencies of anime girls makes you wonder about whether the artists of anime characters have skewed those lines - boing

[2001-04-13 00:08:00] - ooo ... bill mahr isn't too happy about the china resolution. - mig

[2001-04-13 00:07:00] - skeming = skewing - boing

[2001-04-13 00:06:00] - I don't think anime lends itself to easy skeming of those boundaries... anime characters are just not realistic enough - boing

[2001-04-13 00:05:00] - that's a first - boing

[2001-04-13 00:05:00] - wow!  I have the most posts out of the last 350!!! - boing

[2001-04-13 00:04:00] - which is why you have such a large amount of pressure on young girls to be sexually active at a young age... boys are horny, and to immature to control their urges in a socially healthy fashion - boing

[2001-04-13 00:04:00] - i don't think it's too disturbing.  as long as people don't skew the boundaries of fantasy and reality. - mig

[2001-04-13 00:04:00] - I agree, There is a difference between real girls and anime girls. -paul

[2001-04-13 00:01:00] - since boys' emotional maturity peaks a lot later in life - boing

[2001-04-13 00:01:00] - it's the same with boys... in a way, worse - boing

[2001-04-13 00:00:00] - another problem is that, biologically, girl are achieving their physical peak younger and younger, but their emotional maturity isn't keeping up - boing

[2001-04-12 23:58:00] - thank you, paul - boing

[2001-04-12 23:58:00] - nor should any age girl, for that matter... but that deals more with society's stereotypes and less with anime - boing

[2001-04-12 23:58:00] - I agree with Pierce :-) -paul

[2001-04-12 23:57:00] - I think the problem with being attracted to anime minors is that a fourteen year old girl shouldn't have watermellon boobs - boing

[2001-04-12 23:55:00] - that's why things like post 13530 need to be reexamined outside of the verbatim word of the law - boing

[2001-04-12 23:54:00] - though that's a hazy definiton... there are some minors who are mature enough, and some people in their 40's who still can't handle the idea of sex as an adult - boing

[2001-04-12 23:52:00] - the reason sex with minors is wrong and illegal is that they don't have the emotional maturity to be prepared for sexual relations - boing

[2001-04-12 23:51:00] - not that it's not still a little weird, but if an anime girl is well-developed, then her age is simply a label.  the creator could say she was 18 and she would be the same - boing

[2001-04-12 23:50:00] - there's a fundamental difference between an underage anime girl and an underage real girl... - boing

[2001-04-12 23:47:00] - i think the thing that confuses me is how the lines between real life and anime blur for some people.  -  aba

[2001-04-12 23:46:00] - ugh.  too bad we started discussing so late.  i have to go to bed, so i can wake up at six and finish my homework.  goodnight paul.  -  aba

[2001-04-12 23:46:00] - Um... I don't know. I guess not :-( -paul

[2001-04-12 23:42:00] - so you're saying that in real life if a girl who is ten looks like she's eighteen it's ok to want to be attracted to her?  -  aba

[2001-04-12 23:37:00] - But they're only underage in terms of what the creators say their age is. In every other way, they are more mature -paul

[2001-04-12 23:36:00] - haha!  ok.  it is disturbing because the people who are attracted to them know they are little girls.  -  aba

[2001-04-12 23:34:00] - Um.... how about something about how disturbing it is to find underage anime girls attractive? -paul

[2001-04-12 23:30:00] - think of something.  >:o  -  aba

[2001-04-12 23:29:00] - Nothing to post -paul

[2001-04-12 23:27:00] - i see tons of people online but nobody is posting.  :(  -  aba

[2001-04-12 22:49:00] -  link from kristin  -  aba

[2001-04-12 22:43:00] - dance dance karnov is very addicting  :[

[2001-04-12 18:48:00] - and i bet if there kids were really just having sex, they'd just blame on tv or music. - mig

[2001-04-12 18:20:00] - I don't think my little cousins are having sex, what's wrong with that? -paul

[2001-04-12 18:08:00] - Or maybe what people's favorite animals are -paul

[2001-04-12 18:08:00] - You could do a poll about what political affiliation people consider themselves to be -paul

[2001-04-12 18:05:00] - I don't understand what is wrong with the parents saying that they don't believe their children are having sex. -paul

[2001-04-12 17:31:00] - kids wouldn't do (or say they do) stuff like that at such a young age unless the parents really have no idea what their children are all about.  chances are the parents are too busy with jobs/etc to realize that their kids need attention.  -  aba

[2001-04-12 16:31:00] - yes! of the head! - boing

[2001-04-12 16:31:00] - canca?  ~a

[2001-04-12 16:31:00] - and i wish cancer upon you - boing

[2001-04-12 16:30:00] - you're a dick :) - boing

[2001-04-12 16:29:00] - i didn't say it was a bad poll.  i said it was boring.  i guess i should have said the results were boring.  is that better?  dick  :-P  ~a

[2001-04-12 16:29:00] - but just flat denial that it's a possibility shows a level of disconnection with their childrens' social lives that tends to continue as they get older. - boing

[2001-04-12 16:28:00] - granted that I don't think the incident happened either, or that a significant number of kids that age have sex... - boing

[2001-04-12 16:27:00] - but I think aparna is saying that the quotes at the end of the article - of mothers saying they don't believe their kids are having sex at that age, is a naive attitude to have... - boing

[2001-04-12 16:22:00] - hey, screw you adrian... you want a better poll, come up with it yourself :) - boing

[2001-04-12 16:10:00] - who said the situation ever occured?  i don't believe the girls either.  they just want attention.  i am not going to say it couldn't happen or even that it didn't happen.  ~a

[2001-04-12 16:02:00] -    the parents in this article piss me off.  it's people like them that cause these situations to occur in the first place.  -  aba

[2001-04-12 15:58:00] - os: project three = over 45 hours . . . project four = under 45 minutes  ~a

[2001-04-12 15:49:00] - ok.  that was a boring poll.  does anyone have a better one?  ~a

[2001-04-12 15:45:00] - indonesian foood was awesome! -jdb

[2001-04-12 15:30:00] -    petition to keep the anwr safe.  -  aba

[2001-04-12 15:27:00] -

[2001-04-12 15:15:00] - "i am an herbivore"

[2001-04-12 14:18:00] - -paul

[2001-04-12 13:54:00] - omnivores rule!  ~a

[2001-04-12 11:38:00] - but not excusable. - mig

[2001-04-12 11:38:00] - that's a little more understandable. - mig

[2001-04-12 11:36:00] - Police shoot unarmed african american who was fleeing arrest. Mob riots result. I hear the mayor is considering asking for national guard help -paul

[2001-04-12 11:35:00] - what happened in cincinati. - mig

[2001-04-12 11:30:00] - mig: the print version actually has a photo of the guy painting it. it's so easy to identify him from picture (even i know who it is)... i have no idea if he will be charged or not. apparently, the stone was sandblasted early this morning. -jdb

[2001-04-12 11:30:00] - At least they didn't go balistic like the people in Cincinnatti -paul

[2001-04-12 11:29:00] - There's nothing wrong with it as far as I can tell, I just don't like it -paul

[2001-04-12 11:29:00] - mig: they painted "end racism" on the stone thing across street from burruss. you can see it in this picture ( -jdb

[2001-04-12 11:26:00] - do you think it's wrong for girls to "be exhibitionists", or do you just not like it, paul? - mig

[2001-04-12 11:24:00] - Ping Pong at Squires at 3:00 today -paul

[2001-04-12 11:18:00] - really?  they vanadalized.  ugh.  *shakes head* - mig

[2001-04-12 11:04:00] - Basically look for any females laying on the grass -paul

[2001-04-12 10:59:00] - adrian: They've decreased in number since the first warm day outside, but they are still around. I'll point them out to you next time -paul

[2001-04-12 10:57:00] - Gay commie red!? -paul

[2001-04-12 10:52:00] - but, overall, it is nice to see some students that are willing to stand up for their beliefs. -jdb

[2001-04-12 10:50:00] - mig: yeah, i can't believe someone vandalized stuff -- sorta negated a lot of things... -jdb

[2001-04-12 10:48:00] - grrr, the page is gay-commie-red again. hehe -jdb

[2001-04-12 10:48:00] - wow, i was running for first? -jdb

[2001-04-12 10:42:00] - heh?  ~a

[2001-04-12 10:36:00] - Arathmetic? -logan

[2001-04-12 10:20:00] - wow.  for the first time ever josh is in the running for first.  and pierce!  ~a

[2001-04-12 08:58:00] - protesters can be dumb sometimes. - mig

[2001-04-12 08:06:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-12 07:50:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-12 06:34:00] - do you think summer clothing does not belong in telivision either?  ~a

[2001-04-12 06:34:00] - paul: i have seen no exhibitionism (in reference to journal).  i really don't see what you are talking about.  maybe you see summer clothing.  i am, actually, very surprised.  ~a

[2001-04-12 05:34:00] - private inheritance . . . all your base public data are belong to us . . .  @@@/pics/digital/code3.jpg  ~a

[2001-04-12 04:14:00] - and if you are bored, i added @@@/pics/digital/ to @@@/pics/  ~a

[2001-04-12 04:02:00] - added @@@/pics/school/sophomore1/ , @@@/pics/school/sophomore2/ , and @@@/pics/school/indiagarden/ to @@@/pics/school/  ~a

[2001-04-12 01:53:00] - ugh.  more objectivist crap. - mig

[2001-04-12 01:09:00] - i'll have to try that game sometime.  and i've just freed up lots of space too. - mig

[2001-04-12 01:02:00] - Though the horse creature downloaded from both French and English companies are of the same size. -devin

[2001-04-12 01:01:00] - Whoa, and the French company selling the game has four different creatures available for downloading. Hard to say if it would work with the English version though. -devin

[2001-04-12 00:56:00] - The neat thing is, at least the sight has the horse creature for downloading. I can't vouch for whether or not it will work if you didn't buy the game from them, but it's worth a shot. -devin

[2001-04-12 00:55:00] - Oh, interesting thing. Seems that a number of different distributors for Black and White are offering "special creatures"--for instance, having a horse creature. -devin

[2001-04-12 00:52:00] - Excellent. Much obliged! -devin

[2001-04-12 00:51:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-12 00:50:00] - - mig

[2001-04-12 00:49:00] - run "dxdiag"

[2001-04-12 00:43:00] - Off-topic question, but what's a good way of finding out if my crappy video card has Direct3D support--as the company's webpage isn't all that helpful. -devin

[2001-04-12 00:27:00] - any info from the mouth's of the cops?  i think they would be the most impartial sources here. - mig

[2001-04-12 00:19:00] - i see. - mig

[2001-04-12 00:18:00] - i think the cops just showed up (the test-prof called w/out notifying polanah), and polanah told the cops he'd only leave if they arrested him. -jdb

[2001-04-12 00:16:00] - so does anyone know if he was demanding to be arrested before or after the cops came. - mig

[2001-04-12 00:13:00] - i mean, if the professor kindly explained to polonah that his students had a test in that assigned room and that they had to leave, it might have been gone a little more smoothly than just barging in and demanding that they leave the room. - mig

[2001-04-12 00:10:00] - since both groups of students are obviously biased toward their professors. - mig

[2001-04-12 00:10:00] - good point - boing

[2001-04-12 00:10:00] - of course, we won't know for sure unless someone actually acurately describes what happened that day. - mig

[2001-04-12 00:08:00] - well, that's why instructors do things like extending the time allowed for the test.  in fact, i'm pretty sure that calling the police would have delayed it just as much. - mig

[2001-04-12 00:06:00] - the the the the the? the the the, the the-the the the. "the the," the the the the :) - the boing

[2001-04-12 00:05:00] - even if he had just waited until a university representative got there, it would have taken valuable time away from the test - boing

[2001-04-12 00:05:00] - not exactly, that is the number of posts that contains the word.  it could be repeated multiple times in one post.  ~a

[2001-04-12 00:05:00] - Oh ho, it counts the actual number of appearances of the word. That's even worse. -devin

[2001-04-12 00:04:00] - he had a bunch of students there about to take a test.  he would have irrevocably delayed the test, annoying and disrupting his students, if he had simply walked away and filed a report - boing

[2001-04-12 00:04:00] - What? The word the has only been in 4157 comments? 4158 including mine? -devin

[2001-04-12 00:03:00] - I have also heard that he was hostile, and calling the cops would have been rash except for one thing... - boing

[2001-04-11 23:58:00] - Calling the cops does strike me as an inappropriate response to the situation, but it wasn't the only one. -devin

[2001-04-11 23:55:00] - from what i have read about it,he did come across as a little hostile. - mig

[2001-04-11 23:54:00] - i'm not saying he should have just let polonah get away with it. i'm just saying he should have tried to resolve the conflict peacefully. - mig

[2001-04-11 23:44:00] - - boing

[2001-04-11 23:43:00] - I think Killough handled himself as well as anyone should have

[2001-04-11 23:43:00] - I mean, say you're Killough (the other professor).  It's a liability to just move to another classroom without arguing, a liability that belongs to Polanah.  I wouldn't inconvenience myself/put my neck on the line when I'm right - boing

[2001-04-11 23:34:00] - i see that channel 10 found rat races more exciting than our professor problems :) -jdb

[2001-04-11 23:27:00] - all i know for certain is  that polonah was demanding to be arrested.  - mig

[2001-04-11 23:24:00] - yes, it does look to me the polonah pretty much is at fault.  but the other professor could have handled himself better(from my understanding from what i've read). - mig

[2001-04-11 23:21:00] - That's true. But given what I know about what happened (which isn't much, I admit), I think most of the blame lays on Polonah or whatever his name is -paul

[2001-04-11 23:21:00] - so josh does have a point. - mig

[2001-04-11 23:20:00] - yeah, but it's possible they both could have been jerks to each other.  it's just one of the jerks had the law on his side. - mig

[2001-04-11 23:17:00] - actually not really "avoiding conflicting".  i really meant to say resolve peacefully. - mig

[2001-04-11 23:17:00] - There's a difference between being mean about something and not caving in though -paul

[2001-04-11 23:15:00] - it's like the woman who threatened adrian about the tj pics.  she may have been in the right, but she could have been a whole lot nicer about it. - mig

[2001-04-11 23:13:00] - well it couldn't hurt to keep watching. - mig

[2001-04-11 23:13:00] - drastic. - mig

[2001-04-11 23:12:00] - hmmm.... i'm begining to think it's not goign to make it on. odd because it was on 6:00. -jdb

[2001-04-11 23:12:00] - and i think what josh is saying is that people who are in the right should seek to avoid conflict unless they have no other alternative, but like i said i don't know all the facts, so i don't know whether getting the police involved or not was a bit

[2001-04-11 23:09:00] - It hasn't happened yet right? I think I've been watching the right channel -paul

[2001-04-11 23:06:00] - hehe, i know... a friend told me it was going to be first (second-hand)-- i don't care when it is, i just want to see it! -jdb

[2001-04-11 23:01:00] - Looks like your story was beat out by the Chinese story :-) -paul

[2001-04-11 23:00:00] - i think it would really have to depend on the situation whether conflict should be avoided or not, since the facts aren't all crystal clear, i have no opinion right now. - mig

[2001-04-11 22:56:00] - p.s. channel 10 news is supposed to have protest report @ 11pm, first story. -jdb

[2001-04-11 22:51:00] - it wouldn't be a matter of "ease," it'd be a matter of principle. -jdb

[2001-04-11 22:43:00] - I don't think "avoiding conflict because it's easier" is a good example to set - boing

[2001-04-11 22:41:00] - Silly Josh. We all know that it's the people with the big guns that are right :-) -paul

[2001-04-11 22:39:00] - i think those in the right should avoid conflict, because, well... they're in the right and should set a good example, i guess. :-D -jdb

[2001-04-11 22:39:00] - i seriously couldn't tell if 13764 was directed towards me or not. i don't think it's "okay" for "clearly wrong" individuals to be confrontational. -jdb

[2001-04-11 22:37:00] - offensive? bleh. constructive argument is fun! :-D -jdb

[2001-04-11 22:36:00] - You can talk to him on AIM, that is what I am doing now -paul

[2001-04-11 22:35:00] - Hehehe, you weren't offensive. If anyone was, it's me -paul

[2001-04-11 22:34:00] - I'm sorry if I was offensive, but I stand by my statements - boing

[2001-04-11 22:34:00] - i'm sorry :'( - boing

[2001-04-11 22:33:00] - You scared him away Pierce, I hope you're happy :-) -paul

[2001-04-11 22:28:00] - jdb? - boing

[2001-04-11 22:23:00] - it's only bad for people with no racist tendencies who are trying to make valid arguments - boing

[2001-04-11 22:22:00] - this is a funny episode.  it's a very biting and interesting commentary that organizations like the klan only hurt what they stand for... and that's often a good thing - boing

[2001-04-11 22:22:00] - Hot Shower! Hot Shower! Hot Shower! - Aaron

[2001-04-11 22:22:00] - Yes I too think the South Park episode is very funny

[2001-04-11 22:21:00] - jdb, that was addressed to you... - boing

[2001-04-11 22:20:00] - it is a really funny episode.  ~a

[2001-04-11 22:18:00] - everybody watch south park.  ~a

[2001-04-11 22:18:00] - I didn't do it this time! :-) -paul

[2001-04-11 22:18:00] - ...probably wondering who it is addressed to... -jdb

[2001-04-11 22:17:00] - there has been like 30 hits to the pages since the last post.  ~a

[2001-04-11 22:10:00] - why is it okay for people who are clearly wrong to be confrontational, but those in the right should avoid conflict? - boing

[2001-04-11 22:09:00] - ....even if that means being "socially irresponsible", and inconveniencing my students a bit. -jdb

[2001-04-11 22:09:00] - i would never ague that polanah was correct (i think he is a rather confrontational guy, i'm sure he is loving this protest stuff), BUT, i would avoid conflict in the classroom if at all possible... -jdb

[2001-04-11 22:08:00] - I mean, professors have to reserve rooms for a reason and everybody needs to abide by the rules or else the system breaks down (like it did with this incident). Polonah was clearly wrong, so I can't possibly see what the problem is. -paul

[2001-04-11 22:05:00] - Well then, I guess he shouldn't have taken the room without permission then. -paul

[2001-04-11 22:04:00] - if i had been the test-professor, i would have posted signs on the door, moved my class down the hall (or upstairs), and then wrote a note to whoever administrated the room reservation process complaining about the class-in-process. -jdb

[2001-04-11 22:04:00] - I mean, I'm sorry if we all seem to be ganging up on you, jdb, but (no offense intended) it seems a bit socially irresponsible to inconvenience yourself to allow others to break the rules - boing

[2001-04-11 22:04:00] - racism and such.  ~a

[2001-04-11 22:03:00] - south park is on right now.  it is very similar to the current conversation.  it is on comedy central.  watch it!  :-D  ~a

[2001-04-11 22:03:00] - paul: he had videos, etc. setup . the class was 1 hour over (3 hour course). -jdb

[2001-04-11 22:03:00] - the one who caved would still get in trouble, because he would have broken the same rule as polanah - boing

[2001-04-11 22:02:00] - If it's that easy to switch classrooms, then why couldn't the other professor change rooms? After all, it's better to avoid confrontations right? -paul

[2001-04-11 22:02:00] - and what if he went to another room and while they were in there, a less understanding professor who had license to use that room came in?  what if that professor wrote up the one who "caved?" - boing

[2001-04-11 22:02:00] - Have you ever had a teacher move the location of the test so close to the date of the test that half the students couldn't find the room or came late? -paul

[2001-04-11 22:01:00] - boing: hehe.  thats what i said  ~a

[2001-04-11 22:01:00] - Yes I have, I have a 5:30 class in Pamplin -paul

[2001-04-11 22:01:00] - it reflects badly on a professor if he's not organized enough to correlate where he says the test will be and where it actually is - boing

[2001-04-11 22:01:00] - and then you would be late.  i think i would be pissed.  it makes the teacher seem unorganized  ~a

[2001-04-11 22:01:00] - The point is, I've had professors move the location of a test a day before the test and it caused a great deal of confusion nontheless, I can not even imagine what would happen if the professor changed it minutes before the test was to start -paul

[2001-04-11 22:00:00] - have you been in pamplin at 7pm before? :-D -jdb

[2001-04-11 22:00:00] - How do you know there would have been another free room down the hall? Maybe you would have to go to a different building -paul

[2001-04-11 21:59:00] - you'd be pissed if you saw a note that said "class has been moved down the hall"? -jdb

[2001-04-11 21:58:00] - Now that would be very irresponsible on the professor's part. I know I would be very pissed if I was going to take a test and then found out that the professor had moved it just then to some other room -paul

[2001-04-11 21:57:00] - sure, it would have been easier that one time, but it would have indirectly justified the racist policies of the buses - boing

[2001-04-11 21:56:00] - sure, you can... you put a sign on the door :) -jdb

[2001-04-11 21:56:00] - You can't just change the location of a test minutes before the test is going to take place, it's unfair to the students -paul

[2001-04-11 21:56:00] - if rosa parks had just "caved," she wouldn't have been the trigger for the bus boycotts that ended up desegregating the seating on public buses. - boing

[2001-04-11 21:55:00] - There would be mass confusion as students walked into Polanah's class looking to take a test -paul

[2001-04-11 21:55:00] - I don't think that it helps anything to be apathetic when someone else is doing something wrong.  sure, it might ease tension that one time, but it encourages that behavior in the future - boing

[2001-04-11 21:54:00] - It's not that simple though, this professor had told his class that the test was going to be held in that classroom. You can't just change something like that on the fly -paul

[2001-04-11 21:53:00] - i agree.  what he did only emphasized the racial pluralism at this school in a way that discouraged, rather than encouraged, equality - boing

[2001-04-11 21:52:00] - pamplin in the evenings is rather empty. if i had been the exam-professor, i would have caved in. it's sometimes not worth getting in scuffles over things -- even if the other guy was wrong.  -jdb

[2001-04-11 21:51:00] - I don't know what happened, but it seems to me that this teacher saw a golden opportunity to play the victim and raise racial tensions for his own ends and I think that is just plain sad -paul

[2001-04-11 21:51:00] - if they didn't get a good classroom for racist reasons, then the battle needs to be fought on that front, not by unconstructive civil disobedience - boing

[2001-04-11 21:50:00] - I agree that polanah's class should have gotten a classroom with video support.  but they didn't for whatever reason, and polanah should have tried to rectify that through the proper channels - boing

[2001-04-11 21:49:00] - but what if he ended up taking a classroom that another class needed? the classroom assignments exist for a reason. - boing

[2001-04-11 21:48:00] - I think that when someone is disturbing an educational environment and saying that the only course of action that would result in him leaving is an arrest, he deserves to get exactly that - boing

[2001-04-11 21:48:00] - yep, the other guy had permission -- but why wouldn't he just "break down" and go to another classroom? a video-based course can't be held just anywhere -- a test can be given in pretty much any classroom. -jdb

[2001-04-11 21:46:00] - it's not like he was in the right.  just because his class didn't get the classroom they wanted doesn't license him to lay claim on another without going through the proper channels. - boing

[2001-04-11 21:46:00] - and that they should all apologize to us. :-D -jdb

[2001-04-11 21:45:00] - both "sides" have very compelling cases... however, i think there is one side: a bunch of adults acting like children. the professors should have handled things better. the cop should have never resorted to arresting. i think they're all jerks... -jd

[2001-04-11 21:44:00] - personally, I think that professor should be dismissed for electing to interfere with students' educations rather than follow university policy - boing

[2001-04-11 21:43:00] - That's what I thought. It's a sad state of affairs -paul

[2001-04-11 21:40:00] - the claims that "this wouldn't have happened if he were a white professor" are ridiculous.  no one ever knows what would have happened, and it's pretentious and offensive to make character claims like that against an honest policeman - boing

[2001-04-11 21:37:00] - dewey knows the police officer and says that he isn't a racist guy.  I feel bad for him because he's being labeled as a racist redneck - boing

[2001-04-11 21:36:00] - yes, paul, that's exactly what happened.  and yet his students and others seem to be ignoring the facts in favor of the scandal - boing

[2001-04-11 21:31:00] - i can't find out what is wrong with v0.2  ~a

[2001-04-11 21:30:00] - Humph... Didn't the police officer that arrested him say that he was being aggressive and said that he would have to be arrested in order to be removed? -paul

[2001-04-11 21:30:00] - a: is v0.3 program beta in the works? -jdb

[2001-04-11 21:29:00] - i saw a bunch of black high school student tour groups today... i wonder what impression this protest gave them? -jdb

[2001-04-11 21:29:00] - yeah, vandalism sucks. -jdb

[2001-04-11 21:26:00] - i mean, organize and protest if you want, but vandalism is vandalism. - boing

[2001-04-11 21:26:00] - they also left a big spraypainted "end racism" on the stone thing across the street from burruss - boing

[2001-04-11 21:24:00] - yup. i believe his students orchestrated the protest, based on the claims that the arrest was racist, or something. -jdb

[2001-04-11 21:22:00] - Isn't he the professor that refused to leave a classroom that another teacher had reserved for a test? -paul

[2001-04-11 21:10:00] - i went at 2:00 for about 15 minutes or so. there were a bunch of pissed off college kids there (mostly black), and a bunch of VT VIP's (deans, etc.) -jdb

[2001-04-11 21:10:00] - you didn't see it? :-P protest regarding professor polanah getting arrested. should be on channel 10 11:00 news. -jdb

[2001-04-11 21:08:00] - what protest?  (no)  ~a

[2001-04-11 21:08:00] - so did anyone go to the protest today? -jdb

[2001-04-11 21:00:00] - haha, black & white is so addictive! :-D -jdb

[2001-04-11 20:34:00] - I know, I love new england clam chowder and the kind they have here is pretty good -paul

[2001-04-11 17:49:00] - i've had better (at cape cod) but this is pretty good for virginia  ~a

[2001-04-11 17:48:00] - it's ok.  ~a

[2001-04-11 17:47:00] - you can actually get good clam chowder here? -jdb

[2001-04-11 17:45:00] - it is soooo good, paul  :)  ~a

[2001-04-11 17:35:00] - Poo, I thought so :-( -paul

[2001-04-11 17:33:00] - clam?!?!  ~a

[2001-04-11 17:32:00] - Does New England clam chowder have meat in it? -paul

[2001-04-11 17:29:00] - mmm clam chowder  :-D  ~a

[2001-04-11 16:57:00] - yay.  i love clam chowder.  how long is it going to be at west end?  ~a

[2001-04-11 16:21:00] - gay sex on level 2 - aaron

[2001-04-11 15:32:00] - Dance Dance Karnov is pretty fun. Rather bizarre though. -devin

[2001-04-11 14:16:00] - Yay! New England Clam Chowder is at West End! -devin

[2001-04-11 13:49:00] - oh whoops, didn't see the link was posted already.  damn i feel dumb - mig

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