here are old message board entries

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[2001-05-29 10:47:00] - A story about this guy who took Best Buy's claim of having the lowest prices a little too seriously, and was arrested... His whole story is up here. Interesting! - aaron

[2001-05-29 10:37:00] - Example: When the user moves his mouse over a certain paragraph, the window drops off the bottom of the screen... :-) - aaron

[2001-05-29 10:36:00] - Ha ha. Yeah you can move the screen around in java, which is rarely useful but can be very annoying - aaron

[2001-05-29 10:35:00] - making the screen bounce that is - vinnie

[2001-05-29 10:34:00] - aaron: awesome! i didn't know you could do stuff like that! :) - vinnie

[2001-05-29 10:31:00] - on a random video card side note, does anyone know about the oxygen video cards produced by 3d labs? they're outrageously expensive -dave

[2001-05-29 10:30:00] - paul: very true. I think ati is the only real competition left though. and i'm impressed that they seem to be still putting forth some good effort -dave

[2001-05-29 10:30:00] - For those of you that thought the face was too small and lightweight: - aaron

[2001-05-29 10:29:00] - Oh, random comment: yesterday on the little scrolling bar on CNN they said that Prince has become a Jehoviah's Witness. How odd. -Devin

[2001-05-29 10:28:00] - Really? Hm, sounds like sega - aaron

[2001-05-29 10:26:00] - and since Nvidia is really good at coming out with a new video card every 6 months, I think ATI has a tough fight on it's hands -paul

[2001-05-29 10:25:00] - dave: My guess will be that unless the radeon card is clearly superior then what Nvidia has out at the same time, then the industry will support to dominate standard, the Geforce. -paul

[2001-05-29 10:20:00] - paul: but the question is, will there be enough support for the ati card as opposed to the nvidia card? -dave

[2001-05-29 10:17:00] - dave: The one I have now expires at the end of the month, so I have to get a new one -paul

[2001-05-29 10:05:00] - dave: The Radeon did have a lot more features then the Geforce II (or whatever it was) when it came out. -paul

[2001-05-29 10:00:00] - neat article, dave - vinnie

[2001-05-29 09:48:00] - you don't already have a security badge paul? how have you been getting to work everyday then? -dave

[2001-05-29 09:47:00] - ati giving nvidia a run for its money? what do ya think? -dave

[2001-05-29 09:44:00] - I gotta go pick up some forms to get my security badge so I won't be posting for a bit, ttyl everybody. -paul

[2001-05-29 09:43:00] - aaron: If I wanted to do something different, it was up to me to do it or speak up and I didn't it wasn't your fault at all -paul

[2001-05-29 09:42:00] - aaron: Don't worry about it, I really didn't mind you playing DDR, it was my fault for not doing anything else. I would rather you do what you wanted to do then try to please me -paul

[2001-05-29 09:40:00] - dave: Feminists everywhere were outraged and demanded that college newspapers refuse to run the ad, saying it was sexist and sets back women's rights -paul

[2001-05-29 09:40:00] - aaron: hehe, we all know how forthcoming paul is with saying what he wants to do = ) -dave

[2001-05-29 09:39:00] - dave: I agree about the CT thing, but stuff like that has already happened, check out this ad taken out by women: -paul

[2001-05-29 09:38:00] - aaron: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that I didn't want you to play DDR anymore, I just wanted to do something other then watch you play but I was too lazy to do anything -paul

[2001-05-29 09:38:00] - It makes me feel really bad now, that you said you had a bad time. That's what I was trying to avoid by constantly asking you what you wanted to do, and when you wanted to leave - aaron

[2001-05-29 09:37:00] - dave: I highly doubt it, but there are lots of articles like that on the internet and some books that cover the same stuff. -paul

[2001-05-29 09:37:00] - Paul: If I had known that you didn't want me to play DDR any more at KD last week I would have been more than willing to do something else. I asked you many many times if you wanted to do something else, you never spoke up - aaron

[2001-05-29 09:36:00] - hehe, you know, it would have been fun to see those in the collegiate times and then see the response they got -dave

[2001-05-29 09:35:00] - some newspaper or somethin' ? -dave

[2001-05-29 09:34:00] - dave: I have more, an entire week's worth of entries, one a day. If you want to know more, I have some books that you absolutely must read. They are so enlightening -paul

[2001-05-29 09:32:00] - is there anyplace you can send articles like that to try to get them published? -dave

[2001-05-29 09:32:00] - paul: great entry about feminism. it should be saved for posterity -dave

[2001-05-29 09:18:00] - ew, "treu" was suppose to be "true", it's not some weird french word -paul

[2001-05-29 09:16:00] - dave: Treu, I guess what I meant to say is that I believe that a lot (nearly all) of feminist beliefs (everything they say about men having it better then women) is wrong -paul

[2001-05-29 09:14:00] - aaron: -paul

[2001-05-29 09:13:00] - hehe, couldn't you say that there isn't anyone out there who isn't wrong about one of their beliefs? -dave

[2001-05-29 09:12:00] - paul, where is your journal? - aaron

[2001-05-29 09:10:00] - For the record, I do know that I am overgeneralizing but I don't think there is a feminist out there who isn't wrong about one of her beliefs -paul

[2001-05-29 09:05:00] - vinnie: Unfortunately I am pretty sure that's something I tend to do in my writings because it's so much easier to write "feminists" then "most feminists" -paul

[2001-05-29 09:00:00] - just be careful not to overgeneralize feminists, paul. you may see some backlash :) - vinnie

[2001-05-29 08:59:00] - vinnie: Thanks, glad you liked. Believe me, though, you ain't seen nothing yet. I was shocked by some of the things I found out about feminists -paul

[2001-05-29 08:58:00] - dave: thanks, I got it now. Thanks to Vinnie too. And Adrian, yes, I like the new quotes. -paul

[2001-05-29 08:55:00] - instead of using a uniquote :) - vinnie

[2001-05-29 08:54:00] - paul: interesting journal entry. i had always had my doubts about the gender wage gap, and your thoughts seem to confirm what i had expected - vinnie

[2001-05-29 08:53:00] - i've got a vague idea but i'm not totally clear on it -dave

[2001-05-29 08:53:00] - "smart quotes" means adrian's program recognizes open quotes and close quotes and changes them appropriately - vinnie

[2001-05-29 08:52:00] - could someone explain what exactly a proxy server is? -dave

[2001-05-29 08:52:00] - dave: you are correct - vinnie

[2001-05-29 08:50:00] - mig: did you ever say how you lost a shoe? That's pretty odd -dave

[2001-05-29 08:50:00] - i could be totally wrong and babbling about something i know nothing about though -dave

[2001-05-29 08:49:00] - like right there it was the old quotation mark i think. whereas if you do "bleh" they do the new quotes -dave

[2001-05-29 08:48:00] - paul: i'm not positive, but i think adrian changed the style of the " as a punctuation mark -dave

[2001-05-29 08:42:00] - vinnie: What are "smart quotes"? -paul

[2001-05-29 08:37:00] - paul: adrian means "smart quotes" - vinnie

[2001-05-29 08:27:00] - Does anybody want to see Shrek tonight (or sometime this week)? -paul

[2001-05-29 06:50:00] - great article.  my dad, the nt system administrator, will love it :)  how did you lose a shoe?  ~a

[2001-05-29 00:17:00] -,4164,2766045,00.html funny! - mig

[2001-05-29 00:12:00] - staind and live gave really good performaces, though, albiet short ones. - mig

[2001-05-28 23:50:00] - i still have to say it was the worst hfstival i've been to so far. - mig

[2001-05-28 23:50:00] - man, what a day.  turned out to be not as bad as i thought, but i lost a shoe.  - mig

[2001-05-28 22:56:00] -

[2001-05-28 20:28:00] - a: What new quotes? -paul

[2001-05-28 19:46:00] - do you guys like the new "quotes" or do you think i should get rid of them?  ~a

[2001-05-28 17:46:00] -

[2001-05-28 13:25:00] - you wouldn't feel that way because the article said circuit city has joined "a growing list of companies that have instituted the policy amid pressure from politicians." maybe?  :-P  ~a

[2001-05-28 09:02:00] - of course circuit city has the right to do business however it wants, but i can't help but feel that this was pressured in by some outside forces. - mig

[2001-05-28 08:57:00] - oh nm, doesn't affect her either. but still damn you lieberman! - mig

[2001-05-28 08:56:00] - doesn't affect us, but my poor sister is still 17.  damn you joe lieberman! - mig

[2001-05-28 07:00:00] - wildest night ever  ~a

[2001-05-28 06:54:00] - and who needs sleep anyways?  ~a

[2001-05-28 06:54:00] - *yawn* 7am.  ~a

[2001-05-28 06:02:00] - some random friends and i started up a collective blog where we basically write things that make no sense... it's an ongoing project.  start here: - katie

[2001-05-28 03:03:00] - *yawn* 3am. - katie

[2001-05-27 14:29:00] - if i use a name based virtual host in conjunction with ssl it crashes children of apache  >:o  ~a

[2001-05-27 13:24:00] - have fun at the hfstival  ~a

[2001-05-27 13:24:00] - "[warn]  Init: You should not use name-based virtual hosts in conjunction with SSL!!"  ~a

[2001-05-27 12:17:00] - pierce, what time do you think you're going to get to rfk tomorrow? - mig

[2001-05-27 00:13:00] - and i don't think when they said "golden rule", i think they were referring to the other version of it. - mig

[2001-05-27 00:11:00] - well, looks like people who signed up with earthlink dsl got fucked. - mig

[2001-05-26 20:10:00] - does anyone know why ssl won't let you use virtual serving?  ~a

[2001-05-26 19:22:00] -  ~a

[2001-05-26 19:05:00] - all blogspot links are broken for me

[2001-05-26 19:05:00] - what happened to blogspot? email me about it. thanks. -jdb

[2001-05-26 14:37:00] - in the end, it's just kind of frightening - katie

[2001-05-26 11:46:00] - yeah i found a quote on slashdot that was rather funny - "imagine that - playing the music listeners want to hear instead of the tripe the record giants have preselected for everyone." - mig

[2001-05-26 04:39:00] - it's 4:30am, and i can't sleep :P - katie

[2001-05-26 04:38:00] - here it seems like the media is getting pissed because they don't like the idea of the society having the upper hand. - katie

[2001-05-26 04:37:00] - i was thinking earlier that there's this duality of the media being a reflection of society and society also being a reflection of the media.  we're slowly shifting toward the latter, and i'm worried about what's behind the media - katie

[2001-05-26 04:34:00] - translation: they're pissed because listeners can chose to not listen to their particular songs - katie

[2001-05-26 04:33:00] - "The music lobbyist alleges that Launch's licenses... do not allow for the level of interactivity and customization offered by LaunchCast..."

[2001-05-26 04:30:00] - i applied for crappy jobs because i'm between majors and largely unskilled.  the experience i have had (research) is the reason i quit engineering.  - katie

[2001-05-26 00:16:00] -,1902,26690,00.html alright.  now this is getting ridiculous. - mig

[2001-05-25 23:43:00] -

[2001-05-25 23:24:00] - me bored too.  you can only kill hydralisks for so many hours.... - mig

[2001-05-25 21:21:00] - and to top it all off, my parents yell at me because they think i'm not trying to hard to get a job. - mig

[2001-05-25 21:19:00] - and i've been trying to get crappy jobs also.  they don't even seem to have crappy jobs around my area. - mig

[2001-05-25 21:19:00] - don't feel so bad.  i applied for just as many jobs and no one calls back either. - mig

[2001-05-25 21:17:00] - so... insanely... bored.  i applied for 0983019283 jobs, and nobody has called me back. - katie

[2001-05-25 16:39:00] - not like i've blogged recently or anything . . .    -  aba

[2001-05-25 16:38:00] - vinnie: blogspot is moving over to a new server and will be done for a short period of time.  -  aba

[2001-05-25 16:34:00] - the entire focus of the movie was on stupid wishy-washy relationships.  most of the war scenes were inaccurate, and a lot of major issues were sidestepped totally.  it was like titanic, but with more fires and explosions.  blah. - katie

[2001-05-25 16:32:00] - pearl harbor was the worst movie ever.  i just saw it this afternoon. - katie

[2001-05-25 16:26:00] - BTW my record on the face game is 1357.4 pixels, and my most consecutive clicks is 24 :-) - aaron

[2001-05-25 15:39:00] - yeah, but there were links to other services as well.  i think the point in this deal is to get aol preferential treatment. - mig

[2001-05-25 15:33:00] - the funny thing is, weren't there aol links and stuff that came with win98 as well? -dave

[2001-05-25 15:31:00] - i guess microsoft must want netscape out of the picture really bad if they're resorting to this. - mig

[2001-05-25 15:29:00] - well aol owns netscape, and probably uses it as its browser. but i guess not anymore -dave

[2001-05-25 15:28:00] - i guess not anymore. - mig

[2001-05-25 15:25:00] - this is very odd.  isn't netscape the official aol browser??? - mig

[2001-05-25 15:23:00] - and miguel has nothing better to do right now. - mig

[2001-05-25 15:23:00] - just a question, but does anyone know why the cslab is still down.  ugh.  this is so annoying. - mig

[2001-05-25 15:22:00] - sorry = ( dave just doesn't have the posting fortitude to be on top -dave

[2001-05-25 15:21:00] - actually, i would like to see all purple links - vinnie

[2001-05-25 15:20:00] - of course, i can't say i'm much better, being purple -dave

[2001-05-25 15:20:00] - damn, you dave. first to third :( - vinnie

[2001-05-25 15:19:00] - haha, look what i did to your pink vinnie = ) -dave

[2001-05-25 15:18:00] - ack! pink! run for your lives! -dave

[2001-05-25 15:17:00] - well, at least i'm against affirmative action = ) -dave

[2001-05-25 15:17:00] - i'm a racist! -dave

[2001-05-25 15:17:00] - hey hey, pink links abound! :) - vinnie

[2001-05-25 14:52:00] - it's probably the reason why democrats are more popular among minorities and women.  why would they want to join an obviously sexist and racist political platform. - mig

[2001-05-25 14:44:00] - who cares whether they have valid arguments.  just fling around those names and no one will want to support them. -mig

[2001-05-25 14:42:00] - anti-abortion.  well you're obviously hate women.  don't like affirmitive action, well you're obviously a racist.  - mig

[2001-05-25 14:42:00] - yeah, but democrats are really adamant if you don't follow their platform all the way. - mig

[2001-05-25 14:40:00] - conservatives are just more dynamic in general. hence the reason why conservatives want it to rain on election day and keep out all the liberals -dave

[2001-05-25 14:39:00] - i think conservatives are more prone to having strong feelings about their opponents -dave

[2001-05-25 14:39:00] - i think conservatives are more prone to having strong feelings about their opponents -ave

[2001-05-25 14:38:00] - actually i hated gore more, but i'm not a bush supporter either. - mig

[2001-05-25 14:38:00] - boing: oh i dunno. -dave

[2001-05-25 14:37:00] - anyone want to see pearl harbor tonight? - mig

[2001-05-25 14:35:00] - dave: but I suspect that the gore supporters hate bush more than the bush supporters hate gore - boing

[2001-05-25 14:34:00] - i heard pearl harbor was supposed to be like titanic -dave

[2001-05-25 14:33:00] - the main plot of the movie is actually about some love triangle with ben affleck and that girl and some other guy - vinnie

[2001-05-25 14:32:00] - aaron: pearl harbor is way more than fifteen minutes; in fact, it's more than three hours! the action doesn't even start until about an hour, ten minutes in i've read - vinnie

[2001-05-25 14:27:00] - a: what happened to blogspot? - vinnie

[2001-05-25 14:24:00] - dave: that's interesting. perhaps that's the reason behind the seemingly uneven mudslinging :) - vinnie

[2001-05-25 14:23:00] - he said that bush did a lot of little things that the reporters appreciated like giving them better food and coming out and eating with them sometimes -dave

[2001-05-25 14:22:00] - i heard this interview of some famous reporter / media guy, who said that the reporters who followed bush generally liked bush more than the gore reporters liked gore -dave

[2001-05-25 14:21:00] - a week till Baldur's gate 2 expansion comes out -dave

[2001-05-25 14:20:00] - or perhaps the media feel the mudslinging is a good thing, and that's why they play it up? - vinnie

[2001-05-25 14:19:00] - paul: strange, but i seem to agree with you about the mudslinging. even more strange considering i'd figure the media would play it up the other way - vinnie

[2001-05-25 14:18:00] - aaron: ha ha ha, face game is much fun! :) - vinnie

[2001-05-25 14:02:00] - And yeah, I know it sucks that it doesn't work in netscape, but it's just annoying to have to write the code twice so whatever. maybe later I'll rewrite it for netscape but netscape doesn't handle a lot of stuff ie does - aaron

[2001-05-25 14:02:00] - And yeah, I know it sucks that it doesn't work in netscape, but it's just annoying to have to write the code twice so whatever. maybe later I'll rewrite it for netscape but netscape doesn't handle a lot of stuff ie does- aaron

[2001-05-25 14:01:00] - Fractions are intentional, I just did that to be funny. I mean, with gravity and such, the position of the face is tracked more accurately than just to the nearest pixel. I could change that if you wanted - aaron

[2001-05-25 13:51:00] - what a huge pain and waste of the taxpayer's money. everyone has to switch jobs now. appoint new this and that -dave

[2001-05-25 13:50:00] - and everyone has to change offices now! hehe -dave

[2001-05-25 13:50:00] - the majority party gets to control what legislation gets brought up to a certain extent i think -dave

[2001-05-25 13:39:00] - it all comes down to who has the most consistent voters. - mig

[2001-05-25 13:38:00] - esp since miller is voting with the republicans most of the time anyway, why would there be any difference. - mig

[2001-05-25 13:32:00] - i think if nothing else, it creates a lot more work for bush --dave

[2001-05-25 13:32:00] - and is it really true that it won't make that big of a difference if the senate is democrat controlled? -dave

[2001-05-25 13:31:00] - paul: i have no idea which party slings more mud -dave

[2001-05-25 13:18:00] - [7,641.3]  ~a

[2001-05-25 13:17:00] - aaron: I agree with Adrian, your face game will keep me entertained for weeks at work -paul

[2001-05-25 13:17:00] - you probably get fractions because the 1 pixel in the program may not equal 1 pixel on the screen. - mig

[2001-05-25 13:15:00] - a: Your broken search engine is part of a vast left wing conspiracy to keep me and my ideas about vast right wing conspiracies quiet! -paul

[2001-05-25 13:14:00] - ahhh . . . you round to 2 decimal places.  and ie only is bad.  i can't look at this from home?  you should fix that some time.  it is fixable . . . lots of times you need two versions of lots of your code.  ~a

[2001-05-25 13:13:00] - from my observation at least, democrats go for more of the "negative" ads than republicans do during campaign time at least. - mig

[2001-05-25 13:13:00] - aaron:  sometimes i get a fraction of a pixel as my highest jump.  is that inentional?

[2001-05-25 13:12:00] - yaaaaaaaaay praise :-) - aaron

[2001-05-25 13:12:00] - Btw... Internet explorer only :-) - aaron

[2001-05-25 13:11:00] - aaron!  that is sooooooooo cool.  you are really making me want to learn more javascript.  there is no way i could make something nearly that cool!  ~a

[2001-05-25 13:11:00] - I know I am talking to a very biased group right now so this question is directed at everybody else, is it just me or do the democrats really resort to name-calling and mud slinging more then republicans? -paul

[2001-05-25 13:10:00] - I am learning JAVASCRIPT... - aaron

[2001-05-25 13:10:00] - a search for tootin returns paul's conspiracy theory.  ~a

[2001-05-25 13:09:00] - though i also notice that the republicans did a good bit of name calling of their own during the clinton days. - mig

[2001-05-25 13:09:00] - search engine is broken again.  yuck.  no time at work to fix it.  i'll find out what is breaking it this weekend.  ~a

[2001-05-25 13:07:00] - You're darn tootin'. -devin

[2001-05-25 13:06:00] - devin: This message board is part of a vast right-wing conspiracy to discredit President Clinton ;-) -paul

[2001-05-25 13:06:00] - mig: Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought so. I visit the dnc site every week or so and every time I go there the only stories they have is "Bush hates group X, here is why" -paul

[2001-05-25 13:05:00] - I simply won't stand for this ultra-conservative, right-wing rhetoric! -devin

[2001-05-25 13:04:00] - yes, i have to admit that democrats resort to name-calling and demonizing things more than the republicans do. - mig

[2001-05-25 13:01:00] - devin: Of course, otherwise people will complain that they aren't doing enough to stand up to the evil Bush. Besides, they wouldn't be democrats if they didn't fight dirty -paul

[2001-05-25 13:00:00] - devin: Exactly. Government will continue to get bigger. Freedoms will continue to be revoked. Both parties will blame each other -paul

[2001-05-25 12:58:00] - paul: Though I would expect the democrats will probably try and test out their new strength by being a bunch of jerks and randomly killing a few bills. -devin

[2001-05-25 12:57:00] - paul: Well, there would be slight modifications to make the stuff more, erm, in-line with the democratic platform and whatnot, but in the end the changes should only be fairly slight. -devin

[2001-05-25 12:57:00] - when in reality, all it is going to mean is that we spend an extra million dollars or so on education and a few million less on defense or something equally small and inconsequential -paul

[2001-05-25 12:55:00] - devin: Yeah, I mean the press is all over this story about how big an event this is and how it will change the kind of legislation the government will enact -paul

[2001-05-25 12:53:00] - 'quite terribly funny, actually. -devin

[2001-05-25 12:47:00] - I think it's funny how the Republicans and democrats are so close ideologically that politicians change parties so often -paul

[2001-05-25 12:42:00] - so much for bipartisan unity i guess. - mig

[2001-05-25 12:41:00] - hmmm... all these politic wars.  so silly. - mig

[2001-05-25 12:34:00] - dave: Boing is right, from what I heard Georgia Senator Miller has voted with the republicans a lot since Bush has gotten in office and the democrats aren't happy with him -paul

[2001-05-25 12:32:00] - but I doubt it'll happen - boing

[2001-05-25 12:32:00] - I think it would be a good kick in the nuts to the democrats if miller switched to republican... that would give the republicans the advantage since jefferds just became independent - boing

[2001-05-25 12:31:00] - from what I heard there was a georgia democratic senator named miller or something who was rumored to be considering a switch - boing

[2001-05-25 12:18:00] - at least he would be the perfect candidate for doing that, i would think. - mig

[2001-05-25 12:16:00] - maybe it was lieberman :) - mig

[2001-05-25 12:02:00] - i was talking to someone yesterday, and they said that some democratic senator was thinking of changing to republican? i hadn't heard anything along those lines. anyone else heard anything? -dave

[2001-05-25 11:54:00] - course there's a minor difference between the two =  ) -dave

[2001-05-25 11:54:00] - then again, who woulda thought that microsoft was going to keep from being split up? -dave

[2001-05-25 11:54:00] - mig: i know that napster hasn't totally lost the case, but for all intents and purposes they have -dave

[2001-05-25 11:27:00] - my house! 8-) - aaron

[2001-05-25 11:20:00] - aaron: ok, sounds good to me. your house, though :D - vinnie

[2001-05-25 11:15:00] - aaron: ok, cool. That's what I was looking for -paul

[2001-05-25 11:08:00] - Yeah just figure out how to set up combos and stuff, your skills in one game will definitely carry over to any other puyo puyo game - aaron

[2001-05-25 11:06:00] - More like, if they maybe added like the "pokeball" blocks in PPL... Yeah, I guess if that's what you meant. But remember the original Tetris Attack had the "crash" blocks which did the same thing - aaron

[2001-05-25 10:55:00] - aaron: Oh, I see. But as long as you practice in one-player mode in one game it's not going to be radically different in another game. Just the addition of stuff like pokeballs in PPL? -paul

[2001-05-25 10:52:00] - Each game generally adds a new set of rules also - In Puyo Puyo 2 they added garbage-countering, in 3 they added sun-puyos, in 4 they added special attacks - aaron

[2001-05-25 10:51:00] - aaron: Are all puyo puyo games basically the same except with different characters and graphics? -paul

[2001-05-25 10:50:00] - Vinnie, we should get together tonight, I taped Drew's line last night and I still have to give you your DVD's and I have a bunch of adam ant cd's you have heard too - aaron

[2001-05-25 10:44:00] - Puyo PUyo SUn 64 is out in Japan I think... But yeah, puyo puyo clones haven't come out for anything past SNES/genesis in the states.... - aaron

[2001-05-25 10:42:00] - if there's one for playstation, i may pick it up - vinnie

[2001-05-25 10:41:00] - if only there was a puyo for n64... - vinnie

[2001-05-25 10:40:00] - Yeah I know. Puzzle fighting games are way more fun when you have someone to play with, so for that reason I have more fun playing tetris attack than puyo puyo. If I had someone to puyo with that would probably change - aaron

[2001-05-25 10:39:00] - a: Whoops, a bit too late with that comment, sorry. I see your answer now. -paul

[2001-05-25 10:39:00] - yeah, i definitely do. but in terms of skill level, we are much more even in tetris attack than puyo puyo - vinnie

[2001-05-25 10:38:00] - a: so if there is no way to prove intent, then companies shouldn't be held responsible for stuff people do with their products and services? -paul

[2001-05-25 10:38:00] - Yeah, it's too bad puyo puyo's not coming to the states but it's nothing new :-/ Ah well - aaron

[2001-05-25 10:37:00] - paul:  yes  ~a

[2001-05-25 10:37:00] - WOW! I didn't know you liked Puyo Puyo more than Tetris Attack, vinnie! :-) That's cool - aaron

[2001-05-25 10:36:00] - mig:  "17710 - 5-25-01 10:08a"  ~a

[2001-05-25 10:30:00] - paul: puyo puyo is my favorite puzzle game, though tetris attack is nearly as good - vinnie

[2001-05-25 10:29:00] - vinnie: I've never played columns before, but I've always thought Puyo Puyo looked like a cool puzzle game and had it been on gameboy I might have bought it -paul

[2001-05-25 10:27:00] - paul: i'm glad they acknowledge puyo puyo's superiority to columns - vinnie

[2001-05-25 10:26:00] - that's the problem though, there is no way to prove that. - mig

[2001-05-25 10:26:00] - Sorry Aaron :'( -paul

[2001-05-25 10:25:00] - a: So if somebody could prove that AIMster was intended to distribute copyrighted songs and child porn, they should be shut down? -paul

[2001-05-25 10:24:00] - but going back to scour, they are claiming that the service is coming back soon, though they've been saying it for awhile. - mig

[2001-05-25 10:24:00] - perhaps let the person's name in each message link to a change dialog that prompts for pass? - vinnie

[2001-05-25 10:23:00] - and if there is nothing illegal about selling the product (i.e. guns), then why should the company be held responsible for it? - mig

[2001-05-25 10:23:00] - don't know how you want to implement changing messages though - vinnie

[2001-05-25 10:22:00] - dave:  and again, for the record, napster hasn't "lost" yet.  they still have to go to court.  the judge merely granted the riaa an injuntion while the case is going to court. - mig

[2001-05-25 10:22:00] - a: i think being able to correct messages is a great idea - vinnie

[2001-05-25 10:21:00] - dave:  for the record, scour shut down because they went bankrupt, not tbecause the riaa shut them down. - mig

[2001-05-25 10:21:00] - no.  obviously not.  since you can use anything as a tool to commit an illegal act, you can't hold companies accountable for what their products are used for.  you have to hold the accountable for what they intened their products to be used for.  ~a

[2001-05-25 10:21:00] - re: changing messages: how about adding a little suffix 'c' after the message if it was changed? the 'c' would link to the original message - vinnie

[2001-05-25 10:13:00] - a: So do you think companies should be held accountable for what people use their services or products for? -paul

[2001-05-25 10:08:00] - the issue is the "probably".  there is almost no way to prove intent.  ~a

[2001-05-25 10:08:00] - Exactly, which is why I don't think you can hold companies accountable for what people do with their products (or services) -paul

[2001-05-25 10:08:00] - i think the difference is when the company intends the use of the tool for the commit the illegal act then the company is at fault.  ie (probably) was not intended (by microsoft) to be used as a tool for port to children.  ~a

[2001-05-25 10:05:00] - anything can be used as a tool to commit an illegal act.  ~a

[2001-05-25 10:04:00] - and car manufacturers.  and pencil manufacturers.  and anyone who sells anything.  ~a

[2001-05-25 10:03:00] - there should be a way to fix a message you have posted but also a way to see what the original message said.  anyone agree?  ~a

[2001-05-25 10:03:00] - Using their argument, I could sue Microsoft because their browser is used in the transmission of porn to underage children every day -paul

[2001-05-25 10:02:00] - I think it works right, the argument the RIAA is using is that companies should be responsible with what people do with the service (or product) offered -paul

[2001-05-25 09:59:00] - doesn't sound -dave

[2001-05-25 09:59:00] - for some reason that doesn't sounds like a palatable analogy, but i guess it fits -dave

[2001-05-25 09:44:00] - If gun manufacturers can be held responsible for people using guns to kill people then napster and aimster should be held responsible for people trading stuff illegally over their services -paul

[2001-05-25 09:38:00] - to shut down, run them out of money for legal expenses, or just hope the courts see in their favor - vinnie

[2001-05-25 09:37:00] - dave: i think the responsibility is in the hands of the person tranferring the file. but since it seems incredibly difficult to charge everyone who has downloaded songs they don't own, it's much easier to sue Napster in hopes that they can scare them

[2001-05-25 09:35:00] - i should buy some just because they used my name - vinnie

[2001-05-25 09:33:00] - hurray for vinnie batteries = )  -dave

[2001-05-25 09:31:00] - a: vinnie batteries? how odd :) - vinnie

[2001-05-25 09:28:00] - battery  ~a

[2001-05-25 09:27:00] - there is a batterie company called vinnie.  ~a

[2001-05-25 09:22:00] -

[2001-05-25 09:21:00] -

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