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[2018-07-25 16:31:58] - Paul: I guess I could contend that given free will they can't KNOW its going to happen but if we ignore that part then assuming there is a lever (audience member that we KNOW will do the thing) that the person can pull and it ends up in someone getting harassed then sure I would probably blame them some.  But I'm not sure I'm willing to reduce their audience to the level of a lever.  -Daniel

[2018-07-25 16:13:37] - Daniel: I'm pretty sure I agree with you, but let me play Devil's Advocate here: What if somebody says not to harass people with full sincerity but their followers still harass? And this keeps happening. Do they still have some responsibility? They're not asking for it, but they KNOW it's going to happen. -Paul

[2018-07-25 15:14:55] - Paul: If they have a 5 second part where they say please don't harass people while making air quotes or something and then talk about OK Go is a shit band that should be wiped from the face of the earth then I would view that very differently.  -Daniel

[2018-07-25 15:14:07] - Paul: I mean there probably has to be some context to it and some measure of subjectivity.  If someone comes across as sincere and opens their video with a five minute segment about how they want their audience to be nice and not harass and then has a video about how OK Go is an overrated band and then their people still go harass OK Go then that seems to be not on the original person.  -Daniel

[2018-07-25 15:11:12] - Daniel: Is a disclaimer enough? It could totally be an insincere disclaimer or what if everybody knows your followers aren't going to listen anyway? -Paul

[2018-07-25 14:31:58] - i'm with daniel.  if you're new to this shit, then yes, you get a "warning" by the world.  if you've been warned and you keep doing it, then yeah, i think some of that shit needs to come back on you.  ~a

[2018-07-25 14:09:41] - mig: I would probably go with the first time(s?) that it happens I wouldn't really hold the person responsible but once they are aware of the effect they can have they should be more careful / responsible.  Perhaps have disclaimers like "I don't condone harassing or threatening others online." and make sure people know you mean them.  After that if people still do not sure what you are supposed to do.  -Daniel

[2018-07-25 13:52:47] - a:  so my question isn't really if you can or cannot be held morally responsible per se.  It's more of at what point can you be held so.  Obviously, if you make a video saying, "Please go harass X with spam and death threats", then yes, you certainly bear some responsibility for any such behavior occurs. - mig

[2018-07-25 13:47:30] - so the most common example I can think of is the various youtube commentators that are around.  Some of them get accused of commanding "internet armies", by way of their videos.  Let's say someone makes a video critical of someone prominent like Anita Sarkessian for example.  Video gets published, "army" spams her twitter or youtube channel, supposedly in response. - mig

[2018-07-25 13:30:11] - a: Great minds... -Paul

[2018-07-25 13:19:01] - mig:  the answer is yes.  you can and should be morally be held responsible for your actions.  the devil is in the details though.  there are lots of cases where your actions was only a contributing factor to a result, so . . . i think we need an example.  who's the internet-celebrity, what did they do, and what was the result?  ~a

[2018-07-25 13:18:00] - a:  sure, either one, we can leave out just legal culpability for this exercise. - mig

[2018-07-25 13:17:15] - so not ethically?  :)  ~a

[2018-07-25 13:16:10] - paul:  let's say morally. - mig

[2018-07-25 13:13:35] - paul:  :-P  ~a

[2018-07-25 13:13:25] - mig:  legally or ethically?  ~a

[2018-07-25 13:12:15] - mig: Legally or morally? If I said I hated graham crackers and sales tanked and companies that made them went out of business, then I would feel bad because I guess I would feel responsible, but I have a much harder time thinking of a situation where I would think I would be legally responsible. -Paul

[2018-07-25 13:07:04] - or people leads to the outrage mob behaviour.  If you are aware of this effect you are having, is there some point where you might be considered personally responsible for your followers actions? - mig

[2018-07-25 13:06:22] - so, a thought exercise that came up in another discussion board, thought I'd throw it here since I'm interested in other thoughts.  Let's say you're an internet celeb (youtube content creator, instagram poster, etc) with a sizable following.  Pretty much anything you post will create some sort of sizable reaction from your followers.  Praise for a particular brand leads to people wanting to buy, lavish praise themselves.  Criticism of brands

[2018-07-25 12:57:06] - Good day for my 2018 q3 portfolio. Up 3%! -Paul

[2018-07-25 10:10:41] - so one not-so-subtle thing about the (original) ad is that the corolla advertisements target young people.  the intern had a corolla and the old dude did not (but had one when *he* was young in the 80s).  my coworker who has a corolla is in his 50s and i'm hoping to be at least in my 40s before my corolla goes to the great recycle bin in the sky.  ~a

[2018-07-24 22:32:53] - a: I think I'm going to have nightmares about that video. -Paul

[2018-07-24 11:11:09] - daniel:  i wanted to be that book.  ~a

[2018-07-24 11:05:11] - a: What.  -Daniel

[2018-07-24 10:49:42] - you know i used to have a corolla  ~a

[2018-07-24 10:48:09] - wtf watch the link in the title.  you can skip the first 20 seconds if you want.  ~a

[2018-07-23 16:12:51] - a: Honestly, whatever change happened with RD to allow https was done basically automatically. I install whatever updates are available via bluehost or wordpress (whichever would be responsible for that particular change). -Paul

[2018-07-23 15:40:06] - paul:  i noticed in february, that RD switched to allowing https.  not a moment too soon.  chrome users on tuesday are going to start seeing warning messages for all uses of http.  in future versions of chrome, released much later, this warning will become more obvious, as use of https becomes less obvious in the UI.  ~a

[2018-07-23 14:17:14] - Xpovos: I feel like there's a lot of confusion between correlation and causation in that article. It sounds like they're explaining the difference between cities and rural areas and ascribing all those differences to the use of cars. I'm not sure I buy that. -Paul

[2018-07-23 13:03:39] - xpovos:  "I am more inclined to think that the polarization already existed and the car facilitated self-selection".  why do you feel this way?  i disagree with your conclusion (weakly disagree:  null hypothesis), and i'm wondering how you got there?  biking and walking force people into very personal relationships with their community (as we can see in his data) that a car just doesn't let us have.  ~a

[2018-07-23 11:53:16] - Say we somehow got another movie staring Kevin Spacey and it's Usual Suspects good.  There's no way it gets considered for an award.  Further it probably gets boycotted, or worse.  Meanwhile, Spacey still has all of that amazing actor talent, and we're apparently OK with throwing that away.  It seems wasteful to me, even though I obviously condem the actions. -- Xpovos

[2018-07-23 11:51:49] - aaron: I get it with the Crystal Castles thing.  I mean, I still like their music.  I don't think we should be shredding our CDs or anything.  But buying a new album?  That's harder.  And I question whether that's a just outcome.  Sometimes it is.  If the offense is grave and there's no remorse...  but then I'm still torn because the art is still good, and the art is not impinged. -- Xpovos

[2018-07-23 11:49:55] - a: I think the statistics are valid and that the facts are interesting, but I find myself going in the opposite direction of most of his conclusions.  His assumption seems to be that the car polarizes, whereas I am more inclined to think that the polarization already existed and the car facilitated self-selection. -- Xpovos

[2018-07-23 11:43:47] - or the kind of thing which keeps me from being 100% excited about Earthworm Jim and (new) Crystal Castles... maybe only 80% excited. i wish i could divorce my opinion of art from the artists who created it, but maybe it's better to connect the two. i don't know - aaron

[2018-07-23 11:41:45] - presumably because it will affect public perception of the disney brand, in the same sort of "this company is led by this guy who donated to this charity who did this thing" 6-degrees-of-offensiveness thing that keeps me from eating at chick-fil-a - aaron

[2018-07-23 11:40:21] - it is a little sad as Disney absorbs all of these other franchises like star wars and marvel, the gut reaction is "cool! they know how to make good movies," but a side effect is disney has this family-friendly public image and i guess that means they're not allowed to hire directors who made jokes about pedophilia 9 years ago, - aaron

[2018-07-23 11:32:32] - hmm telling jokes which are perceived to be in poor taste when the social climate changes 9 years later is a fireable offense now? goodness. bad time to be in the comedy business - aaron

[2018-07-23 11:30:05] - xpovos:  i rode to nats stadium on friday for a baseball game.  it was a breeze.  i probably wouldn't have had such an easy ride if i had made it even 10 years ago.  they had a "bike valet" (basically monitored bike parking).  that probably wasn't a thing stadium management would have considered 10 years ago.  ~a

[2018-07-23 11:29:57] - a: And I think canceled TV show is more problematic than twitter. Twitter can be excused away as not being able to recognize tone and whatnot. There's a lot more material for the Man Show that is undeniable in terms of what they are going for (girls on trampolines, etc). -Paul

[2018-07-23 11:28:44] - a: I agree the bigger time gap (should) work in his favor, but regardless of whether Gunn should've been fired or not.... he was, so why would Kimmel be safer? I could argue Kimmel is more replaceable considering I don't think he's often first or second in the late night wars. -Paul

[2018-07-23 11:28:15] - xpovos:  you won't get any disagreement from me.  things were pretty fucked for a long time.  too many government officials doing the wrong thing and not even realizing it.  i think some communities near us are going in a positive direction:  by converting car storage to pedestrian and bike facilities.  but it some areas it's probably negligible change.  ~a

[2018-07-23 11:16:27] - paul:  nah, i disagree.  three reasons:  1.  gunn shouldn't have been fired, no disagreement there.  2.  twitter != canceled tv show.  3. 2011 != 2002.    ~a

[2018-07-23 11:11:53] - Not trying to change the subject, but I figure this will be an interesting read for you guys as well. -- Xpovos

[2018-07-23 11:10:48] - a: Huh? I'm saying it doesn't seem like it matters how long ago comments were made. Gunn's comments were made many years ago and he seems like a different person now. I don't think the fact that The Man Show was a long time ago is going to afford (much) protection. -Paul

[2018-07-23 10:56:23] - paul:  maybe you're arguing that it matters not how long ago a thing happened was?  ~a

[2018-07-23 10:54:15] - a: Sure, but that was awhile ago and I don't think it means squat now. ABC presumably knew Roseanne was crazy before they hired her... -Paul

[2018-07-23 10:44:00] - i'm sure they knew about the man show when he got the job.  ~a

[2018-07-23 10:41:21] - a: I started skipping paragraphs at some point in that article. I didn't agree with a lot of its assertions, but it did go over how un-PC the man show was then and how even more so now. I'm a little shocked Gunn got taken down by that and Kimmel is still employed. Seriously seems like somebody could bring up some old episodes and get him fired right now. -Paul

[2018-07-23 10:15:20] - paul:  in 2011 even i wasn't so sure bitcoin was real.  i wasn't about to drop thousands of dollars on something that was the next e-gold.  ~a

[2018-07-23 10:13:52] - paul:  yeah i didn't keep very good records in 2011 and 2012.  it could be i had more.  probably always less than 300 though.  the 211 is what i could find records of.  ~a

[2018-07-23 09:00:03] - paul:  wow, long article.  i never liked the man show.  and i never considered it satire.  i hated feminists as much as the next guy, but even i thought the show was moronic and lacked any sort of humor.  i've also always judged kimmel badly for being part of the show.  the article goes too far though.  kimmel is just a person.  the man show was just a moronic show.  it didn't fuel a generation.  the ratings were just too low.  ~a

[2018-07-21 21:17:27] - I keep waiting for the mob to come after Jimmy Kimmel. I still have a hard time believing the former host of the Man Show is supposed to be taken seriously. -Paul

[2018-07-21 21:15:55] - a: I'm surprised you didn't have more at one point. -Paul

[2018-07-21 14:59:03] - paul:  at one point i held 211btc (211m bits).  that's also about 1.6m usd today.  ~a

[2018-07-21 10:35:35] - temporary over-correction.  "PC" comes in waves.  regardless i think some things are easier to take out of context than other things:  a stand-up set is probably hard to take out of context.  especially if you aren't being taped :-P  . . . tweets are much easier to take out of context.  ~a

[2018-07-20 17:34:25] - I wonder if this is a permanent change in society or a temporary over-correction. -Paul

[2018-07-20 17:33:49] - But man, I know taken out of context sound bad, but I remember watching Comedy Central roasts and watching films like the Aristocrats that have jokes that put those to shame. If comments from the past like those are enough to put people out of work, I feel like almost every comedian in Hollywood is going to be out of work soon. -Paul

[2018-07-20 17:32:07] - Speaking strictly as somebody who enjoyed the first two Guardians movies and was looking forward to the third, this makes me sad. I also find this part of the article a little weird: "Gunn is a staunch critic of President Trump, and his supporters dredged up the old tweets that led to Gunn's firing." -Paul

[2018-07-20 17:24:03] - a: Other then selling my shares of Netflix too early... I generally am as well. I just re-calculated the number and those shares would've been worth $1.6 million now. $1.6 million! -Paul

[2018-07-20 15:03:16] - paul:  same deal with crypto-currencies.  irl i'm happy with my decisions in life :)  ~a

[2018-07-20 15:02:45] - aaron:  i bought acbff at 2.  $2.  so irl i'm still pretty happy with acbff.  ~a

[2018-07-20 14:41:40] - aaron: Don't look at cryptocurrencies.... -Paul

[2018-07-20 14:26:21] - what the hell happened to adrian's cannabis stock? they used to be up something crazy like 25% and now they are actually down. stocks can do that? - aaron

[2018-07-20 12:08:55] - Xpovos: You're definitely sneaking up to me. I'm hoping Comcast dropping out of the bidding for Fox helps to boost Disney in the coming months and Celgene can finally get some good news and turn some things around. We'll see... -Paul

[2018-07-20 10:59:33] - For our stock challenge, I'm a little disappointed that Ubisoft didn't get a bigger bounce off their strong earnings call.  Oh well, it's hard to tell what's going on there anyway, it's so illiquid. -- Xpovos

[2018-07-18 14:13:43] - paul: :D we can play it next time we have a game night. it should be trivial to set up - aaron

[2018-07-17 21:42:46] - Aaron: I'm on vacation, but I had to drop in to say I like your game idea. -Paul

[2018-07-17 12:48:33] - langton's ant comes to mind.  ~a

[2018-07-17 12:48:10] - ah, yes i've used a similar approach to that before.  i'm not sure why i didn't think to use it here.  ~a

[2018-07-17 11:09:18] - then i started increasing it to "411750000" and "412000000" as my program got faster, and i kept figuring out more and more numbers i could skip, until my program got fast enough to start from "999999999" - aaron

[2018-07-17 11:08:14] - a: i started by picking a number close to f(4), like "411730000", watching my program count down from there so i could see which numbers got close to having the correct suffix... i started looking for patterns like that so i knew which numbers i didn't have to bother checking - aaron

[2018-07-16 12:19:36] - uhhhh sure ok.  ~a

[2018-07-16 12:13:47] - a: i can tell you how i got started on 455 if you want to keep trying - aaron

[2018-07-16 12:12:07] - a: i liked the insensitive and ambiguous definition of which cards are opposites -- like how somehow canada is the opposite of germany, or church is the opposite of scientist. i could see a party game where the entire premise is flipping over a random card, and giving everyone 30 seconds (one timer flip) to find an opposite; and then arguing with a judge over whose card is the MOST opposite - aaron

[2018-07-16 11:13:06] - aaron:  i'm giving up on 455.  i have no idea how to solve it.  ~a

[2018-07-16 11:09:06] - they actually made a whole game?!  jesus that's a lot of time spent for a joke.  my favorite were the "ugly men" "ugly women" aspect of the rules.  ~a

[2018-07-16 10:53:29] - fake rules for codenames - aaron

[2018-07-13 21:45:01] - memes  ~a

[2018-07-13 16:00:32] - a: I was briefly terrified that you had taken the lead! -Paul

[2018-07-13 13:44:43] - paul:  i changed the order.  ~a

[2018-07-12 14:33:10] - a: Nah, it's fine if it doesn't bother you. I'll just scroll so it looks like I'm first. :-) -Paul

[2018-07-12 14:30:12] - i can change the order if you'd like.  i figured it was a first-come first-served sort of situation.  ~a

[2018-07-12 14:28:12] - Anybody else confused by how I am listed first in the first two stock market challenges but listed second in the new one? I keep thinking I am Adrian. -Paul

[2018-07-12 14:05:16] - never!  your spending will increase faster than your savings forever!  ~a

[2018-07-12 13:15:56] - a: Maybe once my nest egg is big enough to retire off of. :-) -Paul

[2018-07-12 12:29:10] - you're also catching up in the 2017 (finished) challenge.  will you ever get tired of winning?  ~a

[2018-07-12 12:10:32] - With results like these, I don't know how anybody could justify passive index funds over individual stock selection. :-P -Paul

[2018-07-12 12:10:02] - While "Paul Letter" is currently losing, it should be noted that I am currently winning both active stock market challenges now AND have the highest coolness score. :-) -Paul

[2018-07-12 07:07:37] - the rise of wackaging. i have only really noticed this on dominos pizza. i think it is cute - aaron

[2018-07-11 11:37:11] - a:  I don't have any direct parallels, but I do believe if Bill Clinton (who has been accused of rape) could run for president today, I think he could still win. - mig

[2018-07-11 11:00:30] - mig:  "the other side would behave in the same manner if the shoe was on the other foot.  And I think they'd be mostly right about that."  is there a democrat (three times) accused child molester that almost won a senate seat?  ~a

[2018-07-11 10:49:19] - Daniel: I don't have much of a problem considering them separately. For example, Trump is by most accounts a pretty bad person. However, I also think his Gorsuch nomination was good. How does that make him as a President? *Shrug* I would say largely bad, but also "it's complicated". -Paul

[2018-07-11 10:47:19] - Daniel: I think they matter, but I think they separate things to consider. Horrible people can pass good laws and great people can pass horrible laws that do terrible things. Or horrible people can pass terrible laws too. :-P -Paul

[2018-07-11 10:42:38] - mig: Yeah I'm not trying to label this an R thing.  Is it that all politics is really just ends driven and we sometimes trick ourselves into thinking means matter?  -Daniel

[2018-07-11 10:42:07] - After all, if you point to Trump's issues with women, they can always point to Bill Clinton (who btw, still never gets pressed on the Juanita Broderick allegations). - mig

[2018-07-11 10:41:32] - Paul: Would it matter if were Roy Moore?  Would it matter if he had actually shot someone on 5th avenue?  Do the not actual results ever matter?  -Daniel

[2018-07-11 10:40:33] - daniel:  well in some defense of the Moore, Trump voters, I think they would probably rationalize that the other side would behave in the same manner if the shoe was on the other foot.  And I think they'd be mostly right about that. - mig

[2018-07-11 10:30:48] - Daniel: Not trying to say it doesn't matter, just that maybe it matters less? I dunno, it's hard to judge how much damage Trump is doing by randomly insulting our allies and complimenting Putin and all his other crappy things, but I feel like it pales in comparison to actions like appointing Supreme Court Justices or getting laws passed. -Paul

[2018-07-11 10:23:51] - Paul: That notion of stripping away everything else to just judge his actions has merit to think about but is also what I'm talking about.  Does all that other stuff not even matter?  Should we only judge based on actions?  So many athletes are judged just on championships / playoffs, should politicians similarly just be judged on public policies and laws and not their desire to skeeze on 16 year old girls?  -Daniel

[2018-07-11 10:07:35] - Daniel: I know that's a different issue (different time and all), but I do often wonder how best to judge presidents, especially when comparing them to earlier ones who based on modern sensibilities did much worse things. -Paul

[2018-07-11 10:06:41] - Daniel: Although I do often wonder, if we strip aside all the character stuff and window dressing from Trump and solely judge what is getting accomplished.... how would he rate as a president? Probably still pretty low, but at the same time, how do you compare him and his immigration policy to FDR and what he did to the Japanese-Americans? -Paul

[2018-07-11 10:05:15] - Daniel: Ah, yeah, I guess I generally tend to side with voting for "good" people instead of trying to game the "ends"? Maybe it's different for a libertarian who almost always votes libertarian because I don't have to be put into a position of holding my nose to vote for my team. :-P -Paul

[2018-07-11 09:28:12] - Paul: And so many character things with Trump.  I guess does character matter?  Maybe a separate question is does process matter?  Or do we judge based on results so those other things kind of fall by the wayside?  -Daniel

[2018-07-11 09:27:05] - Paul: Yeah things like that, like voting for Roy Moore, like supporting McConnell for getting Gorsuch in.  Like I think those things were "bad" but ended up with positive results for some so does it matter or in politics are the ends important enough to not care.  -Daniel

[2018-07-10 20:07:16] - Thank goodness Netflix and Amazon are my two biggest holdings... -Paul

[2018-07-10 20:06:38] - Daniel: Hmmmm. I guess I'm still a little unclear. These scotus examples seem apt, though. Garland got screwed pretty badly, so that's bad, but I do think the end result is positive because I like Gorsuch as a justice much better. Is that what you're talking about? -Paul

[2018-07-10 15:41:52] - mig: I'm familiar with the history of that, I didn't realize it had come back up as an actual suggestion.  It seems like a terrible idea because then whoever is in charge just adds more justices until their side has the majority.  That said McConnell and Garland is one of the most angering political things that I have experienced and even more so because it worked.  -Daniel

[2018-07-10 15:37:31] - Assuming they get the opportunity to do so, of course. - mig

[2018-07-10 15:36:12] - Like, for example, with this current predicament with SCOTUS, apparently there is some debate on whether democrats should resort to court packing to try and counteract the supposed shift of the current court. - mig

[2018-07-10 15:32:26] - aaron:  love it.  i'll let you know if i get a solution.  ~a

[2018-07-10 15:30:46] - daniel:  I think hypocrisy is unfortunately somewhat in this day and age in politics.  However, I do think there is some troubling aspects of "the ends justify the means". - mig

[2018-07-10 15:28:49] - a: euler #455 is not so bad. but, my program took almost 4 minutes to run. i will see if i can optimize it - aaron

[2018-07-10 15:16:30] - So then should we expect something other than the ends justify the means?  -Daniel

[2018-07-10 15:16:13] - Paul: In general supporting a politician who is "bad" but would support / vote laws you agree with.  I put out hypocrisy because I think its something that most people think is "bad" but that pretty much all politicians are guilty of. So clearly on some level most voters are able to support someone who they think does something "bad".    -Daniel

[2018-07-10 14:56:43] - Daniel: Are we just talking about hypocrisy or supporting a politician who has done horrible things because they might vote the way you want on certain laws? -Paul

[2018-07-10 14:44:33] - Should the ends justify the means in politics?  Is it "right" to want "good" politicians that align with your ends?  Or someone who gets more of your ends realized through whatever means necessary?  There is a whole range of transgressions to consider so for the case of hypocrisy should a politician be punished by voters?  The answer overwhelmingly seems to be no but I think most would label being a hypocrite as a "bad" thing.    -Daniel

[2018-07-09 14:15:50] - Agent K. Smith.

[2018-07-09 13:08:23] - a: I think Men in Black did as well. I could dress up in a suit and go as both Agent K and a Matrix Agent. :-P -Paul

[2018-07-09 12:52:25] - the matrix came out in the 90s.  ~a

[2018-07-09 12:37:59] - aarniel: Thanks for both of the suggestions! You guys are a lot more clever than I. I already own the flannel shirt, so Billy has the slight edge, but I do wonder if the look is unique enough to be recognizable. Might need to carry around a flaming bag of poop with me. -Paul

[2018-07-09 11:58:41] - paul: with a flannel shirt, white tee shirt, baseball cap, and children's book you could be Billy Madison - aaron

[2018-07-09 11:27:40] - Paul: Mark McGuire?  Cardinals shirt / hat, baseball / bat, syringe / children's Tylenol dispenser.  -Daniel

[2018-07-09 11:17:08] - Daniel: I thought about that, but I feel like so much of his "costume" would be how he acts, and I'm not sure I can pull off a Jim Carrey. :-) -Paul

[2018-07-09 11:08:55] - paul: Ace Ventura?  -Daniel

[2018-07-09 10:48:14] - Daniel: Hahaha! I like it. Not sure it's work appropriate.... but I like it nonetheless. -Paul

[2018-07-09 10:46:31] - paul: Blue dress with stain?  -Daniel

[2018-07-09 10:33:53] - Anybody have any good ideas for an incredibly simple but also recognizable costume related to the 90s that I could make for an upcoming company party? -Paul

[2018-07-09 09:49:51] - paul: coolness is sort of like an "underdog ranking" and it increases based on how poorly you are doing in the overall competition, and also increases based on how much you are improving. and adrian is winning in coolness today - aaron

[2018-07-09 09:47:26] - a: Well, that's the problem. I think I would have to quit my day job in order to find out if it would be successful, which isn't something I would be willing to do. If I could somehow try it out first and discover, for instance, that I could be making $150k a year? I think I would have to consider it... -Paul

[2018-07-09 07:12:55] - paul:  (assuming it was successful) would you quit your day job?  ~a

[2018-07-06 14:18:39] - a: Also, sorry for the lateness, but just responding to our discussion about Amazon delivery: They estimate the profit potential is $75k - $300k, and assuming an even distribution (which I know is highly unlikely), then that would probably represent an upgrade in my income level and I have to imagine the chance of failure is lower with Amazon backing things. -Paul

[2018-07-06 14:08:38] - Anyway, for 2018 thus far, my Vanguard fund is down around 2%, the S&P 500 is up around 1% and my individual stocks are up nearly 30%, so I guess I can't complain too much. -Paul

[2018-07-06 14:04:07] - Oh my god, such regret. In the past 3 years I've sold shares of Netflix 3 times for around a total of $14k. If I had held onto those shares, they would be worth over $34k now. I always regret selling Netflix! -Paul

[2018-07-06 14:01:52] - I just checked my two largest holdings. Is Netflix really up 46% this past quarter!? How do these massive gains keep sneaking up on me? See, Adrian? Told you I would regret selling my NFLX stock... -Paul

[2018-07-06 14:00:07] - By my calculations, the S&P 500 was up 2.46% over the past quarter. My Vanguard IRA was actually down 2.23% (maybe because it's fairly heavily weighted towards international exposure?). My Roth IRA (self-managed individual stocks) is up a whopping 14.07%! I'll be honest, this shocked me. I'm not sure where my gains came from. -Paul

[2018-07-06 13:58:17] - It's a little late (I blame vacation), but here is an update for 2018Q2 on my retirement fund challenge (can my IRA full of individual stocks beat my vanguard IRA full of passive index funds?) -Paul

[2018-07-05 23:03:36] - xpovos:  "logistics for the food, medicine and other essentials for the people who do live in the city have to get there somehow"  ok, but "truck traffic currently represents about 7 percent of urban traffic".  i think before we get 93% of city-roads to be car-free, i'll be happy.  :)  (i say "before" because i recognize that 7 percent of that current urban traffic uses ~100% of the current roads, so the 93 number is entirely fiction.)  ~a

[2018-07-05 18:04:28] - Even if we figure personal transport, the questions raised (unintentionally, I think) by a book like The Pushcart War, as I just mentioned, are still there and complex.  Logistics for the food, medicine and other essentials for the people who do live in the city have to get there somehow. -- Xpovos

[2018-07-05 18:03:33] - a: I don't, of course. I almost never go into the city via car, and only rarely by any means at all.  I am willing to posit that some kind of pedestrian center is appropriate for city center spaces.  At population density point-x, it's a good idea, perhaps even essentially mandatory.  But we haven't really figured out the suburbs to city part yet, and since most people who work in the city live in the burbs, we've a long way to go. -- Xpovos

[2018-07-05 18:00:31] - xpovos:  there are a lot more people in our cities:  and actually i think all those people in our cities makes this problem even worse.  cars are so huge and heavy, and everybody needs their own.  it's so inefficient to store your car on the street in a city.  you're demanding all of that shared space for you yourself 24/7?  why would you do that?  why would you even consider that reasonable?  ~a

[2018-07-05 17:50:54] - a: Part of that is just how many more people are in our cities.  Have you read "The Pushcart War"?  It's a good book.  For children, so if you haven't, you can speed through it.  It's obviously fiction, but it has some great bits that you'll probably love. -- Xpovos

[2018-07-05 17:38:33] - paul/xpovos:  "Namely, that streets are for cars and sidewalks are for pedestrians."  cars are given a majority of that space:  a lot of it for car parking, and a lot of it for car driving.  where do i do my other non-walking/non-car-driving/non-car-parking things?  it used to be we (in the 20s?) could play football in the streets.  or sell our wares.  or use our velocipede.    no more :(  ~a

[2018-07-05 17:34:25] - xpovos:  yeah i had to open that like in incognito mode to see the link.  sorry.  ~a

[2018-07-05 17:33:09] - paul:  "which seems easier to me"  easier != profitable.  you need to think more like a ferengi.  maybe i've been watching too much ds9.  anyways, my thought process is:  if it's easy and profitable, why wouldn't amazon just do it on its own.  amazon's cut is probably at least a portion of your profit.  ~a

[2018-07-05 17:06:40] - It seems to attempt to find the person whose overall growth is closest to median, maybe? -- Xpovos

[2018-07-05 16:27:55] - aaron: I just noticed the Coolness ranking and spend a solid 2 or 3 minutes trying to figure out what on Earth it is measuring before giving up. :-P -Paul

[2018-07-05 16:17:08] - aww man! paul overtook me in stock market coolness!?! at least i'm still #2... - aaron

[2018-07-05 16:12:50] - One thing I will comment on: the no car zone had a lot of bicycles.  That can't be.  Long term, it's going to have to be pedestrians only, or vehicles.  Bicycles are vehicles.  As bad as a car-bicycle collision is, a bicycle-pedestrian collision has a lot of the same problems, and would be far more common in that kind of a mixed use area if bicycles were permitted. -- Xpovos

[2018-07-05 16:08:49] - Xpovos: So you're against the proposed Rampant Discourse pay wall? :-P -Paul

[2018-07-05 16:08:35] - But I also don't see any great injustice in how things are now. Namely, that streets are for cars and sidewalks are for pedestrians. I can largely walk anyplace I want to walk to without much trouble. -Paul

[2018-07-05 16:07:16] - For the record, I don't think I have a strong opinion on the history of how streets got turned into things primarily for cars. If it involves government abuse of some sort, you can probably safely assume I am against it, I suppose. -Paul

[2018-07-05 15:46:12] - And... I can't.  They want me to subscribe, so fuck that noise.  I'll try not to let it influence my opinion on their argument. -- Xpovos

[2018-07-05 15:44:14] - "Privitization" there caught my attention for sure.  I stopped to think about it for a while.  It's worth considering.  Ultimately, I discarded the idea as incorrect, but it was fun to be challenged. I might actually disagree with the overall point less, I haven't read the article yet. -- Xpovos

[2018-07-05 15:15:27] - a: I feel like that is directed at me. What am I supposed to disagree with? The history of roads changing from being for pedestrians to for automobiles? Or using the term privatization for something done by the government? Or something else entirely? -Paul

[2018-07-05 15:13:32] - a: That's interesting. I wonder if it speaks to what we see as the challenging part of starting up a business. I see a lot of the decisions as already being made so it's more about following the plan as set out, which seems easier to me. -Paul

[2018-07-05 15:08:24] - "as in most American cities, though, philadelphia political leaders engaged in a massive privatization of this public land on behalf of automobile users over decades, ... and successfully persuaded citizens to believe that streets should be used only for driving and parking cars." you will disagree likely ~a

[2018-07-05 14:59:08] - the cynical/snarky side of me see it as . . .  you get all of the downside (hard work) of starting a company without any of the upside (profit).  :-P  ~a

[2018-07-05 14:42:53] - a: So... sign you up? :-) I guess I'm a little surprised more people have been into it. I know managing people sucks, but it almost feels like it has some upside to starting your own business combined with some safety of a big company's backing. -Paul

[2018-07-05 14:41:54] - Daniel: Don't know why, but I've never been that impressed by Toronto and while I would love to see a Pacer resurgence, I'm just not seeing it. I do think the Bucks and Philly could be good, though. I think we're in agreement, though. If I had to predict, I would put the likeliest result as a 5 seed for Wiz. -Paul

[2018-07-05 14:31:19] - paul:  "amazon's ... package delivery business" and "focus on people, not sales" both sound horrible.  first, amazon's uber-style package delivery service is notoriously bad (i, and everybody really, has had horrible experience with them compared to amazon via ups.  it's arguably worse than amazon via usps.)  second, managing people is the hardest part of my current job.  managing people is hard.  ~a

[2018-07-05 14:17:20] - paul: I don't see them being better than Toronto and I think that Bucks / Pacers are right there with the Wizards for the middle of the playoff pack in the east.  I think if you guys can finally be the team to convince Howard to run PnR all the time you could maybe be the number 2 otherwise I'm not sure.  -Daniel

[2018-07-05 12:06:15] - Daniel: I feel like there's a 70% chance they blow up spectacularly, but also a 30% chance they have a surprisingly good season (ie, #2 seed in the East style season). -Paul

[2018-07-05 12:05:32] - Daniel: Yup, I have no delusions of grandeur for the Wizards. I think their ceiling this coming season is a #2 seed in the East and making it to the NBA Finals (where they would promptly get swept) is a total longshot. However, I do think this makes them a more intriguing team than last year. -Paul

[2018-07-05 11:55:05] - The wizards as always are dependent on Wall / Beal.  I don't think Howard will greatly affect things for you guys.  He is still technically good but don't think he has spent more than two seasons anywhere since leaving Olando which should tell you something.  -Daniel

[2018-07-05 11:43:40] - contend. Not content. -Paul

[2018-07-05 11:43:29] - Daniel: What do you think? Do the Wizards blow up spectacularly next season or do they content for a top seed now that Lebron is gone? -Paul

[2018-07-05 11:43:00] - Daniel: I've been trying to ladder them somewhat to increase the liquidity. As I understand it, you can always withdraw the money early, but just lose some of the interest you've gained, so I consider that fairly liquid. Rates have been going up, but it's been around 2-2.4% for 12-14 months that I've gotten. -Paul

[2018-07-05 11:36:05] - paul: What rate are you getting in CDs?  Aren't they illiquid?  I just use an online savings account for emergency fund.  -Daniel

[2018-07-05 11:31:44] - Anybody tempted? It seems like an intriguing entrepreneurial opportunity that has lower risk than most might. -Paul

[2018-07-05 11:18:28] - a: I hesitate to call it "investing" in CDs. It's more a place to park my emergency fund money that seems safe and doesn't get me a completely pathetic return. Why CDs over bonds? I honestly don't know. CDs seem safer and easier to deal with in terms of liquidity, but I could be completely wrong on that. -Paul

[2018-07-05 10:28:47] - jesus christ maybe i need one of these jobs.  (i'm reminded of a "falling down" scene:  "plastic surgery built all this?")  ~a

[2018-07-05 10:23:15] - out of curiosity, why would you use a CD instead of a bond?  rates on bonds almost always seem much higher than CDs.  and in some cases, if the bond issuer defaults, you're going to have issues with your CDs and your normal bank balance too.  ~a

[2018-07-05 10:21:50] - though maybe i will for retirement.  . . . it depends on rates i think.  ~a

[2018-07-05 10:21:10] - paul:  i also don't invest in CDs :-D  ~a

[2018-07-05 10:08:09] - a: Still, it's hard for me to just ignore what looks like a free couple hundred dollars. :-P I figure I've put forth just as much effort doing stuff like opening a CD that will ultimately get me like $50. -Paul

[2018-07-05 10:07:25] - a: I had the same thought (being similar to churning) except it seems a little less risky because it doesn't require as much to keep track of and doesn't require me to spend money to make money. It's literally getting paid for just investing through a different company for a bit. I know what you mean, though, that it's potentially not worth the hassle. -Paul

[2018-07-05 08:51:46] - paul:  but i also ignore airline miles, hotel rewards, incentive systems, loyalty programs, etc, for the same reason so maybe i'm just weird.  ~a

[2018-07-05 08:51:21] - paul:  sounds a little bit like (credit card) churning.  if you take into account that chance that you'll fuck up one of their (arbitrary, complicated, and fine-print) rules, and wipe out your $100 earnings seems to not be worth it, especially including the modest time investment and hassle.  ~a

[2018-07-04 16:57:56] - So I wonder what's stopping me from doing it more often. Obviously I probably can't get the BoA/Merrill Lynch bonus again, but there are lots of banks and brokerages out there and if I can move my money once or twice a year, that's a couple hundred extra dollars a year for not too much work, right? -Paul

[2018-07-04 16:56:57] - I just recently realized that a lot of banks/brokerages and the like seem to offer cash bonuses for transferring your 401(k)/IRA over. I got a couple hundred dollars when I moved my IRA from Scottrade to BoA/Merrill Lynch and I think I just needed to keep it there for a few months. -Paul

[2018-07-03 23:48:56] - a: ha ha i just struggled to find a way to measure some numbers in a way that would put me in first place. it is a nonsense number but i have 250 of it - aaron

[2018-07-03 21:34:22] - Daniel: I'm into tech stocks overall. Looking back on all my picks for the challenges so far, I think Disney is the only one that can't be considered "tech" in some way (BOFI is a bank, but an online one). -Paul

[2018-07-03 21:32:31] - mig: I like to think there's some mystery to the NBA season and that it's not an 80% chance that team A will win (GSW) and a 19.999% chance that it will be one of a few others (Cavs or Spurs or Rockets in the past few years). -Paul

[2018-07-03 21:31:02] - mig: Yes, I actually care a lot. I mean, honestly, my sports interest overall has waned over the years just because I haven't had the time to watch, but my interest in the NBA has especially plummeted since the advent of the super-team (Miami Heat) and the perfection of it (KD to Warriors). -Paul

[2018-07-03 16:26:34] - I don't care what it's measuring, as long as I'm winning. -- Xpovos

[2018-07-03 16:09:54] - i probably should have put a "$" before the usage of column L.  ~a

[2018-07-03 16:09:17] - aaron:  i think you meant to use column "L" instead of column "N"?  if you actually did intend column "N", then i think i don't follow :)  i think your "coolness" will change sporadically throughout the day (and from day-to-day)  ~a

[2018-07-03 16:08:03] - aaron: its based on our changepct but you are ranking it with all the individual stock changepct's as well as each of our cumulative ones.  I think.  Match and sort aren't my best sheet functions.  -Daniel

[2018-07-03 16:07:06] - -Daniel

[2018-07-03 16:07:04] - aaron: I'm not sure what that is measuring....

[2018-07-03 15:50:59] - i also added a new component to the stock market challenge. and andrew is winning the new part - aaron

[2018-07-03 15:16:47] - And how a psuedo random sampling will compare to our picked choices as well.  -Daniel

[2018-07-03 12:42:19] - a: Its what I get for copy / paste and more just chuckling at my idea.  -Daniel

[2018-07-03 12:41:57] - a:  Math error in my favor!  Wooo! -Daniel

[2018-07-03 12:41:16] - daniel:  :-p  your math was wrong (average wasn't covering the whole area.  i fixed it).  you're winning.  ~a

[2018-07-03 12:39:58] - I'd never thought about the overlap of letters in our names until now.  -Daniel

[2018-07-03 12:37:19] - i added a new component to the stock market challenge. currently adrian winning the new part.  -Daniel

[2018-07-03 12:18:31] - aaron:  haha, i actually did lose a little money on blockbuster in ~2008.  ~a

[2018-07-03 11:43:37] - it has not been a blockbuster year for me in this stock market challenge. my blockbuster stock is down - aaron

[2018-07-03 11:30:21] - daniel:  my personal portfolio is mostly diversified across the sectors, but with a (~1%?) leaning towards the tech sector.  i think the tech sector will outperform the market average over the next 20 years.  ~a

[2018-07-03 11:20:13] - a/Paul: You guys are really into your tech stocks in the challenge.  -Daniel

[2018-07-03 09:54:10] - I think Cousins going to the warriors is fucked up.  Fuck that noise.  -Daniel

[2018-07-03 09:54:10] - Especially since we can practically cancel the NBA finals and just decree the WCF winner the NBA champ for probably the next 5-6 years. - mig

[2018-07-03 09:48:02] - I am very curious about all the people screaming and howling how the Miami Heat were going to ruin the NBA feel about the Warriors though. - mig

[2018-07-03 09:45:20] - paul:  I don't really care.  Do *you* care?  - mig

[2018-07-03 07:40:15] - Speaking of basketbrawl: -- Xpovos

[2018-07-02 20:48:52] - mig: Just wondering if you're completely okay with this as being good for the NBA. :-) -Paul

[2018-07-02 16:13:35] - aaron: For one, I don't know how many grandparents own businesses, but also I suspect it's harder turning down paying customers (and bringing down all the terrible PR that comes with it) rather than just driving an extra quarter mile to go to Target instead of Walmart or whatever. Subtle racism seems a lot easier than blatant racism. -Paul

[2018-07-02 16:11:47] - aaron: And yes, I agree that the whole "outgroup" thing makes it hard to judge this, and that I might be underestimating the number of hardcore racists in the country, but I think there's a difference between your grandpa saying he doesn't go to Walmart because there's too many blacks and a restaurant flatly refusing to serve any blacks. -Paul

[2018-07-02 16:10:11] - aaron: It would obviously depend on geography and type of business and everything else, but I would be surprised if it was double digit percentages of business that decided to publicly discriminate and I suspect it's more lower single digits. -Paul

[2018-07-02 16:08:33] - aaron: My point is simply that I think if we got rid of all laws against discrimination (which I consider to be a tangled mess of inconsistencies that cause more trouble than they are worth), I don't think we're going to see a huge rash of restaurants/bakeries/stores banning groups of people. -Paul

[2018-07-02 16:05:31] - aaron: Likewise I would be baffled by anybody who said people aren't racist anymore, but I guess if you find someone like that you can take solace in the fact that I disagree with them. :-P -Paul

[2018-07-02 15:23:24] - paul: but if i understand your underlying point it's something like, "oh we don't need laws protecting race because people aren't racist anymore," which seems weird to me. do you think the civil rights laws enacted during the 20th century had no effect? or do you think maybe they had an effect... but if repealed now, that there's a 0% chance society would regress? - aaron

[2018-07-02 15:20:13] - paul: i guess i was just mostly pointing out that, similar to your "who's the outgroup" thing you posted a few weeks ago, there are TONS of people who are blatantly, blatantly, "oh i don't go to walmart anymore there are too many blacks there" "i liked family feud before they added so many negroes" level of racist, and they are just invisible to you because you are in different social circles - aaron

[2018-07-02 15:18:41] - paul: i'd be baffled if anybody suggested that racism in america is worse today than 50 years ago, but i guess if you find someone like that you can take solace in the fact that i disagree with them - aaron

[2018-07-02 15:15:48] - paul: 2018 economist/yougov poll; looks like it's 17%, and was incorrectly cited as "nearly 20%" by newsweek which is what i saw. it varies a lot by demographic and age; obviously republicans and people aged >45 are more against interracial marriage than democrats and people aged <44 - aaron

[2018-07-02 14:31:36] - aaron: As for the moving target thing, I'm definitely not saying it's a bad thing. I'm just saying that I think sometimes because things are getting better and we're moving the overton window, it masks the fact that racism today isn't as bad as it was 50 years ago. -Paul

[2018-07-02 14:30:08] - aaron: And again, in my mind this is the absolute worst case scenario. My guess is the real number of people who would want to ban certain groups is single digit percentages and among business owners it is low single digits. Again, if so many people are itching to do this, why aren't we hearing more about it? -Paul

[2018-07-02 14:28:33] - aaron: That would be bad, and would undoubtedly suck, but it's still not some overwhelming burden. It means instead of going to Burger King, you have to go across the street to Taco Bell or maybe you fill up at Exxon instead of Shell. I still submit that those 11% of businesses are likely to suffer higher failure rates going forward too, so that number is likely to go down. -Paul

[2018-07-02 14:26:34] - aaron: I would also argue that being against interracial marriage is "weaker" racism than banning certain groups from your establishment and that people who own businesses are less likely to be racist than those who don't, but let's assume the worst on all accounts that 11% of businesses would immediately ban blacks if discrimination was legalized. -Paul

[2018-07-02 14:25:00] - aaron: I assume you're referring to this poll? It's worth noting two things: (1) If you dig into the numbers, only 11% of respondents said they disapproved (2% had no opinion) and (2) it's from 5 years ago. 5 years before that (2007), the approval was at 77%, so it's reasonable to think approval is higher now. -Paul

[2018-07-02 09:23:12] - paul: that said, i understand your underlying point that "racism" is a moving target and maybe 100 years ago, racism was literally murdering people of a different race. maybe today, if a doctor refuses to treat a black patient, he's considered racist, and people from 1918 would laugh at that. but, i think it's OK. it should be a moving target - aaron

[2018-07-02 09:18:46] - statistically, for every level-headed human being you interact with on a day-to-day basis there are four racist grandparents who probably have nothing better to do than vote and participate in gallup polls :-b - aaron

[2018-07-02 09:16:34] - paul: well, 20% of americans think interracial marriage is "morally wrong"; so assuming you think less than 40% of americans are racist, then i guess a majority of racists still are against interracial marriage and everything else - aaron

[2018-07-01 14:39:42] - a: Boy scouts. Black Student Union. Not requiring doctors to perform procedures that they are ethically against. There are lots of freedom of association issues. -Paul

[2018-07-01 13:00:06] - paul:  other than this one cake situation, what problem are you trying to solve?  ~a

[2018-07-01 08:00:19] - A century ago, racists believed in segregation and were against interracial marriage and everything else. Today, I think the majority of racists are people who we think make inappropriate jokes/comments or state crime statistics by race. -Paul

[2018-07-01 07:57:59] - I think we're susceptible to thinking that racist and racism is all around us still (especially in the current moment) and that blinds us to how much progress the nation as made. Who are the most prominent racists that we're all wailing about now? Roseanne? Donald Trump? I don't think either would be interested in a restaurant not service blacks or hispanics. -Paul

[2018-07-01 07:55:48] - aDaniel: This is relevant to something I wanted to touch on during our discussion about how many restaurants would refuse to serve if discrimination laws were repealed... -Paul

[2018-06-29 09:26:31] - a: yeah troll is probably unfairly negative. i like his comments too - aaron

[2018-06-28 16:55:34] - aaron:  OMG, i fucking love that guy!  (i'd call it a meme instead of trolling.  though i agree this is probably a grey-area.  i feel to be a troll, instead of a person making a meme, you need to be anti-social instead of . . . social?  kinda a minor detail, though.  really i just wanted to talk about how much i fucking love this guy's work.  it's always so extremely well crafted and original.  i dunno calling him a toll seems negative)  ~a

[2018-06-28 16:35:25] - for the past three years, this one reddit troll has started long-winded posts and ended them with "1998 when the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table..." today the WWE sent the troll a present, i thought this was pretty cute - aaron

[2018-06-28 16:13:40] - Tesla has a lot of problems.  Lithium battery tech is really the least of their concerns, IMO.  And that's still a huge one.  Never say never, but I personally don't expect any battery revolution as long as they're still trying to improve Li+.  We need next-gen, which hasn't even been invented yet. -- Xpovos

[2018-06-28 15:45:48] - a: I'm not too worried about it yet. Electric cars are such a small percentage of the market. Toyota doesn't have an all-electric, but GM and Nissan have... -Paul

[2018-06-28 10:23:47] - paul:  (regarding tsla) part of me is worried there will be a pull-back on electric cars.  lithium-ion batteries maybe have reached a peak efficiency (or at least a plateau) and lithium ion batteries need replacing pretty often.  there's probably a reason toyota still doesn't have an all-electric car.  ~a

[2018-06-28 09:14:04] - a: Heh, it looks like we're both considering Tesla for the next challenge and I keep flip-flopping between Amazon or Square. Given our history (Netflix first time, nVidia the second), I feel like I'm going to regret it if I don't go Amazon... -Paul

[2018-06-27 18:46:20] - Daniel: Getting cert is the problem.  A court does not have to grant an appeal.  And if the lower courts never grant cert it won't make it's way to the higher courts, to the Supreme, etc. -- Xpovos

[2018-06-27 17:46:55] - mig: As an honest question is it?  Like couldn't someone just do something in obvious violation of it, get sued / reprimanded whatever then just appeal it all the way up?  I mean maybe thats herculean but mostly just sounds timely and expensive?  Is there some other req other than time / money?  -Daniel

[2018-06-27 16:43:32] - getting a case procedurally all the way to SCOTUS would be a herculan feat in of itself. - mig

[2018-06-27 15:35:50] - Daniel: I doubt it.  Thomas would vote to strike it down, and maybe Alito and Gorsuch, but Roberts probably won't.  Ginsburg, Sotomayor and Kagan are all out, of course. Breyer is a non-starter.  Even if Kennedy's replacement is remarkably anti-CRA you've got 4, with only 2 of them being remotely solid. -- Xpovos

[2018-06-27 15:25:05] - Scotus changing with Kennedy retirement.  So maybe that CRA reversal is closer than we thought?  -Daniel

[2018-06-27 14:20:11] - :)  yeah i enjoy being in first place too.  ~a

[2018-06-27 14:19:10] - Not terribly. It's not the end of the year, and I'm not in the bet.  But it does matter for momentary pride. ;-) -- Xpovos

[2018-06-27 14:18:04] - if it matters, you are in first place.  ~a

[2018-06-27 14:10:46] - Chrome, desktop. I think it has to do with firewall settings (outside of my control). -- Xpovos

[2018-06-27 14:09:02] - xpovos:  are you using an android app or chrome (on your phone or on a laptop)?  ~a

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