here are old message board entries
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2001-05-21 22:59:00] - this looks really promising!
- aba
2001-05-21 21:30:00] - i need to start playing sc again.
- katie
2001-05-21 21:10:00] -
vinnie: like new color or not like new color?
2001-05-21 18:49:00] - don't try the menu buttons yet. they won't work.
- mig
2001-05-21 18:48:00] - it'll be here till i find it a new home.
- mig
2001-05-21 17:23:00] - -logan
2001-05-21 16:57:00] - but i think i speak for a lot of starcraft players when i say "it's about fucking time."
- mig
2001-05-21 16:55:00] - i think only the terrans benefit from this patch.
- mig
2001-05-21 16:54:00] - and now you can have more battlecruisers, carriers, and ultralisks running around!
- mig
2001-05-21 16:53:00] - oh come now, the protoss got the shaft just as bad.
- mig
2001-05-21 15:34:00] - For those starcraft players out there, Blizzard has raped the zerg yet again with their latest patch
2001-05-21 14:37:00] -
Aye, that be the plan. I was thinking it could be done in two evenings in a row
2001-05-21 14:34:00] -
tapes, that is.
- mig
2001-05-21 14:34:00] - if you're doing it in an evening i think the max you could do is maybe 2.
- mig
2001-05-21 14:13:00] - I'm afraid that's not really an option, but I'll figure something out
2001-05-21 14:10:00] -
yeah, probably. if you're gonna do it, do it on the weekend
- vinnie
2001-05-21 14:05:00] -
Ok, that works for me. Basically it means that it would be a lot to watch in a single evening, right?
2001-05-21 14:03:00] -
paul: sorry, i had a meeting. let me give you one final estimate: ~5 hours
- vinnie
2001-05-21 13:56:00] - - mig
2001-05-21 13:41:00] - Anyone know when the election for Governor and state legislature for Virginia is?
2001-05-21 13:31:00] - I see...
2001-05-21 13:28:00] -
oops, that should be >4.5 and <5
- vinnie
2001-05-21 13:28:00] -
oops, that should be >4 and <4.5
- vinnie
2001-05-21 13:27:00] -
paul: i would estimate the first four tapes of trigun will take >5 and <5.5 hours
- vinnie
2001-05-21 13:25:00] - i doubt anyone but aaron and i know alex barrie, he went to our middle school
- vinnie
2001-05-21 13:24:00] -
a: did you get my message to change color?
- vinnie
2001-05-21 13:14:00] - s-l-o-w
2001-05-21 13:04:00] - i do not remember alex barrie. who is alex barrie? is
slow for everyone, or just me?
2001-05-21 12:20:00] - i am at work now
so is alex barrie! Anyone remember alex barrie?
- aaron
2001-05-21 11:53:00] - i'm not sure, but i think so.
- mig
2001-05-21 11:52:00] -
nope, i get paid per month and not per hour.
oh, well, i'll live. i'm gonna go grab some lunch. bye all.
- aba
2001-05-21 11:51:00] - i'm gonna be gone for a few days from work next month, but i'm gonna try to work extra hours so i end up with the same number of hours for that work / pay period
2001-05-21 11:51:00] - that stinks aparna, i'm sorry = ( maybe they'll let you pull overtime when you go back or something
2001-05-21 11:50:00] - so are you saying that vcd is the best quality for size ratio you can get?
2001-05-21 11:50:00] - i probably won't be able to start again until next monday. that's a whole weeks worth of money gone.
- aba
2001-05-21 11:49:00] - i can understand a company giving drug tests to all their employees though. it's just something they do so that they don't get sued for lotsa of money when something goes wrong
2001-05-21 11:49:00] - actually asf is a good alternative if you're not too concerned about quality.
- mig
2001-05-21 11:49:00] - that stinks that they kicked you out of work. they should have known what tests you needed and everything beforehand
2001-05-21 11:48:00] - generally around 3 or 4 episodes on a vcd. but somehow they fit like 750 - 800 megs per cd
2001-05-21 11:47:00] - i wish they had told my boss and that she had told me. mandatory drug tests are so fucking stupid. i hate them. i haven't even done anything wrong, and they want to test me.
- aba
2001-05-21 11:46:00] - oh that's not good, what happened?
- mig
2001-05-21 11:46:00] - apparently i am insurance liability because i haven't taken and passed their mandatory drug test yet.
- aba
2001-05-21 11:45:00] - how many eps are on a vcd?
- mig
2001-05-21 11:45:00] - i got kicked out of work after a couple of hours of being there today.
- aba
2001-05-21 11:45:00] - divx is used to mainly shrink dvds, not really for mpegs, i think vcds, use their own form of compression.
- mig
2001-05-21 11:44:00] - is vcd format almost the most compressed you can get it?
2001-05-21 11:44:00] - i just know about the formats used for compression, and how well they work, if that's any help.
- mig
2001-05-21 11:43:00] - because i've tried compressing the vcd's i have into divx, but i always get a file twice as large.
2001-05-21 11:43:00] - 4 tapes is easily almost 6 hrs.
- mig
2001-05-21 11:42:00] - does anyone know much about video editing and compression?
2001-05-21 11:42:00] - ep's may be 25 min, i dunno. so figure 1:30 per tape i guess
2001-05-21 11:41:00] -
paul: well, how many episodes were on each? 3? 4? figure 20 mins an episode, you got 1:00 to 1:20
2001-05-21 11:33:00] - - mig
2001-05-21 11:23:00] - i'm writing this from cybercafe (their version of the math emporium) -- very different, for example: they serve us food and drinks while we sit here doing academic work.
2001-05-21 11:17:00] -
dave: Do you know how long those four tapes are? I mean, how long it would take to watch them all.
2001-05-21 11:14:00] -
travis: still haven't heard back. i can email my boss / program manager again, but i think it's lost in bureaucratic limbo
2001-05-21 11:14:00] -
paul: I think we've seen four tapes and have four tapes left?
2001-05-21 10:47:00] -
- travis
2001-05-21 10:47:00] -
travis: also, how many tapes of Trigun have we seen already and how long is each tape?
2001-05-21 10:43:00] - That will do I think
2001-05-21 10:41:00] -
paul: all i have for an email for tim is something you gave me
- travis
2001-05-21 10:41:00] - i think i'm gonna beat everyone on having to be to work early, i'm supposed to be there at 6 tomorrow
- travis
2001-05-21 10:40:00] -
travis: I need Tim's email address if you have it, and I think I am going to be able to get everybody up to speed for AnimeFest
2001-05-21 10:39:00] - I thought so, I thought he said that occasionally when you toasted a bad guy, I could be wrong though.
2001-05-21 10:39:00] - hopefully i'll be able to get off for animefest, since they said i won't get weekends off probably since i'm new, but i already talked to one person about getting june 2 off, and i'm supposed to talk to someone else to confirm it
- travis
2001-05-21 10:38:00] -
paul: "suck it down" was a duke nukism? don't remember that one
- vinnie
2001-05-21 10:37:00] -
well, at least it's better paying
- vinnie
2001-05-21 10:36:00] - unload the truck and put food where it's supposed to go, pretty much a better paying (and probably slightly harder) version of what i used to do at BK
- travis
2001-05-21 10:32:00] - what do you have to do in your job?
- vinnie
2001-05-21 10:31:00] -
dave: still wanna hear if anything comes from your company
- travis
2001-05-21 10:31:00] -
travis: yeah, just checked it out
- vinnie
2001-05-21 10:31:00] -
dave: still wanna hear if anything comes from your company
- travis
2001-05-21 10:31:00] - and to anyone who cares (probably only the people i complained/talked to about it this last week) i got a job at quantico as a store room person (hey, $9 for store room ain't bad)
- travis
2001-05-21 10:30:00] -
vinnie: animeondvd says the same thing about FLCL
- travis
2001-05-21 10:30:00] -
dave: last i saw, it was gonna be $200 for the cowboy bebop box set
- travis
2001-05-21 10:24:00] - anyone know around how much it'll cost?
2001-05-21 10:19:00] -
ooooh, never mind, I found out how old the report is. it just happened last week. woohoo! cowboy bebop box set!
- vinnie
2001-05-21 10:17:00] - and also says no escaflowne box set is planned
- vinnie
2001-05-21 10:17:00] - the report also says FLCL will be two eps/DVD
- vinnie
2001-05-21 10:16:00] - that came from anime news network's anime central 2001industry report. any clue how old it is?
- vinnie
2001-05-21 10:15:00] -
travis: "Meanwhile, the Cowboy Bebop Boxed set should be out later this summer. Although extras may be included, Jason was uncertain as to what these may be."
- vinnie
2001-05-21 10:02:00] - The people who made Daikatana (a computer games) once trademarked the phrase "suck it down", which is odd considering it was made famous by Duke Nukem before that (and other before him I am sure).
2001-05-21 09:44:00] - it's even weirder with popular slang words that may not be real words
- vinnie
2001-05-21 09:42:00] - just of like stuff like Calvin Klein's "Be". not quite sure how it should be handled though
- vinnie
2001-05-21 09:41:00] - the strange thing is dave, i could easily see that as a campaign for a company. just the phrase "cool"
- vinnie
2001-05-21 09:41:00] - the strange thing is dave, i could easily see that as a campaign for a company. just the phrase "cool
2001-05-21 09:40:00] - i agree, maybe it wouldn't. but it's something to think about
2001-05-21 09:39:00] - like what if vw started an ad campaign calling their cars "cool?"
2001-05-21 09:38:00] - but then again. when a company starts using a "common" phrase to describe their product. doesn't it sort of take on a different light?
2001-05-21 09:37:00] -
vinnie: yeah i agree that it seems you shouldn't be able to trademark commonly used phrases
2001-05-21 08:54:00] - and this is actually vinnie speaking
- vinnie
2001-05-21 08:54:00] -
a: i'll change my color to FF6699
- vinnie
2001-05-21 08:50:00] -
2001-05-21 08:46:00] - Quick question to everybody out there, anyone interested in seeing the first few tapes of Trigun sometime this week?
2001-05-21 08:42:00] - "drivers only" at least is a phrase they made up, or one that wasn't commonly used
- vinnie
2001-05-21 08:42:00] -
dave: it should really be a case by case thing. if something is too common (let's say i try to trademark the phrase "cool"), i doubt we should allow it
- vinnie
2001-05-21 08:40:00] - i'm starting to agree with pierce about the coca-cola business at least. it is a trademark and is not a word, an acronym or a common used phrase (except when pertaining to the drink)
- vinnie
2001-05-21 08:36:00] - as an interesting aside, amd is calling its new processor the athlon 4, in order to take advantage of all the advertising intel as done for the pentium 4
2001-05-21 08:35:00] - i don't know anything about acronyms though. offhand i would say you can't copyright / trademark them
2001-05-21 08:33:00] - volkswagon spends tons of money to imprint that phrase into people's minds and associate it with "cool volkswagon cars"
2001-05-21 08:32:00] - and it's entirely valid to trademark / copyright words from the english language. just think about commercials and all their catch phrases. Like volkswagon and "drivers only"
2001-05-21 08:31:00] - because then people might think that the coca-cola company had started making coffee or somesuch
2001-05-21 08:31:00] - and i don't think you could even make a stale coffee and call it coca-cola
2001-05-21 08:29:00] - but i don't think that that means you shouldn't have trademarks
2001-05-21 08:29:00] - but i do think that if you buy a domain name, you shouldn't be forced to sell it. i mean after all, what you buy is the name
2001-05-21 08:28:00] - i don't get what you have against trademarks miguel...
2001-05-20 22:44:00] -
haha. liberty and christinianity in the same sentance.
- mig
2001-05-20 22:42:00] -
2001-05-20 19:17:00] -
yeah, that's right. knew i heard the term somewhere else before.
- mig
2001-05-20 19:03:00] - just to add something, coca is the type of leaf that cocaine is extracted from, hence people say there was originally cocaine in coca-cole
- travis
2001-05-20 18:35:00] - ok i stand corrected
2001-05-20 18:07:00] -
vinnie/dewey . . . do either of you want to change your color?
2001-05-20 18:05:00] - cacao beans make chocolate
2001-05-20 17:31:00] - on the topic, seems to be down.....
- mig
2001-05-20 17:30:00] -
Housing for
- mig
2001-05-20 17:28:00] - as for tjhsst. i don't think it is, and it very well shouldn't be, since it's an acronymn.
- mig
2001-05-20 17:23:00] - or it might not refer to it, but i know that coca beans are used to make chocolate.
- mig
2001-05-20 17:23:00] - the coca in coca cola i think refers to coca beans.
- mig
2001-05-20 17:12:00] - crap
2001-05-20 17:12:00] - and everywhere you see "
copyrighted" i mean "<b>
2001-05-20 17:11:00] -
doh. i meant: i think the part that should have been copyrighted is coca. and have cola be the type of
2001-05-20 17:09:00] - i don't know about coca. i still don't like cola being in the name they copyrighted though. i think the part that should have been copyrighted is coca. and have cola be the type of cola . . .
2001-05-20 17:08:00] -
ok. well. cola i think is a word.
2001-05-20 17:08:00] -
hmmm. good point. i don't know.
2001-05-20 17:07:00] - wait a minute, maybe it is. damn faulty logic.
- mig
2001-05-20 17:03:00] - and coca-cola isn't a made up word. both coca and cola are in the english dictionary.
- mig
2001-05-20 17:00:00] - except for the case of another company that makes soft-drinks calling itself coca-cola, i think anything else is fair game(including internet domains).
- mig
2001-05-20 16:59:00] - if you don't have trade marking than you can't require a disclamer that says "this totally crappy stale coffee is not related to the soda"
2001-05-20 16:59:00] - because you are crazy. trademarking is very important! because of the stale coffee thing! right?
2001-05-20 16:57:00] - that point is moot to me, because i don't really believe in the idea of trademarking.
- mig
2001-05-20 16:54:00] - because this brings us back to
2001-05-20 16:53:00] - but coca-cola is trade marked. if coca-cola was an english word (like aim), i would understand. but coca cola isn't. tjhsst isn't trade marked, right?
2001-05-20 16:52:00] - basically i see the whole pepsi scenario as a pepsi being opporunistic, and the ones who are opportunistic gain constumers.
- mig
2001-05-20 16:48:00] - i mean, if some morons took the sat and made marks in the
do not write here, could they sue the people who made the scantrons for not making the direcitons more clear???
- mig
2001-05-20 16:45:00] - or more importantly, why is it
my problem?
- mig
2001-05-20 16:42:00] -
well, you have to draw the stupidity line somewhere. if you don't care to read or understand a disclaimer, than that's a different problem. - mig\
2001-05-20 16:35:00] - well I think it would bother me if I lost
any customers. and though it is a good point, I don't think disclaimers are effective enough (how many people would actually read them) to alleviate all product confusion
- boing
2001-05-20 16:35:00] - i mean, people assume lots of companies website addresses are :, but it's no big deal, why should it be any big deal for coke.
- mig
2001-05-20 16:31:00] - pepsi might gain a small amount of customers in the short run but in the long run it wouldn't matter so much(as long as coke advertises the correct site).
- mig
2001-05-20 16:27:00] - and people would just type, what's your point?
- mig
2001-05-20 16:27:00] - while at the same time, pepsico is getting more customers by using a name they didn't create
2001-05-20 16:26:00] -
frankly, it's not a very good idea to assume that coca-cola company website is without checking first, as lots of times this is not the case.
- mig
2001-05-20 16:26:00] -
ah, but a lot of people would just type, and not go through the effort of searching out the correct variation
- boing
2001-05-20 16:25:00] -
okay, that's a valid answer to the reputation argument, but what about the fact that pepsi registering would limit coca cola's ability to sell their product?
- boing
2001-05-20 16:24:00] - and for god sakes, there are an unlimited amount of web addresses. if one's taken, use a variation! As long as you advertise that the variation is your website(last i checked, that is the companies responsibility), no one should be confused.
- mig
2001-05-20 16:17:00] - as for repuation concerns, just slap something on the website saying: "not affliated with aol instant messager" and that's that.
- mig
2001-05-20 16:15:00] - copyrighting concepts, ideas, and such is ok by me, but trademarking actual words that you could find in the english dictionary i think is not right.
- mig
2001-05-20 16:11:00] - i don't think that words should really be owned.
- mig
2001-05-20 16:10:00] - both of those were - boing, if you didn't figure it out
- boing
2001-05-20 16:09:00] -
okay, fair enough... where do you think the line must be drawn in the definition of infringement?
2001-05-20 16:09:00] - what are the grounds for your belief that trademark law is inappropriate?
2001-05-20 16:08:00] - or rather, i think they should be much more restricitive as to what constitutes a "trademark infringement"
- mig
2001-05-20 16:08:00] - okay well that's a different argument entirely... so far, I had been arguing under the assumption that trademark law is okay in itself, and the only debate was regarding its application to domain names
- boing
2001-05-20 16:07:00] -
frankly, no.
- mig
2001-05-20 16:03:00] - and do you think trademark law should exist at all?
- boing
2001-05-20 16:02:00] - so you think that aol should not be able to protect their trademark in terms of domain names no matter how much foresight they may have?
- boing
2001-05-20 15:59:00] - well of course they would have to. registering ain't free.
- mig
2001-05-20 15:54:00] - note that aol is not going after domains with "aim" in them that don't seem to be referring to aol instant messenger... is the "Accuracy in Media" group, which clearly doesn't refer to instant messenger, and thus has had no problems
- boing
2001-05-20 15:52:00] -
and, regarding your comment about foresight, if you apply it to the aimster/aol case, aol would have to register every possible domain with "aim" in it to protect themselves from products which derive their names from AOL's AIM service
- boing
2001-05-20 15:48:00] - reducing the concept of a trademark to the idea of simple property rights ignores the fact that misuse of an existing trademark affects the reputation and success of the trademark holder, whereas a tangible object would not have that effect
- boing
2001-05-20 15:45:00] - so pepsico registering effectively makes it impossible for the coca cola corporation to market their product, whose name and reputation
they created and established
- boing
2001-05-20 15:43:00] - the difference between that example and the example is that there's only one, but coca cola (stale coffee) and coca cola (soda) can coexist.
- boing
2001-05-20 15:42:00] - they "got it first" in that they created the bottle and the liquid, and they were the first to put the name "coca cola" on it, but they didn't create the name and the existence of that product hurts the reputation of the coca cola corporation
- boing
2001-05-20 15:40:00] - but pepsi didn't just "create" it, such that it's theirs to keep. the coca cola name has been built up over years as a trademark with a reputation. what if pepsico made a bottle of stale coffee and put the name "coca cola" on it?
- boing
2001-05-20 15:18:00] - as far as i'm concerned, domain names are property, and as such, no one has the right to take it away as long as you obtained it legally.
- mig
2001-05-20 15:07:00] - if coca cola didn't have the foresight to register their own name as a domain, then it's their own fault.
- mig
2001-05-20 15:06:00] - i don't agree. if pepsi got it first, its theirs. plain and simple.
- mig
2001-05-20 14:53:00] - though I think if, say pepsico registered and wouldn't relinquish it for less than ten million dollars, then there has to be some legal action that can be taken by coca cola to protect their name.
- boing
2001-05-20 14:51:00] -
however, I do agree with you in that I don't think domain names are necessarily the best place for strict copyright enforcement...
- boing
2001-05-20 14:49:00] - so based on the fact that most court cases seem to be upholding that copyrights can be enforced in the case of cybersquatters, this case is as strong as any for to have their domain revoked
- boing
2001-05-20 14:46:00] - which is a valid worry, since services like aimster and napster and gnutella are very controversial
- boing
2001-05-20 14:45:00] -
i.e. that aimster was also a product of aol, and aol's stance is that their reputation would then be liable to the behaviors of aimster
- boing
2001-05-20 14:44:00] - and miguel, the "confusion" argument is not whether people will go to when they're trying to go to, but rather whether people might think that aimster was associated with aim
- boing
2001-05-20 14:43:00] -
personally, I think the whole "aim"ee thing is just bullshit invented to protect the aimster people from situations like this
- boing
2001-05-20 14:41:00] - granted I think it's wrong that AOL was granted a trademark on something like the word "AIM," but since they did get the copyright, they have a right to protect it
- boing
2001-05-20 14:40:00] - I think that, if the determinant of whether it's a copyright violation is whether "Aimster" would be interpereted to be associated with "AIM," then it meets that criteria
- boing
2001-05-20 14:38:00] - Aimster gives you the fastest, most complete searching of the hottest files on the major internet file-sharing services- including AOL File Sharing...
- boing
2001-05-20 14:38:00] - from the aimster page: "Aimster integrates with your instant messenger service to provide you with the ultimate file sharing tool"
- boing
2001-05-20 13:50:00] - hmm, somewhat fascinating, but it can have a lot of evil applications.
- mig
2001-05-20 12:37:00] - so it would be
very difficult to prove that would be confusing to customers.
- mig
2001-05-20 12:36:00] -
anyways, their argument is that the domain name "confuses" their customers (how one would confuse and is completely beyond me).
- mig
2001-05-20 12:27:00] - and i don't think that trademark laws should be applied to internet domains. you want to make sure you have a domain name? secure the rights to it before someone else does. and if you don't, well tough.
- mig
2001-05-20 12:25:00] - There are a gazillion things you can use the letters "AIM" for.
- mig
2001-05-20 12:25:00] - the problem that i have with this whole "aim" thing is that i don't think it's right for them to trademark the
acronym. The acronym is not what's supposed to be trademarked it's the name "AOL Instant Messanger"
- mig
2001-05-20 12:21:00] - to refute that though, that's not where the "aim" from aimster came from though. apparently it was named for one of the programmers daughters, "aim"ee
- mig
2001-05-20 11:50:00] - though I don't understand why they have a problem with, but not with or or anything like that
- boing
2001-05-20 11:49:00] - I don't have as much of a problem with the aimster ruling as I do with other squatting cases. the "aim" in "aimster" is very obviously derived from aol instant messenger, so the argument that it violates the trademark holds more water
- boing
2001-05-19 23:57:00] - new and cool
2001-05-19 23:03:00] - (too big) Yay, Bob The Angry Flower beats up George W Bush. Pretty random and silly
- aaron
2001-05-19 22:49:00] -
yeah, it seems like they managed to create a bunch of minor annoyances.
- mig
2001-05-19 22:36:00] - The thing I don't like about the new version of AIM is that the "leave away message" menu item is no longer the first item in the list. Now it's, AIM Today.
- aaron
2001-05-19 22:16:00] - this is fucking hilarious.
- mig
2001-05-19 17:43:00] - ¿fkdsm disim skdlk? ¡dkjs ech blarg!
- mig
2001-05-19 17:41:00] -
yes, that would be fair, of course most companies aren't really interested in fair, so they whine to the government because of their lack of foresight.
- mig
2001-05-19 17:22:00] - jdtw g ialqk ktrd!
2001-05-19 17:08:00] - should be first come, first served
- viinie
2001-05-19 17:07:00] - i've always loathed the anti-cybersquatting laws. there have been far worse cases than the aim thing though
- vinnie
2001-05-19 15:56:00] - gainst them.
- mig
2001-05-19 15:55:00] - personally i've never had a problem with stuff like cybersquatting, and it seems strange that companies feel they have the right to internet domains simply because that's what their company is called. seems they don't like capitalism when it works a
2001-05-19 15:52:00] - booo!!!
- mig
2001-05-19 14:39:00] - the retards of colorado are at it again.
- mig
2001-05-19 14:01:00] - - mig
2001-05-19 12:02:00] - another odd bit of news.
- mig
2001-05-19 01:19:00] - if anyone went to the jpgs below and has them in your cache im me.
2001-05-19 01:08:00] -
hmmm. maybe i won't download the new version.
2001-05-19 00:25:00] -
ugh. this is gonna drive me nuts until i get used to it!
- mig
2001-05-19 00:24:00] -
ugh. aol really fucked aim up. the new version has "new close button behavior". it doesn't exit aim completely now, which is good, but now the minimize button leaves aim on the taskbar!!! god dammit!
- mig
2001-05-18 23:59:00] -
2001-05-18 23:51:00] -
2001-05-18 23:35:00] - Hurray for William Shatner!
2001-05-18 23:12:00] - how odd....
- mig
2001-05-18 23:08:00] - -logan
2001-05-18 22:05:00] - So no plans were ever made for this weekend?
2001-05-18 21:22:00] - That's brian street, my bad
- aaron
2001-05-18 21:12:00] - Oh! Roger Braunstein, Michael Bond and Brain Street and a few people are going to Kings Dominion tomorrow and I am going to Kings Dominion tomorrow
- aaron
2001-05-18 18:34:00] - so is anyone going to do
anything tonight?
2001-05-18 17:31:00] - nice link.
2001-05-18 17:28:00] -
ummm, yeah, you, adrian.
- mig
2001-05-18 17:28:00] - - mig
2001-05-18 17:26:00] - he being who? he being me?
2001-05-18 17:25:00] - i think he was referring to the economy here in the us.
- mig
2001-05-18 17:18:00] - wouldn't all these factors affect the economy to some degree?
2001-05-18 17:18:00] - and do other countries not have summer breaks? even if they did, aren't the summers different depending on your longitude?
2001-05-18 16:30:00] -
yes, cybercafe. ok , i have to go now. bye everyone. i will write more later.
2001-05-18 16:22:00] - i wonder if the economy does better over the summers because of the surge of students who have nothing better to do but get a job. it's probably measurable, right?
2001-05-18 16:20:00] - i don't get out till 6
2001-05-18 16:20:00] - greetings! you have internet connection there?
2001-05-18 16:18:00] -
2001-05-18 16:07:00] - greetings from senegal!
2001-05-18 14:25:00] - I officially declare you schizophrenic = )
2001-05-18 13:08:00] -
2001-05-18 13:08:00] - wahh! wahh! i don't know what aparna is doing at her work! wahh! wahh!
*more running around and being a total ass* wahh! wahh!
2001-05-18 13:03:00] -
hehe, did aparna find out what she was actually going to be doing?
2001-05-18 13:00:00] - wahh! wahh! wahh! i have to go in to work at 12:00
pm *running around and acting like tim* wahh! wahh!
2001-05-18 12:50:00] -
ugh. i actually have to go in to work today. talk to you people later.
- aba
2001-05-18 12:41:00] - anyone want to celebrate towel day?
- aba
2001-05-18 11:56:00] - the family guy returns!
- mig
2001-05-18 11:48:00] - - mig
2001-05-18 10:56:00] -
hmmm. ok. i don't know.
2001-05-18 10:52:00] - really? i was told that windows computers did support telnet.
2001-05-18 10:42:00] - then chances are you aren't going to be able to telnet to the computer running windows. just recently, microsoft has started to support telnet, but they aren't really big into it.
2001-05-18 10:27:00] -
no, they're both running windows
2001-05-18 10:11:00] - is the computer with the modem running linux?
2001-05-18 09:58:00] - if i connected two computers onto a lan, and one has a modem, is there a telnet command that will let me tell the computer with the modem (from the one without the modem) to connect to erols?
2001-05-18 09:57:00] -
ugh, someone else needs to be on top, so that we don't have this horrible color scheme
- vinnie
2001-05-18 09:56:00] - i have a random telnet question as well
2001-05-18 09:54:00] - what's a "w" command?
2001-05-18 09:42:00] - i found out miguel's ip by looking at my web page logs.
2001-05-18 09:42:00] - the way i found out my real world ip is telnetting to tj and doing a "w" command.
2001-05-18 09:39:00] - so how do you figure out your real world ip?
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