here are old message board entries

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[2001-07-19 10:34:00] - he was at the defcon conference and was about to get on his plane to go home when fbi agents rushed up and arrested him -dave

[2001-07-19 10:34:00] - interesting article about the arrest of dmitryi sklyarov for "hacking." he supposedly wrote something to let you edit pdf's or somesuch: -dave

[2001-07-19 10:29:00] - it means that they will have to put a line of code on their page saying, "Download this to view properly" which is an easy solution.  Isn't a major problem, just another little thing to get upset at Microsoft for. - dewey

[2001-07-19 10:27:00] - customers who don't know any better...  that can be a major dampener on already failing internet companies. - dewey

[2001-07-19 10:27:00] - dave: it isn't that hard for us.  but the issue is for people who are getting this new computer, know nothing about the internet except to type in a keyword in AOL.  Online companies that use Java to sell stuff won't be able to communicate to their

[2001-07-19 09:52:00] - or at least for any os i've used - haven't used linux -dave

[2001-07-19 09:51:00] - even though it is an issue that they don't package java support with xp, it's not like it is that difficult to download it. you usually have to download a buncha add-ons for any os you use -dave

[2001-07-19 09:49:00] - bleh.  i have a meeting at 10.  i better get ready for it.  have fun discussing windows.  :)  -  aba

[2001-07-19 09:47:00] - it seems like windows me only worse (i didnt think that that was even possible)  -  aba

[2001-07-19 09:46:00] - xp just scares the living daylights out of me.  -  aba

[2001-07-19 09:45:00] - thats assuming that you even download java support in xp dewey.  its not there by default.  i am definitely going to switch to linux by the time 2000 isnt cutting it for me anymore.  -  aba

[2001-07-19 09:44:00] - dewey: oh, if it is only disabled at the highest security setting, it isn't too bad. almost no one uses the highest setting - you wouldn't be able to see most webpages even with the current scheme -dave

[2001-07-19 09:31:00] - that is why it is only disabled at the highest (paranoid) security setting. - dewey

[2001-07-19 09:30:00] - Pretty funny that Microsoft is disabling java support because of security reasons... Java's harmless... They may as well ban HTML for the same reason - aaron

[2001-07-19 08:53:00] - it might work for public library or parental controls, i dunno -dave

[2001-07-19 08:25:00] - "nearly 30 volunteers are working on the project, including lawyers, programmers, students and human rights workers in the United States, China, Canada, Europe, Israel, Taiwan and South Korea" -dave

[2001-07-19 08:25:00] - dewey: not exactly: "thwart the efforts of countries like the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, China and North Korea to prevent access to web sites considered politically subversive or pornographic" -dave

[2001-07-19 08:17:00] - dave: you mean like if you were in a public library or if you have parental controls on the AOL account? interesting... - dewey

[2001-07-19 08:07:00] - a group of hackers is putting the finishing touches on software that allows people in "censored" places to view the entire internet. the program is called "peekabooty." -dave

[2001-07-19 08:05:00] - "Everything I wanted to do, I had the opportunity to do this time,"

[2001-07-19 08:04:00] - "'Satisfaction' was cool, but it was my first time working with her. I was feeling her out"

[2001-07-19 08:04:00] - thank heavens, i was very worried about the windows xp activation / anti-piracy subject: -dave

[2001-07-19 07:47:00] - yes.... what math are we supposed to do, exactly? - dewey

[2001-07-19 00:37:00] -

[2001-07-18 21:13:00] - the cunt is at it again doing what she does best - desecrating classic rock songs. - mig

[2001-07-18 21:06:00] -,4586,2790355,00.html?chkpt=zdhpnews01 i fail to see what ms gets out of this other than more angry customers. - mig

[2001-07-18 16:55:00] - or if not .nu, you could probably register aporter in someother country instead.  just a suggestion if you dont want a long .com, .org or .net domain name.  -  aba

[2001-07-18 16:54:00] -  you could register if you wanted to, adrian.  -  aba

[2001-07-18 16:39:00] - insane clown posse kicks ass

[2001-07-18 16:01:00] - mwhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahaha - evil squirel

[2001-07-18 15:29:00] - youre more than just a corpse to a psychopathic clown

[2001-07-18 14:34:00] - aaron: the latter -dave

[2001-07-18 14:34:00] - It wasn't a typographical error. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:33:00] - rote - A memorizing process using routine or repetition, often without full attention or comprehension - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:32:00] - Andrew, of course language is a memorized behavior. Was rote a typo or is this some new word I don't understand? - aaron

[2001-07-18 14:31:00] - hooray, someone else who liked it. you join the ranks of me and um...travis - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:30:00] - Vinnie: I liked it.  Sorry I don't have a review up, I've been busy of late. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:29:00] - 1) rote memorized behavior 2) see the "language discussion below" 3) I wasn't aware of this one, and think it's unlikely that their actually composing new songs. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:29:00] - aaron: those birds have their priorities straight ;-) -dave

[2001-07-18 14:29:00] - ugh, can we just stop this debate now? i'm kind of curious as to what andrew's opinion of final fantasy was :) - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:29:00] - Sea lions and dolphins and other animals can be trained to understand simple logic and solve simple logic puzzles - aaron

[2001-07-18 14:28:00] - Monkeys can learn sign language, dolphins and ants already communicate in ways we can't perceive, male birds are able to compose new songs each year to attract mates - aaron

[2001-07-18 14:28:00] - xpovos: you've made plenty of assumptions :-p -dave

[2001-07-18 14:27:00] - like an animal? -dave

[2001-07-18 14:27:00] - unsigned: development as a species is unavoidable? who set that rule down? maybe they are just incredibly lazy. or maybe they rather spend their lives much more carefree than we do. haven't you ever wanted life to be simplified and just live... 0dave

[2001-07-18 14:26:00] - I have made no assumptions so far. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:26:00] - If animals as sentient, than language, mathematics and script are all unavoidable. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:25:00] - xpovos: yeah, i'd have to disagree with you also. it's quite possible for them to develop in ways we can't perceive - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:25:00] - xpovos: i think you should stop making assumptions about things we don't know :-p -dave

[2001-07-18 14:25:00] - dave: possible, but als highly unlikely, development as a species is unavoidable, we may have enormous factions of people who decide to never use computers, but eventually they die out, and those who do use computers are all that are left...

[2001-07-18 14:24:00] - and you know this because you are fluent in dolphin and whale?

[2001-07-18 14:24:00] - dolphins and whales have the most rudimentary language imaginable, if you can even term it such.  I generally don't, but for the sake of argument, even you must admit that their "language" has no abstract concepts in it. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:23:00] - xpovos: maybe animals know something that we don't, and that's the reason why they prefer to live like they do -dave

[2001-07-18 14:23:00] - when will they be, though? perhaps never because we can just design them not to feel pain? - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:22:00] - xpovos: i don't think you can say that "clearly" animals would if they could. maybe they are just lazy, or maybe they don't for 10 billion other reasons you don't know -dave

[2001-07-18 14:22:00] - computers arent sentient yet

[2001-07-18 14:22:00] - ack! many = maybe - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:22:00] - or many not getting rights, but at least some discussion about it - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:21:00] - dolphins and whales have language.

[2001-07-18 14:21:00] - unsigned: how are we different from animals? we have more stuff :-d -dave

[2001-07-18 14:21:00] - i'm wondering when computers will start getting rights (i'm not joking here). i keep checking the internet but i haven't found any computer rights sites - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:21:00] - Clearly a species of animal that had capacity for abstract thought would shortly show it through the development of language, mathematics, script, and other things that animals do not have, but at best merely copy -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:19:00] - hehe, xpovos can see into the minds of animals :-) -dave

[2001-07-18 14:19:00] - Every individual of the species has the rights, you read it the wrong way around. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:19:00] - how do you know that no animal can do that?

[2001-07-18 14:18:00] - unsigned: how are we different from animals? we use tools.  apes use sticks as tools? we use tools to build tools to build tools..... -dave

[2001-07-18 14:18:00] - unsigned: Again, no we can't, we have rationalization, abstract thought.  A basic example, I say desk, meaning the thing I am sitting at now, and you can picture 100 different types of desks if you wanted.  No animal can do that -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:18:00] - hehe.  xpovos just said the individual has no rights.  :-p

[2001-07-18 14:17:00] - vinnie: good point - i don't think babies have much capacity for abstract thought -dave

[2001-07-18 14:17:00] - Vinnie: that's a different issue entirely from the animal rights one, but I see the parallel you are drawing, while a baby may not be sentient, he is of a sentient species and thus has the rights.  Rights go to a species. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:17:00] - so how are we any different from animals?  we could chalk up all of our experiences to basic emotions.

[2001-07-18 14:17:00] - xpovos: hehe, well received fact. somehow, if it is a fact, it shouldn't matter if it is well-received :-p -dave

[2001-07-18 14:16:00] - xpovos: who are you to say it is basic emotion? -dave

[2001-07-18 14:16:00] - i think i agree with your statement about saying it and understanding, but there's no way to tell if someone understands it - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:15:00] - I said it, and it's a well received fact, and determining the positive statment is easy.  It is, is positive, it is not, is negative. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:15:00] - xpovos: i think you should say, you have to prove to me anything that i don't think is true, otherwise, what i think is true :-p -dave

[2001-07-18 14:15:00] - serious question: how about babies, andrew? what's your stance on them? self-aware or not? - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:15:00] - Unsigned: No it is not.  It is basic emotion again. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:14:00] - xpovos: whoever said that the burden of proof lies with the positive statement? and how are you supposed to figure out which is the positive statement? -dave

[2001-07-18 14:14:00] - To say "I exist" and understand it's rammifications, yes.  A parrot may say it, but he won't understand it. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:14:00] - animals mourn and recognize death.  elephants have graveyards.  is that not proof of a recognition of nonexistence?

[2001-07-18 14:13:00] - ok, everyone get in line, xpovos is handing out certificates of sentience -dave

[2001-07-18 14:13:00] - hooray! I'm off to train a parrot to be self aware! :P - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:13:00] - or did you mean metaphorically? :D - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:12:00] - vinnie: i bet you could get a parrot to say that ;-) -dave

[2001-07-18 14:12:00] - saying "i exist" is all it takes? somehow i doubt that - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:12:00] - to the mysterious poster: when it comes right down to it, you can't prove that anything exists outside of yourself, and even that is sketchy -dave

[2001-07-18 14:12:00] - Unsigned: You can't prove a lack of capacity any more than you can prove that God doesn't exist.  Burden of proof always lies with the positive statement.  Prove to me they can abstractly think and I will grant them sentience. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:11:00] - aware that they exist? i think animals are probably fairly aware of their life and possible death -dave

[2001-07-18 14:10:00] - The very basic is, to be able to say "I exist" you have to be able to think of something other than existance, since non-existance is abstract, the statement "I exist" requires abstract thought -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:10:00] - how can you prove that animals have no capacity for abstract thought?

[2001-07-18 14:09:00] - vinnie: Lemme start writing this down... -paul

[2001-07-18 14:09:00] - ok, i'll buy that animals probably do not have the capacity for abstract thought -dave

[2001-07-18 14:09:00] - i don't think there's a single way I could prove you wrong. hell, i couldn't even prove that you are self-aware (not a jab at you, just making a point) - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:08:00] - vinnie: That's a thought held by a number of people, and one I certainly disagree with, but if you can prove me wrong, I'll be happy to change my mind. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:07:00] - dave: they have no capacity for abstract thought, and so they are unable to make the very essential statment of sentience "I exist".  They understand basic emotions and physical pain, but beyond that nothing -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:07:00] - whew, nice backup, dave :) - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:06:00] - xpovos: i hope i don't set off a powderkeg here, but i think some animals may even be self-aware - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:05:00] - animals aren't aware that they exist? -dave

[2001-07-18 14:04:00] - paul: ok, from a to z. you cannot kill an aardvark, but you may kick it. you cannot kill or injure an aberdeen terrier. you can do whatever you want to a Acrocanthosaurus... :D - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:03:00] - Self-aware is -my- defenition of sentient, not the bastardized version you'll find in most dictionaries these days, it means the capacity to know yourself, and in a sense describes capacity for abstract thought. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:02:00] - vinnie: yeah, but I wasn't a part of those :-D -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 14:02:00] - vinnie: Arghhhh. You're no help. I need somebody to tell what to think about animal cruelty!!! -paul

[2001-07-18 14:02:00] - what are we meaning by "self-aware?" -dave

[2001-07-18 14:01:00] - vinnie: heh heh, make up your mind :-p -dave

[2001-07-18 14:01:00] - xpovos: nah, that's ok. i think we've driven this nail way farther than it needed to go in past discussions - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:00:00] - paul: i couldn't tell you if i wanted to :) i think it's more of an intuition thing rather than a line - vinnie

[2001-07-18 14:00:00] - Vinnie: well, as I said, these are my opinions, I will gladly give my reasons for them, but I don't expect people to agree with me. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 13:59:00] - i don't think a creature needs to be self-aware to have rights - vinnie

[2001-07-18 13:58:00] - xpovos: um, never mind, i don't think we are saying the same thing :) - vinnie

[2001-07-18 13:57:00] - xpovos: yeah, i think you pretty much said what i want to say - vinnie

[2001-07-18 13:57:00] - I mean, where do they draw the line on what is unnecessary then? Are hamburgers necessary? Fur coats? -paul

[2001-07-18 13:57:00] - The problem with PETA is that they beleive that the animals have a right to not be mis-treated, which is not the case.  A creature must be self-aware before it can have rights. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 13:56:00] - something that a superior species should not tolerate. -- xpovos

[2001-07-18 13:56:00] - vinnie: that's something I can agree with.  Abuse of animals is like abuse of people, they both indicate that there is something wrong within the abuser.  While abusing animals does not violate their rights, like it would for a human, it's ... -- Xpo

[2001-07-18 13:56:00] - vinnie: Hmmm, interesting. Would certainly explain their protest against BK. Seems like an odd way of looking at it though -paul

[2001-07-18 13:55:00] - peta thinks we should be more responsible for our actions, because we can comprehend the consequences of our actions. other animals wouldn't comprehend that animals they kill also have some right to be here - vinnie

[2001-07-18 13:53:00] - paul: i think peta is more against the unnecessary killing and mistreatment of animals, although granted some animals do kill for pleasure - vinnie

[2001-07-18 13:53:00] - 2) It is perfectly natural for an animal to attempt to kill a human when those attacks occur, and should the human be killed there is nothing inhereintly -wrong- with that situation -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 13:52:00] - xpovos: I probably already knwo what you think, I am wondering about PETA ;-) -paul

[2001-07-18 13:52:00] - paul: Ok, but I can only give you my opinions and my reasons for them.  1) It is perfectly acceptable for a human to kill an animal under most circumstances. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 13:50:00] - Xpovos: I just want to know if it is wrong for humans to kill animals but ok for animals to kill animals. -paul

[2001-07-18 13:48:00] - I could give you my opinion on the whole thing, except I doubt anyone cares. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 13:45:00] - I know what you mean, and I thought that concept from Trigun was a little off to begin with.  Bear in mind I didn't particularly care for Trigun, particularly the ending. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 13:43:00] - xpovos: Whatever, it's a special bear. You saw Trigun, you know what I mean. -paul

[2001-07-18 13:41:00] - paul, how long ago did this happen?  ~a

[2001-07-18 13:40:00] - I don't think bears eat deer. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-18 13:29:00] - Or what should people do if they see a deer being attacked by a bear or something? Do we step in to save the dear and force the bear to starve? It's like in Trigun, can you save everything? -paul

[2001-07-18 13:27:00] - I would really like to talk to a representative from PETA because I would like to know where they draw the line on certain issues. Is it ok to kill invertebrates for fun bot not anything with a bone structure? -paul

[2001-07-18 13:25:00] - I've never felt worse about killing ants then after I had saw the first "Honey I shrunk the kids" movie :'( -paul

[2001-07-18 13:24:00] - I think PETA needs to choose their fights better.  It is because of this stuff that they get bad public relations... - dewey

[2001-07-18 13:24:00] - everything feels pain, doesn't it?  I mean- an Ant writhers in agony if it is squished or burned.  So should we stop walking? - dewey

[2001-07-18 13:22:00] - I never heard of the "don't harm a living thing" rule.  I know that when you go hiking, you don't cut down living trees- but they teach survival skills in Boy Scouts, and if I need to eat, fishing is easy. - dewew

[2001-07-18 13:18:00] - i think theres a bit of a difference between exterminating termites because they are destroying your house and catching fish just because.  i think this is very much an opinion thing though.  -  aba

[2001-07-18 13:14:00] - Dammit! Living thing, not living being. I'll get it right eventually :-P -paul

[2001-07-18 13:14:00] - Whoops. Not innocent being, living being. -paul

[2001-07-18 13:13:00] - The boy scout oath to never harm an innocent being seems difficult to uphold. Does that mean if their house has termites that they aren't allowed to bring in an exterminator? -paul

[2001-07-18 13:01:00] -    pretty interesting to see that google isnt one of the eight search engines that have had complaints lodged against them to the ftc

[2001-07-18 12:42:00] - Ha ha, plus if punitive damages did go elsewhere.... the corporations would just settle out of court and the plaintiffs would get tons of money and the corporations would pay less... It would be win/win. - aaron

[2001-07-18 12:40:00] - dewey: I mean, if your genitals were burned off by coffee or whatever, are you going to ask McDonalds for 1 million dollars, or 1 million dollars plus 20 million in punitive damages? - aaron

[2001-07-18 12:40:00] - dewey: If punitive damages did not go back to the client, then the client would not ask for punitive damages - aaron

[2001-07-18 11:26:00] - i think they didn't get some license or something from a government organization that monitored that sort of thing -dave

[2001-07-18 11:25:00] - i'm not totally clear on what happened, but they knew something was sorta wrong with the drug, but they tested her on it anyways, and she died -dave

[2001-07-18 11:25:00] - for example, there was a 24 year old woman who offered to take research drugs at johns hopkins -dave

[2001-07-18 11:24:00] - dewey: because there probably are some valid cases where it's more valid and the plaintiff "deserves" the money -dave

[2001-07-18 11:23:00] - dewey: i think it would be better to make sure those sort of cases didn't get to court, or didn't win. -dave

[2001-07-18 11:22:00] - anyway, im just the stupid tree hugger.  im gonna go back to work.  *sigh*  -  aba

[2001-07-18 11:21:00] - why does peta suck?  all they are doing is pointing out that the bsa teaches kids to abuse animals.  i dunno.  i would think most fish suffer trauma from a hook stuck in their mouth, pulling them out of the water, even if you release them.  -  aba

[2001-07-18 11:12:00] - dewey: yeah, well if there weren't punitive damages, they could just ask for more at the beginning -dave

[2001-07-18 11:12:00] - PETA sucks -->\Culture\archive\200107\CUL20010718a.html - dewey

[2001-07-18 10:54:00] - punitive damages, which could be worth a whole lot more. - dewey

[2001-07-18 10:54:00] - I think cases like this should never get to court, and I wonder whether it would if they didn't have the opportunity of punitive damages.  If they find the company liable for 5%, then they only get 5% of what they asked for- but they then get the ...

[2001-07-18 10:51:00] - my father was telling me about this one case against Coca-cola where the parents of a college student are suing because their son died from a machine falling over on him while he was shaking it to try to get a free soda. - dewey

[2001-07-18 10:45:00] - there are two seperate money decisions.  The jury decides the percentage liable that a company is, and that determines the money that the plaintiff gets.  Then the judge lays a smack-down on them called punitive damages. - dewey

[2001-07-18 10:43:00] - correct me if i'm wrong, but i think it was a jury that decided on the amount of money to fine them. so we would just "have ourselves to blame" for that -dave

[2001-07-18 10:43:00] - default locations: National Debt, prison system, teachers?  Why should the plaintif get it?  They have already gotten the settlement they asked for.  We have too many people eager to sue. - dewey

[2001-07-18 10:42:00] - dewey: personally, i think those cigarette cases were a bit ridiculous, it's very debateable whether those people should have won, and if they did, that they should have gotten that much money -dave

[2001-07-18 10:42:00] - dewey: i think the issue that it is too much money is different -dave

[2001-07-18 10:41:00] - dewey: but if you didn't give it to the plaintif, then you'd have to specify where it should go in each case, and i don't know if there is a logical place for it to go in all cases -dave

[2001-07-18 10:20:00] - jdb: unless they spent it all in a few years, which a very large amount of people do -dave

[2001-07-18 10:19:00] - dewey: with 20 million, someone could retire comfortably at age 18. :-D -jdb

[2001-07-18 10:07:00] - what the hell can someone do with 20 million dollars that they couldn't do with just 1 million? - dewey

[2001-07-18 10:06:00] - That seems unreasonable to me.  I would like to see the money go to something useful, like cancer research or something like that. - dewey

[2001-07-18 10:05:00] - so the plaintif gets their money for the original complaint, and then they get this huge sum of money that are the punitive fines. - dewey

[2001-07-18 10:04:00] - Right now, like with all these Cigarette/cancer cases, the punitive damages go to the plaintif. - dewey

[2001-07-18 10:04:00] - Punitive damages are a fine that is issued by the Courts on a company when they lose a liability lawsuit.  It is like a punishment so that they will not do it again. - dewey

[2001-07-18 10:03:00] - ok, here might be an interesting discussion topic: What is your view on punitive damages? - dewey

[2001-07-18 10:03:00] - animals kill animals, arrows or no arrows -dave

[2001-07-18 09:56:00] - dewey: No comment -paul

[2001-07-18 09:54:00] - so do the arrows kill animals, or do the animals kill animals? - dewey

[2001-07-18 09:48:00] - dewey: No, they shoot arrows at eachother -paul

[2001-07-18 09:48:00] - now back to the important argument of whether animals play tennis, and if they do, do they smack each other upside the head when they lose? - dewey

[2001-07-18 09:46:00] - aaron: Very well, you win. I concede the point. -paul

[2001-07-18 09:42:00] - paul: Obviously, you don't understand. What I like and don't like is not based on who posts the link, it is based on the web page's content. - aaron

[2001-07-18 09:40:00] - Besides, it was Josh that sent the link to me in the first place so I figured that was another reason you wouldn't like it -paul

[2001-07-18 09:40:00] - dave: Yes, but it was obvious he was just saying that because he didn't want me to click the link, for whatever reason... - aaron

[2001-07-18 09:39:00] - aaron: I never said you are not interested in it. I just said that it was boring political stuff (which you said you didn't like) so you shouldn't click on the link -paul

[2001-07-18 09:37:00] - aaron: well he said "political stuff" -dave

[2001-07-18 09:37:00] - paul: If you had said, for example, "Liberal viewpoint on firearm legislation" I wouldn't have clicked it, but saying "Aaron, you specifically are not interested in this"... There's an obvious difference there - aaron

[2001-07-18 09:36:00] - paul: i'm sure he will appreciate it ;-) -dave

[2001-07-18 09:33:00] - dave: Oh, I see. Well then I guess I'll make sure I keep writing those descriptions so they can be ignored -paul

[2001-07-18 09:31:00] - paul: the point is so that he can ignore them :-) -dave

[2001-07-18 09:30:00] - aaron: that was an excuse,  he just didn't want you to read it ;-) -dave

[2001-07-18 09:28:00] - aaron: Well, if you're just going to ignore my descriptions, what's the point in writing them up? -paul

[2001-07-18 09:27:00] - paul: That was neither boring nor political - aaron

[2001-07-18 09:21:00] - dewey: Not as well as humans do -paul

[2001-07-18 09:20:00] - do animals play tennis? - dewey

[2001-07-18 09:05:00] - dewey: Are you saying that animals don't get injured by tennis rackets either? -paul

[2001-07-18 09:00:00] - paul: I'm sure many animals get injured by arrows.  Animals are people too, damnit! :-p - dewey

[2001-07-18 08:38:00] - dave: Possibly so, but I don't think very many people get injured by hunting arrows each year -paul

[2001-07-18 08:36:00] - paul: hunting arrowheads are nasty -dave

[2001-07-18 08:35:00] - paul: but i bet getting hit with a tennis racket is a lot less traumatic (and maybe less damaging?) than getting shot with an arrow -dave

[2001-07-18 08:34:00] - paul: i suppose there are a lot more people playing tennis than shooting arrows :-) -dave

[2001-07-18 08:28:00] - dave: Maybe people throwing their rackets when they get upset? I don't know -paul

[2001-07-18 08:27:00] - dewey: I don't know how it would be inexpensive, and I'm not sure if they are pro-Bush or not. -paul

[2001-07-18 08:18:00] - paul: and how are people injured with tennis rackets? one person hitting another while playing? -dave

[2001-07-18 08:18:00] - paul: hehe, that's funny - not a new idea / subject, but still funny -dave

[2001-07-18 08:15:00] - and are they against bush or for him?  seems like a smart decision not to spend 190 million to save only 10 people. - dewey

[2001-07-18 08:12:00] - the article paul posted states that it would be cheap to reduce the amount of pedestrian deaths in DC. How would this be inexpensive? - dewey

[2001-07-18 08:06:00] - paul: :) - dewey

[2001-07-17 23:24:00] - a:  check your bios. - mig

[2001-07-17 22:46:00] - *Warning* Boring political stuff Aaron, don't click this link. -paul

[2001-07-17 21:42:00] - a: You are right. Hard Drive manufacturers use 1,000,000,000 bytes to mean a gigabyte instead of 2^30 or whatever -paul

[2001-07-17 18:52:00] - that only adds up to 75 gigs.  i don't know where the other 5 gigs went.  maybe it is an 80 billion byte drive . . . which would be a 74.5 gig drive.  ~a

[2001-07-17 18:50:00] - two partitions.  hehe.  stupid " :-\ "  is supposed to be ": /"  ~a

[2001-07-17 18:49:00] - dewey:  80 gigs!  filesystem: /dev/hdg7    size: 65G    used: 5.4G    free: 56G    use%: 9%    mounted on: /home    filesystem: /dev/hdg5    size: 9.8G    used: 1.5G    free: 7.9G    use%: 16%    mounted on: /  ~a

[2001-07-17 16:45:00] - aaron: sorry, already saw it -dave

[2001-07-17 16:31:00] - That was a joke, IMO, the only trap worth points is Death Sentry, and that because it'll be useful later when monsters have tons of HP. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-17 16:26:00] - appearently I'm not doing that right. - dewey

[2001-07-17 16:11:00] - Use the traps, dewey, use the traps!! :-) -- Xpovos

[2001-07-17 16:06:00] - I forsee many deaths in the secret cow level for my assassin... :-( - dewey

[2001-07-17 16:05:00] - a: you have an 80Gig drive installed? - dewey

[2001-07-17 16:03:00] - D&D druids were a potentially interesting class, but I think they screwed up the magic system beyond belief in that game before they even thought about Druids anyway. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-17 15:43:00] - you probably could if it was a d+d druid.  unfortunatley the diablo druids aren't nearly as cool. - mig

[2001-07-17 14:59:00] - Grr, I don't think my Druid will ever be able to handle Diablo alone.  He's like a Necromancer with no Bone Spear (since all his elemental stuff sucks! -- Xpovos

[2001-07-17 14:25:00] - i want to see the movie, but i'm not too interested in seeing it this week. i've seen too many movies in the theater lately - vinnie

[2001-07-17 14:17:00] - aaron: no -paul

[2001-07-17 14:16:00] - Does anybody want to see The Score sometime later this week? - aaron

[2001-07-17 14:02:00] - jdb: You sure don't like giving descriptions, do you? Considering 80% of your links are boring political stuff, and 1% is pornography, I would really appreciate it if you put forth a little effort in describing what I'm about to click on - aaron

[2001-07-17 13:46:00] - -jdb

[2001-07-17 13:15:00] -    interesting information about car safety

[2001-07-17 13:09:00] - paul: you sure did :-p -dave

[2001-07-17 13:02:00] - McDonald's is doing their Monopoly game again! :) - dewey

[2001-07-17 12:58:00] - <-- good stuff. -jdb

[2001-07-17 12:56:00] - dave: I answered his question, did I not? -paul

[2001-07-17 12:54:00] - bleh.  bye everybody.  -  aba

[2001-07-17 12:53:00] - paul: hehe, last time dewey asks you for clarification :-p -dave

[2001-07-17 12:53:00] - i am sitting at someone elses desk since she is on vacation and i have to cover her work for her.  :'(  -  aba

[2001-07-17 12:53:00] - aba: Give me some of the work to do then, I am bored out of my mind here at work. -paul

[2001-07-17 12:51:00] - too much work for me to do  :(  -  aba

[2001-07-17 12:47:00] - hahahahahaha a

[2001-07-17 12:45:00] - dewey: Yes, well too bad for your assassin. My necromancer had some fun though ;-) -paul

[2001-07-17 12:42:00] - that would be an interesting cinematic - dewey

[2001-07-17 12:42:00] - paul: such an uplifting thought. and I was hoping that she would be alive and happy to see my assassin... ;-) - dewey

[2001-07-17 12:27:00] - the problem with the anya and ancients quests is that the cave levels have lots of sub-areas.  great for exp, but you can give yourself a headache trying to get to anya or arreat summit. - wolf

[2001-07-17 12:15:00] - dewey: You'll be able to gamble again once you find Anya's rotting corpse -paul

[2001-07-17 12:14:00] - but with too many indexes, mysql is the answer.  ~a

[2001-07-17 12:14:00] - and mysql does it even faster.  or you could program the indexes on your own.  ~a

[2001-07-17 12:13:00] - paul: yeah, it does leave some mystery to it, which is cool.  A Little bothersome though that I can't gamble away my money. - dewey

[2001-07-17 12:12:00] - a: and I couldn't think of a fast way to search that object. Like I could easily find a hash-id, but if I wanted to search the chorus for a specific word I would have to look at every entry, and that would be slow. Access does it much faster. - dewey

[2001-07-17 12:11:00] - a: Larry Wall. :-p  But seriously. Like with, we were going to have a big database of songs with artist, album, and chorus and whatnot.  I was storing it in a file, ( I think DBTree ). - dewey

[2001-07-17 12:10:00] - dewey: Granted it isn't as explicit as other quests... like "Kill Diablo" ;-) -paul

[2001-07-17 12:09:00] - paul: oh :-D - dewey

[2001-07-17 12:08:00] - empty meaning without any message content.  It would still have the header and footer stuff.  Just would look funny. - dewey

[2001-07-17 12:08:00] - dewey: Exactly, the passage by the river. You are suppose to be looking for Anya when you stumble upon the frozen river and deduce that she is in there -paul

[2001-07-17 12:07:00] - a: well, it sounds more interesting that way.  what will actually happen is it will create an empty July page when he makes an August entry. - dewey

[2001-07-17 12:05:00] - dewey, what wall were you hitting with perl?  ~a

[2001-07-17 12:02:00] - and aaron, don't you think it should all be the other way around?  since aparna and the others at saic are all salary, but you are hourly?  wouldn't the salary people want long lunches and the hourly people want short lunches?  ~a

[2001-07-17 12:00:00] - dewey, why don't you just predict the results . . . instead of saying they are unpredicted (or unpredictable)?  ~a

[2001-07-17 11:31:00] - how sad this is. - mig

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