here are old message board entries

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[2001-04-18 12:48:00] - neat, central virginia social anarchists mailing list -jdb

[2001-04-18 12:46:00] - i don't know if i want to go.  we'll see if any really good bands get announced.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 12:39:00] - not looking too good.... - mig

[2001-04-18 12:32:00] - hsftival so far.... 3 doors down(ok), incubus(ok), coldplay(yuck!), new found glory(dunno). - mig

[2001-04-18 10:47:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-18 10:43:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-18 10:31:00] - :-\

[2001-04-18 10:31:00] - people only want to post when i am gone or about to go.  :-o  -  aba

[2001-04-18 09:59:00] - i'm awake, but feel like i'm still asleep. -jdb

[2001-04-18 09:37:00] - wah.  why is everyone still asleep?  :(  -  aba

[2001-04-18 08:32:00] - though there is no one to talk to here.  talking to myself is more appealing than going to class . . .    -  aba

[2001-04-18 08:32:00] - it is still too cold outside.  i don't want to go to class anymore.  :(  -  aba

[2001-04-18 08:07:00] - i woke up early, but i can't go to class because i forgot to fill out this job application last night and i promised the lady i would send it to her today.  :[  -  aba

[2001-04-18 02:23:00] - man.  everybody left with aparna.  ~a

[2001-04-18 02:07:00] - Hmm, I'd like to wake up before noon, maybe I should go to bed too. :P -logan

[2001-04-18 02:06:00] - Good night. -logan

[2001-04-18 02:06:00] - I want my tax dollars spent on teaching anarchy in the classroom. (; -logan

[2001-04-18 02:05:00] - goodnight paul, logan.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 02:04:00] - anyway, since i actually go to my 8 am classes, i am going to go to bed.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 02:04:00] - Even if you can establish a method for optimizing the common good -- should you enforce it?  Lot's of heavy philosophical questions. -logan

[2001-04-18 02:04:00] - *Sigh* I get the feeling I am getting nowhere and am unnecessarily keeping people up. Goodnight everyone -paul

[2001-04-18 02:04:00] - actually, i have to admit that i really do think that libertarianism is far from practical.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 02:03:00] - You can't just say "We're going to fund teaching people these things because we like them, screw everything else" It's not fair -paul

[2001-04-18 02:03:00] - ohmygod i can't believe it's already 2 am.  :(  -  aba

[2001-04-18 02:03:00] - Consequentialism or utilitarianism is too idealistic.  Libertarianism is actually quite practical. :P -logan

[2001-04-18 02:03:00] - you bring up a good point logan.  i don't have a metric.  i don't really know how to answer your question.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 02:02:00] - And if you fund teaching kids one point of view, you have to fund other points of view also (like religion and ethics and morals) -paul

[2001-04-18 02:02:00] - I have a problem when the government takes my money to pay for programs that teach children stuff that I don't want them to be taught (sex ed is not one of those things, but there are others) -paul

[2001-04-18 02:01:00] - making all drugs illegal is not for the common good.  making marijuana legal (at the very least medically) is definitely for the common good.  *shrug*  -  aba

[2001-04-18 02:01:00] - I have certain opinions regarding the concept of the "common good."  By what metric do you measure the common good?  Even if you determine a metric, optimization is an impossibly hard problem. -logan

[2001-04-18 02:01:00] - libertarianism is too idealistic.  it's not feasible at all when you actually try to put it into play.  it's much like communism in that manner.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 02:00:00] - How about this? Why should be legalize drugs? If you want to do drugs, go to another country. Here in america, we do stuff for the common good. And making drugs illegal is for the common good -paul

[2001-04-18 02:00:00] - i thought i went to awesome public schools and i am glad that they included stuff like sex ed because my parents would never have discussed it with me.  it's very taboo in my culture.  i don't understand what your problem with all of that is.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:59:00] - The common good is often paid for at the expense of individual liberty -paul

[2001-04-18 01:58:00] - public schools rock.  ~a

[2001-04-18 01:58:00] - it is selfish because you are refusing to compromise slightly for the common good.  you blindly think that people should be able to choose everything without thinking about what is feasible in a real world setting.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:57:00] - Because we have to pay for it -paul

[2001-04-18 01:57:00] - Democracy is not all about the common good, that is communism -paul

[2001-04-18 01:57:00] - you have the choice of going to private school.  what's wrong with having a standard set aside for public schools???  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:57:00] - How is giving people the freedom to choose their own path being selfish? -paul

[2001-04-18 01:56:00] - we live in a democracy which is all about the common good.  you don't like it?  move somewhere else.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:56:00] - See, I see it the opposite way. I see your way as being selfish because it means everybody has to conform to your standard instead of having the freedom to choose their own -paul

[2001-04-18 01:56:00] - aba: Do I have the choice to opt out of funding sex ed.? -logan

[2001-04-18 01:56:00] - aba: I think you confuse libertarianism with solipsism or something.  I'm not arguing to ignore others.  I'm arguing to not force me to force ideas on complete strangers' kids for their own good, or the common good, or whatever reason. -logan

[2001-04-18 01:55:00] - I still don't think it is the government's job to hold our hands and say "be careful, setting yourself on fire is bad" or "having lots of sex may lead to pregnancy" -paul

[2001-04-18 01:54:00] - parents have the choice of opting their kids out of sex ed.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:54:00] - logan: everything i said would not apply to a privatized school system. -jdb

[2001-04-18 01:54:00] - see, that's why i don't like libertarianism.  it is too selfish.  :(  you will never get through life if you only think about yourself.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:54:00] - Well, I think what I would prefer would be a system where parents sent their kids to private schools that taught what the parents wanted their children to know -paul

[2001-04-18 01:53:00] - jdb: There's a world of difference between "we" the government and "we" the private citizens. -logan

[2001-04-18 01:53:00] - i said it had to be objective.  you're not teaching them that sex will send them to hell, you are taching them that sex could get the girls pregnant or spread stds among them.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:53:00] - And what is done with the fruits of my labor. -logan

[2001-04-18 01:52:00] - I don't care how much other parents teach their children.  I care about who teaches my (hypothetical) children. -logan

[2001-04-18 01:52:00] - you seem to only consider some kind of ideal state of being where parents will teach their kids everything they need to know, and that will never happen.  that's why the govt has to be realistic about something like sex ed.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:52:00] - paul: would you prefer that we only teach courses on... mechanics of writing, logic and math? (kids could figure the rest out on their own) -jdb

[2001-04-18 01:51:00] - So how about teaching them the consequences of.... say.... being a homosexual (they're going to hell you know) -paul

[2001-04-18 01:51:00] - pee wee is on comedy central  ~a

[2001-04-18 01:51:00] - i think you guys are being naive about the reality of parents and how much they teach their kids nowadays.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:50:00] - we have an alcohol and drug section of health here in virginia (or at least we did).  i don't think it was taught properly, but i do think that people need to be taught about consequences and responsibilities at such a young age.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:49:00] - hehe

[2001-04-18 01:49:00] - Should we educate people about eating healthy? Doing drugs? Ethics? Morals? Where do you draw the line? -paul

[2001-04-18 01:48:00] - I'd teach teenagers that 69 is fine! -logan

[2001-04-18 01:48:00] - Education about anything belongs to the parental or personal domain, and I do not want a parental state. -logan

[2001-04-18 01:48:00] - I don't know, it just seems hypocritical to advocate funding for something you want while hating funding for something you don't like because it's "enforcing your beliefs on others" -paul

[2001-04-18 01:47:00] - teenagers need to be educated about the consequences of their actions (ie having sex at that age).  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:47:00] - I do think we should get rid of compulsory education. (; -logan

[2001-04-18 01:46:00] - I mean, if we use federal funds to advocate abstinence, there are no grounds to deny federal funding educate teens about god, or morals etc -paul

[2001-04-18 01:46:00] - convince me that you can give them an objective, comprhensive education about religion and i'm sold.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:44:00] - Then I think teenagers need to be educated about god -paul

[2001-04-18 01:44:00] - I could easily claim the United States flag is offensive to me because Japanese Americans were imprisoned by the US during WWII -paul

[2001-04-18 01:43:00] - paul:  you could say that about anything then.  we should get rid of all school.  who needs learn anything?  that's just someone else's belief . . . teenagers need to be educated about abstinence and safe sex.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:43:00] - i'm an atheist and i'd encourage teenagers to abstain from sex. -jdb

[2001-04-18 01:43:00] - ANd what is ignorant is saying the flag should be changed because it is a symbol of slavery and oppression -paul

[2001-04-18 01:43:00] - Indeed, just as there are pragmatic reasons for believing in a god -paul

[2001-04-18 01:41:00] - paul: what is ignorant about wanting to change the flag? -jdb

[2001-04-18 01:40:00] - paul: there are pragmatic reasons for abstaining from sex, ya know? -jdb

[2001-04-18 01:38:00] - Hurray for common sense and not bending to ignorance -paul

[2001-04-18 01:37:00] - I think the thing that libertarians find wrong with convincing teenagers to abstain from sex is that it is trying to enforce other people's beliefs on them -paul

[2001-04-18 01:36:00] - paul: hurray for "southern pride?" -jdb

[2001-04-18 01:35:00] - Hurray for Mississippi! -paul

[2001-04-18 01:35:00] - I love political correctness... I want a new flag!  -logan

[2001-04-18 01:32:00] - aba: "Of course, if the Bush administration really wants to reflect its values through its wardrobe, maybe it should try lamb's wool -- or whatever it is that wolves wear when they're trying to pass for sheep." :-P -jdb

[2001-04-18 01:30:00] - personally i think the new flag looks better.  :\  -  aba

[2001-04-18 01:24:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-18 00:59:00] - logan: hmm, i'm glad we have things like customs! -jdb

[2001-04-18 00:58:00] - thank goodness for !

[2001-04-18 00:57:00] - marijuana laws should be repealed.  we need to be more like the dutch.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 00:50:00] - granted money needs to also be spend educating teenagers about safe sex, abstinence programs are not totally worthless.  -  aba

[2001-04-18 00:48:00] - what's wrong with trying to convince teenagers to wait before having sex?  i don't understand why some of these programs are so wasteful . . .  -  aba

[2001-04-18 00:35:00] -  This Steve Kubby guy's case is pretty interesting. -logan

[2001-04-18 00:31:00] -  A list of silly/stupid/wasteful/annoying government programs. -logan

[2001-04-18 00:12:00] -      very funny article about the bush administration.  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-17 23:49:00] -    more proof that bush is bad news.  :-\  -  aba

[2001-04-17 23:25:00] - find out!  :p  -  aba

[2001-04-17 23:24:00] - some sort of tree's leaf.  i don't know the name.  ~a

[2001-04-17 23:24:00] - leafs.  hehe.  oops.  ~a

[2001-04-17 23:24:00] - what is it?  -  aba

[2001-04-17 23:23:00] - it isn't a marijuana leaf.  it just looks like one.  which is why i pulled one of the leafs off the tree and took a picture of it.  ~a

[2001-04-17 23:23:00] - cool!

[2001-04-17 23:22:00] - are you saying that people are growing marijuana outside slusher?  -  aba

[2001-04-17 23:20:00] - i can't tell if you are kidding or not.  it was a leaf on a tree.  i can show you the tree if you want to see it.  ~a

[2001-04-17 23:19:00] - you didn't find that outside slusher.  :(  -  aba

[2001-04-17 23:18:00] - huh?  ~a

[2001-04-17 23:17:00] - >:o  what's the truth?  -  aba

[2001-04-17 23:16:00] - i found the leaf outside slusher.  ~a

[2001-04-17 23:15:00] - how did you make it?  -  aba

[2001-04-17 23:13:00] - the first picture is from an article someone posted the second (seccond :-[ ) picture is the one i made.  ~a

[2001-04-17 23:12:00] - hehe.  it is a leaf i found on a tree outside of slusher.  funny, huh?  ~a

[2001-04-17 23:12:00] - why are you posting pics of marijuana leaves adrian?  -  aba

[2001-04-17 23:06:00] - @@@/pics/temp/story.marijuana.jpg    @@@/pics/temp/leaf.jpg  ~a

[2001-04-17 22:52:00] - That doesn't make me a nazi! >:o -paul

[2001-04-17 22:51:00] - and you are not horrified to know you are being associated with communism?  ~a

[2001-04-17 22:47:00] - Nazi red? I didn't know that was a color. And I am pretty sure the Nazis would be horrified to know they were being associated with communism in any way -paul

[2001-04-17 22:07:00] - dropadd opens april 30th, closes may 14th.  ~a

[2001-04-17 22:00:00] - i'm the adrian porter with my pocket calculator.  i am programming and composing.  by pressing down the special key, it plays random notes.  ~a

[2001-04-17 21:14:00] - E:\music\thecranberries\Zombie.mp3

[2001-04-17 21:14:00] - no.  not commie red.  but you are nazi red.  ~a

[2001-04-17 20:08:00] - I am not commie red -paul

[2001-04-17 20:06:00] - huh? :-P -jdb

[2001-04-17 19:56:00] - yay i know people except not really which people isn't which other people.  -kris

[2001-04-17 17:56:00] - boo to! - mig

[2001-04-17 17:39:00] - status of - "Disabled: Failed Dependency Check"  i guess i just checked my mail for the brief period of time it was up.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 17:10:00] - i actually just checked my mail using outlook and it worked, so i am guessing everything is up now.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 17:09:00] - well i can't get my mail, the server being up doesn't help me. - mig

[2001-04-17 16:49:00] - but itself is up.  just the pop3 and smtp servers are down.  isn't there a difference?  -  aba

[2001-04-17 16:45:00] - nope. uses  ~a

[2001-04-17 16:43:00] - webmail is up if you really need to check for something.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 16:42:00] -

[2001-04-17 16:30:00] - is down :( - mig

[2001-04-17 16:21:00] - but i still fail to see how prom as a rite of passage.... - mig

[2001-04-17 16:17:00] - so i guess it was good. - mig

[2001-04-17 16:17:00] - i don't really remember his speech.  all i remember is that i didn't fall asleep. - mig

[2001-04-17 16:14:00] - prom was fun.  the next few weeks after weren't :( - mig

[2001-04-17 16:01:00] - He gave a good speech, I admit it -paul

[2001-04-17 15:57:00] - al gore did a good job speaking at our graduation, you have to at least admit to that  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:55:00] - Graduation night was awesome too, even if Al gore was our speaker :-) -paul

[2001-04-17 15:50:00] - i must agree prom night was cool.  the prom itself wasn't.  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:50:00] - but prom is at the end of the year.  you all go to different colleges and make new friends.  none of your new friends in college knew how your prom went or even if you went  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:49:00] - Prom night was awesome, I spent the night at Dan Kamerling's house with some friends. Word of advice, don't stay up for 36 hours and try to drive home :-) -paul

[2001-04-17 15:44:00] - prom did suck.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 15:44:00] - i have no idea  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:44:00] - i think it's a rite of passage for most people.  from what i can guess, tj was very different from regular high schools in a lot of respects.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 15:43:00] - Really? In what language? I think my name means "Rock" or something -paul

[2001-04-17 15:43:00] - prom sucked  >:o  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:38:00] - hahaha.  i am the dark one.  at least that is what adrian means.  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:37:00] - "Prom is a rite of passage and . . . " a rite of passage to what?!  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:37:00] - Racist :-) -paul

[2001-04-17 15:36:00] - there we go.  if the color is black, links get underlined.  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:34:00] - that's an interesting article on a related topic

[2001-04-17 15:34:00] -

[2001-04-17 15:30:00] - Oh my gosh, Adrian is first in posts :-) -paul

[2001-04-17 15:28:00] - darn.  you can't tell what is a link anymore.  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:28:00] - and they aren't discriminating against homosexual scouts or leaders who do not make their orientation public  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:26:00] - i think the problem with that page is they link "inappropriate sexual behavior" with homosexual behavior  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:24:00] - from  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:24:00] - Just think though, all those girls who were dressed in skimpy clothing for spring have all died a horrible frozen death now -paul

[2001-04-17 15:24:00] - that is a quote by the way  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:24:00] - Boy Scouting makes no effort to discover the sexual orientation of any person. Scouting's message is, however, compromised when prospective leaders of youth present themselves as role models inconsistent with BSA standards.  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:13:00] - i took almost all my warm clothes home  :'(  -  aba

[2001-04-17 15:12:00] - Because snow is good -paul

[2001-04-17 15:10:00] - why is it snowing?  :(  -  aba

[2001-04-17 15:09:00] - but that still excludes them from most other parts of the organization.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 15:09:00] - boy scouts allow girls into certain parts  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:08:00] - i think businesses and clubs have different laws that apply to them.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 15:08:00] - On the other hand, discriminating against women in hiring practices for business is illegal, so I don't know how it works -paul

[2001-04-17 15:07:00] - i am pretty sure the kkk excludes non-whites otherwise people would have infiltrated the organization a long time ago.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 15:07:00] - well boy scouts and girl scouts prohibit people of the opposite gender from joining, so obviously gender isn't covered by any laws.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 15:02:00] - and some christians accept that as the truth.  ~a

[2001-04-17 15:01:00] - A handicap implies the person is not responsible for it -paul

[2001-04-17 15:01:00] - Not a handicap, a criminal offense :-) -paul

[2001-04-17 14:58:00] - heh.  the christians seem to see homosexuality as a handicap  ~a

[2001-04-17 14:55:00] - It seems to only apply to race, gender and handicaps -paul

[2001-04-17 14:53:00] - oh.  so the discrimination laws regarding organizations only apply to race?  ~a

[2001-04-17 14:50:00] - I dunno, I suspect if an african american really wanted to join the KKK and they turned him down, the KKK could be sued for discrimination -paul

[2001-04-17 14:49:00] - point of order.  are you sure the bsa is excluding gay scouts (or just gay scouters (leaders))  ~a

[2001-04-17 14:48:00] - necessarily  ~a

[2001-04-17 14:48:00] - aba: no no no.  the feelings of the leadership of the national organization "boy scouts of america" are not necissarially endorsed by the troops and community  ~a

[2001-04-17 14:47:00] - doesn't the kkk exclude non-whites?  -  aba

[2001-04-17 14:46:00] - I agree with you all the way. I don't like it, but they have the right to do it. Interestingly, I wonder if the same argument would hold in court if they excluded african americans or hispanics? -paul

[2001-04-17 14:43:00] - just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean it's a good thing to do.  *shrug*  i don't think a court should tell them that the exclusion is wrong, but they still shouldn't be doing it.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 14:43:00] - Like they said, they don't let girls into the group and that is something that people can't change -paul

[2001-04-17 14:42:00] - it would be interesting to see how many boy scouts repress their sexual orientation because their troop and supporting community say it is "wrong".  -  aba

[2001-04-17 14:40:00] - Even though I dislike it, the Boy Scouts have every right to discriminate as much as they want in who they include -paul

[2001-04-17 14:40:00] - anyways, back to my original point, homosexuality is something you are.  it seems like that is not something they should be excluding.  you can't help it if you are black and you can't help it if you are gay.  ~a

[2001-04-17 14:40:00] -

[2001-04-17 14:39:00] - i didn't exactly lie.  at the time i started the boy scouts, i really wasn't sure if i believed in god so i decided to say i did because i wanted to be in scouting  ~a

[2001-04-17 14:39:00] - jdb: Most likely the opposite of what you think they should do :-) -paul

[2001-04-17 14:39:00] - atheism is something you believe.  you believe that there is no god.  i can see why the boy scouts exclude atheists although it would be interesting to see how many boy scouts lie about their orientation regarding god  ~a

[2001-04-17 14:17:00] - jdb:  it's interesting that they assume that spielberg was protesting the exclusion of homosexuals and not the exclusion of atheists.  the boy scouts prevent both from being members of their organization.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 13:46:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-17 13:43:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-17 13:40:00] - paul: what do you think miss. should do? -jdb

[2001-04-17 10:08:00] - -paul

[2001-04-17 09:35:00] - yay.  snow means no pollen!  ~a

[2001-04-17 02:23:00] - Goodnight -paul

[2001-04-17 02:22:00] - time for bed.  night all.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 02:17:00] -

[2001-04-17 02:14:00] - That's good :-) -paul

[2001-04-17 02:13:00] - @@@/notes/p3.txt  ~a

[2001-04-17 02:12:00] - i guess 84 is ok.  i got over 100 on p2 so i'm all good.  ~a

[2001-04-17 02:12:00] -

[2001-04-17 02:08:00] - I'm sorry :-( , you got a good grade though, right? -paul

[2001-04-17 02:08:00] -  i think someone was talking about this, it might have been pierce. - mig

[2001-04-17 02:08:00] - no function headers and lines too long.  i tried to keep them under 80 chars but i guess it wasn't good enough  :(  ~a

[2001-04-17 02:07:00] - What did you lose 5 points on? -paul

[2001-04-17 02:06:00] - Is that a good grade Adrian? -paul

[2001-04-17 02:06:00] - i lost 5 points on something really really dumb  >:o  ~a

[2001-04-17 02:06:00] - good job.  :)  -  aba

[2001-04-17 02:05:00] - for the most part.  there are some parts of the south that are matriarchal.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 02:05:00] - adrian's project three final grade: 84.5/100  ~a

[2001-04-17 02:05:00] - Does India have a male-dominated society like most other Asian countries? -paul

[2001-04-17 02:04:00] - i saw that after i posted.  sorry.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 02:04:00] - i don't think it is wrong to dress in few clothes, and you should be able to do that in india, but i know if you do then bad things will happen to you.  i'm not blind to the realities of life.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 02:03:00] - "i guess it does a little  ~a"  ~a

[2001-04-17 02:03:00] - ok, change that to how black people should go back into slavery.  that has to do with culture.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 02:03:00] - fine  ~a

[2001-04-17 02:02:00] - i guess it does a little  ~a

[2001-04-17 02:02:00] - a: you are picking out parts of the two situations without looking at context.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 02:02:00] - that has nothing to do with culture  ~a

[2001-04-17 02:01:00] - like if i walked around south dc talking about how black people suck, someone would shoot me because i was being very offensive.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 02:01:00] - so you agree with my statement?  ~a

[2001-04-17 02:01:00] - watching 80 year old people smoke pot on tv is funny  ~a

[2001-04-17 02:01:00] - well, see, adrian, the thing is that i am not being offensive by not conforming to the norm whereas in india people would assault you if you wore skimpy clothes.  i am not saying that that is a good thing.  it is just what happens.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 02:01:00] - Oh... Right... so nobody is trying to force you to wear skimpy clothes -paul

[2001-04-17 02:00:00] - oh, i meant that i don't wear skimpy clothes.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 01:59:00] - rebeling against american culture: ok    rebeling against indian culture: very very very bad  ~a

[2001-04-17 01:59:00] - You don't think that is one of the best parts? Or you don't think that is a part at all? -paul

[2001-04-17 01:58:00] - For the most part, people tend to be fairly tolerant to diversity like that -paul

[2001-04-17 01:58:00] - i don't, paul  :)  -  aba

[2001-04-17 01:58:00] - that combined with the fact that i see few girls wearing t-shirts makes me think that t-shirts aren't really unisex.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 01:57:00] - godsmack: good    -    navy: bad    -    godsmack navy comercial: ???  ~a

[2001-04-17 01:57:00] - I like to think that one of the best parts of american culture is that you can rebel against it if you want. You don't want to wear skimpy clothes? Then don't. -paul

[2001-04-17 01:57:00] - but if you walk into a store like the gap, american eagle or pacific sunwear all the t-shirts are on the guys side and all the tank tops and baby doll shirts are on the girls side.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 01:56:00] - agreed  ~a

[2001-04-17 01:55:00] - i don't know.  i consider most t-shirts unisex. - mig

[2001-04-17 01:55:00] - "if you think"  :\

[2001-04-17 01:54:00] - it sells band t-shirts!  i shop there sometimes.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 01:54:00] - i never said the way you dress was offensive.  ~a

[2001-04-17 01:54:00] - says who?  ~a

[2001-04-17 01:54:00] - sorry if you think the way i dress is offensive.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 01:54:00] - and in american culture, i am not doing anything offensive.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 01:54:00] - Wait a second, isn't there a place called "Hot Topic" or something in Springfield Mall that sells a whole bunch of feminist t-shirts? -paul

[2001-04-17 01:53:00] - you weren't talking about your opinion adrian, you were talking about your culture.  two different things.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 01:53:00] - naked people are common in some parts of europe. - mig

[2001-04-17 01:52:00] - well, usually there are alternatives for older women since they tend not to fit into the size 0 category, but i really don't want to be walking around in clothes designed for older women.  -  aba

[2001-04-17 01:52:00] - no, i think our society would just find it weird. - mig

[2001-04-17 01:52:00] - you aren't doing anything offensive in your own oppinion.  in my own oppinion, i think walking around india naked wouldn't be offensive at all.  ~a

[2001-04-17 01:52:00] - Well maybe we find it highly offensive for women to not wear skimpy clothes here :-) -paul

[2001-04-17 01:51:00] - I dunno, I don't shop for clothing at all, aren't there places in Springfield Mall? -paul

[2001-04-17 01:51:00] - i'm sure there are.  where would my mom get her clothes then? - mig

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