here are old message board entries

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[2001-04-11 12:27:00] - that joke is soooooooooo played :-/ - aaron

[2001-04-11 12:17:00] - hahaha

[2001-04-11 12:15:00] -

[2001-04-11 12:14:00] -,4586,5080924,00.html boo!

[2001-04-11 09:18:00] -

[2001-04-11 03:09:00] -    fun flash game.  :)  -  aba

[2001-04-11 02:48:00] - yay.  can i get black & white from you sometime then?  i am glad that it actually is a good game.  i think it's cool that you can play over the web with other people.  -  aba

[2001-04-11 02:05:00] - :-D -jdb

[2001-04-11 01:20:00] - yay.  an online high school diploma advertisement on comedy central  ~a

[2001-04-11 01:02:00] - I just think that's classic (though the original joke is uncool) - boing

[2001-04-11 01:01:00] - rec.humor.funny's moderator's response: - boing

[2001-04-11 01:01:00] - mastercard's response: - boing

[2001-04-11 01:00:00] - this joke was in rec.humor.funny - boing

[2001-04-11 00:53:00] - yeah, i've heard it's great, and really detailed

[2001-04-11 00:53:00] -  ~a

[2001-04-11 00:52:00] - ok. josh's verdict is in: black&white is the coolest game i've played since... well... maybe ever. i'm very impressed. -jdb

[2001-04-11 00:52:00] - - boing

[2001-04-11 00:52:00] - dewey's been working on it to try and make it cross-browser, but he only has NS6

[2001-04-11 00:52:00] - oh i see.  it only works in ie  ~a

[2001-04-11 00:51:00] - when i move my mouse over images, am i supposed to see a menu?  ~a

[2001-04-11 00:50:00] - dewey's been working on that for a while, I know he's proud of it - boing

[2001-04-11 00:49:00] - - boing

[2001-04-11 00:49:00] - and dewey, when he's not at rescue squad - boing

[2001-04-11 00:46:00] - and so is miguel  ~a

[2001-04-11 00:46:00] - i am  ~a

[2001-04-11 00:44:00] - I'm planning to buy Black & White, so you guys can try it out... they say they might release a patch allowing LAN games with only one CD, but I'm not sure if we're close enough on the LAN to play each other - boing

[2001-04-11 00:34:00] - interesting article which sort of relates to nader's speech - boing

[2001-04-11 00:34:00] -;sid=2001/4/8/214245/6519&commentmode=minimal

[2001-04-10 22:29:00] - here's hoping.  :)  -  aba

[2001-04-10 22:26:00] - since we have a republican president i'm glad that we have a retarded one.  now we won't have to live with a republican president for years!  ~a

[2001-04-10 22:13:00] - george w = george dubya = dubya    -  aba

[2001-04-10 22:04:00] - dubya?

[2001-04-10 22:02:00] -  there's this too.  -  aba

[2001-04-10 21:59:00] - oh, man, that picture is funny.  i really liked the comment for cuba.  :d  -  aba

[2001-04-10 21:50:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-10 21:37:00] - i took the daffodil picture!  :d  -  aba

[2001-04-10 21:21:00] -    the poor rolling stones . . . .    ;)  -  aba

[2001-04-10 21:19:00] - i am cool

[2001-04-10 20:26:00] - i've heard lots of good things about that game too. -kris

[2001-04-10 20:24:00] - what a bunch of freaks. :-) the guy 3rd from left is norml@vt president. :-P -jdb

[2001-04-10 19:09:00] - -logan

[2001-04-10 18:43:00] - -kris

[2001-04-10 18:43:00] - holocaust thing - 8:00 donaldson brown

[2001-04-10 18:37:00] - Actually, I believe that place had an rather interesting article on the game. -devin

[2001-04-10 18:31:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-10 18:24:00] - i've heard lots of good things... hmmm, my friend upstairs says he'll send me .iso. :-) -jdb

[2001-04-10 18:12:00] -    looks like an interesting game.  anyone heard anything cool about it?  -  aba

[2001-04-10 18:05:00] - :-D -jdb

[2001-04-10 17:47:00] -    hahahahaha

[2001-04-10 17:15:00] - anyway time to demo. - mig

[2001-04-10 17:14:00] - as far as i know, there is no penalty for undermining the fda.  and the government made sure the fda had a hard time enforcing anything. - mig

[2001-04-10 17:14:00] - because the fda wasn't given the authority that it should have been given

[2001-04-10 17:13:00] - So why do we still have these problems? -paul

[2001-04-10 17:12:00] - I thought the FDA and stuff was suppose to stop these evil companies from doing bad things -paul

[2001-04-10 17:12:00] - What I don't get is that we have all these government control agencies, which make people happy, and yet we have so many problems with stuff like bad meat and tobacco -paul

[2001-04-10 17:07:00] - and as for the question of what is "intentional" and what is "detremental", that's why we have judges, jury, etc. - mig

[2001-04-10 17:06:00] - i think the way i would phrase it would be "businesses should be required by law not to do intentionally do anything that would be determintal to consumers." - mig

[2001-04-10 17:05:00] - on. - mig

[2001-04-10 17:05:00] - well, how about this, make a consumer group, and give it the authority to say what businesses do.  if the businesses do not like some demands or think that some demands are unreasonable, then let them appeal to the government, who then makes a decisi

[2001-04-10 17:03:00] - It's kind of like asking yourself "Should a business be required under law to do what is best for the consumer?" -paul

[2001-04-10 17:03:00] - Should businesses be required under law to do what is best for the environment? -paul

[2001-04-10 17:02:00] - I suppose it all goes back to what kind of limitations the government should put on businesses -paul

[2001-04-10 16:56:00] - of course, i couldn't really expect that much out of a corporate whore. - mig

[2001-04-10 16:54:00] - i mean, the government does have to intervene in some things. - mig

[2001-04-10 16:53:00] - oh.  i for one.  :)  ~a

[2001-04-10 16:53:00] - if for one wouldn't mind government intervention in that respect. - mig

[2001-04-10 16:52:00] - it isn't in most companies best interests to be ecologically friendly.  it is easier just to hide their industrial waste where no one can find it etc.  ~a

[2001-04-10 16:52:00] - it would be helpful though, instead of bush drilling alaska for oil, he encourage other(and probably cheaper) energy alternatives. - mig

[2001-04-10 16:51:00] - but if the government doesn't take care of the environment, no one will.  or at least no one has the power to make enough of a difference.  ~a

[2001-04-10 16:50:00] - Most Libertarians like the environment, they just don't want government intervention to help it -paul

[2001-04-10 16:44:00] - and most objectivists think libretarians suck. - mig

[2001-04-10 16:44:00] - Sorry, I was having computer problems -paul

[2001-04-10 16:43:00] - but that's why i think objectivism sucks. - mig

[2001-04-10 16:38:00] - that is a requirement to be an objectivist, apparently. - mig

[2001-04-10 16:38:00] - why is that a requirement to be a libretarian? - mig

[2001-04-10 16:37:00] - :-P

[2001-04-10 16:37:00] - you don't hate the environment, so you aren't much of a libertarian, are you?  ~a

[2001-04-10 16:36:00] - so you are a moderate  :)  ~a

[2001-04-10 16:35:00] - but i don't agree with bush's "fuck the enivornment" policies. - mig

[2001-04-10 16:35:00] - i just don't like government regulations and programs that are shitty.  soc. security and medicare really, really blow. - mig

[2001-04-10 16:32:00] - yes, but i agree with govt regulation of those things, and you don't, paul.  -  aba

[2001-04-10 16:32:00] - paul go bye bye  ~a

[2001-04-10 16:29:00] - We only disagree on that stuff in the context of politics, I still agree that people should be educated and the we should be environment friendly -paul

[2001-04-10 16:25:00] - musical tastes.  probably movies too.  i dunno.  stuff.  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-10 16:25:00] - probably the environment and education would be the two big ones.  -  aba

[2001-04-10 16:25:00] - Disagree? What other things besides politics do we disagree on? -paul

[2001-04-10 16:24:00] - You should feel lucky that I even said you were tolerable, considering what issues I imagine you would run on -paul

[2001-04-10 16:23:00] - i doubt it.  there'd still be a lot to disagree with me over.  -  aba

[2001-04-10 16:22:00] - You could get much better then tolerable from me, all you need is to change a few political views -paul

[2001-04-10 16:20:00] - yay for super programmer adrian  ;)

[2001-04-10 16:20:00] - tolerable from you is probably the best i can get.  :d  -  aba

[2001-04-10 16:20:00] - all better.  ~a

[2001-04-10 16:19:00] - Compliment? You can take it as you will -paul

[2001-04-10 16:17:00] - poo.  i'm fixing it  :-[  ~a

[2001-04-10 16:14:00] - aba: :-D -jdb

[2001-04-10 16:12:00] - socialism for all!  :d  -  aba

[2001-04-10 16:11:00] - was that a compliment paul???  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-10 16:11:00] - It depends, what issues would you be running on? -paul

[2001-04-10 16:10:00] - You might be a tolerable supreme dictator, for a woman :-) -paul

[2001-04-10 16:10:00] - aba: i see 404's, so it makes me happy :-P -jdb

[2001-04-10 16:10:00] - yeah, but turning it off doesn't change that much, josh.  the error messages still suck.  -  aba

[2001-04-10 16:10:00] - jdb: a new word! -jdb

[2001-04-10 16:09:00] - i think i would be a really awesome supreme dictator.  -  aba

[2001-04-10 16:09:00] - Internet Options > Browsing > Show friendy HTTP error messages (turn it off!) -jdb

[2001-04-10 16:08:00] - no more bush

[2001-04-10 16:07:00] - Sorry, gotta catch up with what I missed -paul

[2001-04-10 16:07:00] - Yay for Bush, cut those programs :-) -paul

[2001-04-10 16:05:00] - surprise surprise.  :d  the only reason why i use windows is because it is better than mac os and i am not smart enough to use linux.  win2k is the intermediate ground.  -  aba

[2001-04-10 16:02:00] - that's anti-microsoft philosophy, heh -jdb

[2001-04-10 16:01:00] - well, i think ie should give you error messages based on what the error actually was (the server didn't exist) as opposed to the percieved problem (the link was incorrect).  -  aba

[2001-04-10 15:58:00] - i guess this depends on one's perspective of the web. to computer techies like us, your statement is certainly true. to joe schmoe that views the "web" as a single entity, it is that page's fault. -jdb

[2001-04-10 15:58:00] - don't suck any dick!

[2001-04-10 15:56:00] - if your server goes down because you are a crappy site administrator, it is your fault.  ~a

[2001-04-10 15:55:00] - a: how is it not the redirecting servers' fault? a server is responsible for its links, in my book. :-P -jdb

[2001-04-10 15:54:00] - explorer is a new word?!?!  ~a

[2001-04-10 15:53:00] - internet explorer really sucks.  when you do a redirect to a non existant page, it says that it is the server's fault that you were redirected from.  that totally sucks.  >:o  ~a

[2001-04-10 15:48:00] - @@@/haha.html

[2001-04-10 15:37:00] - netscape is unable to find that server.  >:0  -  aba

[2001-04-10 15:24:00] -

[2001-04-10 15:20:00] - they have a slow server and the stupidest domain name i have ever seen and that is before i saw their total piece of crap web page.  ~a

[2001-04-10 15:07:00] -  yuck yuck yuck.  this is the worst "web design" company i have ever seen.  -  aba

[2001-04-10 15:01:00] -    hahahahahahaha

[2001-04-10 14:13:00] - yes, but i disagree with what he is cutting and where he is putting that money.  that is why i should be supreme dictator.  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-10 13:15:00] - hmmm, the international lunch today was sorta small... i hope rest of week is better. -jdb

[2001-04-10 13:13:00] - When you cut the budget, some things have to go. -devin

[2001-04-10 13:10:00] - <sarcasm> yay for eliminating the wetlands reserve program!  yay for eliminating nuclear nonproliferation! </sarcasm>  god i hate george w.  >:0  -  aba

[2001-04-10 13:05:00] - it's all well and good to look at the increases, but you have to look at where spending has been cut as well.  -  aba

[2001-04-10 13:05:00] - i think this link is more interesting, paul  :p    -  aba

[2001-04-10 10:02:00] - -paul

[2001-04-10 09:57:00] - -paul

[2001-04-10 09:38:00] - kris: where/when?  ~a

[2001-04-10 08:38:00] - hm. that holocaust speaker is tonight. -kris

[2001-04-10 07:15:00] - yay snow.  *yawn*  ~a

[2001-04-10 07:07:00] - Or rather I would. -devin

[2001-04-10 07:06:00] - Yay, snow! I'll cast my vote in as well! -Devin

[2001-04-10 01:59:00] - i hate snow. - mig

[2001-04-10 01:31:00] - boo snow!

[2001-04-10 01:04:00] - And I demand considerable accumulation of snow at least once a month -paul

[2001-04-10 00:44:00] - I'll vote for you if you make it always winter so all those scantilly clad, anemic  females freeze to death -paul

[2001-04-10 00:40:00] - i think everyone should make me supreme dictator of america so that i can fix everything that's wrong with the country and we can live in nice socialist harmony.  :d  -  aba

[2001-04-10 00:32:00] - -paul

[2001-04-09 23:29:00] - Yay, congrats! -devin

[2001-04-09 23:28:00] - project turned in.  yay!!!  ~a

[2001-04-09 23:26:00] - Aye. Actually, I'll probably grab lunch as early as possible and get to work on my Network Analysis. -Devin

[2001-04-09 23:24:00] - So are you not coming Devin? -paul

[2001-04-09 23:22:00] - Meh. -devin

[2001-04-09 23:20:00] - Lunch at Owens at 12:30 Tuesday followed by Ping Pong at Squires at 1:30 -paul

[2001-04-09 23:05:00] - mmmmm.... unixmail. - mig

[2001-04-09 22:44:00] - hmm, it unfortunately doesn't seem to work too well (cygwin works for me). -jdb

[2001-04-09 22:34:00] - Pretty! I'll have to check that out once I get back to my room. -devin

[2001-04-09 22:25:00] -

[2001-04-09 22:04:00] - -devin

[2001-04-09 22:04:00] - Of course not.

[2001-04-09 21:58:00] - and i suppose they haven't given the crew back either. - mig

[2001-04-09 21:50:00] - Seems the Chinese are stripping the EP-3. Quite illegal, from an international standpoint. -Devin

[2001-04-09 21:49:00] -

[2001-04-09 21:04:00] -

[2001-04-09 19:54:00] -,,3-112259,00.html -jdb

[2001-04-09 17:41:00] - We should invade them with libertarians :-) -paul

[2001-04-09 16:25:00] - i heard that last objectivist meeting was rather interesting, as a few environmentalists showed up. :-D -jdb

[2001-04-09 16:06:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-09 16:05:00] - but since the airline is a private company, it is within their rights to remove you from the "premesis," i.e. the plane and deny you service - boing

[2001-04-09 16:04:00] - but if you were saying stuff like "it's not like I have a bomb on the plane" your intent would not be threatening, so nothing would happen legally - boing

[2001-04-09 16:03:00] - yelling fire in a movie theatre would be more severe, as would even saying the word "bomb" or any related words on a plane - boing

[2001-04-09 16:02:00] - it would be the judge or jury's job to determine intent, and if the intent was to cause panic or threaten somebody, then appropriate action would be taken.  usually the judge will just issue a warning or a small fine - boing

[2001-04-09 16:01:00] - In cases like the Office Space guy, it's assumed that most people aren't going to get panicked about it, and so it won't be brought to the courts.  If it were, however... - boing

[2001-04-09 13:33:00] - anyway, paul.  the microsoft case is not solely base on what's illegal or legal.  bill gate isn't going to jail. part of the issue is how far they have bended their ethics, and in that respect they have bent them quite a bit. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:23:00] -

[2001-04-09 13:21:00] - If it can be responsible for the lives and well beings of others being risked, I would argue otherwise. -devin

[2001-04-09 13:21:00] - by that i mean physical injury. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:21:00] - Anyway, I really need to take a shower and get ready for class. I'll think about this topic and get back to you guys when I arrive to a conclusion :-) -paul

[2001-04-09 13:21:00] - if what you say causes injury to others, then yes you should be arrested for what you say. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:20:00] - But you can't make something that someone says illegal -paul

[2001-04-09 13:20:00] - i mean, if someone issues a bomb threat, they evacuate the school immediately.  and once again, panic can ensue and you have hysterical people again. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:18:00] - Of course. -devin

[2001-04-09 13:17:00] - it's not something they can just take a chance that the person is joking. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:17:00] - There's a difference between harmless bragging and a threat. -devin

[2001-04-09 13:17:00] - do you know what happens when someone issues a bomb threat to a school? - mig

[2001-04-09 13:17:00] - I mean, going by that rationale. That guy in Office Space could be jailed for saying he can burn the building down -paul

[2001-04-09 13:16:00] - and anyway, on the subject of legality, the microsoft case is not all about what is legal and what is not, since it is not a criminal trial. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:16:00] - Interesting point, I am not sure if bomb threats should be illegal either though. Although I have to think about it -paul

[2001-04-09 13:15:00] - it's actually very likely, paul. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:14:00] - The chances, historically speaking, are terribly good. -devin

[2001-04-09 13:14:00] - i'm only joking, though. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:14:00] - I dunno, I don't think you can say yelling fire in a theater is illegal because what are the chances people are gonna trample eachother? -paul

[2001-04-09 13:14:00] - let's look at it this way, do you think it would be legal for me to phone in a bomb threat to a school? - mig

[2001-04-09 13:13:00] - Grr... -devin

[2001-04-09 13:13:00] - yes, but a haunted house is made to scare people.  a theater is not. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:13:00] - No. Generally, you don't have people trampling others to death in a haunted house. You do if people think there is a fire in a big room with few exits. -devi

[2001-04-09 13:12:00] - It could be argued that a haunted house does the same thing -paul

[2001-04-09 13:12:00] - when lots of people get hysterical about a fire, people tend to get hurt by other people who are hysterical. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:11:00] - People panic, crowd, and trample. -devin

[2001-04-09 13:10:00] - -devin

[2001-04-09 13:10:00] - So Microsoft has some sort of moral obligation to the product simply because of it's success?

[2001-04-09 13:10:00] - How does it get people killed? -paul

[2001-04-09 13:10:00] - well that's the thing.  when a small company did it, it wouldn't matter so much because not that many people depend on them.  when microsoft announces something, it's usually to a very large audience. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:09:00] - Yay! Devin is on my side it sounds like! -paul

[2001-04-09 13:09:00] - Yelling fire in a movie theater is illegal because it gets people killed. -devin

[2001-04-09 13:09:00] - but people could die.  ~a

[2001-04-09 13:09:00] - Bye Aparna -paul

[2001-04-09 13:09:00] - I'm not sure if yelling fire in a movie theater should be illegal. I mean, if it's private property then the people can throw them out -paul

[2001-04-09 13:08:00] - It's all research and development--not everything pays off in a commercial product. -devin

[2001-04-09 13:08:00] - i am implying that your journal effects a much smaller circle of people than a microsoft announcement does.  -  aba

[2001-04-09 13:08:00] - class is for losers.  ~a

[2001-04-09 13:08:00] - If it was some small, minor software company, would you be ragging on them as hard about the vaporware? -devin

[2001-04-09 13:07:00] - anyway, i have to go to class.  talk to you all later.  -  aba

[2001-04-09 13:07:00] - Are you implying my journal is unimportant? :'( -paul

[2001-04-09 13:06:00] - the effects are much much larger than your not posting an entry in your journal.  -  aba

[2001-04-09 13:06:00] - Yeah, however unethical it may be, there is nothing illegal about mentioning an interest in designing a product and then not delivering. -devin

[2001-04-09 13:06:00] - it's the same as yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theatre.  saying the word itself isn't the problem, it's the situation that you create that is.  -  aba

[2001-04-09 13:06:00] - I could announce I am coming out with journal entries about the seven deadly sins and then get lazy and not post an entry or two. Is that illegal? -paul

[2001-04-09 13:05:00] - Exactly, and what is illegal about that? -paul

[2001-04-09 13:04:00] - by that time, the competing product has gone under. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:04:00] - example:  microsoft announces a product similar to a competing product.  people then stop buying the competing product while waiting for the microsoft version.  microsoft then decides not to deliver the product. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:02:00] - What is vaporware? -paul

[2001-04-09 13:02:00] - i don't see how vaporware isn't illegal. - mig

[2001-04-09 13:01:00] - I think I see the difference in thinking. You think Microsoft should be punished for doing things you don't like and I think they should only be punished for doing illegal things -paul

[2001-04-09 13:00:00] - well, vaporware is an absolutely hideous practice.  not only does competition get wiped out, consumers get fucked over bigtime by it also. - mig

[2001-04-09 12:59:00] - I suppose you would say that using any leverage would be unfair? -paul

[2001-04-09 12:58:00] - How is that unfair? I guess it depends on your definition of unfair -paul

[2001-04-09 12:57:00] - ummm... how about vaporware. -mig

[2001-04-09 12:57:00] - I would think that legally the most justifiable option would be a fine, however little that may actually accomplish. -devin

[2001-04-09 12:56:00] - How did they unfairly wipe out the competition? -paul

[2001-04-09 12:55:00] - i still think microsoft should be punished in some form.  forcing a break up is a bit drastic, but they have done things(whether the government acknowledges it or not) that warrant some sort ofpunishment. -mig

[2001-04-09 12:55:00] - we punish companies that unfairly wipe out the competition . . .    :\  -  aba

[2001-04-09 12:55:00] - And I am flabbergasted! Thoroughly flabbergasted that engaged has never been used before! -devin

[2001-04-09 12:54:00] - They have engaged in some questionable practices, to be honest. -Devin

[2001-04-09 12:54:00] - I don't know if they are necessarily good for america... but I don't see why we punish companies that succeed -paul

[2001-04-09 12:53:00] - even the libretarians admit that microsoft isn't exactly "innocent". - mig

[2001-04-09 12:53:00] - :p

[2001-04-09 12:53:00] - post something damn it

[2001-04-09 12:52:00] - so you think monopolies are good for america?  -  aba

[2001-04-09 12:52:00] - and frames do suck that badly.  the max out the suckiness scale no matter how far down you make it go.  -  aba

[2001-04-09 12:51:00] - Um.... I think probably 99% of the stuff the government is saying they did was wrong was just good business practice -paul

[2001-04-09 12:51:00] - a: exactly.  :)  -  aba

[2001-04-09 12:51:00] - nonononono.  that requires a java enabled browser then.  just keep it this way!  :d  -  aba

[2001-04-09 12:50:00] - Frames don't suck that badly >:O -paul

[2001-04-09 12:50:00] - because it is better?  ~a

[2001-04-09 12:50:00] - do you think that everything microsoft did was right, paul? - mig

[2001-04-09 12:50:00] - if owning ms stock is such a big deal then why do you use netscape, adrian?  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-09 12:50:00] - i could always make it java based  :-(  ~a

[2001-04-09 12:50:00] - erm -devin

[2001-04-09 12:49:00] - Ah, true.

[2001-04-09 12:49:00] - and frames are just waaaaaaaay too sucky.  -  aba

[2001-04-09 12:49:00] - yesyes.  autorefresh sucks when you are in the middle of typing something.  -  aba

[2001-04-09 12:49:00] - Yay! Devin didn't leave us! -paul

[2001-04-09 12:48:00] - That doesn't mean you think what the company did is right though, you just want to profit from them :-) -paul

[2001-04-09 12:48:00] - Oh ho! I have to refresh! -devin

[2001-04-09 12:47:00] - hey.  i have microsoft stock.  beat that.  ~a

[2001-04-09 12:47:00] - Yupyup. I'm also probably the only defender of microsoft (in terms of the case against them and in terms of IE) on this message board -paul

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