here are old message board entries

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[2001-05-16 08:46:00] - i know my company is always looking for interns, although I know it's too late for this summer - vinnie

[2001-05-16 08:44:00] - sorry, bout that, work connection is slow - making me want to push enter multiple times -dave

[2001-05-16 08:43:00] - I'll ask my boss if we need any programmers (mig and travis). Although I'm still befuddled as to how a temp agency can't find jobs for programmers. -dave

[2001-05-16 08:43:00] - I'll ask my boss if we need any programmers (mig and travis). Although I'm still befuddled as to how a temp agency can't find jobs for programmers. -dave

[2001-05-16 07:12:00] - i assume this guy is writing an interpreter in c and not a compiler, right?  that wouldn't be that bad.  ~a

[2001-05-16 07:10:00] - vinnie: the web ring is fixed.  ~a

[2001-05-15 23:25:00] - oh btw, i also am not expecting much to come out of the temp agency i just signed up with, so i also ask if anyone has leads on any jobs. - mig

[2001-05-15 20:16:00] - a: by the way, I always meant to update my page in the webring, but I never figured out how. could you update that for me? - vinnie

[2001-05-15 20:10:00] - so work at suncoast and I'll live out my dream vicariously through you :) - vinnie

[2001-05-15 20:09:00] - travis: I always wanted to work at an anime type store like suncoast, animefx, or pandora's cube (if it paid more and gave me programming experience) - vinnie

[2001-05-15 20:08:00] - a mud would be cool, though I doubt I could play during work. chatting on the board is bad enough :) - vinnie

[2001-05-15 18:10:00] - -logan

[2001-05-15 17:51:00] -  whooo!  suck it, amazon. - mig

[2001-05-15 15:52:00] - ah, that would be cool, the guy talked about is planning on using C to write his own language, and i think he's crazy for doing that - travis

[2001-05-15 15:51:00] - no, i mean like making one. - mig

[2001-05-15 15:49:00] - mig: i take it you mean playing a mud? - travis

[2001-05-15 15:49:00] - i'm thinking of just going to the mall and trying to get a job at something like suncoast - travis

[2001-05-15 15:49:00] - hmmm... i was considering doing something mud-like for the summer, just to give myself something to do. - mig

[2001-05-15 15:48:00] - and since paul put a smilie next to his comment, i'm guessing it's not that good an option, especially since i'm not that great with customers - travis

[2001-05-15 15:47:00] - ah, i figured it was something like door to door sales, since it said "customer sales and services" - travis

[2001-05-15 15:44:00] - just be sure you know a lot of people, and those people you know like knives. - mig

[2001-05-15 15:43:00] - The only information I could find about them was on some guy's resume he has on his web-page that said he worked for them by "selling high quality sports equipment" -paul

[2001-05-15 15:42:00] - Ack! Good timing. As far as I can tell, they hire students to go door-to-door to sell stuff -paul

[2001-05-15 15:41:00] - You could work for Vector :-) -paul

[2001-05-15 15:41:00] - or if anyone has heard of or also got a letter from some company called "vector", i'd want to know what anyone has heard about them - travis

[2001-05-15 15:40:00] - and even though i know everyone else is working far away from me, if anyone has any leads on a real job, i could use some help, cause i'm not too sure how this temp stuff is gonna work out, they already don't have anything for me to do - travis

[2001-05-15 15:38:00] - i actually know someone who has a friend that is planning on writing his own mud, but he wants to develop it so that they can just plug in new stuff instead of having to patch the old code when they add stuff - travis

[2001-05-15 15:37:00] - i was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on the idea that a couple people talked about before we left tech about finding a MUD or something like that for everyone to do - travis

[2001-05-15 15:35:00] - i think everyone who's going to see them has already seen both of those tapes - travis

[2001-05-15 14:38:00] - Ok, I need to know for reference for AnimeFest, who hasn't seen the first tapes of Trigun and Saber Marionette J? -paul

[2001-05-15 14:30:00] - that's really cool, pierce - vinnie

[2001-05-15 14:23:00] - :( - vinnie

[2001-05-15 12:16:00] - as of 6pm, yes, that will be my car - boing

[2001-05-15 10:11:00] - the beginning of the end. - mig

[2001-05-15 09:04:00] - re: space elevator i was annoyed also, adrian, but the concept is so cool :) - vinnie

[2001-05-15 09:00:00] - boing: that's your car? - vinnie

[2001-05-14 23:47:00] - in silver :-D :-D :-D - boing

[2001-05-14 23:46:00] - ###/pics/download/20.gif :-D - boing

[2001-05-14 23:07:00] - I think that curved grades are wrong... I can understand compensating for grading that was too tough, but when it's the sort of curve that pigeonholes people into particular grades based on their relative performance, that I don't like. -logan

[2001-05-14 22:55:00] - studio art classes are long.  they're not so bad because you basically work on projects the whole time (as opposed to sitting there and learning) - katie

[2001-05-14 21:55:00] - given how he has effictively killed my gpa for this semester. - mig

[2001-05-14 21:51:00] - and eitherway, i still think dr. ha is a dickhead. - mig

[2001-05-14 21:51:00] - i mean, from talking with paul about his ecpe class, our classes weren't that much different. - mig

[2001-05-14 21:49:00] - i would also think it rather odd that the other ecpe classes had an upword curve while ours had a downward(until i know more things otherwise i still think my grade was downcurved) curve.  doesn't make much sense. - mig

[2001-05-14 21:45:00] - since he didn't send us the email us our grades like he said he would, i don't really know for sure. - mig

[2001-05-14 21:40:00] - and i don't know whether he used +/- grades or not.  i assume that he would. - mig

[2001-05-14 21:39:00] - what is the 79.61% in the message posted before? -jdb

[2001-05-14 21:39:00] - oh didn't see the less than. - mig

[2001-05-14 21:38:00] - jbd: 80% is actually a B. - mig

[2001-05-14 21:29:00] - teachers don't have to give +'s and -'s. they also don't have to curve up/down to the nearest percentage. -jdb

[2001-05-14 21:28:00] - c+ ?  ~a

[2001-05-14 21:26:00] - mig: how did is that curving down your grade? you got less than 80%, therefore a C. right? -jdb

[2001-05-14 21:18:00] - Elementary Japanese eh? -paul

[2001-05-14 21:15:00] - that should be like 30 or so hours!  ~a

[2001-05-14 21:14:00] - wholly shit!  why do you have three hour classes?  and so many of them!  ~a

[2001-05-14 20:58:00] - why i will never see my home next year: - katie

[2001-05-14 20:45:00] - "My anti-drug is child pornography"  hahahaha.  ~a

[2001-05-14 20:35:00] - <blink><h1>blink</h1></blink>

[2001-05-14 20:34:00] - quiet you. - mig

[2001-05-14 20:33:00] - yuck.  blink tag.  ~a

[2001-05-14 20:13:00] - re: space elevator  "(see Diagram, p 27) [NOTE: Not available here - A.Y.]"  >:o  ~a

[2001-05-14 20:03:00] - ecpe, right.  my bad.  ~a

[2001-05-14 19:39:00] - i mean, i can't be the only one pissed off enough to want to do something about this. - mig

[2001-05-14 19:38:00] - i was thinking of maybe emailing the listserv asking if anyone else felt they were screwed over, but the prof would see that.  wonder if there's any way to just email the class minus the prof. - mig

[2001-05-14 19:32:00] - it's ecpe, adrian.  vinnie?  dave?  know anything? - mig

[2001-05-14 19:31:00] - miguel, i would find out who the head of the math department is and forward him your emails.  i don't think the math department believes in curving down grades.  i also think "i will close the case, as nothing is irregular." is pretty asshole-ish  ~a

[2001-05-14 19:27:00] - - vinnie

[2001-05-14 19:09:00] - i really don't fucking believe this, he seemed like a nice guy throughout the semester, and now he fucking screws me over like this. - mig

[2001-05-14 19:01:00] - does anyone know if there's any way i can complain to someone about this? - mig

[2001-05-14 19:00:00] - i am really fucking pissed now.  i'm now pretty sure i've been dicked in every single class. - mig

[2001-05-14 18:58:00] - - mig

[2001-05-14 18:44:00] - i don't fucking believe it.  my fucking ecpe teacher curved down my grade! - mig

[2001-05-14 17:36:00] - hehehe.  ok.  ~a

[2001-05-14 17:35:00] - gah, where did that come from? I swear i checked right after i made the files - vinnie

[2001-05-14 17:35:00] - gah, where did that come from? I swear i checked right after i made the files - vinnie

[2001-05-14 17:33:00] - vinnie, it looks like it worked to me.  ~a

[2001-05-14 17:31:00] - even after I 'make' the files using the program - vinnie

[2001-05-14 17:31:00] - a: none of the html documents are in the folder - vinnie

[2001-05-14 17:20:00] - guess not :-P  ~a

[2001-05-14 16:40:00] - did you get my email?  ~a

[2001-05-14 16:39:00] - bye josh!  ~a

[2001-05-14 16:14:00] - goodbye for 3 weeks :-D -jdb

[2001-05-14 15:57:00] - vinnie, you have to tell me what is wrong with your journal.  what happens?  $Data = "e:/web/vinnie/journal/";  $Output = "e:/web/vinnie/htdocs/journal/";  $OutFirst = "index.html";  ~a

[2001-05-14 15:54:00] -  yes, microsoft does everything for the good of it's customers, yes it does! - mig

[2001-05-14 15:51:00] - -logan

[2001-05-14 15:46:00] -

[2001-05-14 15:38:00] - don't know when though. - mig

[2001-05-14 15:28:00] - i think i'll be able to get my page up on at

[2001-05-14 15:08:00] - Except for missing pictures, which is my fault -paul

[2001-05-14 15:06:00] - Mine works ok I think... -paul

[2001-05-14 15:02:00] - does anyone know what's wrong with everyone's journals? I don't suppose adrian is reading the board right now, but thought i'd ask anyway - vinnie

[2001-05-14 14:53:00] - oh, ok. I must have tied for like eleventh on the final, what with my lousy 68 :) - vinnie

[2001-05-14 14:53:00] - my stat teacher might have also, i don't know.  i'll have to take his word for it i got a C- - mig

[2001-05-14 14:51:00] - oh i meant on the final - mig

[2001-05-14 14:51:00] - 75 actually.  i counted...  wait are you counting keller's other class? - mig

[2001-05-14 14:51:00] - i think my stat teacher curved, but that's it - vinnie

[2001-05-14 14:50:00] - no, wait you can't be if you got a c - vinnie

[2001-05-14 14:50:00] - I don't think any of my teachers curved at all -paul

[2001-05-14 14:49:00] - ha, you're the other 86? :) - vinnie

[2001-05-14 14:48:00] - only like four people even got A-'s - vinnie

[2001-05-14 14:47:00] - i was sixth highest(though i was tied with several people.) - mig

[2001-05-14 14:47:00] - yeah, I am severaly pissed he didn't curve. i got the tenth highest grade in the class of close to sixty people - vinnie

[2001-05-14 14:44:00] - even though i didn't do that bad on the exam(compared to everyone else). - mig

[2001-05-14 14:43:00] - yeah, i'm slighty pissed that he didn't curve.  i was on the borderline between a C and C+ and he gave me a C

[2001-05-14 14:42:00] - just found out my grades. i got screwed over by the final in data structures. thought i did ok, but it reduced my grade from an A- to a B - vinnie

[2001-05-14 14:41:00] - Yeah, it seems like all the teachers were real mean this semester -paul

[2001-05-14 14:36:00] - keller's also a fucker, he dicked in 2604. - mig

[2001-05-14 14:35:00] - yeah i just did.  i calculated everything and i come up with a 79.61%.    how the fuck is that a C. - mig

[2001-05-14 14:34:00] - Have you emailed the professor about it? -paul

[2001-05-14 14:33:00] - yeah, i will.  mig

[2001-05-14 14:32:00] - Will you be able to come back for Spring Semester? -paul

[2001-05-14 14:30:00] - i'm almost positive my ecpe grade is fucked up though, so that'll help a little bit. - mig

[2001-05-14 14:28:00] - yeah i'm pretty sure. - mig

[2001-05-14 14:25:00] - I'm sorry, :'( are you sure you won't be able to come back? -paul

[2001-05-14 14:16:00] - oh well, paul, at least you'll have someone who's one semester behind you.  - mig

[2001-05-14 14:14:00] - though i think there is something heinously wrong with my ecpe grade.  i had an 79 coming into the final exam, i got an 80 on the final exam... and somehow i get a C for the semester???? - mig

[2001-05-14 14:12:00] - i'm almost positive it's going to happen.  i only pulled a 2.1 this semester, and i needed quite a bit higher than that to get back up to a 2.  i did ok last sem, just not ok enough. - mig

[2001-05-14 13:48:00] - are you sure you're not coming back or are you just thinking that's what's going to happen? - vinnie

[2001-05-14 13:47:00] - Oh, damn. That really sucks Miguel. :'( What happened? -paul

[2001-05-14 13:47:00] - mig: oh, jeez, that really sucks :( - vinnie

[2001-05-14 13:46:00] - not sure, perhaps pandora's cube might have it? oh, and I am making $14/hr - vinnie

[2001-05-14 13:45:00] - let's try this. - mig

[2001-05-14 13:41:00] - Also, what are we going to do if animeFX doesn't have all four Trigun tapes or the next two SMJ tapes or something like that? I suspect that would be a very real possibility -paul

[2001-05-14 13:40:00] - hmmm.... i tried it and it was fine... - mig

[2001-05-14 13:36:00] - sm? Is that Shamanic Princess? -paul

[2001-05-14 13:35:00] - I'm actually not sure how much I am making, I imagine it will be between $10 and $15 an hour -paul

[2001-05-14 13:34:00] - ok, then 4 tri, 1 smj, 1 sm sounds good - vinnie

[2001-05-14 13:34:00] - well, back to legend of basara, i'll check back in about 20 to 25 minutes - travis

[2001-05-14 13:29:00] - animenation lists each tape as 60 minutes for shamanic princess - travis

[2001-05-14 13:27:00] - yeah, sorry about that number mixup, and i'm not sure on the shamanic princess question - travis

[2001-05-14 13:26:00] - and 19 eps is about 6 hours, a little over (close to 6.5) - travis

[2001-05-14 13:26:00] - and aren't shamanic princess episodes longer than most shows? - vinnie

[2001-05-14 13:26:00] - buh? I assume you mean one smj in the second case - vinnie

[2001-05-14 13:23:00] - out of curiosity, how much are you guys making this summer? - travis

[2001-05-14 13:22:00] - yeah, 19 eps if four trigun and two smj, but it's only 18 eps if four trigun two smj and one shamanic princess - travis

[2001-05-14 13:20:00] - that might be too much, i think it's about 19 episodes - vinnie

[2001-05-14 13:19:00] - vinnie: i've gotten replies from everyone besides aaron and miguel - travis

[2001-05-14 13:19:00] - not sure about others, but I'd like to see more shamanic princess - vinnie

[2001-05-14 13:18:00] - Mmmmmm, retail. So four tapes of Trigun and two Saber Marionette? How much viewing time is that? -paul

[2001-05-14 13:18:00] - travis: that sounds like my horrible job at Service Merchandise three years ago - vinnie

[2001-05-14 13:18:00] - okay, that would leave with five tapes of smj (i think), also, if i remember right, the next two tapes are pretty much a single story arc (i.e. possible cliff hanger) - travis

[2001-05-14 13:17:00] - - vinnie

[2001-05-14 13:17:00] - although we should ask if people are willing to do four tapes o trigun in one go - vinnie

[2001-05-14 13:16:00] - yeah, I'd say the rest of trigun, but i'd stick to one tape on smj - vinnie

[2001-05-14 13:15:00] - as for the job, i'm just moving around stuff in nordstrom rack - travis

[2001-05-14 13:15:00] - we'll have to get more, and for that we could plan ahead and get something like two tapes of saber marionette so we can finish it off at the next fest - travis

[2001-05-14 13:13:00] - Ouch, bad hours. What are you doing? Also, will four tapes of Trigun be enough or should we get more? -paul

[2001-05-14 13:12:00] - and no, i'm not at work, but i got a job to do from 8pm to 4am tonight (only $8/hr though :-( ) - travis

[2001-05-14 13:10:00] - well, for the most part, that's taken care of for this next one, since everyone has agreed about Trigun - travis

[2001-05-14 13:09:00] - That way we can let people know ahead of time what we are planning to watch and we can cut back on indecision at AnimeFX -paul

[2001-05-14 13:07:00] - Vinnie: On an unrelated topic, I think we need to form an "inner-circle" of people that pick out the anime to watch for animefest -paul

[2001-05-14 13:04:00] - I'm having trouble with that link Miguel, is it just me or are others having problems as well? -paul

[2001-05-14 12:58:00] - mig: the link doesn't seen to work - vinnie

[2001-05-14 12:54:00] - oh yeah, this is from me. - mig

[2001-05-14 12:54:00] -

[2001-05-14 12:52:00] - paul: i've actually read that article you've posted. it was fairly interesting - vinnie

[2001-05-14 12:51:00] - (as in they profitted from it) - vinnie

[2001-05-14 12:51:00] - I don't think sprint and mci were the result of the break-up, but they may have become household names because of it - vinnie

[2001-05-14 12:40:00] - This explains a little bit about the AT&T court case -paul

[2001-05-14 12:29:00] - btw, I am also posting from work :-) -paul

[2001-05-14 12:28:00] - That's really interesting, was Sprint and MCI the result of the AT&T break-up? -paul

[2001-05-14 11:55:00] - hmmm... i guess i was mistaken. - mig

[2001-05-14 11:37:00] - my mouse at work doesn't have a wheel :( - vinnie

[2001-05-14 11:24:00] - now that I think of it, the branching off might be a result of the merger :) - vinnie

[2001-05-14 11:23:00] - bell atlantic got into trouble only pretty recently because of their merger with GTE (the company I work for, Dyncorp, is a branch of GTE) :D - vinnie

[2001-05-14 11:21:00] - it's possible the trial started in '82 and they got split up in '85 though - vinnie

[2001-05-14 11:18:00] - by the way, I'm writing this from work :) - vinnie

[2001-05-14 11:05:00] - no, it was at&t in 1982. I saw some article about it - vinnie

[2001-05-13 18:05:00] - i am sorry my page was down today (sunday).  my dad took down the network and wouldn't let me fix it.  ~a

[2001-05-13 12:24:00] - there we go!  if anyone ever installs version 1.3.19 of apache, make sure you uninstall the current version then restart your computer before you install 19.  ~a

[2001-05-13 10:07:00] - grrr.  i had the virtual server working but then i installed a different version of apache and everything is messed up.  i'll look at it later today.  ~a

[2001-05-13 00:35:00] - jdb: i can't get version 19 of apache to work.  i'll look at it tomorrow.  ~a

[2001-05-13 00:06:00] - at&t got split up.  ~a

[2001-05-12 01:06:00] - i mean, there was always some competition for long distance, but there wasn't really any competition for local phone services.  - mig

[2001-05-12 01:05:00] - course i may be wrong.  - mig

[2001-05-12 01:05:00] - at&t, i thought it was bell atlantic??? - mig

[2001-05-11 23:10:00] - and "i am sleeping" declares my away message.  good night.  see some of you at kings dominion!  ~a

[2001-05-11 23:10:00] - no!  at&t got split up!  that was a big thing.  that is why we have sprint and all the others today.  i thought it was later than 1982, like i thought i remember it happening yet i don't claim to remember anything before 1985.  ~a

[2001-05-11 23:06:00] - vinnie: really? That's surprising considering how dominate AT&T is right now, I assume at&t won the case? -paul

[2001-05-11 22:11:00] - hmm, i liked this line better: "The administration has a faith-based energy policy for California," Markey said. "We'll pray for you." -jdb

[2001-05-11 22:08:00] - Heh.  "Please give us power, but we'll only pay this much.  And if you won't give it to us for that much, we'll take it for that much anyway." -logan

[2001-05-11 21:46:00] - logan:;siteid=mktw -jdb

[2001-05-11 21:44:00] -,2933,24488,00.html -jdb

[2001-05-11 21:43:00] - -jdb

[2001-05-11 21:20:00] - -jdb

[2001-05-11 20:33:00] - paul: you remember how we were talking about antitrust cases at lunch that one day? at&t were in fact in an major antitrust violation case, back in 1982 - vinnie

[2001-05-11 19:24:00] - and if it is ok for howard stern to play it, why is it not ok for this guy to write it?  it seems usually the other way around.  people can write stuff (with bad words in them) that can't be played on the radio.  ~a

[2001-05-11 18:02:00] - you know it's amazing how often when people say "I believe in free speech/constitional right", that phrase is almost invariably followed by the word but.... - mig

[2001-05-11 18:00:00] -  why does stupid shit like this keep happening. - mig

[2001-05-11 14:36:00] -  ~a

[2001-05-11 13:20:00] - you can get a nice nvidia card pretty cheap. -jdb

[2001-05-11 12:43:00] - hm.  i want to buy black and white to run on my computer, but i am not sure it will do well with my graphics card.  :-\  -  aba

[2001-05-11 12:42:00] - anyone got anything planned other than king's dominion tomorrow?  -  aba

[2001-05-11 12:41:00] - i am here.  my own computer isn't set up though.  :'(  -  aba

[2001-05-11 12:40:00] - mmmm.... black and white is good. - mig

[2001-05-11 00:59:00] - credulous media flunkies hehe

[2001-05-11 00:54:00] - -logan

[2001-05-11 00:31:00] - boy? i mean hick.

[2001-05-11 00:28:00] - home? he is a swva country boy. :-P

[2001-05-10 23:52:00] - Ack! Must have pushed the enter button by accident, sorry -paul

[2001-05-10 23:52:00] - Greetings Logan, are you home? -paul

[2001-05-10 23:52:00] - Greetings Logan, are you home

[2001-05-10 23:43:00] - Ich bin hier. -logan

[2001-05-10 23:36:00] - I am here -paul

[2001-05-10 22:37:00] - anybody there?  ~a

[2001-05-10 18:58:00] - yay!  webpage is up!  ~a

[2001-05-09 23:30:00] - a: Interesting email -paul

[2001-05-09 23:11:00] - -jdb

[2001-05-09 23:02:00] - -jdb

[2001-05-09 23:02:00] - -jdb

[2001-05-09 23:01:00] - Which bible hero are you? I'm Peter! -jdb

[2001-05-09 22:45:00] - Heh, I've been to Galax once.  I just remember cows. -logan

[2001-05-09 22:07:00] - *poke* - katie

[2001-05-09 17:53:00] - -jdb

[2001-05-09 17:36:00] - -jdb

[2001-05-09 17:35:00] - why is uppercase evil?

[2001-05-09 17:34:00] - -jdb

[2001-05-09 17:34:00] - ~a

[2001-05-09 17:32:00] - paul: @@@/li2.txt

[2001-05-09 17:28:00] - Lots of interesting articles --> -jdb

[2001-05-09 17:06:00] - -jdb

[2001-05-09 17:03:00] - :-D -jdb

[2001-05-09 13:45:00] - For a second I thought that was the Washington Post instead of the Washington Times... the content alone should have clued me in. :P -logan

[2001-05-09 13:32:00] - cut back on email! --> -jdb

[2001-05-09 13:21:00] - i wonder if that has made it's way back to dr. henry. -jdb

[2001-05-09 11:36:00] -

[2001-05-09 11:36:00] - What are you going to do Adrian? -paul

[2001-05-09 11:32:00] - @@@/li.txt  ~a

[2001-05-09 11:16:00] - pretty interesting stuff --> -jdb

[2001-05-09 10:40:00] -

[2001-05-09 09:33:00] - -jdb

[2001-05-09 09:29:00] - -jdb

[2001-05-09 04:14:00] - Well, I'm about to turn my computer off for disassembling. Have a good summer everyone and keep in touch! -paul

[2001-05-09 02:59:00] - Thanks Miguel :-) -paul

[2001-05-09 02:58:00] - lalalalala - mig

[2001-05-09 02:47:00] - Why is nobody posting with their signature? -paul

[2001-05-09 02:36:00] - take what, sexually orientated anime boy?

[2001-05-09 02:34:00] - it doesn't matter if she burns our horizons!

[2001-05-09 02:33:00] - come waste your millions here - secretly she sneers - another corporate show - a guilty conscience grows - and i'll feel a guilty conscience grow - she burns like the sun and i can't look away - and she'll burn our horizons make no mistake

[2001-05-09 02:24:00] - take that, shinji voting cheating boy :-)

[2001-05-09 02:20:00] - Did anybody see the Spin City today where Carter was wearing a shirt that said "I can't even think straight"? I thought that was a really cool shirt -paul

[2001-05-09 02:18:00] - @@@/pics/digital/atheist.jpg  ~a

[2001-05-09 01:55:00] - Well supposedly the rock is a very sexy man and all the women go crazy over him so that should be a reason why you would want to see it, I want to see it for the scantily clad females that Pierce claims are in it :-) -paul

[2001-05-09 01:53:00] - Love and Peace!

[2001-05-09 01:48:00] - you just want to see that movie because the rock is in it.  :-p  -  aba

[2001-05-09 00:35:00] - Or any other movie? -paul

[2001-05-09 00:16:00] - Anyone want to see "The Mummy Returns" when we get back? -paul

[2001-05-08 20:26:00] - - mig

[2001-05-08 20:22:00] - it's very odd idea to "lease" software.  Frankly i don't think it should be done. - mig

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