here are old message board entries

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[2001-05-23 15:20:00] - On an unrelated note, is anybody interested in a trip to King's Dominion on either one of the first two weekends of June? -paul

[2001-05-23 15:19:00] - there's a lot of unrealistic stuff going on in that game ;P - katie

[2001-05-23 15:18:00] - vinnie: hehehe, I certainly can't -paul

[2001-05-23 15:17:00] - bye Travis -paul

[2001-05-23 15:17:00] - paul: you certainly can't mooo today worth crap - vinnie

[2001-05-23 15:17:00] - well, i have some stuff to do, so i'll talk to everyone later - travis

[2001-05-23 15:16:00] - mig: Because feminists aren't happy unless they are complaining about something :-O -paul

[2001-05-23 15:15:00] - Dammit, I can't type today worth crap -paul

[2001-05-23 15:15:00] - nothing wrong with it.  just i don't understand why people were complaining about the lack of females in warcraft. - mig

[2001-05-23 15:14:00] - ming: I know, just a random thought :-) -paul

[2001-05-23 15:13:00] - haha, new word mooooooooo - travis

[2001-05-23 15:13:00] - mig: So what's wrong with a female fighting in a medievil setting? A-paul

[2001-05-23 15:13:00] - i'm not talking about diablo, paul. - mig

[2001-05-23 15:13:00] - ha ha ha. "aaron: thanks for mooooooooo" - vinnie

[2001-05-23 15:12:00] - What would be unrealistic would be having a small breasted, fully clothed assassin :-) -paul

[2001-05-23 15:12:00] - different world, but it was still a medievil world. - mig

[2001-05-23 15:11:00] - or even if it's meant to be - vinnie

[2001-05-23 15:11:00] - i'm not sure if warcraft is entirely realistic though :) - vinnie

[2001-05-23 15:11:00] - Ah, but you have to remember that Warcraft took place in a different world -paul

[2001-05-23 15:10:00] - warcraft i mean. - mig

[2001-05-23 15:10:00] - aaron: thanks for responding - travis

[2001-05-23 15:09:00] - well keep in mind that this is a medievil setting though.  i hate to say it, but it would be unrealistic for women to be fighting in the game. - mig

[2001-05-23 15:08:00] - bye devin -paul

[2001-05-23 15:08:00] - Sure I'll come June 2nd - aaron

[2001-05-23 15:08:00] - Sure I'll come June 2nd

[2001-05-23 15:08:00] - i'm not going to bother with the d2 expansion, i'm waiting for neverwinter nights and war3. - mig

[2001-05-23 15:08:00] - travis: Ok then, we need to get together sometime to plan when this is taking place, among other things -paul

[2001-05-23 15:08:00] - All right, it's time for me to mow the lawn. I'll see some of you later on tonight. Tschau! -devin

[2001-05-23 15:07:00] - paul: just need to confirm aaron and adrian, but i would assume both are coming - travis

[2001-05-23 15:07:00] - katie: As far as I can remember, all the warcraft games have only two female characters in them -paul

[2001-05-23 15:06:00] - travis: Fine, fine. I'll handle Tim. Everybody else is good to go though? -paul

[2001-05-23 15:06:00] - travis: I should be able to, barring any assignments from my temp agency. -devin

[2001-05-23 15:06:00] - paul: yeah.  d2 has a pretty respectable number of females  playing it, but not enough for blizzard to try to market to us - katie

[2001-05-23 15:05:00] - paul: i never got in contact with tim though - travis

[2001-05-23 15:05:00] - Whoops, didn't fix it in time -paul

[2001-05-23 15:04:00] - devin: you coming to animefest on june 2 at paul's? - travis

[2001-05-23 15:04:00] - travis: Ok, that's good. Hopefully everybody coming should be caught up by then -paul

[2001-05-23 15:04:00] - travis: Ok, that's good. Hopefully everybody coming should be caught up by then -paul'

[2001-05-23 15:04:00] - katie: that's downright bizarre - vinnie

[2001-05-23 15:03:00] - katie: That's pretty interesting, makes sense to me though -paul

[2001-05-23 15:03:00] - Hear what? -devin

[2001-05-23 15:02:00] - paul: still need to hear from aaron, adrian, and devin, and since two of those people are here now, i expect responses  - travis

[2001-05-23 15:02:00] - That's pretty sad. -devin

[2001-05-23 15:01:00] - ... the scantily-clad female characters) that the prototype was changed to the current assasin design - practically naked, with huge breasts, etc. - katie

[2001-05-23 15:01:00] - that sounds fine. - mig

[2001-05-23 15:01:00] - damn it, i used an e four sentences ago! oh well - vinnie

[2001-05-23 15:01:00] - mig: then I should pick you up from there around, say, 5:30-ish? -devin

[2001-05-23 15:00:00] - on a semi-related note: the original character design for the assasin of diablo2's expansion pack had her drawn up in very realistic armor (i.e. it covered her ass), and supposedly enough people complained (they only felt comfortable playing...

[2001-05-23 14:59:00] - travis: How goes the planning for AnimeFest? -paul

[2001-05-23 14:59:00] - paul: how long would this thing tonight go until? - vinnie

[2001-05-23 14:58:00] - well, as for the mags giving people ways to go, they could just give them press passes, but there might some set time that public is let in, but the event is mainly for the press - travis

[2001-05-23 14:58:00] - yes. - mig

[2001-05-23 14:58:00] - invitation only? that's a damn pity - vinnie

[2001-05-23 14:58:00] - Mig: Do you still live at the Strathmore address listed in the junior-year TJ phone book? -devin

[2001-05-23 14:58:00] - $10.94/hr? crazy salary. why not just $11? - vinnie

[2001-05-23 14:57:00] - i think you pretty much had to get invited to e3.  the only people i know if who got in were the press and maintainers of larger fan sites - katie

[2001-05-23 14:57:00] - I don't wanna! -devin

[2001-05-23 14:57:00] - you is crazy? c'mon um, you, try a bit more in your vocalization - vinnie

[2001-05-23 14:57:00] - travis: Wow, you're only making 4 cents an hour less then me :-) -paul

[2001-05-23 14:56:00] - Maybe they have special areas in which only the press is allowed and the rest is open to the public? -paul

[2001-05-23 14:55:00] - i know a couple mags contain ways to obtain admission to that particular con - vinnie

[2001-05-23 14:55:00] - You is crazy, 'apply word'-guy. -devin

[2001-05-23 14:54:00] - the job's not too bad, and i'm getting like $1.50 more than i thought, i think i get $10.94/hr or something like that - travis

[2001-05-23 14:53:00] - well, i know in a lot of magazines a little while ago they said no public was allowed - travis

[2001-05-23 14:52:00] - I didn't think so. I've read a few accounts of gamers having gone into e3 (although it might've taken an hour or two of waiting in a line to get a badge). -devin

[2001-05-23 14:52:00] - good day, travis. that is too bad about your working plight - vinnie

[2001-05-23 14:51:00] - wow, what fun. trying not to, um, apply word with that symbol - vinnie

[2001-05-23 14:51:00] - oh really.  that's too bad. - mig

[2001-05-23 14:50:00] - since i'm not at home from 6am to 2pm i can't talk in all this stuff, so i'll just refer to the e3 debate to say that as far as i know only press is allowed into e3 - travis

[2001-05-23 14:50:00] - aaron: i follow. so just don't say words that contain that monogram - vinnie

[2001-05-23 14:49:00] - Spiff. -devin

[2001-05-23 14:48:00] - hold on and let me get some directions up. - mig

[2001-05-23 14:48:00] - it's a reference mark.  i live not too far from there. - mig

[2001-05-23 14:45:00] - Likewise that's why paul's name is unchanged while vinnie's name is mootilated - aaron

[2001-05-23 14:45:00] - Don't know if you are aware or not, but "moo" only changes words with an 'e' in them. So if you can form sentences without the letter 'e' you are moo-free - aaron

[2001-05-23 14:45:00] - Not really, as long as you can eat dinner before coming over and don't mind stopping Trigun for two hours to watch the Voyager Finale -paul

[2001-05-23 14:42:00] - Moof. -devin

[2001-05-23 14:42:00] - Mig: Will you be in Loehman's Plaza? Or is it just a reference mark near your house? -devin

[2001-05-23 14:42:00] - \Mig: Will you be in Loehman's Plaza? Or is it just a reference mark near your house? -devin

[2001-05-23 14:41:00] - Yeah, I can wing it. That won't be a problem, will it? -devin

[2001-05-23 14:38:00] - devin: Well, this thing is starting at 6:00 tonight at my house with some Trigun and the Voyager Finale so if you think you want to come and can bring Miguel, that would be great -paul

[2001-05-23 14:33:00] - If it would be easier I would be able to pick miguel up whenever it is he would need to be picked up. -devin

[2001-05-23 14:29:00] - Well, I might be able to pick you up at around 5:30... depending on how long it takes to get to your house -paul

[2001-05-23 14:28:00] - well, i don't really need to be picked up at a specific time. - mig

[2001-05-23 14:25:00] - mig: When would you need to get picked up? I only have a small time frame when I could pick you up and it would be pretty early :-( -paul

[2001-05-23 14:18:00] - Make that closer to twenty. -devin

[2001-05-23 14:17:00] - I probably live roughly twenty to thirty minutes from Miguel. -devin

[2001-05-23 14:16:00] - mig: I'm bad with directions and I don't know where that is :-( Does anybody live close to you? -paul

[2001-05-23 14:15:00] - devin: I like to call it a prequel to AnimeFest since it's really not big enough to justify calling it an official AnimeFest -paul

[2001-05-23 14:14:00] - devin: Well I'm renting the first few tapes of Trigun and the first tape of Shamanic Princess so people who haven't seen it can watch it so they can come to AnimeFest on June 2nd -paul

[2001-05-23 14:12:00] - Oh! Is it only for people who need to catch-up? I recall there having been some earlier fears about not wanting it to become an unofficial animefest. -devin

[2001-05-23 14:10:00] - know where loehman's plaza is?  beltway to 50 east. - mig

[2001-05-23 14:10:00] - devin: Playing catch-up for people who need to see Trigun and / or shamanic princess for AnimeFest -paul

[2001-05-23 14:10:00] - modem is usually good enough. - mig

[2001-05-23 14:08:00] - Is something happening at Paul's tonight? -devin

[2001-05-23 14:07:00] - mig: Where do you live and when would you need the pick-up? -paul

[2001-05-23 14:06:00] - mig: That is true. If you can hold out against the Starcraft AI it does basically revert into a 'wait for death' mode. -devin

[2001-05-23 14:06:00] - mig: I would play starcraft with you but I just have a crappy modem :-( -paul

[2001-05-23 14:06:00] - oh btw, i just found out i'm carless for tonight, so can anyone give me a ride to paul's? - mig

[2001-05-23 14:06:00] - paul: You just got mobbed. That's all. -devin

[2001-05-23 14:05:00] - Devin: Yeah, I know. The plan was to retreat once I ran into your hero but I messed that up pretty badly. -paul

[2001-05-23 14:02:00] - the ai is no fun in long games, after awhile it just gives up. - mig

[2001-05-23 14:02:00] - Paul: That's why they were killed. And honestly, you needed another relatively strong hero under those circumstances. -devin

[2001-05-23 14:02:00] - i need people to play starcraft with.  i'm sick of trashing the computer players, and people online are dickheads. - mig

[2001-05-23 14:02:00] - mig: Yeah, I've heard that the rest are pretty bad -paul

[2001-05-23 14:01:00] - at least in the dune series. - mig

[2001-05-23 14:01:00] - If onyl Mephala had gotten those Dragons... -paul

[2001-05-23 14:01:00] - i recommend dune.  but don't read any of the frank herbert books after that. - mig

[2001-05-23 13:59:00] - Riiiiiiight. -devin

[2001-05-23 13:55:00] - Excellent, Mephala is taking you down! :-) -paul

[2001-05-23 13:52:00] - Vinnie: And maybe the reason for the odd behavior in moo mode is due to some errors arising out of a hardcoded list or perhaps some other anomaly. -devin

[2001-05-23 13:50:00] - Certainly, mark me down as game. -devin

[2001-05-23 13:45:00] - devin: btw, I want a Heroes 3 rematch sometime, you interested in doing it over the summer? -paul

[2001-05-23 13:44:00] - i'm not sure why you get a '$' though - vinnie

[2001-05-23 13:44:00] - Alrighty then, I'll check that one out too, thanks. -paul

[2001-05-23 13:43:00] - Lucky. -devin

[2001-05-23 13:42:00] - Hehehe, that's because I am special ;-) -paul

[2001-05-23 13:41:00] - i think it is available in book format, yes - vinnie

[2001-05-23 13:41:00] - devin: my name turns into mooooo, while paul's stays the same - vinnie

[2001-05-23 13:39:00] - Yes, but that Mark Twain thingy was too long to read at work, is it in book form also? -paul

[2001-05-23 13:38:00] - paul: have you read my latest journal? - vinnie

[2001-05-23 13:26:00] - Very well, I might give it a try if I can find it at the library I go to -paul

[2001-05-23 13:22:00] - np. Though I'd say H. P. Lovecraft's material qualifies more as psychological sci-fi stuff than anything. -devin

[2001-05-23 13:21:00] - Thanks for the suggestions though -paul

[2001-05-23 13:21:00] - I never really found Douglas Adams to be all that interesting or funny and horror stories don't particularly appeal to me, sorry :-( -paul

[2001-05-23 13:20:00] - $mooooooo? -devin

[2001-05-23 13:20:00] - Hmmmmm, no offense Devin but does anybody else have any suggestions? I think we have incompatible tastes in books :-( -paul

[2001-05-23 13:15:00] - I heartily recommend both "The Best of H. P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre" (which is not-at-all corny, unlike how it sounds) and "The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul" by the late Douglas Adams. -devin

[2001-05-23 13:10:00] - I need to ask you all another favor, I'm going to be gone the entire memorial day weekend to visit some friends of the family. I'm looking for some good books to read over the weekend to relieve the inevitable boredom -paul

[2001-05-23 13:07:00] - i'm not very impressed by it - vinnie

[2001-05-23 11:48:00] - well i didn't mean like portable like a discman.  more like a boombox. - mig

[2001-05-23 11:42:00] - that's too big to be called portable, me thinks. -jdb

[2001-05-23 11:42:00] - The device appears to be about as portable as a brick. Though some would probably argue that is actually somewhat decent. -devin

[2001-05-23 11:38:00] - some people want a portable mp3 stereo.  looks like this is it. - mig

[2001-05-23 11:29:00] - Oh, and hello. I'm back. -devin

[2001-05-23 11:29:00] - Interesting, a kind of cross between a PC and an mp3 player. My only question though is -why?- -devin

[2001-05-23 11:17:00] - not great, but definitely potential for something awesome. - mig

[2001-05-23 11:01:00] - So are we doing anything saturday, sunday, or monday? I'd like to do something sunday - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:58:00] - Yeah I got two hits back which did not contain the word - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:58:00] - looks like message #17232 is the one that broke it - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:58:00] - I suppose grammatically they are still "volunteering" their opinion, but usually answering someone's question is a little different from volunteering information... -paul

[2001-05-23 10:56:00] - a: your search has a bug in it. i searched for "rewatchability" and got one hit back, which did not contain the word - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:56:00] - I think it's not very easy to have an actual scientific survey on peoples opinions on a movie. That's why we have film critics - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:55:00] - Well, let me put it this way, I think more men saw the movie then women. That probably means that more men wanted to see it then women. That probably means that the movie would appeal to more men then women. It's a lot of "ifs" ... -paul

[2001-05-23 10:53:00] - And besides even if you ask someone to volunteer their opinions, they're still volunteering them. THey might lie - for instance, a 14-year old boy might lie and say he hated titanic because he doesn't want to seem like a pussy - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:52:00] - First of all, if you are correct in your assumption that more males have seen it than females, then the males you grab will be more likely to have seen it already, and armageddon has poor rewatchability :-) - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:50:00] - Okay, if that's what you guess. I'm not so sure. - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:48:00] - Not if I don't rely on them to volunterr their opinions and instead ask for them -paul

[2001-05-23 10:48:00] - Actually, I think it would very different if I grabbed 10 random males and females from the street and sat them down to watch armageddon, I am guessing on average the males would enjoy it more then the females -paul

[2001-05-23 10:47:00] - usually, the people willing to offer their opinion are at the extremes - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:46:00] - aaron: he means asking random people as opposed to asking anyone willing to offer their opinion - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:46:00] - And yes you're right paul, but the males who tend to vote on this site don't represent the average male in america either - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:45:00] - And even the most scientific of polls is going to be unscientific according to you, because it will count on people volunteering their opinions. - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:44:00] - Also, I daresay that the females that would tend to vote on that site probably don't accurately represent the average female in america -paul

[2001-05-23 10:43:00] - Yeah okay, you conduct your scientific poll regarding the popularity of armageddon, I don't think it will be too different - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:42:00] - Like Vinnie said, way more males voted then females and I imagine way more men saw Armegeddon then females as well -paul

[2001-05-23 10:41:00] - That really doesn't mean anything Aaron, for one thing the poll is highly unscientific because it counts on people volunteering their opinions on a web-site -paul

[2001-05-23 10:39:00] - aaron: the funny thing is look how many females have actually voted in comparison to males :) that's the internet for you - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:39:00] - i said typically, not always. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:38:00] - It's A Wonderful Life had an untinged super-happy ending - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:37:00] - No matter what your definition of action movie is paul, it's a fact that plenty of women enjoyed armageddon - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:37:00] - tinged with unhappiness? true enough. but there are a few which have extremely optimistic endings. shawshank redemption, for one - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:35:00] - they're typically tinged with unhappiness though.  even the happy endings aren't so happy. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:34:00] - and turning it the other way around, dramas don't always have unhappy endings - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:34:00] - well, when the good guy dies he usually takes the bad guy with him.  in armageddon there was no real bad guy(the asteriod doesn't count). - mig

[2001-05-23 10:34:00] - Humph... I guess that's where we differ, I have a much broader definition of action movie -paul

[2001-05-23 10:32:00] - Yeah okay, well the good guy doesn't always live in action movies then. t2 and gladiator had way more explicit violence and fighting and weapons and such though, those were male-oriented for several other reasons - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:31:00] - though it is pretty gory, which paints it as a male-oriented movie - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:30:00] - gladiator i think was slightly drama-based. true there was more action, but there was a lot of significant drama in it too. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:30:00] - i would actually call gladiator a drama, surprisingly - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:29:00] - aaron: I don't agree with that at all, look at T2 or gladiator -paul

[2001-05-23 10:28:00] - enemy at the gates was hyped pretty well, yeah. but notice how the ads showed a fair amount of action also - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:28:00] - and it has that aerosmith song. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:27:00] - vinnie: I could be wrong though, did you see the part where they tried to land on the asteroid? -paul

[2001-05-23 10:27:00] - Hey I thought Armageddon was supposed to be a drama. Bruce Willis says goodbye to his wife, goes up to the asteroid, volunteers to stay behind and such, everybody cries, etc... In a true action movie he would have found some way to live - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:26:00] - Ah, good example, and it was hyped up a lot too, wasn't it? -paul

[2001-05-23 10:26:00] - with enemy of the gates that is. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:25:00] - aha, that's probably where my problem arises. i suppose i shouldn't talk about armageddon having not seen it all - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:25:00] - yep, i agree. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:25:00] - aha, that's probably where my problem arises. i suppose i shouldn't talk about armageddon haven't not seen it all - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:24:00] - paul: enemy at the gates looked like a drama - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:24:00] - Really? You thought Deep Impact had more action stuff? Yeah, the first half of Armageddon contained most of the action if I remember correctly. -paul

[2001-05-23 10:23:00] - but i honestly can't think of many dramas that have come out lately either - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:23:00] - mig: I guess so, I personally can't think of any way to hype up a drama (but that's most likely because I usually find them to be boring and can't think of how to make them exciting) -paul

[2001-05-23 10:23:00] - from what i hear of pearl harbor, it seems likely to be somewhat dramatic - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:22:00] - paul: funny. i was thought the other way around :) but then again, i didn't see all of armageddon. perhaps it is more action oriented in the first half? - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:22:00] - Actually, I can't think of any dramas that have come out this summer.... -paul

[2001-05-23 10:22:00] - and even if it was a drama, i didn't say it was impossible, only that it was harder. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:21:00] - Oh, hm, well I guess you are right because I cant think of any dramas that I have seen a lot of commercials for recently... I don't know if there are that many -paul

[2001-05-23 10:20:00] - it was supposed to be a horror movie, at least that's the impression i got from the commercials. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:20:00] - vinnie: I guess so, maybe I am overestimating what kind of movies are guy movies and which ones appeal to women, I just always figured Armageddon was a typical guy flick and Deep Impact was the women's version of it -paul

[2001-05-23 10:20:00] - what lies beneath was not drama. it was suspense or horror - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:19:00] - plus, sometimes movies focus on action, sometimes on drama. from what i saw of armageddon, it seemed to focus way more on drama - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:19:00] - it's all about the eye-candy when it comes to advertising. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:19:00] - I dunno, I saw more commercials for "what lies beneath" then I ever wanted to see, and that was suppose to be drama, right? -paul

[2001-05-23 10:18:00] - paul: i totally agree. basically every movie has romance. but there are degrees - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:17:00] - well, think about it paul.  it's very easy to hype up a movie that has a lot of action, but not as easy to hype up a drama movie. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:17:00] - vinnie: I guess so, but there is romance in almost every movie. Heck, Pearl Harbor is being described as a story of a romance between three people -paul

[2001-05-23 10:16:00] - Okay, well I don't think you're right, at least not based on this top 50 list - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:16:00] - as things start becoming "mainstream" in our society, that tends to happen. - img

[2001-05-23 10:16:00] - amrageddon is way more dramatic and romantic than action-oriented in my mind - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:15:00] - Exactly, and I think that most of the hyped up summer blockbusters are suppose to be enjoyed more by men -paul

[2001-05-23 10:15:00] - which is why i don't believe that star wars is completely a "guy" thing anymore.  the majority are still guys, yeah, but there is a significant female population into it now. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:15:00] - gladiator i would give you, possibly top gun (though there's a hefty amount of romance in that movie) - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:15:00] - Really? You don't think it is male oriented? Why? Because of the romance? -paul

[2001-05-23 10:14:00] - No, but you can make a movie that will be enjoyed by one gender more than another - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:14:00] - Alright then, Titanic was certianly seen by a lot of men, I mean you really can't make a movie that will only be seen by one gender -paul

[2001-05-23 10:14:00] - or shall i say, not just male-oriented - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:13:00] - have you seen armageddon?????? certainly not a male-oriented movie - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:13:00] - I'd say no to air force one there paul - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:13:00] - i think gone with the wind is so old, that movies didn't have such a great division between male and female back then - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:12:00] - vinnie: gladiator, armageddon, top gun, air force one? -paul

[2001-05-23 10:12:00] - ... "Seven Dwarfs?" Is this correct grammar? I thought it was dwarves. - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:11:00] - a lot of those movies on the list are pretty much unisex. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:11:00] - that may be true, but the people that see star wars multiple times are mostly guys i'd be willing to bet - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:11:00] - Ditto for Titanic and Ghost - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:10:00] - True, and Gone with the Wind is a chic flick but I'll bet a lot of guys saw it when it came out -paul

[2001-05-23 10:10:00] - Jaws is a guy movie, Saving Private Ryan is a guy movie, Gladiator is definitely a guy movie. The others I'm mostly not sure, because for every guy I know who liked it, I have known a girl who liked it as well  - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:09:00] - aaron: i agree. some exceptions: terminator 2, um, that's all i can think of - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:09:00] - i'll have to count, but it looks like they're not that far apart.  definitely not any chic flicks, but there are movies that females enjoy. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:08:00] - I mean you say that Star Wars is a guy movie, but I'll bet all your moms have seen it at least once - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:07:00] - I would say most of the movies on the list appeal to both sexes, with a few exceptions - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:06:00] - Yeah, I mean I don't doubt that a lot of chich flicks are released, but if you look at that list, how many chic flicks are on it? Now how many guy movies? -paul

[2001-05-23 10:05:00] - but i think star wars has a big enough following that the number of females who like it is still bigger than the number for a lot of other male-oriented movies - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:05:00] - i think most of the sci-fi stuff is starting to cross over the gender barrier. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:04:00] - in every star wars movie i've seen in the theater, males outnumbered females by a rather large ratio - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:03:00] - I can't find them on the list, where are they - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:03:00] - yeah, but those 2 or 3 chic flicks usually don't get much publicity and they usually don't make much money -paul

[2001-05-23 10:03:00] - erica was never that big a fan, btw - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:02:00] - sorry, aaron, but i do have to believe star wars is male-oriented. i think gurkie and may are big exceptions - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:02:00] - no, i don't think those are male-oriented compared to jet li, jackie chan, and jean-claude van damme movies. those to me seem to be the real male-oriented ones - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:02:00] - Yeah, I think the PS2 has managed to smash a lot of barriers that way. It's really the first game console to get large scale coverage from the media -paul

[2001-05-23 10:01:00] - I can't believe you actually think star wars is male-oriented after your experiences with Gurkie, May and Erica - aaron

[2001-05-23 10:01:00] - and going back to movies, yes, mostly blockbusters are aimed probably at males, but for every blockbuster there's like 2 or 3 "chic flick" movies that come out. - mig

[2001-05-23 10:00:00] - paul: the star wars movies are especially notable - vinnie

[2001-05-23 10:00:00] - I dunno, maybe I have the wrong idea of what kind of movies females like because I am assuming movies like twister and batman and Indiana Jones movies are male-oriented.... -paul

[2001-05-23 09:59:00] - the playstation i think appeals to females for some reason.  my sister has one and has a ton of games for it(mostly rpgs though), and a lot of her female friends also have one. - mig

[2001-05-23 09:58:00] - I dunno, that list seemed a little slanted towards male oriented movies to me, also, that list isn't adjusted for inflation.... -paul

[2001-05-23 09:58:00] - club and dance music seems to go over pretty well with both genders - vinnie

[2001-05-23 09:55:00] - ... The answer is no - aaron

[2001-05-23 09:55:00] - i think you're right about the music, aaron. i think that's why it has managed to create such a success with both genders - vinnie

[2001-05-23 09:54:00] - a lot of the music in the game sounds like the better half of an aqua song - aaron

[2001-05-23 09:52:00] - That's a good point, I imagine the very top of the list would have to appeal to both sexes, but I think the rest of the list is probably more geared towards males -paul

[2001-05-23 09:52:00] - I don't think the music in DDR is oriented towards men though, I mean there's very little angry alternative music which is what I gather men are supposed to listen to these days, the game is filled mostly with female-sounding bouncy pop music - aaron

[2001-05-23 09:50:00] - I can't say. I guess some explicit ddr lyrics might deal with women being subservient to men, i mean they just find artists and say "hey can we have this song", so they probably get a good selection of all sorts of different lyrics - aaron

[2001-05-23 09:48:00] - but i do think you have a point there. i think male-oriented movies tend to outgross female-oriented ones - vinnie

[2001-05-23 09:47:00] - actually, i think msot of the highest-grossing movies probably had to appeal to both sexes. like titanic and et - vinnie

[2001-05-23 09:45:00] - i still don't see how that means the ddr lyrics appeal to both sexes. plus the lyrics i looked at talk about being subservient to men (though it's not obvious whether the person they are talking about is male or female) - vinnie

[2001-05-23 09:45:00] - I mean, I could be wrong, but I'll bet if you looked on the top grossing movies of all time, most of them would be male-oriented movies (although I know Gone with the Wind and Titanic are on there) -paul

[2001-05-23 09:44:00] - But I can say that I've seen just as many advertisements for Pearl Harbor as I did for Erin Brokovich or Chocolat when they were coming out - aaron

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