here are old message board entries

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[2001-09-20 10:14:00] - logan: about health fees... i think they're ok, even though most students don't use them. costs would be very high if we had a privatized health system on campus. they're just a cost-recovery operation now. -jdb

[2001-09-20 10:12:00] - logan: you could always get him to elaborate on a point or something. -jdb

[2001-09-20 10:12:00] - it would be fun to distribute 112.50 as I see fit amongst clubs on campus. however, there are ulterior motives ("promoting diversity," etc.) -jdb

[2001-09-20 10:10:00] - I was considering a reply, but all I can think of right now is "Hear hear!" -logan

[2001-09-20 10:09:00] - I'd rather scrap the athletic and health fees, reduce the student activity fee, and raise the technology fee. :P -logan

[2001-09-20 10:09:00] - randy is from the english dept (faculty). he used to post a lot, you'd like him. he was a big part of hate crime conversations on list (back when it was very active). reply and start some conversation. -jdb

[2001-09-20 10:09:00] - As for the student activity fee -- it seems way too high.  I'm not against subsidizing clubs and such, as I think they are a very important part of the college experience, but then again I also think they should fund themselves with member dues and/or donations. -logan

[2001-09-20 10:08:00] - I am against the health and athletic fees, because those are optional services. (which, I might add, I don't use, which I suppose makes me a little biased :P) -logan

[2001-09-20 10:06:00] - Woah, josh, who's this Randy Patton fellow?  Finally a voice of reason on the freeatvt list! :P -logan

[2001-09-20 09:58:00] - (see for tuition & fees table) -jdb

[2001-09-20 09:57:00] - are you against most of the extra fees? such as: student activity, health, athletic, bus, recreational sports, etc. ? -jdb

[2001-09-20 09:49:00] - Forced subsidization of a bus system that can't even operate with the money we give it, that I never use and am annoyed by constantly, is not my idea of fair. -logan

[2001-09-20 09:47:00] - That was a fun survey.  I asked them to get rid of that stupid transit fee. -logan

[2001-09-20 09:36:00] - no searching, no archives, built using a portal system, etc., etc. -jdb

[2001-09-20 09:30:00] - what sucks about the website? - mig

[2001-09-20 09:04:00] - ugh, the collegiatetimes website sucks!!! >:o -jdb

[2001-09-20 08:35:00] - vt transportation and parking customer survey -jdb

[2001-09-20 07:11:00] - :(

[2001-09-20 03:26:00] - haha! ###/pics/download/60.gif

[2001-09-20 01:07:00] - there goes my uptime.  ~a

[2001-09-20 01:05:00] - good job, real player!  you crashed my computer!  :-\  ~a

[2001-09-19 23:45:00] - <sarcasm>yay for government!</sarcasm>

[2001-09-19 23:45:00] - sleep time.... we can continue tomorrow... -cryptic

[2001-09-19 23:33:00] - whole lives -cryptic

[2001-09-19 23:33:00] - if one knows the information, yet cannot pass the test because one has comprehension problems... there's the problem, comprehension.... if one fails because one 'is not good at tests'... why is that? comprehension problem? stress? that's where the problem lies... since we're tested our -cryptic

[2001-09-19 23:31:00] - just because some don't get anything from the test is irrelevant.  It's a way to determine where the students stand and to point out which students are behind and need help -cryptic

[2001-09-19 23:31:00] - assigned reading because johnny gets nothing from it? should we get rid of homework because suzy really only learns from in class teaching? should we get rid of in class teaching because mary learns best from assigned reading? -cryptic

[2001-09-19 23:29:00] - the 'others' who learn for other reasons... actually learn by other means, not reasons, but that's not my point.... they are not damaged by taking a test.... merely learn nothing from it... and those who learn something from testing learn nothing from other means... should we get rid of -cryptic

[2001-09-19 23:28:00] - these tests should be used to determine students who need help.... -cryptic

[2001-09-19 23:27:00] - I don't necessarily support bush's yearly testing thing.... but testing in 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 11th grade seems adequate to me to find those falling behind.... -cryptic

[2001-09-19 23:26:00] - as you said... "the sols found that people who couldn't pass were graduating".... it was left up to the teachers/schools to determine if these kids had met the requirements, they werent -cryptic

[2001-09-19 23:26:00] - Some people approach tests as a challenge or a game, and so learn for them.  Others learn for other reasons.  For such people, testing can only damage. -logan

[2001-09-19 23:19:00] - "Students there showed marked improvement on high-stakes standardized tests, but they showed no gains on nationally normed tests like the SATs."  ahahahhaha... sats are used similarly to these standardized tests... -cryptic

[2001-09-19 23:13:00] - "it creates an intolerably stressful learning environment for children. " Pure bullshit... I'm not done reading... but that's bull... if you can't stand taking tests because "they are stressful" maybe you should go hide in a box -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:59:00] - - mig

[2001-09-19 22:49:00] - the solution would be to hire more competent teachers.... but how did 'they' simply try to get the student's to pass? -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:47:00] - who is responsible for the student's learning? the teacher.  The ability of the teacher is determined by his/her bosses, up the chain...  thus those responsible for having competent students lays indirectly in the hands of those administering the tests -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:44:00] - however, instead of taking the obvious solution to the problem(either make the teacher more competent or hire more competent teachers), they decided to simply try to get students to pass the test, not really teaching them anything, and effectively making the problem worse. - mig

[2001-09-19 22:43:00] - agreed.... -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:42:00] - the material covered in the sol was basic and simplistic.... sure some questions had poor wordings, unclear questions... but that happens on all tests... -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:42:00] - i'll have to admit, the sols found that people who couldn't pass were graduating, thus you're scenario of the high school grad who couldn't read or write. - mig

[2001-09-19 22:41:00] - yet there are people who have trouble with it.... thus the school was not teaching the basic material -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:40:00] - that's left up to them.  Once high school is optional, and thus has a screening process and acceptance requirements, it can then set what it hopes to achieve while leaving out unimportant concepts... yet this would require an institution such as college to be put in place at the high school level

[2001-09-19 22:39:00] - what i always found fascinating about the sols was how redudant it was.  ideally, there was no need for it because those who graduated supposadly should have had no trouble with it. - mig

[2001-09-19 22:38:00] - the institution of college is different than high school... high school has been determined as something everyone should have the opportunity to attend... and thus all high schools should meet minimum requirements, if the individual schools decide to go beyond the minimum and require more.. -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:32:00] - i have no problems with college setting requirements.  they're the ones giving me the degree.  they should be allowed to tell me what i have to do to get it. - mig

[2001-09-19 22:30:00] - the reasoning is simple, by graduating high school/college, it is saying something of the student, that he/she has aquired certain knowledge, and that includes basic knowledge about the world around him/her -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:29:00] - oh... it's state mandated... state money, of course -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:28:00] - in one case the college (governing body of many schools: engineering, art, etc), while the other case the state (governing body of many schools: high schools, etc.)... do you have a problem with the college having requirements for graduation? -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:28:00] - i have problems with core, but i'm pretty sure it would still be there if it wasn't state mandated. - mig

[2001-09-19 22:26:00] - the reason behind the core curriculum is the same behind basic requirements for graduating high school -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:25:00] - a:  none at all.  i just won't be surprised if that school has 0% of it's graduating class getting into college. - mig

[2001-09-19 22:25:00] - we still have these requirements in college... core curriculum anyone? why are they in place? -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:24:00] - by saying I graduated high school, you understand I have atleast a rudementary understanding of history, government, math, science, english, etc.

[2001-09-19 22:23:00] - the schools which get money from the state must meet certain requirements.... if the school does not wish to meet those requirements, then they should not get state funding -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:22:00] - if a school feels classes on rolling joints are more important than classes on history, you don't see a problem with that?  ~a

[2001-09-19 22:21:00] - if your high school determines x is important and required, it still wouldnt necessarily be a better requirement than y which was set up by the state.... and it also doesnt mean that x can't be in place while y is in place. -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:20:00] - if a school feels that history is a useless subject and doesn't require it to graduate, i fail to see any problem with that. - mig

[2001-09-19 22:20:00] - I agree that there were many questions that required tivial or useless knowledge, but that was in my opinion... -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:17:00] - i'm not saying it shouldn't.  i'm saying it shouldn't be required. - mig

[2001-09-19 22:17:00] - =Þ -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:17:00] - to pass the exam you do not have to have 100% of the knowledge asked on the exam.... although some examples of useless requirements might help in arguing... and maybe should be brought up to the school board, etc. -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:16:00] - grrr. that came out wrong.  can't proofread any msgs with the text bar.... - mig

[2001-09-19 22:15:00] - I can certainly get on with life without being able to read... but that doesnt mean reading shouldnt be taught and everyone shouldnt have the opportunity to learn -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:14:00] - my complaint about the tests are ones that take excessively long (subjective term) such as the exams in new jersey which take 20+ hours.. -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:13:00] - basic requirements that everyone should have requirements of?  i can certainly get on with life without  a number of the 'requirements' that i had to go through in high school. - mig

[2001-09-19 22:13:00] - if a teacher cannot incorporate the basics into the lesson plan, I think there is a problem...  learning the concepts required to pass the sol and such tests should already be in a good teacher's lesson and thus only a quick review would be required.... just as any test given by the teacher -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:11:00] - actually, there was little to no preperation for 'the test', and "teaching to the test" should not be done... if teachers are 'teaching to the test', I wouldnt want to leave it up to them and their school to set the standards anyways -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:10:00] - graduate -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:10:00] - the point is: there are requirements to get a diploma, the governing body is the state, it allocates money to the schools and requires the schools to meet certain standards in teaching, these requirements are quite low, if a student cannot meet these requirements, I doubt he/she should -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:10:00] - and do you think 'teaching to the test' is going to teach them anything?  you're scenario of the high shool grad who can't read or add is even more likely with the sols in place. - mig

[2001-09-19 22:07:00] - unfortunatley, the candidates that i would vote for have some unconstitutional hurdles that assure they would never win. - mig

[2001-09-19 22:05:00] - I took the sols.... they were a joke -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:05:00] - the government gives money to the schools.... they want to determine whether or not the students are meeting basic requirements, these are not AP tests... these are basic tests that everyone should be able to complete -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:04:00] - there should be basic requirements that everyone should have knowledge of... the schools are left to set higher standards.  If you don't like the politicians in office, vote for new ones, campaign for one you like, or become one yourself -cryptic

[2001-09-19 22:02:00] - my problem is that the individual schools should be the ones setting the requirements, not jerk-off politicians deciding requirements for everyone. - mig

[2001-09-19 22:00:00] - if one cannot pass the sols, one should not be graduating -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:59:00] - why do lawyers have to pass the bar? -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:59:00] - cryptic:  i would wonder what happened, but guess what?  sols and other mandated test crap doesn't make the situation better.  makes the situation worse imo. - mig

[2001-09-19 21:57:00] - it's actually not that common, although it does happen, so I'd hope you would be suprised. -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:56:00] - no it's not.  there are requirements to getting a diploma, if you don't want the diploma, don't get it, that's not my problem.  the burden of proof is on you to explain why we shouldnt have basic requirenments for a diploma, which is supposed to prove you've completed certain requirements -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:55:00] - A diploma from a government school?  I wouldn't be surprised. :P -logan

[2001-09-19 21:55:00] - Heh, contest got cancelled, so it's off to Macado's instead! :P -logan

[2001-09-19 21:55:00] - if you met someone in today's society who could not add 1+1, nor read, yet held in their hand a high school diploma, would you not wonder what happened? -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:53:00] - The burden of proof is on you to explain to me why everybody should be forced to know these things.  Or, in general, why anybody should be forced to do something simply because you think they should do it. -logan

[2001-09-19 21:53:00] - to be a professional engineer, one must pass the exam.  It is given by the state, and by passing you become a licensed engineer in the state of _____ -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:52:00] - the state -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:52:00] - the reason everyone must learn these things is they are percieved as basic knowledge that everyone should aquire, if you dont believe that everyone should know generally how the government works, how yo add, subtract, multiply, divide, etc... explain why.  -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:50:00] - cryptic: What examination?  Who administrates it, and who says you have to pass it? -logan

[2001-09-19 21:50:00] - there is a difference between high school and college... in high school, everyone must learn certain things, take certain classes.  While in college it's more individualized, and more specific. -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:50:00] - Some colleges choose to be accredited (by, I presume, private organizations) in order to increase the perceived value of the degrees they offer. -logan

[2001-09-19 21:47:00] - to become a professional engineer, everyone has to take the professional engineering examination... should that also be thrown away and based solely on the school's disgression? -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:45:00] - course/courses -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:45:00] - yet they meet the standards of accreditors... I dont think that's just a coincidence, I'm sure the college set out it's course to be accredited -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:41:00] - Universities set their own standards.  We were talking about standards imposed from above the universities, not within. -logan

[2001-09-19 21:41:00] - the argument is there are requirements to get diplomas, high school or college, there are requirements to become a professional engineer, there are requirements to be president.... these requirements must be met to achieve the goal be it president or high school graduate -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:39:00] - you don't value the diploma, it's not hard for you or I to get a high school diploma.... yet a high school diploma is supposed to show you've met certain requirements to graduate... unless of course your school just hands out diplomas to anyone who wants one? -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:38:00] - actually, universities have standards.... otherwise everyone would pass... also, as stated before, since they are accredited, they met certain standards to be accredited. -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:30:00] - Now I've got a contest to try to win. :P -logan

[2001-09-19 21:29:00] - wolf: You are wrong.  A school that simply passes everybody has no reputation.  Would you hire a person that graduated a summer camp versus someone that graduated a real engineering program?  Universities have operated without real standards for centuries. -logan

[2001-09-19 21:29:00] - A diploma is only useful in bypassing bureaucratic hurdles.  Otherwise they are meaningless and worthless, except for a few special schools. -logan

[2001-09-19 21:18:00] - otherwise what is the point of having diplomas? high school diplomas are there to say one has completed/met the requirements of high school. -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:17:00] - oi.... not crypti -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:17:00] - I will agree there are cases in which the tests are too long and consume too much time, but that's my opinion.... next time I vote, I'll vote for someone who promotes less time consuming tests... or run myself... but I still believe there are requirements that must be met by every student... -crypti

[2001-09-19 21:15:00] - there are requirements for becomming an engineer, there are requirements for graduating high school, there are requirements for jobs, there are requirements to become a senator.... standardized tests are in place to determine if the requirements have been met -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:13:00] - maybe we should get rid of the required classes for graduating as well.... and let the student determine when he/she has earned a degree.... why do we have tests to become professional engineers, etc? shouldnt they base becomming an engineer on what the college says? -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:11:00] - there are things everyone should know,  there are course curriculums and requirements in college as well... should we get rid of those? -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:09:00] - Shouldn't high school graduates have some knowledge of how government works? how to do simple addition, multiply, read, write, comprehend, know history, geography, and basic knowledge of the world?  there is a difference between a Professional Engineer's exam and a standardized requirement -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:06:00] - and by the way.... your argument was not contained in your statment -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:06:00] - sure, it'd be nice if we could have little one-on-one chats and interviews, base it on what teachers say.... but teachers can be biased, and one-on-one chats are expensive -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:03:00] - if every student should aquire these skills, and the state is funding the institutions, they should be able to determine whether or not these standards are being met.... how else would you like them to determine these things? -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:02:00] - to be able to add? -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:02:00] - logan & mig: should high school students be required to be able to read? -cryptic

[2001-09-19 21:00:00] - soon, universities would be nothing more than expensive summer camps for young adults. - wolf

[2001-09-19 20:59:00] - other universities would take similar measures in order to attract students = cash flow. - wolf

[2001-09-19 20:58:00] - i'd be making so much money that someone else might decide that's a good idea.  he'll set up a similar university, only the academics would be much easier, and there would be more incentives, such as alcohol being sold on campus. - wolf

[2001-09-19 20:56:00] - probably because then i'd start up a super-expensive school where nobody would be taught anything, everyone would get a+'s and all sorts of papers that say they're smart and fit for employment.  - wolf

[2001-09-19 20:09:00] - why isn't each school capable of deciding that for themselves. - mig

[2001-09-19 19:54:00] - i don't understand why there has to be a rule that "every high school graduate must know this, this, and this?"  - mig

[2001-09-19 19:26:00] - No, my argument is, "What standards need to be met by everyone?"  I don't believe in any such. -logan

[2001-09-19 19:10:00] - standardized testing is stupid not because you can learn the information elsewhere, but because it takes too long... in wolf's case it was a week of daily 4-hour tests... standards need to be met by everyone, although the examination proving it should not take as long -cryptic

[2001-09-19 19:06:00] - in 27291 you said "standardized testing is stupid because there is no standard base of knowledge that a person should know that can't be learned outside of school".... that seems to be more of an argument stating you learn things outside of school and thus schools are stupid, not the tests. -cryptic

[2001-09-19 19:04:00] - and what are standardized tests? it's just another form of establishing your reputation. -cryptic

[2001-09-19 17:05:00] - And what are accreditors?  It's just another form of establishing your reputation. -logan

[2001-09-19 16:59:00] - bush is being pretty rash right now.  the taliban have offered going in to talks for conditions on giving them bin laden, but bush just refused pretty much saying, "hand him over or die". - mig

[2001-09-19 16:46:00] - elementary, middle (junior high), and high school are designed to teach the basics of reading, writing, history, math, etc. with some advanced classes available.... all these institutions teaching the same thing, state regulated, should atleast teach everyone to the minimum requirements -cryptic

[2001-09-19 16:42:00] - the point of the standardized tests is to make sure certain things are being taught... just as the accreditors make sure the students learn ceratin things -cryptic

[2001-09-19 16:42:00] - As for college... there is a standardization.... as you said accreditation is standardization... basically by being accredited, the college meets the teaching requirements set by the accreditors -cryptic

[2001-09-19 16:41:00] - "operation infinite justice" ... why aren't we fucking high and mighty! -jdb

[2001-09-19 16:40:00] - The reason we have schools is to teach... they are ideally learning institutions, whether or not the students actually learn is different -cryptic

[2001-09-19 16:39:00] - question: if the basics can be learned outside of school, why do we have school? Why do we have college?, I can learn everything here by going to work for someone and learning from others at work -cryptic

[2001-09-19 16:36:00] - if we're going to go by "there is no standard base of knowledge that a person should know that can't be learned outside of school".... nothing college or any school has taught me couldn't have been learned elsewhere.... -cryptic

[2001-09-19 16:35:00] - it/they differ from rectangles, etc)  Basic things like reading and comprehension.  Who the founding fathers were, knowledge about government, etc -cryptic

[2001-09-19 16:33:00] - -cryptic

[2001-09-19 16:33:00] - logan: there is a standard base of knowledge that should be learned to get through school.  Standardized test should determine if students have learned these basic concepts (ie, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing in elementary school... along with things like what a square is... how it

[2001-09-19 14:46:00] - my dog got her ears clipped and now she is crying :'( - mig

[2001-09-19 14:10:00] - ha!  i liked how rush said "god" mockingly. - mig

[2001-09-19 13:54:00] - pat robertson speaking with ex-muslim,,PTID1000|CHID138599|CIID847622,00.html -jdb

[2001-09-19 13:51:00] - wow, i agree with limbaugh -jdb

[2001-09-19 13:50:00] - more cocaine, please -jdb

[2001-09-19 12:52:00] - it may not solve everything, but it'll solve a lot for both public and private institutions. - mig

[2001-09-19 12:51:00] - simple solution to education problems:  simply don't make k-12 attendance mandatory. - mig

[2001-09-19 12:41:00] - my teachers never taught for any particular tests.  after-school sessions were usually held at the community college if you wanted to prepare for the hspt's or sat's, but it was on your own time. - wolf

[2001-09-19 12:39:00] - the standardized test we took may have not been idealogically perfect, but they helped the administration get a rough idea of what subjects students were weak in, etc. - wolf

[2001-09-19 12:37:00] - i believe that my high school was of superior quality, regardless of the so-called "quality" of our graduates. - wolf

[2001-09-19 12:35:00] - my high school had a terrible reputation because i lived in a low-income area where most students dropped out at age 16 or left for vocational school so they could work to support their families.  yet my teachers were much better than any professor i've ever had at tech.

[2001-09-19 12:33:00] - ... except that colleges and universities can pick and choose which students they want, whereas your average public high school is attended by every student who lives in an area zoned for that school. - wolf

[2001-09-19 12:22:00] - There is no standardization (although accreditation might count a tiny bit), yet it works quite well. -logan

[2001-09-19 12:22:00] - What is better is how colleges and universities work.  They stake their reputation on the quality of the graduates they produce. -logan

[2001-09-19 12:21:00] - Standardized testing is stupid because there is no standard base of knowledge that a person should know that can't be learned outside of school. -logan

[2001-09-19 11:40:00] - -cryptic

[2001-09-19 11:40:00] - on a personal note: I found the tests a waste of time... yet I dont know what I would have done in that time otherwise... we need to set a standard somewhere, and these tests set it pretty low...

[2001-09-19 11:39:00] - in an ideal world it wouldnt matter... we wouldnt have to test people since everyone would love to learn, and do their very best... but we're not in an ideal world

[2001-09-19 11:38:00] - since those can cause stress to the student as well

[2001-09-19 11:38:00] - we should do away with in class tests, homework, worksheets, or any other form of determining where the student stands

[2001-09-19 11:37:00] - if you've taken the tests you know they are a joke.  yet these people make it seem like the tests cause undue stress... if they really cause stress (I'd hope not everyone pisses their pants over the tests) what's wrong with stress? doesnt stress exist in the working world? I guess

[2001-09-19 11:34:00] - or against a student? I should hope not... the determination should be unbiased, independant of color, race, location....

[2001-09-19 11:33:00] - if not through testing, how? should we have the students talk to people one on one and determine where they stand?  Should we base it on the passing of tests in class?(again, you run into the fact people dont test well) Should the judgement be left up to teachers who may or may not be biased for

[2001-09-19 11:31:00] - determine where I stood on the information.... thus testing was required to show my knowledge of lack of.... sure, you can't base everything on a single test, but certainly there must be a determination of who has learned what and whether or not that meets the requirements for awards(graduation)....

[2001-09-19 11:28:00] - standardized tests are a joke, and too many can be a hinderance on learning, yet there should be certain requirements met, while my experiences give lots of credit most to my teachers as being able to evaluate me fairly and with an unbiased mind... there still exist teachers who cannot really

[2001-09-19 11:26:00] - make that doodling

[2001-09-19 11:25:00] - the extra time after completing a test was spent dooding, being bored, or thinking of new ways to apply what I already knew

[2001-09-19 11:24:00] - I took the tests as well.... the time used in class for reviewing for them was useful for completing other tasks such as chatting with friends and practicing ignoring teachers

[2001-09-19 11:22:00] - maybe they should just make the tests 15 minutes long....

[2001-09-19 10:38:00] - I remember once memorizing digits of pi, just to keep from going insane. -logan

[2001-09-19 10:38:00] - Sitting for 2 hours to take a 15 minute test (waiting for the official time to expire), and doing this four times a day, every day for one week or two a year, can really drive a person crazy. -logan

[2001-09-19 10:37:00] - At my public school system, learning was put aside in order to train for such tests every year.  I suppose the reasoning was to make the school look good to intice those tuition students from just across the river. -logan

[2001-09-19 10:27:00] -

[2001-09-19 10:26:00] -

[2001-09-19 08:57:00] - hahaha... no more tests.... they raise some good points.... but so funny...

[2001-09-19 08:39:00] -

[2001-09-18 23:45:00] - anyboyd want to buy some t-shirts? -jdb

[2001-09-18 23:27:00] - dc101 was talking about jerry falwell and said that falwell reminded him of a bumper sticker he saw on a car.  "Dear Jesus - Save me from your followers." - mig

[2001-09-18 23:23:00] - logan:  media has started castrating themselves because it has learned that whenever something awful happens in this country, the media is somehow blamed by it somehow.  they're just reacting this way because they're used to it. - mig

[2001-09-18 23:20:00] - speaking of falwell... american taliban -jdb

[2001-09-18 23:19:00] - falwell apoligzes again. sort of. - mig

[2001-09-18 21:38:00] - i think michael jackson thinking he can get $50 million in sales from the single is just a wee bit arrogant... - mig

[2001-09-18 21:32:00] - logan:  moby did. he created a remix of some song he did called "peace on earth".  it's just "porcelain" with some sound bytes from 9-11 put in it.  very crude, but i guess effective. - mig

[2001-09-18 21:18:00] - yeah, something like that "we are the world" thing he did a while back. - mig

[2001-09-18 20:31:00] - logan: -jdb

[2001-09-18 20:29:00] - have you heard about the michael jackon / britney spears thing?  i think a few other people are joining in also... -jdb

[2001-09-18 20:24:00] - After all, entertainment is most effective when it can touch the emotions.  I don't understand why so much of the media is trying so hard to castrate itself.  This empty, politically correct garbage isn't entertainment. -logan

[2001-09-18 20:23:00] - I was speculating with a friend of mine earlier... with so many entertainment companies (tv networks, etc.) working so hard to avoid any connection with the attack, someone could really cash in by creating something very strongly emotional (whether it be a song or movie or whatever). -logan

[2001-09-18 20:06:00] - 98 rock seems to be using the clear channel's song list as their own... - mig

[2001-09-18 17:45:00] - ... one could score big on the market. -jdb

[2001-09-18 17:45:00] - hmmm... about bin laden and his cronies short-selling stock and whatnot. a person on a mailing list that i subscribe to offered "maybe this whole event was just for ... short-selling stocks." i doubt that was the case... but interesting theory. for a rather small terrorism investment... -jdb

[2001-09-18 17:39:00] - -jdb

[2001-09-18 17:19:00] -    -kris

[2001-09-18 16:23:00] - That's a nice story! - aaron

[2001-09-18 14:38:00] - wow - mig

[2001-09-18 12:43:00] - apparently the transit has a reduced budget and is losing a lot of money anyways. -jdb

[2001-09-18 11:16:00] - josh: why are they proposing 'adjustments' to the bt?

[2001-09-18 10:43:00] - dc101 is owned by clear channel :( - mig

[2001-09-18 09:42:00] -

[2001-09-18 09:37:00] - proposed bt adjustments include no sunday service and ending service at 10pm for monday-saturday. ugh. -jdb

[2001-09-18 09:32:00] -

[2001-09-18 00:36:00] - Cute. -logan

[2001-09-18 00:18:00] - <-- microsoft's latest ad campaign. -jdb

[2001-09-17 19:52:00] - Heh, "banned together."  So much for a college education. -logan

[2001-09-17 18:51:00] -

[2001-09-17 18:19:00] -

[2001-09-17 08:39:00] - some of those songs seem randomly chosen as well. "na na na na hey hey" has the same lyrics as about a dozen others that aren't on the list - vinnie

[2001-09-17 08:34:00] - ha ha ha, we heard burnin' for you on the way to ddr. take that, clear channel! :) - vinnie

[2001-09-17 08:12:00] -

[2001-09-17 08:04:00] - more ddr pictures!  ~a

[2001-09-17 02:20:00] - Heh, it doesn't follow, as they claim, that capitalism defines children as property.  Maybe some capitalists do, but I certainly don't. -logan

[2001-09-17 01:54:00] -

[2001-09-17 01:45:00] - network connection = sucky

[2001-09-17 00:21:00] -

[2001-09-16 22:53:00] - hrmmm... the ddr script in the top right supposed to loop I assume?

[2001-09-16 21:30:00] - Some of her notions, like how capitalism operates, or how climate works, etc., are rather childish. -logan

[2001-09-16 21:17:00] - logan: why is she a moron? -jdb

[2001-09-16 21:12:00] -

[2001-09-16 21:12:00] - Looking through thsoe minimumsecurity cartoons, I'm starting to think more and more that the woman that does them is a moron. :P -logan

[2001-09-16 21:04:00] - this is stupid

[2001-09-16 19:29:00] - i wonder if the wtc terrorist read these sorts of books -jdb

[2001-09-16 19:20:00] - (could not download)

[2001-09-16 19:08:00] - minimum security, on the wtc tragedy -jdb

[2001-09-16 19:08:00] -

[2001-09-16 17:55:00] - <-- that duck hunt dog!

[2001-09-16 17:37:00] - i wouldn't mind a 4-day week. ;)

[2001-09-16 17:12:00] - Songs about fluffy clouds have uncomfortable connections to Tuesday's events.  Also, from now on, the day Tuesday is removed from the week. -logan

[2001-09-16 17:00:00] - strange that they are all pretty much rock songs...  guess all pop songs are about fluffy clouds and cute little puppies. - mig

[2001-09-16 16:58:00] - and a lot of these songs are songs that make people feel better.  most of these are songs that should be played on radio stations. - mig

[2001-09-16 16:17:00] - talking heads?  DAVE matthews>??????? Barenaked Ladies???? - mig

[2001-09-16 16:14:00] - war pigs?  war pigs is a song protesting war.  *shakes head*. - mig

[2001-09-16 16:12:00] - their intent, but the majority simply contain metaphorical language or narrative aspects that connect uncomfortably with the tragedy.

[2001-09-16 16:12:00] - In response to Tuesday’s terrorist attacks, Clear Channel, the world’s largest radio network, has sent out a list of some 150 "lyrically questionable" songs by everyone from the Animals to the Zombies to its radio stations, recommending that the songs not be aired. Some songs are overtly violent in

[2001-09-15 23:57:00] - so someone is good at using photoshop.  what else is new? - mig

[2001-09-15 23:26:00] -

[2001-09-15 22:45:00] - oh, and this might be something that would be good to reach some people who think it's a good idea to "bomb afghantistan to the stone ages" - mig

[2001-09-15 22:10:00] - - mig

[2001-09-15 21:10:00] - katie, where are you going?  ~a

[2001-09-15 20:52:00] - who would read it if i made the code for this message board open source?  ~a

[2001-09-15 20:52:00] - 15 hours until ddr!  i'm so excited!  :)  ~a

[2001-09-15 20:47:00] - or take any of pierce's programs for 2704 for example.  :-P  ~a

[2001-09-15 19:56:00] - like an object oriented operating system? - mig

[2001-09-15 19:27:00] - boing: object oriented doesn't always mean better.  as proof, you can come up with a really crappy object oriented program.  ~a

[2001-09-15 19:26:00] - wow.  really clever. - mig

[2001-09-15 18:32:00] - and the start menu is infuriatingly annoying. - mig

[2001-09-15 18:32:00] - miguel has seen xp.  miguel does not like.  it's too fruity. - mig

[2001-09-15 17:53:00] - your message board has incorrect syntax hilighing, adrian... - boing

[2001-09-15 17:52:00] - std::string s = "c++ strings can suck your balls and more, adrian, since they are object oriented and can be extended to fit your needs!" - std::boing

[2001-09-15 16:16:00] - c++ strings can suck my balls.  ~a

[2001-09-15 16:15:00] - goodbye. - wolf

[2001-09-15 13:47:00] - and for falwell.... anonymous had it right when she/he posted "i think the appropriate response to jerry falwell is fuck you."

[2001-09-15 13:46:00] - ick... hopefully congress does come back to their senses.... the statement made in the article (posted by mig) "And maybe what the terrorists have done made us a little bit less safe. Maybe they have increased Big Brother in this country." does not == true for long -cryptic

[2001-09-15 10:01:00] - #inculde<string> allows direct comparisons. - mig

[2001-09-15 07:33:00] - { "i would never blame any human being except the terrorists" != "i point thefinger in [gay people, feminists, nonreligious people]'s face and say `you helped this happen.'" }

[2001-09-15 07:33:00] - i didn't mean that line.  i meant the one before it.  ~a

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