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[2001-04-24 23:55:00] - ###/pics/download/01.gif

[2001-04-24 23:54:00] - well, anyone can be abused.  it's as people who believe in agism say, just because you are under 18 does not make you any less human, and does not mean you have any less rights. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:53:00] - so babies who can't speak out can be abused? -kris

[2001-04-24 23:52:00] - of course, we should encourage those who have been abused to speak out, but that's another matter. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:51:00] - some don't out of fear. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:49:00] - I see no need for external intervention unless the child requests protection of his or her negative rights. -logan

[2001-04-24 23:47:00] - and yes, i know, i know, what constants "abuse" or "misuse"?  i don't know, but i guess the best way is to take it on a case by case basis. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:46:00] - By whom?  I say the child. :) -logan

[2001-04-24 23:46:00] - damn.  i'm horrible at spelling. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:46:00] - well of course it's granted for the child's sake.  but those who abuse or misuse their privelege should have it revoked. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:43:00] - Wow, we both misspelled privilege. :P -logan

[2001-04-24 23:42:00] - Yes, so do I.  But, is the privelege granted for the state's sake or the child's sake?  I believe the latter. -logan

[2001-04-24 23:38:00] - i do view being a parent as a priveledge and not a right. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:35:00] - i don't really agree with that law either, or most of the laws that deal with agism. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:33:00] - Our State, however, makes children criminals when they run away from home. -logan

[2001-04-24 23:32:00] - Well, I don't necessarily believe so, but it is the same as with adults, so it's not a case of special state intervention in the affairs of children. -logan

[2001-04-24 23:30:00] - and thus state intervention is necessary in that case. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:29:00] - mig: That would be the same case as if I took you and locked you in my apartment. I guess the official term would be kidnapping. -logan

[2001-04-24 23:29:00] - and what about a parent who likes to beat the kid for fun? - mig

[2001-04-24 23:28:00] - I bet I could start a real flamewar if I fully expanded on my thoughts regarding this. :P -logan

[2001-04-24 23:28:00] - i have to ask though, what if the child is physically prevented from leaving his/her parents even if he/she wants to. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:26:00] - I know everyone will disagree with me regarding this, but, if you do not want to leave your parents, or are incapable of deciding, then there is nothing wrong. -logan

[2001-04-24 23:25:00] - Voila, no state intervention necessary. -logan

[2001-04-24 23:24:00] - Here's what I'm thinking now... a family is like a mini-state.  Therefore, if a child can reasonably decide that he or she wants to leave the "state," he or she should be able to. -logan

[2001-04-24 23:23:00] - What if someone believes that strongly punishing their child (physically) will help them to become a better person? -logan

[2001-04-24 23:21:00] - A fun rant - -logan

[2001-04-24 23:19:00] - there are definitely no-brainer cases though. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:19:00] - yes i know.  i'm not sure exactly what constitute abuse or neglect.  i'm unsure in that regard.  it's probably better to handle that on a case-by-case basis. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:16:00] - But what constitutes abuse or neglect?  Is spanking a child cause for removal of parental rights?  I don't trust the government to draw this line.  The government can (and does) abuse its power in this regard. -logan

[2001-04-24 23:15:00] - -logan

[2001-04-24 23:12:00] - it's like a driver's license.  if you prove that you are incapable of driving, we take your license away. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:11:00] - though i would have to say that we should be 100% sure that a parent is abusive or negligent before we do anything rash. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:06:00] - parents have power over their children.  it can be abused.  if it is abused it must be punished. - mig

[2001-04-24 23:03:00] - I think having such a point is too dangerous, but I think children have rights, too. So it's a tough question. -logan

[2001-04-24 23:02:00] - Is there some point where kids should be taken from their parents? -logan

[2001-04-24 23:02:00] - if a parent abuses his/her sovereingty, then the government to step in, because the child's rights have been violated. - mig

[2001-04-24 22:57:00] - i think the degree is "you depend on me, so you'll live by my rules until you move out."  but, with sovereignty comes responsiblity and it's the parent's responsibility to enforce those rules, not the governments. - mig

[2001-04-24 22:55:00] - I should learn to read directions before playing with things. -logan

[2001-04-24 22:54:00] - Oh, it has to be gif. :P -logan

[2001-04-24 22:54:00] - -logan

[2001-04-24 22:50:00] - The state basically says you have sovereignty over your children -- to a certain degree.  The question is, what is this degree, and is it just for the state to take control beyond this degree? -logan

[2001-04-24 22:43:00] - just testing :) - boing

[2001-04-24 22:38:00] - (too big) - boing

[2001-04-24 22:33:00] - i changed the file size to 40k.  ~a

[2001-04-24 22:30:00] - ###/pics/download/00.gif

[2001-04-24 22:26:00] - you can post gifs now.  to post a gif, just post the url.  the constraints are currently a 30k file size and 400x400 visible size.  i can change these constraints if anyone wants.  ~a

[2001-04-24 20:52:00] - hey, josh.  when is that cartoon expected to be finished?  ~a

[2001-04-24 20:35:00] - either way, i think the more important issue with this joe camel thing is parent's not educating their kids about smoking. - mig

[2001-04-24 20:34:00] - that could be arguable. - mig

[2001-04-24 20:32:00] - mig: aren't those limited rights designed to protect more important rights? -jdb

[2001-04-24 20:30:00] - and it's always in the state's interestto take action when one's right is violated.  that's why we have law enforcement. - mig

[2001-04-24 20:26:00] - those under 18 have very limited rights. - mig

[2001-04-24 20:23:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-24 20:09:00] - why would it be in the state's interest to take action? our society says kids have no rights? how so? we have programs such as cps to guarantee those rights. -jdb

[2001-04-24 20:06:00] - children would still be human beings, and if their rights are violated the state can take action.  oh wait, it's our society that determined that kids have no rights. - mig

[2001-04-24 20:02:00] - mig:'s+advocate (#2) :-P -jdb

[2001-04-24 20:01:00] - if the state has no interest in children, then what are children, beyond simple commodities? parents can feed them, starve them, abuse them, love them. -jdb

[2001-04-24 19:57:00] - and i don't think anyone here regards children as "simple commodities that parents can choose to neglect". - mig

[2001-04-24 19:54:00] - the cps is one of those things that i agree with in theory, but not in practice. - mig

[2001-04-24 19:54:00] - i remember one official in texas claiming that letting your kid listen to marilyn manson should be considered parental negligence. - mig

[2001-04-24 19:51:00] - of course our society has some skecthy criteria for what constitute as a bad parent. - mig

[2001-04-24 19:50:00] - well, if you have proven yourself to be a bad parent, then you obviously should not be allowed to have that sovereignty over your kids. - mig

[2001-04-24 19:40:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-24 19:37:00] - how would services such as CPS be paid for in a libertarian government? -jdb

[2001-04-24 19:16:00] - -logan

[2001-04-24 19:01:00] - I'm not sure, because it's hard to find an internally consistent viewpoint.  I think that the sovereignty of parents is crucial, but such services violate that. What do you do when society decides you are a bad parent and takes away your kids? -logan

[2001-04-24 18:51:00] - how do you feel about child protective services ( -jdb

[2001-04-24 18:45:00] - no, but i think is highly irresponsible for a tobacco company to target children. we can't think of children as simple commodities that parents can choose to neglect as they feel fit. -jdb

[2001-04-24 18:44:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-24 18:43:00] - Having irresponsible parents is an unfortunate event in many regards.  What do you advocate?  That the state raise all children? -logan

[2001-04-24 18:36:00] - so if you're a young child with irresponsible parents, too bad? -jdb

[2001-04-24 18:33:00] - If young kids are that impressionable, without their parents' consent, I think you have bigger problems than teen smoking. -logan

[2001-04-24 18:31:00] - Wow, that pretty accurately describes my organizational habits (or lack thereof).  Never thought I could justify it that way, though.  It makes sense. :P -logan

[2001-04-24 18:26:00] - so it's ok to hook young kids on image that smoking is cool thing to do? -jdb

[2001-04-24 18:24:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-24 18:21:00] - So? -logan

[2001-04-24 18:20:00] - er not "camel was well aware"  -- rather, "rJ Reynold's" -jdb

[2001-04-24 18:19:00] - camel was well aware that their ad campaign would appeal to a younger market (kids our age), but studies showed that kids around 12 or so were the ones most enthralled by the campaign. -jdb

[2001-04-24 18:04:00] - In the context where kids are likely to buy it (or, more importantly, parents are likely to buy it for their kids). -logan

[2001-04-24 18:03:00] - dinner dietricks 6:15

[2001-04-24 17:57:00] - so, marketing to kids is a good idea, eh? :-) -jdb

[2001-04-24 17:51:00] -    hahahahahahahahahaha

[2001-04-24 17:46:00] -

[2001-04-24 17:05:00] - I used to love counting my mom's camel cash and looking through the camel catalogues for neat things to get. :P -logan

[2001-04-24 17:04:00] - Even if you had direct marketing to kids for cigarettes (no pretense; marketing like breakfast cereals), you'd expect parents to exercise some intelligence and teach their kids about smoking (like my own did). -logan

[2001-04-24 17:02:00] - I was sad to see Joe go.  But I never tried smoking until I was 20, and never really liked it. *shrug* -logan

[2001-04-24 17:02:00] - i disapprove of smoking cigarrettes, but i really never saw anything wrong with the whole joe camel character. - mig

[2001-04-24 17:01:00] - My mom smokes Camels.  She'd get cool Joe Camel merchandise.  I liked Joe. :P -logan

[2001-04-24 16:41:00] - ugh... i'm now so glad that gore/lieberman didn't win. - mig

[2001-04-24 16:39:00] - weed's never been used here before???? - mig

[2001-04-24 16:38:00] - smoke weed

[2001-04-24 16:36:00] - joe camel never convinced me to smoke. - mig

[2001-04-24 16:34:00] - logan: what is your opinion of joe chemo... er camel? -jdb

[2001-04-24 16:32:00] - It's like straight out of Atlas Shrugged -- "Do this voluntarily, or we'll force you to do it!" -logan

[2001-04-24 16:32:00] - i have never been able to understand the logic of all these people who claim that violent or explicit games/music is harmful to kids. - mig

[2001-04-24 16:31:00] - for once, i agree with you logan. - mig

[2001-04-24 16:29:00] - I fail to see what is wrong with "marketing to children."  Are people admitting that they are too incompetent to do their own parenting? -logan

[2001-04-24 16:29:00] - they have their fucking "voluntary" tipper stickers, they have edited albums, but they're never satisfied. - mig

[2001-04-24 16:28:00] - Woah, I like that comic.  The goat is my hero. -logan

[2001-04-24 16:28:00] - i fail to see how the music industry is "marketing to children". - mig

[2001-04-24 16:26:00] - ugh.  more "protecting the children bullshit." - mig

[2001-04-24 15:36:00] -

[2001-04-24 15:33:00] - oh sorry for the delay but thanks for the compliment logan. - mig

[2001-04-24 14:20:00] - a friend of mine: - katie

[2001-04-24 13:49:00] - -logan

[2001-04-24 13:01:00] - haha, that roger thing was horrible :-P -jdb

[2001-04-24 12:57:00] -

[2001-04-24 12:52:00] - No, a negative right is a right to not have something done to you. Libertarianism, for instance, consists of negative rights. -logan

[2001-04-24 12:48:00] - well, maybe not... most of those jobs pay pretty well. -jdb

[2001-04-24 12:47:00] - of course, things like minimum wage undermine that industrial infrastructure as well... -jdb

[2001-04-24 12:45:00] - free trade and the like make me worried about the industrial infrustructure that this nation is so reliant upon. -jdb

[2001-04-24 12:44:00] - logan: "strong negative rights" being loaded language for "taking away rights"? -jdb

[2001-04-24 12:40:00] - jdb: To me, the shape of economics is a result of the rights you apply. I think free trade is the application of strong negative rights. -logan

[2001-04-24 12:26:00] -,1002,54%257E24990,00.html  hmmmm link didn't work the first time.  let's try now. - mig

[2001-04-24 12:16:00] - i just find newsmax to be a highly amusing site... -jdb

[2001-04-24 12:16:00] -

[2001-04-24 12:08:00] - haha.  gore and clinton.  hee hee.  what hypocrites. - mig

[2001-04-24 12:07:00] - it's funny though. - mih

[2001-04-24 12:02:00] - why do we care about porn in camp david? - mig

[2001-04-24 11:52:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-24 11:52:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-24 11:46:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-24 11:44:00] - yeah, they edit things a lot. they changed the tense of an editorial that a guy i knew wrote -- going from past to present tense basically ruined his message. -jdb

[2001-04-24 11:43:00] - awww nuts. they cut out a few sentances of my letter. oh well. - mig

[2001-04-24 11:35:00] - should human rights be a part of economic policy? -jdb

[2001-04-24 11:20:00] - the photographer was standing right about where the table was  ~a

[2001-04-24 11:18:00] - i am sorry.  i meant no ftaa  ~a

[2001-04-24 11:18:00] - logan: hehe.  those no nafta people were set up right next to the free@vt table at the norml event  ~a

[2001-04-24 10:50:00] - sex

[2001-04-24 10:47:00] - - Very clear and concise, unlike most editorials I've seen. -logan

[2001-04-24 10:45:00] - Miguel has an editorial! -logan

[2001-04-24 10:39:00] - To me, being opposed to free trade is like being opposed to freedom.  It boggles my mind. -logan

[2001-04-24 10:38:00] - "As consumers here in the New River Valley," Lehr said, "we already have very little understanding of how goods are produced."  She then goes on to tell us why free trade is bad. :P -logan

[2001-04-24 10:37:00] - Speaking of blind anticapitalism - -logan

[2001-04-24 08:56:00] - <-- cartoons by same guy. -jdb

[2001-04-24 08:47:00] - <-- Sex, Foul Language, Fads, Hate, Atheism -- all very evil things indeed! -jdb

[2001-04-24 02:29:00] - next thing you know they're going to sue manson or rammstein. - mig

[2001-04-24 02:29:00] - of course i guess parents need to be compensated for their shortcomings. - mig

[2001-04-24 02:27:00] - only in american can you sue for stupid shit for ridiculous amounts of money and actually have a chance at getting it. - mig

[2001-04-24 02:24:00] -,1002,11%257E24990,00.html  ugh.  the idiots have begun their campaign again. - mig

[2001-04-24 00:51:00] - I don't follow the news enough to be trendy. -logan

[2001-04-24 00:41:00] - a friend of mine summed up activist culture as "the selfish pursuit of being different." :-D -jdb

[2001-04-24 00:40:00] - nah, definitely not trendy.. not enough of a following to do that. to better explain, compare "wearing gap jeans" to "protesting wto" :-P. so, not "trendy," but by all means, very-highly visible. -jdb

[2001-04-24 00:38:00] - Well, my highly uneducated view is that protesting trade agreements is now the ``trendy'' thing to do. -logan

[2001-04-24 00:28:00] - the majority of "activist" students certainly don't side with the public norm in terms of opinion (especially in regards to the cato article you posted earlier) -jdb

[2001-04-24 00:27:00] - "most popular issue" vs. "most popular opinion" -jdb

[2001-04-24 00:25:00] - It's like the most vocal people choose to side with whatever issue seems popular, just so they'll look cool or something. -logan

[2001-04-24 00:17:00] - there's not much of a choice ;) -jdb

[2001-04-24 00:13:00] - Interesting how so many people let themselves be politically influenced by media. -logan

[2001-04-23 23:53:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-23 23:50:00] - i think that "right to complain" is directly correlated to "right to vote" :-P -jdb

[2001-04-23 23:49:00] - of course the only people that i personally get annoyed with are those that are politcallly motivated, yet they don't vote. -jdb

[2001-04-23 23:49:00] - the kids that i would criticize are the ones that are completely oblivious to the world around them. -jdb

[2001-04-23 23:48:00] - isn't that a pretty harsh generalization to make? being completely unbiased here... I've found that "politically motivated" kids on this campus are *way* more educated about issues than the average joe. -jdb

[2001-04-23 23:45:00] - Did I abuse the word ``however'' enough there? -logan

[2001-04-23 23:44:00] - I didn't say believing in something was pathetic.  However, I do think that believing in something without understanding why you believe in it, or what its ramifications are, is pathetic. However, few people are even that consistent. -logan

[2001-04-23 23:41:00] - logan: what's pathetic about believing in something? -jdb

[2001-04-23 23:41:00] - the ioccc should be around again, i think i remember reading announcements about it over the past year or so. -jdb

[2001-04-23 23:33:00] - Hahaha, the board is now blue! No more ugly josh green! -logan

[2001-04-23 23:32:00] - jdb: Regarding your earlier comment about an apathetic environment, I think of it as more like a pathetic environment. :P -logan

[2001-04-23 23:28:00] - I wonder when they are going to startup the IOCCC again. -logan

[2001-04-23 23:14:00] - I like my "worm" program... I should write an obfuscated version of the nibbles game that came with qbasic in dos. -logan

[2001-04-23 23:00:00] - -logan

[2001-04-23 22:58:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-23 22:55:00] - so when is this msg board's source code going to be browseable? :-D -jdb

[2001-04-23 22:45:00] - I should put my obfuscated programs on my web site! -logan

[2001-04-23 22:39:00] - Heh, just what NYC needs - -logan

[2001-04-23 22:33:00] - People do protest over the dumbest things, though.  Makes me wonder if people that are more inclined to participate or organize a protest tend to also be dumber than average.  Just look at VT. :P -logan

[2001-04-23 22:32:00] - Heh heh, ``Why I Hate the Left'' -logan

[2001-04-23 22:30:00] - jdb: Let's have a pro-capitalist protest!  We'll, uh, protest something!  Like... hmm... We'll go protest an anti-capitalist protest! -logan

[2001-04-23 22:29:00] - I'm not against anyone speaking their mind.  But you have to question their motives, ideals, and methods (and intelligence and morality). -logan

[2001-04-23 22:25:00] - ...a rarity in our rather apathetic enviroment. -jdb

[2001-04-23 22:25:00] - even if you disagree with these protestors are you against them protesting to begin with? my heart jumps whenever i see protestors -- even if i completely disagree with their cause, because it means someone out there is passionate about something....

[2001-04-23 22:23:00] - -logan

[2001-04-23 22:19:00] - -logan

[2001-04-23 21:59:00] - jesus says "bah humbug" to earthday --> -jdb

[2001-04-23 21:48:00] - oooh, new layout. -jdb

[2001-04-23 21:39:00] - mig: i wasn't talking about IE. -jdb

[2001-04-23 21:22:00] - electronics at tj  ~a

[2001-04-23 21:07:00] - you're in electronics adrian? -dave

[2001-04-23 19:52:00] - grey code?  i assume you don't mean that encoding scheme we learned in electronics (and intro to ecpe)  ~a

[2001-04-23 19:50:00] - i should put up an ad in gray code - katie

[2001-04-23 19:48:00] - .... thanks for the correction... but you obviously got the point.... =Þ -cryptic

[2001-04-23 19:47:00] - porn star is two words  :)  ~a

[2001-04-23 19:44:00] - "Jewish Pornstar Roommate Needed"

[2001-04-23 19:41:00] - *** cryptic waves a jdb

[2001-04-23 19:26:00] - "no liberal commie satanists" - katie

[2001-04-23 18:57:00] - isn't ie great! - mig

[2001-04-23 18:43:00] - ack, i crashed explorer yet again... -jdb

[2001-04-23 18:41:00] - "no vegetarians, please" -jdb

[2001-04-23 18:41:00] - .. put the same phone number on it :-) -jdb

[2001-04-23 18:41:00] - and to be really mean

[2001-04-23 18:39:00] - nah... you could add "christian and heterosexual a must" :) -jdb

[2001-04-23 18:20:00] - would "atheist" be better or worse than "white" ?  ~a

[2001-04-23 18:02:00] - no one?  ~a

[2001-04-23 16:41:00] - anyone interested?  @@@/whiteroommate.pdf  ~a

[2001-04-23 16:16:00] - ~a

[2001-04-23 16:15:00] - what font do you think this is @@@/pics/temp/christian.jpg ?

[2001-04-23 16:14:00] - or should i put an email address instead?  ~a

[2001-04-23 16:13:00] - heck with the white male add. i need to put one up asking for a gorgeous female -dave

[2001-04-23 16:13:00] - what should i put for the phone number?  ~a

[2001-04-23 16:11:00] - If you really want to cause a ruckus, put up a flyer asking for a white male roommate only. :P -logan

[2001-04-23 16:11:00] - not necessary  :)  ~a

[2001-04-23 15:43:00] - well i apologize on their behalf -dave

[2001-04-23 15:40:00] - yeah, i hate to overgeneralize, but in almost all of my experiences involving christians, they've almost all have had a "non-christians are evil" attitude. - mig

[2001-04-23 15:18:00] - maybe. it's true that there are a lot of close-minded christians, but i think you can generalize on me just as much as any of them -dave

[2001-04-23 15:17:00] - well dave, my guess is you are a lot more open minded than most  ~a

[2001-04-23 15:16:00] - i didn't say non-christians were bad at all. almost all my friends are non-christians -dave

[2001-04-23 15:16:00] - i meant that in reference to adrian -dave

[2001-04-23 15:16:00] - i don't think that's entirely fair -dave

[2001-04-23 15:16:00] - Maybe atheists annoy you.  You certainly seem to be annoyed by Christians. :P -logan

[2001-04-23 15:15:00] - by atheists i mean non-christian.  they are all just as bad, right dave?  ~a

[2001-04-23 15:14:00] - smoking causes discomfort.  people who drink a lot often make a mess or are loud durring the night.  pets also often make messes.  people who are atheists are just plain evil.  ~a

[2001-04-23 15:13:00] - i say miguel, you need to uphold the tj honor here and take back our rightful positions on this messge board, lol -dave

[2001-04-23 15:11:00] - i don't see anything wrong with it.  i just think it's a little odd. - mig

[2001-04-23 15:09:00] - Yeah, I don't see why they criticize people so much on their personal choices, either. -logan

[2001-04-23 14:55:00] - *dave ducks down and waits for the avalanche of messages* -dave

[2001-04-23 14:55:00] - but i think dating is nothing like being friends -dave

[2001-04-23 14:54:00] - It's rather shallow for someone to stop being friends with someone just because their religion is different -dave

[2001-04-23 14:53:00] - i don't think it's really all that different just because it's a religion -dave

[2001-04-23 14:53:00] - but you can say you want a roomate who doesn't smoke or drink too. -dave

[2001-04-23 14:53:00] - it's true that it's rather excuslionary to say that's the kind of person you want as a roomate -dave

[2001-04-23 14:52:00] - haha, oops. the new word is relgion now, lol -dave

[2001-04-23 14:51:00] - and for that matter, what's wrong with wanting a roomate that is the same relgion as you? -dave

[2001-04-23 14:50:00] - What's wrong with only wanting to date people of the same religion? -dave

[2001-04-23 14:10:00] - jdb: I agree! -logan

[2001-04-23 13:15:00] - i personally think we should mow down more rain forests for single family living. -jdb

[2001-04-23 13:06:00] - and this is why we need to curb population growth.  -  aba

[2001-04-23 13:04:00] - -jdb

[2001-04-23 12:47:00] -      yay for the eels.  -  aba

[2001-04-23 12:47:00] - you are someone.  you are aparna.  ~a

[2001-04-23 12:46:00] - (that was aba)

[2001-04-23 12:46:00] - i am nobody.

[2001-04-23 12:46:00] - aba: you are someone.  ~a

[2001-04-23 12:45:00] - someone needs to post something interesting.  >:o  -  aba

[2001-04-23 12:28:00] - jbd:  not really, because i have awesome friends who even if they are christian, don't seem to mind :) - mig

[2001-04-23 12:19:00] - Bob Saget and Britney Spears have a conversation using only the 100 most commonly used words in the english language - aaron

[2001-04-23 12:17:00] - have any of your ever encountered potential dates that completely blew ya off once they learned of your religious preference? i've lost so many "friends" this way... -jdb

[2001-04-23 12:16:00] - it was optional to pick up bibles (they could be picked up alongside the school driveway). needless to say, i didn't get a bible. :-D -jdb

[2001-04-23 12:15:00] - ..a few years later, prayer was banned form our graduation -- at that time, they also stopped giving away bibles with diplomas. when i graduated, our speaker (a student) broke out into prayer, praised jesus, yadda yadda yadda. I was pissed. -jdb

[2001-04-23 12:14:00] - at my high school (about 5 years before I went), a girl protested prayer at graduation. she was threatened, her car was vandalized, and she was forever thought of as some sort of extremely evil person....  -jdb

[2001-04-23 11:43:00] - I agree, though, the sign screams "I think all non-christians are heathens" - boing

[2001-04-23 11:42:00] - sort of activity in their home... or even one who will want to participate in it - boing

[2001-04-23 11:41:00] - but lisa wade a good point to me that it might not (just) be this girl's negative opinion of non-christians, but rather that she might be an active member of, say, campus crusade, and might want to have a roommate who won't mind that... - boing

[2001-04-23 11:39:00] - regarding the "christian female roommate" sign... I saw that a while ago and my first thought (and still my primary one) was that it was very exclusionary and not just a little facist - boing

[2001-04-23 11:34:00] - mig: unfortunately, minidisc is lossy if you can believe it.  that would be like encrypting a program as an image of successive black and white dots, then saving it as jpeg :( - boing

[2001-04-23 11:06:00] - i want to make up an "atheist female roomate needed" sign and put it up next to the christian one just for amusements (going back a few lines). - katie

[2001-04-23 11:00:00] - although seeing as how i went to one of the most non-religious schools out there (one of the earliest in the country to outlaw prayer at graduation), forcing us to have morning prayers would have probably caused school shootings. - katie

[2001-04-23 10:58:00] - quote from priest at local catholic church after school shootings: "i don't think this would have happened if there had been prayer in their schools." - katie

[2001-04-23 10:22:00] - maybe if they did it in mini-disc......... - mig

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