here are old message board entries
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2001-09-15 01:32:00] -
a: silly boy, he using enums.
- mig
2001-09-15 01:13:00] - lots of great wtc infographics -jdb
2001-09-15 01:03:00] - and don't say psudo code!
2001-09-15 01:03:00] - what language allows direct comparison of strings with != ?
2001-09-15 00:34:00] - it would seem that his opinion is that, for all
n where
n != Jerry Falwell,
n is a mass murderer
- boing
2001-09-15 00:33:00] - "I would never blame any human being except the terrorists" != "I point the finger in [gay people, feminists, nonreligious people]'s face and say 'you helped this happen.'"
- boing
2001-09-14 22:54:00] -
hmph. not much of an apology.
- mig
2001-09-14 22:45:00] - fallwell apologizes
2001-09-14 20:13:00] - duh!
2001-09-14 19:36:00] - i'm gay.
2001-09-14 19:04:00] -,1283,46852,00.html everyone pray this is just a backlash, and that congress will come to their senses soon. this coupled with the encryption thing is a very bad combination indeed.
- mig
2001-09-14 14:57:00] - interesting article
2001-09-14 14:32:00] - -logan
2001-09-14 14:27:00] -
haha... yeah basically
2001-09-14 12:41:00] - i think the appropriate response to jerry falwell is
fuck you.
2001-09-14 12:27:00] - -logan
2001-09-14 12:26:00] - <-- merrill lynchs statement to their customers about what happened
- aba
2001-09-14 12:16:00] - frisbee at 1pm saturday. im me if you want to come.
2001-09-14 11:38:00] - people who are aware enough to know about foreign policy, people who have thought about these things and decided where they stand are definitely not ignorant... I guess I gave the original author more credit than the respondant... that when he said ignorant he meant ignorant...-cryptic
2001-09-14 11:36:00] -
heh.... the response... I think the audience he speaks to already is aware of what he writes....
2001-09-14 11:29:00] - stat
2001-09-14 10:54:00] -
2001-09-14 10:46:00] -
2001-09-14 10:40:00] - chmod a+x
2001-09-14 10:28:00] - -dave
2001-09-14 09:46:00] - hmm... at least they're testing themselves.
- mig
2001-09-14 09:04:00] - @@@/dvorak.html
2001-09-14 09:04:00] - i just thought it was weird since both typos would make sense on the dvorak keyboard.
2001-09-14 09:01:00] -
nope... I use a normal keyboard... so switching the o and the a in words is either my brain messing up or my fingers not understanding...
2001-09-14 08:56:00] -
cryptic: you use dvorak? the a is next to the o and the t is next to the c.
2001-09-14 02:25:00] - and now it's the name of the congressman who is supporting the abolishment of real privacy.... hmmmm
- boing
2001-09-14 02:05:00] - regarding the encryption thing, wasn't gregg the name of the bill-gates-esque character who put monitoring software in software programs in
the net?
- boing
2001-09-14 00:53:00] -
2001-09-13 23:57:00] -
well, what would be the point of encryption if this law passes, so if it does, we might as well not waste the money on it. what's sad and pathetic is that it does nothing to stop terrorists from using it.
- mig
2001-09-13 23:55:00] - maybe we should do away with encryption entirely....=Þ
2001-09-13 23:48:00] - even if that back door was only meant for government use, and it was only being used where "appropriate", i can guarantee you that someone else will find that backdoor.
- mig
2001-09-13 23:47:00] - it just amazes me after all this time how still technoligically illiterate these politicians are. do they even realize how dangerous it is to have an automatic back door in an encryption program?
- mig
2001-09-13 23:41:00] -
errr... make that politicians... atleast i didn't resort to my famous a/o switch typo... don't ask me how I do those
2001-09-13 23:39:00] - lots of people used it and will use it to their ends... the fbi with their servers to collect data, extremists pushing their religion on you, polititians... uh they are always trying to push something... people are people... and people are jerks
2001-09-13 23:37:00] -
yeah, I have to stay home tomorrow for the guys to come in and install cameras into my apartment as well as a key logger onto my computer...
2001-09-13 23:37:00] - it sickens me how they use tragedies like this for their own sick ends.
2001-09-13 23:34:00] -,1283,46816,00.html this spits on the graves of all who died on tuesday.
2001-09-13 23:30:00] -
also: sometimes the majority is not right.... for example slavery, separate but equal, women should cook clean and not be heard, etc.... sometimes enlightenment is found through imposing...
2001-09-13 23:28:00] - I think there's a sharp difference from "not being patriotic" and being completely utterly ignorant..... beating people up, "don't be angry, you may be drafted", "muslims should have their rights revoked", or feeling nothing at all.. are examples of said ignorance.
2001-09-13 23:25:00] - 'democracy' is one of those empty words that has been so misused that it doesn't mean anything. like 'ignorant' or anything written in a high-school litmag.
- wolf
2001-09-13 23:21:00] -
although, actually if it does happen, it'd be preferable to hear about it so not to be ignorant of the truth (people are dumb) and thus be able to work to change that...
2001-09-13 23:20:00] - as for the "other issues at hand?" it would be refering to the ignorance of some people.... I guess I didnt make it clear by saying "ignorant people going around and beating up people with origins in the middle-east" I should have added "or other ignorant people"
2001-09-13 23:19:00] - imposing is not.... altough enlightening and education is.... the current government imposes... but it's justified in their eyes and american's eyes because democracy is supposed to be the great equalizer...
2001-09-13 22:58:00] - Is it democracy to impose your beliefs on other nations?
2001-09-13 22:36:00] - guess i'm an enemy of democracy. great.
- mig
2001-09-13 22:35:00] - if you actually want "dangerous ideas", i heard madaline albright speak about this and she said: "the only people who say this is a result of american foreign policy are the enemies of democracy."
- mig
2001-09-13 22:29:00] - i already heard someone call harry browne's blurb 'repugnent'.
- mig
2001-09-13 21:24:00] - nyc skyline, before and after -jdb
2001-09-13 21:22:00] - "He told me that he wanted to sell the stuff on EBay. I couldn't believe it. It made me so angry, I slugged him." -jdb
2001-09-13 21:14:00] - <-- amazing 3 meg photo of before the tragedy.
2001-09-13 21:08:00] - Other issues at hand?
2001-09-13 21:01:00] - I'd think you could atleast read through the patriotic dribble and see the other issues at hand... by this time in your life.
2001-09-13 20:58:00] - I dont want to hear about ignorant people going around and beating up people with origins in the middle-east... do you? those people need to rethink what they are doing
2001-09-13 20:57:00] -
heh, well yes the author has some issues that I disagree with, but the overall statement that some people need to rethink what they are doing is something I agree with
2001-09-13 20:54:00] - write editorials!
2001-09-13 20:46:00] -
Yeah, anyone that's not fully and completely mindlessly "patriotic" at a time like this is "ignorant" and "callous."
2001-09-13 20:38:00] - i just saw "the closet" at the lyric... great movie!
2001-09-13 20:26:00] -
yes... no description
2001-09-13 20:25:00] -
2001-09-13 20:19:00] - time to do homework... fun fun fun
2001-09-13 20:19:00] - a person can be smart... but people are dumb
2001-09-13 20:19:00] - first link didn't work.... and are you suprised? I hope not...
2001-09-13 18:59:00] - People are so stupid that it's funny: , -logan
2001-09-13 17:33:00] - who lives in the library?
2001-09-13 17:28:00] - for those of you that live in the library or don't have a tv --> #cnn_mjd is close-caption data from CNN
2001-09-13 17:05:00] - earlier today, i heard a professor make fun of john stossel.
2001-09-13 17:05:00] -
heh, i just heard a professor bash the corps (of cadets).
2001-09-13 16:53:00] -
cryptic: apparently no one remember 'The Siege', either.
- mig
2001-09-13 16:52:00] - i hate to say it, but i'm not surprised. most of the people at tech are a little on the ignorant side
- mig
2001-09-13 16:34:00] -
logan: aivt = amnesty international at virginia tech
2001-09-13 16:24:00] - aivt?
2001-09-13 16:18:00] - the opinions guy said he would publish our aivt statement... so I hope they publish other statements that have unpopular views.
2001-09-13 16:11:00] - judging by the ct's track record, i have a feeling that the issue will be totally swept under the carpet.
- wolf
2001-09-13 16:04:00] - it's good people already know who did it.... especially considering the FBI, etc don't know yet (or atleast haven't informed us)
2001-09-13 16:04:00] -
wolf: i don't know... i just read that in an email. i'm sure you'll see police reports in the CT for these things, but they'll just say "student was harassed", etc.
2001-09-13 16:03:00] - that's retarded.... doesnt anyone remember the internment of japanese americans and the subsequent court rulings.... guess not... people are DUMB
2001-09-13 15:57:00] - where can i find more information about the students who were attacked?
- wolf
2001-09-13 15:54:00] - i overheard a conversation in my art history class between two students who though that all civil liberties should be suspended for 'muslims'.
- wolf
2001-09-13 15:38:00] - The Dean of Students office has already reported over 20 incidents of Middle Eastern students being harassed and attacked on campus, including one student who suffered broken ribs.
2001-09-13 15:12:00] - i heard some particularly nasty stuff about rambus was ammending their patent claim while the standards talks were proceeding.
- mig
2001-09-13 14:51:00] - .... heh... situtation... situation...
2001-09-13 14:51:00] - attempting to force people into that situtation
2001-09-13 14:51:00] - that it's wrong to make it a standard + gain a patent on the technology... but it appears current patents on technology turned standards does not invalidate it... maybe only
2001-09-13 14:49:00] - that's what the idea appears to be...
2001-09-13 14:14:00] - wouldn't making a technology a standard invalidate any patents on it?
- mig
2001-09-13 13:36:00] - very intriguing story about sun and rambus.
- mig
2001-09-13 12:57:00] -
wake up!
2001-09-13 12:44:00] - i like chopsuey
2001-09-12 23:05:00] - a really good blog entry by a girl living in ny.
- aba
2001-09-12 22:00:00] - an old interview with osama bin laden
- wolf
2001-09-12 17:25:00] -
2001-09-12 16:06:00] -
2001-09-12 16:05:00] - as well as demonstrating how a small cross section does not constitute the general feel.... although the lie statement may be more true to fact...
2001-09-12 15:48:00] - study shows british men know how to lie.
- aba
2001-09-12 14:51:00] - first hand accounts of what happened.
- aba
2001-09-12 14:13:00] - Spooky
- aaron
2001-09-12 13:58:00] - disturbing photos
2001-09-12 13:09:00] - -logan
2001-09-12 13:04:00] - Interesting articles about why the towers collapsed. and -logan
2001-09-12 13:00:00] - another tragedy may be on its way after this
2001-09-12 12:57:00] - tomorrow night's free@vt meeting sounds fun, but i have class when they have meetings
this is the third year in a row
- wolf
2001-09-12 12:22:00] - browne speaks on yesterday
- mig
2001-09-12 08:55:00] - morning time again.... time for class fun! =Þ -cryptic [note the sarcasm]
2001-09-12 08:06:00] - anyone else see the jet smoke/cloud-thingies in the sky this morning? i think i hear planes but i'm not sure... looks like military aircraft heading east
- wolf
2001-09-12 07:52:00] - <-- michael moore talks about the tragedy and his experiences dealing with airport security
2001-09-12 07:45:00] - yet another mailing list
2001-09-12 01:08:00] - i want candy.
2001-09-12 01:05:00] - today sucked. i shouldn't have gotten up today.
2001-09-12 01:02:00] - and what the
fuck happened to describing and signing links,
2001-09-12 01:01:00] - FUCK
2001-09-12 00:52:00] - a listing of wtc tenants -->
2001-09-12 00:32:00] - <-- another worthless link for logan
2001-09-12 00:05:00] - i thought the link about jingoism was very much worth clicking. thanks to whoever posted it.
- wolf
2001-09-11 23:40:00] - the last one is mine and is worth clicking.... atleast in my opinion....
2001-09-11 23:36:00] - And most of them not worth clicking.
2001-09-11 22:44:00] - ah! too many links in a row with no descriptions!
- aba
2001-09-11 22:20:00] -
2001-09-11 22:03:00] -
2001-09-11 21:27:00] -
2001-09-11 21:00:00] -
2001-09-11 20:59:00] -
2001-09-11 20:24:00] -
2001-09-11 20:11:00] -
2001-09-11 20:03:00] -
2001-09-11 19:58:00] - did you see the congressmen on tv singing "god bless america?"
2001-09-11 19:58:00] - New York City reports at least 78 police officers missing, 200 firefighters presumed dead.
2001-09-11 19:44:00] -
2001-09-11 19:42:00] - "CNN just reported that of the 400 firefighters sent to the scene in NYC this morning, 200 of them were killed in the ensuing explosions and building collapse...."
2001-09-11 18:08:00] - Explosions rock Kabul, Afghanistan
2001-09-11 18:00:00] -
2001-09-11 17:36:00] - i don't find that surprising... this is tech, after all
- wolf
2001-09-11 17:31:00] -
WOW, a lot of people participated in that prayer chain.
2001-09-11 17:31:00] - building #7 just went down
- wolf
2001-09-11 17:24:00] - i wouldn't be surpirsed if the metal detector was "arranged" to be broken.
2001-09-11 17:16:00] - "The two flights that were hijacked out of Boston left from the same terminal with the broken metal detector."
2001-09-11 17:13:00] - dust cloud -->
2001-09-11 16:33:00] - [16:27] <Spockoria> I just heard that even Fiedel Castro has annonced to help the United States (Source: N24, German News Television)
- wolf
2001-09-11 16:25:00] -
2001-09-11 16:19:00] -
"bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/hda1. i couldn't boot. . . . luckily /dev/hda1 wasn't necessary so commented it out of /etc/fstab and rebooted.
2001-09-11 15:58:00] - be right back.
2001-09-11 15:58:00] -
2001-09-11 15:45:00] - Plus I doubt they've seen how horrid it really was. They just know their enemy was struck.
2001-09-11 15:44:00] - Wouldn't you celebrate a strike against an oppressor? You don't know how these people live.
2001-09-11 15:39:00] -
2001-09-11 15:39:00] -
kids. fucking kids. celebrating death and destruction
2001-09-11 15:38:00] - cnn has footage of palenstinians celebrating in the streets. it really makes me sick
2001-09-11 15:38:00] - more on the structure of wtc
- wolf
2001-09-11 15:22:00] - "This is the direct result of the murder of innocents we have conducted in Occupied Palestine and Iraq, and we are 100% to blame for this tradgedy. We are the ones who have brought these acts upon ourselves. We are at fault. We are getting what we deserve."
2001-09-11 15:17:00] - "We just bombed Iraq last week -- the Gulf War is still going on. The U.S. bombed civilian targets in Belgrade and Kosovo. This is what it feels like."
2001-09-11 15:16:00] - why the wtc collasped
2001-09-11 15:16:00] - <IRCMP> Hijacked aircraft intercepted by Canadian CF-18s over Alaska a moment ago, being forced down in the Yukon. - CBC
- wolf
2001-09-11 15:06:00] -
2001-09-11 15:06:00] -
2001-09-11 14:49:00] - The only estimate I've heard so far is more on the order of 10,000 casualties.
2001-09-11 14:41:00] -
well, as far as deaths go... the bombs/crashes definately happened... that's not speculation
2001-09-11 14:40:00] - I dont see the point of worrying about how many people lost their lives now, since everything is speculative
2001-09-11 14:40:00] - aba "50,000 - 100,000 people dead in the towers alone."
2001-09-11 14:39:00] - those buildings weren't out in a field somewhere
- wolf
2001-09-11 14:38:00] - you have to take into account the number of people affected by the debris, etc
- wolf
2001-09-11 14:37:00] - seeing pictures of places i'm so used to visiting now burning and falling apart makes me feel sick
- wolf
2001-09-11 14:35:00] -
aba: although thousands work there and 100-150k visit daily does not mean that many died... I'm sure many people lost their lives, but having that many working/being there does not mean that many died..
2001-09-11 14:33:00] - more images
- wolf
2001-09-11 14:30:00] - I agree with that article. Retaliation is just going to breed more anti-US sentiment. Although I suppose in this instance we might be justified (as far as the world's opinion of us is concerned).
2001-09-11 14:28:00] - - wolf
2001-09-11 14:25:00] - i'm sitting in that irc channel now as 'wolfgirl'
- wolf
2001-09-11 14:23:00] -
2001-09-11 14:13:00] - what do you think this means? - wolf
2001-09-11 14:10:00] -
2001-09-11 13:53:00] - "Today is the anniversary of the peace treaty between Palestine and Israel signed at Camp David."
2001-09-11 13:40:00] -
2001-09-11 13:38:00] - #worldtradecenter on has a lot of good info
2001-09-11 13:27:00] - various stills of the world trade center.
- aba
2001-09-11 13:26:00] - classes are cancelled.
- wolf
2001-09-11 13:22:00] - this is something we're going to be hearing about for the rest of our lives
- wolf
2001-09-11 13:15:00] -
plus, when building collapse, they kind of destroy stuff around them too.
- aba
2001-09-11 13:15:00] - "About 50,000 people work at the Trade Center and tens of thousands of others visit each day."
2001-09-11 13:11:00] - The towers don't hold that many people.
2001-09-11 13:09:00] -
50,000 - 100,000 people dead in the towers alone. i feel sick.
- aba
2001-09-11 12:59:00] - already the pro-military people are pushing for more military spending. politicians really make me sick
2001-09-11 12:44:00] - four planes are down so far. two american airlines and two united.
- aba
2001-09-11 12:43:00] - united flight has gone down near pittsburgh. chances are - no survivors.
- aba
2001-09-11 12:36:00] - i would feel better if they evacuated my mom too.
i cant imagine shes getting much work done right now.
- aba
2001-09-11 12:36:00] - my cousin who works for the world bank in dc was evacuated and they made them all go on foot too. he had to walk to a friends place.
- aba
2001-09-11 12:27:00] - my mom is going nuts because home is about 10 minutes from philly and 2 hours from manhattan
- wolf
2001-09-11 12:26:00] - my roomate won't get off the playstation so i can't watch cnn to see what's going on
- wolf
2001-09-11 12:25:00] - my good friend at catholic university said washington's a mess
- wolf
2001-09-11 11:22:00] - national's been declared a target and they've kicked everyone out. they're going on foot. they won't even let them get to their cars, saying they don't have time.
2001-09-11 11:12:00] - F16's are flying patrol over DC which has been totally shut down
2001-09-11 11:05:00] - all the news sites seem to be functioning normally now.
- mig
2001-09-11 10:48:00] - another plane crash?
2001-09-11 10:39:00] - lots of big places in chicago evacuated.
2001-09-11 10:36:00] - hijacked plane was from baltimore. downtown baltimore is being evacuated.
2001-09-11 10:34:00] -
50,000 people worked in world trade center
2001-09-11 10:32:00] - airforce tracking those planes
2001-09-11 10:32:00] - a hijacked plane headed towards dc
2001-09-11 10:30:00] - united nations evacuated
2001-09-11 10:29:00] - world trade center has been destroyed.
2001-09-11 10:28:00] - the second world trade center tower is about to collapse
2001-09-11 10:26:00] -
haha, we've diverted all international flights to
2001-09-11 10:25:00] - car bomb explodes outside of state department
2001-09-11 10:18:00] - virginia tech is now blocking some mp3 sharing software. napster is throttled. kazza (sp?) is blocked.
2001-09-11 10:16:00] - one eye witness counted 7 people jumping from world trade center
2001-09-11 10:03:00] - one of the world trade center towers has collapsed
2001-09-11 10:02:00] - all airports shutdown
2001-09-11 09:58:00] - I can see the pentagon from my office and it's billowing smoke and I'm stuck here.
2001-09-11 09:57:00] - Now the pentagon's been hit. They're evacuating the white house.
2001-09-11 09:54:00] - all news sites are getting /.ed
2001-09-11 09:53:00] - Fire reported on National Mall in Washington
2001-09-11 09:49:00] - the white house has been evacuated
2001-09-11 09:47:00] - apparently one of the world trade center plans was american airlines 767
2001-09-11 09:46:00] - and the pentagon was bombed
2001-09-11 09:33:00] - prelim report: -katie
2001-09-11 09:23:00] - two terrorist planes just crashed into the world trade centre
2001-09-11 09:14:00] -
2001-09-11 07:16:00] - different than necessary
2001-09-11 07:16:00] -
anyways, let's drop it, I find this bickering a waste of both your and my time, your message is simple, "people are different thus there are going to be inequalities", fine, I'll agree to that, just stop using the word necessary, because it's NOT necessary, it may be what happens, but that is far
2001-09-11 07:11:00] - my problem is still with the wording, the message behind the wording is simple and not profound, the word 'necessary' still implies that it's required wether or not you want the word to mean that
2001-09-11 07:08:00] - Saying inequality will exist because people are different and thus one will be superior (in one way) than another seems more reasonable
2001-09-11 07:07:00] - a definition of necessary is not follows, nor it must be, but rather essetial and needed. How is inequality needed?
2001-09-11 07:06:00] - if you have more than one human being, it's not necessary or required that their circumstances be different, but rather it follows that their experiences will be different
2001-09-11 07:04:00] - necessary is still the wrong word though, even assuming everything.
2001-09-11 07:00:00] -
meaning: that's your experience and thus are applying it to every other situation
2001-09-11 06:59:00] - it's not necessary that their experiences and circumstances be different, you only assume as much because you don't know any different
2001-09-11 00:39:00] - If you have more than one human being, it is necessary that their experiences and circumstances will be different, and thus there must be inequalities.
2001-09-11 00:38:00] - So when I use it I mean that it must follow from whatever your premises are. It's a logical consequence.
2001-09-11 00:37:00] - I think it's pretty clear in a philosophical context that necessary means necessary in the philosophical sense.
2001-09-11 00:23:00] - ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
2001-09-10 23:42:00] - somehow i don't see either via's new chip or the pentium 4 coming out anytime soon....
2001-09-10 23:41:00] - huh?
2001-09-10 23:34:00] - try for all your defining needs
2001-09-10 22:51:00] - that was me again
2001-09-10 22:51:00] - "necessary means that it must be" a more used definition is "necessary means required, essential, needed"
2001-09-10 22:49:00] - given a world where everyone was equal, it would be very different from our own (that's a given) yet would it necessarily fail? Assuming it does not, what does cease once inequality is done away with? If you mean "inequality exists" by "inequality is necesary", then the problem is wording
2001-09-10 22:47:00] -
2001-09-10 22:46:00] - by saying inequality is necessary, you imply that something would not be if inequality stopped
- Cryptic
2001-09-10 22:45:00] - you gave an example of no inequalities existing, if you cannot imagine it in action, that is completely different than not computing/understanding, had you not understood, you could not give an example.... unless you happened to be guessing
2001-09-10 22:43:00] -
logan: There exist connotations and definitions for words, some more abstract than others, but the definition you propose for necessary does not fit mine. Your definition seems more to be of existance...if something is necessary, that implies it has a purpose
2001-09-10 22:37:00] -
2001-09-10 21:29:00] - i've never seen anyone retire that many times from anything. how many times will have retired when he retires again? i lost count.
- mig
2001-09-10 21:28:00] - i really wish michael jordan would make up his fucking mind.
2001-09-10 21:13:00] - jordan is returning (to the nba)
2001-09-10 20:02:00] - it's one of those situations where i don't know who's sadder: the people selling the items or the people buying the items.
- mig
2001-09-10 19:59:00] - why?????? i'll just never understand people like this. and my mom says i'm addicted to games.
- mig
2001-09-10 19:36:00] - it looks rather onionesque, but one can never be too sure. so many wacko groups around the world right now.
- mig
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