here are old message board entries
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2022-05-18 16:12:26] -
Daniel: I don't know about "idolize", but I can tell you with certainty that there are people who get very angry if you imply that communists have done some very bad things.
2022-05-18 16:04:23] - Anti Castro is probably still a good political move in FL though.
2022-05-18 16:03:44] - Who idolizes Mao?
2022-05-18 15:51:46] -
a: Yeah, I don't have a good solution for the proper trade-off there. Obviously I want good teachers to have latitude to touch on the right topics and adapt to their class. At the same time, even with good teachers, it feels like there needs to be some structure to make sure all the right topics are hit.
2022-05-18 15:46:55] -
paul: hard-agree. i like it when teachers have some latitude to do what they think is right, but a county-syllabus hopefully would include some sections on the USSR and communist china. and maybe something in a civics class too?
2022-05-18 15:41:03] -
a: Reminds me a bit of this. Like, I hate communism, and think people should learn about the evils of it, but this totally just seems like a stupid attempt to "own the libs".
2022-05-18 15:40:57] - here's another one i've seen a few times: kWh per month. like wtf, matt h.
2022-05-18 15:39:18] -
Daniel: Hah, yeah. I feel like it's especially a problem with libertarians because when you believe in maximum freedom, that often attracts people who want to use that to.... for example.... advocate pedophilia or use their freedom of speech to push anti-semitism or race essentialism.
2022-05-18 15:37:01] -
paul: yet another reason why kJ is better.
2022-05-18 15:36:35] - "I might agree with 1/3 of what he believes (maybe even up to 1/2)" 99% of his show is how terrible the left is, and the terrible things they're doing, so . . . maybe?
2022-05-18 15:35:40] -
a: Random aside, but I hate that calorie and Calorie are different units.
2022-05-18 15:32:32] - "disagree with the reasons he believes them" - this is always tricky / annoying for me when people agree with a conclusion but for terrible reasons. I get annoyed when they jump in and try to "help" in some debate but just end up making my side look worse and I'm like 'why are you trying to help, please stop!'
2022-05-18 15:32:19] - sorry if i'm telling you something you already know, but joules are much like calories. (1 Calorie = 4 kJ) some countries put "kJ" on their nutrition labels.
2022-05-18 15:27:58] - well kW and kWh i can visualize at least. and i think that's why they use it. kW is an amount of power, and kWh is that power done for an hour of time. i just wish they had used joules for battery storage, since that's the unit we always use for that kind of thing.
2022-05-18 15:25:54] -
a: Yeah, the river analogy (similar to the water examples in your link) is what I use, where the current is like the speed of the water and the voltage is like the volume of the water.
2022-05-18 15:22:26] -
paul: i literally just found myself googling
difference between voltage and current analogy. i agree, since it's one of those things you strictly can't see or touch, it's hard to logically think about. magnetism/gravity/acceleration/force/power/etc you can at least play around with some in the real world.
2022-05-18 15:19:54] -
a: Also, my brain doesn't always immediately identify the difference between kW and kWh, which leads to confusion on my part sometimes.
2022-05-18 15:15:50] - There's literally like 3 - 4 different ways of identifying chargers and I have such a hard time shifting from one to the other.
2022-05-18 15:15:11] -
a: I've always found electricity a tiny bit complicated in that there's two key measurements (amps and volts). EV charging has been super complicated because it feels like we haven't settled on a common nomenclature. Level 1/2/3 charging? CHAdeMO? Ac vs DC? 110v/240v? And now I see that these Plugshare apps and their ilk tend to only label chargers in terms of kW...
2022-05-18 15:11:21] -
a: I've never seen Tucker Carlson's show. If I had to guess, I might agree with 1/3 of what he believes (maybe even up to 1/2), but often disagree with the reasons he believes them. For example: I've heard he is often anti-war / anti-intervention, but oftentimes it's tied to wonky conspiracy theories.
2022-05-18 15:01:50] - i know i'm weird, but i always get irked when i see that Wh is the unit that we've coalesced on. i guess it's much better than Ah, but it just feels weird to divide by a time then multiply back by that time: it's so damn counter-intuitive.
2022-05-18 14:57:48] - "it might be Canada and not US" it's ironic (or ironiq) that a heat-pump works better in a moderate climate. on the other hand, it'll just fall back to being a normal heater in a canadian winter.
2022-05-18 14:52:58] -
ok, then we'll tally this one under something that paul disagrees with republicans (or a subset of republicans, at least). i always listen to tucker carlson on 1.75x or 2x and his laugh sounds demonic when sped-up. on the other hand, it sounds pretty weird even at normal speed.
2022-05-18 14:50:44] -
a: Yeah, I don't care a bit about being "replaced". I know it sounds corny and old-school now, but I really don't care much for obsessing over people's race.
2022-05-18 14:49:04] -
a: I heard the Limited trims are supposed to have heat pumps, but it might be Canada and not US? Unclear.
2022-05-18 14:48:37] -
a: Ah, yeah, Hyundai made it unfortunately a little complicated. 2022 Ioniq 5. Full on EV.
2022-05-18 14:46:47] - heat pump, interesting, wow.
2022-05-18 14:46:27] - ah i'm guessing by the battery size, you're talking about the EV version. there's a hybrid and PIH ioniq, and all three have regenerative breaking, so i wasn't sure which type you had.
2022-05-18 14:45:03] -
paul: "Now, if the argument is that that is bad.... then yeah, I disagree with that" yes, absolutely that is *the argument*. tucker carlson (and others) have been pushing this theory. "you will not replace us" (and the lesser-used but more inflammatory "jews will not replace us") was the "
Unite the Right rally" cry. other than trump, we don't see much in the way of promoting that rally because it became a crime scene.
2022-05-18 14:44:47] -
a: Digital Teal, 77kWh battery. AWD. Limited Trim. That should mostly cover it. Probably the "US" version, since I know different world areas have some tweaks to things (not sure if mine has a heat pump, for example).
2022-05-18 14:40:16] -
paul: which version of the ioniq do you have? seems like it comes in a lot of variations.
2022-05-18 14:34:21] -
a: Now, if the argument is that that is bad.... then yeah, I disagree with that. I mostly don't care what the ethnic make-up of the US is, but I especially don't care if we are 60% white or 40% white. Heck, I kind of think "white" is a weird category since it can be English or Irish or Scandinavian or Spanish or Russian....
2022-05-18 14:32:01] -
a: "paul, is this a time you disagree with republicans on something?" Uh, it kind of depends on what the replacement theory is being used for? I mean, as far as I can tell, there's nothing inherently wrong with the theory, right? Haven't people been saying that whites will be becoming less and less of a majority in America over time?
2022-05-18 14:29:49] -
a: I did! And I was confused because I thought EVs were heavier and couldn't think of any other reason they would be better but completely forgot about regenerative braking. It's a little weird, but I'm quickly getting used to it on my Ioniq and I am enjoying trying to maximize it so far.
2022-05-17 21:24:18] -
yeah. i thought i would mention that. definitely the wrong date, oops.
2022-05-17 20:50:32] - Future timestamp threw me for a loop at first! Had to double check what today's date is.
2022-05-17 19:56:14] -
mig: 2022-09-22 at 2:10 "to change the racial mix of the country, that's the reason, to reduce the political power of people who's ancestors lived here and dramatically increase the proportion of americans newly arrived from the third world ... this policy is called the great replacement ... you're not supposed to notice this, of course" etc.
2022-05-17 17:45:16] -
a: can we point to something specific he said?
- mig
2022-05-17 14:55:21] - what are your thoughts on the replacement theory? it's revolves around attempts by politicians to "diminish the influence of white people". "jews will not replace us", etc. is the replacement theory correct? should tucker carlson be promoting the theory without any evidence? i watch tucker carlson's show a bunch, and he does talk about it pretty often. paul, is this a time you disagree with republicans on something?
2022-05-17 14:45:17] - also braking . . . i always misspell that stupid word.
2022-05-17 14:44:25] - i left out a few words from that last post, oops
2022-05-17 14:43:26] -
paul: "Unless EVs are lighter?" heavier. check out the article, man, there's a whole section on EVs. evs compared to ICE of the same type, so their tire/unsettling will actually be worse. but, they have regenerative breaking! and brake pads are currently the worst offender of the non-exhaust emissions. some say that EVs will be better for NEEs because of regenerative breaking, while others are waiting to pass judgement.
2022-05-17 14:22:35] -
paul: its hard to not think Musk is the inspiration. Or maybe he’s taking his papers slogan to heart?
- mig
2022-05-17 14:19:06] -
a: How would EVs reduce non-exhaust emissions? Seems like they should be similar. Unless EVs are lighter?
2022-05-17 14:16:43] -
a: Yeah, I just saw the metro news. Highly doubt anything changes, but I suppose we can see.
2022-05-17 14:16:27] -
mig: That was the point Bezos made. It's shocking to see him this politically engaged on Twitter.
2022-05-17 14:10:41] -
paul: "Do better maintained roads have fewer non-exhaust emissions?" i doubt it. ironically i'm for better maintained roads! (at the expense of highway expansions). so we probably agree on that topic regardless? if you want to decrease non-exhaust emissions, my suggestions are: lighter cars, fewer trucks/suvs, electric vehicles, and monitoring which vehicle makers produce cars with fewer non-exhaust emissions (better engineering).
2022-05-17 14:05:19] -
paul: though i think its to deflect criticism. The WH response to Bezos has been “hur hur bad rich man no want pay more taxes”, rather than addressing the substance of his criticism.
- mig
2022-05-17 14:00:35] -
paul: but a man can dream.
2022-05-17 14:00:30] -
paul: “You want to bring down inflation? Let’s make sure the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share.”. Biden seems pretty intent on dying on this hill.
- mig
2022-05-17 14:00:04] -
paul: i'm glad i asked. you were worried about having a "productive or interesting conversation" and deeper disagreement, but really we agree on a lot of things. a more efficient and more expansive metro would help. and on that news! the GM and the Chief Safety Officer both left the metro executive yesterday, so now is the perfect time for such a shake-up. of course, i don't have hopes of positive changes coming to metro . . .
2022-05-17 13:37:41] -
a: Nice on writing up a wiki article! I'm not sure how that should tip the scales for me, though. Do better maintained roads have fewer non-exhaust emissions?
2022-05-17 13:35:45] -
a: "address it how?" By expanding roads? Maybe more efficient public transit could help for cities. I suspect many metropolitan areas offer their own unique challenges. I can't speak to other cities as much, but it feels like a more efficient and more expansive metro could actually work halfway decently for DC.
2022-05-17 13:32:30] -
Daniel: I was disappointed in Dr. Strange 2 as well and have largely been disappointed in the post-Endgame movies. Some of the shows have been good, Too many of the movies have been mediocre. Also, the multi-verse stories seem surprisingly disjointed.
2022-05-16 20:51:41] -
a: The idea of non exhaust emissions has never even occurred to me though it makes sense once I think about it.
2022-05-16 20:45:25] - (and, full disclosure, i wrote that article. if that changes your opinion on anything.)
2022-05-16 16:52:55] -
paul: i wonder if climate change and
non-exhaust emissions maybe tip any scales for you?
2022-05-16 16:52:29] -
paul: to maybe go at about this a new direction, do you have any thoughts on climate change? redirecting federal and state tax-funded subsidies away from highway expansions and towards highway maintenance, pedestrian expansions and maintenance, and public transportation expansions and maintenance is wholly worth it even ignoring climate change: we have bankrupted ourselves expanding highways.
2022-05-16 16:40:32] -
paul: for what it's worth, i also think we should try to address that.
2022-05-16 16:02:12] -
paul: "people really want to drive around but don't because of traffic and maybe we should try to address that" address it how?
2022-05-16 15:13:47] - Not sure where everyone here stands on the MCU but anyone have thoughts on Dr Strange 2? I mostly didn't like and am worried / sad for the MCU in its post endgame world.
2022-05-16 15:02:47] -
a: But yeah, I don't think it's the end of the world if building more highways leads to more people driving. Heck, that seems like a clear cut supply / demand thing where people really want to drive around but don't because of traffic and maybe we should try to address that.
2022-05-16 15:00:50] -
a: I thought about posting them here (honestly, thought maybe I had), but I wasn't sure if it was going to be a productive or interesting conversation. We disagree fundamentally on the goodness of a society preferring to get around using cars and that seems deeper than this disagreement here.
2022-05-16 14:58:59] -
a: Yeah, I've seen a few things from the Reason Foundation (technically different from Reason magazine, but closely related) about how we need to build more highways and how induced demand is the wrong way to think about things.
2022-05-16 13:23:35] - as expected, there's a bit of nuance.
2022-05-16 13:20:24] -
paul/mig: when libertarians support highway expansions. strongtowns takes on the reason news website when they disagree on federal spending on highway expansions.
2022-05-15 20:49:21] - I wonder if this has something to do with Musk. He sees the support Elon is getting by speaking out and realizes he can be outspoken too?
2022-05-15 20:48:33] - I've been following Bezos for awhile on Twitter and he used to rarely post. When he did, it was usually banal stuff like retweeting their Super Bowl ad. Feels like he has been unleashed lately.
2022-05-14 18:00:03] - I wouldn’t call it as much a lie as just plain economic illiteracy.
- mig
2022-05-14 03:48:43] -
a: Not so much a lie as... a complete non-sequitur? I swear I wrote that before seeing this tweet: -Paul
2022-05-14 02:23:00] -
paul: where's the lie (i'm asking because i don't know, not because i doubt you).
2022-05-14 02:07:55] -
mig: That tweet is getting dragged pretty hard by the people I follow on twitter (not necessarily representative of all of twitter, of course).
2022-05-14 02:06:57] -
mig: I don't know why (it doesn't really qualify as misinformation), but I thought your link was going to be to this: -Paul
2022-05-14 00:30:59] - ok i'm convinced. misinformation is a fair description here.
2022-05-13 21:15:29] - someone reads that and the first impression is that a vaccine didn't exist at the time.
- mig
2022-05-13 21:11:21] -
a: I might be more accepting if they had said "no vaccine was *widely* available.", as that was probably accurate at the time. but "no vaccine was available" doesn't leave a lot of room for nuance. It's a definitive statement.
- mig
2022-05-13 20:34:45] - ah ok. that's interesting actually. but, i still wouldn't call it misinformation, but i think i see what you mean. on the other hand, availability isn't like a black and white thing. on january 19th, 2021, less than 1% of the united states was fully vaccinated.
2022-05-13 20:24:10] - by the time biden was in office,
he had already received 2 doses of the vaccine.
- mig
2022-05-13 20:13:42] -
a: "When President Biden took office, millions were unemployed and *there was no vaccine available*." (emph mine)
- mig
2022-05-13 20:07:58] -
mig: where's the lie (i'm asking because i don't know, not because i doubt you).
2022-05-13 20:06:45] - where's the misinformation label when you need it?
- mig
2022-05-13 16:44:45] -
a: It's why I am trying to branch out into different builds to help compliment my teammates in the 3v3 and 4v4 games. Can't always just go 3/4 base, max out on roach/hydra or marine/tank/medivac or stalker/immortal/archon and push at 10 minutes.
2022-05-13 16:29:46] - i think it especially matters when playing with randoms on my team. i think not being able to go with the flow means you'll just lose.
2022-05-13 14:40:31] - "since I typically go for more macro focused builds" yeah, i'm usually fine breaking out of my plan when it means my partner (or partners) are doing something crazy.
2022-05-13 03:14:53] -
a: Yeah. Don't get me wrong. I like that people switch things up. I am normally too afraid to screw things up. I just get nervous that I won't be able to support the cheese since I typically go for more macro focused builds.
2022-05-12 22:29:33] - even if it doesn't work, i'm not mad.
2022-05-12 22:28:39] -
paul: "great, now I have to back up this cheese" usually when i see MY team do cheese, i actually do literally enjoy backing it up. going along with someone's weird cheese almost always makes for an interesting game.
2022-05-12 17:10:21] -
aDaniel: It looks like I particularly disappoint you two when I am your teammate and am Protoss.
2022-05-12 16:48:58] -
Also, here is an oddity: My Protoss record sucks, but I actually have a 62% win rate as Protoss in 1v1 games (better than Terran 1v1 and close to Zerg 1v1!). My 2v2 win rate, though? 18%!
2022-05-12 15:29:37] -
a: Closest I get is when I am on Mark's team and he takes Daniel's natural as his proxy hatch and I think, "great, now I have to back up this cheese"
2022-05-12 15:29:03] -
a: I'm usually way too pre-occupied with my own stuff to even know if my teammates are doing well or not. If somebody is sucking, I usually assume it's because they got 2 on 1 hitting them or rushed or something.
2022-05-12 15:27:41] -
Daniel: Also, after the first part of that fight ended with me barely winning, I caught a bunch of your reinforcements piecemeal and killed them AND I got 1-1 upgrades while yours hadn't finished yet (bad timing on my part, I probably should've waited to attack until they were finished.
2022-05-12 15:26:37] -
Daniel: I can understand why you didn't see the immortal, though. It bizarrely took an entirely different route to your base and ran into a queen that it killed before joining the main fight from the other end.
2022-05-12 15:09:11] -
Daniel: I was curious about that PvZ battle in our second to last 1v1 last night, so I watched a replay this morning. Army supply was 35-27 in my favor at the start of that decisive middle battle between my zealots and your roaches. I think part of it might be that zealots look smaller? I admit your roach force looked bigger.
2022-05-12 14:49:56] -
i see so many people complain about their teammates on 3v3 and it's always so foreign to me ~a
2022-05-11 23:34:07] - It's actually really interesting digging into this polling data because it really seems like the majority of Americans are kind of like me in that they're not super strongly pro-choice or pro-life, which you absolutely wouldn't know based on the rhetoric and activity from the two major parties.
2022-05-11 23:32:52] - "about a third of Americans who generally support legal abortion (33%) say the statement “human life begins at conception, so a fetus is a person with rights” describes their own view at least “somewhat” well." That's an interesting pair of opinions to hold.
2022-05-11 23:32:19] -
Daniel: This goes over some of those nuances well, I think.
2022-05-11 23:27:46] -
Daniel: Sure, but in my opinion that's overly simplifying a complex topic. The largest group answered: "legal in most, but not all, cases" and the next largest group said "illegal in most, but not all cases". You could easily read that as "majority of Americans want restrictions on abortion".
2022-05-11 23:22:41] -
a: Not quite the flipside since I think we all agreed that it's probably protected by the 1st amendment?
2022-05-11 23:22:14] -
mig: Ah, perhaps I misunderstood the bill, then. More politics involved than I originally thought.
2022-05-11 22:00:20] - abortion polling is one of those things you can frame any conclusion you want depending on how you ask the question.
- mig
2022-05-11 21:53:12] -
daniel: not sure I’m a fan of the position labelling. I might consider myself legal in all or most cases. Or not, depending on how “most” is defined.
- mig
2022-05-11 21:48:03] -
Paul: 59% is pretty strong support for a national issue.
2022-05-11 21:44:52] - someone referenced
this case, but I'm not sure it has anything to do with private residences.
- mig
2022-05-11 21:40:26] -
a: nm, it's there and I'm dumb.
- mig
2022-05-11 21:32:33] -
a: I can't find the original tweet? Looks like she took it down since the facts she was talking about didn't seem to be right?
- mig
2022-05-11 21:24:53] -
a: I think she misunderstood how actually won that scotus case? unless she is referring to another case?
- mig
2022-05-11 21:18:21] -
paul/mig: the flipside of the argument we had this morning?
2022-05-11 21:17:47] - murkowski, collins, and machin are in fact willing to support codifying roe v wade into federal law, but not go very much beyond that. But Schumer and I guess the rest of the democrats in the senate are more interested in performative art than legislating.
- mig
2022-05-11 21:15:35] -
paul: saying that bill just voted on was going to codify roe v. wade is a little misleading. It went way beyond that, and Collins, Murkowski, and Manchin all cited that as their reasons for voting no.
- mig
2022-05-11 21:09:14] -
Unfortunately, it's a hard issue since abortion isn't binary (plenty of people are comfortable with first trimester abortions but not 2nd or 3rd) and stuff like the SCOTUS decision and this law isn't even binary because states can still make laws.
2022-05-11 21:07:29] -
Daniel: In this case, does the Senate not reflect the will of the people? We haven't really touched on it, but Americans are pretty split (and sometimes confused) on abortion. -Paul
2022-05-11 21:02:18] -
Daniel: I kind of agree, but I also think the framing of the article is a little silly as well. They go into detail about needing 60 votes to defeat the filibuster and how all Republicans voted against it and the Senate is split 50/50.... but all that is frankly beside the main point that they couldn't even get a majority, filibuster or not.
2022-05-11 20:32:03] -
Paul: Also just goes to show why people don't like the Senate (and EC. and the house?) because it doesn't reflect will of the people.
2022-05-11 20:30:54] -
Paul: That seems like a technically correct but silly sentence because even if Manchin had voted for it thus getting all D's it still wouldn't be a majority. "Dem controlled Senate by virtue of tie breaker not actually more senators" is more accurate
2022-05-11 20:22:28] - I know there's some politics behind this, of course, but it's interesting that legislation codifying Roe v Wade into law can't even get a majority in a Democratic controlled Senate.
2022-05-11 19:10:43] - When I posted I was only .1 off the lead. Further now.
2022-05-11 19:08:01] -
Daniel: Oh, I'm sorry, we switched it to a competition to see who can lose the most money this year. Didn't I tell you?
2022-05-11 17:55:12] - so close to taking the lead in the stock market challenge!
2022-05-11 14:09:56] -
mig: i'm not sure i understand. because some french protests are bad, therefore all french protests are bad?
2022-05-11 12:54:31] -
a: ah yes,
french protests. Much peace, much good. Fuck consumer choice!
- mig
2022-05-11 12:53:48] -
mig: yeah, i agree with you anyways. schumer has every reason to lie.
2022-05-11 12:52:14] -
a: I'm certainly not calling for anyone to be arrested, but there's definitely a moral line I think gets crossed once you start involving someone's private residence.
- mig
2022-05-11 12:46:41] -
a: also democrats have certainly not responded well to peaceful protests that's far more critical of them in the past.
- mig
2022-05-11 12:44:10] - rally! that's the word I'm looking for.
- mig
2022-05-11 12:43:51] -
so people have protested outside his apartment building (a bit of a different dynamic), but they're protesters that he largely agrees with anyways. I dunno, does this even qualify as a protest because it seems more like an encouragement gathering?
- mig
2022-05-11 12:31:52] -
a: i will call citation needed on schumer.
- mig
2022-05-11 03:27:59] -
mig/paul: "'Are you comfortable with the protests that we saw outside the homes of Supreme Court justices over the weekend?' a reporter asked Schumer 'If protests are peaceful, yes. My house - there’s protests three, four times a week outside my house. The American way to peacefully protest is OK,'" so he could be lying. or his tune could change when someone he likes has their home protested at, but it's still a surprising data point.
2022-05-11 03:18:55] -
but, yes.
2022-05-11 03:18:04] - i did call it "fine", but like, it's not alito's job to fix this problem. it's the executive and the legislative. so i dunno, maybe i'm on the fence.
2022-05-11 02:42:02] -
a: Can't it be legal, protected by the first amendment, AND an asshole move? Because that's close to where I stand.
2022-05-11 02:28:03] -
mig/paul: noooooo . i change my mind, i think protesting alito's house is fine if done on public property, should be legal if it's done peaceably, and should be protected by the 1st amendment if it's done peaceably.
2022-05-10 21:53:09] -
paul: I’m just asking questions!
- mig
2022-05-10 14:06:37] - The first link for "People also ask" when searching for "Alito" is: "Where does alito live?"
2022-05-09 17:58:44] - either is fine. uuuh, wednesday!
2022-05-09 17:52:50] -
a: You have a vote for sc2 b/w Mon vs Wed? Since you missed last week you can have the deciding vote.
2022-05-09 17:51:52] - bragging at -17%! Woooo.....
2022-05-09 17:48:08] -
Daniel: Now is your time to brag, btw. I'm getting absolutely massacred by the market this year.
2022-05-09 17:47:31] - despite having much higher revenue / income!
2022-05-09 17:47:04] -
a: And I agree. 2020 felt like it made some sense. This made some sense in the beginning (some companies had gotten insane multiples.... probably thanks to stupid high fed liquidity) but at this point it feels like it has gone WAY too far in the other direction. Many companies that benefitted hugely from COVID lockdowns are trading at a lower price than pre-COVID...
2022-05-09 17:45:39] -
a: 2020 was definitely faster. This drop has been more relentless. Reminds me more of 2008. It makes some sense that no single week might be in the top. Obviously one reason this probably feels worse is because in absolute terms we're all losing more.
2022-05-09 17:13:24] -
daniel: i finally have more etfs than mutual funds (i'm now barely over 50-50). it basically took this minor market-crash for this to happen because i wasn't about to pay capital-gains to make such a change.
2022-05-09 16:39:41] - maybe because i felt like it made sense? what with the pandemic and all?
2022-05-09 16:38:25] - in my opinion, the big difference is we weren't really market participants in 2000/2001/2008 like we are today. 2020 on the other hand, i'm not sure why it didn't annoy me as much as this drop does.
2022-05-09 16:37:26] -
paul: iow, volatility wise (and total decrease wise) 2020 was really bad. so was 2008. and so was 2000 and 2001.
2022-05-09 16:36:13] -
paul: i ranked all of the best and worst weeks in the s&p500 since 2000. i looked at the top 20 weekly-increases and top 20 weekly-decreases. 2022 doesn't show up in the top-20 weekly-decreases at all! (2022-01-17 was #23 in weekly decreases). but it does show up in the weekly-increases: 2022-03-14 was #14 in weekly increases. i guess this mostly means that 2022 isn't that bad? it's not weird that it does seem pretty bad, though.
2022-05-09 14:56:21] -
mig: i agree with you. but the virginia link you sent isn't at all about targeting an individual's private residences. in other words, i'm *also* surprised it's never been challenged. (or maybe, i'd wonder if it hadn't been challenged).
2022-05-09 14:38:19] - So essentially, the courts have already decided that specifically targetting individual's private residences for protest is not protected speech. I might be inclined to agree because that does seem to cross over to forceful intimidation rather than peaceful protest.
- mig
2022-05-09 14:34:30] - crosses a legal line.
- mig
2022-05-09 14:34:22] -
a: i'm just speculating on the possible rationale for such a law. I'm surprised honestly it's never been challenged. Despite the exceptions, it does seem overly broad.
There's a court case upholding a narrower residential protesting ban law, essentially saying you can march through a residential are to protest in general, but if you target an individual person's residence that
2022-05-09 14:01:20] -
paul: i'm not surprised that people are motivated by this issue. it's a pretty major loss of individual rights in our generation that is so used to gaining individual rights.
2022-05-09 14:00:09] -
mig: protests in the suburbs shouldn't be allowed? (again, i'm not being a jerk, i'm honestly curious. the laws are literally not allowed to keep people from assembling peacefully, and i feel like that probably includes the suburbs). when there are a list of "exceptions" to a law, it makes me nervous, because then you're listing the things you are allowed to do instead of the things you aren't allowed to do?
2022-05-09 12:23:47] -
a: there seems to be enough exceptions that it looks like unless you try this in a wholly suburban area, where presumably the justices live, you're probably fine (pending getting a permit I'm assuming).
- mig
2022-05-09 03:56:47] - I've counted 3 different people posting various stories about their abortions on LinkedIn over the past week or so, which is..... a little odd for a job networking site.
2022-05-09 03:56:00] - It's.... interesting the ways this specific issue motivates people. I have been friends with somebody on Facebook for around 4 years and never saw him post or do anything. Assumed he just didn't use his account. A few days ago he wrote a post alluding to his support for abortions rights.
2022-05-09 01:31:07] -
mig: makes sense. kinda i guess? i wonder if you could use this law to suppress any (or most) protests?
2022-05-09 00:21:02] -
a: looks like in VA its illegal to protest outside a private residence.
- mig
2022-05-08 15:56:49] - protests outside of people's home is a dick move and a bad look, but (serious question) is it protected speech? is there a law against it? I assume it is public property?
2022-05-08 13:55:00] - protesting at the steps of scotus is fine but this is getting pretty concerning.
- mig
2022-05-07 01:16:33] - gAAAAABidchndy2ILUXqsEn-BINy41ZymZTFg_4mQP_uv3gcdnvggKkVRkNgUmMbyaRFNdk-651o8tWwmZQaX-ZKuNeBX3ef_kFSb5crcbHn8Gbvet6dvBU=
2022-05-06 16:28:50] -
bike stuff ~a
2022-05-06 16:20:54] -
daniel: "Could see if any of these are available through Vanguard?" all US etfs are available on all US trading platforms, so i'm a bit confused by the wording of your question
2022-05-06 16:13:23] -
daniel: here's the graph i made. i'm a bit confused by this. i get that there will be dividends that will account for interest or whatever. but these move around a lot (many going -2% this last year, and something weird happened march of last year). except bil i guess. bil might be what i'm looking for.
2022-05-06 16:07:13] -
a: Could see if any of these are available through Vanguard? -Daniel
2022-05-06 15:33:02] -
daniel: i just figured, this is why we HAVE etfs right? for flexibility and ease? maybe there's something weird about money markets. maybe they like don't make enough interest to overcome their expense, or something.
2022-05-06 15:32:01] -
daniel: i guess, sorta. vanguard has vmfxx. maybe that's what i'll do.
2022-05-06 15:30:49] -
a: Do those places have money market funds?
2022-05-06 15:29:38] -
yes, this is true. but i already have an open account to buy etfs.
2022-05-06 15:29:23] -
a: Don't you have to open an account somewhere to buy etfs?
2022-05-06 15:21:08] -
daniel: in other news i'm looking for something weird. a money-market etf. i can't seem to find anything like this, and i'm a bit surprised. i found jpst and vusb. but i literally want a money market etf. i want it to go negative never. and basically creep up at a snail's pace. (maybe what i really want is a literal CD or money market, but i wish it was as easy as buying/selling an etf. i don't want to "open an account".)
2022-05-06 15:13:58] -
daniel: ugh.
2022-05-06 15:13:16] - its not* the whole country
2022-05-06 15:13:08] - Just as more context for this whole discussion, its now the whole country but shows where some want to go with this ruling: -Daniel
2022-05-06 15:11:49] -
paul: like, i think you can be fired for breaking the law, right? have you been ever asked to risk your job to do your job?
2022-05-06 15:10:44] -
paul: yes i hear you, but in one case it's literal doctors performing the illegal act while performing their duties. it's not just regular joe's on a weekend, killing time or whatever. is there anything like that (in this century)? where doctors are forced to do illegal shit to carry out their responsibilities?
2022-05-06 15:06:02] -
a: I'm saying just because it was illegal didn't mean it didn't happen.
2022-05-06 14:56:46] - purple too. just one state, but it didn't have a carve-out for medically necessary abortions either, i guess.
2022-05-06 14:54:41] -
paul: like put yourself in the perspective of a doctor in one of the red states. like, wtf.
2022-05-06 14:52:54] -
paul: i'm not sure i understand your analogy. one is required by doctors to perform to stop you from dying, and the other is not.
2022-05-06 14:51:42] -
a: Uh, yeah, I guess there were no legal medically necessary abortions? Just like there was no legal marijuana smoking in the country until recently.
2022-05-06 14:40:39] -
paul: sorry, you can't read my mind. i was talking about the "red" states specifically, but i didn't actually say that. (not red as in conservative, but red as in colored red in my "prior to roe" link)
2022-05-06 14:14:04] -
a: Pre-Roe? I don't think so? Roe just made abortion a federal issue, no? Prior to that abortions could still be legal. Regardless, I was talking about the future if Roe gets overturned.
2022-05-06 14:03:41] -
paul: wouldn't 100% of the medically necessary abortions been illegal?
2022-05-06 13:39:11] -
a: I think part of it is that medically necessary abortions are pretty uncommon?
2022-05-06 13:38:33] -
Daniel: It's a little unclear, though. Some of them mention cut-offs at certain weeks of gestation. Others don't. Most seem to have exceptions for medical necessity.
2022-05-05 21:26:46] - for context the murkowski/collins bill essentially codifies row v wade to federal law. Schumers stance seems insane. If there ever was a time to get half a loaf while you can this is it.
- mig
2022-05-05 20:01:02] - how is that even . . . possible? i mean i get that a ton of people just died. but part of me wonders if there just wasn't a fuckton of abortions done off the books.
2022-05-05 19:59:12] - "
prior to roe" just blows my mind away. there were no medically necessary abortions in basically half of the states.
2022-05-05 19:05:19] - - Lots of bans or bans after six weeks in there.
2022-05-05 18:55:04] - And I'm not totally convinced all the southern states would flatly ban abortion. As we've discussed, there's a spectrum of how many weeks it is allowed.
2022-05-05 18:53:30] -
Daniel: So even in a "worst case scenario" of all the Southern states banning all abortions and there being a significant number of people there who want to get one, there are still not completely unreasonable options?
2022-05-05 18:52:44] -
Daniel: It could be significant, but I guess I would like to see some numbers? Apparently half of all abortions are done medically now, and often the pills can be ordered online? -Paul
2022-05-05 18:35:05] -
Paul: I don't have numbers but that crosses my threshold for 'significant'.
2022-05-05 18:33:49] -
Paul: All the ones in the South from women who don't have the means to travel to get them.
2022-05-05 18:25:35] -
a: And obviously the states can still NOT make abortions illegal. So the most likely outcome is increased illegality of abortions in states where abortion has less political support. How many pre-Roe abortions will not happen if it gets overturned? Is it a significant amount? It might not be. Are there any projections?
2022-05-05 18:23:24] -
a: Okay, that's fine. No need to quibble over decimal points. Sounds like we agree in principle. But I do think it's worth noting that this huge blow-up over Roe possibly getting overturned might be getting blown out of proportion in a similar way. Roe only federally protects a certain subset of abortions.
2022-05-05 17:58:58] -
paul: the percent of third-trimester abortions is 0.1%. you asked me what it would have to be to become a problem, and i said 1%. but the percent of third-trimester abortions is still 0.1% regardless of that.
2022-05-05 17:57:58] -
a: Sure, but aren't you moving the goalposts some? You said 1%. 1k police killings out of a population of 300 million is a lot smaller than 1%
2022-05-05 17:40:12] -
paul: regardless, i agree with your point.
2022-05-05 17:33:58] -
paul: sorry, i did my math wrong. medical necessity is irrelevant. more people are shot by police than third trimester abortions regardless of medical necessity of the third-trimester abortions.
2022-05-05 17:30:40] -
paul: hmmm. without knowing more about medical necessity, i can't say. looks like there are 1000 police shootings each year. i don't know how many non-medically-necessary-third-trimester-abortions there are per year, but it could be considerably smaller than 1000.
2022-05-05 17:27:41] -
a: Because I would say two things can be true: Something is a problem that needs addressing and fixing. And also that we should keep things in perspective regarding how big a problem something is and how likely it is to impact somebody.
2022-05-05 17:23:00] -
a: Okay, that makes total sense and I mostly agree. Would you have the same opinion on stuff like police involved shootings? In the grand scheme of things, it's a pretty small number of people affected by percentage.
2022-05-05 17:21:26] - the third trimester is a smoke screen.
2022-05-05 17:20:25] -
sorry, 0.1% and 99.9%.
2022-05-05 17:18:19] -
paul: that's correct. someone needs to decide what happens with the 1%, but i honestly would like to focus my mental energy on the remaining 99%.
2022-05-05 17:12:52] -
mig: "the question is whether its ethical/moral/illegal?" you're right of course, but i don't care if it's ethical moral or illegal because it's so uncommon.
2022-05-05 16:59:23] -
a: we can replace “bad” with “unwanted” but my concern would remain.
- mig
2022-05-05 16:56:27] - isn’t how often really late term abortions happen besides the point? the question is whether its ethical/moral/illegal?
- mig
2022-05-05 16:50:43] -
a: Hmmm, so if there were a million abortions, and 1% (or 10k) were at X months, that's less important to focus on? Am I understanding correctly?
2022-05-05 16:46:21] -
paul: probably depends on the number of yearly abortions per 100k, but i'd throw out 1%.
2022-05-05 16:46:18] - Emotionally I think most people (everyone?) should be sympathetic to the pro life side. I think everyone ought to agree that killing children / babies is not a good outcome. Defining what counts as "a baby" and when even if its not a good outcome its still allowed has been challenging clearly.
2022-05-05 16:45:35] -
a: Also, on the "honestly i'd rather not talk about a made up problem that doesn't exist" point. Just out of curiosity. How many abortions at X months would have to happen to go from "made up that doesn't exist" to "legit problem"? Where's the line?
2022-05-05 16:45:24] -
paul: what the graph i sent you didn't include was how many of those are medically necessary. i know you've already conceded medical necessity, and that's awesome, but the graph doesn't distinguish.
2022-05-05 16:44:28] -
paul: 26 weeks is still vanishingly uncommon. i kinda don't care about third trimester abortions. you and daniel and miguel can talk about them if you want?
i'd prefer to focus on 1st and 2nd trimester honestly.
2022-05-05 16:44:08] -
mig: don't confuse unwantedness with "bad people".
2022-05-05 16:44:01] -
Paul: Even if on some level I could tolerate euthanasia post birth in some circumstances I think largely I'd be ok with birth being a line at least.
2022-05-05 16:44:00] -
mig: Yeah, I was going to get to the eugenics aspect but got distracted. Thanks for bringing it up.
2022-05-05 16:43:21] -
a: Oh, yeah, I knew we didn't disagree much. Sorry, I thought you knew too. The biggest difference is probably that I'm emotionally much more sympathetic to the pro-life arguments of moving it further pre-birth.
2022-05-05 16:42:42] -
a: two issues with the studies. We’ve got the causation vs correlation and the end justification feels kind of eugenics-y (well those babies would have made “bad people” so good on aborting them)
- mig
2022-05-05 16:42:16] -
a: Okay, then switch it to 6 months? Also, I imagine that's heavily skewed by legality?
2022-05-05 16:40:23] - i also think it should be maybe before birth.
2022-05-05 16:40:06] -
paul: "maybe before birth" yikes, so this whole time we might have been on the same side.
2022-05-05 16:39:25] -
Daniel: Yeah, that's all fair. Not trying to say it's an easy decision. But I do think at some point the baby has rights to not be killed, even if the mom thinks it is the right call. I don't know where I draw the line, but I think no later than birth and maybe before birth.
2022-05-05 16:38:32] -
paul: "8 months". honestly i'd rather not talk about a
made up problem that doesn't exist.
2022-05-05 16:37:49] -
a: Uh, yeah. I am in favor of human beings having more rights than animals. I don't know if I understand the comparison between a fetus and a testicle. Sure, I get that a 1 day old fetus is basically just a bundle of cells, but a fetus which has been developing for 8 months and has a heartbeat and brainwaves and moves on its own is clearly different from a testicle, right?
2022-05-05 16:36:55] - I think my policy position is slightly more extremeish than most potentially on the pro choice side but mostly cause I think I trust in the difficulty of the decision to be a limiting factor in and of itself. I think there is trauma involved in choosing abortion (especially the longer the term was carried) and that is sufficient deterrent.
2022-05-05 16:34:41] -
Paul: Euthanasia is another hard topic. I'm not sure yet?
2022-05-05 16:33:13] -
a: Hah, sorry. Clearly I missed the link before.
2022-05-05 16:32:02] -
paul: what happens when the rights of an animal and the rights of a human are in conflict? you want to give the 1st and 2nd trimester fetus individual rights that a testicle or uterus don't have: but i don't think you want to give these same rights for an adult animal. is that correct?
2022-05-05 16:31:12] -
yep. that's my link. it should already be purple for you, i posted it yesterday.
2022-05-05 16:30:26] -
a: Is this a good start for reading up on the connection between crime and abortion?
2022-05-05 16:28:57] -
a: "in places with safe and accessible abortions, there is not a small drop in crime, there is a large drop in crime" Causation? Or correlation?
2022-05-05 16:28:21] -
Daniel: So, Devil's advocate, post birth abortion? Baby is born. Parents realize it has down's syndrome. Euthanasia? The woman not only carried the baby 9+ months but ALSO gave birth, so shouldn't her judgement still be trusted?
2022-05-05 16:28:12] -
paul: "How does it save millions of lives?" the drop in crime is huge. i don't think it'll save billions of lives, but millions seems like an understatement.
2022-05-05 16:27:34] -
paul: "Not trampling living people's rights seems to depend on the definition of a living person, no?" that's right.
2022-05-05 16:27:08] -
paul: "what policy are we talking about?" the system described by roe and confirmed by casey.
2022-05-05 16:26:09] -
paul: "How is it good policy?" "in places with safe and accessible abortions, there is not a small drop in crime, there is a large drop in crime".
2022-05-05 16:25:56] -
a: How does it save millions of lives? Most Americans think abortion should be legal in certain circumstance (typically restricted to first or second trimester).
2022-05-05 16:25:01] -
a: "but the fact that it's good policy, and that it doesn't trample living peoples rights, and would actually save millions of lives, and the fact that most americans think it should be allowed" Interesting. Now I want to dig into all of these. How is it good policy? And what policy are we talking about? Not trampling living people's rights seems to depend on the definition of a living person, no?
2022-05-05 16:04:45] -
paul: "Once there's a heartbeat and you can feel the movement, it really becomes hard to think of it as a non-living thing." a living-thing is the distinction? does the living thing need to be a living human? it seems a bit weird to take a 1st trimester fetus that can't be sustained outside the womb and assign more rights to it than an adult animal?
2022-05-05 16:01:44] -
Paul: I would probably also go so far that if a woman carried the baby 9+ months she probably already loves the baby so then to decide to abort would be on some level euthanasia of someone else. Maybe we could get some rules on double parental consent of abortions in "safe" cases past 7 months or something? But that also seems verrrryyyy tricky / dangerous in terms of the idea of "forced birth".
2022-05-05 15:59:26] -
Paul: I think so, if a woman carried her baby all the way to birth then she was clearly planning on going through with it and something in the situation has changed and she/they are going to make one of the hardest decisions in their life. I would go so far to say there are 0 'casual' day of birth abortions but ONLY extreme situations in some way or another.
2022-05-05 15:53:32] -
paul: no it's not just practicality. it's about the rights and freedoms of any human to decide what happens to their body parts. i know that's the crux of the issue: what is and what is not a body part. but the fact that it's good policy, and that it doesn't trample living peoples rights, and would actually save millions of lives, and the fact that most americans think it should be allowed, are all bonuses.
2022-05-05 15:50:31] -
a: I don't know if it's necessarily a pedantic word choice thing. It's about practicality, right? I just disagree that it should be based on practicality. I feel like rights should be protected whether they are practical or not.
2022-05-05 15:49:29] -
Daniel: So, just to be clear, you would be fine with a mother aborting her fetus all the way up to the day of birth?
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