here are old message board entries
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2001-09-28 13:43:00] - is it on the website, josh? i can't find it.
- mig
2001-09-28 13:41:00] - "Darwin’s theory of evolution was inherently racist in its root form." umm.... no
- mig
2001-09-28 13:32:00] - the CT has an interesting editorial cartoon today about being "openminded." worth checking out.
2001-09-28 13:30:00] - an open letter to bin laden -jdb
2001-09-28 13:29:00] - Organized religion not to blame for attacks, but has helped in recovery -jdb
2001-09-28 13:14:00] - and they're giving $15 billion for airports to just squander.
- mig
2001-09-28 13:13:00] - i mean, they just gave bush $40 billion to do "whatever he wants" with.
- mig
2001-09-28 13:10:00] -
logan: still, everything on that list is a whole lot more necessary than this "anti-terrorism" campaign.
- mig
2001-09-28 11:45:00] - ###/pics/download/67.gif
2001-09-28 11:37:00] - -logan
2001-09-28 11:30:00] - In that big long list, only #16 I consider necessary.
2001-09-28 08:14:00] - the artist that drew that is coming to tech tonight!
2001-09-28 08:13:00] -
2001-09-28 02:10:00] - <-- perspectives in expenditures
2001-09-28 01:52:00] -
2001-09-28 01:26:00] - vatech #14 on most wired list
2001-09-28 00:08:00] - =Þ
2001-09-28 00:08:00] - I have both dollars and coins... I prefer coins, they have a nice tin to sit in... while the dollars are bound and strapped to my ass...
2001-09-28 00:05:00] - Or you don't have any.
2001-09-28 00:04:00] -
*** cryptic goes to bed.... counting his pennies, nickles and dimes (because I hate dollars! =Þ couldn't help myself)
2001-09-28 00:02:00] - athiest are evil in many christian eyes.... doesnt mean they are evil (not to say I disagree, since I don't know him or care to)
2001-09-28 00:01:00] -
Hehe, it's midnight, past my bedtime. Good night!
2001-09-27 23:58:00] -
Anyway, Chomsky is evil because he's an anarchosocialist (an oxymoron) (sorry, couldn't resist parodying Chomsky's style there
2001-09-27 23:57:00] - I'd like to think I made a few good points regarding intellectual style.
2001-09-27 23:56:00] -
err... lots of conversing... little substance... but without substance, it really doesnt count as conversation
2001-09-27 23:55:00] - a lot of words... little conversation or substance
2001-09-27 23:55:00] - not really
2001-09-27 23:55:00] - intellectual value is subjective.
2001-09-27 23:55:00] -
heh, a lot of conversation since i posted that link.
2001-09-27 23:54:00] - fun win restating what I said already =Þ
2001-09-27 23:53:00] - No intellectual value. He's welcome to talk like that, but that doesn't mean I think it's any less dumb.
2001-09-27 23:52:00] - your impression is quite founded... although since it's not explicitly stated, it's an assertion
2001-09-27 23:52:00] - even then, the problem with implying that?
2001-09-27 23:51:00] - Perhaps what you mean to say is that my impression may be unfounded.
2001-09-27 23:51:00] - It's a pretty believable assertion, as no one knows better than myself what my impression is.
2001-09-27 23:51:00] -
slick.... forgot the
2001-09-27 23:51:00] - I suppose it's more subtle than simply saying, "While no one cares that all these capitalist pigs were attacked, some of the innocent casualties included..." But barely so.
2001-09-27 23:50:00] - you get the impression he doesnt, but nowhere does it state it explicidly and thus your statement of your impression is an assertion
2001-09-27 23:50:00] - You can be rude in what you go out of your way to not say as well as in what you do say.
2001-09-27 23:49:00] -
Oh, he says that in other writings, I'm sure.
2001-09-27 23:49:00] - So who is this unnamed person?
2001-09-27 23:49:00] - I'll agree it is crude, appears subversive, trying to emphasize a point and exemplify his beliefs... but where does it say he does not care about bankers, lawyers, interns, etc.
2001-09-27 23:48:00] - I find it less feasible that they are a representative group.
2001-09-27 23:48:00] -
alright... that fixes it
2001-09-27 23:48:00] - while i find it less feasible that "janitors, secretaries, firemen" are not "working people"
2001-09-27 23:48:00] - Remove the 'typical' if you like.
2001-09-27 23:47:00] - You can reorganize mine to use the same format. It doesn't make any difference.
2001-09-27 23:47:00] - I will assert "timothy mcveigh, ted kaczinsky, oj simpson" are not typical americans
2001-09-27 23:46:00] - he says: "working people: examples, etc.", you said "examples, etc =typical americans"
2001-09-27 23:46:00] - Just as I'll complain about poorly written software and poorly designed products, I'll rant about poorly written articles as well.
2001-09-27 23:46:00] - It's annoying to see such crap being deemed as highly intellectual.
2001-09-27 23:45:00] - Both are obviously false, but that doesn't matter. Either is bad style.
2001-09-27 23:44:00] - since you belive it's not effective, what does it matter?
2001-09-27 23:44:00] - How is that different? You don't think my statement evoked the idea that Americans are murderers as Chomsky's statement evoked the idea that only low-income people can be considered victims?
2001-09-27 23:44:00] - -e
2001-09-27 23:44:00] - writeres
2001-09-27 23:43:00] - math book writters are good writters?.... now that's funny
2001-09-27 23:43:00] - So perhaps you see why I call Chomsky's wording bad style, when it seems that he's trying to "trick" people into accepting his view (not that I believe it is effective).
2001-09-27 23:43:00] -
well, the typical american statement does not fit.... although you included the etc., you claimed that they represent the typical american while c-wahtever never claimed those represented the make-up of those injured/killed in the wtc
2001-09-27 23:43:00] - That's why math books are so unpleasant to read.
2001-09-27 23:42:00] - A good writer
never assumes that the reader is infallible.
2001-09-27 23:42:00] - Of course, but the purpose of intellectual writing is
not to test or trick the reader.
2001-09-27 23:41:00] - "because you identify what they all have in common and think it should be applied to the rest"..... that's an assumption made by the reader, and thus the error in the reader.... if you can not realize that bankers, interns, etc also died in the wtc attack... you have problems
2001-09-27 23:41:00] -
Ok, so then your example might give the mistaken notion that all currency is in coin form. So I suppose you see at least some of my point.
2001-09-27 23:40:00] - Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczinsky, OJ Simpson, etc., make up the typical American.
2001-09-27 23:39:00] -
well, a subset would be coin money.... and thus my example still works and fullfills your 'subset' requirement
2001-09-27 23:39:00] - If you're going to give a good example to represent a set, you should choose elements that are diverse. Choosing a few elemetns that all have the same thing in common is a poor representation, because you identify what they all have in common and think it should be applied to the rest.
2001-09-27 23:38:00] - That's ridiculous.
2001-09-27 23:38:00] -
sure, that works for me... etc would be all the other candidates
2001-09-27 23:38:00] - I tried to make yours more analogous -- no two units of US currency have anything in common except that they are US currency. So, really, no one subset is a better example than any other subset.
2001-09-27 23:38:00] - let's see, the pennies, nickles and dimes are janitors, secretaries, and firemen.... the dollars are those you claim he has no mercy for
2001-09-27 23:37:00] - How about I list candidates for the 2000 US Presidential election as "Harry Browne, Ralph Nader, etc."? Would that be reasonable?
2001-09-27 23:36:00] - in your example, they would be OSes, in mine they would be coins.... in your 'fix' of mine they would all be pennies.....
2001-09-27 23:36:00] - To only list the low-income groups was very egregious. And my point? I provided an argument for my analogy. Where is yours?
2001-09-27 23:35:00] -
janitors, secretaries, and firemen are all
2001-09-27 23:35:00] - I think much better style would be to mention the secretaries and the janitors, as well as the tourists, the CEOs, the maintenance workers, the lawyers, the clients -- a much better representation of the overall spectrum of victims.
2001-09-27 23:34:00] - and I think mine was the better analogy... what's your point?
2001-09-27 23:34:00] - If there were three different types of pennies, and you only listed types of pennies as examples of types of currency, then that would be a very piss-poor example of currency, would it not?
2001-09-27 23:34:00] - these are people who died... your assumption does not hold true to the quotation. "Working people... etc" would include bankers, interns, etc. as long as they were working people... you can assert he does not care about them, but from his words it cannot be proven
2001-09-27 23:34:00] - Whereas with currencies, all elements are equally diverse.
2001-09-27 23:33:00] - Why not? I think it was a better analogy... here you have a very uniform subset being used to represent a much more diverse set.
2001-09-27 23:32:00] - but as you said my money example didnt apply, neither does your windows example
2001-09-27 23:32:00] - From someone that claims to be an intellectual? Of course!
2001-09-27 23:31:00] - that's fine you didnt like his style, that's fine you found it biased, rhetorical crap
2001-09-27 23:31:00] - If you're going to use a few elements from a set in order to generalize about the set, you should make it a diverse subset before you slap on that 'etc.' That's just my subjective opinion of style, concerning how best to reach a person like me.
2001-09-27 23:31:00] - would you expect something different?
2001-09-27 23:30:00] - and your point?
2001-09-27 23:29:00] - A really biased and intellectually worthless piece of rhetoric.
2001-09-27 23:29:00] - Suppose Bill Gates said "There are many operating systems to choose from -- WindowsME, Windows2000, WindowsXP..."
2001-09-27 23:28:00] - What statement? That that is the impression that I get?
2001-09-27 23:28:00] - I don't think the currency to human being analogy is apt.
2001-09-27 23:27:00] - they are assertions.... your impression is true, but the statement is an assertion
2001-09-27 23:27:00] - I thought it was very crude style; the only reason to phrase it as he did is to reassure his "followers", those already convinced of his arguments. If I encountered something like that in anything purported to be an intellectual dialog, I'd throw it away in disgust.
2001-09-27 23:27:00] - I have no mercy for dollar bills
2001-09-27 23:26:00] - I like money: pennies, nickles, dimes, etc.
2001-09-27 23:26:00] - As if it weren't obvious enough, these are
my impressions, in my own words. Call them assertions if you will, but they are undoubtedly true, because they do describe my own impressions.
2001-09-27 23:25:00] - As if choosing to go into a different line of work made one unworthy of human status.
2001-09-27 23:25:00] - the same can be said of the quotes of him.... but then again, I thought we were critiquing him...
2001-09-27 23:24:00] - As if one had to somehow qualify to be a victim by having a sufficiently low income or status.
2001-09-27 23:24:00] - an assertion, not necessarily true
2001-09-27 23:24:00] - That was certainly the impression I got from his words.
2001-09-27 23:23:00] - "no mercy for the bankers and investors and lawyers and interns of the world"
2001-09-27 23:22:00] - Chomsky comes off as merely reassuring his followers, rather than trying to say anything remotely intellectual. But I shouldn't judge too harshly based on these brief quotations. Unfortunately, a book of Chomsky essays and interviews I bought was too unpleasant to read.
2001-09-27 23:21:00] - I'm willing to back up any assertion that you feel I've not sufficiently supported.
2001-09-27 23:20:00] - although I'm not sure if I can necessarily call them specious
2001-09-27 23:20:00] - you also make "specious assertions" into your critique... should I not judge you on the same thing?
2001-09-27 23:20:00] - Go right ahead.
2001-09-27 23:19:00] - I'm not allowed to complain about your critique?
2001-09-27 23:17:00] - To put it bluntly, his style is vulgar and crude.
2001-09-27 23:17:00] -
What, I'm not allowed to critique his style?
2001-09-27 23:15:00] - are you going to cry because he mentioned the janitor and not the banker?
2001-09-27 23:12:00] - what does it matter if it was on purpose or not? it doesnt, because etc. encompasses all either way.
2001-09-27 23:09:00] - And people that know how to effectively argue (in the rational debate sense) use much better style than that. It's as if Chomsky has no subtlety.
2001-09-27 23:08:00] -
Oh, so you think the mere fact that he just listed a minority of the occupants, that happened to be lower-income types, was just a coincidence?
2001-09-27 22:55:00] - "...were working people: janitors, secretaries, firemen, etc...." .... if "bankers and investors and lawyers and interns of the world" are working people, then the "etc" would pertain to them.
2001-09-27 22:49:00] - that's an awful lot of assuming to do... to think that chomsky has "no mercy" for bankers, etc. he was simply commenting on the demographics of the victims.
2001-09-27 22:48:00] - what politicial commentators don't "slip specious assertions into parenthetical comments?"
2001-09-27 22:17:00] - And I do think it is insidious that Chomsky speaks only of the "janitors" and such that were killed; no mercy for the bankers and investors and lawyers and interns of the world.
2001-09-27 22:16:00] - I'm really sick of people that try to slip specious assertions into parenthetical comments, as if that would trick a reader into accepting it as truth.
2001-09-27 22:13:00] - A little hyperbolic, but some of the critiques of Chomsky's statements were apt.
2001-09-27 22:07:00] - if it weren't for my horse, i wouldn't have spent that year in college
2001-09-27 21:49:00] -
bleh, horowitz -jdb
2001-09-27 21:36:00] - Real programmers use chmod +x /dev/random and cross their fingers.
2001-09-27 18:51:00] - ###/pics/download/66.gif
2001-09-27 18:20:00] - how to spot a middle eastern male -jdb
2001-09-27 18:10:00] - Much of the Policy Criticism Aimed at U.S. turns muted -jdb
2001-09-27 17:12:00] - all that's integrated into the motherboard... that's why it's so cheap
2001-09-27 17:06:00] - although I bet if I spec'd that deal out to the same stuff mine has it would probably be about the same price. They always have such crappy computers for those deals, just to get you hooked. Then you start adding graphics, memory, etc...
- dewey
2001-09-27 17:04:00] -
jdb: and to think I paid about $1800 for my p4 1.7ghz this summer...
- dewey
2001-09-27 16:48:00] -
2001-09-27 16:48:00] - ( )
2001-09-27 16:46:00] - dell p4 1.5ghz, 128mb ram, 20gig hd w/ free palm m100 for $539 (+free shipping). wow. and that's probably not even an academically discounted price.
2001-09-27 15:36:00] - hmmm......... worth looking into to
- mig
2001-09-27 11:49:00] - poo poo
2001-09-27 11:37:00] -
2001-09-27 11:15:00] -,1860,47102,00.html -logan
2001-09-27 11:10:00] - Too much executive power. -logan
2001-09-27 11:07:00] - -logan
2001-09-27 11:04:00] - War is Peace. -logan
2001-09-27 11:02:00] - NY always seems to take the lead in authoritarianism. -logan
2001-09-27 11:00:00] - The Amish is one of my favorite anarchist societies.
2001-09-27 10:54:00] - Harsh article about the Earth Liberation Front - -logan
2001-09-27 09:47:00] -
katie, can't you find a friend that has a mac powerbook and ask if they can let you register it under your name with the department?
2001-09-27 09:41:00] - ###/pics/download/65.gif
2001-09-27 07:26:00] - no good can come from this.
- mig
2001-09-27 01:36:00] - i think i can finance it if i buy from apple directly, but... blah.
- wolf
2001-09-27 01:35:00] - i just got a letter from one of my advisors who said that if i don't register a mac powerbook with them by next semester, i'll get dropped from all my next-semester classes.
- wolf
2001-09-26 22:31:00] - aparna porn
2001-09-26 21:28:00] - gimee gimee!!
- mig
2001-09-26 21:23:00] -
ugh, letter from lp "please send us money!"
2001-09-26 21:16:00] - "ease of use" is a relative term anyway.
- mig
2001-09-26 21:15:00] -
bah. ease of use i can live without. functionality, i could use.
- mig
2001-09-26 21:09:00] - i hope linux catches up with commercial OS's multimedia capabilities (ease-of-use and functionality!) eventually...
2001-09-26 21:07:00] - speaking of divx, is there a decent player for linux? all the ones i tried all suck.
- mig
2001-09-26 21:02:00] - sitting in computer lab using university computers: $8k/year for tuition and fees, etc. watching beautiful, young coeds program: priceless.
2001-09-26 21:00:00] - i'd like one of the new ibooks... running macos x. mmm...
2001-09-26 21:00:00] -
aba: hopefully we'll be able to watch DivX/etc. versions within a few hours.
2001-09-26 20:59:00] - Put Linux on the laptop!
2001-09-26 20:58:00] - on an unrelated note, did anyone watch the new star trek? i didnt get a chance to. was it any good?
- aba
2001-09-26 20:57:00] - it would be nice to have a laptop with windows on it so i could put linux on my current computer.
- aba
2001-09-26 20:56:00] - i want a laptop too. but that is just because i am a whiny baby.
- aba
2001-09-26 20:55:00] -
ugh. when real life military starts catching up to quake.... i worry.
- mig
2001-09-26 20:48:00] - a new gun, so we can butcher afghani's more efficiently -jdb
2001-09-26 20:27:00] - i should really get a laptop -- not like i'm ever home.
2001-09-26 20:27:00] - i'm in 1010 right now.
2001-09-26 20:24:00] - At least, when 1010 isn't holding a class.
2001-09-26 20:24:00] - I use 1010 when all the tables are taken.
2001-09-26 20:20:00] -
wow, torgy has some nice computer labs on first floor. 1010 & 1080. almost nobody is in here.
2001-09-26 20:20:00] - ummm.... who actually pays attention to screen savers??
- mig
2001-09-26 20:07:00] - That was the best Onion issue ever. I'm truly impressed. Hilarious, yet so close to the truth. Well, one "article" was depressing, but that's it.
2001-09-26 20:06:00] - I think it's more amusing that everyone is looking for ways to demonstrate their patriotism.
2001-09-26 20:03:00] - it's good that blood banks are filled to the top and soup kitchens and homeless shelters are doing well, but it's amusingly sneaky.
- wolf
2001-09-26 20:02:00] - do they need blood as badly as blood drives are being pushed? do they need monetary/food/etc donations for sept. 11th victims as badly as its being given to them?
- wolf
2001-09-26 20:00:00] - on an unrelated note, i think organizations like the red cross are making use of the terrorist attack to push their own adjendas. not that their adjendas are necessarily bad, but...
- wolf
2001-09-26 19:57:00] -
heh... don't all the #vtlug people live like two buildings away from cryptic and i?
- wolf
2001-09-26 19:02:00] - Hm, the onion's doing a whole issue on the terrorist attack.
- aaron
2001-09-26 18:24:00] - united we stand.... or else,1294,47117,00.html -jdb
2001-09-26 17:32:00] - yay!!! producer of the simpsons speaking at tech!
2001-09-26 16:57:00] - "Like a landlord under rent control, the university can afford to ignore the wishes and convenience of its customers."
2001-09-26 16:56:00] - "Students in public universities and, to a lesser extent, in private ones do not pay the whole cost of their schooling. As a result the university does not need its students; it can always get more."
2001-09-26 16:54:00] - "Under the sort of market system I have described, a majority of students, even a large majority, can have only a positive, not a negative, effect on what is taught. They can guarantee that something will be taught
but not that something will not be."
2001-09-26 16:54:00] - When Aaron gets home, I'll have him scan a few pages.
2001-09-26 16:41:00] - what problems does it solve?
2001-09-26 16:41:00] -
logan: then you could be really cool and use some of your grad student printing privileges and make me a copy of those pages.
2001-09-26 16:40:00] -
logan: apparently some of those cisco-type certifications are very highly regarded.
2001-09-26 16:30:00] -
jdb: Unfortunately, he only touches very very briefly on higher education. Just a few pages, really.
2001-09-26 16:29:00] -
jdb: I guess so. Some of those work pretty well, don't they?
2001-09-26 16:08:00] -
logan: what you're talking about sounds like certification programs.
2001-09-26 16:07:00] -
mig: in my opinion, the accounting nightmare factor is pretty low -- taking into consideration the wonderful world of technology
2001-09-26 16:05:00] -
logan: i'm interested in reading the higher education parts of that book.
2001-09-26 15:57:00] - eat? speaking of food.... who wants to eat dinner together tonight?
2001-09-26 15:33:00] -
2001-09-26 15:07:00] -
haha. miguel added snot to the search engine.
- aba
2001-09-26 14:54:00] - it'snot to me. though, that doesn't mean i don't think it could be done.
- mig
2001-09-26 14:35:00] - Those should all be obvious.
Gotta go eat, BBL.
2001-09-26 14:32:00] - sounds great.... who's going to impliment it? who's going to regulate it? who's going to pay for it?
2001-09-26 14:28:00] - The purpose of a class would return to the true purpose of education, and that is to expand your knowledge.
2001-09-26 14:28:00] - If degrees were acquired in such a manner, then you wouldn't care how easy a class was graded, because grades wouldn't matter.
2001-09-26 14:27:00] - Maybe degrees should be handed out, not by the classes you attend and the hoops you jump through, but by the consideration of your skills and knowledge by an organization of experts in the field of your degree that have a good reputation.
2001-09-26 14:26:00] - do you not understand the average student? The average student wants good grades with the least amount of work necessary.... average student
2001-09-26 14:24:00] - the demand for easy grading teachers would be high, and thus they would be the most expensive.... having little to do with teaching ability
2001-09-26 14:23:00] - that's pure bullshit. The students who want a degree yet aren't interested would still be students.... they would still come occationally... the student body would not change
2001-09-26 14:22:00] - -cryptic
2001-09-26 14:22:00] - "the only students would be the interested ones".... bull shit
2001-09-26 14:22:00] - of course. i was just using popularity as an example. though popularity would be the biggest factor, most likely- mig
2001-09-26 14:16:00] -
jdb: In his book, The Machinery of Freedom. I have a copy if you want to borrow it.
2001-09-26 14:16:00] - There are other variables than popularity.
2001-09-26 14:15:00] -
so, popular instructors cost more, while non-popular instructors cost less. very interesting way of going about it. it would be a nightmare for whoever is in charge of student accounts, though.
- mig
2001-09-26 14:09:00] -
logan: where can david friedman's remarks (on a free market university) be found?
2001-09-26 14:06:00] - If a university were simply a market-place for classes, you'd have prices that reflect an instructor's abilities and demand. Then, also, the only students would be the interested ones.
2001-09-26 14:04:00] - that's the breaks. all teachers are not equal in teaching ability.
- mig
2001-09-26 14:03:00] - Interesting article - -logan
2001-09-26 14:02:00] - stop the war (anarchist page)
2001-09-26 14:00:00] - i have mixed feelings about mandatory classroom attendence.
2001-09-26 14:00:00] - i have had some professors that were very "nazi" about students paying attention and classroom attendence. their rationale was (is) "classroom participation is a big part of your grade, you need to be here, and paying attention."
2001-09-26 13:44:00] - You should read up on David Friedman's remarks on how a university modelled after the free market might work.
2001-09-26 13:44:00] - I find that such professors provide less educational value than the others that just concentrate on teaching.
2001-09-26 13:21:00] -
logan: of course that's a consequence of giving professor's freedom for how to run class. some are nazis about it, some aren't.
- mig
2001-09-26 13:11:00] -
heehee. i like that pokey.
- aba
2001-09-26 11:53:00] -
2001-09-26 11:45:00] - 7am is waaay to late to end the day.
2001-09-26 10:57:00] - 6 am is waaay too early to start the day.
- aba
2001-09-26 10:57:00] -
Yeah, colleges acting like authoritarian high schools. It's not the instructor's job or duty to make a student pay attention.
2001-09-26 10:57:00] - my name is vanilla ice. i live in the crypt.
- aba
2001-09-26 10:56:00] - -logan
2001-09-26 10:44:00] - this does not make sense...
- mig
2001-09-25 23:21:00] - xchat-text is not very user friendly. *sigh*
- aba
2001-09-25 22:47:00] - must post to keep ahead of miguel!
- aba
2001-09-25 20:25:00] - it's been plauging me for a few days. really annoying because i need to get jvm
- mig
2001-09-25 19:48:00] - working fine from library lobby.
2001-09-25 19:29:00] -
ugh. am i the only one who can't connect to any of sun's sites?
- mig
2001-09-25 17:55:00] - michael jordan is too old to be a competitive basketball player. i guess it
is the wizards though.
- aba
2001-09-25 17:48:00] - they = referring to torgy-bridge peoples.
2001-09-25 17:47:00] -
hmmm.... OR, you could take the total price, and divide by 25 and have $3140 to spend on each desktop. i wonder how they justify the current setup. i gues it is a lot easier to maintain.
2001-09-25 17:46:00] - was looking around on at hardware pricing. a bundle of 25 sun ray1's and a sun enterprise 250 server is only $16k! That's pretty reasonable. However, those pretty 18.1" lcd displays are $2500/each. Yikes.
2001-09-25 17:34:00] - it is certainly ironic, though... suspending ban because of war.
2001-09-25 17:31:00] - military should ignore gender, race, sexual orientation, etc..... should and do are 2 completely different things though...
2001-09-25 16:55:00] - Michael Jordan announces he will sign a two-year contract with the Washington Wizards, return to NBA.
2001-09-25 16:49:00] - military could suspend gay ban -jdb
2001-09-25 16:36:00] -
logan: fat chance, capitalist-boy.
2001-09-25 16:25:00] - what about really busy? =Þ
2001-09-25 15:58:00] - not even really really busy.
2001-09-25 15:58:00] -
aparna, you aren't really really really busy.
2001-09-25 15:09:00] - adrian hates me almost as much as he hates nemo
- boing
2001-09-25 14:51:00] -
aba: but he still loves paul the most after all this time....
- mig
2001-09-25 14:20:00] - i know. i used to post a lot a while back, but now i am really really really busy. plus over the summer, it was usually kind of hard for me to post a lot.
- aba
2001-09-25 14:15:00] - Eventually I will have you all beat with my anarchist rhetoric.
2001-09-25 14:07:00] -
haha.... you need to write more... only ahead by 1 line
2001-09-25 13:56:00] - if he has more posts than me, then adrian will love him more than me
- aba
2001-09-25 13:55:00] - i need to post more than miguel
- aba
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