here are old message board entries

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[2001-06-28 00:20:00] - i live in new jersey at the moment, and don't really have a color preference - wolf

[2001-06-28 00:19:00] - what color do you want?  ~a

[2001-06-28 00:18:00] - katie, where do you live?  ~a

[2001-06-28 00:18:00] - i can switch to my irc/lurkerlounge/d2 name, if that's easier - wolf

[2001-06-28 00:17:00] - i think i'm going to buy anarchy online instead of d2x, although the montly fee sort of puts me off - katie

[2001-06-28 00:17:00] - one posts much more than the other.  ~a

[2001-06-28 00:17:00] - yes there are.  ~a

[2001-06-28 00:16:00] - are there two katies? because those last couple of posts weren't mine, heh - katie

[2001-06-28 00:11:00] - tainted?  ~a

[2001-06-27 23:07:00] - For those who still care: updated journal again this evening.  Probably be another one sooner than normal as I expect to have something to say about DII:LoD -- Xpovos

[2001-06-27 18:02:00] - oh whoops.  didn't read that last msg. - mig

[2001-06-27 18:02:00] - i have rr and i haven't been having problems. - mig

[2001-06-27 18:01:00] - some good reading here. - mig

[2001-06-27 18:01:00] - miguel, i think it was rr.  i was able to access the entire internet but rr nodes.  ~a

[2001-06-27 17:57:00] - "We feel that good taste could supercede the first amendmnet."  *shudder*. - mig

[2001-06-27 17:56:00] - - mig

[2001-06-27 17:53:00] - did anyone suffer a cable modem "blackout" or something.  almost everyone on aim disappeared for a little while. - mig

[2001-06-27 17:52:00] - boo to fcc! - mig

[2001-06-27 16:24:00] - tainted?  ~a

[2001-06-27 16:18:00] - Friday, 6:30 at Lee Hwy multiplex - dewey

[2001-06-27 16:18:00] - ###/pics/download/44.gif

[2001-06-27 16:10:00] - damn, well there goes that theory. :-p - dewey

[2001-06-27 16:10:00] - This board has been tainted. -logan

[2001-06-27 16:03:00] - god wuz here

[2001-06-27 15:17:00] - ###/pics/download/43.gif

[2001-06-27 15:11:00] - i do as well.  i can stomach(no pun intended) meat-eater jokes, i don't see why vegetarians wouldn't be capable of doing the same. - mig

[2001-06-27 15:08:00] - i think it's funny. :) -jdb

[2001-06-27 15:05:00] - bound to raise a few eyebrows of the persons without a good sense of humor.  ~a

[2001-06-27 14:37:00] - Fun bumper sticker, bound to raise a few eyebrows "Vegetarian: Indian word for lousy hunter"

[2001-06-27 14:06:00] - yea miguel! - katie

[2001-06-27 14:01:00] - i'd have to say bubbles is my favorite. - mig

[2001-06-27 13:54:00] - Paul: you going on AIM? I've got some Diablo stuff to talk to you about. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-27 13:52:00] - anyway, back to work.  :-\  -  aba

[2001-06-27 13:52:00] - my brother sent me an email from ljubljana.  how exotic!  :-p  when he comes back, i might take his photographs and make a webpage out of his trip.  -  aba

[2001-06-27 13:51:00] - but blossom is coolest - vinnie

[2001-06-27 13:50:00] - buttercup? ugh. not fond of those spunky types. i like bubbles better than buttercup - vinnie

[2001-06-27 13:50:00] - hehe.  i like buttercup too.  =-o  -  aba

[2001-06-27 13:44:00] - I agree with Paul, though Katie assures me that it's just because I like the bitchy sisters best, and that Bubbles is clearly the best. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-27 13:40:00] - vinnie: Blasphemy, everyone knows buttercup is the best -paul

[2001-06-27 13:33:00] - blossom, but i haven't seen much of the show. only like four episodes - vinnie

[2001-06-27 13:26:00] - vinnie: out of curiosity, and because I have Katie asking me, which ppg is your favorite? -- Xpovos

[2001-06-27 13:03:00] - thanks for trying - vinnie

[2001-06-27 13:03:00] - xpovos: that's too bad. i think the next time it's on is in three weeks or so - vinnie

[2001-06-27 13:00:00] -

[2001-06-27 12:54:00] - I see.  S'cuze me while I go integrate my VCR with respect to a hammer real quick. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-27 12:43:00] - your vcr is low on sigfigs.  ~a

[2001-06-27 12:07:00] - Does anyone know why a VCR would only be able to recognize channels 2-10? -- Xpovos

[2001-06-27 12:07:00] - this text file is from libertywire, fyi, accidently didn't copy that part. - mig

[2001-06-27 12:06:00] - vinnie: Well, I tried, but all I was able to record is static.  -- Xpovos

[2001-06-27 12:06:00] -

[2001-06-27 11:57:00] - red alert 1's storyline was much more interesting. - mig

[2001-06-27 11:56:00] - red alert 2 also sucked nuts for single player gaming. - mig

[2001-06-27 11:56:00] - i also enjoyed red alert 1 more than red alert 2.  red alert 1 was slightly more challenging and yeah, it involved more strategy than just buidling up units. - mig

[2001-06-27 11:53:00] - dewey: I actually thought Red Alert 1 was better then Red Alert 2 (taking into account when they came out). Red Alert 1 still had some serious flaws (tank rushes like you say) but it had some strategy to it too -paul

[2001-06-27 11:51:00] - paul: what was your impression of red alert 1?  I think the tank rushes sucked.  I like to build and battle. - dewey

[2001-06-27 11:48:00] - dewey: Hard to explain, really. There just isn't much strategy involved in it. It's like a bad version of Starcraft -paul

[2001-06-27 11:47:00] - aaron: I think so, did it involve the mayor's secretary giving the girls a pep talk? -paul

[2001-06-27 11:45:00] - heh- sales pitch from Dell - dewey

[2001-06-27 11:42:00] - paul: the expansion seems good, but I don't know if I want to buy a game to get its expansion pack.  Why did red alert 2 suck? - dewey

[2001-06-27 11:40:00] - I saw the episode that had this girl who was committing crimes, and the powerpuffs wouldn't fight her because she was the only girl villian they knew about... Is that what you were talking about? - aaron

[2001-06-27 11:39:00] - dewey: The Red Alert 2 game sucked horribly. The best part about it were the cut-scenes, and those were only good to laugh at -paul

[2001-06-27 11:38:00] - dewey: Yes, I own it. Somebody is borrowing it right now though... -paul

[2001-06-27 11:37:00] - red alert 2 expansion preview :,10869,2779759,00.html - dewey

[2001-06-27 11:37:00] - paul: i think the beatles one (ha ha, beatles 1) is on tomorrow. hopefully i'll remember to tape that one - vinnie

[2001-06-27 11:36:00] - that's a confusing wording if i ever read one - vinnie

[2001-06-27 11:35:00] - not a very interesting article, but interesting because on the washington post main page the article's headline reads: "Brock admits Anita Hill lies"...

[2001-06-27 11:35:00] - mig: i'll drive.  ~a

[2001-06-27 11:34:00] - paul: you have red alert 2, right? - dewey

[2001-06-27 11:34:00] - vinnie: The taping is started, but unfortunately I don't know if it's working or not.  My VCR chose the perfect moment to possibly spaz out.  I'll let you know in a bit if it worked or not. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-27 11:33:00] - xpovos: Thanks. You should watch them, one of them is a parody of the Beatles I think -paul

[2001-06-27 11:32:00] - vinnie: Sorry, I had actually remembered at King's Dominion to remind you but you weren't there. -paul

[2001-06-27 11:32:00] - aaron: i'll snag some of them for desktops sometime - vinnie

[2001-06-27 11:30:00] - vinnie: Yeah, isn't the lighthouse picture cool? The flames are cool too. They make good desktops. - aaron

[2001-06-27 11:26:00] - at least one of the two episodes is. paul told me it was funny - vinnie

[2001-06-27 11:24:00] - xpovos: really? awesome! thank you a lot. you might appreciate the episode. apparently it's about zealous, extreme feminists - vinnie

[2001-06-27 11:21:00] - vinnie: I can do it. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-27 11:20:00] - aaron: alex has some fairly impressive computer art on his site - vinnie

[2001-06-27 11:19:00] - is anyone at their house that feels like taping powerpuff girls for me? it's on at 11:30 am today - vinnie

[2001-06-27 11:18:00] - paul: you forgot to remind me to tape powerpuff girls! boo :( - vinnie

[2001-06-27 09:59:00] - Except for this one: - aaron

[2001-06-27 09:59:00] - This site has some of the best jokes - aaron

[2001-06-27 09:57:00] - Hey guys, where do ghosts make their beer? - aaron

[2001-06-27 09:56:00] - aba:  i'm game if someone else drives. - mig

[2001-06-27 09:52:00] - Oh and feel free to vote for several different themes, we don't mind - aaron

[2001-06-27 09:37:00] - Downloading an image (clicking the thumbnail) counts as a vote, and we don't track IPs or anything but be nice please - aaron

[2001-06-27 09:37:00] - Alex and I have made a bunch of color-themes for this java applet we've written... Go vote on which ones you think look the best - aaron

[2001-06-27 09:35:00] - sounds goot.  i am looking forward to seeing ai.  back to work!  -  aba

[2001-06-27 09:15:00] - hearing no objections... - dewey

[2001-06-27 09:10:00] - is anyone busy this friday afternoon? - dewey

[2001-06-27 09:09:00] - aba: what are you doing this friday afternoon?

[2001-06-27 08:31:00] - anyone want to take a roadtrip across the border this weekend to get fireworks for the 4th?  -  aba

[2001-06-26 21:24:00] - this is funny. - mig

[2001-06-26 16:30:00] - work is very blarg-y.  later gators.  -  aba

[2001-06-26 16:29:00] - at the halloween concert here in 1998, rammstein came onto stage wearing only strategically placed socks.  they got kicked off stage after playing only half their set.  apparently they did it since the other bands were wearing costumes.  -  aba

[2001-06-26 16:21:00] - grrr.... mesa-3d takes an awful long time to compile......

[2001-06-26 16:15:00] - i think i heard about one incident where the lead singer was arrested for dropping his pants. - mig

[2001-06-26 16:01:00] - vinnie: thanks. that sure will be interesting -dave

[2001-06-26 15:47:00] - dave: follow the previous link - vinnie

[2001-06-26 15:42:00] - john woo is making something with ninja turtles in it? -dave

[2001-06-26 15:06:00] - Oh and that john woo ninja turtles thing sounds cool. I think I'll see it if it pans out - aaron

[2001-06-26 15:06:00] - Sorry, I'm describing Rammstein to alex... What event was it, that they showed up to naked/in women's clothing/etc? What were the details? I forget - aaron

[2001-06-26 15:01:00] - hehe.  yeah right.  i am always the last to know.  :-P  just kidding.  ~a

[2001-06-26 14:50:00] - *RAMMSTEIN!* - mig

[2001-06-26 14:49:00] - oh yeah, aparna is going.  i assumed that she told you already, sorry. - mig

[2001-06-26 14:42:00] - an unlikely duo, if i do say - vinnie

[2001-06-26 14:35:00] - and you never responded to "if aparna is going"  ~a

[2001-06-26 14:34:00] - Sweet!

[2001-06-26 14:33:00] - i assume that means you want to go?  :-P  ~a

[2001-06-26 14:09:00] -    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!  -  aba

[2001-06-26 13:51:00] -  hmmm... if they keep away the (c)rap, this might be interesting.....  - mig

[2001-06-26 13:44:00] - like i said before, i'd like to get the tix sometimes this week. - mig

[2001-06-26 12:57:00] - don't really care how, as long as it gets to me and doesn't take too long. - mig

[2001-06-26 12:09:00] - if aparna is going, then yes, i would like tickets please thank you sir miguel.  how do you want me to get you money?  ~a

[2001-06-26 10:48:00] - adrian, aparna?    do you want me to get tix for stabbing westward?  if so i need money from you guys sometime. - mig

[2001-06-26 10:45:00] - Uniblab rocks - aaron

[2001-06-26 10:40:00] - aba: No, I didn't submit any questions. -paul

[2001-06-26 10:32:00] - backtowork backtowork workworkwork workwork!  -  aba

[2001-06-26 10:31:00] - did you submit any questions for patricia ireland paul?  i was surprised that nobody commented on the link.  -  aba

[2001-06-26 10:13:00] - "IBM new transistor reaches speeds of 210 GHz while drawing just a milliamp of electrical current. This represents an 80 percent performance improvement and a 50 percent reduction in power consumption over current designs." -dave

[2001-06-26 10:08:00] - a: Nah, don't worry about it. Stupid idea. I'll just figure some other way -paul

[2001-06-26 10:01:00] - i can make a restricted directory on if that is what you are talking about . . .    ~a

[2001-06-26 09:57:00] - dewey: Sounds too complicated, but thanks anyway. -paul

[2001-06-26 09:54:00] - paul: apache doesn't make it too difficult.  You specify a directory as being in a restricted area and you say what username or group can access it and where the password file is.  you create the password file with a program from apach - dewey

[2001-06-26 09:48:00] - How hard is it to have a password for a web-page? -paul

[2001-06-26 09:36:00] - dewey: They are going to my Hotmail account. -paul

[2001-06-26 09:32:00] - a: then they are evil and have a poorly written page - dewey

[2001-06-26 09:31:00] - dave: I'll more than gladly perform that study :-D - dewey

[2001-06-26 09:28:00] -

[2001-06-26 09:26:00] - dewey: what would be an interesting study would be breast size to overall size ratio -dave

[2001-06-26 09:25:00] - dewey: what if the title of the web page is a url or has a url in it?  ~a

[2001-06-26 09:24:00] - dewey: i think asian women are just smaller in general too, lol -dave

[2001-06-26 09:23:00] - anyone know what ddr mobo's are the best? -dave

[2001-06-26 09:21:00] - paul: as it is "general knowledge" (although I believe studies say it is false) that black men are more endowed than white men, is is also "general knowledge" that asian women have smaller breasts. - dewey

[2001-06-26 09:19:00] - paul: are those nasty emails going to your VT account or the hotmail account?  Hotmail gets lots of spam. - dewey

[2001-06-26 09:15:00] - dave: i gotcha - vinnie

[2001-06-26 09:11:00] - vinnie: i meant to say that since there are so many more instances of people with hand-held cell phones, the number of accidents caused by them could be around the same as drunken driving -dave

[2001-06-26 09:11:00] - dave: And the post usually calls it a "libertarian think-tank", not an institution... -paul

[2001-06-26 09:10:00] - dave: sheesh, that could be one way to spin the data :) - vinnie

[2001-06-26 09:08:00] - dave: The Cato Institute has no connections to the libertarian party as far as I know, but their ideas are very libertarian. Limited government all the way -paul

[2001-06-26 09:08:00] - vinnie: well i guess if you look at it one way, there are a lot more drivers out there using hand-held cell phones than drunken drivers -dave

[2001-06-26 09:07:00] - oops, misinterpretation! my 'i think it is' comment was referring to the cato institute comment - vinnie

[2001-06-26 09:07:00] - vinnie: the article title has "banning hand-held phones" or somesuch, so i guess hands-free systems wouldn't fall in that category -dave

[2001-06-26 09:06:00] - dave: yeah, right. drunk driving is as bad as cell-phone use? i don't believe that for a second - vinnie

[2001-06-26 09:04:00] - dave: i think hands-free systems are allowed. but i also remember seeing something about receipts somewhere - vinnie

[2001-06-26 09:04:00] - vinnie: wow, then drunken driving isn't as bad as i thought it was :-) -dave

[2001-06-26 09:03:00] - dewey: should I e-mail that one to you? or are the pictures convincing enough? :P I'll edit the config file when I get the chance - vinnie

[2001-06-26 09:03:00] - can someone clarify whether people in ny will still get ticketed if they have a hands free cell phone system? -dave

[2001-06-26 09:02:00] - dave: i believe it is - vinnie

[2001-06-26 09:01:00] - vinnie: email all bug reports to :-p ~ dewey

[2001-06-26 09:01:00] - "A 1997 study in the New England Journal of Medicine said the hand-held phones posed about as much of a problem for drivers as drunken driving." -dave

[2001-06-26 09:00:00] - in the Apache config file on your computer.  Change it to your current IP and that should make it happy, I believe. - dewey

[2001-06-26 09:00:00] - vinnie: I see you found an interesting bug in my journal program...  Quite amusing :)  But on that note- I thought I had made the program call itself using the name provided by the server.  So it might work better for you if you change your hostname

[2001-06-26 08:58:00] - paul: the post referred to the cato institute as a liberatarian institution. is this true? -dave

[2001-06-26 08:45:00] - vinnie: oh, well then why don't they put their resources into finding the harmonic resonance of the human body instead of making useless webpages? - dewey

[2001-06-26 08:44:00] - and then place the title string in as the link text, and then continue with the posting of the message to the log file.  (I suggest parsing the submission because it would bog your program down if it parsed every link on every view). - dewey

[2001-06-26 08:43:00] - dewey: didn't you read the page? we don't want to harm precious animals while destroying ourselves. nuclear war is out of the question. i like the sound of mass insanity :) - vinnie

[2001-06-26 08:43:00] - a: if so, you could add in a simple subroutine that is run when a user submits a link to the message board.  You can grab the page, grep out the title by searching for the title tags, chop off any endlines, chop it off if it is too long, and then...

[2001-06-26 08:36:00] - a: do you have a script already that connects to a website and serves the page? - dewey

[2001-06-26 08:26:00] - a: is there an easy way

[2001-06-26 08:03:00] - katie: I propose we start a movement for nuclear war.  that should wipe out a big chunk of us, right? - dewey

[2001-06-26 00:41:00] - eventually, though, something is going to "naturally" thin the population out, no matter how fast we try to breed - war, disease, holocaust, etc. trying to start a "movement" to thin it out now is kind of moot - katie

[2001-06-26 00:37:00] - i think overpopulation has the potential to become a serious problem in the next 100 - 200 years, but so many groups who advocate population control spread their ideas in such a stupid way - katie

[2001-06-26 00:00:00] - dewey:  i'm gonna need to collect money from people sometime.  tix are still available last time i checked. - mig

[2001-06-25 23:44:00] - mig: if you would get me a ticket, I would appreciate it.  that is, if it is still happening.  Is it sold out? - dewey

[2001-06-25 23:40:00] - oh never mind.  i see they're against at&t also. - mig

[2001-06-25 23:31:00] - but wow.  a bill that gets rid of government intervention on a supposed monopolized business.  imagine that. - mig

[2001-06-25 23:28:00] - looks like the bell breakup comes back to bite us in the ass. - mig

[2001-06-25 23:02:00] -

[2001-06-25 21:04:00] - mig: Sorry, you did clear it up. I just figured I would let you know just in case you didn't get my email or whatever -paul

[2001-06-25 20:59:00] - on an interesting side note, i had salmon tonight and did not feel the least bit bad about it. - mig

[2001-06-25 20:58:00] - if you already told me no, then don't worry about it. - mig

[2001-06-25 20:58:00] - paul:  sorry for not clearing this up, but that msg was for those who expressed interest. - mig

[2001-06-25 20:00:00] - mig: I'm sorry, I don't think I will be going to the concert. No tickets for me -paul

[2001-06-25 19:47:00] - oh yes, and once again stabbing westward ppl.  i need to know if you want me to get you tix!!  please respond. - mig

[2001-06-25 19:27:00] - "we're too weak to try to fix what's happening right now, so it's all hopeless and we should all kill each other off."  what crap. - mig

[2001-06-25 19:25:00] - vhemt are a bunch of cowards.  suicide is the easy way out. - mig

[2001-06-25 16:36:00] - just like perl can be in cgi mode and modperl mode, php can be in cgi mode and modphp mode.  i have been using modphp mode.  ~a

[2001-06-25 16:35:00] - php is a language.  ~a

[2001-06-25 16:30:00] - vinnie: I disagree.  Our overpopulation of the earth can directly cause two collapsing stars in our galaxy to combine. :-p - dewey

[2001-06-25 16:17:00] - a: what is the default language of PHP?  ASP uses VBScript. - dewey

[2001-06-25 15:48:00] - While it has nothing to do with Peta or anyone like that, it's a decent article, somewhat humorous, but reasonably factual. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-25 15:20:00] - mass insanity? divine intervention? someone's dream? this can't hurt their case; it doesn't even relate to it - vinnie

[2001-06-25 15:17:00] - Hmm, eschatology has an h in it.  Go figure. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-25 15:14:00] - vinnie: Right. Ha ha! A couple of these are so stupid. "Robots take over" "Someone wakes up and realizes it was all a dream" "Collapse of the vacuum"... - aaron

[2001-06-25 15:14:00] - the more likely disaster scenarios seem to be the ones that we don't cause - vinnie

[2001-06-25 15:12:00] - it seems to hurt their own case. the page seems to make the argument that we don't have much control on how this planet's life will end - vinnie

[2001-06-25 15:10:00] - aaron: vhemt linked to that page, right? - vinnie

[2001-06-25 15:07:00] - Stupid escatology. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-25 15:04:00] - Twenty ways the world could end (some seem pretty farfetched) - aaron

[2001-06-25 15:04:00] - Their philosophy section is lacking... they never explain why the "good health" of Earth requires human extinction, or even what "health" is in this context. -logan

[2001-06-25 15:02:00] - not just demeaning but also just plain stupid.  ~a

[2001-06-25 14:45:00] - Oh and upon further examination, this vhemt site is very demeaning.... "Institutions await those who can't control their biological urges?" I mean what's with that, that's not a very convincing argument - aaron

[2001-06-25 14:42:00] - I like the argument... `I like fish as much as I like people, therefore you shouldn't fish.' -logan

[2001-06-25 14:33:00] - Well, if you're going to eat the dog I have no problem with catching him that way, except that there are easier ways of doing it. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-25 14:32:00] - ugh, i agree. turned me off of whatever that page was about :\ - vinnie

[2001-06-25 13:31:00] - I hate it when various organizations (vegetarians, animal rights, pro-life, etc...) resort to extremely violent imagery to try and rally support. - aaron

[2001-06-25 13:30:00] - And that dog picture is very scary. - aaron

[2001-06-25 13:28:00] - I'm very sorry. I think that very length loxosceles link down there is messing up the word wrapping on the message board, so that everybody has to scroll horizontally... - aaron

[2001-06-25 12:45:00] - God, I have no idea why I made that last comment that I made. I don't know what the government has to do with anything. I am a fucking moron, ignore me. -paul

[2001-06-25 12:45:00] -    go bush!

[2001-06-25 11:26:00] -

[2001-06-25 11:23:00] -

[2001-06-25 10:43:00] - This is an interesting idea. Adrian! It's similar to your 404-page posting idea, but more limited/easier to use... Kevin's current journal entry tells you kind of what it is. - aaron

[2001-06-25 10:18:00] - ... Probably just me but I found it funny that Google's categories go into such detail.... - aaron

[2001-06-25 10:07:00] - dewey: But some parent's don't have the time to watch their kids 24/7. Isn't it the government's job to take care of those kids whose parents can't watch them? -paul

[2001-06-25 09:32:00] - and they wonder why kids are shooting each other in schools... - dewey

[2001-06-25 09:31:00] - I totally agree with the phsycoligsts at the end of the article- just another way for parents to be lazy and not have to be good parents. Give them the electronic babysitter and don't worry about discipline or interacting with 'em - dewey

[2001-06-25 09:29:00] - paul: forget the cell phones!  how safe is it going to be to have drivers using a microwave while driving?! this is nuts. - dewey

[2001-06-25 09:28:00] -

[2001-06-25 09:06:00] - well, starting to find some feedback about southpark... - dewey

[2001-06-25 08:56:00] - that heathens website is a riot! I love the obvious faked 'testimony of a little girl' - vinnie

[2001-06-25 08:55:00] -

[2001-06-25 08:43:00] - katie: Interesting web-page, they raise a lot of good points -paul

[2001-06-25 07:14:00] - - katie

[2001-06-25 02:47:00] - and by that, since I just realized that I didn't give any context, I mean - boing

[2001-06-25 02:46:00] - (theat = that) - boing

[2001-06-25 02:46:00] - Ha!  Chew on theat for a while, vinnie. :) - boing

[2001-06-24 23:17:00] - - mig

[2001-06-24 22:38:00] - Ban the cell-phones! -paul

[2001-06-24 21:31:00] -

[2001-06-24 19:40:00] - hullo from california! -dave

[2001-06-23 23:55:00] - paul:  this kind of bothers me.  i go to the post office for money orders a lot. - mig

[2001-06-23 23:44:00] - xpovos: Hahaha, nice ;-) -paul

[2001-06-23 23:04:00] - Paul: This one's for you: -- Xpovos

[2001-06-23 22:33:00] - Interesting information about what the Post Office does -paul

[2001-06-23 19:31:00] -

[2001-06-23 18:44:00] -

[2001-06-23 17:44:00] - ###/pics/download/42.gif

[2001-06-23 15:42:00] - yeah, aaron, isn't it funny!  :)  ~a

[2001-06-23 15:40:00] -

[2001-06-23 15:33:00] - Heh. "Atheism knows God exists"... ? - aaron

[2001-06-23 15:23:00] - this is a great!  who posted this?!  "atheism is pure heathenism"  hahahahahaha.  ~a

[2001-06-23 15:07:00] -

[2001-06-23 10:50:00] - wow.  microsoft is selling "g77 (GNU FORTRAN77) compiler"  hehehe  :-P  ~a

[2001-06-23 10:50:00] - Funny goats today (friday)... "I'm lost and I need to call my mommy." "Just dial 1-800-CALL-TTA! Use the buttons on my shirt, they're wacky!" "*cry* Won't you just give me a quarter?" - aaron

[2001-06-23 10:44:00] - isn't hypocracy great? - mig

[2001-06-23 08:19:00] - fairies wear boots.  you got to believe me.  ~a

[2001-06-23 00:16:00] - Ninja Burger. Guaranteed delivery in 30 minutes or less or we commit seppuku - aaron

[2001-06-22 15:58:00] - to everyone going to cult/stabbing westward:  i might want your money soon.  i'll be trying to get the tix sometime next week, hopefully. - mig

[2001-06-22 15:51:00] - i would go on sunday, but i got no money :( - mig

[2001-06-22 15:43:00] - that is probably fixed, aaron.  ~a

[2001-06-22 15:36:00] - How about the searching code? For some reason the search seems to return incorrect results when you're searching for a word which has just been posted - aaron

[2001-06-22 15:29:00] - when one person is reading the board and another is posting, the poster may get an error that says "rename error."  be aware i am trying to write code that will eliminate that error.  just post again if you get that error.  ~a

[2001-06-22 15:27:00] - i may have "fixed" the bug that has been sqrewing the search engine up.  the problem was, you can't rename a file when the source is an existing file that another process is reading.  ~a

[2001-06-22 15:18:00] - aaron: Thanks, but don't worry about me, I'm a big boy. I can amuse myself if need be ;-) -paul

[2001-06-22 15:17:00] -,1383,44533,00.html

[2001-06-22 15:14:00] - If nobody else is coming, do you still want to go? I don't want a repeat of the unfunness which occured the last time it was just us two - aaron

[2001-06-22 15:10:00] - aaron: Hopefully Adrian and Aparna and anybody else we can find, although I'm beginning to think nobody else is going to come :'( -paul

[2001-06-22 15:06:00] - So who's going to Kings Dominion on sunday, anyways? Besides just me and paul? - aaron

[2001-06-22 15:04:00] - And I mean, by all means, I think some amount of revenge in this case is justified. But still, saying she doesn't want revenge is kind of silly - aaron

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