here are old message board entries
prev <->
2001-05-30 15:52:00] -
mig: hispanic-american heritage month is not just a normal month. it spans two months, from september 15 to october 15
- vinnie
2001-05-30 15:51:00] - I guess he works for the KKK :-o
2001-05-30 15:51:00] - no wait, that was the
end and destruction of crazy nazi's ...
- dewey
2001-05-30 15:51:00] -
vinnie: I guess you're right then, so why do they even bother sticking the pacific in there?
2001-05-30 15:51:00] - dvd-drive? damn! what the hell do you do for your work??
- vinnie
2001-05-30 15:50:00] - we just had a holiday celebrating "white male" power on Monday
- dewey
2001-05-30 15:50:00] -
dewey: I want your computer. Do I have permission to use your letter in my journal?
2001-05-30 15:49:00] - how can they expect me to be productive?
- dewey
2001-05-30 15:49:00] -
and, btw, i believe you're wrong. on one website devoted to apa month, they list deepak chopra as a famous apa
- vinnie
2001-05-30 15:49:00] -
vinnie: gotcha
2001-05-30 15:48:00] - I like my new computer they gave me here at work. It has a DVD drive and an infa-red mouse
- dewey
2001-05-30 15:47:00] -
mig: I'm sure it would be easy enough to find out when it is
2001-05-30 15:47:00] - i meant asian/pacific islander, paul
- vinnie
2001-05-30 15:47:00] - hooray for paul! good journal. I sent a letter, and I will probably be posting that letter to my journal, but look forward to reading yours!
- dewey
2001-05-30 15:46:00] -
vinnie: Even pacific islander excludes India, doesn't it?
2001-05-30 15:44:00] -
paul: hmmm, you're probably right. i assumed it was short for asian pacific islander, but it could be referring to asian countries bordering the pacific
- vinnie
2001-05-30 15:44:00] - i guess i'm the only one who would celebrate hispanic month, or whatever it's called ... except i don't because i don't know what month it is.
- mig
2001-05-30 15:44:00] -
vinnie: Fine fine, there's nothing more invigorating then pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?
2001-05-30 15:43:00] -
paul: hmmm, you
2001-05-30 15:41:00] -
vinnie: You and Aparna don't count, it's asian pacific heritage month. India is asian indian (as in the ocean) heritage month
2001-05-30 15:40:00] - and i'm pretty sure if someone came up with the idea, it would be shot down as "racist".
- mig
2001-05-30 15:40:00] - so your statement was wrooong
- vinnie
2001-05-30 15:39:00] -
paul: mig is right. there is no month for white american heritage, i would guess
- vinnie
2001-05-30 15:39:00] -
mig: Better yet, a "white male" month
2001-05-30 15:38:00] -
dave: yeah! you, aparna, and i need to celebrate!
- vinnie
2001-05-30 15:37:00] -
aba: Shush you, I am trying to keep up on the message board, respond to two letters and start on the next article. Besides, 'n' and 'c' are close on the keyboard...
2001-05-30 15:37:00] -
gee, i wonder what a ruckus there would be if someone declared a "white history" month?
- mig
2001-05-30 15:37:00] - hurray! we have a month! lol
2001-05-30 15:35:00] -
atlactic, eh?
- aba
2001-05-30 15:31:00] -
vinnie: there is a month for everything. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a north/south/east/west/atlactic/pacific mongolian sheep farmer month
2001-05-30 15:27:00] - i didn't even know there was an asian/pacific american month, but apparently it's may
- vinnie
2001-05-30 15:27:00] - and actually i think wizards own virtually all the gaming systems. i know they own, pokemon, d&d, magic, star wars(the games, not the franchise), among others.
- mig
2001-05-30 15:26:00] - i hope so. it would help in enlarging my D&D library.
- mig
2001-05-30 15:24:00] -
2001-05-30 15:23:00] -
paul: i totally agree. the californians largely dug their own grave
- vinnie
2001-05-30 15:22:00] -
aba: The company that makes Magic: The Gathering (the card game). They've opened up a chain of stores that sells all sorts of games, it's a cool place.
2001-05-30 15:21:00] -
mig: Sweet, that looks like a nice store to work in. Do you get employee discounts?
2001-05-30 15:17:00] - what is wizards of the coast?
- aba
2001-05-30 15:13:00] - whoo! looks like wizards of the coast at springfield is hiring!
- mig
2001-05-30 15:08:00] - ihateyou has finally been updated.
- aba
2001-05-30 15:07:00] - What I think is funny, is that the people there are demanding price caps (for cheaper power), no more new power plants (environmental concerns) and more power (since they have a shortage)
2001-05-30 15:06:00] - and somehow during this whole mess, they decided to blame "deregulation", which as far as I can tell, the california government was doing quite the opposite of deregulation
2001-05-30 15:05:00] - They then wouldn't let the power companies build more power plants because of environmental concerns. I don't know why they were shocked when power companies started going bankrupt and they started having power shortages
2001-05-30 15:04:00] - As far as I can tell, the california government mandated that all power companies had to sell power at a certain price which was cheaper then it cost to produce it.
2001-05-30 14:58:00] -
mig: If you want to know what is going on, I suggest you ignore the media. They like to blame deregulation for the mess when in fact, it's just the opposite
2001-05-30 14:43:00] - At least there's a workaround, more than I can say for most netscape bugs I have encountered.
- aaron
2001-05-30 14:43:00] - i am working on a javascript thing for a registration website and ie doesn't like the reserved keyword called "undefined." it is just ie being stupid.
2001-05-30 14:29:00] - i never really understood what was going on in california. all i know is that it's confusing.
- mig
2001-05-30 14:19:00] - does anyone know offhand where i could find an RS232 to RS422 converter? preferably in a pcmcia card
2001-05-30 14:18:00] -
adrian: haha, how on earth did you get that error?
2001-05-30 14:18:00] - Holy shit, Bush said something intelligent (in regards to the first paragraph)
2001-05-30 14:16:00] - 'undefined' is undefined
2001-05-30 14:15:00] - ###/pics/download/22.gif
2001-05-30 14:09:00] - with most extreme feminists, yes
- vinnie
2001-05-30 14:07:00] -
dave: I would take that a step further. I think the extreme feminists are trying to solve real problems by hurting men while still ignoring the areas where they have the advantage
2001-05-30 14:04:00] -
dave: that's my problem with the extreme feminists as well
- vinnie
2001-05-30 14:03:00] - and i think the feminist movement tries to solve one end without dealing with the other. well, that's not exactly what it's trying to do, but you get my point
2001-05-30 14:02:00] -
vinnie: Sorry, I don't think they make it possible. They give you very elaborate instructions on how to download it though.
2001-05-30 14:01:00] - like women had to stay home and cook etc, but they also got the perogative to smack their husband whenever they wanted
2001-05-30 14:00:00] - in part, i think that all the little things like that which benefit women were put in place because women also got the bad side of things as well.
2001-05-30 14:00:00] - here's a weird one though a little offtopic: i hear of women driven to lesbianism because of their hatred of males, but no men driven to homosexuality because of their hatred of women
- vinnie
2001-05-30 14:00:00] - if you have i.e. than you should be able to. but personally i really hate their adobe acrobat plug-in.
- mig
2001-05-30 14:00:00] -
mig: I agree whole-heartedly. A lot of militant feminists have turned feminism into a huge male-bashing organization to the point where it has become politically correct
2001-05-30 13:59:00] -
paul: do I really have to download it? I want to view it in my browser
- vinnie
2001-05-30 13:59:00] -
mig: very true
2001-05-30 13:59:00] -
mig: very true
2001-05-30 13:54:00] - another thing i've noticed. it also seems accepted in this society for women to declare that they hate men. however if a man proclaims that he hates women, he is somehow an evil person.
- mig
2001-05-30 13:54:00] - I urge you to get through the whole thing if you are going to read it though, because it does tend to drag at points but there are some relly good points made in it
2001-05-30 13:54:00] -
paul: i dunno if i would go so far as to say guys get the rough end of the deal. i just think women get it better
2001-05-30 13:52:00] -
vinnie: yeah, that sounds much better
2001-05-30 13:52:00] - It's a short little booklet that makes some really good points about society being against men (although I don't agree with everything he says)
2001-05-30 13:51:00] - probably masculism, or masculinism
- vinnie
2001-05-30 13:51:00] - If you guys are bored enough, go check out and download the pdf file there
2001-05-30 13:50:00] - somehow starting a chauvinist movement doesn't sound right, lol
2001-05-30 13:50:00] -
dave: The closest you can get is "men's liberation" I think.
2001-05-30 13:49:00] - malinism?
2001-05-30 13:49:00] -
mig: Exactly, feminists always like to proclaim how there is this patriarchy oppressing them when in reality, society gives women a lot more rights then they give men
2001-05-30 13:49:00] - feminists like to call it chuvenism(i know it's misspelled.)
- mig
2001-05-30 13:49:00] - what would the male equivalent of feminism be? malism?
2001-05-30 13:44:00] - I think society has basically beaten it into men (no pun intended) that hitting a female is wrong. It's been that way for over 100 years. On the other hand, society seems to applaud it when females hit men because that's the way it is
2001-05-30 13:43:00] - physical = physically
2001-05-30 13:43:00] - i would think that more important issue in domestic violence, is that it is far more acceptable for women to physical abuse men, while the other way around is not.
- mig
2001-05-30 13:40:00] -
dave: *Shrug* I always thought it made a lot of sense, for some reason I always saw women as being more violent and aggressive then men...
2001-05-30 13:33:00] - your point
2001-05-30 13:33:00] -
paul: i thought that your point about women abusing men more than men abusing women was very interesting. at first i was a little incredulous, but aparna showed me a quote that corroborated you point
2001-05-30 13:18:00] -
Ok, I guess it's kind of pointless to keep it a secret who is sending me emails huh? Tell you what, let me know in your emails if you want me to keep you anonymous and if you don't want me to post the letter in my journal.
2001-05-30 13:11:00] - you can post my response if you really want, but don't feel obliged to post it
- vinnie
2001-05-30 13:11:00] -
paul: hehe, it's not as if anyone who is going to read your journal doesn't know that the letter was from aparna
2001-05-30 13:10:00] -
mig: good luck with the job
2001-05-30 12:45:00] - Oh! To those people who have sent me emails (first of all, thanks. I love getting feedback and answering questions): Please let me know if I can post your email in my journal or if you would rather receive a private email back with my answers
2001-05-30 12:28:00] -
aba: "Raving lunatic" coming from you I'll take that as a compliment.
2001-05-30 12:19:00] - time to break out the phone book!
- mig
2001-05-30 12:18:00] -
ugh.. potomac mills is wayyyyyy too far. however, i will try the other ebs around the area.
- mig
2001-05-30 12:13:00] - you
can put my name on your page if you want to.
- aba
2001-05-30 12:12:00] - i sent you another email.
- aba
2001-05-30 12:12:00] - raving lunatic.
- aba
2001-05-30 12:01:00] -
mig: Indeed, The EB at Potomac Mills. I was shopping in there and some kids came in and asked if they were hiring. The employee said they were always looking for people to hire and gave them forms to fill out
2001-05-30 12:00:00] -
a: I'm funny looking?
2001-05-30 11:59:00] - oh and paul: aparna said that you said that there was an EB that was looking for people to hire, do you remember which one it was?
- mig
2001-05-30 11:56:00] - new lengthy entry up if you all care. more libretarian propaganda for you.
- mig
2001-05-30 11:29:00] - you can ftp to any of the following. it doesn't really matter which. they are all the same.,,,,, (etc etc)
2001-05-30 11:21:00] -
paul: according to pricewatch, you can get a kyro 2 for around $130 shipping included. not bad considering it beat out a Geforce 2 Ultra in a few tests.
2001-05-30 11:18:00] - is it really called a "hate filter" that's pretty funny
2001-05-30 11:16:00] - The page was in german, perhaps that confused the hate filter
- aaron
2001-05-30 11:14:00] - how could you filter anything other than specific words?
2001-05-30 11:09:00] -
vinnie: There's a lot of hate in my journal
2001-05-30 11:07:00] -
2001-05-30 11:05:00] -
aaron: i would guess the hate filter screens for bad words or something. or maybe like paul said, if your page has too much hatred
- vinnie
2001-05-30 10:44:00] -
There, now I actually answer that damn question that I posed but never answered
2001-05-30 10:42:00] -
aaron: It's my journal isn't it?
2001-05-30 10:41:00] -
dammit, I need to edit something in that entry, sorry
2001-05-30 10:36:00] -
hmm, saic has a "hate filter"? which is keeping me from viewing somebody's journal online. Strange. I'll see what it is when I get home I guess
- aaron
2001-05-30 10:32:00] - 30 eh? well i'll have to keep that in mind when i get that +20 to all skills ring, lol
2001-05-30 10:28:00] -
2001-05-30 10:20:00] -
dave: All right, I'll take a look at it
2001-05-30 10:19:00] - you can't have a base skill greater than 20. you can have bonuses but hte cap for that is 30.
- mig
2001-05-30 10:18:00] - New journal entry up if you all are bored
2001-05-30 10:10:00] -
paul: here's the guide i'm reading. it's very good and thorough as well -dave
2001-05-30 10:03:00] -
dave: Really? I didn't know that. That's useful infromation
2001-05-30 09:58:00] -
paul: did you know that multiple "fastest hit recovery" or "fastest cast rate" items can stack their bonuses?
2001-05-30 09:57:00] - mostly coherent i would say
2001-05-30 09:49:00] - I have a question to ask you guys, I'm hoping I come across as logical sounding in my journal entries but I can't tell. Do I sound like a raving lunatic or am I mostly coherent?
2001-05-30 09:38:00] -
dave: I think you can raise a skill higher then 20 actually....
2001-05-30 09:27:00] -
paul: and is it true that you cannot raise a skill beyond a base of 20?
2001-05-30 09:27:00] -
paul: i was reading some d2 info on the sorceress, and one of the reasons we may have had problems with frozen orb, is that you have to aim it to the side of a char if you want to hit it
2001-05-30 09:25:00] -
paul: i would write you a letter responding to your journal, but most everything i would say you said. if you want more feedback from me, pick something that i disagree with you on = )
2001-05-30 09:24:00] -
vinnie: nope. sound plays ok
2001-05-30 09:12:00] - and you're not having any problems with sound, i take it?
- vinnie
2001-05-30 09:12:00] -
paul: here's a link for kyro 2 -dave
2001-05-30 09:11:00] -
paul: hercules / guillemot sells the card. called the 3d prophet 4500
2001-05-30 09:06:00] - same size as the vcd files
2001-05-30 09:06:00] -
vinnie: yeah, i couldn't get it to work. although i'm still not totally clear on the divx thing. because i think divx is in part what allows vcd's to get their mediocre quality. and the mpeg files i'm getting are almost exactly the same size as
2001-05-30 09:05:00] -
dave: I haven't read anything at all about the Kyro 2, I don't even know what company is releasing it. Is it ATI?
2001-05-30 09:04:00] -
vinnie: yeah, as far as i can tell
2001-05-30 09:04:00] - sucks that you can't convert to divx though
- vinnie
2001-05-30 09:03:00] -
dave: cool. same quality?
- vinnie
2001-05-30 09:00:00] -
vinnie: i've been converting kenshin vcd's to mpeg files. i think i might be able to fit them onto cd's with the same episode to cd ratio as the vcd's
2001-05-30 08:59:00] -
paul: so what do you think of the kyro 2?
2001-05-30 08:54:00] -
dave: I don't think it's necessarily faster (although it might be) but I think the big thing is it takes the load off the cpu so the cpu can do more important things like calculation for physics and stuff
2001-05-30 08:53:00] -
vinnie: thanks
2001-05-30 08:53:00] - thx for the reminder
2001-05-30 08:52:00] -
oooooo, journal entry. must read
2001-05-30 08:52:00] - is T&L processing really much faster when it's done on the video card as opposed to the CPU?
2001-05-30 08:51:00] -
- vinnie
2001-05-30 08:51:00] -
dave: Yes, please do. I need another letter to respond to rather then write up new stuff
2001-05-30 08:50:00] -
vinnie: Ok, thanks. I guess I can find out his IP. Not too important right now, it's just that I wanted to ftp an html doc for people to view
2001-05-30 08:50:00] -
dave: write a response to paul's journal entry if you want something to do
- vinnie
2001-05-30 08:49:00] - i hate it when there's no work to do = (
2001-05-30 08:47:00] - which I don't know, honestly. it starts with 24
- vinnie
2001-05-30 08:47:00] -
paul: just his ip
- vinnie
2001-05-30 08:18:00] -
a: But what am I suppose to ftp to?
2001-05-30 07:27:00] - by the way, that zip file is only 0.04 mb so you can download it from work.
2001-05-30 00:31:00] - alternatives - cuteftp ( or wsftp (comes on the virginia tech cd)
2001-05-30 00:22:00] -
paul: @@@/
2001-05-30 00:20:00] - - mig
2001-05-29 23:46:00] -
Mmmmm..... webcast of orgy....
2001-05-29 23:31:00] - just to clarify to the sick folks out there. it's orgy the
band - mig
2001-05-29 23:31:00] - webcast of orgy playing. pretty good.
- mig
2001-05-29 17:50:00] -
2001-05-29 17:42:00] - would be quite irritating if that happened here.
- mig
2001-05-29 17:29:00] -
Ok. On an unrelated note, does anybody know how to ftp to vserver so I can put a page on my web-site?
2001-05-29 17:27:00] -
2001-05-29 17:26:00] -
yesr. should probably get there around 7:20 to buy tickets and meet.
- aba
2001-05-29 17:17:00] - So we're meeting at the Lee Highway Multiplex to see Shrek at 7:30?
2001-05-29 17:16:00] -
2001-05-29 16:56:00] -
2001-05-29 16:51:00] - i found a phone number for plannet and talked to adrian really briefly. he said he'd be able to see the movie. yay!
- aba
2001-05-29 16:31:00] - awesome!
- aba
2001-05-29 16:25:00] -
yeah, let's leave it at 7:30 for now. anyone with objections, speak up
- vinnie
2001-05-29 16:15:00] - i say we just stick with 7:30 and hope he can make it. anyone else have an opinion?
- aba
2001-05-29 16:09:00] -
Well, I have to go home now... I'll make sure to check the message board when I get back to see what you guys all settle on. Goodbye everyone
2001-05-29 16:08:00] - i have no clue.
i wish he was responding to email or posting on the board today.
- aba
2001-05-29 16:07:00] -
aba: Do you think he might not be able to make a 7:30 showing? We could make it 8:00 then...
2001-05-29 16:07:00] -
nope. - aba
2001-05-29 16:07:00] -
aba: don't know his number?
- vinnie
2001-05-29 16:06:00] - i wish there was a sure fire way to get in touch with adrian at work.
- aba
2001-05-29 16:04:00] -
7:30 sound good to everyone?
2001-05-29 16:03:00] -
7:30 is good for me too. what say everyone else?
- vinnie
2001-05-29 16:03:00] - either that or the 8
- aba
2001-05-29 16:03:00] -
aba: Thanks for the link, so when would be a good time for Vinnie and Adrian?
2001-05-29 16:02:00] - shrek is showing at 4:30, 5:05, 5:35, 6:25, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:35, 10:05 according to
- vinnie
2001-05-29 16:02:00] - i say we go for the 7:30 show
- aba
2001-05-29 16:02:00] - - aba
2001-05-29 16:01:00] - - aba
2001-05-29 15:59:00] - preferably after 6:45 though. i need to get a haircut and eat dinner, and make it through rush hour traffic
- vinnie
2001-05-29 15:58:00] - and if you decide on a time fast enough, i can go also
- vinnie
2001-05-29 15:58:00] -
paul: i believe it's national amusements
- vinnie
2001-05-29 15:55:00] -
well, actually, if you make it later, adrian might be able to see the movie too.
- aba
2001-05-29 15:47:00] -
mig: I know, but is it national cinemas or general cinemas or Hoyts or what?
2001-05-29 15:46:00] -
vinnie: hehe, yeah, i was actually going to post a message saying something like that too = )
2001-05-29 15:45:00] -
multiplex. - mig
2001-05-29 15:15:00] - Ok then, merrifield it is. Does anybody know what kind of theater it is there?
2001-05-29 15:07:00] - Merrifield or Worldgate is good
- aaron
2001-05-29 14:57:00] - i'd prefer merrifield, but as long as the theater isn't too far away i don't mind.
- mig
2001-05-29 14:44:00] -
mig_and_aaron: What theater is good for you two?
2001-05-29 14:44:00] -
dave: purple links!
- vinnie
2001-05-29 14:37:00] -
6:45 is good for me, we just need to agree on a theatre. (I spelled it funny so that I get to add a word to the dictionary)
- aaron
2001-05-29 14:29:00] - does anyone have a copy of pcanywhere i could try out?
2001-05-29 14:25:00] -
aba: 6:45?
2001-05-29 14:23:00] - Tonight is goooood
- aaron
2001-05-29 14:22:00] -
haha. go paul. i have to go finish up some stuff so i'll talk to you all later. if you decide about the movie, just email me.
- aba
2001-05-29 14:19:00] -
aba: I've already written four paragraphs for the first paragraph of your email
2001-05-29 14:16:00] - what time?
- aba
2001-05-29 14:16:00] - aba and aaron: Is tonight good for you two?
2001-05-29 14:10:00] - I want to go see Shrek this week. Tomorrow 6-7 pm I am busy but other than that, any time this week after work is fine
- aaron
2001-05-29 14:08:00] - Arg netscape, why can't it handle div tags with borders? I really hate netscape
- aaron
2001-05-29 13:59:00] -
frankly, i think most sects don't care ultimately as long as you give them money.
- mig
2001-05-29 13:48:00] -
argh. my email.
- aba
2001-05-29 13:47:00] - and now i'm kind of scared as to what paul is going to do with me email.
- aba
2001-05-29 13:47:00] - anytime in the evening is fine with me as long as you tell me in advance.
- aba
2001-05-29 13:39:00] - i dunno if i can name any as famous as billy graham
2001-05-29 13:38:00] - James Dobson (head of Focus on the Family)
2001-05-29 13:37:00] -
paul: modern day christians?
2001-05-29 13:31:00] -
dave: Billy Graham is famous televangelist right? Can you gimme some other famous christians like that?
2001-05-29 12:59:00] -
paul: ok, i look forward to reading it
2001-05-29 12:59:00] -
dave: Ok, thanks. I think that'll work for my analogy
2001-05-29 12:58:00] - believing that you are a sinner and trusting in jesus for forgiveness of those sins etc etc is the essential part. i don't think you can say a christian has to do anything else
2001-05-29 12:58:00] -
dave: Ok, that'll do. And I am going to post her letter in my next journal entry if you want to see what I was wrong about
2001-05-29 12:56:00] -
paul: it's just like daily devotions or prayer. should christians have daily devotions etc? yes they should. do i think you can be a christian without doing those? yes
2001-05-29 12:55:00] -
paul: most people believe that if you are a christian, you should go to church. it's not a necessity though
2001-05-29 12:53:00] -
aba: what points, if any, did you think were not valid in paul's little writing on the wage thing?
2001-05-29 12:52:00] - I mean, I know belief in Jesus is what really counts but a real christian is suppose to go to church every week, right?
2001-05-29 12:51:00] -
dave: really? I thought in order to be a good upstanding christian you were suppose to go to church
2001-05-29 12:51:00] - but just because they don't go to church does not mean that they are not a christian
2001-05-29 12:50:00] -
however, if someone claims to be a christian and does not go to church, i would want to know why
2001-05-29 12:50:00] -
mig: Ok, so basically most sects of christianity want people to come every week, is that a good assumption?
2001-05-29 12:50:00] - there is no requirement per se that requires a christian to go to church
2001-05-29 12:42:00] - like i know catholism considers it a moral sin to not attend church, but i think it's different for each different division of chrisitianity. i think they all frown upon not going though.
- mig
2001-05-29 12:42:00] - i think the ramifications are different for each church division i think
- mig
2001-05-29 12:38:00] -
dave: Is it a safe assumption to say that all christians are required to go to church every week?
2001-05-29 12:21:00] - name the time and place, and it should be ok for me.
- mig
2001-05-29 12:20:00] - mig and aba: So far you two are the only people interested in going, when is a good day and time for you guys?
2001-05-29 12:03:00] -
sure. - aba
2001-05-29 12:02:00] - I posted this before but I think it got lost in the early morning shuffle, does anybody want to see Shrek tonight or sometime this week?
2001-05-29 11:54:00] - uh oh...
2001-05-29 11:47:00] - i think i remember a teacher telling the class about it but i never saw it in the paper.
- img
2001-05-29 11:46:00] - and actually the guy ran up to me and then took my shoe off.
- mig
2001-05-29 11:46:00] -
paul, i sent you a rather lengthy email to your vt account.
- aba
2001-05-29 11:45:00] - i guess i'm not the only one who hates the beastie boys.
- mig
2001-05-29 11:45:00] - and almost everyone left after staind finished(i did too), which was pathetic, since there was one more act playing.
- mig
2001-05-29 11:44:00] - yeah i know, i didn't think that was cool of them. if weezer was coming they should have played for everyone.
- mig
2001-05-29 11:44:00] - i'm surprised i never heard about it though, considering all the press it had received
- vinnie
2001-05-29 11:43:00] - that guy's best buy story is interesting, but it's not finished! I need closure
- vinnie
2001-05-29 11:39:00] - Other than that, though, how was the hfstival? I heard weezer was actually playing in some nearby private concert or something, that sucks
- aaron
2001-05-29 11:36:00] - Anybody know why Netscape has to redownload the message board page every time you resize the window? That seems really weird
- aaron
2001-05-29 11:35:00] - Alex Barrie says, "maybe it's because you kicked him in the head. you shouldn't wear shoes when crowd surfing"
- aaron
2001-05-29 11:27:00] - i lost my shoe when i was crowd surfing and some asshole just took it off my foot and then threw it into the crowd. what a dickhead.
- mig
2001-05-29 11:27:00] - That guy's story also is a good example of how to use style sheets instead of tables, for organizing images and text together, something which I need to start doing for my journal entries
- aaron
2001-05-29 11:01:00] -
paul: anime fest is this coming weekend?
2001-05-29 10:59:00] -
aaron: I remember hearing about that story (although some of the details were different) from somebody before. I think it's interesting that he is a member of the green party
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